Doll makeup for brown eyes. Creating doll makeup

BJD dolls have firmly entered the fashion of the puppet world. Almost every puppeteer dreams of or already has at least one wonderful articulated doll in his collection. Over time, there is a desire to change the image of the doll, to give its appearance new expressions, features, emotionality.

Fine craftsmanship Hope (keiu), photo:

Some great photos from the topic of the wonderful author of clothes for BJD dolls - Elena Epifanova (Meri-Ann):

Memorable works Natalia (Bronetemkina), photo:

Realistic make-ups from "Junky Fairy" (Mafko_o13):

Bright works Catherine (kkerrin):

And many other wonderful examples of the work that make-up artists demonstrate can be found in Yamoga.

How to do doll makeup. Video

And now let's talk about how to make a make-up (face-up) doll with your own hands. Let's watch some interesting videos on this topic, moreover, they will affect not only BJD, but also gaming monster high doll.

faceup monster high doll

Also, we appeal to our users, If you know experienced make-upers, please invite them to Yamoga!

Although we have been adults for a long time, we still remember our children's dolls. Often these little friends of ours were models of female beauty. Today, when we have already grown up, the image of a doll continues to be associated with something tender, pure and childish. Perhaps that is why there is a temptation to try on the image of a rosy-cheeked beauty for yourself.

Doll makeup is not for everyone

Of course, one must understand what image goes far from all girls, but only young, preferably blondes and with soft features. If you have such features, then you will come in handy with tips on how to do doll makeup step by step.

Read the lesson, which is presented in detail below, watch the video, which describes the creation of a make-up step by step:

We all know that the gentle and innocent image of a young girl is madly in love with men. This spurs us on to be attractive and look fresh. If you know this feeling, get ready to take a lesson on the topic "How to make a doll image":

1. Any makeup begins with cleansing the skin of the face. Take a tissue or cotton pad and use special means cleanse your face of makeup, oily sheen, bacteria and other imperfections. Then wash your face and wait until your face is completely dry. This simple procedure will allow you to look fresher and make-up last longer.

2. Apply moisturizer to your face. It is desirable that it also has a sunscreen. The cream is applied in circular smooth movements on the face, and its remains on the neck. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed before proceeding with the next steps.

3. Now it's the base's turn. The base is a kind of primer for future makeup, which allows it to better and more evenly lie on the skin and stay on it all day.

4. Superimposed on the base Foundation. Remember - Barbie always has perfect skin. This effect is your direct target. Choose a foundation, make sure it matches your skin tone closely. Squeeze the cream into a clean palm, dip a cosmetic brush or sponge into it. You should not use your hands here, as the color will not be as even as that of the doll. With the selected tool, apply foundation on the face with smooth movements.

5. This item is optional, as it refers to the corrector. If you can do without it, consider yourself lucky and move on to the next step step by step. If, nevertheless, your skin has imperfections, then you will be interested in the information that concealers different colors serve to mask various shortcomings:

  • The green color corrector neutralizes redness and red spots;
  • Lavender hides yellows;
  • Yellow concealer copes with purple spots, circles under the eyes, bruises.
  • When applying the corrector, a brush is also used.

6. After correcting the color, powder your face to make it matte.

7. If you notice in the photo, Barbie has delicate facial features, including her nose - it is long and narrow. To hide the wide wings of the nose, you need to apply dark powder or brown shadows on them in one layer.

8. Now that the tone is over, you can gradually proceed to the eyes - the most expressive part of the doll's face. If you want the color of cosmetics to be lasting and bright, apply a makeup base created specifically for the eyes to your eyes too. This base will emphasize the depth of the color of the shadows and protect the eyes from the effects of cosmetics.

9. Apply light pink eye shadow evenly on the upper eyelid. Shades with shimmering particles, shades of blue and mint colors are also allowed.

10. On the inside of the lower eyelid, draw a white pencil, starting from one corner of the eye and ending with the other, going slightly beyond. This line will make the eyes look bigger.

11. Black eyeliner will create a cat eye. How it looks, look at the photo:

12. Cover the inner corner of the eye with silver shadows.

13. The next step is false eyelashes. You definitely can't do without them. They will make the look open and mysterious at the same time.

This is what your eyes should look like as a result:

14. It's the turn of the lips. Here you need pink lipstick of any shade. Barbie, and most other dolls, as you know, have perfectly shaped lips. To achieve the same shape, get a lip liner. The pencil is able to make lips clearer and plumper. After stroking with a pencil, cover the lips with lipstick, and then with pink gloss to apply a doll-like gloss. Here is one of the secrets of creating a doll smile:

15. And the last, fifteenth step is the finishing touches. Sprinkle some warm blush (peach, pink) on your cheeks.

Congratulations, the image of Barbie is ready! Look at the photos and compare the looks of the models with your own:

For more than fifty years, the popularity of the Barbie doll knows no bounds. Graceful doll with a chiseled figure, stylish wardrobe and bright professional make-up compares favorably with ordinary baby dolls with chubby cheeks. For many generations of girls, this doll has become a real standard of beauty and attractiveness. It is not surprising that, growing up, girls want to be like their ideal.

Day by day, doll makeup is gaining wide popularity among young fashionistas, as a kind of proof of the existence of eternal youth.

What does it look like

So, here's what we expect from doll makeup:

  1. Traces of fatigue, bruising under the eyes or small flaws (pimples, redness, wrinkles) should be completely absent on the skin of the face. It should look smooth with a barely noticeable tan, fresh and as if shining from the inside.
  2. Eye makeup plays a dominant role in the entire image of the Barbie doll. It is supposed to use mother-of-pearl decorative cosmetics in pink or violet shades, with the help of which the eyes will appear larger and more expressive. important details also are clear black arrows and thick long eyelashes.
  3. On the lips of the doll there is constantly a lipstick of saturated rich colors (crimson, hot pink), which is complemented by a glossy shine.
  4. On high chiseled cheekbones, a slight blush always plays like a baby's.
  5. Barbie doll makeup is not for everyone. For example, it will not help a lady in adulthood look more attractive and younger, as it is replete with bright colors.

Basic cosmetics

In order to make make-up look like a doll, you must use the following makeup tools:

  • a medium-density foundation, ideally suited to the skin tone, and one and a half shades darker;
  • concealer or corrective pencil;
  • blush;
  • shadows of saturated colors of at least three shades: light, slightly darker and dark;
  • lipstick of any berry shade;
  • glossy lip gloss with volume effect;
  • lip pencil;
  • black eyeliner liquid texture;
  • black mascara.

Face preparation for makeup

To do doll makeup correctly, you need to have an impeccable foundation for the skin of the face under it, any imperfections are excluded. Therefore, before proceeding with the application of cosmetics, you will need to perform a number of procedures:

  1. You should get a good night's sleep so that your complexion is even and beautiful like a doll's. To cleanse the skin, use a light scrub. After the peeling procedure, apply a nourishing cream on your face, preferably in three layers, and wait until it is completely absorbed. This will help hydrate the skin and give it a natural glow.
  2. Application foundation(preferably light) on the face, neck and décolleté to even out the surface of the skin is the next step. If necessary, to hide wide pores or inflammation, you can use corrective means, such as concealer. Create relief with a shade and a half darker foundation, applied and well blended on the bridge of the nose, the center of the forehead and chin. Do not choose too thick foundation, otherwise the face will look unnatural and ugly.
  3. To get rid of oily sheen, apply a light layer of light texture loose powder over the foundation.

Step by step makeup

After carrying out the preparatory activities, you can proceed to the creation of the makeup itself “in the style of a Barbie doll”. To do this, follow the instructions.

Stage one. Brows

Eyebrows should be thin and neat, and the color should be one and a half shades darker than the hair, but not too dark. Comb them with a special brush, and then with a well-sharpened hard pencil in the direction of hair growth, painting over all the gaps between them, make short strokes. This will help you get the right shape.

Stage two. Eyes

With a white pencil, preferably soft, work on the inside of the lower eyelid and the inner corners of the eyes. This technique will help visually expand the eyes.

Shadows choose delicate pink shades that will complement each other. On the moving eyelid, apply an even layer of shadows of a more saturated color (medium shade), then blend them. Put light pink shadows on the entire fixed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid, carefully highlighting the area under the eyebrows. Use the darker shade of all colors closer to the upper lash line.

To make the eyes more expressive, apply a small layer of mother-of-pearl or silver shadows to the inner corners.

With black eyeliner, make arrows slightly pointed at the ends. To do this, on the upper eyelid from the inner to the outer corner of the eye, along the lash line, draw straight line. In the same way, create a contour on the lower eyelid, just below the level of eyelash growth, gently connecting it with the upper one. The eyes should eventually take on an almond shape.

False eyelashes, which should be glued as close as possible to real eyelashes, will help to achieve the effect of an “open look”. After that, apply a little powder on them and paint over them well, in two layers, with black voluminous ink, slightly curling up with a brush. Moreover, we apply the first layer in the usual way, and before the second, comb the eyelashes with a special comb to avoid sticking.

Stage three. cheekbones

Determine the exact place to apply blush by drawing in your cheeks. Apply them evenly along the cheekbones and to the middle of the cheek in quick downward strokes. Such doll makeup involves the use of peach, pink or coral blush, since their main purpose is to make the face fresh. With this cosmetic product a natural blush will play on the cheeks.

Stage four. Lips

Apply a moisturizing balm to your lips. Powder them lightly. With a pencil, the shade of which must certainly match the color of lipstick, make a contour that should slightly extend beyond the edges of the lips. Apply lipstick in an even, but not very dense layer. Top it off with glitter. As a result, the lips should become bright and voluminous.

A distinctive feature of makeup, like a Barbie doll, is a combination of innocence and sexuality, tenderness and brightness. Such a make-up is chosen mainly by girls who want to remain “little girls” for a long time with pink cheeks, plump lips and wide-open eyes. Therefore, it looks good only on young ladies, women who are over 35 years old should not do it, as they risk looking ridiculous in this way.

All girls played with dolls as children. Some even wanted to imitate outwardly. Growing up, sometimes you want to be like Barbie or other plastic beauty. Recently, anime heroines have taken the place of Snow White and the Little Mermaid. Anime style makeup is very unusual and allows you to look like a doll. This type of makeup has a huge number of fans and the same number of opponents. To some, this artificiality seems vulgar.

Before you make this makeup option, you need to think about whether it is suitable for a particular girl. Since puppet eyes are not for everyone. Not only are there serious age restrictions, but not every young girl can afford it.

A prerequisite is the presence of large expressive eyes. And the skin of the face should be just perfectly smooth, like porcelain. Such a make-up is the most ideal way for a blue-eyed blonde. And for brown eyes it can be used too.

How to do doll eye makeup

If the options seen in numerous photos demonstrating this type of makeup led to the desire to conduct an experiment and make one for yourself, then you need to start with the right selection colors. The most common colors are the whole palette of pink and blue. These colors are used for lips and eyes.

A very important element of the whole make-up are round eyes, which create a feeling of naivety and charm, which is very impressive to others. To achieve this effect, you need to properly perform makeup. Everyone remembers a huge number watched videos that anime heroines have luxurious eyelashes. That is why it is impossible to do without invoices. They will be able to open their eyes perfectly. To look bottomless, like real doll, contact lenses of various shades will help.

Skin preparation

Such makeup as doll eyes must be done in stages. You need to start by preparing the skin of the face. It should not have any defects, acne and redness. To make your face flawless, you need to take care of your skin. Regularly clean it, use tonics and creams.

The skin should look fresh, even and natural. If the face is made too light, then, in comparison with the rest of the body, it will look ridiculous. To eliminate possible skin imperfections, you will need to apply concealer and corrector. Do not forget that bruises under the eyes should not be, they also need to be masked. The foundation should not be too thick, and you should not apply it in several layers. To make the skin look fresh, the foundation should be mixed with a day face cream. The texture will become much lighter and slightly translucent, while fully fulfilling its function of evening out skin tone. Complete the preparation of the skin of the face by applying powder.

Now you can proceed to the creation of puppet eyes. It will not be superfluous to use liquid eyeliner to draw arrows. A soft pencil will not allow you to make a contour of such saturation as a liquid eyeliner. The arrow must be drawn so that the space between the eyelashes is painted over. At the same time, it should also lie on the moving eyelid itself. Where the cut of the eye ends, it should go up.

The lower arrow makes the eye narrower and can visually reduce it. Therefore, it should be done only for those girls who naturally have big eyes.

Eyeshadow color for doll eyes

by the most the best color shadows to create a doll image, without a doubt, can be called soft pink. In general, to make the makeup look more harmonious, the palette should be selected according to the color of the hair and the clothes that will be worn. It is also recommended to use blue or purple shadows. But for an evening out, shades should be chosen more saturated. Don't forget about false eyelashes. Even if nature has endowed long enough and thick eyelashes, most likely, invoices will still not be superfluous.

Lips should be bright pink, if we talk about the classic canons of doll makeup. On top of the lipstick, you will need to apply a layer of gloss, it will create the effect of a “sponge with a bow”, which is inherent in any doll.

One of the makeup

Makeup options are plentiful. For example, like this:

  • You need to fix your eyebrows. They should be perfectly plucked. If they are lighter than hair, it is worth touching up a little with an eyebrow pencil.
  • Prepare your face. Align color and eliminate imperfections.
  • Line the lower eyelid in the area of ​​the lacrimal duct with a white pencil. This will visually enlarge the eyes. Then draw a line on the movable eyelid using liquid eyeliner.
  • Paint over the inner corner of the eyes and the brow area with light shadows. And paint over the outer corner with slightly brighter shadows.
  • Stick on eyelashes.
  • On the cheekbones to the middle of the cheek, apply gently pink or peach blush.
  • Apply lipstick and lip gloss. You should pay attention to the fact that the shade of lipstick in the center of the lips should be brighter than in the corners.

For those who want something new, you should try to make yourself a doll make-up.

Video on the topic of the article

Barbie doll today- this is not just a children's toy, but a huge layer of modern pop culture. Famous fashion designers not only "dress" the doll itself, but also release entire collections of clothes and accessories inspired by her image - such as the recent show by Jeremy Scott for Moschino. The appearance of Barbie is easily recognizable: an abundance of pink, a lot of shiny and plastic jewelry, a fitted silhouette, whipped curls with a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhairspray and a special make-up that is not so difficult to repeat, knowing some of the nuances.


Barbie doll (Barbara Millicent Roberts - yes, it turns out she has a full name) was first released in the US in 1959. The puppet industry at that time most often offered images of babies, cute little baby dolls that need to be nursed, playing "daughters-mothers". Barbie was a breakthrough. The image of a young (but adult) girl with a piquant figure and catchy makeup was taken as the basis - lush eyelashes, a delicate blush and shiny pink lips.

Although few people know that her predecessor forgotten today was German miniature doll Lilly Build which appeared in 1955. She was a honey blonde with scarlet lips and thickly lined eyes with "cat" arrows, whose make-up was inspired by style icons - from the legendary Marilyn Monroe to Brigitte Bardot, who is just starting her dizzying career. The doll had a funny slogan: "a product for everyone, from a child to a grandfather." It was sold both in children's stores and in souvenir shops for adults. Now Lilly is a subject of hunting for avid collectors. Its creators could not or did not want to grow a strong brand out of their offspring. This required a truly American scale, the strength of the American dream and entrepreneurship.

"Parents" Barbie, spouses Handler have created a gigantic empire Mattel Inc., which produces almost all the most popular dolls today: from the “old woman” Barbie to the wonderfully terrible “Monster High”. There are already a lot of dolls-students of the School of Monsters, and this list is constantly growing. Their make-up: predatory arrows, brightly defined lips of all colors, pronounced cheekbones, tattoo on the face. Well, what to take from them, they are monsters! Barbie makeup, on the contrary, is such a calm good retro - sweet to cloying glamour. Approximately in the 80s of the last century, the appearance of the doll familiar to us today was formed, and her make-up also came from those years. By the way, these years are now at the forefront of fashion, which has made a revolution and returned to the old trends.

What does it look like?

Almost every girl considers her favorite dolls to be the ideal of beauty.. Beautiful doll forms in the child a model of female attractiveness, which one wants to imitate. Growing up girls, for the most part, have long changed their idols, but sometimes you really want to return to childhood again. Today, in the pop space, there are a number of strange figures who “played” with Barbie and practically turned into living dolls. These girls do plastic surgery, changing the shape of the nose and cheekbones, constantly wear colored lenses and sit on debilitating diets to get an unnaturally thin doll waist. Their childhood love for a toy idol has reached fanaticism. But there is nothing wrong with a little cosmetic game of trying on this plastic look - it's just fun! Of course, this game is suitable only for very young people, since the character himself suggests the freshness and youth of the whole appearance.

Barbie makeup- this is clean and even (as if filled with light) skin, perfectly shaped eyebrows and large expressive eyes with a thin eyeliner, long arrows and fluffy eyelashes that attract the eye. Of course, the main thing in such a makeup is pink (from the most pastel shade to fuchsia), and there is usually a lot of it on the face. It is used in eye shadow, lipstick and blush. Barbie's lips are not only bright pink, they also shine.

This makeup is not for Everyday life, and for a youth holiday, theme party, theatrical performance or fashion photo shoot for the social network. If you do it right, you will be a star.

How to prepare a face?

Dolls are lucky, they always have perfect skin, so the first thing to do for Barbie makeup is prepare your face. Small flaws, pimples and specks should definitely disappear. Wonderful leveling and tinting agents may well help with this.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed and then moisturized with a gel or light cream. Before applying cosmetics, apply a foundation for makeup. The silicone in its formula creates a completely even texture. If mother-of-pearl particles are present in the composition, then the face will seem to be illuminated from the inside. Skin imperfections (acne, visible vessels and circles under the eyes) are hidden with a concealer, a corrective pencil. You can use color correctors: green shade - to mask red spots, vascular network and acne marks; lavender color - to cover the yellowish skin under the eyes.

When all unnecessary is hidden, a transparent fluid foundation is applied with a sponge. Choose a shade that is closest to yours (or a little lighter). Using the sculpting contouring technique, the broad wings of the nose can be narrowed to recreate the doll's chiseled nose. To do this, you need to apply a darker color on them. foundation. The preparation is completed by a thin fixing layer of loose light beige powder. All this will create the effect of smooth and radiant "porcelain" skin.

How to do?

Having prepared the face and armed with a modern cosmetic arsenal, it will be quite easy to reproduce the look of Barbie. Stock up on the following tools: shades of delicate shades, blush, lipstick and gloss, lengthening mascara, black or colored eyeliner, brushes and eyebrow pencil. All this will definitely help you create the desired image, which will turn out to be very beautiful.

Don't forget about pink when choosing products, although you can move away from the template and experiment with paints.

See in the video how you can do makeup in the style of "Barbie".


The easiest way to achieve the perfect doll makeup is to do it in stages and carefully, and the right cosmetics will help with this. The main thing is patience, willingness to spend enough time and self-confidence. The procedure is as follows:

  • Start with eyebrows put them in order. Eyebrows should lie flat and be beautiful shape, because that's exactly what they are with dolls. All the gaps between the hairs are painted over with a special sharp pencil. Owners blonde hair make eyebrows darker by two tones, dark ones - vice versa. An excellent result without shadows and a pencil can be achieved by using a special fixing gel with a natural shade. With its brush, you can easily lay your eyebrow hairs in a given shape.
  • Now the most responsible stage - eye makeup. They are very bright on the doll. Eyeshadows can be either standard pink or pale blue, mint, purple in different shades, silver and any other. The main requirement is not to use very dark, earthy and brown colors.
  • Shadows carefully shaded with an applicator. For contrast, several shades of the same color are usually used. Near the base of the eyelashes and at the outer corner, the tone should be a little darker and brighter. For example, if classic pink shadows are used, then a raspberry shade should be applied on the outside of the eyelid and made smooth transition. So the look acquires depth. On the inner corner of the eye, you need to apply a little white or very light mother-of-pearl shadows. Highlight the line under the eyebrow.

  • Then draw with eyeliner"cat" arrows. Usually they take black eyeliner, but lovers of experiments can take color. It is very convenient to use a liner with a thin tip. Draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes and finish it with a clear ponytail. With a white pencil, underline the inside of the lower eyelid. This technique enlarges (as if opens) the eye.
  • For gorgeous eyelashes, you should lengthen and twist the hairs with mascara. It is applied in several layers. A little trick: before applying mascara, you can powder your eyelashes to make them appear fuller. This is what will make the look more expressive. Even more theatrical effect can be achieved with false eyelashes, but here it is also important not to overdo it, they should not be too heavy.
  • Then you should move on to blush. You can not use brown or golden, because such shades do not fit this makeup. It is better to apply a transparent pink or peach tone to the cheekbones, this will give the face freshness. Blush with reflective particles is not bad.
  • For lips you need to choose a lipstick color that matches the rest of the range, but the best choice- bright pink. Draw a shape with a pencil. You can go a little beyond the natural edge, and then carefully paint over the lips with a brush. Add a sheer gloss to make lips look fuller. It is better not to use red lipstick, it looks great in other images, but not in this one.
