How to care for your face after a chemical peel. How and when to smear the face after peeling

The essence of any peeling is that there is an external effect on the keratinized cells of the epidermis. The upper layer of the skin is removed, due to which the regeneration processes begin to take place more intensively, as a result of which collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced. Thus, not only imperfections on the skin are eliminated, but also its rejuvenation occurs.

Chemical peel and its types

Chemical peeling is nothing more than applying a combination of acids of various origins to the skin, as a result of which the upper layer of the epidermis receives a mild chemical burn.

But do not take it literally and refuse to carry out the procedure. To a certain extent, this burn is even useful, since it is able to smooth out wrinkles, increase skin firmness and elasticity. And if this procedure is carried out by a certified specialist in a cosmetology room, you should not be afraid for your health.

Chemical peeling can be carried out only after consulting a specialist, who will determine:

  • the required number of sessions;
  • chemicals and their percentage to be applied;
  • view chemical peeling which you need.

There are three types of chemical peels – superficial, medium and deep. Each of them should be considered in more detail.

Superficial peeling

Can be done as:

  • a way to cleanse young skin from acne and acne;
  • preparatory step for medium or deep cleansing for more mature/problem skin.

This type of chemical cleaning can be carried out much more often than others. If this procedure is regular, then the pores can naturally narrow, which in the future will save the owners of oily skin from excessive sebaceous secretions, the appearance of acne, inflammation, blackheads.

Medium chemical peel

If during superficial peeling, as such, no burn is observed, and the patient feels only a slight tingling and tightening, then the median one is accompanied by a small burn. However, the result from it is much more effective:

  • wrinkles are reduced, and small ones can disappear forever;
  • scars are lightened;
  • stretch marks disappear.

At the same time, the basement membrane of the skin remains intact, and therefore healing occurs faster. Redness and peeling are observed only in the first days, but with proper care, they disappear in the near future. The recovery time at home is from 7 to 10 days.

Deep peeling

This type of peeling is performed under local anesthesia in stationary conditions, and recovery after it should take place under the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that in this case, how does damage to the same basal membrane skin occur, so deep chemical peeling is even somewhat akin to plastic surgery. The procedure is able to remove deep wrinkles and scars, but the rehabilitation period in some cases can last up to 6 months.

What does the face look like after peeling?

After the keratinized layer of the skin is removed, a protective reaction is naturally observed on the face, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • puffiness.

In no case do not peel off pieces of dead skin, but cut off the lagging dry film with scissors.

In addition to external manifestations, you can experience other sensations:

  • burning;
  • tightness.

In some cases, facial expressions may even be difficult. This is fine. Remember that each person has an individual reaction to the procedure.

Chemical peeling: BEFORE and AFTER photos

Since we all know that beauty requires sacrifice, you will have to be patient (the procedure can be a little painful) and remain calm in the post-peel period. The skin is simply not able to heal instantly, so be patient until the natural processes go through all the necessary phases. And you can speed it up a bit if you study the tips for restoring the skin after peeling.

Your primary task will be to restore the hydrobalance and barrier layer of the skin. To do this, the first two days after chemical peeling, use products with a light structure: water-based gels and foams. On the third day, you can get serums and nourishing creams from your cosmetic bag.

Please note that their composition should contain antioxidants, regenerating and moisturizing components. It is better to consult a doctor than to smear the face after peeling (much depends on the type of skin) to reduce itching and flaking.

Under no circumstances should you resort to traditional medicine and "grandmother's recipes", as herbal ingredients that are not processed in laboratories can cause skin infection!

The fact is that after the peeling procedure, the skin cannot “defend itself”. She is weak, emaciated and dehydrated. The sun's rays can not only dry the skin even more, but also provoke the appearance of age spots. Therefore, even in the cold season (and peeling should be carried out in autumn or winter, in summer it is contraindicated), do not forget to apply a cream with UV protection before going outside.

Try to avoid unnecessary touching the skin. It is better to forget about the usual gels for washing for a while and buy some product with an “airy” structure and a spray, which is immediately squeezed out in the form of foam, and not which must be carefully rubbed into the skin so that it acquires a foamy form.

Do not use make-up remover! And then we smoothly move on to the fourth rule ...

Decorative cosmetics are completely useless to you, since they contain dyes and even much more harmful enzymes that can aggravate inflammation and even cause infection. In addition, to wash it off, you will have to make a lot of effort, and this cannot be done.

Post-peel cosmetics

For each case, the cosmetologist will select an individual set of post-peeling cosmetics, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and the reaction to the procedure.

However, in order to have a general idea of ​​​​the cosmetics that are used during the recovery period, you can familiarize yourself with the following list of indispensable skin care products:

  • sunscreen with at least SPF-20;
  • moisturizing gel with aloe vera extract;
  • water-based skin cleanser;
  • drying serum;
  • serum to soothe the skin, etc.

As a replacement professional cosmetics in some cases, it is permissible to use such pharmaceutical products as Bepanten, products of the trademarks Aven, La Roche Posay, Bioderma. But before applying any remedy to your face, consult your doctor.

What can not be done after a chemical peel?

Because the modern girls lead an active lifestyle, many are concerned about questions of the type - is it possible to play sports after peeling, go to the bathhouse, swim in the pool, etc.

You can’t go to the gym, pool, baths and saunas, do any physical activity!

As a result of all these actions, the pores open and sweat and sebaceous glands are released. Such an environment is very favorable for the growth of microbial activity. And this is already fraught with adverse consequences in the form of inflammation - up to infectious diseases.

Also, after a chemical peel, you can not:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat spicy and spicy food;
  • make up, apply powder and foundation;
  • wash even with water - on the first day;
  • touch your face with your hands;
  • use rough towels and rub your face with them.

More detailed recommendations will be given to you by the specialist to whom you are going for an appointment. It is dangerous to do chemical peeling in persons whose qualifications are in doubt! Also, do not try to carry out the procedure at home - this may result in hospitalization.

Women are interested in what kind of skin care after a chemical facial peel should be applied? What is peeling? This is a facial rejuvenation procedure by removing the upper layer of the epidermis with dead cells - it can be mechanical and chemical. The second type is very popular, since it can be used with a thin epidermis, unlike the mechanical one, it rejuvenates much more effectively.

To obtain a good rejuvenating effect, it is not enough to prepare, to carry out the procedure correctly, the main emphasis is on post-peeling care.

All peels have the same effect on the epidermis:

  • remove dead skin;
  • release a layer of new cells.

The environment aggressively affects young cells for the first 3 days, at which time the face is protected from negative influences as much as possible:

  • direct ultraviolet rays;
  • UV rays of artificial origin;
  • aggressive and rejuvenating cosmetic creams;
  • temperature fluctuations; precipitation, wind.

Experts advise cleaning before the weekend to avoid going outside, at least for the first two days. If this is not possible, then you need to stock up on hypoallergenic, sunscreen. Do not visit the solarium, bath, sauna. Care, after a chemical peel for the face, is a mandatory procedure.

Types of chemical influences

If we consider peels as such, then chemical peels are gentle, since exfoliation occurs with the help of acids, mechanical damage to the epidermis is excluded in this case.

The skin after exposure to acids needs care, and the degree of exposure to the products must be taken into account. There are three types of chemicals:

  • surface;
  • yellow median;
  • deep.

Considering these types, it is worth noting that the third option is carried out only in a hospital, since it is equated with surgical exposure. When applying this anti-aging procedure, a long, phased recovery course is needed, which takes place under the supervision of specialists.

Superficial chemical exfoliation is carried out with the use of fruit acids:

  • glycolic;
  • almond in liquid concentration;
  • ferulic;
  • pyruvic.

Median - produced with acids with a high concentration - it can be glycolic or retinoic acids. For each type of acid, facial skin care will be different.

Visual video about chemical peeling

Features of care for superficial peeling

The beautician should explain in detail how to care for the face after this procedure. But there are a few recommendations that you should definitely know before you go for this procedure.

After the use of fruit acids, frequent touching of the treated skin should be excluded, while the use of tonics and lotions should be excluded. The beautician will advise which moisturizing gels and serums should be applied to the face with your skin type.

Cosmetics used after this procedure should be of an airy structure - light foams or gels. Do not use scrubs for five days, they can damage delicate skin after superficial exfoliation. Consider how to smear your face after a chemical peel.

If the epidermis on the face is sensitive, then you need to stop using day and night creams, and care products around the eyes. This rule is optional, but it is worth listening to. If the peeling was carried out with ferulic acid, then you can use the usual care products the very next day, as it is the most gentle.

Glycolic peeling is more aggressive, so after the procedure it is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics for the next three days.

Exfoliating with mandelic acid dries out the skin a lot, and it needs to be actively moisturized. In this case, products with the entry of collagen, hyaluronic acid, aloe juice, seaweed, shea butter are suitable. Once you have gone through the exfoliation procedure, you need to drink vitamin A and E in a course, this will increase the resistance of young skin to external influences.

Pyruvic chemical - does not dry out the skin much, but it needs to be protected from the sun for a week. When buying a sunscreen, make sure that the filter in it is SPF 30. Before applying this cream, the skin needs to be moistened with a gel with a high content of geoluronka.

After glycol exfoliation, the usual cosmetics are excluded and the skin is protected from solar radiation for three days with high-strength creams. Skin care is carried out with special moisturizing and regenerating mousses, which are advised by a beautician.

Features of recovery after median peeling

This method of rejuvenation works with solid layers of skin, which will take a long time to restore.

The most common is yellow medium peeling, after which the face becomes yellow color. After using this product, you should not use scrubs to speed up the exfoliation process. The only way to help your face is constant, abundant hydration.

Median peeling is a serious procedure, and slight swelling may occur. In order to remove it, use melted water prepared at home, or by special means containing deuterium water. The face needs to be watered frequently. Good antibacterial masks help. Cosmetics can not be used for two weeks. It is also not recommended to dye your hair and do perm. This is a complex procedure and you should not neglect the advice of cosmetologists.

When leaving after yellow peeling need to apply:

  • masks with lactic acid;
  • balms with Shea butter;
  • cranberry enzyme;
  • ointments with panthenol;
  • fireweed extract;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments.

Croton chemical peel

Very aggressive effect on the middle layers of the skin. In addition to products that will intensively moisturize, soothe and restore the skin, you need to use vitamins C, A, E, as well as natural antioxidants. With severe pain, it is not uncommon to take painkillers and antibiotics.

ABR peeling

After this procedure, care should be directed to fast recovery and fixing the effect. Apply:

  • antioxidants;
  • photoprotectors;
  • generating drugs;
  • moisturizers.

After this peeling, it is important to protect the skin from mechanical influences, as there is a risk of scarring and scabs. Cosmetologists have a special procedure that is aimed at enhancing the lifting effect, while restoring and rejuvenating the face well. It is carried out after three days after the procedure.

TCA peel

The procedure is carried out using trichloroacetic acid - the most difficult. And the epidermis will have to be restored within 2 weeks. This is a whole range of care measures: the use of protective, moisturizing and regenerating agents. At the same time, after the procedure, there are a number of serious restrictions that are mandatory, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

Prevention of complications

There are typical complications that will not affect the condition of the face and health - just a reaction to the use of chemicals. But there are also atypical complications, ignoring which can lead to a negative result.

You need to see a doctor urgently if:

  • herpetic eruptions appeared - herpes after peeling is normal, but it is worth noting that this may be the first sign of infection of the epidermis, so it is better to play it safe and go to a specialist;
  • intense redness, with burning and pain; allergies are rare, but the body's predisposition to allergic manifestations can play a role. So before the procedure, it is better to pass a drug tolerance test.
  • In contact with

Many modern anti-aging techniques are based on targeted, controlled damage to the skin, which causes a violent response aimed at recovery: the necessary proteins are synthesized, cells are renewed, and the skin “starts all over again”. Chemical peeling is also in this row.

Peeling with fruit or alpha hydroxy acids (ANA)

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  • lemon;



Carefully selected ingredients from the above list destroy desmosomes - the bonds between cells. So they free the deeper layers of the epidermis from the horny and other superficial layers, giving way to "young" keratinocytes.

What is the advantage of such an update?

    The complexion improves, because the “dust of centuries” is removed from the skin.

    The activity of fibroblasts increases, which ultimately produce more collagen and elastin.

    Wrinkles are smoothed, facial contours are tightened.

    disappear or decrease dark spots.

    The skin becomes more hydrated due to the increased ability of young cells to form and retain natural moisturizing factor.

All these acids, which today can be found even in means for daily care, promote superficial peeling.

Peeling with beta-hydroxy acids (BHA)

These acids include:

It is believed that these substances are more active compared to fruit acids and give a deeper exfoliating effect - but as part of a superficial peel.

Koi peeling, which came to us from Asia, is recognized as perhaps the most effective for hyperpigmentation. And salicylic has an additional antiseptic effect and a controlling effect on the sebaceous glands, since it regulates the secretion of sebum.

Retinol peeling

Trichloroacetic (TCA) peeling

This is a classic median, that is enough deep peeling. It makes sense to do it if we are talking about a sufficiently deep correction. And the procedure itself is at the junction of cosmetology and medicine.

Median and even deeper peeling is done only for medical reasons to correct serious skin changes, such as scars. After superficial peeling, it is advisable to sit at home for a couple of days, and after more aggressive interventions, rehabilitation will take at least 7-10 days.

What rules to follow after peeling

The deeper the peel, the longer the recovery process will take. Before the anti-aging effect appears, you will have to put up with some unpleasant moments for some time, such as:

    redness of the skin (from mild to very pronounced);

    feeling of tightness and dryness;

    burning and discomfort;

    strong peeling.

Chemical peel recovery © Getty Images

In general, after peeling and between the procedures of the course, a regimen is required that is quite close to the hospital one. What does he mean?

    Lack of serious physical activity(so you don't have to sweat).

    Refusal of the bath and sauna.

    Sparing diet (without spices and alcohol).

    Prevention of infections.

    Reducing stress, because peeling itself is a stress for the body, and the skin has to work on its own recovery in an enhanced mode.

How to care for your face after a chemical peel

The reaction of the skin to peeling depends on individual characteristics. For example, after a median peel, erythema (redness) may disappear after a few hours for someone, and after 3-4 days for someone.

If you have an important event planned for the evening, keep in mind: peeling is not a procedure that gives an instant effect.

Proper care after a chemical peel will help achieve the best result. © Getty Images

Elena Eliseeva, medical expert of the Vichy brand, gives advice on skin care after superficial chemical peeling:

    “First, thoroughly moisturize your skin.

    An equally important task is protection from ultraviolet radiation. Before every step outside, even if the weather is cloudy, apply a product with SPF 50+. This is the only way to prevent UV-induced hyperpigmentation, as even dense clouds let through 90% of UVA rays.

    Products based on thermal water, hyaluronic acid, vitamins B3 and B5 will help reduce discomfort and redness after the procedure.

    Avoid oily textures and attempts to reduce flaking with oily creams: this can lead to comedones, as it is easy to clog open pores after the procedure.

    Wash your face with micellar lotions, avoiding both fatty milk and tap water. The former can clog open pores and “glue” back the exfoliating keratinocytes. And the second, especially if the water supply is old, can greatly dry out already dehydrated tissues.

    Do not peel off the scales of flaky skin, even if it comes off in layers and your hands reach out to pick them off.

    Do not use scrubs: the epidermis is thinned and injured, and such actions can earn full-fledged abrasions.

    Against the background of retinol peeling, do not use cosmetics with retinol.

Improper skin care after peeling can lead to an effect that is exactly the opposite of expectations:

    increased hyperpigmentation with insufficient sun protection;

    the appearance of acne (this is how infections or unscrupulous cleansing of the skin before and after the procedure may appear).

Review of care products after superficial chemical peeling

After peeling, you will have to reconsider your cosmetic stocks at least for a while. Emphasis will have to be placed on such stages of care as:

    gentle but thorough cleansing;

    moisturizing with intensive action products with a light texture;

    reliable sun protection.

Moisture Genius Aquafluid for dry and sensitive skin, L'Oréal Paris consists of 80% purified water and does not contain oils, which is important when caring for skin after peeling. Hyaluronic acid and aloe juice replenish moisture.

Biocellulose soothing regenerating mask Biocellulose Masque, SkinCeuticals specially designed for use after invasive procedures such as peeling (both laser and chemical). Returns skin comfort, saturates with moisture, improves recovery.

Hydrogel mask Advanced Génifique, Lancôme intensively moisturizes, energizes the skin for recovery due to probiotics in the composition.

Peeling has become very popular: this procedure helps to get rid of many skin imperfections for a long time.

But at the same time, such an aggressive effect on the epidermis can lead to disastrous consequences if it is approached incorrectly and without preparation.

What consequences after peeling are possible, how to prevent them, how to eliminate them? Let's figure it out.

Types of procedures, their action, purpose

Much during cleaning depends on the characteristics of the skin, the cleaning option, the level of exposure.

Cleanups include:

  1. - it does not reach the deep layers of the dermis, affecting only the surface. Reduces pigmentation, evens out tone, slightly reduces fine wrinkles.
  2. - reaches the stratum corneum and part of the epidermis. Levels age spots, reduces the accumulation of wrinkles, significantly improves complexion.
  3. - reaches deep skin layers. Significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, age spots, whitens well, has a rejuvenating effect.

The first type of procedure suitable for sensitive, dry (with caution), combination skin that does not show serious age-related changes.

Median good for oily, suffering from active pigmentation, with wrinkles.

deep view suitable for getting rid of significant shortcomings - deep wrinkles, an abundance of age spots, and other changes.

Adverse results

All consequences are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected.

The first group includes problems that arise in patients, occurring without any special consequences and passing quickly. This is a predictable reaction to the manifestation of stimuli.

These include:

  • Erythema- redness of the area of ​​​​the epidermis that has undergone cleansing. Depends on the type of exposure, its duration, skin sensitivity. Red spots on the face after the procedure can last from 3 hours to several days. With laser resurfacing, the skin can remain red for up to two months.

  • Peeling usually disappears almost imperceptibly, especially when using fruit acids. After trichloroacetic acid, peeling takes on a large-scale character lasting a week. If the face peels off after the procedure, you should not help your epidermis to renew itself - the process should take place naturally. You need to take care of good hydration during the recovery period.
  • Sensitization- after cleansing, the dermis can react in a peculiar way to any stimuli - light, exposure to temperatures or mechanical stimulation. With a special course of the process, sensitivity can last up to a year, but usually disappears in a couple of weeks.
  • puffiness is an inflammatory response. By increasing the permeability of the capillaries located in the epidermis, cleaning causes the liquid to leave them and accumulate in the tissues. There is swelling. After the use of light acids, this reaction usually does not occur, but retinoids can cause swelling. It can last for several days, but does not occur immediately, on the 2nd or 3rd day after the procedure.
  • darkening of the skin– the treated areas can “oxidize” - acquire dark shade. But as you exfoliate, the old scales of the epidermis will be removed, updated, lighter ones will appear in their place.

Here is how the skin of the face looks in the photo before, immediately after and some time after peeling:

The second group includes those consequences that are illegitimate are selective.

Can provide negative impact on the aesthetics of the result, are unsafe, require treatment.

Among them:

  • allergic reactions- they do not appear on the substances that act on the skin during peeling, but on subsequent irritants, when the skin is renewed, thin and irritated.
  • herpetic infection- occurs after median and deep cleaning, laser resurfacing. It can occur due to the recurrence of herpes, but sometimes infection occurs during the procedure if the patient's immunity is reduced.
  • Other infections may arise due to the negligent attitude of the doctor to the norms of the procedure or by the patient himself to the post-peeling period.
  • Paleness or marbling- due to leveling a large number melanocytes, reverse pigmentation may occur - lightening of areas of the dermis, especially if its owner was swarthy. Such a reaction is not completely cured, but with light peels you can try to reduce it a little, even out the tone.

  • Persistent erythema– if the patient has dilated superficial vessels, the problem may appear after deep peeling. This reaction can last up to a year, but usually goes away on its own.
  • hyperpigmentation- occurs after deep and laser peelings, carried out incorrectly. Inflamed skin cells actively produce melanin, which leads to darkening.
  • The appearance or exacerbation of acne. Acne after peeling appeared because the provoked inflammatory reaction causes the cells that produce sebum to work actively. The pores become clogged, acne appears. At risk are people with oily skin, predisposition to acne and those who decide on deep or median peels.
  • Scarring- violation of the skin of the face after exposure to deep chemical peels. May appear after an incorrectly performed cleaning procedure.
  • burns- a slight burn on the surface is not considered a deviation from the norm. But if the procedure was carried out with violations or the patient has a sensitive type of facial skin, the burn after peeling can become more serious.

What are the possible consequences after peeling:

Treatment of complications

If the cleaning procedure nevertheless led to negative consequences, they need to be leveled, especially if there are serious underlying causes.

Treatment may be as follows:

  • Appeared itching usually goes away with time, but you can help your skin recover faster.

    After peeling do cold compress take an antihistamine. Keep the dermis hydrated, use hypoallergenic products.

    If after peeling the face is very itchy, it is red, you can resort to sedatives. All drugs should be used only after consulting a doctor.

  • erythema easily cured with corticosteroids in conjunction with moisturizing, soothing agents. Need to enjoy sunscreen. If the redness does not go away after a week of such manipulations, consult a doctor to exclude an infectious lesion.
  • Scars treated with corticosteroid injections. You can add occlusive dressings, in more severe cases, laser treatment, surgery are indicated.
  • hyperpigmentation usually goes away on its own. To prevent its growth, use sunscreens. This manifestation is treated with a laser method (in severe cases).
  • Infections of bacterial or viral origin leveled by antiviral, antibacterial agents - ointments, creams.
  • The occurrence of acne treatable with antibiotics, azelaic acid, small doses of steroids, or isotretinoin.

Any negative impact is easily prevented if know about the characteristics of the patient's skin, its predispositions, while observing all the rules of hygiene and cleaning procedures.

Precautionary measures:

  • to prevent allergies it is desirable to test for active drugs;
  • herpetic infections can be avoided, having resorted to antiherpetic drugs in advance;
  • other infections can be prevented by taking antibiotics;
  • persistent erythema warned by the rejection of saunas, drinking alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, active physical work;
  • hyperpigmentation can be avoided by conducting a thorough examination for the presence of a predisposition to the formation of age spots. It is important to cure the ongoing inflammatory processes in advance;
  • acne is preventable taking the multivitamin complex "Aevit", antibiotics can be prescribed. A competent cosmetologist and doctor immediately after the procedure will make a soothing and healing mask, apply the necessary protective creams or ointments;
  • to prevent crusting after peeling, it is desirable to conduct a session of nourishing masks immediately after the cleaning procedure.

If you follow all the rules of preparation and competent skin care measures, you can prevent the appearance of all negative consequences and achieve a good result when cleaning the skin.

Peelings and resurfacing are popular. However, many of these procedures are repelled by stories about their unpleasant consequences. What is worth believing and how to recover faster after peeling?

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Medical Cosmetology of the Central Research Institute of Dermatovenereology in Moscow Olga Vladimirovna Zabnenkova advises.

- How true are the stories about the frightening consequences of peelings?

In every fairy tale, of course, there is some truth. Any chemical peel, microcrystalline dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing is always skin damage. Naturally, after such procedures, a protective inflammatory reaction develops. There is redness, swelling, the skin is flaky. All these are quite expected reactions that pass on their own after a while.

But if the patient was not properly prepared for peeling or polishing, or these procedures were not initially shown to him, "unexpected" consequences may occur.

- What exactly will patients have to face after peeling or polishing?

During the first days after the procedure, the skin remains dehydrated. In addition, redness is bound to occur. Its intensity and duration depend on the depth and type of exposure. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness occurs, which disappears after a couple of hours.

While after peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the skin remains red for up to two days. And after retinoic or medium peels, bright redness lasts up to 5 days.

In addition, after such procedures, the skin will definitely peel off. Peelings with fruit acids are again the most comfortable. After them, peeling begins on the 2-3rd day and lasts only a couple of days. But other types of peelings will “please” you with strong peeling, which can last for a whole week.

Often such consequences as swelling of the skin, which also disappears with time.

- Is it possible to somehow reduce the severity of all these phenomena?

Undoubtedly. To do this, you need to properly care for your skin. The main task is to moisturize it and restore the broken barrier layer. In the early days, it is best to use cosmetical tools in the form of gels or foams. They are easy to apply and absorb quickly.

Approximately on the 3-5th day, you can switch to creams. They should contain moisturizing, regenerating and protective substances, as well as antioxidants.

It is very important to strictly observe the hygienic regimen. Try to touch the skin as little as possible - after peeling it is very vulnerable.

Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. Any herbal mask According to the grandmother's recipe, it can provoke an allergic reaction, which will increase the rehabilitation time several times.

- Is it possible to be allergic to the peeling itself?

Very rarely. Allergies can only be caused by additional components that make up the peeling. In addition, post-peel masks and creams contain active ingredients that can also provoke a reaction. Here you need to act immediately. As soon as redness, itching and swelling appear, an intramuscular injection of antihistamines should be given. And to prevent this from happening, you need to inform the doctor about all the allergic reactions that you have experienced before the procedure.

In general, it is important to tell in detail about all diseases. For example, after peeling, you may experience an exacerbation of herpes. And this is fraught with the formation of scars. Therefore, if you have an exacerbation of herpes more than twice a year, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

- What should be done when one of the reactions expected after peeling is delayed? For example, if redness and swelling do not go away in due time.

This is a very unfavorable reaction. In fact, she says that the peeling was not selected and carried out correctly. Here it is important not to hesitate and take action as soon as possible. In such cases, a whole range of drugs is used: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs. Zinc preparations, steroid creams are also prescribed.

This is much more difficult to deal with. Hypersensitivity especially often develops in people with thin and sluggish skin. Also, those who have done a median or repeated deep peeling on the same area of ​​the skin twice during the year are also susceptible to it. Hypersensitivity can be observed up to a year. Microcurrent therapy and special cosmetics help to cope with it.

- Sometimes for several months after peeling, the face remains reddened. With what it can be connected?

This is also a common complication. Patients with whom, again, the type of peeling was incorrectly selected are prone to it. Persistent redness can persist from a month to a year.

To speed up this process, it is important to avoid the active sun, intense physical activity, and not visit the sauna and bath. It is also worth adjusting the diet and giving up alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, marinades.

It is very useful during this period to take the drug "Omega-3". It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. By the way, it is also effective before peeling. For external use, a "vasoconstrictor tonic" is used, which can be ordered at a pharmacy by prescription.

In order to get rid of spider veins, they can be photocoagulated two to three months after peeling. For the complete disappearance of bursting vessels, at least three sessions are required, which are held once a month.

In addition, vascular preparations such as Lyoton gel or Arnica cream can improve the situation. They are joined by microcurrent therapy and. The latter, however, is used with caution. Still, this procedure is quite painful. And patients after not very successful peeling are especially sensitive to such manipulations.

- How often can age spots appear after peeling and polishing?

This issue is primarily related to the selection of the procedure. So, after peeling with fruit acids, as well as retinoic, phytic, phenolic and dermabrasion, hyperpigmentation practically does not occur. While after the median chemical peeling with trichloroacetic acid and laser resurfacing, it is quite likely.

In addition, according to our observations, some physiotherapy procedures after peeling can also provoke the appearance of age spots. This applies, for example, to electrical lymphatic drainage and ultrasound therapy. All this should be taken into account for those whose skin is prone to hyperpigmentation.

Such patients need special pre-peeling preparation. They are also prescribed a whole range of drugs that need to be used after peeling.

If age spots still appear, whitening procedures will be needed. In most cases, they help solve the problem.

Veronika Goryacheva
