Professional care for oily skin. Rules for daily care for oily skin at home

The main reason for the appearance of oily sheen on the skin is the increased production of progesterone due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Facial care should be comprehensive, including several stages. In addition to the basic cosmetic procedures aimed at cleansing, it is important to take care of moisturizing, nourishing and improving hormonal levels. Only by combining several methods, you will achieve a good result.


Women and girls often face oily epithelium, which is considered normal at the age of 25-35 years. It is necessary to ensure that by the age of 36 this problem has disappeared, otherwise it is worth contacting an endocrinologist.

Excessive "greasiness" may be the result of hormonal imbalance, so it is recommended to eliminate this particular disease. However, with complex care, oily skin will not cause trouble for its owner.

Before choosing one or the other cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to determine the type of skin in advance. To do this, it is enough to conduct a test:

  1. Wash your face thoroughly with soap, which includes a cream (for example, Dove), then wipe it with a hard towel;
  2. Do not use care products after water procedures, let the skin “breathe” for three hours;
  3. Attach a paper napkin, mirror or papyrus to the forehead to determine the presence / absence of grease stains.

In the event that you find oily traces on the test item, this means that the skin is prone to oiliness. If the test did not reveal these signs, the skin can be safely attributed to dry or normal.

Symptoms of oily skin

  1. The abundance of black dots and inflammation. In the absence of proper care, pores begin to clog, then blood supply and metabolic processes slow down. As a result, acne and inflammation appear massively.
  2. Peeling. To the surprise of many, oily skin also peels off, especially in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose, chin and temples. This symptom appears due to dead cells, if the skin is not cared for with exfoliating agents (scrubs, peels).
  3. Enlarged pores (facial orange peel effect). Due to the abundance of pollution in the pores, keratinized epithelium and excessive "greasiness" bacteria multiply. The skin acquires a yellowish tint, a rash begins, which provokes the expansion of the pores.
  4. Decorative cosmetics (powder, shadows, blush, Foundation). Due to the constant secretion of subcutaneous fat on the face, even the most expensive cosmetics do not hold well. In such a situation, it is important to use a special series, which is selected strictly individually by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
  5. The presence of oily sheen. The accelerated activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the accumulation of impurities in the pores, so the face looks gray with a greasy sheen in certain areas (forehead, nose, chin).

Caring procedures

Washing. Simple recommendations will make the face matte, and specially designed products will help maintain the effect for a long time. Competent and balanced skin care, prone to oily and acne, always begins with washing.

Gel is a great option. To begin with, it is recommended to rinse your face with warm water, which will open the pores, as a result of which it will be easier to remove impurities. Next, the gel is applied to the palm of your hand and rubbed until foam is formed, after which you need to rub your face with smooth movements.

As a result of simple actions, the skin was thoroughly cleansed, so you can proceed to washing with cold water. It will close the pores, preventing further contamination.

Cleansing. Regular cleansing is the key to beautiful and healthy skin! Many ladies make the mistake of resorting to using alcohol-based cleansers. It only contributes to the accelerated activity of the sebaceous glands, which begin to replenish the necessary balance with a vengeance. For these reasons, the skin becomes even more oily. A merciless tonic of this kind should be replaced with an emollient lotion prepared at home.

Homemade tonics and lotions for oily skin

  1. A mixture of soap and soda. A cotton pad is thoroughly lathered and then dipped in soda. Next, the face is wiped with a swab with the resulting mass until a thick foam is formed, which should seize with a crust. After simple manipulations, the mask is washed off with cold water.
  2. lotion at home. Melissa officinalis is mixed with vodka at the rate of 10 ml / 50 ml, after which the mixture is infused for at least five days. The resulting tincture is diluted with 40 ml of water. Apply morning and evening using a soft cotton swab.
  3. Lemon as a cleanser. The face is rubbed with lemon several times a day for a month. After the expiration of the period, the procedure is repeated with regularity every other day.
  4. Grapefruit tonic. Grind the citrus in a blender along with the zest, pour 150 ml of vodka, then insist in a dark place for eight days. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin to the mixture, use daily in the evenings.
  5. Lotion based on birch bark. 50 gr. chopped birch bark is poured with 250 ml of water and simmered over low heat for about an hour. Then the broth is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The lotion is applied 2-4 times a day.

In addition to those described above cosmetics owners of oily skin are recommended to wash with water with essential oils (jojoba, rosemary, mint and others). This method is used as an additional one, since it has an auxiliary effect in the fight against acne and inflammation.

Important feature proper care- regular use of masks, which can be easily done without leaving home. A cosmetic product of this type prevents the appearance of acne, dries and relieves the skin of oily sheen, draws impurities from the pores.

Honey and citrus fruit juice
50 gr. thick honey mixed with 30 ml of squeezed orange (lemon, grapefruit) juice. Apply to the face and cover the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with cling film. Hold for at least 40 minutes, then rinse with melted water and smear your face with a non-greasy cream.

Cucumber and boric acid
Grate the cucumber with the peel on a medium grater or chop in a blender. Mix the resulting mixture with boric acid in a ratio of 4:1. The mass is applied to the face in a rich layer and aged for no more than a quarter of an hour, then washed off with cold water.

Curd-carrot mask
In 40 ml of corn oil, pour 35 gr. grated carrots, pour 20 ml of milk here and stir in 50 gr. cottage cheese. Apply the mass on the skin in large quantities, hold for about half an hour, then remove with water. After the procedure, wipe your face with ice or wash again, but with melt water.

Oatmeal mask
60 gr. combine oatmeal with the protein of one egg, mix thoroughly and apply on face. Hold for 40 minutes, rinse first with cold water, then warm and again cold.

Cream and lemon juice
Cream with a fat content of not more than 10% is mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the mass on the skin, hold for about 25 minutes. Pour into a container of water, add ice, then wash.

Kefir, yeast and berries
40 gr. crushed frozen berries mixed with 15 gr. brewer's yeast and add to 60 ml of kefir. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, hold for 10 minutes, remove with cold water.

In order to efficiently take care of oily skin at home with the help of a scrub, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The mass is applied only to a cleansed face, so you should get rid of cosmetics in advance.
  2. Before applying the product directly, it is worth testing it on the wrist. If the epithelium in this place becomes oily, you need to change the proportions of the components.
  3. The scrub is not applied to damaged and irritated areas of the skin (wounds, scratches, inflammation, etc.).
  4. Before applying the product, you need to steam it in advance using warm water. This will help open up the pores, making it easier for the sebum to be removed.
  5. After the procedure, you can not rub your face with a hard towel.

Home scrub recipes

  1. Lemon and salt. Lemon juice, crushed zest and sea salt are mixed in proportions 1:2:1, the mass is applied to the face with massaging movements. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. Frequency of application - 3 times a week.
  2. Blue clay. 60 gr. natural yogurt is mixed with 40 gr. clay, then the mixture is carefully rubbed into the skin for 3 minutes, washed off with warm water. The procedure is suitable for people with oily epithelium in the presence of enlarged pores.
  3. Scrub from green, black and brown clay. Combine all types of clay into a single mass in equal amounts, then pour boiled water until a viscous consistency is obtained. Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes and apply on the face, paying special attention to the temples, wings of the nose, forehead and chin. Wait until the scrub dries, then gently remove it with water.
  4. Milk and cane sugar. In 100 ml of cold milk add 50 gr. cane sugar, massage the face with the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, remove with cool water. The tool gives the skin dullness, narrows the pores, reduces sebaceous secretions.

Peeling is the exfoliation of dead epithelial cells due to small particles. The skin becomes smooth, like silk, oily sheen disappears and the pores are significantly cleansed. It is generally accepted that peeling is salon procedure However, at home, this type of care is also possible. It is important to understand that during the exfoliation of dead cells, the face is stressed, so going outside after such an event is highly undesirable.

Almonds and oatmeal
Oatmeal is mixed with almonds chopped in a blender in a ratio of 40 gr. for 40 gr. 20 ml of skimmed milk is poured into 20 ml of jasmine infusion, 2 drops of lemon essence are added to the mixture. Next, the two compositions are combined into one and infused for about half an hour. The mass is applied to a pre-moistened face, rubbed in a circular motion for 20 minutes. May be used every day.

Dairy products and citrus peel
The zest of orange, lemon, grapefruit and tangerine is carefully dried in the oven, and then crushed in a blender. Then the flour is added to kefir, cream or yogurt. Apply to the face with smooth movements and massage for 20 minutes. May be used daily.

Coffee grounds
40 gr. the thick is diluted with kefir to the desired consistency. Apply to dry skin. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes, since this type of peeling is not a sparing procedure. The recommended frequency of use is every other day.

Cosmetic ice for oily skin

Recipe: Make a decoction of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, calendula, lemon balm, sage and mint, mix with white wine in a ratio of 3: 1, pour into molds and put in the freezer. Wipe the face with the resulting cubes daily 2 times a day. If there is no result, increase the frequency of applications to three times in a day.

It is advisable to follow a number of recommendations described above in order to rid yourself of the hated shine, regular rashes, acne and the accumulation of black dots. Scrubs, masks, peels - all these procedures can be done on your own, without seeking help from specialists. It is important to remember that the abuse of moisturizers is contraindicated for owners of oily skin. Cosmetic recipes are designed specifically for this type, they will narrow the pores and make the complexion radiant. A person's health can be judged by his skin, so it should always be well-groomed!

Video: how to care for oily skin

Proper care for oily skin should begin with a thorough cleansing. Some make a gross mistake by using . This leads to the fact that the skin intensively restores the lack of fat, begins to produce fat even more actively. You have to resort to cleansing your face more often, removing oily sheen.

You can not wash, high contributes to a more intense release of fat. Use for washing water at room temperature or cool water, which perfectly tones the skin and invigorates, narrows enlarged pores. Refuse to use ordinary toilet soap, it only dries the skin. The cleanser should contain antibacterial ingredients, essential oils of lemon, tea tree or basil.

Perfectly help for the treatment of oily skin washing with sour milk, curdled milk or kefir. Moisten a cotton swab abundantly in the selected fermented milk product and wipe the skin of the face along the massage lines, paying particular attention to problem areas. Finally, wash with cool water.

Oily skin needs deep cleansing. Exfoliate two to three times a week to clear pores of accumulated dirt, sebum, and wen. Mix equal proportions of freshly squeezed lemon juice and sea salt. Apply the resulting scrub to clean skin face, massage in circular motions and wash your face after a couple of minutes. It is not recommended to use this remedy for inflammation on the face.

Masks for oily skin

In addition to proper washing and cleansing, the skin needs nutrition and hydration. Pamper your face twice a week natural masks. In the fight against excessive oily skin, an oatmeal-based mask has proven itself well. To prepare it, take oatmeal and grind it. Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal with pre-beaten egg white. Apply the mask on your face and leave for twenty minutes, wash your face mineral water. This tool perfectly copes with oily skin, tightens pores.

To prepare a moisturizing mask, mix a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey and the same amount. olive oil. Mix thoroughly and apply the mixture in an even layer on cleansed skin. After twenty minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water, pat your face dry with a soft cloth. Such a mask tightens pores well, evens out the relief of the face, moisturizes the skin, makes it matte.

With excessive secretion of sebum, the skin looks shiny, its pores are enlarged, the color becomes grayish. Sebum easily clogs the pores in which plugs are formed - comedones, they are especially visible in the form of black dots on the nose and chin. Oily skin is easily inflamed and prone to pustules. The oiliest skin is observed in the nose, forehead and chin, where the largest sebaceous glands are concentrated. Severe oily skin usually occurs in adolescence. However, increased sebum secretion sometimes persists up to 30-50 years.

What causes oily skin

Oily skin is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It happens:

  • in disorder and disorder nervous system;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands; chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • abuse of spicy and spicy foods big amount animal fats;
  • with prolonged and excessive use of fatty creams and ointments.

Increased secretion of sebum may be associated with increased activity of the sex glands during puberty.

The nature of nutrition, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the state of the autonomic nervous system matter. Features of sebum secretion can be inherited.

But oily skin also has its advantages - it stay young longer. The same sebum is a natural protective film for the skin, which protects it from the harmful effects of the environment. In women with oily skin, wrinkles appear much later than in others.

In any case, such skin requires special care.


Cleansing is the main action in oily skin care. Bacteria find a favorable breeding ground in excess fat and can cause inflammation (pimples). However, do not wash frequently. hot water, since the activity of the sebaceous glands only intensifies. The skin after washing with hot water and soap very soon becomes oily again.

People with oily skin should wash themselves with hot water no more than once a week while taking a general hygienic bath (bath).

After taking a general bath, the face must be immediately rinsed 2-3 times with cold water. On the rest of the week in the morning you need wash with cold water which tones the skin, tightens pores and helps to reduce its greasiness. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with water-soluble products - gels, foams. It is also recommended to use a face brush when washing.

For oily skin, massage with a facial brush with very soft bristles is useful. If you rub the gel into the skin with it for about two minutes in a circular motion with gentle pressure, you can deeply clean the pores.

If the skin is inflamed, after each cleansing, blot it with toilet water, in which contains alcohol. It will disinfect the skin and prevent the appearance of new inflamed areas. Lotions containing zinc oxide and salicylic acid are very useful. Zinc oxide slightly tightens pores and removes excess oil from the surface of the skin. Salicylic acid - an antibacterial agent - promotes the rapid healing of acne and makes the skin soft.


Regular use of exfoliators (two to three times a week) can prevent clogged pores and the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Tiny granules in these products cleanse the surface of the skin from dead cells and stimulate blood circulation.

Exfoliators are best used in the evening, after cleansing the skin.

Particularly gentle and at the same time nutritious peeling gels. While tiny grains remove "dirt" from the skin, the gel gives it a lot of moisture. As a result, the skin looks particularly smooth, soft and supple. Peeling products with the addition of nettle extract are very good. This anti-inflammatory agent is located inside tiny grains and is released after rubbing into the skin. The extract prevents the appearance of acne, blackheads and promotes their healing.


Instead of greasy creams, it is best to use a light emulsion (hydrogel) from a series of anti-inflammatory care products. They contain very little fat(or not at all) and a lot of moisture. The emulsion is applied in the morning on cleansed skin and rubbed with fingertips.

Tea tree oil

An excellent remedy for inflamed skin is tea tree oil. The method of its application is very simple: pimples and blackheads are moistened several times a day with a 5% oil solution. The effect is achieved within a few days.

steam baths

It is very good to do steam baths 2-4 times a month, best in the evening before bedtime. Under the action of steam, the pores of the skin are cleared of black spots, the skin vessels begin to act more intensively.

For the procedure, prepare a thick-walled vessel with a capacity of 2-3 liters, a terry towel, paper napkins and cream.

  1. Before making a steam bath, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin, and lubricate the eyelids with eye cream.
  2. At the bottom of the prepared vessel, pour a handful of dried chamomile or sage flowers if the skin is oily.
  3. Fill the vessel 3/4 with boiling water and place it on the table.
  4. Tilt your head over a vessel of water and cover yourself with a towel.
  5. Keep your face closed for about 10 minutes.
  6. After that, it is best to dry your face with a napkin with light blotting movements and rinse your face. boiled water room temperature, adding a few drops of lemon juice to it to narrow the pores that have expanded during the steam bath.

Face massage

A good result for oily skin is given by several courses of cosmetic facial massage. However, you can not do massage and self-massage with the use of fatty and emollient creams; for this purpose, you need to take talc or refined vegetable oil.

The right cream

A foundation for oily skin should also be chosen according to its type. Foundation creams for oily skin should not contain fat, they should be well absorbed, leave no greasy marks and serve as a good base for powder. For example, you can not use foundation creams intended for aging skin because they contain fats and moisturizers that oily skin does not need. During the day, oily skin can be gently blotted, powdered with compact or loose powder.

Special diet

For those with oily skin, a special diet is recommended. It is advisable to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Food should be lean. Flour and sweet foods should be excluded from the diet or sharply limited in it. You should eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products, as well as boiled fish, buckwheat porridge, black bread, give up coffee and smoked meats.

Two to three times a week, be sure to make masks for oily skin. They cleanse and tighten enlarged pores, relieve inflammation and improve complexion.

Face masks

Below are the recipes for the most effective masks for oily skin:

  1. Mask of curdled milk or kefir: with a cotton swab, apply kefir or yogurt on the skin of the face. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This mask dries out the skin.
  2. From egg white and lemon juice: Whisk the protein into a foam. Mix with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice. Apply to face and neck. Keep 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This mask will give the skin a fresh look.
  3. Yeast and fruit juice mask: Mix 20 g of yeast with 1 teaspoon of fruit juice (lemon, cranberry, currant, etc.). You can add a little warm water or milk to the mass. Apply to face. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This mask cleanses the skin well.
  4. cucumber mask: grate a piece of fresh cucumber on a fine grater. Mix it in a ratio of 1:6 with boric acid. Apply to face. Hold for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This mask cleanses and refreshes the skin.
  5. From apples and egg white: grate a small apple on a fine grater. Mix with whipped protein. Apply to face and neck. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  6. Apple and starch mask: grate a small apple on a fine grater. Mix with 1 tablespoon of starch (preferably potato). Apply to face and neck. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  7. From strawberries or wild strawberries: crush the berries and mix with beaten egg white. Lubricate the skin of the face and neck with this gruel. As soon as the first layer begins to dry, apply the second. Then apply the third layer of berries in the same way. Wash off the mask with cool water.
  8. Green tea mask: Pound 5 tablespoons of green tea in a mortar or grind in a spice grinder. Mix the powder with 3 tablespoons of kefir. Apply the mass on the skin of the face. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  9. Mask of cranberry juice, starch and egg white: beat the egg white. Mix with 1 teaspoon cranberry juice and 1 teaspoon starch (preferably potato starch). Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  10. From fresh yeast and hydrogen peroxide: yeast (20 g) mixed with a few drops of lemon juice and a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply foamy mask for 15-20 minutes.
  11. Honey mask with protein and flour: gradually add a teaspoon of honey to the whipped protein, mix, then thicken with flour until a slurry is formed. The duration of the mask is approximately 20 minutes.
  12. From yeast and sour cream: This mask acts degreasing, it softens the skin and improves its tone. Mix 20 g of yeast with sour cream (or milk) until a slurry is formed and apply on the face. The duration of the mask is about 20 minutes.
  13. Tightening mask: beat the protein into a strong foam, add three teaspoons of boric water and apply on the face for 20 minutes.
  14. White clay and milk mask: white clay dilute with milk. apply on face, leave for 15 minutes. rinse with water. The mixture cleanses and dries the skin.
  15. Oatmeal mask: grind 3 tablespoons of hercules in a coffee grinder, dilute with warm water, add lemon. Apply to face, leaving for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm and then cold water.

Biostimulant plants

Oily skin care with biostimulant plants:

  • Lemon: several times a day, wipe oily areas with a swab dipped in lemon juice, just a slice of lemon or a mixture of lemon juice and water (1 teaspoon in 1/2 cup of water).
  • Orange: together with the peel, grate on a plastic grater, pour half a glass of vodka, leave for 5-7 days in a dark place. Then strain, squeeze, add a tablespoon of glycerin to the resulting lotion. Wipe oily porous skin in the evening.
  • Grapefruit: Squeeze the juice from one medium-sized grapefruit. Add 3-4 drops of camphor alcohol. Wipe daily oily porous skin.
  • Oak: 10-20 g of bark pour 1 glass of water. Boil in an enamel bowl over low heat or a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain, dilute with water to the original volume. Wipe the face with oily porous skin.
  • Wild strawberry: pour half a glass of crushed berries with 1 glass of vodka, insist in a dark place for a month. Strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1.
  • Cabbage: 10-15min. before washing, wipe your face with sauerkraut juice.
  • Nettle: squeeze the juice from the leaves of young nettles. 1 tablespoon of juice pour 100 ml of vodka. Apply this lotion to oily skin morning and evening.
  • Plantain: pour two tablespoons of crushed dry leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wipe the skin with the infusion in the morning and evening.

Regularity and accuracy in performing the necessary cosmetic procedures will allow you to avoid the troubles associated with the peculiarities of this type of skin and enjoy its health and purity.

And there is little secret of all beauties: everything that is done with the skin should be done with pleasure and bring pleasure. You need to love yourself, your face, your body, your skin, hair, nails, and they will answer you the same. Any cosmetic procedures should be done in a good mood. And be sure to believe that any movement, any cream or serum will surely bring you the minutes of youth won from time, which day after day will turn into years.

The owner or owner of oily skin can be seen from afar. In such people, the skin of the face is rough and oily, shiny with an earthy tint, reminiscent of the texture of an orange. Oily skin is characterized by the fact that it is secreted in excess and, having combined with dead skin cells, creates a blockage of the sebaceous glands. This leads to the formation of blackheads and blackheads.

Characteristics of oily skin type

As a rule, this type of skin gives the owners a lot of problems. Pimples form on it, it is constantly covered with a greasy film that prevents it from “breathing”.

As a rule, this type of skin is characteristic, but even 10% of adults have “faces” with oily skin. The cause of such skin manifestations is hormonal system, namely the male hormone - testosterone, which activates the sebaceous glands. The only joy of having an oily skin type is that it is less prone to aging, and wrinkles on it appear somewhat later than those of owners or.

Oily skin becomes oily even faster if not properly cared for.

That's why good view and the health of oily skin depends on the factors affecting it and on proper care. Some products may be great for one girl or guy's oily skin, while others may not help maintain a healthy and beautiful face. Therefore, choose the right effective remedy for a particular person is quite difficult.

Oily skin benefits from various cleansing masks, compresses, steam baths.

In the morning and evening washing, you can use a decoction of oatmeal or sour milk. After washing, you can lubricate the skin with a cleansing lotion or tonic, strong brewed tea, infusion of chamomile, sage or oak bark.

Nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics help oily skin look healthy. Cosmetologists recommend doing cleansing masks 2 times a week. With enlarged pores, dermatologists advise wiping the skin with cucumber or lemon juice diluted with water, and instead of ordinary water, wash your face with unboiled milk every few days.

Cosmetologists-dermatologists offer owners of oily skin to try the following step-by-step daily care:

Morning care for oily skin

1. Washing with cool water with cleansing gel or foam

Washing with cool water that tones the skin, a special cleansing gel or foam that dissolves easily in water and is intended for the care of skin prone to excessive secretion of oil. You can not use simple soap, which only dries the skin, leaving a plaque.

This product cleanses and soothes the skin well, preparing it for the subsequent application of makeup.

3. Application of a special moisturizing base cream with a low content of fatty components and oils

If acne and inflammatory formations are already observed on the skin, it is recommended that they be spot-treated with salicylic acid or peroxide.

4. Use of SPF products (foundation, mineral powder)

If you need to go outside, you need to apply an SPF product, for example, foundation or mineral powder. A product with SPF protection is applied last, on top of all makeup, otherwise it simply will not work.

Evening care for oily skin

Evening care for oily or any other skin begins with its cleansing of make-up with the help of special products - gel or foam for washing.

It is good to use special serums containing vitamins.

Oily skin care throughout the day and regularly

During the day, you can use special wipes that remove oily sheen. They do not spoil makeup and qualitatively remove excess sebum.

The most important part of oily skin care is regular cleansing. This is helped by scrubs with particles of raspberry pits, microparticles of cedar shells or apricot pits. After cleansing with such a scrub, the skin becomes smooth and silky. However, the cleansing procedure must be very careful, as there is a risk of microtrauma. Peeling is done no more than once every three days. It is best to scrub the skin before going to bed, when it is no longer necessary to go outside.

After 25 years, a good effect can be achieved by peeling with products containing AHA acids. They are considered the best helpers to get rid of old and dead cells, skin renewal, stimulate the formation of young cells. It is best that these procedures are carried out by specialists.

Mixtures containing clay or therapeutic mud are well suited as masks. They allow you to narrow the enlarged pores, preventing their pollution.

Oily skin cleansing

Oily skin needs cleansing more frequently than other skin types. Wash your face at least three times a day with special products. And remove makeup with a cleansing cream. It is better to use soft lotions with a tonic effect. They stimulate blood circulation and tone the skin, improving its texture.

For oily skin it is very important to use special means, which regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and increase the immunity of cells to various infections.

Washing water should not be hard.

Oily skin: care mistakes

The first mistake is dry skin

If the cleanser dries out the skin too much, the result is reversed. The skin tries to restore the composition and brings even more sebum to the surface.

Beautician advice: Use sparing means, but more often. Wipe the skin several times a day with a lotion or tonic designed for oily skin. This remedy contains antibacterial substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

The second mistake is squeezing pimples

Do not squeeze blackheads and pimples often. A pimple is a plug of dead cells and sebum. In place of an inflamed pimple, acne and serious inflammation can come.

Beautician advice: Blackheads should be squeezed out no more than once a week. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin, steam it with a steam bath in a decoction of chamomile or sage. After that, with a cosmetic cotton swab wound around your finger, gently pressing, squeeze out the blackhead. Then disinfect the inflamed area.

The third mistake is stress and severe anxiety.

Do not worry about oily skin and acne. The reasons can be different: a large amount of sweets in the diet, hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene. We need to identify the cause and solve it! But extra stress can exacerbate poor skin condition.

Beautician advice: It is worth contacting a specialist - together it will be easier to cope with the problem.

The fourth mistake is the wrong medicine

Incorrectly chosen medicine exacerbates the problem, causing the appearance of new skin inflammations.

Beautician advice: When appointing any medicinal product ask a specialist about its effect on the skin.

Fifth mistake - frequent peeling

Do not exfoliate very often. Removing dead skin cells with exfoliating agents is definitely beneficial. However, with frequent and uncontrolled conduction, the opposite result occurs: the skin begins to secrete sebum in even greater quantities.

Beautician advice: Peeling should not be done more than once every three days. In case of acute inflammation of numerous acne, it is worth abandoning peeling until they are cured, since exfoliation of particles can injure the inflamed skin more.

Masks for oily skin

Exist special masks for oily skin, helping to get rid of the problem:

Mix one tablespoon of kaolin and cornmeal, one egg white, half a teaspoon of medical alcohol and lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to the face and aged for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Mix two teaspoons of honey and natural yogurt with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour on the face, rinse with warm water.

Beat the white of one egg with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply a thin layer on the face. Wait until the composition turns into a film, rinse with warm water.

Calendula leaves in the amount of a tablespoon pour 100 g of boiling water. Cool until warm. Put a towel soaked in infusion on your face for a quarter of an hour. Wipe your face with a dry soft towel.

Propolis mask

A quarter cup of olive oil and 15 ml of propolis tincture mixed with 15 g of wax. Melt on a steam bath. Cool until creamy and add the yolks of 2 eggs. Apply to face for 10-12 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In the production portfolio of any well-known cosmetic company, there is a line of therapeutic cosmetics aimed at caring for facial skin prone to excessive sebum production.

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleansing and narrowing the pores, it is recommended to use products of the same series. Experts explain this by the fact that then cosmetics will not have a reason to "conflict", causing irritation and additional problems. In addition, dermatologists recommend changing the manufacturer every quarter due to different effects. medical cosmetics on the skin. This method will help you achieve great results. It is best to choose medical and caring cosmetics with the help of professional help.

You can start the selection of "your" series with the main components. Antibacterial tonic And cleansing gel must be in the cosmetic bag of the owner of oily problematic skin.

If after a few days of using them, the skin condition has improved, then these cosmetics are ideal.

You can safely purchase the rest of the products in this series: facial wash, tonic lotion, scrub, moisturizer, cleansing mask.


Prevention of premature age-related changes

As mentioned above, before going outside, where the sun's rays and wind will affect the skin, it is worth using special protective equipment. They help protect the skin from premature aging. Sunscreens consist of water, fat, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing ingredients. After returning from the street, especially in hot summers or severe winters, it is useful use of post-sun products to moisturize and nourish the skin.


A good prevention of premature aging is good skin hydration. Any climatic and atmospheric factors negatively affect the skin. This can be avoided by regularly systematic and thorough moisturizing of the skin of the face. Both hot and dry and frosty air dry the skin, after which it becomes prone to microtrauma, cracks, and loses elasticity. All this leads to the formation of inflammation and wrinkles. The wind exudes and peels the skin. Using a quality moisturizer to minimize these impacts.

It will help to avoid early aging of the skin and the whole body organization of a healthy and rational mode of life. So, the body, which is deprived of sufficient sleep, suffers, and the tired state of the skin becomes the first adverse effect. New cells are formed during sleep. It is at night that the skin restores its structure, so sleep should not only be continuous and calm, but also long.

Morning run and moderate exercise help improve skin elasticity. Physical exercise enhance blood circulation and well stimulate the human skin. Prolonged stress and nervous overload can cause premature aging of the skin. They cause excessive contraction of the muscles of the face and their overwork. The skin begins to experience a lack of vitamins and oxygen, there is a violation of blood circulation.

Philosophical attitude to life - effective method prevention of early skin aging.

Smoking and alcohol adversely affect the condition of the skin, causing the formation of wrinkles, enlarged pores, redness of the face. But a balanced diet and sufficient water intake (up to 2 liters per day) are able to maintain a normal life balance in cells and tissues, which means they prevent early skin aging.

The owners of oily skin, despite all its problems, have a significant bonus. This is a slow aging process and the appearance of wrinkles not earlier than 40 years. Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, a lipid film is formed on the surface of the skin, which reliably protects against external negative factors and prevents drying out. Of course, such a greasy shine does not look very attractive. Moreover, decorative cosmetics applied on top of it tend to blur. But we'll fix it. It is quite possible to give oily skin a beautiful and well-groomed look.

  • clearly visible enlarged pores;
  • oily sheen, especially pronounced in the forehead, nose, chin;
  • tendency to acne, inflammatory processes and rashes;
  • the presence of black and white dots (comedones) on the skin;
  • makeup spreading;
  • deterioration of the appearance of the skin in the spring and summer.

Oily skin is more common in boys and girls under the age of 25, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. However, older women can also face this problem. According to studies, 10% of adolescents have increased oiliness of the skin after 30 years.

Oily skin care is aimed at controlling the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing inflammation and acne. In addition to basic care, you will need to follow some recommendations:

  • limit in the diet spicy, sweet, spicy, salty, fatty foods, alcohol, strong coffee;
  • change pillowcases more often;
  • try to touch the skin of the face with dirty hands less;
  • do not squeeze pimples on your own;
  • Be sure to remove makeup before bed.

It is necessary to ensure proper cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, protection from sunlight, applying makeup.

Cleansing and toning

Cleansing facial skin with an oily type is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to remove not only the remains of decorative cosmetics and other surface contaminants that get on the skin, but also the sebum that accumulates during the day.

Daily cleansing

It is necessary to perform cleansing 2-3 times a day, using gentle means. Suitable gels and foams designed for this type of skin, or the usual baby soap. It is strictly forbidden to wash your face with hot water, as the thermal effect increases the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is best to turn on warm water, and at the end of the procedure, rinse your face with cool water. Do not use antibacterial soaps and alcohol-containing products, as they dry out the upper layer of the dermis and provoke even more sebum secretion in response.

After cleansing, the skin is gently wiped with a cotton pad soaked in tonic or lotion. It is effective to use products with zinc oxide and salicylic acid. They will slightly dry and prevent the development of inflammatory reactions. Tonics and lotions will help to visibly refresh your face, restore a healthy look, and narrow pores. They also have a tightening, firming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Deep cleansing

For deep cleansing use a special brush. Within a few minutes, a light massage is done with it, after applying foam or gel to wet skin.

For oily skin, peeling, scrubbing or the use of cleansing masks is recommended 1-2 times a week. Exfoliation of dead cells with the help of these procedures will prevent clogging of pores, improve skin color and texture. Use commercially available or self-prepared formulations at home.

Scrubs should have a delicate texture with fine abrasive particles. Peelings are suitable based on fruit acids, oils, vitamins. The best cleansing masks will be those containing clay, zinc, activated charcoal.

Once every two weeks, steam baths with decoctions of herbs are useful. They will provide thorough deep cleaning skin, improve blood circulation, relieve blackheads and comedones.

Warning: If there are rashes on the skin and inflammatory processes You can't use scrubs. This can lead to the opening of immature acne and the spread of infection into the deep subcutaneous layers.

Hydration and nutrition

Care for any skin type includes additional hydration and nutrition. And oily skin is no exception. Unfortunately, the active secretion of sebum does not prevent moisture loss and the possibility of peeling. The main thing is to choose the right funds. Suitable creams and hydrogels. Basic requirements for them:

They should contain antiseptic and astringent components, plant extracts, vitamins, hyaluronic acid. Creams and hydrogels can be applied once in the morning or twice in the morning and evening immediately after cleansing the face.

For the prevention of age-related changes in oily skin, it is not recommended to use anti-aging creams, as they are too heavy and often contain comedogenic additives. It is better to give preference to anti-aging gels and serums containing antioxidants and sun protection factors.

Advice: To protect against the harmful effects of UV rays for oily skin, products intended for the sensitive type are recommended. They are soft and do not clog pores. For daily care, apply products with SPF from 15 to 30, and when visiting the beach or being in the sun for a long time - with SPF above 30.

Makeup Features

Applying makeup on oily skin has its challenges. After all, you need to mask the enlarged pores, make them dull, take measures so that decorative cosmetics do not spread. The main requirements for decorative cosmetics are dryness, the presence of drying components in the composition, haze, non-liquid consistency, dense texture.

To even out the complexion, you should use mineral matting powders, special makeup bases or medical powders. Often, kaolin clay is added to their composition, which controls the oiliness of the skin, and zinc oxide to prevent inflammatory reactions. Thick creams should be avoided as they clog pores. Also, powder with glitter, shadows and blush of cream or liquid consistency will not work. The use of lip or eyeliners is fraught with bleeding. To make the eyes and lips more expressive, it is better to choose a pencil.

To mask enlarged pores, many cosmetic brands produce special correctors and serums. Serums have a healing effect and are applied under day cream, and correctors - under powder.

Salon procedures

improve condition and appearance oily skin, you can use cosmetic procedures, the action of which is aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, narrowing the pores, and fighting inflammation. Which one is more suitable for each specific case, the beautician will determine after a thorough examination of the skin.

  • ultrasonic cleaning to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, even out the tone and relief of the skin;
  • darsonvalization to improve microcirculation, narrow pores, suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieve inflammation, eliminate seals and hyperpigmentation;
  • vacuum peeling to remove comedones and excess sebum, improve blood circulation;
  • biocybernetic therapy to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, remove toxins, improve metabolic processes and accelerate regeneration;
  • microcrystalline dermabrasion for cleaning pores, removing the stratum corneum, evening out tone, getting rid of acne and post-acne;
  • surface chemical peeling alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, tartaric, lactic, malic, trichloroacetic, mandelic and salicylic) to suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, prevent acne and improve complexion.

Important: If with proper regular care only temporary results can be achieved, then you will need to check the state of health. Possible diseases internal organs affecting the skin of the face. In this case, without eliminating the main cause of fat content, it is difficult to do anything. First of all, you need to seek advice from a gynecologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

professional tools

The most popular products for oily skin care are:

  • Thalgo's ultra-matte moisturizing emulsion;
  • cream "Mixed & Oily Skin special" from GERNETIC;
  • Shiseido Pureness Moisturizing and Mattifying Facial Fluid;
  • Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion by Johnson & Johnson;
  • Mattifying lotion "Pureté" from Chanel;
  • mask-film for problematic and oily skin "Calendula and Rosehip" from Green Mama;
  • balancing fluid for problem skin "Peaux Jeunes Young Skin" from Melvita;
  • moisturizing cream for complex care "Normaderm Global" from Vichy;
  • La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat moisturizing mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion.

pick up professional tools for home care, it is recommended together with a beautician, as there are nuances that you can not even guess about. For example, the first associations when it comes to oily skin are related to the fact that it needs to be degreased. But the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get an even greater increase in fat content, inflammation or peeling.

home remedies

Masks, tonics, creams, scrubs, lotions for oily skin can be easily prepared at home. The advantage of such funds will be absolutely natural composition and availability. For their preparation, clay, medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, oils are used.

Below are popular recipes for the care and prevention of problems with oily skin. Before applying the prepared products on the face, you must make sure that there is no allergy.

apple mask

Apple - 1 pc.
Boiled oatmeal - ½ cup
Egg white - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Prepare apple puree, add oatmeal, whipped protein and other ingredients. Mix until smooth and apply on oily skin. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Cleansing scrub

Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix it with pre-melted honey and bran until smooth. Massage the skin with the resulting product for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Tonic with herbs and lemon juice

Mint (tea bags) - 1 pc.
A decoction of calendula - 2 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

In a pharmacy, buy dry calendula flowers and prepare a decoction, as written in the instructions. Pour a bag of mint tea with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze out lemon juice. Mix all ingredients. Keep the prepared solution for skin toning in the refrigerator and use as needed to wipe the face.

Cream with salicylic acid

Gelatin - 6 g
Warm water - 100 ml
Honey - 50 g
Glycerin - 80 g
Salicylic acid - 1 g

Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Add honey, salicylic acid powder and glycerin. Place the container with the composition in a water bath and stir until all components are dissolved. After that, beat the mass and transfer to a sterile jar with a tight lid. To improve the smell, you can add essential oil citrus fruits. Keep the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. Apply to the skin once a day in the morning.

Berry mask

Fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries) - 100 g
Rice flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Crush the berries in a bowl, while stirring, gradually add rice flour so that a dense thick mass is obtained. Apply to oily skin and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

herbal steam bath

Mint leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
Chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour boiling water over the herbs in a thermos and steep for 30 minutes. Pour the herbal mixture into a deep and wide bowl. Cover your head with a towel, lean over the bowl at a distance of at least 30 cm and steam your face for 10-15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, use a scrub to better cleanse the skin and clogged pores.

Scrub with green clay

Green clay - 2 tbsp. l.
Low-fat unsweetened yogurt or curdled milk - 3 tbsp. l.

Gradually add the clay to the yogurt while stirring. Apply the resulting mass with soft massage movements to the skin for 2 minutes. Wash off the remaining scrub with warm water.


Fermented milk products are well suited for cleansing oily skin: sour milk, kefir or yogurt. Moisten a cotton pad with the selected product and wipe the face along the massage lines, paying special attention to the most problematic areas (nose, forehead, chin). Then wash with warm or cool water. In addition to cleansing, such a tool also gives a slight whitening effect, so it will be useful for lightening age spots.

Activated charcoal mask

Gelatin - 1 tsp
Milk - 1 tsp
Activated carbon - 1 tab.

Soak gelatin in water according to package directions. Crush an activated charcoal tablet into powder. Mix the swollen gelatin, charcoal and milk. The resulting composition is applied to the face in three layers. After 15 minutes, carefully remove the film from the bottom up.

Video: Beautician on the selection of products for oily skin
