What a gift to give a child for 3 years. Store smart baby

1. Home puppet theater
During the game, children love to portray various characters. A good gift for a three-year-old child would be a Bi-ba-bo home puppet theater. Bi-ba-bo are puppets in the form of a glove, they are worn on the hand, consist of a head and a dress. With this gift, you can arrange a whole home performance.

2. Children's learning computer
Modern children are interested in computers almost from infancy. Give your child a special educational computer, and the kid will be delighted. And vision from such a gift does not deteriorate, and at the same time there is a game and learning. You can download various programs - for learning letters, numbers, etc.

3. Toy pajama pocket
Children have a hard time getting used to order, and to make this process more fun, give your baby a pajama pocket toy. This pocket can be hung on the bed, and then every morning the child will hide his pajamas in a cute bunny or bear. Thus, things will be in place, and the child is happy.

4. A book with fairy tales for a child
Fans of fairy tales will appreciate a gift-book, but not an ordinary one, but a fairy tale about yourself! Personalized fairy tales are decorated with photographs of the birthday boy and his relatives, the names of the characters are also familiar to everyone. Such books are made to order by many children's publishers.

5. Non-bursting soap bubbles
What child doesn't love soap bubbles? But they are so fragile, burst and children are often upset because of this. Therefore, "Unbursting Bubbles" will become a wonderful gift for the baby. They are made from a special solution, and do not burst in the hands of children.

3rd birthday celebration, differs from how a birthday is celebrated at the age of one or two years, and subsequent anniversaries up to almost eight years. At the age of three, kids can already quite remember everything that happens, they comprehend and actively perceive everything. Therefore, parents should take care to cover a beautiful festive table, will not do without balloons, holiday caps and other holiday paraphernalia.

One of the main concerns of both the parents themselves and the guests of the celebration is the choice of gifts for the little hero of the occasion. Children are very fond of gifts and every day they rejoice in their own way. Very often for adults it becomes a problem what to give a child for his birthday for three years. If you approach this issue on the one hand, then choosing a gift may seem like a fairly simple task, but on the other hand, it is not as easy as it seems. At the age of three, children develop an interest in story games and toys. A child of this age may not be interested ordinary toys, however, toys that imitate the activities of adults will invariably attract attention.

At the age of three, children can play on their own, they do not often involve adults in their games. At the same time, in their games one can trace a fairly clear logic, a sequence of actions, events, different variants what is happening. Through the game process, three-year-olds learn communication skills, learn to understand feelings and states, and empathize. Given all the features of this age, it will not be so difficult to decide what to please the birthday man, and to give exactly the gift that will not leave the child indifferent.

One of the characteristic features inherent in children of three years of age is their ability to create their own storylines in the process of playing. For kids, toy sets will be a good gift - a bedroom, a hospital, a kitchen, military equipment and more. With the help of such sets, children will enjoy playing with story games. It is worth noting that at this age one should not strictly adhere to the stereotypes that boys should be given exclusively “male” sets, and girls should be given “female” sets. Three-year-olds often do not share such sets and with the same interest and pleasure rejoice at any.

Parents who have already passed the stage of children's arts and manifestations of creativity on furniture and walls will favorably treat such gifts for their child as paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. Now the kid already understands why all these items are needed, what needs to be drawn in albums or coloring books. This gift option provides a huge field for choice - plasticine, stained glass paints, creator's Kit. A good gift can be a children's easel with a set of paints or pencils. Such a gift will surely interest a three-year-old child who will be happy to demonstrate his skills to parents and guests.

For a child of three years as a gift suitable interactive toys that can respond to the actions of the baby. Such toys are interesting for children, because they can laugh or cry, ask for food or call their mother. Interactive animals are capable of making sounds when they are interacted with. For example, kittens will purr and play when petted. It is worth noting that such toys can have a developing effect, but at the same time they will also appeal to the child.

good option gift for a three-year-old baby will be traditional sets constructors, puzzles, mosaics. Today in stores you can find a huge assortment of such toys. For example, the designer can be magnetic, simple wooden or more complex when the child is asked to assemble models of equipment or a castle. However, when choosing such a gift, it should be borne in mind that children at the age of three cannot always cope with complex tasks, so parents should help the child, teach and show what to do. Joint game process will not only bring together the baby and the adult, but also turn into an interesting and exciting event. For the baby, this will already be a double gift - both an interesting designer and the attention of parents.

As a rule, at the age of three they are very active, so goods for sports and outdoor activities can become an actual gift for them. You can give a child a bicycle, a scooter, an inflatable pool. Of course, when making gifts of this nature, one should take into account the time of year. The first option is good in summer period. In winter, you can please the baby with a gift in the form of a sled, snow scooters, ice floes. Tents-houses are always interesting for children. Any child, especially boys, will be delighted with a gift in the form of a toy electric car.

Three years - this is the age when children begin to become interested not only in pictures in books, but also in its contents. Often children turn to their parents with requests to read to them, show letters, name them. After all, it is not for nothing that this age is interesting because children ask a lot of questions, “Why?” becomes one of the main questions of little mischief-makers. Therefore, books are able to give pleasure to little whys. When choosing a book for a birthday as a gift, it is worth considering many aspects, as well as the fact that the publication should be intended specifically for children of three years of age.

A practical gift that will please not only the heroes of the occasion, but also their parents, can be wardrobe items. Children at the age of three begin to show interest in clothes, girls love to spin in front of the mirror, and boys are happy to try on things from their father's wardrobe. Children, without delay, will definitely demonstrate a new thing in the form of a new dress, suit or shoes to everyone present, causing great delight. However, the choice of clothes or shoes should be approached very seriously and responsibly, you can find out from the parents in advance what the child likes, otherwise there is a risk that the baby will never wear what he did not like, it will even be difficult to persuade him to try on .

Modern children easily learn many electronic toys, three-year-olds are no exception, children show great interest in this category of things. Therefore, as a birthday present for a three-year-old child, you can present a children's developing computer, disks with your favorite cartoons or special programs for children.

The gift has been chosen, beautifully packaged, all that remains is to give it to the little birthday boy. When giving a gift to a child, do not forget to tell him a few warm words, because often the words are no less important than the gift itself, especially for a little man.

It is probably difficult to find a person who does not like to receive gifts on his birthday. Well, if it comes to children, then we can safely say that you definitely can’t do without a trip to the toy store. But, on the other hand, giving joy to your children and seeing their happy faces is a great reward for parents.

If you are reading this post now, then you are most likely preparing to celebrate an important family event - the baby's third birthday. Thanks to our list, you will find out what you can give a 3-year-old boy or girl for a birthday. It would seem that the answer to this question is quite simple, but what kind of surprise to surprise a son or daughter who has everything? Let's try to figure this out. As always, we will indicate the cost of one or another option, and you will decide for yourself whether it suits you! Let's get started?

List of the best gifts for a boy's 3rd birthday

Some of the options presented, such as interactive toys, educational books, will be of interest not only to boys, but also to girls.

  • Multiplayer "Smile"- will open our list musical toy, made in the form of a smartphone with touch buttons, when pressed, the gadget starts playing various songs. The average cost is 350 rubles. More expensive options boast the presence of fairy tales, a voice recorder, etc.
  • interactive steering wheel– little car lovers will love this gift! Made in the form of a car steering wheel, which starts like a real car by turning the key and makes the sound of a starting engine. You can also find right and left turn buttons, which are accompanied by a voice message and blinking of the right or left headlight, as well as other cognitive functions that will be useful to any birthday person. The cost is 800 rubles.
  • Metallophone - it is worth recognizing that such a toy should be much earlier than 3 years old, it contributes to the development of ear for music, imagination, as well as fine motor skills of the hands, because in order for the board to start making sounds, it is necessary to hold the stick in the correct position and hit the metal plates. Perhaps the xylophone can be attributed to the most inexpensive gifts. Price - 200 rubles.
  • Musical toy"little composer" - is a device with keys and buttons in the form of various animals, when pressed, the toy makes various sounds. Price - 330 - 400 rubles.
  • electric car or - not only a son, but also a daughter will be happy with such transport. Some types of cars can withstand up to 50 kg. Perfect for kids ages 3 to 8. The maximum speed is 3.5 km/h. A battery charger is supplied with the machine. The price starts at 5000 rubles. More expensive versions are equipped with a radio and headlights that turn on.
  • Inertial transport What boy doesn't love cars? Now there is a huge selection of inversion models in stores, with opening doors, sound, alarm and light, such models will cost you from 600 rubles. Thanks to a special motor, the machine will continue to move after you release it. The price of plastic machines is 200 - 300 rubles.
  • The walking robot is a simpler option that runs on 3 batteries (AA). When moving, it makes sounds, moves its limbs. Some models are able to reproduce what they hear. The cost is from 450 rubles.
  • RC flip car- another one interesting idea for a gift, this is a machine that, thanks to its swivel body and wheels, never gets stuck anywhere. After studying the forums and reviews, we came to the conclusion that the boys who saw the cartoon "Cars" would really like to have a "Lightning McQueen" flip car. Price from 1500 rubles. Despite the low price, such a toy will appeal not only to a 3-year-old child 🙂
  • Educational e-books- for example, "Smart traffic light" - 400 rubles. By pressing the buttons in the tablet, you can learn the rules traffic, road signs, cars. The book also contains: 25 games and riddles, 8 songs, 50 funny sounds and words. An educational birthday gift is a good choice!
  • robot transformer- probably everyone watched films about alien transformer robots: Autobots and Decepticons. Well, if you haven't seen it, then your kid has probably heard about them, or at least seen the stickers with the main characters. This toy will not only be fun to play with, it also develops logical thinking and imagination, because in order to turn the Autobot Optimus Prime into a truck, you will need ingenuity! Price - 1500 rubles.

In our next article, we will tell you, we hope you will be interested, many options can be used for other holidays.

  • Hot Wheels Playset- There is different topics: "Volcano", "Mega-jump", "Battle with a dragon", etc. The price for a set starts from 1500 rubles. The game comes unfolded in a box. Use the instructions and put together the coolest track with your son!
  • Block constructor for boys various topics: space, city or transport. Using building blocks, you can build: a spaceship, a city building or a mega-powerful SUV. In general, everything is limited only by your imagination. From 400 rub.
  • 3 wheel bike in the form of a motorcycle. I’m sure now you’ll think “If I had one in my childhood, I wouldn’t get off it” 🙂 And this is not surprising, the small tricycle is made in the form of a bright sports motorcycle with a huge headlight, turn signals and a massive exhaust pipe. The price for such transport starts from 2700 rubles.
  • Children's tent. Well, who doesn't want to have their own little corner of the house? Honestly, in my childhood I built houses from pillows and blankets, but still they did not reach the real lair. Now there is an opportunity to purchase a children's tent, from which you can make a real headquarters or a palace in which you can hide and play. If you don’t have one yet, then you should think about purchasing, especially since the price starts from 1000 rubles.

Gift ideas for girls

  • interactive toy"Smart duck". The toy knows 43 poems, 24 children's tales, 15 songs and 10 tongue twisters. The toy is touch sensitive and a light touch on the head or wings is enough to start the game. There are also educational functions, a voice recorder and sound volume control. average price— 970 rub.
  • Big soft toy - in the form of a panda, a lion or a tiger. We already offered this option when we told you, because regardless of their age, they are always little girls in their hearts 🙂 The average price is from 1200 rubles.
  • Constructor for girls"Princess Castle" The constructor consists of 614 parts that will allow you and your daughter to build a real palace for a little princess. The price is 1400 rubles, you can also find inexpensive options that differ in size and fewer building blocks, the cost is from 500 rubles.
  • Game module for girls different topics: "Hairdresser", "Doctor", "Culinary", etc. Young beauties will surely be interested in the hairdresser's set, which contains: a hair dryer, a mirror, toy scissors, a comb and other beauty accessories. The cost is from 1500 rubles.
  • Braiding kit- such a set for creativity will allow little fashionistas to surprise others with chic pigtails. ATTENTION! some sets are designed for children over 5 years of age. From 500 rub.
  • Interactive game dolls- despite high prices from 1500 rubles, they have a number of functions that instill responsibility and love in the girl. Such dolls can drink from a bottle, talk, urinate in a pot, you can bathe them, change their clothes, comb their hair, etc.
  • If the girl already has dolls, then most likely, now she will need various accessories and clothes for baby dolls. For example, a bathing set, bottles, spoons, dresses. Price from 250 rubles.
  • Clothes and shoes are the safest bet as children grow up fast and new clothes are always welcome.
  • Pets- here, it all depends on you. Maybe it will be a kitten? puppy or parrot? Want to avoid noise and peeled wallpaper? In this case, pay attention to hamsters or an aquarium with fish.

We hope we answered your question, and now you know exactly what is better to give a boy or girl a 3-year-old birthday present. And most importantly, do not forget to spend more time with your family and remember that playing together brings parents and children together!

Dear dads and moms, hello! What, they broke their whole heads, thinking what to give a boy for 3 years? Yes ... this question is not an easy one, given the huge selection of toys and other joys for little mischief-makers. I would like to give something unusual, original, memorable and useful, so that it does not lie on the shelf, overgrown with centimeters of dust.

So I want to tell you today about the best presents that every three-year-old boy will definitely like. Begin!

First- wishes of the birthday man himself. Wants a car or something, so why don't you buy one, especially if such a purchase fits into the budget? Some parents or acquaintances buy the "necessary" present - clothes, shoes, but ... sorry, what kind of gift is this?

These are necessary things, but the gift is what your baby wants, and you should try to please him. Even if you keep the crumbs in a tight rein, not allowing unnecessary purchases, so why not make an exception in his main holiday- birthday!

Second what to consider - age features birthday boy. 3 years is the time "". During this period, the boy begins to understand that he is a man. Some actions are expressed by bouts of indignation, protests, disobedience.

“I want”, “I will”, “I myself” - and all in the same spirit. For some guys, everything goes smoothly. However, it is in the "crisis" that you need to present a "special" gift that will calm the little brawler and leave him under a great impression for a long time.

Third- the quality of the gift. It is very disappointing to receive a toy that will break in five minutes. Yes, kids break everything, but really high-quality toys can last a very long time. Not always the budget allows you to purchase expensive thing. But, after reading the article to the end, you will understand that you can buy a quality item at a very attractive price.

Top gifts at an affordable price

Constructor . It doesn't have to be Lego. Now there are a lot of analogues, moreover, ours, Russian, and very good quality. Such a designer is many times cheaper and will be to the taste of the birthday boy.

Soft toy . This gift is suitable for lovers of teddy bears, bunnies and other animals. But just don't think that these are girly toys. Many already adult guys keep their first "friends". You can play with them, sleep in an embrace, talk about your experiences and problems.

On the advice of our reader Elena V. (see commentary to this article), I propose to pay attention to the speaker Teddy bear from Chicco. Elena described in such detail all the delights of this toy that there is no point in repeating it. Just buy a bear for your boy!

Development computer. It can be a perfect gift for a grandson, friends son or baby on New Year. He will help the fidget in the study of letters, numbers, natural phenomena and other things. All classes are accompanied by sounds, music that will interest the boy. By the way, this is a great replacement for an "adult" laptop, tablet or smartphone, which I definitely do not recommend giving to a little boy.

Ball 3-D puzzle . This is an exciting toy that will develop mindfulness, patience, dexterity, spatial thinking and fine motor skills. The main goal of the game is to bring the ball to the end of the maze without dropping the ball. I think your child will like it. By the way, here is a photo of this puzzle.

And at the same time, watch a video review of this puzzle to make it more or less clear what kind of toy this is:

Photobook with fairy tales about your baby. Yes, yes, in this book will be collected best stories with photos of the birthday boy. What a pleasure it would be to read this book before bed...

Watch a short video to get an idea of ​​this gift:

Top original presents

sports complex . It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or in a private house, such a gift will always be in place. Do you need to explain why? This is essentially a playground, only at home. They have a rope, crossbars, rings, a horizontal bar, if desired, a swing and even a slide. Moreover, such a "gift" will delight the boy for more than one year.

Inflatable pool . This is a great item for summer holiday at the cottage or in the village. With slides, fountains, balls, and anything. Their choice is very large.

Radio controlled models helicopters or quadrocopters. Believe me, with such a purchase you will not see either the child or the father for a very long time. This is the perfect purchase for them to spend time together. And how nice it is to hear your father's feedback about a wonderful purchase later (men are the same children).

RC quad bike or car (electric car). Well, here, like a king. Your child will sit in an Audi or Mercedes carriage and go to cut the Russian roads. An ideal original gift for the envy of everyone around.

Top most popular presentations

  • Railway . Such a game is popular at all times, since a train moving along such a road will always arouse genuine interest in kids. By the way, this is very good gift from dad.
  • Changeling car . It's not just a machine. When she falls or crashes, she immediately turns over and goes on.
  • Figures of your favorite characters . Does your son have favorite cartoons? So, their heroes will be a great birthday present.
  • Bike from loving parents. A boy at 3 years old can already learn to ride a four-wheeled bicycle. Riding on it will definitely give him great pleasure and a lot of vivid impressions.
  • Autoparking . This is a multi-level parking that absolutely all boys like, regardless of age and other preferences.
  • toy weapon (blasters, bows, swords, pistols). And let your child protect the whole family from monsters, aliens and other creatures.
  • Books . This is a classic gift for any child.
  • Scooter . Many children now ask for a scooter, preferring it to a bicycle. So isn't a birthday a reason to buy it?
  • Set of tools like dad. Together with him they will make, screw, screw, build, break, nail. The boys really like this. "I myself - as a dad - as an adult."

What can you give a boy who has everything?

This is always a big problem for holiday guests and parents. Well, everything is there, he wants nothing more. Three rooms of toys, nowhere to go! What to give him?

I'll tell you, dear parents. Do you have a private car? Do you want the same for your beloved boy? No... this is not a joke. Now you can do a small copy of your car. Yes, you heard right. It will be an electric car, only made to order exactly as original model. Believe me, none of your friends will have such a gift. And how your son will like it!

hike in aquapark ,circus park,oceanarium . It's simple perfect gift for those who have everything. The circus always comes with a new performance that your little boy has definitely not seen yet. Children are always welcome to the water park at any age, just like the park.

Gift certificate for a photo session . This is a great gift not only for the child himself, but for his parents and close relatives.

Journey. A son's birthday is a great reason to go to a resort with the whole family, especially if the budget allows. But there already let there be water parks, parks, swimming pools, cars and other entertainment. You can easily buy railway tickets, air tickets, choose a holiday home or hotel, as well as pick up a tour on the most popular tourist site in Russia Tutu.ru .

Here, dear parents, now you know what to give a boy for 3 years. Take your pick, and if you have questions, ask. Also share your gift options and your experience. I will be very glad to see you among my . You can always leave your wishes and comments, which I will definitely answer. See you again and good luck to you!

Children grow up quickly, especially strangers. Recently, we celebrated the first year of the son of friends or relatives, and in a few days he will be three. Of course, you need to choose the right gift for the baby. a 3 year old boy? Now let's look at some ideas.

What is he - a three-year-old kid?

Of course, at this age, he no longer looks like the baby who took the first steps. Now he is a fidget and a naughty. But, in addition to the fact that the child already knows how to walk, jump, of course, run, he plays toys with great interest. It is possible that he even masters something. Of course, such a child already has a wide range of interests, therefore, gifts for a boy for 3 years should be interesting. Indeed, at this age, the child begins to master role-playing fun, to study himself, as well as the whole world. He needs toys that will support his development.

"Sweet" Joy

So, what to buy a child for 3 years. You can give a boy, for example, a “sweet” gift. Since the baby already understands what a cake and sweets are, he will be the perfect present for the baby. A themed dessert is sure to delight him. For example, you can order a cake in the shape of the number "3". Another option is a favorite cartoon-themed dessert. For example, in the style of the cartoon Spongebob or Cars.

Another option for a sweet gift is a beautiful candy arrangement. For example, in the form of a car. Of course, the baby will not fully appreciate such a gift, but appearance The gift will be remembered for a long time.


What else can you choose for 3 years? On a birthday, of course, it is customary for a baby to give toys. What to choose? Pay attention to the railroad. Almost every boy dreams of this thing, regardless of age. Let's tell you a little secret: even the boy's dad will be delighted with such a gift. He will, like his son, look at the railway with wide open admiring eyes. The father will also watch how the trailers move along miniature rails. For the little tomboy, this will be one of best gift. There will be no limit to delight if the train also emits smoke, buzzes and “smells”. Such a present will unite father and son very well. This, as you understand, is very important when raising a future man.


Cars are the passion of boys. They are as interesting to them as to the girls of the doll. Remember, when some kind of car drives by, the boy, not yet able to speak, pokes his finger at it with a cry: "Beep." It is probable that boys have a love for everything that has wheels in their blood. Note that no matter how much the child had (a box or two), he will still be happy with the new “bibika”. With great interest will play with her. Therefore, if you are thinking what kind of toy to give a boy for 3 years, then the answer is obvious - this is a typewriter.


If the child you are going to the holiday likes to build, then a good option a present for him is, of course, a constructor. There are a lot of them now in toy stores. It is advisable to check with the parents before buying, maybe their baby wants some special constructs.

Ships, planes and, of course, helicopters

These toys are a win-win gift options. It doesn't matter if it's a radio-controlled toy or not. At the age of three, the child does not yet fully understand the special essence of such toys. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that they fly helicopters or planes on their own.

Interactive animals

If the baby squeals with delight at the sight of a hamster, cat or dog, then an interactive animal will be a great gift. For living "gifts" the boy is still too small, but such animals are just what you need. Rabbits will move their ears, cats will meow, and dogs, of course, will growl and bark, just like real ones. Note that a 3-year-old boy will definitely like these interactive gifts. Such a toy will become the baby's favorite for a long time, of course, after the “beep”.

Sports gifts for a boy for 3 years

At this age, you can begin to introduce your child to sports. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to sports gifts. For example, you can give your child a mini trampoline with a handle. Such a thing will help the child to better master his body, and also bring a lot of pleasure. Another option is a ball. Such a gift will definitely appeal to the baby. But parents will need to take care of chandeliers and dishes, because the ball has not yet been studied by a small football player.


A good gift option for a three-year-old child is a bicycle. Such a thing will definitely appeal to the boy. After all, every kid wants to drive their vehicles on wheels.

Gifts for creativity

Not only girls like to create, but also boys. They also like to draw cars or sculpt airplanes. In addition, boys with great pleasure depict their beloved dads and moms on canvas. Therefore, for three years old, you can give your child pencils or paints. The album can also be a good present, especially in combination, for example, with bright felt-tip pens.

Soft toy

All kids love soft toys. Therefore, you can give such a thing to a boy. At this age, the baby needs to hug a furry friend in a dream. After all, he is as warm and affectionate as his beloved mother.


All kids, without exception, love when they read fairy tales. Therefore, books are great gifts boy for 3 years. It is advisable to choose bright, beautiful with interesting pictures. Let parents read fairy tales to the baby before going to bed, immersing her in a fantasy world. As you understand, three years old is the most wonderful age for shared reading. When a child grows up, parents remember with sweet sadness those times when, embracing their son, they worried about the heroes of fairy tales.

A small conclusion

Now you know what gifts are suitable for a boy for 3 years. For a birthday, any such present should please the baby. He will be happy with your gift, the main thing is that you present it with love and from the bottom of your heart!
