Revitalizing face mask at home: the best recipes. Facial skin recovery masks Facial mask fast recovery

We live in a time filled with events and a frantic rhythm. Flying days in troubles and worries bring with them constant stress and a negative effect on the skin. The epidermis begins to gradually “forget” about its protective abilities and weaken. We see the result in the mirror - a tired face with skin that has lost its blooming appearance. But there is one home cosmetology tool created for such cases - a restoring face mask.

When will it be useful

At home, we can easily and quickly make SOS masks, which in a matter of minutes will restore the protective functions of the dermis, help it “remember” all its natural qualities, healthy appearance and adapt to negative weather factors. If you:

  • Spent a sleepless night or a hard day, but you need to look beautiful.
  • Have been taking for a long time medications by doctor's prescription.
  • Love to abuse cosmetics and make-up.
  • Constantly experiencing lack of sleep and stress.

Revitalizing face mask at home will effectively help restore the energy of health and radiant inner light to the dermis. Restoration and intensive nutrition is especially necessary for our skin in a cold and vitamin deficiency period.

The best homemade recipes

Restorative sessions can be carried out daily, changing recipes. Steam oily and combination skin with hot baths. You can “cheer up” a dry one before the session by applying a heated terry towel to it.

Attention! Use only fresh products for masks, especially dairy products. All masks should act on the dermis for half an hour. This time is best spent in a relaxed state with the lights off.

Restoration of normal skin

The normal type of dermis does not cause much trouble. To restore the blooming appearance of such skin, tonic masks with a whitening effect are ideal.

  • Potato

Mix grated raw potatoes (30 gr.), Lemon juice (4 drops), egg yolk and a pinch of salt. This tool will not only “invigorate” and restore cell function, but also slightly whiten and cleanse the skin.

  • Dairy

In warm milk (20 gr.) Add (5 drops), melted honey (10 gr.) And a small piece (crumb) of rye bread. This mask has a rejuvenating effect and is well suited for restoring already mature skin.

  • herbal

Pour boiling water over a mixture of dry linden and chamomile flowers (6 g each). We insist the broth for half an hour and add the yolk, glycerin (8 gr.) And honey (12 gr.) To it. Pour the whole mass with boiled water (100 ml). This remedy is restorative and preventive. It prevents the formation of early wrinkles and gives the skin freshness and health.

Help for oily skin

The sebaceous dermis needs to be treated more carefully. Regenerating masks with the effect of narrowing the pores, which can cleanse the face well and slightly dry it, will help her recover and find a flowering appearance.

  • From curdled milk

To curdled milk (20 gr.) We mix oatmeal (10 gr.) And lemon pulp (1/2 fruit). Thanks to oatmeal, this mixture has a gentle cleansing property. It slightly whitens and dries the oily epidermis, smoothing it and tightening it.

  • Cranberry

We make a mixture of cranberry juice (20 gr.), Potato starch and kefir (10 gr. each). This tool is aimed primarily at toning the oily dermis. Cranberries with the richest reserves of antioxidants heal the dermis well and rejuvenate it.

  • yeast

Dry yeast (15 gr.) Rub with kefir (18 ml). Instead of kefir, you can take curdled milk or yogurt. The mass has a very refreshing and soothing effect on the face.

More yeast mask recipes.

Revitalization of dry epidermis

To recovery good looking persons with desiccated skin need to take deeply nourishing and moisturizing formulations. After all beautiful view dry dermis is impossible without its hydration and good nutrition.

  • cucumber

Mash one small peeled cucumber and add cottage cheese (25 g), warm milk (10 g) and flax oil (5 g) to the pulp. It is an excellent tonic and whitening agent that nourishes exhausted skin and regenerates it.

  • Potato

Boil one potato and mash. Mix warmed milk (10 gr.) And yolk to it. Such a remedy, in addition to restoring, rejuvenates dry skin, nourishing and moisturizing it well.

  • With Aloe

To obtain medicinal juice, we need a few lower leaves of a mature plant. They are previously kept in the refrigerator at -6 ° C. In such conditions, Aloe actively stimulates the production of biologically active substances. After the leaves have “hardened”, the juice from them is mixed with liquid honey in a ratio of 1: 2. A revitalizing face mask with aloe will perfectly rejuvenate dry skin and give it a fresh and blooming look.

Love to take care of your skin? Do you want to make masks for her at home? Then read our article further.

Revitalizing Yeast Facial Mask

You can easily make a restorative yeast face mask. It is necessary to dilute twenty grams of yeast in warm milk, then leave them to infuse. After you notice the bubbles, you should apply it on your face for about twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Potato face mask

It is required to boil one potato, then crush it, adding the egg yolk and milk there. Apply this mask on your face for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Revitalizing mask for mixed type faces

To prepare such a mask, you need to take sunflower oil, cottage cheese, carrot juice and milk. All this must be very thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for twenty minutes. Remove this mask using a cotton swab and cool water.

Honey-curd face mask

It is required to take a small spoonful of honey and one egg, beat it all until foam is obtained. Then add a couple of large spoons of cottage cheese and quite a bit of sugar to the resulting mixture. Rub thoroughly and apply on face for thirty minutes. It is necessary to remove such a restoring mask with any kind of water. You will be very surprised by restorative face masks made from ordinary halva. A prerequisite is that halva should be gentle, thorough grinding. This mask is applied to the face for ten minutes.

Revitalizing cucumber face masks

You need to grate the cucumber on a fine grater, then add a few tablespoons of olive oil there. If you encounter a problem age spots or freckles, then sour cream must be added to such a mixture. This mask is not only restorative, but also refreshing. It can be safely used in the area around the eyes.

Sour cream blueberry face mask

It takes a small spoonful of mashed berries and a few large sour cream. After mixing thoroughly, it is required to apply on the face for twenty minutes. The revitalizing face mask can be washed off with warm water only. This mask is ideal for aging skin.

Grapefruit honey face mask

To prepare such a restorative mask, you will need blue clay, egg white, essential oil from orange, honey and grapefruit juice. All in the same proportions. After mixing thoroughly, apply on the face and keep the mask for ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

If you decide to use such restorative masks in the winter, it is also recommended to add a few drops of glycerin, if not available, then a couple of small spoons of olive oil.

Hercules flakes are not only a guarantee healthy lifestyle life, if used as food, it is also an excellent ingredient for the preparation of cosmetic products for face and neck skin care. Hercules saturates and nourishes our skin with many vitamins. Such a product prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles and removes old ones. So, let's talk with you today about how to make a herculean mask so that it brings our skin into perfect condition.

Purifying Hercules Facial Mask

Brew a large spoonful of hercules flakes, then add a spoonful of sour cream and a small spoonful of honey, you also need to salt the hercules mask. Apply to face and wait until it dries completely, wash with warm water. This herculean mask opens the pores and completely cleanses the skin of all impurities.

It is necessary to add chopped raw oatmeal flakes to the whipped protein, and also not a large number of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply a mask of hercules on your face. Massaging it a little, wait until it dries completely. It is necessary to wash with a decoction of chamomile.

Hydrating Herculean Facial Mask

Grind oatmeal flakes and soak with a mixture of juices, such as orange, tomato, lemon. You also need to add some milk. This hercules mask should be kept on the face for only twenty minutes, then wash with plain warm water.

Nourishing Hercules Mask

Grind a large spoonful of cereal and mix it with a large spoonful of honey. By the way, honey should be liquid, if you have it a little candied, then you need to heat it in a water bath. Thoroughly mix the oatmeal flakes with honey, if desired and as needed, you can add carrot juice (it will brighten your complexion if you are very pale), lemon juice (lighten your skin) or vegetable oil (in case you have dry skin). Keep such a mask of hercules on your face for about fifteen minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Rejuvenating Herculean Anti-Wrinkle Mask

To prepare a face mask, you need to mix fifty grams of oatmeal, fifteen grams of camphor alcohol, five grams of glycerin, and quite a bit of thymol. Add some boiled water, in order to get the consistency of thick sour cream and apply the mask only on mimic wrinkles. Keep such a mask of hercules for about an hour, then wash with warm water. This herculean mask will perfectly help smooth out annoying wrinkles.

Revitalizing Lemon Mask

The lemon face mask based on the yolk of chicken eggs, to which you need to add olive oil and lemon juice, will help the skin recover and restore the lost tone. Next, mix the lemon mask thoroughly and put it on your face with massaging movements for 20 minutes. The mixture is then washed off with a cotton swab.

Lemon face mask with sour cream

A homemade lemon face mask can restore a healthy, vital look to the skin. To prepare a lemon mask, you do not need a large amount of products, you just need to mix 2 teaspoons of chicken yolk with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, add the same amount of sour cream. Then, thoroughly mixing everything, apply a lemon mask on the skin of the face. Maintain for 5-10 minutes and put a compress of green tea, which must be brewed in advance.

A mask that restores the skin of the face is a tool that should be in the arsenal of every woman. A properly selected restorative mask will help to cope with a number of cosmetic problems and in a matter of time will return the skin to a well-groomed healthy look.

Unfortunately, professional tools, with which you can restore former beauty, cost a lot, and many of the fair sex simply cannot afford to purchase them. But this does not mean at all that they will not take care of the skin of the face properly. They should know that the best solution in such a situation is a restorative face mask at home.

Poor ecology, malnutrition, stress and lack of proper care - all this makes our skin weak, tired and dull. As a result, dryness, peeling, loss of elasticity and premature appearance of wrinkles.

The revitalizing mask helps to deal with several problems of the epidermis at once, and it can be used to different types skin and at any age, which makes this cosmetics simply an indispensable care product.

Cosmetologists distinguish the following main properties of masks:

  • help to restore not only the superficial, but also the deep layers of the skin of the face due to intensive nutrition with vitamins;
  • quickly eliminate dryness and peeling, make the skin soft and moisturized. Can be used for SOS recovery after a long stay in adverse weather conditions ( hard frost, wind, sunshine);
  • help to get rid of many skin problems caused by external factors (small wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, enlarged pores, small rashes);
  • contribute to the elimination of age spots;
  • return a healthy radiant complexion.

It is important to remember the most important rule when using restorative masks at home: the restoration of different skin types cannot be carried out using one universal remedy.

Therefore, first you need to determine exactly what type of skin your face belongs to, as well as what kind of problem you would like to solve. After that, you can start preparing and applying the mask according to the recipe.

Homemade Revitalizing Mask Recipes

In order to restore the skin of the face at home, it does not take much time and money. All recipes for cosmetic masks are very simple, and the ingredients for their preparation can be bought at the nearest store.

Having decided on the type of skin, choose the most suitable recipe for yourself and feel free to start the recovery procedure, without forgetting to test for sensitivity on the inner bend of the elbow before that.

Intense Nourishing Blend for Dry Skin

A honey-based mask will help save dry skin from peeling and tightness. For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 st. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 egg yolks.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then slightly heated in a water bath, carefully making sure that the mass does not boil.

Apply the mask in several layers with a cotton swab or cosmetic brush. The next layer is recommended to be applied 5 minutes after the previous one. In total, the mass can be applied to the face up to 5 times.

It is necessary to completely wash off the mixture 5 minutes after applying the last layer. To consolidate the effect of the mask, cosmetologists advise washing after the procedure with a decoction of chamomile flowers.

For mature skin

For skin in need of thorough hydration, tightening and color enhancement, a potato-based revitalizing treatment is perfect.

  • To prepare it, you will need a medium-sized vegetable, 1 egg yolk and 2 tbsp. l. fat milk or cream.

Potatoes need to be boiled and mashed from it by adding milk. The slightly cooled mass is mixed with the yolk and applied to the previously cleansed face for 20 minutes, after which it is gently washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied.

For oily skin

To restore the normal functioning of cells with excessive fat content of the skin, a mixture with the addition of citrus juice allows.

  • It is prepared from 1 egg white, whipped into foam, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

After mixing all the components until a homogeneous mass appears, the resulting mask is left on the face for 15-20 minutes. When applying the product, avoid the area around the eyes.

For normal skin

Happy owners of a normal skin type who want to refresh their complexion and give the skin a radiant healthy look will surely like an apple-sour cream mask.

  • A ripe apple is ground on a fine grater and mixed with a small amount of sour cream in a ratio of 1:1.

You can even apply the product on the eyelid area. Keep the mask on the skin for 15 minutes.

Women who regularly use regenerating face masks at home note that their skin becomes more elastic, hydrated, dryness, irritation disappear, color improves, and many other skin problems disappear. To achieve the desired effect, skin restoration must be carried out at least 1-2 times a week.

Making face masks at home is not only fun, but also healthy. If you made a mask yourself, you are 100% sure what and why you put in your mask. In addition, you will save a significant amount of money that is usually spent in beauty salons. I present to your attention, 7 restoring face masks at home.

1. Orange mask

We all know that freshly squeezed orange juice is very good for health. Did you know that orange pulp, which we usually throw away when making juice, can be used as a revitalizing face mask? Take the pulp of an orange, honey, oatmeal and yogurt, mix everything, apply on the face, and rinse with warm water.

2. Cucumber mask

Blend one cucumber, add some yogurt and you have one of the easiest face masks ever! Such a mask can be done all year round, especially in summer.

3. Mint mask

A mint mask will help you not only restore your skin, but also get rid of blackheads. To prepare such a mask, you will need a little effort and time, but trust me, the result is worth it. Beat one large cucumber in a blender, put the mass in a saucepan, add a little water and crushed mint leaves, and boil a little. Apply the resulting mass on the face, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

4. Fruit mask

Fruit mask is very beneficial for the skin of your face. To make a revitalizing fruit mask, you will need 3 slices of papaya, 2 slices of mango, 1 slice of pineapple and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask on your face, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can also read about cosmetic face masks in this article -.

5. Strawberry mask

Strawberry mask is one of the best restorative face masks. Especially strawberry mask is suitable for those who have oily skin faces and enlarged pores. Take 5 large strawberries, mash with a fork, and add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the mixture on your face, leave for 10-15 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

6. Olive oil mask

This mask is more suitable for recovery damaged hair. Mix 2 egg yolks with ¼ cup olive oil. Apply to hair and leave for an hour. Do not apply to hair roots. Olive oil is very beneficial not only for your skin, but also for the body. Read about other benefits of olive oil.

7. Herbal tea mask

Have you ever made revitalizing face masks at home? What other masks do you make?

A modern woman runs every day on business, rushes somewhere and solves problems. With all this fuss, there is not enough time to take care of the beauty of your skin. But she so needs constant care, care and cleanliness. Therefore, it is very important to make revitalizing face masks to always look fresh and natural.

It should be remembered that restorative masks are not always expensive and do not take much time. In fact, even 10 minutes a day is enough to be grateful to you. Let's look into various types restorative masks.

Revitalizing face mask at home

Home restoratives are sometimes even better than those that beauty salons are ready to provide. Another important advantage of such masks is that they are all made from natural ingredients that “won’t hit” your pocket. Indeed, it happens that the effect of home mask much more than the one that will be made in the cabin for a more "round" sum.

For restoring masks at home, you can use the following products.

  • Milk - refreshes the face and rejuvenates it. No wonder milk has long been used by countesses in order to remove a couple of three years.
  • Eggs prevent wrinkles and nourish the skin with beneficial substances.
  • Honey will help make the skin soft, like a baby's. Honey is also added to masks as a base or nutritional base.
  • Lemon treats not only the throat, but also the skin from inflammation, narrows and cleans pores, whitens and rejuvenates the face.
  • Apples create a softening effect that makes the skin feel silky and matte.

Potato mask

Mashed potatoes mixed with egg and milk are applied to the face for 15 minutes. After such a mask, the face becomes soft and the pores are clean.

Oatmeal mask

In oatmeal cooked in milk, add a tablespoon of ground walnuts. This mask is applied to the face for 40 minutes and washed off with warm water. Nuts will clean your face, and oatmeal will absorb all the fat and eliminate inflammation.

cucumber mask

Grated cucumbers are mixed with olive oil(sour cream) and applied to the face. Hold for 15 minutes. Cucumbers will give the face freshness and purity.

Revitalizing facial mask with collagen

To always remain elastic, young and elastic, it needs collagen. Every year there is less and less collagen in the skin and therefore it ages and “falls”. To slow down the unpleasant process, you need to give the skin as much collagen protein as possible.

Gelatin mask

Steam the gelatin, honey and olive oil. The mixture is applied to the face warm and washed off after 15 minutes. If acne and black dots bother you, then activated charcoal is also added.

seaweed mask

Finely chopped sea kale is mixed with milk and applied to the face. After the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Revitalizing Aloe Facial Mask

In order to prepare such a mask, you will have to go to the store and pharmacy, but believe me, the result justifies itself, because aloe is indispensable for refreshing and restoring facial skin.

To prepare such a mask, you need to mix aloe juice with water, honey and glycerin. To get a clear effect, you need to add oatmeal. This mask is applied to all parts of the face (even on the skin around the eyes) and left for 10 minutes.

Revitalizing face mask in winter

In winter, the skin is subjected to special tests: chapping, freezing, dryness. All this adversely affects the condition of the face, so in the cold season, the skin needs special care and attention.

banana mask

To the crushed banana, you need to add a little face cream, a few drops of lemon and olive oil, and then mix everything. This mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. During application, you should relax and not think about problems. This will help you relax and get the desired effect.

cabbage mask

Cabbage leaves should be scalded with boiling water to make them soft and clean. While warm, smeared with olive oil and applied to the face and neck. The effect will not keep you waiting.

Revitalizing face mask Natura Siberica

Natura Siberica face masks are in high demand on the market among women of different ages. Pleasant texture and smell have earned a lot of sympathy for the fair sex.

Revitalizing face mask Natura Siberica well relieves various types of inflammation. If your skin is prone to dryness and peeling, then the presented remedy is ideal. Also, this is another proof that high-quality can be cheap, because on average such a mask will cost 100 rubles.

Collagen Revitalizing Facial Mask Collamask

Collamask is ideal for those who struggle with wrinkles. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of wrinkles, as this is a natural process of the body. But this mask will help improve the condition of the skin, namely: it will increase elasticity and resistance to age-related changes. This is facilitated by collagen protein, which is the main component of such a mask. The mask also removes dirt and toxins from the epidermis, filling the skin with vitamins and minerals. The price matches the quality. On average, the cost of this mask varies from 900 to 1500 rubles. Another of the main advantages is that the Collamask mask does not cause allergic reactions.

Time Shadow Revitalizing Facial Mask

A mask based on orchid oil softens the skin and eliminates wrinkles in the deep layers of the skin, which helps prevent age-related changes. This face mask is unusual in its composition, because Time Shadow is a silk mask that interacts with the skin as much as possible. Thus, the pores are effectively cleansed, and the face is moisturized, because the preparation contains wheat gluten, which is rich in vitamins. It is suitable for any type of skin. The mask is applied in a special way and pressed tightly to the face. The top layer is removed blue color). Keep it on your face for 15 minutes, and then massage your face until everything is absorbed. This mask will return the skin natural color, will make it matte, soft and elastic, will contribute to the birth and restoration of new cells.

Preparation of a mask for cleansing pores: video
