How to do a deep face peel at home. Facial peeling - what is it, a procedure in the salon, at home

Peeling the skin with 20% salicylic alcohol

This method of peeling consists in lubricating the skin with a 20% solution of salicylic acid in 96-degree alcohol. Such a solution is recommended for removing freckles, fine wrinkles, whiteheads, as well as dry parchment skin, etc.

The peeling process with 20% salicylic alcohol lasts 10-12 days. It causes slight inflammation of the skin and is not accompanied by swelling of the face. A 20% alcohol solution of salicylic acid degreases, disinfects the skin, dries it, taking moisture away from the cells of the stratum corneum, promotes the death and falling off of the cells of the stratum corneum in the form of a continuous film. c Lubrication of the track with 20% salicylic alcohol is very painful, as it causes severe irritation of the nerve endings in the skin. It is accompanied by a burning sensation. But these sensations quickly disappear. To reduce pain, it is recommended to cool the skin during the session by fanning it, and even better, turn on the fan. Usually, by the end of the session, the burning sensation disappears and the soreness disappears.

Peeling technique with 20% salicylic alcohol

Peeling with salicylic alcohol is carried out within 10-12 days (eight to ten sessions). The first five to eight sessions are carried out daily.

During the first session, the patient is given a steam bath for 8-10 minutes. After the bath, wash the face with warm water with soapy cream or camphor jelly and wipe the skin dry with a gauze pad. Then wipe it with 2% salicylic alcohol.

Pour 10-15 g of 20% salicylic alcohol into a porcelain or glass cup. Cotton wool is tightly wrapped around the end of a wooden spatula and lowered into a cup of alcohol. It is important to ensure that cotton wool is abundantly saturated with alcohol. Then, with quick movements, evenly lubricate the skin of the face with alcohol.

To prevent salicylic alcohol from getting into the mouth and eyes, you must first lubricate the skin below the mouth and eyes. You should also not abundantly moisten the skin over the eyebrows and areas of skin covered with hair, since the liquid, accumulating and lingering in the hair, can cause the formation of bubbles on the skin.

During lubrication with 20% salicylic alcohol, it is recommended to turn on the fan so that the air stream continuously cools the treated areas of the skin until the burning sensation disappears (usually cooling lasts 15-20 minutes).

During the first session, the skin of the face is treated with 20% salicylic alcohol three to five times in a row. After lubrication, a whitish coating of salicylic acid forms on the skin, as the alcohol evaporates. Plaque firmly adheres to the skin.

After 15-20 minutes, the skin is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with soapy alcohol; especially carefully it is necessary to wipe the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and the hairline on the forehead. Soapy alcohol dissolves salicylic acid well and removes whitish deposits from the skin..

During the second and subsequent sessions, the steam bath is not done. At the beginning of the session, the face is wiped with 2% salicylic alcohol, and then smeared with 20% salicylic alcohol. The number of lubrication should be increased from session to session (up to 15-20) depending on the reaction of the skin.

During the period of peeling, the patient is only allowed to powder the skin; it cannot be lubricated with cream, oils or moistened, as this may delay the peeling process. After six to eight sessions, the skin dries out significantly, becomes stiff, acquires a yellowish-brown hue and resembles parchment.

In the area of ​​​​the nasolabial folds, cracks are outlined or even appear. From this point on, you should take a break for two days. During the break, it is necessary to powder the skin abundantly.

After two days, the skin dries out even more, rises and begins to exfoliate, which is easy to verify when feeling the skin.

After the break, the final sessions are held. Their goal is to cause the rapid falling off of dead cells of the stratum corneum. During the first final session, the skin of the face is covered with a thick layer of 2% mercury ointment. After 3-5 min. make a light massage for 5-8 minutes. stroking movements. After the massage, the face is wiped with a swab dipped in some kind of oil and powdered.

The second, final session: a layer of 2-proceite mercury ointment is applied to the skin and within 5-8 minutes. massage with stroking movements. Then the skin is thoroughly wiped with a dry gauze swab, thereby removing the remnants of the ointment and the fallen off skin flakes; within 10-12 min. - steam bath.

After the bath, the face is washed with warm water and soapy cream, wiped dry and a greasy cream or cream is applied. nourishing mask, leaving it on the face for 10-12 minutes, after which the mask or cream is removed, and the skin is powdered. If the skin is not completely exfoliated, an additional session is performed. The skin cannot be forcibly removed.

During the final sessions, you can lubricate the skin with creams or oils, during the day it is recommended to use protective creams.

Complex deep peeling

Complex exfoliation of the stratum corneum consists in the application of a complex of procedures. This method gives a quick and deep peeling.

Complex peeling is recommended for abundant bright freckles, smallpox scars, scars after acne. With age spots (chloasma), this method should not be used: causing severe irritation and inflammation of the skin, it can contribute to the formation of pigmentation in new areas.

An elderly person with sluggish, flabby wrinkled skin is also not recommended for complex peeling. After complex peeling, it is especially necessary to protect the skin from the sun, lubricate it during the day with protective creams, emulsions. Below are three schemes of complex peeling.

Scheme of the first complex

This method involves the combined use of salicylic alcohols, ointment, and a drying mask. Under the influence of these agents, the skin becomes inflamed, then dries out and quickly exfoliates. Complex peeling according to the first scheme lasts five to seven days and requires four to six sessions.

For peeling, it is necessary to prepare 2% and 20% salicylic alcohol, an ointment of the following composition:

salicylic acid - 35 g, soap - 35 g, vaseline - 30 g.

Drying mask powder consists of the following components:

white clay - 22 g, talc, starch - 5 g, alum - 1 g.

During the first session, the skin of the face is exposed to steam (steam bath), then washed with warm water with soapy cream or camphor jelly and thoroughly dried. After that, the skin is degreased. For this purpose, it is wiped two or three times with a cotton swab moistened with 2% salicylic alcohol.

After wiping the skin with a wooden spatula, salicylic-soap-vaseline ointment is applied, which must first be thoroughly mixed. Ointment should not be applied close to the hairline and eyebrows, as well as under the eyes. Under the influence of body temperature, the ointment easily melts, becomes liquid and can get into the eyes.

In 20 minutes. the ointment is removed by wiping the skin with a dry cotton swab, the face is plentifully powdered with the powder of the drying mask. From exposure to the ointment, the skin becomes inflamed, slightly reddens. Redness of the skin during the day increases, a slight swelling appears.

During the second and subsequent three to four sessions, the skin of the face is treated several (three to five) times in a row with 20% salicylic alcohol. After each treatment with alcohol, the skin is cooled with a fan or fan until the pain disappears completely. As a result of the application of 20% salicylic alcohol, a white coating forms on the skin, on which, as during the first session, an ointment is applied. After 15-20 min. ointment is removed.

After that, a drying mask is applied to the skin in liquid form, prepared as follows: a teaspoon of the powder is diluted to a liquid slurry with a 2% solution of boric acid. The mask has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes irritation and, speeding up the drying process, at the same time cools the skin. The mask should be kept on the face for at least 10 minutes; it is necessary to remove it with a dry cotton or gauze swab, leaving the face slightly powdered.

The skin with each session becomes more and more dry and tense, acquires a yellowish-reddish tint. The puffiness of the face increases.

It is necessary to achieve a uniform change in the skin. Usually, after three or four sessions, the skin dries out so much that it looks like a film resembling parchment, puffiness decreases. After the formation of a parchment film, it is necessary to take a two-day break, during which the skin should be abundantly lubricated several times a day with a 2% mercury ointment. At this time, cracks appear on the skin.

Then proceed to exfoliate the skin. To do this, lubricate the face with a 2% mercury ointment, under the influence of which the dried layer of the skin is slightly separated. After 10-15 min. massage the skin with light stroking movements for 5-8 minutes.

During the massage, exfoliated skin is easily removed. After the massage, the face is wiped with a lotion for oily skin and a dermatol ointment is applied to the skin in an even layer. After 10-12 min. it is removed with a dry swab and the face is plentifully powdered.

In order for the skin to completely separate, sometimes one session is not enough. In these cases, another session is performed with some modification. The skin of the face is liberally lubricated with a 2% mercury ointment. After 10-15 min. the ointment is removed with a dry swab and the face is massaged for 5-8 minutes. with massage cream.

Then within 8-10 minutes. make a steam bath, after which the face is washed with warm water and soapy cream and wiped off. A mask of the following composition is applied to the skin: zinc oxide - 40 g, vaseline oil - 60 g.

After 10-12 min. the mask is removed with a dry swab and the skin of the face is powdered.

Scheme of the second complex

With this peeling method, 20% salicylic alcohol and Arievich's ointment of the following composition are used:

salicylic acid - 12 g, lactic acid - 6 g, vaseline - 100 g.

The use of the scheme of the second complex is not accompanied by a violent inflammatory reaction. The horny layer of the skin dries up in the form of a continuous film and exfoliates in whole layers. This method of peeling is especially recommended for abundant, pronounced freckles.

In the first session, the skin of the face is first wiped once with 2% salicylic alcohol, and then treated three to four times with 20% salicylic alcohol. In the process of processing, after each lubrication with 20% salicylic alcohol, a break is taken for 2-3 minutes. and cool the skin with a fan rshi like a fan until the pain disappears completely.

After lubricating the skin with 20% salicylic alcohol, a white coating forms on it. Arievich's ointment is applied to it with a wooden spatula. After 5-8 min. the ointment is removed with a dry cotton swab, the face is powdered with talc.

After the first session, the skin feels tight and tense. The skin becomes inflamed, slightly swollen. The second and subsequent sessions are carried out daily until a dry film is formed. They differ from the first session in that the skin of the face is moistened immediately with only 20% salicylic alcohol. The number of lubrications increases to 10-20.

Scheme of the third complex

This method consists in treating the skin with 20% salicylic alcohol and applying a drying badyagi mask. This method causes rapid, but less deep peeling. Sessions are carried out daily until the skin dries evenly.

For facial skin rejuvenation, peeling is a very effective procedure. With peeling, intensive death of the cells of the stratum corneum occurs. Young cells that appear during exfoliation contain a lot of moisture and little pigment. As a result, the skin is renewed, becomes softer and more tender. Fine wrinkles and age spots disappear, as well as acne and scars after acne. Peeling is not recommended for those who have purulent inflammation on the skin, as well as with excessive hair on the face in women.

For the exfoliation procedure, preparations such as salicylic acid, bodyaga, as well as preparations containing mercury are used. These funds are used both individually and in combination. There is slow and fast peeling. With slow peeling, the death of surface cells occurs. This method is more suitable for dry skin. He is more forgiving. Skin changes are barely noticeable. Rapid desquamation is characterized by the death of deeper cells. The skin changes a lot. At first, it turns red and looks like after a burn. Then there is swelling and dryness. It cracks and separates into small shreds. On average, the peeling process lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

Slow peeling bodyaga

Indicated for oily skin, acne, freckles, bruising and scars. The complex of treatment consists of approximately 11 procedures. Before starting the session, you need to prepare everything you need: crushed bodyaga, 3% hydrogen peroxide, two cups, gauze napkins, cotton swabs. Hair must be picked up with a bandage and wrap a peignoir or cape around the neck. At the first session, you need to warm the skin with a steam bath for 10 minutes. Then wash with moderate temperature water using soapy cream and wipe dry. Bodyaga is poured into a cup (1-2 teaspoons) and, stirring with a wooden spatula, hydrogen peroxide is gradually added until a slurry is formed. 10 g of hydrogen peroxide is poured into another cup. The slurry is evenly applied to the face. After 5-6 minutes, it will dry out. It needs to be well moistened with a swab, soaking it in hydrogen peroxide from the second cup. At first, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the skin, and then a gradually increasing burning sensation is a signal of the effectiveness of the procedure. After 15-20 minutes, the dried gruel is carefully removed by moistening with warm water. The face is blotted with napkins. And plentifully powdered with talc or ordinary powder. Burning and redness last for several hours. Washing and using various creams is prohibited. You can only often powder the skin to reduce discomfort. Subsequent sessions are carried out according to the same principle, but there is no need to do a steam bath. Before the procedure, it is recommended to wipe the face with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol. Sessions should be repeated daily until the uniform peeling of the skin begins. Then they take a break for one or two days and proceed to the final procedures.

  1. First: muscle oil and 2% mercury ointment are applied to the skin, then a stroking massage is done.
  2. Second: lubricate the face with massage cream or vegetable oil and make a steam bath.

Peeling with 20% salicylic alcohol

This peeling method is recommended for dry skin.
e to eliminate freckles, age spots, wrinkles and whiteheads. At the first session, a steam bath is preliminarily made. Then the skin should be washed with water using a soapy cream, wiped dry and wiped with 2% salicylic alcohol. 10-15 g of twenty percent salicylic alcohol is poured into a glass or porcelain cup. Cotton wool is tightly wound on a wooden spatula. The spatula is placed in a cup for a couple of minutes so that the cotton wool is well saturated. Then you need to quickly lubricate the skin evenly 4-5 times in a row. When applying salicylic alcohol, care must be taken to ensure that the liquid does not get into the eyes and hair. Lubrication of the skin with salicylic alcohol is a painful procedure. To reduce burning sensation, it is necessary to cool the skin by turning on the fan or fanning the face with a fan. After 20 minutes, the skin should be wiped with soapy alcohol using a swab.

  • When carrying out subsequent procedures, a steam bath should not be done. The number of lubrication with salicylic alcohol should be gradually increased up to 15-20 times.
  • The peeling process with salicylic alcohol lasts from 10 to 12 days. At this time, you should not wet the skin and use any creams and ointments. It is recommended to constantly powder the face. Sessions should be done daily. After 5-8 sessions, when the face is very dry, you should take a break for 1-2 days.
  • The final sessions are carried out in the same way as with peeling bodyaga. During this period, it is allowed to use creams.

Peeling by any of the methods must be carried out very carefully and strictly follow the above recommendations. The drugs are very strong, and if used incorrectly, you can easily damage the skin. Therefore, before deciding on such a procedure, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

Allows you to eliminate various defects on the face, which often occur in people with this type of epidermis. Peeling for dry skin of the face can be done both in the salon and at home. This procedure is quite simple, but requires some knowledge and skills, since it is very easy to damage problematic skin.

Peeling procedure for dry skin at home

For dry skin type, peeling can be superficial (the upper stratum corneum is destroyed, which is then replaced by new and young cells) and median (not only the upper layer of the skin is affected, but also the middle one). Median peeling is recommended when wrinkles appear on the skin. Deep peeling can eliminate various defects on the skin, but it is not recommended to do it at home, because if performed incorrectly, the skin can be severely injured.

On the picture- chemical peeling faces before and after the procedure


At the fruit peel has its advantages - it contributes to gentle cleansing, quick recovery skin. The cleaning procedure is easy, and the result is stored for a long time. - fruit recipes at home.

In the photo - fruit peeling of the face before and after the procedure

To eliminate hyperpigmentation on the face, you can make glycolic, koi and. They are contained in preparations that are used mainly in the summer. They are easy enough to work with. The skin after the procedure will be rejuvenated, clean, smooth.

You can make your own cleanser at home. To do this, mix oatmeal and cream in a 1: 1 ratio, apply to the skin and leave for 7-12 minutes. Then you need to wash with warm water and grease your face with cream.

Many women who visit the cosmetologist's office have a fear that peeling will appear on the skin after peeling. For this reason, most of them simply avoid such a procedure. The number of fans of median peeling increases every year. This procedure, when performed correctly, benefits the skin, improves its structure and color, helps restore tone, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles on the face.

The procedure itself is characterized by the following process - active acid (often fruit acid) penetrates deep into the epidermis and becomes an impetus for the natural regeneration of the skin. For the first time after the procedure, the skin may turn red, begin to peel off or even swell. The skin recovery time is about a week (in each case it is individual).

Features of peeling

If you decide to undergo such a procedure, you should first make sure that the beautician who will do it for you is professional. Pay attention to the relevant documents and certificates, the components that are used for peeling, reviews in in social networks. An important stage is the preparation of the skin for a cosmetic session, while, on the advice of a beautician, special means for the skin, which prepare it for this type of procedure.

To date, median chemical peeling using TCA acid of various concentrations and in various combinations with other agents has become a generally accepted procedure.

The next step to focus on is the time of year and climatic conditions, because median peeling should not be done in the summer and in intense sunlight. It is best done in late autumn or winter. If you live in conditions of increased solar activity, you will have to endure and stay at home or indoors for a week (do not go to the beach and the like), be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat or a panama hat on your head, which will hide your face from annoying and dangerous during such a period sun rays.

As for the type of peeling, it is selected individually for each person, depending on the characteristics of the skin. Regarding age, any cosmetic procedures are made from the age of 18, with the exception of obvious indications (acne that needs to be treated, or scars after acne), but parental consent is required. Superficial peeling is carried out in a course of 3 to 6 procedures, the rest after each of them is at least a week. Median peeling is done in a course of 1 to 3 procedures, the interval between them is at least 3 weeks. It is not recommended to take a course of any type of peeling more than once a year.

Typical and atypical effects of peeling

Normal reactions to such actions with the skin are:

As a result of the removal of the protective upper layer of the epithelium, dehydration of this zone occurs, its sensitivity to ultraviolet and thermal types of radiation increases.
  1. Peeling of the skin after peeling is a natural reaction and you should not panic with this phenomenon. The individual characteristics of the skin and the type of medium peel will affect how long the skin will peel off. For example, after using trichloroacetic acid, not only peeling, but also swelling may appear. The average duration of this phenomenon is from 3 to 7 days.
  2. Redness. Median peeling is, by its principle, a chemical burn, which, when proper care will come off the skin. It can be described as a thin film on the skin, which transforms into crusts after a few days. This process is reminiscent of sunburn. The intensity and duration of such a reaction after cleaning is affected by the depth of exposure to chemicals (acids) and the degree of damage. For example, after peeling with trichloroacetic acid and retinoic peeling, redness persists for 5 days. Sometimes the skin may not turn red at all, it may be pink or bright red. This reaction is most intense in the first minutes after the procedure, then gradually disappears.
  3. Puffiness and pre-edema - appear on a thin layer of skin (neck, eyelids), such a reaction is the norm for median peeling.

Such consequences are the norm and with proper skin care are eliminated by themselves. But you need to remember that if redness and swelling increase, then you should not hesitate, you should contact your beautician and take the prescribed antihistamines.

Atypical consequences are: excessive rash, acne. This phenomenon occurs due to improper skin care after cleaning. To prevent such a problem, apply anti-inflammatory and anti-acne agents to the skin. In case of a severe rash, you should visit a beautician. His appointments usually include preparations containing zinc and antibacterial substances that help eliminate acne.

Another atypical consequence is scars and crusts. In no case should you peel off the skin that peels off, it only needs to be moisturized, constantly lubricated with a greasy cream. If the skin is torn off, spots and bumps on the skin may appear. With proper care, the crust will peel off on its own.

Another consequence is hyperpigmentation. Such a reaction may be due to an incorrectly chosen season for peeling. To avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to remember the inappropriateness of this procedure in the summer and spring. Before the procedure, you need to prepare the skin by treating it with kojic and retinolic acids.

Features of skin care after peeling

After superficial peeling, you can wash your face in a day, as you feel the tightness of the skin, and a thin film forms on the face. After carrying out the median peeling, you can wash your face no earlier than 2 days after the face has been covered with a thin shiny film and the skin has become tight. Washing can be done with thermal water and non-abrasive cosmetics. After any of the chemical cleanings, the skin should be treated with Panthenol or oily moisturizers. You can not be in the sun after the procedure and sunbathe in the solarium for a month after cleaning.

It should be remembered about intensive moisturizing of the skin, so it will heal and recover faster. Priority should be given cosmetics, which have a gel-like structure, so they are absorbed in a matter of minutes and moisturize well, eliminating tightness and overdrying of the skin.

But it is contraindicated to use any means in the first few days after cleansing, only when the peeling of the skin begins after cleansing, you can intensively moisturize it.

The skin should be protected from the sun, wind, cold and other irritants. This way you can avoid hyperpigmentation. After peeling, focus on creams containing antioxidants. Wear a high-level sunscreen when you go outside (50). This also applies to skin care in the autumn. Such products should be used even 2 months after dry cleaning.

An important factor is the rejection of decorative cosmetics during the restoration of the skin. No need to touch your face, do not use decorative cosmetics for several weeks. Subject to simple rules it is possible to provide fast and most comfortable recovery of the skin after peeling.

The skin is peeling - what to do?

This process is the norm after a cosmetic procedure. This is a sign that the procedure was performed correctly and the process of cell regeneration has already begun. No need to be afraid and panic at the sight of flaky skin. Under the influence of aggressive substances on the skin, the upper layer of the epidermis is practically removed by peeling. Dead cells are removed, new, young and healthy appear. In the case of superficial peeling, peeling is not pronounced and disappears a day after the procedure. After the median peeling, the top layer of the skin is exfoliated, which begins after a few days and continues throughout the recovery period.

Uniform darkening of the skin, which disappears on its own after exfoliation (after 1-2 weeks).

No need to rip off pieces of what has peeled off. To speed up this process, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and properly care for your skin. This will ensure a uniform and painless exfoliation, after which scars and age spots will not remain. For skin care, use creams containing Panthenol, fatty creams, thermal water for washing. All these products help to increase the protective functions of the skin and give it the missing moisture for optimal cell regeneration. No need to be afraid to visit the cosmetologist's office. All consequences are individual and, with the right procedure, are minimal.

Peeling, prematurely fading, oily skin, or combination, problematic with many black dots, in addition to high-quality care, requires special cleansing measures. Facial peeling is considered a popular method. Read below about what it is and what the procedure allows you to achieve.

Facial peeling - what is it

Facial peeling is cosmetic procedure, aimed at cleaning different layers of the skin of a person's face, acting with chemicals or hardware methods, in order to rejuvenate and smooth the skin.

The word "peeling" itself comes from the English word "peeling", which means peeling, or rolling.

One of the most common peels is a cosmetic procedure. deep cleaning skin with special cream, gel and similar products from dead epidermal cells, along with dust particles and other elements that clog pores.

This method is one of the most effective and safe, therefore it is more popular than other types.

In any organism, there is a continuous division, formation and death of old cells. So, a kind of “molting” occurs not only in animals and birds, but also in humans, and even more often: human skin is completely renewed, gradually being replaced by a new one, somewhere in 27 days, and so about 1000 times throughout life!

The skin undergoes many changes with age - it loses firmness and elasticity, pigmentation and wrinkles appear.

But over the years skin renewal occurs less and less, and the stratum corneum accumulates, thickens and coarsens, skin is done:

  • rough to the touch, unhealthy grayish hue;
  • more sensitive to the sun, cold and other external stimuli;
  • pigmented due to increased perception of ultraviolet radiation;
  • unable to get rid of dead cells on their own;
  • in addition, its dead particles clog pores, provoking the appearance of black dots, and sometimes subsequent inflammation, premature wrinkles, and flabbiness.

Who is face peeling and contraindications

Facial peeling (what it is, we found out) is recommended for middle-aged and older women, since the need for artificial cleansing and skin aging are closely interconnected.

Sometimes, at problematic skin- adolescents, in the absence contraindications, such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • high body temperature;
  • various lesions, eczema, psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis, somatic disorders;
  • inflammatory and malignant skin processes;
  • allergy to the drugs with which the session is performed;
  • bacterial and viral infections of the skin, pustular lesions, herpes;
  • serious cardiovascular diseases (the procedure activates not only local, but also all regenerative processes in the body, starting the renewal process and thereby accelerating all biochemical reactions in the body, increasing the load on the heart).

In these and similar cases, it is advised to refrain from this event, using products suitable for your skin type for deep skin cleansing: natural lotions and soft organic scrubs.

Facial peel results

Peeling facial cleansing, which lasts from several minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the type of procedure and the current condition of the skin, allows you to achieve following results:

Facial peeling (what it is - see above): before and after photos
  • normalization of hydrolipidic skin balance;
  • reduction in the number of deep and elimination of fine wrinkles, scars, post-acne;
  • stimulation of the production of collagen - a natural protein that increases elasticity, firmness and structural relief of the skin, clear outlines, sculptural face;
  • activation of metabolic processes of the skin, due to which the symptoms of fatigue disappear, the complexion improves, acquiring a fresh, even color;
  • elimination of other skin imperfections associated with age-related changes.

But it is highly undesirable to expose young healthy skin to the specific effects of chemical reagents. It does not need additional purification, as the recovery processes in it proceed naturally.

Facial peeling, which is not an exclusively preventive procedure, is an effect on the deep layers of the skin, which results in microtrauma.

Facial peeling is primarily intended for mature skin

On mature skin, the latter has a favorable effect - the production of collagen, the “building element” of the skin, increases, while in young, delicate skin it can cause dermatosis and prolonged irritation, redness.

The same can be said about the depth of the peeling effect - the older the woman, the rougher her skin becomes, requiring a deeper penetration of abrasive elements.

The peeling procedure is often confused with exfoliation, considering it a synonym for the first, since it also involves peeling the dermis and is translated as “peeling”.

But exfoliants are plant (fruit) or lactic acids that facilitate the removal of dead microparticles on the skin surface - the epidermis, softening the roughened layer of the skin. Peeling particles, depending on their size, properties and composition, are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, up to the subcutaneous fat base - the hypodermis (acid peeling).

Facial peeling should not be confused with exfoliation

Alpha-hydroxy acids, which are part of gommages - “erasing” agents, are typical exfoliants that actively cleanse pores from blackheads, post-acne marks and impurities, and also have rejuvenating properties. In fact, these are creams of a delicate texture that are suitable for dry, easily vulnerable skin.

But still exfoliation should be done no more than twice a week, so as not to erase the natural protective barrier of the skin, and she had time to restore it.

Benefits of the procedure

Peeling has its advantages:

  • facial peeling has a similar effect, but more pronounced - the skin remains clean for a longer period, which allows you to resort to this cleaning less often;
  • also after such a procedure, the effectiveness of nourishing and moisturizing agents increases, which easily penetrate the internal structure of the skin, saturating it with beneficial substances for a long time;
  • its timely implementation renews the skin, slowing down the aging process, transforms it externally, making it smooth, velvety, tender and, as it were, radiant from the inside;
  • after it, the production of sebum decreases, oily sheen is eliminated, combined type the skin “levels out” to normal – the dermis functions in a balanced way, releasing sebum evenly;
  • as a result required less makeup to correct facial flaws, which allows you to look younger and more natural, less likely to expose the skin to harmful decorative cosmetics.

Types of peeling according to the depth of exposure

Peeling types are divided into the following categories:

  • physical(ultrasonic cleaning or CO2 laser vaporization);
  • chemical(alphahydroxy acids of different origin (salicylic, glycolic) and consistency) - allows you to get rid of scars, scars or smooth them out, small wrinkles and excessive pigmentation;
  • mechanical(dermabrasion with abrasive microparticles, brushing);
  • biological(for example, “water” peeling with Garra Rufa fish eating dead skin; in Thailand, such exotic procedures are very popular: special aquariums are installed in salons, where you can thus make a simple but perfect pedicure).

Having learned what facial peeling is, it is necessary to find out the differences between the types in terms of the depth of their impact.

Superficial peeling of the face

Superficial facial peels affect the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Superficial peeling is the most non-traumatic

This is the least traumatic procedure for the skin.: chemical elements penetrate the skin no more than 1/100 mm, leaving intact the deep "living" layers. Sometimes it is used to prepare the skin for SHP - a medium chemical peel, which allows you to achieve a better anti-aging effect.

PCP is allowed to be done every 1-2 weeks: The frequency depends on the type and degree of oiliness of the skin. After it, slight redness on the skin is observed, which lasts about 1-2 days, after which peeling begins, indicating the exfoliation of old cells, but this should not be feared, since it disappears on its own after 3-5 days.

Medium facial peel

SHP, or medium chemical peel, is performed using 20%-50% trichloroacetic acid.

For a medium chemical peel, you will need 20% -50% trichloroacetic acid

It is also used as a rejuvenating treatment after the harmful effects of solar insolation, which causes early aging and the appearance of age spots on the skin, as well as to eliminate the effects of inflammatory processes and age-related changes.

SHP is performed both on the face and other areas of the body: on the neck, décolleté, back of the hands. This type of peeling is used for patients at least 25 years old.

Before starting the procedure, a preliminary preparation is carried out, which takes about 2 weeks.: the skin is nourished with moisturizing tonics and creams containing glycolic acid, retinol, ascorbic acid; superficial peeling is also carried out 1-2 times so that the SHP acts on the skin evenly.

To prevent complications caused by infections, it is recommended to conduct a course of antiviral and antibacterial therapy.

Also, in order to avoid such manifestations of hypersensitivity to trichloroacetic acid due to allergies, such as runny nose and lacrimation, You must take an antihistamine immediately before the procedure..

At the end of the procedure, the skin turns a little red, and then a crust forms, which subsides after about a week; pinkness of the skin can last up to a month (+/- 2 weeks). All this time, the skin needs:

  • protect from direct sunlight, use sunscreen (according to Dr. Mavon, 80% of the causes of skin aging are due to sun exposure),
  • moisturize the skin with vitamin masks and cosmetic oils, soothing herbal decoctions that maintain an optimal ph level.

By the way, this does not mean at all that the procedure cannot be planned for summer season: in countries such as Israel and Florida, where there is increased solar activity all year round, peeling is carried out at any time.

Deep face peeling

GHP, or deep chemical peeling - the most highly effective of all types of peeling, working through the entire epidermis, as well as the papillary and reticular part of the dermis.

As a result, many senile and well-established mimic wrinkles and scars disappear.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The preparation includes the same steps as for the median peeling.

There are such types of peeling deep impact:

  • hardware;
  • chemical.

The first includes, in particular, dermabrasion - hard cleaning of the face with a special metal brush or a softer throw (a device with rotating brushes made of natural bristles), when the balls of the epidermis are removed in stages.

The grinding technique allows you to permanently get rid of such defects as:

  • scars
  • post-acne;
  • scars after chickenpox;
  • consequences of acne;
  • natural (freckles, spots) and artificial skin pigmentation (tattoo), against which peeling with fruit acids is also effective.

Professional facial peels

Professional facial peeling involves the procedure by qualified cosmetologists in the salon. This will ensure its high safety and the same efficiency, achieved not only thanks to specialized equipment and experience of workers, but also individual approach the latest to each visitor.

The universal characteristics of peels and preparation for them were considered; below we offer a description of the distinctive features of its species and the preparations intended for them.

Enzymatic facial peel

Enzymatic facial peeling is a treatment of facial skin with enzymes that accelerates metabolic processes based on:

  • pineapple and papaya– from Organique in Poland (suitable for all skin types), “Bark” gommage with phytoenzymes (removes acne marks);
  • salicylic acid- "Stop Problems" from Michel Laboratory, Eveline Cosmetics, Dr. Irena Eris (has an antiseptic effect, prevents acne; designed for problem skin);
  • lactic acid- "Premium", "Milk mousse" (against rosacea and hyperpigmentation), "GiGi" and "Retinol Forte" (improves blood microcirculation, increases the production of elastin and collagen) with phosphoric acid and retinol, Dermalogica, Age smart (anti-aging agents);
  • glycolic acid- "Platinum" and "RVB" (7%), "One Care" (20%) (whitens, activates collagen production, smoothes wrinkles).

This is one of the most gentle and soft peels on the market. natural basis that improve the condition and appearance delicate areas of the skin.

It is one of the types of exfoliation, because enzymes are enzymatic exfoliants.

In a beauty salon, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The face is cleansed of makeup and impurities with a lotion.
  2. Then a pre-peeling solution is applied to the skin, which is prepared from a powdered agent and remains on the skin for 15 minutes, or a gel that is applied for half an hour.
  3. During the session, there is a slight discomfort in the form of a slight burning sensation and tingling, which indicates the introduction of therapeutic acids into the skin structure, but after washing off the medicine with warm water, it disappears.

Its approximate cost is 1500 rubles.

Gas-liquid face peeling

Gas-liquid peeling of the face is a non-contact surgical cleaning of the skin developed in Israel at a pressure of 8 atm using a special apparatus that sprays an oxygen-carbon dioxide gas mixture at a speed of up to 300 m/sec.

This allows you to carry out both a tightening and a superficial massage, adjusting the depth of penetration (for rough skin imperfections). So, has a curative effect:

  • sprayed oxygen, which contributes to a better absorption of nutrients by the dermis from the inside and from the outside,
  • saline solution 0.9% sodium chloride
  • or vitamin moisturizing cocktail.

The price of the procedure is 2000-2200 rubles.

Chemical peeling of the face

Chemical, or phenol peeling - deep cleaning of the face, carried out in a hospital in the following way:

Chemical peels can also be done at home using special products.
  • the skin is treated with an exfoliating preparation;
  • followed by anesthesia (usually local);
  • the skin is disinfected with alcohol and acetone;
  • a mixture of phenolic acid with propylene glycol, distilled water and liquid glycerin with oil is applied to the face;
  • at the end, silicone is applied, forming a film, which, in turn, is covered with a mixture of jelly, similar to semi-liquid wax;
  • the formed mask is left for 1-3 days, allowing free phenol to enter into chemical reactions with the skin, after which the doctor removes the film along with the lagging particles;
  • then the skin undergoes no less deep moisturizing with the cream, absorbing it for 40-120 minutes.

The cost of peeling fluctuates around 500-1200 rubles.

Almond Facial Peeling

Almond facial peeling: what it is, it is especially interesting to know the owners of porous, oily skin.

This is a superficial chemical peel with mandelic acid.
Such an acid is a powerful comedolytic (breaks down sebaceous plugs) and a keratolytic, or exfoliating substance that fights acne, post-acne inflammation.

It is a viable alternative mechanical cleaning. In other respects, it works in the same way as other peels.

The line of drugs of the well-known brand MedicControlPeel, which is famous:

  1. Martinex;
  2. A set of tools "Alpika";
  3. "Cosmoteros".

Specialists often use it as a preparation of the skin for further procedures: SHP or laser resurfacing.

The price of 1 session is 1-4 thousand rubles, the course, which includes up to 8 procedures, is approximately 22 thousand rubles.

Facial peeling roll

Peeling-roll for the face removes keratinized particles from the surface layer of the skin, which facilitates the removal of sebaceous and dust accumulations from the pores. Their active active elements - cellulose, calcium chloride, lactic and fruit acids, "sweep away" dead skin particles on their way, rolling them along with impurities.

Peeling roll is ideal for thin skin with closely spaced vessels.

Popular means of this type of peeling:

  1. Renophase;
  2. "Shiseido Green Tea";
  3. "Shilibao" (gel peeling);
  4. Clarins;
  5. Korean "Tony Moly", "Missha", "Mizone";
  6. Domestic "Libriderm", "Propeller".

The average cost of the procedure is 1250 rubles.

Facial laser peeling

CO2 laser facial cleansing is carried out with a high-precision erbium laser, which reduces the thermal effect on the skin.

Thereby the procedure is less time consuming and painful(which is partly achieved by local anesthetics) and is not traumatic.

The laser is able to dry the contents of the cells in a small fraction of a second. It activates the production of collagen, stimulating the contraction of its fibers, which has a leveling lifting effect.

The price of the session is 7-9 thousand rubles. The course is no more than 10 procedures.

Ultrasonic face peeling

Cleansing the face with ultrasonic radiation, which causes vibrations and mechanical pressure in the surface layers of the skin, contributes to the gentle separation of dead cells from viable ones without any damage.

It allows:

  • even out the tone and relief of the skin;
  • to establish local lymph and blood circulation;
  • reduce tissue swelling;
  • increase moisture and depth of penetration of nutrients into the skin.

Issue price - 3000 rubles. For the procedure. 1 course is equal to 5-10 sessions.

Calcium chloride for face (peeling)

Peeling with calcium chloride slows down cataplasia (aging) of the skin. Its action, like all other chemical peels, is based on the renewal of the deep layers of the dermis due to microtraumas and the subsequent destruction of the upper ones: at first, this is manifested by a slight burning sensation, which is quite normal (except for itching along with redness, which may indicate hypersensitivity to chloride calcium).

The procedure is carried out, both in the salon and at home, once a week, in the following way:

  1. Cleaned skin is covered with baby soap foam;
  2. Clean fingers are dipped in a 5% -10% solution of calcium chloride and rubbed into the face with massaging movements until a slight squeak and spools appear;
  3. Wash off the product from the skin;
  4. Refresh the face with tonic or cream.

Ampoules with calcium chloride are available at any pharmacy for about 40 rubles; salon services will cost 3000 rubles.

Acid facial peel

Acid peeling for the face is ideal for girls over 25 years old, that is, those who have not yet faced obvious problems of aging, but may have difficulty in caring for pigmented, enlarged pores skin.

One of the simplest and therefore most common varieties acid peeling- fruit acids

It is subdivided into the following acid groups:

  • fruit;
  • dairy;
  • glycolic;
  • salicylic;
  • retinol;
  • almond.

The price of the session is 1000 rubles; the frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 7 or more days.

Milk peeling for the face

Milk peeling for the face is good for mature skins. and: lactic acids (included in the preparations "Laktikpil" 50%, "Secret Key") give the skin a healthy shine and elasticity lost over the years.

Milk peeling is usually used as a preparatory step.

It will not fix serious problems, but it can prevent many:

  • giving skin tone
  • increasing its elasticity
  • removing small mimic wrinkles.

Cosmetologists usually use it in a phased and preparatory peel. The cost of such a procedure fluctuates around 1500 rubles.

Glycolic face peel

Glycolic facial peeling minimizes the symptoms of photoaging, eliminates the problem of “ingrown hair”, small wrinkles, dullness of the skin; speaks preparatory stage to salon peeling.

Glycolic acid is part of:

  1. "Bielita Face Care";
  2. "Easy Peel" 5-10%;
  3. "Medical Collagen";
  4. "Lierac High Peel Concentre";
  5. "Pleyans".

Just like with other peels, with glycolic face cleansing, it is forbidden to spend a lot of time in the sun. For this reason, procedures are best done in autumn or winter. Their estimated cost is from 1500 rubles.

Carbon face peel

Carbon peeling is a relatively new peeling technique in our latitudes, while in Europe and the USA it has already been tested enough to be in great demand.

The therapeutic effect is provided by the double action of a laser and a carbon gel with nanoparticles applied to the skin.
The laser beam, falling on the carbon pigment contained in the gel, enters into an instant reaction with dead skin cells and, drying the mixture, leads to its exfoliation along with keratinized particles.

It fights all the previously listed skin problems, is used at any time of the year, is absolutely painless and does not lead to complications.

The maximum number of peeling sessions is 5 in 5 weeks. The price of the procedure is relatively acceptable - from 2000 rubles.

Retinol facial peel

retinol, or yellow peeling carried out by applying products with retinoic acid to the skin, which in color resembles lemon juice with honey.

This is a superficial type of peeling. It is most useful for women from 35 to 50 years old.

It is safe, acts gently, and in terms of properties, this acid is no different from its predecessor - retinol, or vitamin A, the main advantage of which is anti-aging properties. Among its obvious advantages, one can name the shortest period during which the skin is restored after cleaning with its help - only 2 days.

Preparations with retinoic acid:

  • pharmacy "Retin-A cream" 0.05%;
  • Russian Carrots peel from Arcadia, Cimel from Martinex, Medicontrolpeel from Tuscany Laboratories;
  • American "Mene & Moy", "Timless peel" from "Cosmedix";
  • Spanish "Retises" from "SesDerma".

The price of the procedure is from 1450 rubles.

Diamond face peel - what is it?

Having heard for the first time that there is a diamond peeling of the face, what it really is, not everyone immediately understands correctly.

Diamond peeling is a special skin resurfacing using a diamond-coated vacuum suction device.
, microcrystals of which provide high-quality dermabrasion not only of the face, but also of any other part of the body that requires a delicate approach: neck, décolleté, stretch marks.

This is one of the few hypoallergenic and low-traumatic peels that do not require strong analgesics during treatment. Otherwise, it gives the same effects as other mechanical cleaning methods, except that, according to clients, it adds more velvety and “sleek” to the skin.

To obtain a high result, a single use of diamond dermabrasion may be sufficient, but it is also possible to repeat the procedure several times in a week, which should be determined by a specialist when examining the skin.

The price of a single use of this cleaning is 1.5-3 thousand rubles.

Fruit peeling for the face

Fruit face peel provides atraumatic cleansing while saturating the skin with vitamins and antioxidants; it not only exfoliates old cells, but also accelerates the formation of new ones.

Below list of famous brands of fruit acid peels:

  1. "Carrot's peel" from "Arcadia";
  2. "Planet Organica";
  3. "Bio Phito";
  4. "Dermalogica" (gentle cream peeling);
  5. "Christina";
  6. "Age-Peel Filorga";
  7. Jansen;
  8. "Mirra Professional";
  9. Japanese "BCL Clear Peeling lotion".

Peelings "Gemene" and "Holy Land" are ideal for use at home.

This type of peeling, in comparison with others, in the salon has a fairly affordable price - from 460 rubles.

How to do a facial peel at home: a step by step guide

The best peeling products for home use include:

  • biological: protein, vegetable lissin - Bio-Peeling Cream, Anti Aging cream (mild anti-aging professional creams released in Israel);
  • vegetable: gommage, adsorbing sebum and narrowing pores - "Sisley", "Aven", "Verbena Faberlic", "Teana", French Arnaud rituel visage creme de gommage (creams, cream gels and cream masks of thick consistency);
  • exfoliating: Alpika cream with a set of fruit, as well as glycolic and succinic acids, Faberlic Air Stream, Derma E, Evenly Radiant Overnight Peel;
  • natural mechanical: exfoliants with crushed seeds of grapes, raspberries, peaches, apricots - scrub "Clean Line", "Honey and raspberries" from MIKO, "Olive and grape seeds" from Bielita Oil Naturals Cream;
  • enzymes for dry, dehydrated skin- Skin regeneration, Janssen with subtilisin enzyme;
  • for all skin types, as well as skin prone to rosacea: Israeli GiGi Peeling regular.

These are easy ways to prevent wrinkles, stimulating regenerative processes.

Before exfoliating at home, cleanse and moisturize your skin

For home peeling you need:

  • moisturize and cleanse the skin with lotion or foam;
  • apply the peeling mixture in a uniform layer on the areas of the body cleaned for the procedure (face, neck, perithoracic area, etc. areas), without missing a single centimeter so that the skin is treated evenly, but avoiding the eye area and lips;
  • withstand 15-20 minutes, if there is no excessive discomfort or the skin is very oily - 30 minutes; to enhance the effect, you can cover the face / body with a whole piece of cling film, cutting out the nasolabial and eye openings in advance, or cut into 10-centimeter strips;
  • wash off the composition from the skin with a large volume of cooled, but still warm boiling water;
    as well as after salon facial peeling, the skin should not be touched throughout the day, as this can infect the “bare” skin, which is fraught with such consequences as mycosis and pyoderma;
  • as well as after salon peeling, the face should not be touched throughout the day, and for the next 3-5 days, you need to take care of the skin only with mild agents (washing foams, micellar water, hydrophilic oils), using additional moisturizers.

Facial peeling at home: effective recipes


Mix boiled beans mashed to a homogeneous consistency with 1 tsp. olive oil and 5 drops of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into clean skin and leave for 7 minutes before rinsing off.

Another version of the recipe, more radical, is the juice of a whole lemon with 1 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. l. milk.


Dilute 2 tbsp. l. dry yeast, 1 tsp. bodyagi powder, in hot water, add 5 drops each sea ​​buckthorn oil, salicylic acid and dilute with milk to the density of sour cream. Wait 10 minutes after application and wash.

Peeling with hydroperite tablets will help cleanse oily skin faces

Cleansing (for oily and combination skin)

Dissolve toilet soap and 2 tablets of hydroperite in 30 ml of glycerin.

Add 2 tsp. boric acid and 10% ammonia and stir until the consistency of cream.

Add after 3 drops of calcium chloride.

Apply the mixture with rubbing movements to the entire face, except for the eyelids and mouth.

Wait until dry, rinse thoroughly.

Treat your face with a moisturizer.

Peeling face mask: how to make

To make a peeling mask, you need:

  • prepare a peeling mask according to the appropriate recipe;
  • steam the skin in a bath, if it is not there - over a steam bath with a decoction of chamomile and sage, covering your head with a towel;
  • after 10 minutes, wet the face with a disposable napkin, smear with a cream to retain moisture;
  • apply a mask on open pores;
  • wash your face with water.

How often can a face peel be done?

The frequency of face peeling depends on:

  • skin type- Owners of oily and combination skin need home peeling 1-2 times a week, and dry or normal skin is enough - the same amount, but per month.
  • type of procedure- superficial peeling in the salon is carried out 2-3 times, medium - once a month, and deep chemical - once every 2 months.

About facial peeling (what it is and how to do it correctly) - in this video:

How to do peeling at home:
