Laundry capsules: will the powder be replaced? Liquid detergent Persil Persil Expert Gel freshness from Ver nel Persil gel how to use.

More recently, the hostess had no choice. Everything was washed with soap or ordinary powder, which did not always cope with its duties.

Present on the market today a large number of funds of different consistency, prices, features. One of them is liquid laundry detergent. It is easy to dose, optimizes consumption, leaves no dust, quickly dissolves in water.

It is also important that they are more effective in cold water than powders, which in conditions of economy will definitely come in handy.

Convenient and compact packaging due to the high concentration - a bottle of gel will take much less than a large bag of powder.

The use of the gel does not require pre-soaking of linen.

The product can be applied directly to the stain, and then lowered into the machine and washed.

Manufacturers promise that the funds will help restore color saturation, extend the life of things. It is best to use them for hand washing, adding not to a special compartment, but immediately to the drum.

Gels are available in capsules or bottles.

They do not cause allergies, are easily washed out of the fabric, do not leave streaks.

They act more sparingly compared to ordinary powder, so you should not expect gels to cope with severe pollution.

Many people like compact gel tablets that are convenient to use without getting their hands dirty. They can handle tough stains too. They also contain substances that protect the washing machine from scale.

The disadvantages include a rather high cost compared to powders.

All manufacturers have their own formula secret, but the main ingredient is surfactants, on natural basis or synthetic, but softer than powders.

Enzymes, bleaches, water softening components are also included in the composition of useful substances.

Bioadditives help remove protein and fat stains from vegetables, fruits, milk, grass. Means keep quality of linen even at repeated washing.


The following gels for washing colored and white laundry are the most popular:

  1. Persil Universal Gel - penetrates deep into the structure of the fabric, dissolves easily in water, copes well with various stains, does not leave streaks. The composition includes a cellulose enzyme, which removes fine hairs of the fabric, as a result, the clothes acquire an even, smooth surface, and the color of the linen, including black, is also preserved.
  2. Effective in the fight against stains and Domol Color from Rossman. True, he also has a drawback - he changes the shade of pastel colors, so it is not recommended to use it with blue and pink things.
  3. Japanese washing gels presented in a wide range. So, BEADS Gel makes linen soft, preserves the color of the fabric, easily removes dirt, prevents yellowing and darkening, and is quickly and easily washed off.
  4. For washing cotton fabrics, the Japanese offer a liquid detergent LION TOP Enzyme Strength. Optimal for washing machines front-loading, gives things a pleasant smell.

Gel capsules dissolve faster and easier in cold water, do not need dosage, as they are enclosed in a special shell.

They are valued for ease of use and for high results in washing things.

Ariel presents two types of gel in green capsules - for washing light-colored laundry, and in purple - for colored items, as well as to restore the color of the fabric.

Persil Duo-Caps consist of two chambers filled with stain remover and concentrated laundry detergent, respectively.

True, we can not say about the shortcomings. For example, these include the inability to separate the capsule, since the full drum is not always loaded during washing, as a result, the cost of funds is not economical.

It is worth noting that such gels can not cope with all stains, especially with old ones.

But it is impossible not to note the ease of use. The capsule is placed at the bottom of the drum, and linen is placed on top. When in contact with water, the capsule dissolves and the gel gets on the dirty laundry.

Quite popular persil washing gel in capsules. Contains a high concentration of surfactants, enzymes, and a liquid stain remover. Does not leave plaque on fabrics and in the typewriter, effectively eliminates strong pollution.

Many housewives are concerned about the question of where to buy gel washing capsules. There is no difficulty in this.

You can buy them both in regular stores and online. Online prices are more attractive, and the larger the package, the cheaper the purchase will cost.

The opinion about certain washing gels is different for all housewives. Someone enjoys the benefits of civilization with pleasure, someone is quite picky and conservative and carefully chooses laundry detergents.

Many women are loyal to washing gel power wash. It does not contain phosphates, has a pleasant aroma of marine freshness.

Suitable for washing cotton, linen, synthetic and natural fabrics. Can be used for hand washing. Prevents the formation of scale, washes stains from juice, coffee, fruit.

Ariel washing gel, according to hostesses reviews, copes with stains without pre-soaking, preserves the whiteness of white things. But there are also disadvantages - quite complicated chemical composition, which can cause allergies, as well as a pungent odor.

- This is a gel-like concentrated product that not only removes stains, but also preserves the color of the fabric, prevents discoloration, and does not require additional rinsing.

Safe as it does not contain phosphates, dyes and alcohol. Many mothers use it for washing children's clothes together with the conditioner of the same manufacturer.

Washing gel has replaced the powder as more modern facility to combat odor and stains. One of the reasons why there is a need for them is the frequent problems with dry products, the particles of which are not always easy to rinse out of the fabric. This is especially true for dark clothes and down jackets. One of the most popular and advertised products is Persil washing gel. Reviews about it will be useful to read before purchasing in the store.

About the tool

The line of gels "Persil" is quite diverse. You can buy detergents for washing white, black, colored, children's clothes. The range also includes gels with different aromas.

Means have a sparing effect on tissues and destructive - to pollution. It is convenient that the gel is universal, and you can use it when washing any things. Gels are suitable for use in any washing machines, as well as for hand washing.

Price policy

On the shelves of stores, the gel is sold in bottles of different sizes. The most popular volume is 1.46 liters. According to the manufacturer, it is enough for 20 washes, and it completely replaces 3 kg of powder, which is economically beneficial for every family. If necessary and financial opportunities, you can purchase a larger volume, for example, 2.92 liters or even about 5 liters. Of course, such a purchase is more profitable. But not everyone is ready to immediately pay 1000-1200 rubles. for 2.92 liters and 3500-3800 rubles. for 5 l. The cost of the most popular package, with a volume of almost 1.5 liters, averages 450-600 rubles. During promotions in stores for Persil gel, the price is significantly lower.

What do consumers like about a product?

Many who have tried the gels of this brand once become his fans. The modern market is so saturated with offers that buyers do not disregard a single detail. So about the washing gel "Persil" reviews begin with a description of the convenience of packaging. The bottle is convenient to carry, take out, remove and pour the product from it. It has a comfortable handle and quite comfortable weight. Use a measuring cup to optimize consumption. Quite often you can see opinions that the product does not wash stains well. Sometimes the reason for this is not the quality of the gel, but the addition of the wrong amount. If you do not know how much you need to pour a product such as Persil (gel), the instructions located on the package itself will give the necessary recommendations. This makes life easier for consumers.

Compared to ordinary powder, the liquid bottle closes tightly, preventing the evaporation of chemicals and the spread of specific aromas.

The vast majority of consumers like how the gel washes colored items. With each wash, they do not become more faded, but the original color saturation is preserved.

What consumers don't like about the product

Absolutely everyone cannot like any product, and the Persil washing gel was no exception. Reviews of dissatisfied consumers are sometimes found. The main disadvantages, which are called by the majority, are:

  • excessive smell;
  • bad result;
  • price.

Moreover, all points are quite often interconnected. In order to reduce the intensity of the smell of washed things, some reduce the amount of added gel. This quite often affects the quality of washing, bringing great disappointment. And when the result does not justify the expectations and the money spent, the well-known question arises: “Why pay more?”

It should be added that such criticism is rare. Most consumers are satisfied with the quality of products, do not complain about the strong aroma. Such opinions can be explained by individual sensitivity to all smells. But the purchase of low-quality products is not excluded. Therefore, purchases should be made in places that you can trust. You should not buy Persil washing gel in an unfamiliar place that attracts with a low price for goods. Reviews about it will be useful to know before purchasing the product. This will help save money and health.

There is a wide range of detergents for washing clothes on the market: these are powders, gels, soap chips and others. Laundry gels are gaining popularity now.

Laundry gels are solutions of surface-active substances (surfactants) with increased viscosity, ready for use. They are used for washing in cold water 30-40 degrees. The temperature is suitable for wool, synthetics and delicate fabrics.

What is the chemical composition?

The main component are surfactants. Chief among them is sodium lauryl sulfate. It contains less than in powders. Also one of the main ingredients are co-surfactants, which gently wash clothes. Not without enzymes, they remove protein contamination.

Phosphates are dubious components needed to soften water. They are very strong water pollutants. Some countries prohibit by law the use of phosphates in the field household chemicals. Russian Federation so far allows the use of no more than 8%, but a bill is already being prepared to completely ban phosphates. Failure can lead to an increase in the proportion of surfactants in the composition, which in turn will lead to a longer washout of the product.

Optical brighteners are used to wash white clothes. The most famous is titanium dioxide, which gives the linen a bluish sheen. Optical brightener is not dangerous, so do not worry. Caring cosmetics that come into contact with the skin, such as lotion or cream, contain much more of it.

The presence of fragrances ensures that things after washing will have a pleasant aroma.

Advantages and disadvantages of gels

The negative aspects of these detergents include:

  • high price;
  • Can only be used in cold water
  • only lightly soiled linen can be washed;
  • short shelf life;
  • does not remove oil and grease stains well.

Despite the negative points, gels have a number of advantages that give the consumer the right to use them instead of washing powders. These include:

  • gentle cleaning of delicate fabrics;
  • the presence of a measuring cap facilitates the calculation of the dosage of the agent;
  • after washing, things will be streak-free, there is no need for additional rinsing;
  • no need to buy additional fabric softener, clothes after drying are soft, smell good;
  • reduction in the amount of electricity consumed, since washing takes place at low temperatures;
  • there is no "dust", therefore, there will be no allergic reaction. A significant advantage compared to dry powder, the volatile particles of which enter the eyes and respiratory tract.

How to use in the washing machine?

If you bought liquid powder for the first time, then you probably don’t know how much it will take and where is it better to pour it: directly into the drum or is it better to use the detergent drawer?

On the bottles, the manufacturer indicates the required dosage for one cycle. Approximately it is 75-150 ml. This is a high expense, you will quickly have to buy a new one. It's not good for the buyer.

It has been empirically established that things will be effectively cleaned when using two tablespoons of gel. This consumption is well suited for owners of washing machines with a load of 3-5 kg. If the machine has a load of 6-7 kg, then it is better to take 3-4 tablespoons.

It is difficult to answer exactly the question of where to pour the liquid powder. Manufacturers have different requirements for the use of this detergent.

Most compartments of washing machines are divided into three parts. One of them has the designation B or II. Powder is usually poured here, gel is also suitable.

Please note that some manufacturers washing machines prohibit the use of gel products. So, the option with pouring into a special container, which is placed in the drum, is suitable.

Before washing, in order for it to be effective, you need to take three steps:

  • sort the laundry by color - light to light, dark to dark;
  • select the dosage corresponding to the degree of soiling of things;
  • the temperature should be kept recommended, 30-40 degrees.

Overview of popular tools

The range of liquid powders is now so large that the average buyer is unlikely to be able to choose the product that suits him best if he does not know the market favorites.

  1. Persil. Persil Gel penetrates to the fibers, copes with any stains. The cellulose enzyme smoothes the fabric. The disadvantages include high price and wasteful consumption.
  2. Frosh. One of the brands recommended by the Green Peace Association. This is due to the fact that the products are environmentally friendly, not tested on animals. There are no hazardous chemicals in the composition. The main disadvantage is the strong smell.
  3. Ariel Gel from Procter & Gamble leaves no streaks, easily copes with stubborn stains without pre-soaking. However, the composition is unsafe due to the presence of chemicals.
  4. Liquid powder Losk is one of the most budgetary. You can choose an option for any fabric, including wool and silk. Things get soft. Not too useful composition can cause allergies.
  5. Pemos has an unobtrusive smell, the price is "non-biting". Over time, it ceases to wash off.
  6. Liquid Tide is great for daily use, does not wash clothes over time. The disadvantages include a very strong smell on wet things.
  7. SARMA Active lily of the valley has a pleasant smell, washes things well. The price of this gel is above average.
  8. Spark Drum Laundry Detergent is a phosphate-free gel. Instead, zeolites are used, they are safe from an environmental point of view. The tool does not require additional use of conditioner, things remain soft.
  9. Udalix Oxi Ultra is a universal stain remover at an affordable price. The main plus is that it removes old pollution. The disadvantage is the presence in a small number of stores.
  10. DOMAL Sport Felin Fashion - when using this gel, things retain their original color, but it is not suitable for heavy soiling.

How to choose a gel for different types of things?

Gels can be either universal or designed for a specific type of laundry.

  • For white things it is better to take a separate liquid. It contains special substances - optical brighteners, which return the snow-white color to the clothes. Under no circumstances should you take gels with chlorine in the composition, as it can damage the fabric and also cause an allergic reaction.
  • To black things retained their rich color, you can use a separate tool. Dye is washed out of all fabrics over time, dark clothes can turn gray in a couple of washes. Special gels for black fabric do not contain bleaches that lighten the thread, so it would be appropriate to use them. Chlorine in the composition should be absent.
  • colored things must be washed separately from blacks and whites, be sure to sort by color to avoid "dye exchange". Gels for things different color, help to maintain a rich shade.
  • Special liquid powders for woolen clothes do not allow them to stretch and change their original shape. When buying, you should pay attention to the composition: there should be no aggressive substances, alkali (it is strictly prohibited for manufacturers of detergents).
  • Means for down jackets and jackets should be chosen based on composition. The active substance should be lanolin, it creates protection for the fluff structure on the lining.

Washing children's clothes using gel

To maintain the hygiene and health of the child, children's clothes should be washed as often as possible.

When buying liquid, you need to know that young children are very vulnerable to the negative effects of chemicals. These additives irritate the skin.

The product must effectively remove all contaminants, while maintaining the color and shape of things. You need to take care of delicate fabrics, because they require gentle care.

The most popular gels for baby clothes on Russian market are:

  • Eared nanny - line Russian production. It removes dirt in cold water and does not deform things after frequent use. There is a main disadvantage: it contains phosphates and surfactants, therefore, they can cause allergies in babies.
  • Burti Hygiene removes stains, disinfects things. Suitable for washing whites.
  • Pigeon is a worthy competitor to the Burti Hygiene line. Pigeon is hypoallergenic and does not require additional rinsing.

For washing children's clothes, products from brands such as Myth, Tide, Pemos or Persil are not suitable. They contain a lot of surfactants, fragrances and toxins.

Features of gels in capsules

Gels in capsules are good because they can remove stains and do not need dosage, because they are enclosed in a shell. However, if the drum is not fully loaded, only part of the contents cannot be used, which increases consumption significantly.

Each buyer will figure out how to use the capsules. It is necessary to place the product at the bottom of the drum, put things on top. During washing, the shell will dissolve, the contents of the capsule will fall on the clothes.

What are the buyers saying?

Some housewives are quite conservative; they prefer to use the old, proven detergents. But still there are those who are ready to try new things.

Judging by the reviews, many highly appreciated the Power Wash brand product, it copes with pollution at the highest level even in cold water and does not contain phosphates.

Ariel has received a lot of mixed reviews. On the one hand, it washes old stains. On the other hand, an allergy may occur due to a too aggressive composition.

Persen contains a number of active components of plant origin: dry extracts lemon balm , valerian , peppermint . As additional substances, the tablets include: magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, crospovidone, lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, MCC.

The shell of the tablet consists of the following components: talc, hydroxypropylcellulose, sucrose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, povidone, titanium dioxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, , calcium carbonate, wax E, dye brown 75.

Release form

Available in the form of coated tablets; biconvex tablets, round, dark Brown. Foil blisters contain 10 tablets, 3, 4, 6, 8 blisters can be put into a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

The abstract indicates that the tablets act as antispasmodic And soothing means. All components of this medicine in the complex have a mild effect on the body. sedative action.

Valerian extract provides a calming effect, lemon balm extract has an antispasmodic and calming effect. Peppermint extract provides a mild sedative as well as antispasmodic effect.

In general, Persen relieves feelings of anxiety and irritability, has a calming effect on people in a state of excitement and psycho-emotional stress. During facilitates the process of falling asleep, while not causing a condition in the daytime.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The drug affects the body due to the total effect of its components, so kinetic observations were not carried out. drug is also impossible to identify.

Indications for use

The following indications for the use of this remedy are determined:

  • that accompany states of arousal, anxiety, insomnia, and in which there is no need to prescribe potent drugs;
  • the period after the abolition of potent drugs with a sedative effect;
  • prevention of psychosomatic manifestations in people who are exposed to stress factors.


Such contraindications for taking Persen are determined:

  • fructose intolerance, lack of sucrase and isomaltase;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption, lack of lactase, lactose intolerance;
  • diseases of the biliary tract - , cholangitis, etc.;
  • arterial hypotension ;
  • high sensitivity to the components of Persen;
  • the patient's age is up to 12 years.

Carefully appoint Persen to people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Side effects

In the process of taking the tablets, the manifestation of such side effects:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of a rash on the skin, hyperemia, peripheral edema, bronchospasm;
  • with prolonged use may develop .

Tablets Persen, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use Persen in tablets provides for the use of the drug orally. At the same time, its intake does not depend on the period of eating. You need to take the tablets with water.

Adults and children after 12 years of age receive 2-3 tablets, you need to take the drug 2-3 times a day. For more information about how to take the medicine, you should ask a specialist.

If the patient is suffering from insomnia , he is prescribed 2-3 tablets in the evening - 30-60 minutes before going to bed. The maximum dose of the drug is 12 tablets per day.

You can not continuously take the sedative Persen for more than 1.5 months.

After the patient stops treatment, he does not experience a withdrawal syndrome.


In case of an overdose (if more than 60 tablets have been taken), the patient may develop nausea, weakness, mydriasis, pain during internal organs, hand shake. A day after taking large doses of the drug, the symptoms of an overdose disappear. No toxic effects are noted. If necessary, practice symptomatic therapy.


Under the influence of Persen, the effect of hypotensive, hypnotic, painkillers is potentiated. Therefore, with simultaneous treatment with agents that depress the central nervous system, the effect of such drugs is enhanced. In this case, dose adjustment may be necessary.

Terms of sale

Implemented without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Persen tablets should be stored at t no more than 25 ° C.

Best before date

special instructions

Before taking this medicine, you should understand how Persen tablets work, what they help with. If the symptoms do not disappear during treatment, or they become more severe, you should consult a doctor and get his recommendations.

People with GERD may experience worsening symptoms during treatment.

While taking Persen, be sure to be careful when driving vehicles and when working with dangerous mechanisms.

You can not use the product for longer than 2 months without a break. With the development of side effects, you should consult a doctor.

Persen's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are currently no analogues of the drug for the active substance. There are variations of this drug - , Persen Cardio .

Analogues according to indications and therapeutic effects on the body are drugs , Valdispert , , , Doppelhertz Nervotonik , Melison , Neurobutal , etc. Taking any of these drugs should be discussed with your doctor beforehand.

Persen or Novopassit what's better?

Novopassit - This is a drug, which also includes herbal ingredients. However, unlike Persen, Novopassit contains 8 components - 7 plant components and a substance guaifenazine . The prices of both drugs differ insignificantly. In terms of the severity of the action, the drugs are similar, but only a specialist should determine which of the drugs is advisable to use.


Persen is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. If there is a need to treat younger patients, it is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. The maximum dose per day is 1-2 tablets.

Persen and alcohol

It is better not to combine Persen tablets and alcohol. Alcohol can increase the sedative effect of Persen, as well as significantly exacerbate side effects.

Persen during pregnancy and lactation

The effect of this drug during pregnancy has not been studied, so its use is not practiced. If necessary, the doctor carefully weighs the risk-benefit ratio, and also carefully monitors the condition of the pregnant woman during treatment. Persen at breastfeeding also administered with caution.

Reviews about Persen

Many users write that Persen tablets are a very effective sedative for them. It is noted that it helps with insomnia, relieves anxiety and irritability. There are also reviews about Persen for children, but parents, in most cases, do not risk giving this drug to children under 12 years of age without a doctor's prescription.

There are also reviews of women about taking Persen with pregnancy , in which we are talking about the fact that this remedy made it possible to quickly cope with a feeling of anxiety, strengthen the nervous system.

When discussing the Persen remedy, the doctors' reviews are also mostly positive. It is noted that the remedy is of plant origin and acts gently. But at the same time, doctors warn against uncontrolled intake of pills.

Price Persen, where to buy

How much the tablets cost depends on the packaging. The price of Persen tablets (40 pcs.) Is on average 300 - 350 rubles. The price of Persen in Ukraine (Kharkov, etc.) is 100 - 120 UAH. (cost of a pack of 40 pieces). You can buy the drug at any pharmacy.

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    Persen tab. p.o n60 Lek d.d.

    Persen night caps. n40 Lek d.d.

    Persen tab. p.o n20 Lek d.d.

    Persen night caps. n10 Lek d.d.

    Persen night caps. n20 Lek d.d.
