Types of chemical peeling for legs and carrying out at home. Heel peeling at home: masks, creams, special socks

In the summer, when it's time to take off your closed shoes and put on sandals, not all girls are ready for this. For many, the epidermis on the feet does not look the best. in the best way, so you have to urgently contact a beautician to correct the situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly take care of your feet and it is not at all necessary to visit a beauty salon for this. You can carry out all procedures at home, and one of them is peeling. It is he who will help the legs always look attractive and keep the skin young for a long time. In this article, we will find out how to do foot peeling at home.

General information

Beneficial features

Homemade foot peeling has the following beneficial properties.

  1. Exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis.
  2. Gets rid of bad smell from the feet.
  3. Helps to deal with flaking.
  4. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Gets rid of calluses and corns.
  6. Promotes the penetration of oxygen into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Features of the procedure

Cooking rules

The composition for peeling should be prepared according to these rules.

  1. Use only those products that are indicated in the composition. Note that you can not change their number, as this may harm the feet or the procedure will simply be ineffective.
  2. For the composition, use only fresh and high-quality products.

Rules for holding

Foot peeling at home should be carried out according to the following rules.

  1. Prepare your feet for the procedure. To do this, prepare a foot bath with hot water. After that, put your feet in it for 15 minutes. When the time is up, you can start the procedure.
  2. Exfoliate your feet and massage for 3 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  4. Treat your feet nourishing cream and put on your socks.
  5. Carry out the procedure 1 time in 7 days.
Leg peeling: can be done at home with affordable natural products

Foot Peeling Recipes

Peeling with tomato

You will need:

  1. Large tomato - 1 pc.
  2. Sea salt - 1 tablespoon.

Free the tomato from the peel and mash it until smooth. Then add salt to it and mix thoroughly. This tool is ready to use.

Peeling with coffee

  1. Ground coffee - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Sea salt - 1 teaspoon.

Combine coffee and salt and stir. After that, add oil to the products and stir again. Note that the choice olive oil not essential for this recipe. You can take any other herbal product of your choice. Use the resulting product for peeling the feet.

Peeling with cocoa


  1. Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Milk - 4 tablespoons.

Heat the milk until it is warm. Note that you can do this both in the microwave and on the stove. Mix cocoa with sugar and fill them with warm milk. This tool can be used for its intended purpose.

Peeling with radish

  1. Medium size radish - 1 pc.
  2. Cornmeal - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Foot cream - 1 teaspoon.

Peel the radish and grate it with a coarse grater. Squeeze out excess liquid and separate 2 tablespoons from the resulting slurry. Next, add flour, butter and cream to them. After you mix the composition, you can use it for its intended purpose.

Peeling with citrus fruits


  1. Medium-sized orange - 1 pc.

Note that for this recipe you can take a few tangerines instead of an orange or 0.5 pcs. grapefruit. Free the product from the stones, but the zest does not need to be removed. Pass it through a meat grinder or grate into a coarse grater. After that, perform the peeling procedure.

Peeling with nuts

You will need:

  1. Hazelnut - 7 pcs.
  2. Oatmeal - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Natural yogurt without additives - 5 tablespoons.

For this recipe, you can substitute hazelnuts for almonds. The peeling effect will be no worse. In addition, if desired, yogurt can be replaced with fat sour cream. Next, combine the nuts with the rest of the products and stir the resulting mass. This composition use for foot exfoliation.

Peeling with honey

  1. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Sea salt - 2 teaspoons.
  3. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.

Instead of olive oil, in this case, you can use pistachio or almond oil. Other vegetable oils are not recommended. Mix all the products and after that the peeling will be ready for use.

Peeling with sea sand

You will need:

  1. Sea sand - 1 small plastic bag.

For this peeling, you will need exactly sea sand, so if you are relaxing on the sea coast, do not forget to bring this product with you. The procedure is carried out as follows. Pour the sand into the basin and walk around it for 10 minutes. Next, rinse your feet and put a nourishing cream.

Foot peeling at home is as effective as salon procedures, but only if you perform it regularly. We have given you several recipes for this remedy, which will allow you to choose the composition that suits you.

Well maintained and Beautiful legs- the pride of a young woman, and even more so a lady of elegant age. In the conditions of modern life, the condition of women's legs is subjected to severe exploitation. Wearing heels, tight shoes, tight tights, overweight and irregular foot care lead to "deformation" of the soles and the appearance of plantar hyperkeratosis.

What it is? Burning sensation when walking, painful cracks on the feet, keratinized skin on the soles of the feet - these symptoms signal the body: urgent action must be taken. The legs are as important a part of the body as the face and hands. However, we pay much less attention to them.

A modern woman has a lot of opportunities to put them in order - massage, foot peeling, scrub masks, pedicure "socks", contrast baths. Thanks to various cosmetic procedures, blood circulation in the legs improves and there is a feeling of lightness and comfort.

What is foot peeling

It happens that because of the "neglected" legs, a woman is embarrassed to contact a specialist. Do not despair when there is a sure way to restore beauty, health and a neat appearance to your legs even without visiting a beauty salon. This is a peeling for the legs - a procedure that can be performed by both a woman and a man on their own or with the help of professional equipment.

The word "peeling" is of English origin and means "cleansing" or "exfoliating". This word refers to both procedures and cosmetical tools, the purpose of which is grinding and removal of the keratinized or "old" layer of the epidermis. After peeling, it is replaced by renewed skin without pigments and defects. Did you know that peeling is several hundred years old? The ancient Egyptians used wine as the main agent: its acid had a beneficial effect on the skin, softening it, exfoliating and eliminating minor defects. The famous Sophia Loren uses ordinary penza to cleanse her feet and takes softening baths.

And long-legged model Naomi Campbell loves exfoliating her legs with green coffee beans from the Ivory Coast. So, cleansed and soft skin of the feet and soles of the feet can be achieved in several ways:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • laser;
  • from natural ingredients: pieces of fruit and citrus, ground coffee, yogurt, chopped nuts, honey, sea salt.

Any type of peeling is primarily designed to thin the top layer of the epidermis or remove it, "opening the way" for the next layer - young, fresh and healthy. For some people, a superficial treatment of the epidermis of the legs, done on their own, is enough.

But there are also deeper ways of penetrating under the skin, reaching the capillary and reticular dermis. Such types of peeling require only professional intervention.

Pedicure socks

One of the ways to achieve perfectly smooth heels, without corns, cracks and roughness, is to periodically use Japanese socks, which are otherwise called "liquid peeling".

These are special shoe covers-socks, inside of which a gel from natural ingredients is added, there can be up to 17 types of them.
Socks are put on pre-treated and dry feet, and plain socks are put on top so that the gel is well absorbed into the foot.

After that, you need to lie quietly for 1.5-2 hours. Active movements or walking during the session will lead to the loss of the desired effect. After the session, the socks must be removed and thoroughly washed off the remaining gel from the feet with soap and warm water. After 3-8 days, active peeling begins (it is caused by the substances with which the socks were soaked), after which the flaps old skin are starting to peel off.

The process takes place on its own and does not require any intervention. Moreover, forcible removal or peeling of the skin can lead to injury to the skin. Japanese socks filled with gel from different substances: chemical and natural. Chemicals include:

  • salicylic acid;
  • ethanol;
  • glycerol.

Natural ingredients contain malic and lactic acids, citrus oil, extracts of chamomile, burdock, sage, aloe and others. Manufacturers of pedicure socks use a special technology for growing vegetable raw materials or buy them ready-made. The peeling process takes place within a few days and does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Therefore, pedicure socks are recommended in the spring, when closed street or office shoes are used. The desired effect - healthy, beautiful legs with delicate skin - lasts about three months, after which the "socks" can be repeated. But don't forget about daily care behind the stops in order to maintain this effect.

Benefits and contraindications

Here are at least five reasons that speak in favor of liquid peeling:

  1. Save money: compared to a salon procedure, self-made pedicure socks are 2-3 times cheaper.
  2. Save time: you no longer have to spend extra time on an appointment with a specialist and a trip to the salon and back.
  3. Safety: "socks" do not require the use of any devices, so infection is excluded.
  4. The effectiveness of preparation for summer season or upcoming vacation.
  5. disappears bad smell and sweating feet.

Judging by the enthusiastic reviews of those who tried pedicure socks, the effect exceeded all their expectations. This is a versatile and amazing remedy that you too can discover! However, there are cases when it is strongly not recommended to use "socks":

  • With open wounds;
  • With increased dryness of the feet;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Previously 18 years old.

Garra Rufa or doctor fish

Another extravagant way to rejuvenate the feet, which is popular in spas in Europe and America, is foot peeling with Garra Rufa fish. These small fish from the carp family are found in the waters of Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey.

The ancient Chinese, Thais and Japanese knew about the amazing healing "abilities" of ichthyodologists many centuries ago. Garra Rufa has no teeth. She uses algae, organic residues, dead epithelial cells for food. Pinching off rough fragments of the epidermis with its lips, the fish secretes a special enzyme through saliva that softens the skin.

In other words, the fish doctor acts like a scraper, removing unnecessary elements of the body without affecting its healthy areas. The session is carried out in one step or in stages, for example, peeling for the feet, for the hands and then for the whole body. In the salon, it is done individually or to several clients at once. They lower their legs into the pool with Garra Rufa, and the fish begin to “pinch off” exactly the coarsened areas of the skin.

If a child lowers his legs into the pool, he will not be interested in the fish for lack of skin hardening. Beginners can be scared - suddenly the fish will bite. However, the patient quickly gets used to biting them and perceives the “work” of Garra Rufa as a pleasant tickle. Thanks to healing properties its enzyme with the help of such peeling can cure such unpleasant diseases as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema.

Ichthyotherapy is also a kind of relaxation massage that has a calming effect on the nerve endings. Its implementation is painless and safe, since the fish are not carriers of infections. Before the peeling procedure, the feet should be thoroughly washed and checked for wounds or fungus.

It is possible to refuse ichthyotherapy if there are infectious lesions on the skin that pose a threat to the life of the fish. Garra Rufa, bred in captivity, loses its qualities, so it is bred in close to natural conditions. Before going on sale, the fish must be acclimatized and receive documents of compliance with veterinary standards.

Fish foot peeling is one of the most effective and pleasant ways of rejuvenation and healing. Let your legs please you as long as possible!

The skin on our feet is the thickest and roughest in the whole body, it constantly grows and thickens, forming places that are unpleasant to the touch.

Peeling the feet at home cleanses the feet of the accumulated excess of dead cells, this can be done using different recipes: creams, masks and special socks that have good reviews.

He will also cope with cracks in the feet and heels, peeling and excessive dryness of the legs, rejuvenate the skin, give it freshness.

Review #1 on socks for foot peeling

« The socks helped me get rid of the problem of rough heels and cracks on them. Of course, the first week is a complete discomfort, because the skin will simply cover itself with rags. But then all the peeling passes, and the legs remain smooth, like a baby's. The effect lasted for over a month. And then I put my socks back on for two hours».

If you are planning a trip or an important event, then it is better to peel your feet two weeks before the scheduled date so that the skin has time to completely renew itself. It is possible to help the process and speed up the regeneration - every time you wash in the shower, rub your feet with a polishing file.

Peeling socks for feet are quite cheap, but at the same time they can replace an expensive hardware pedicure in a beauty salon. And the smoothness of the feet after peeling lasts much longer than after regular polishing with files in the cosmetologist's office. Peeling affects not only the surface of the foot, but also the toes - the entire surface of the legs will have a well-groomed and renewed appearance.

Review #2 on special socks

« I didn't even know my heels could be so pink and smooth! I bought Skinlite socks in the store, flattered by the reviews, I immediately put them on at home. The first days nothing happened, I even forgot that I was doing peeling. And then, after a shower, she suddenly discovered that something was wrong with her legs - huge shreds of old skin hung from both soles. In two days, the legs completely peeled off, and underneath was such a pleasant and silky peach-colored skin!»

Korean brands are considered the highest quality brands for peeling socks. It was they who first guessed to combine the efficiency chemical peeling with the convenience of home use - they placed a fabric substrate impregnated with a special solution in polyethylene socks. This innovation instantly spread around the world, providing Korean brands with fabulous income.

However, you can make such peeling socks yourself with your own hands. All you need is two old thin socks, scissors, small plastic bags, and a lactic acid solution, which can be purchased at any soap shop.

Foot peeling at home: recipes

What you need

  1. Lactic acid (diluted to 20%);
  2. A pair of old socks;
  3. Two plastic bags;
  4. Two hours time.

First of all, take two old socks (which you don’t mind throwing away), cut off the top of them so that the socks cover only your feet and toes, without affecting the skin of the top of the foot.

  1. These socks will need to be impregnated with a special compound - diluted lactic acid.
  2. Initially, lactic acid is sold at a concentration of 80%, but it should not be used undiluted, as there is a high risk of chemical burns. The acid must be diluted with water up to 20%.
  3. Soak the cut socks well with this solution, and then put them on your feet.
  4. Place your feet in two small plastic bags.

Such home peeling for heels will be no different from a purchased or professional salon one - you will get exactly the same result. On the second or third day, the skin on the feet will begin to peel off and exfoliate, and a week later from the day of peeling, the feet will already be completely renewed, soft.

I recommend reading our new articles on the topic of facial exfoliation. I present an informative article.

It should be noted that many women are confused by the shade of their feet. Sometimes they darken, turn yellow, lose the uniformity of the shade. Milk peeling for feet at home will return a pleasant pink hue to the heels, in addition, lactic acid is a powerful moisturizer and regenerating agent. Therefore, it will reduce the further formation of corns, calluses or cracks.

Keep the socks on your feet for 2-3 hours, then rinse your feet thoroughly under running water. At this time, you can feel warm under the polyethylene - these are normal sensations. If you feel a sharp burning sensation, severe itching, or other manifestations of an allergic reaction, then immediately remove your socks and wash your feet in a solution of cold water and soda to neutralize lactic acid.

Mask against rough heels and cracks

What you need

  • Incomplete bottle of glycerin;
  • vinegar essence;
  • A roll of cling film (or bags);
  • Thick wool socks.

First, steam your legs in a hot bath, treating the heel area with a file or pumice stone.

  1. Prepare an exfoliating heel mask by simply pouring vinegar into a bottle of glycerin. Mix the mixture and ingredients well by shaking it.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and apply to the surface of the foot.
  3. After that, place the legs in plastic bags or wrap with cling film.
  4. Wear warm socks over the top.
  5. Leave the mask on for one hour, then rinse with water.

It is necessary to repeat this mask 2 times a month to maintain the effect and prevent the formation of new cracks and corns.

The effect will be better if you regularly polish your heels after the mask, and also use emollient foot creams. It helps well to soften rough heels and a night mask made from melted beeswax, castor oil and essential oils. Just mix the ingredients and rub the resulting composition of the foot, then wrapping them with cling film. It is advisable to wear socks over the polyethylene to enhance the effect of the mask.

There are a lot of articles on the blog about different peels. I suggest you learn about carbon peeling from the article

In pursuit of preserving the youthfulness of our skin, we often pay attention to our face, neck, décolleté, and hands. And only in the very last place, our legs receive attention. And this is not entirely true. Legs are subjected to crazy loads every day, which means they get tired. The skin on the soles becomes rougher, dryer, cracks appear. All this eventually begins to deliver a certain discomfort, and sometimes painful sensations. Peeling for the legs can help to cope with this situation.

The essence of the procedure

Just like the skin of other parts of our body, the skin of the feet is subject to aging processes. As a result of aging, the surface layer of the dermis dies off. If you do not regularly carry out the peeling procedure, then over time there is layering of the epidermis and the appearance of our feet will become such that we can constantly wear socks without even taking them off. Except appearance, this whole process is accompanied by painful sensations due to the fact that rough skin can crack.

Exfoliating procedures for your legs can be carried out both in the salon and on your own at home.

In the cabin

Peeling in the salon is carried out using special preparations. These drugs affect the superficial and deeper layers of the skin. That is why such procedures have a longer lasting effect. By using salon procedures skin diseases such as eczema, calluses and cracks are prevented.

To date, many salons offer three types of foot peeling:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • hardware.

During chemical peels, the skin is exposed to various acids. Therefore, this procedure is called - acid peeling for the feet. Often the preparations used are in the form of a mask, powder or gel. Great popularity in Lately gaining pyruvic peeling, based on pyruvic acid.

During chemical peeling, there is no mechanical effect on the skin. Dead cells are softened and removed with fruit acids. Applying the composition is similar to applying a mask to the skin.

Pyruvine peeling is a procedure in which the top layer of the skin is exfoliated. Poly-grape peeling has a mild effect, does not cause allergic reactions, is well tolerated by the skin, due to the fact that the acid in its composition is also present in the cells of our body.

At home

It is not always possible to do peeling in the salon - either there is no money for it, or there is time. But this is no reason to leave our feet without care. Of course, pyruvic peeling will not work, but it is definitely possible to put the skin in order. On the Internet, there are just a lot of recipes on how to make peeling cream for legs at home.

Before applying a scrub or mask, your feet should be washed with soap and then dried with a towel. Nourishing masks compared to creams have more prolonged exposure on the skin. If the foot mask is prepared correctly, then with its help you can noticeably moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of such unwanted cracks.

Not so long ago, peeling socks became a very popular means used for peeling the legs. They are made in China, Korea and Japan. Socks are a ready-made kit for the procedure. The kit includes polyethylene socks, a solution in a bag and instructions on how to use it all. The main component of peeling socks is most often salicylic acid, the action of which occurs by analogy with how pyruvic peeling works. In addition, the composition includes extracts from fruits and plants.

How to use socks?

Before using peeling socks, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. For this cotton swab We apply the proposed peeling solution to a small area of ​​the skin. We wait about five minutes, if everything is in order, you can proceed to the procedure.

We put bags (socks) on our feet, into which we first pour the peeling solution. Feet, and this is an important condition, must be clean and dry. The exposure time is from 60 minutes to two hours. The impact is absolutely painless.

Wearing socks is not worth walking, as the liquid solution can get out due to the incomplete tightness of the socks.

After the end of the procedure - remove the socks, and wash the feet with warm water and soap. And dry with a towel. The effect becomes clearly noticeable on the 4th-6th day, when the skin begins to exfoliate before our eyes. Those who have carried out polygrape peeling are familiar with this effect. The use of such socks should not be more than once every three months.

And be sure to consult a dermatologist before starting the procedure.

The entire skin is subject to aging, and the legs are no exception - over time, the skin on them becomes flabby and loses its attractiveness. In order to preserve the youth, tenderness and beauty of your feet for as long as possible, you need to properly care for them. One of the ways of such care is foot peeling, which can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

The benefits of peeling

Peeling is one of the most effective means to combat aging of the skin of the legs. Its meaning is to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis. Peeling keeps the skin of the feet in good shape, promotes its regeneration, stimulates the growth of new cells, and accelerates blood circulation in the tissues. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of various kinds of skin diseases.

Foot peeling can be done in the salon or at home, but in any case, it will bring a lot of benefits. Our legs are subjected to a huge load every day, and therefore often get tired. With age, such troubles as swelling, cramps, muscle pain, heaviness appear. And the anatomical features of the structure of the foot and improperly selected shoes often cause corns and calluses. It is peeling that can cope with rough skin, with keratosis, making the surface of the foot smooth and tender.

Peeling in the salon

Foot peeling in the salon is carried out with the help of special preparations that affect both the superficial and deep layers of the skin. At the same time, skin renewal occurs at the molecular level, and the effect obtained in itself is quite long-lasting. Salon peeling differs from peeling at home in that it has a more pronounced preventive effect on fungal diseases, eczema, corns and corns.

Today, in a beauty salon, the following types of peeling are carried out:

  • chemical;
  • hardware;
  • mechanical.

Chemical peeling involves the use of various kinds of acids, which is why it is also called acidic. Preparations for it are produced in the form of gels, powders, masks. Acid peeling for the legs, they are carried out very carefully, avoiding any friction, and fruit or other acids simply dissolve dead skin cells.

Chemical peels can be superficial or deep. Surface peels include:

  • salicylic;
  • pyruvate;
  • glycolic;
  • almond;
  • generator;
  • chemical.

The superficial procedure also includes chemical-mechanical exfoliation. by the most deep peeling it is considered to be its phenolic variety, but it is carried out only in the clinic and requires increased caution and care.

Home peeling

Peeling of the legs can be carried out at home, using not only store-bought cosmetics, but also improvised means. To prepare a scrub, egg or nut shells, sea or edible salt, rice grains or ground coffee are suitable. And if you mix these ingredients with olive or any other cosmetic oil, sour cream, kefir or natural yogurt, you get a great mask. Home treatment has a more gentle effect than exfoliating the skin of the feet in the salon. However, many recipes for masks and foot scrubs prepared at home have an effect no worse than that obtained after a salon peeling procedure.

Not so long ago, an unusual product appeared in cosmetics stores - which can also be used at home. This is a truly amazing way of foot care, developed and patented by Korean scientists. The use of such socks provides deep exfoliation and accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells. Usually, the effect of one procedure lasts for several months, up to six months on average. At the same time, its cost is much lower than in the salon, but the result is no less impressive.

Before the procedure, the legs do not need to be steamed - just wet them enough. They also need to be carefully examined - there should be no wounds, abrasions, cracks, cuts and other damage, as this can provoke severe pain or even an inflammatory reaction. Usually, homemade foot peelings are carried out no more than twice a week.

After exfoliation carried out at home, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the legs with a nourishing cream or make a moisturizing mask - this can be a store-bought cosmetic preparation, some kind of complex home recipe or just cosmetic oil.
