What qualities should a true friend of a work have? "What qualities should a true friend have?" - essay-reasoning

Most lovely gift,
Made to people after wisdom, -
This is friendship.
La Rochefoucauld
Each of us sees his friend good man.
How do I see a true friend?
First of all, he should be benevolent, affable, sympathetic - after all, people need kindness, disinterestedness, attention so much.
A true friend must be the master of his word, have modern views on life, be able to defend his point of view.
I also want the person with whom I am friends to know how to behave in society and always remain himself.

By yourself.
I want him to respect the human person, and therefore always be condescending, gentle and compliant.
Qualities to be possessed a true friend, a lot, but first of all, it must be really real, not fake.
A true friend is one who will always come to the rescue. Popular wisdom says: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." And that's exactly what it says! After all, a person who has no friends is like a beggar.
G. Derzhavin noted that friendship is not a service, no one is thanked for it. This is true, because a friend, if he is real, will never demand a “payment” for his friendship.
And a true friend is not for a day, not for a month, very often people carry their friendship through their whole lives.

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The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.

Laroche Foucault

What, in the view of a modern student, should a true friend be? What character traits to have, and what qualities to possess? Everyone will give their answers to these questions. After all, we are all different. Everyone has their own views on life, on relationships. Everyone has different needs and desires. And that's okay, that's right.

Let's first think about what friendship is. Undoubtedly, these are close and trusting relationships between people that bring joy, pleasure, pleasure and happiness. These relationships are based on mutual trust, acceptance, understanding, affection, as well as on common interests, needs and views. This is sparking mutual assistance, dedication, trust between people. After all, every person needs to be understood and accepted, to be trusted and appreciated.

We all need kindness, as well as attention, responsiveness and disinterestedness.

What is a real friend for me, an ordinary modern schoolboy? This is, above all, a positive and friendly person, with a present sense of humor. He is undeniably responsive, gentle, polite and affable. My friend should also be a man of his word, if he said something, promised something, then he definitely did it. It is desirable that my friend behave politely and with dignity in society, know the rules of conduct, and respect other human personalities. It is also important for me that a person close to me is always sincere and remains himself in different situations, was real. He was also condescending and fair to other people, as well as to their actions.

For me, one of the main criteria for friendship is mutual interests, common hobbies, possibly the same hobbies. The time that friends spend together should be interesting and productive. Communication should bring people who are friends, pleasure, inspiration and positive emotions.

A true friend will never leave you in trouble, he will always be ready to help. He will be able to listen if necessary. useful advice, and if necessary, just keep silent. A friend will always tell you the truth, even if it is unpleasant and bitter. He won't flatter you, but he won't criticize you harshly either. A friend will consciously and adequately express his opinion, if necessary, point out mistakes. It is necessary to advise, it is necessary to render all possible assistance to him. And I think that this is how true and true friends behave. At least, as a friend, I try to adhere to such rules and principles in life.

“A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much ...”. I believe that the words of the famous children's song perfectly reflect the most important and basic criteria of friendship. Make friends, try to become a worthy and true friend! This will make your life happy, joyful, multifaceted and varied. You will never feel alone. Friendship is a wonderful gift to mankind!

What should a friend be like? A true friend is a kind, faithful, honest person who comes to the rescue in difficult times, who knows how to help out of trouble ... It is not easy to find the owner of such virtues, because each of us has the right to make a mistake. Probably, it has those qualities that are of paramount importance for this particular person. In a friend, we do not value individual character traits, but accept him as a whole as a person, with his habits, demeanor, and speech.

It is difficult to answer the question: “What should a friend be like?” Sometimes a real friend becomes the one who went through the troubles with you, helped to overcome failures. You trust such a person as yourself. A friend will never leave you in trouble. He is a close, dear person, you boldly go through life with him. The very combination of the words best friend”causes a feeling of calmness, comfort. It is easy to have a conversation with a real comrade without thinking that it will be handed over to someone in a distorted form, such a person can be safely entrusted with their secrets. Everyone chooses for himself what a friend should be.

People all the time dream of having an open, selfless person next to them. Remember how many proverbs are composed among the people about true friendship: “A friend is known in trouble”, “The best friend will not replace two new ones”, “A hundred friends are better than a hundred rubles.” In our life, money will not replace a friend. Although having a hundred real friends is a utopia. Most often, a real friend is one, sometimes two, less often three. After all, not with everyone you will share any, discuss some personal, sometimes intimate situation.

Almost from childhood, everyone thinks about who the best friend is. An essay on this topic is often offered to write at school. Sometimes, even at a more mature age, it will not be superfluous to think about whether you have a best friend? It happens that we are surrounded by a lot of acquaintances, friends, comrades, but there is no true friend. Perhaps this is due to character traits, or is there simply no person nearby for whom we cannot become a “faithful shoulder”, or are we simply not able to keep secrets? Most often, it is precisely such “dignities” that prevent friendship. It must be remembered that a true friend is not only a person for you, but also you for him. True friendship is a two-way process. Both comrades, going through life, will not offend, will not deceive, will not remain indifferent in the event of failures. They will share both joys and sorrows among themselves, lend their shoulder in happy and unpleasant moments.

What a friend should be depends on us. After all, it is possible for a real comrade to sacrifice something and give priority to solving his problems to the detriment of his beloved. The successes of a friend cause not envy, but delight; and his failures are as grieving as your own.

Friendship should be valued, cherished, because often the slightest disagreement can lead to a break in relations, which both parties will later regret.

A true friend is a value that should not be scattered, true friends are those who know: one must always remember

The concept of friendship is familiar to each of us. Man is a social being and, naturally, is drawn to his own kind. Many of us have already made friends and acquaintances. They play a certain role in our life: they help, support in some way. But can we call any of them our true friend? What qualities should he have?

I think that a true friend should be honest, open, sincere, disinterested with you, a certain spiritual connection should be established with him, common interests, mutual understanding. I understand that this is a lot, but true friends are not often found. They are tested over the years and, in the end, only a few remain from the multitude.

Fiction knows many examples true friendship. One such work is Tolstoy's War and Peace. It describes the relationship between people in various forms, including the friendship between Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrey for Pierre was an interesting conversationalist, who has a lot to learn from, he became a worthy role model. At the same time, Prince Bolkonsky saw in Pierre a real comrade, a pure, sincere soul that needed guidance, and he gladly shared his life experience. They were able to carry their friendship through many obstacles and even death did not become a hindrance to them. After the death of Andrei, Pierre still continued to feel his support.

And in the novel "Three Comrades" by Erich Maria Remarque, the strong friendship of three friends who went through the war together is described. They continued to stick together in peacetime, supported each other and even opened a common business. It seems to me that friendly feelings in the work manifest themselves most clearly when Robert's beloved woman needed help. His friends did their best to save her. For this Kester sold the most expensive thing he had - racing car. Fiction knows many examples of true friendship. One such work is Tolstoy's War and Peace. It describes the relationship between people in various forms, including the friendship between Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrey for Pierre was an interesting conversationalist, who has a lot to learn from, he became a worthy role model. At the same time, Prince Bolkonsky saw in Pierre a real comrade, a pure, sincere soul that needed guidance, and he gladly shared his life experience. They were able to carry their friendship through many obstacles and even death did not become a hindrance to them. After the death of Andrei, Pierre still continued to feel his support.

Answers to the question | 2



If you start listing all the qualities that a real friend should have, then he will turn out to be not an ordinary person, but a superman: kind, cheerful, loyal, honest, devoted, helping, able to support in difficult times and help out of trouble, brave, interesting ... And that's not all. I wonder if there is a person in the world who has all these virtues? All S o h. R U Perhaps, but there are only a few such people, these are people-heroes, people-legends. But even they have the right to make mistakes, because a person cannot and should not be perfect, otherwise he will be very lonely in our world. Who do we choose as our friends? Probably those who have qualities that are of paramount importance to us.
Not all of the above, but only a few. And we value this person because he is what he really is. In a friend, we value not individual qualities, but a person as a whole: with his habits, manner of behavior and conversation.
You often realize that a stranger to you has become a true friend after experiencing troubles, failures, difficulties in which a person opens up from the inside, not being able to lie to himself. A true friend… This is something close, infinitely dear, warm, cozy.
“A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much.” Yes it is. But a friend is not only when he is for you. I believe that one-sided friendship is a mirage, an illusion. Friendship is when two take, but two also give to each other.
To be honest, without deceit, without the use of one person by another. Do I possess many of the qualities that I consider important and necessary for a true friend? What am I willing to sacrifice for a friend?
It seems to me that you need to ask yourself these questions more often, that is, to become a true friend yourself, and then there will definitely be people who will support you in difficult times, without hesitation, give a helping hand and share with you all the sorrows and joys of life.

2 years ago comment



Everyone wants to have such a friend who will always be there in trouble and in happiness. Who can understand at a glance, sympathize or rejoice. It is important that the emotion is one for two.

A friend is considered real if he does not envy successes and does not rejoice at defeats. And most importantly, he knows how to listen. So where do real friends come from?

They are definitely not found in cabbage. And there is no such school yet, where they would teach how to become a true friend. And it's not even about appearance; it will not happen that you look at a person, but you will like him so much that you immediately want to be friends. Maybe some steps are needed to find such a comrade? And will the time factor be decisive in this matter?

Many centuries ago, it was noted that only the person who himself shows friendliness has a friend. Indeed, if someone constantly frowns and is dissatisfied with everything, criticizes everything with his behavior and manners, and pushes him away from himself with words, how to approach him, how to understand him? What will be the magnet that will keep someone with such a “beech” nearby?

Therefore, someone's smile and gentleness to the shortcomings of others can make others feel comfortable in the company of such a person. And this is the first step towards friendship. Certainly,

you need to get to know, get to know this person better, and only after that you can entrust him with some serious thought and see what reaction will follow. This is not a test in the strict sense of the word, this is a search for common ground. And the more often the views coincide on some issues, the more likely it is to recognize a true friend in this person.
This is not to say that only time-tested relationships can be considered true friendship. After all, sometimes sympathy for a person is born quickly. And it is noticeable that this feeling is mutual. There is trust, and with it, honesty. But time adds confidence and strength to all this. This happens because all people are different, which means that they will hurt each other under any circumstances.

Will friendship survive? Real - yes! After all, a true friend knows how to forgive, understand, and most importantly, he always gives you another chance. And don't expect any negativity. And if something goes wrong, he will not reproach, but will help correct it. For this, friends can even sacrifice their own interests, thinking first about the well-being of the other. Over time, two people will learn all this. And they will be their teachers.

So, a true friend is the person who sincerely asks about business, joys and anxieties, and who always wants to tell the truth. Because it is part of our life.
