Do-it-yourself conditioner for woolen clothes. Effective and safe DIY fabric softener

Air conditioning things is necessary process. The industry produces rinses that have a different composition and aroma. Finding and buying the right one is not always possible. Sometimes the high cost of the product can be the reason for not buying. There is a way out of this situation. You can make your own fabric softener.

The need for conditioning linen and clothes

Faced with clothing air conditioners, the question arises: what is it for? Rinses, which are produced industrially, contain surface-active components. When rinsing, they diverge on the surface of things, forming a kind of film. It has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Things become soft and comfortable while wearing.
  2. From the fabric, especially wool, the electrostatic effect is removed.
  3. The ironing of things thanks to their softening becomes easier.
  4. Colored things do not lose their color.
  5. Retains dirt on the surface of things, preventing it from penetrating into the structure of the fibers.
  6. Industrial air fresheners come in a wide range of scents.

The presence of these qualities indicates the need for the use of air conditioners for things.

The disadvantage of industrial rinses is the presence of harmful components in them. It can be benzyl alcohol, ethanol, pental, ethyl centate, linalool, terpineol. These components are mostly used as aromatic fillers. But they can cause headaches, nervous disorders, drowsiness.

How to rinse things and not harm your health? To do this, you need to prepare a fabric softener with your own hands.

Self-manufacturing: advantages and methods

Making your own rinse aid has a number of advantages. These include:

  1. Financial savings.
  2. Production is carried out from environmentally friendly fillers.
  3. It is possible to create your own fragrance.
  4. Absence of irritations and allergies after conditioning.
  5. Qualitatively cleans things from washing powder.
  6. Perfectly softens the structure of fabric fibers.
  7. It can be stored for a long time and retain its properties.

There are several ways to make fabric softener at home. It can be made:

  1. using acetic acid.
  2. From a mixture of borax and soda.
  3. With tennis balls.

Each of these methods is characterized by its uniqueness. Which method to use depends on personal preference.

Vinegar conditioner

By adding various fillers to vinegar, you can prepare a special conditioner that will restore the quality of clothing. It will become soft and will have a unique aroma. Clothes will be easy to iron and not succumb to electrification. The absence of electrification will eliminate the need to purchase antistatic drugs. In addition, the vinegar solution destroys a significant part of bacteria and harmful microorganisms. There are several options for making rinse aid for home washing machine-machine.

Option 1. With the addition of lavender oil

To prepare such a conditioner, you will need 4-4.5 liters of vinegar solution and lavender oil. Vinegar must be poured into a container, add 20-25 drops of lavender oil and mix well. The finished solution will give softness and aroma to the washed linen.

If white laundry is being washed and the washing machine is fully loaded, then during rinsing it will be enough to add 200-250 grams of the solution. The volume of the solution can be reduced depending on the reduction in the volume of the laundry. When washing colored items, the volume of the added solution must be halved.

You can store the finished rinse in an opaque container for 1.5-2 months in a dark place.

Option 2. With the addition of mint

This option is identical to the lavender option. The difference is a smaller amount of vinegar for the conditioner. To prepare the conditioner, you will need 3-3.5 liters of vinegar. Vinegar must be poured into a container, add 20-25 drops of mint and mix thoroughly.

The volumes of addition for rinsing white linen and colored clothes are similar to the first option.

Option 3. Using soda and essential oil

To prepare such a homemade fabric softener, you will need 1.5 liters of water, 150 ml of vinegar, essential oil, 120 ml of baking soda.

In the prepared water, add the vinegar solution and mix thoroughly. After mixing with a thin stream, it is necessary to fill in the baking soda. After mixing all the components, you need to add 15-20 drops to the solution essential oil and mix thoroughly again.

It is necessary to introduce soda into the solution carefully. Vinegar and soda are active substances and interact with each other. As a result of their connection, foam is actively released. The foaming process is accompanied by a hissing sound.

Air conditioner is added to the washing machine through the filler compartment. For a full load of the machine, 100-150 ml of rinse aid is enough.

Option 4. With the addition of hair conditioner

To prepare such a freshener, water, vinegar and hair conditioner will be used. The concentration of the components of the finished solution is: 6 parts water, 3 parts vinegar, 2 parts conditioner. All components must be thoroughly mixed with each other. Any fragrant liquid or oil can be added to the prepared solution.

Air conditioner is added to the washing machine through the filler compartment. For a full load of the machine, 100-150 ml of rinse aid is enough. You can store the finished solution in an opaque container, in a dark place.

Option 5. Simple vinegar

This method is used when there are no aromatic liquids, oils and other fillers. An ordinary acetic solution serves as an air conditioner.

Before rinsing, vinegar is poured into the washing machine tank through a special compartment. Given the high concentration of pure vinegar, it is recommended to pour it in small quantities. Approximately 50-100 grams for a full load of the machine. This volume will give softness to linen and clothes. In addition, vinegar will destroy bacteria and microorganisms.

Rinsing laundry and clothing with pure vinegar tends to retain its smell after it dries. Therefore, it is recommended to dry clothes and linen in a ventilated place, for example, on the street.

Borax Soda Conditioner

The smell of vinegar or its residues often causes discomfort. In this case, you can prepare a freshener without adding vinegar. The ingredients for the conditioner will be borax and soda. They will serve as a substitute for vinegar.

Option 1. Soda solution

For refreshment, ordinary baking soda is used. 120-150 grams of soda is mixed in water until completely dissolved and poured into the washing machine tank. After that, things are scrolled in a soda solution.

Soda softens water due to its chemical properties and makes clothes and linens soft.

Option 2. Borax

Borax is a subtype of baking soda and can also replace vinegar-based fabric softener. 50-100 grams of borax must be mixed in water until completely dissolved and poured into the washing machine tank. After that, we scroll things in the prepared solution. Borax makes the fabric soft. After drying, clothes and linen can be easily ironed.

To remove stains from the collar and sleeves, leave the clothes in the conditioner for half an hour before loading them into the washing machine. Problem areas can be moistened with vinegar.

A distinctive quality of borax is its ability to significantly soften hard water. To do this, before washing clothes, it is recommended to add 100 grams of borax diluted in water to the tank.

The chemical properties of borax make it possible not only to make clothes and linen soft, but also to achieve their maximum cleanliness. A solution of borax well fights mold and fungal growths, bacteria and small insects.

Baking soda and borax will help to safely soften clothes and linen and save money. They can perfectly replace the vinegar rinse. Their chemical properties allow for additional cleaning of things, removing stubborn stains.

A good conditioner will also work if you mix a softening hair shampoo and do not a large number of ginseng oils. This will give things a special softness and a delicate pleasant aroma.

Tennis ball conditioning

Tennis balls are associated with a significant part of the population with a sports game. Few people know that tennis balls can be used instead of air conditioner to refresh clothes.

Their surface structure allows them to be used as an alternative to other rinses. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that electrification is removed from the surface of linen and clothing, the hardness of the fabric fibers decreases and the fabric becomes much softer. This affects its subsequent drying and ironing. The material for the manufacture of the surface of the balls is rubber rubber. It is an environmentally friendly product and does not harm clothing and underwear.

The principle of conditioning is quite simple. 3-5 tennis balls should be placed in the drum with washed linen or clothes. The number of balls depends on the volume of the drum of the washing machine and the number of things inside it. After the balls are loaded, you must turn on the washing machine. Constantly rolling, the balls hit the fabric fibers of things, making clothes soft. The gentle surface of balls keeps clothes from damages. Sometimes rubber balls with bulges are used for conditioning. The result of such an application may be partial damage to clothing or tearing of fabrics.

Tennis balls can be used to condition delicate clothes without damaging them.

Given the above, it can be understood that tennis balls are effective tool which will make the linen soft and delicate. Their low cost is an important argument for replacing industrial conditioners with them.

Knowing how to make homemade rinse aid, you can start making it. Own production will give the desired effect, and experience and time will tell you which of the air conditioners is more suitable for the family.

It is always nice if the washed things and bed linen have a fresh scent and are easy to iron. For this, people have created fabric softeners and fabric softeners. Manufacturers household chemicals offer a wide range of laundry detergents on the market, different in their properties and aromas. Unfortunately, these products, as a rule, contain many chemical components that do not benefit health, and very often cause harm. This is especially true for people suffering from allergies. Young mothers would also like to use the most gentle products for babies' clothes that do not harm delicate baby skin. For such opponents of chemistry, there is an option to use natural remedies. After all, you can make your own fabric softener at home.

1 option. food vinegar

The most popular homemade fabric softener recipe is known to many housewives. Food nine percent vinegar and water are taken at a ratio of 2: 1, for example, 2 glasses of water and one glass of vinegar. Mix these two simple components and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. It will kill the pungent smell of vinegar and give things a wonderful aroma. It is best to make the solution immediately before washing and in the necessary this moment quantity. If you still get more, you can store the solution in a glass, hermetically sealed container.

Option 2. soda and salt

We mix baking soda with warm water in the following proportion: 3 tablespoons of soda are dissolved in a glass of water (250 ml). And just like in the first option, you should add a few drops of essential oil to add flavor. It can be sandalwood, orange, ylang-ylang, jasmine and many others to your taste. You can also add a tablespoon of sea salt to the solution. And you can also use one salt instead of soda, also mixed with water and adding fragrant drops. Store rinse aid in a closed plastic bottle.

3 option. Hair balm

For this recipe, the most common and inexpensive hair conditioner is suitable. It perfectly softens the fabric and protects it from static electricity. You can make both the usual liquid version and dry, in the form of a powder, or, more precisely, a paste. So, to prepare fabric softener, mix 2 cups of water, 1 cup of vinegar and 2/3 cup of hair conditioner. The amount can be taken less, but be sure to respect the proportions. It is not necessary to shake the solution, just mix gently until smooth. Dry conditioner is very simple: 5 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea salt) are ground with 3 tablespoons of hair conditioner. Store-bought hair balms may vary slightly in consistency depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, if necessary, add or reduce the amount of salt so that a thick dry paste is obtained. When washing, put about 3 - 5 tablespoons of the product into a special compartment of the machine. And in both cases, do not forget about the flavor - a few drops of essential oil.

Home rinses can be used both for hand washing and in the washing machine, pouring the solution into a special compartment for rinses and conditioners.

These simple, and most importantly harmless and economical recipes for making rinse aid at home can easily replace harmful and expensive household products. Cooked with your own hands from simple ingredients, they will help you save the family budget and the health of you and your children.

Today, the use of various water softeners and rinse aids in laundry has become commonplace. But few people know that you can make fabric softener with your own hands, which is much more profitable than constantly buying such products. And in terms of the quality of the result, our own mixtures are in no way inferior to industrial ones.

What will be required?

If you read the composition of air conditioners that are presented in stores, the list will be impressive. And not all ingredients are good for health, especially for the child's body. Of course, there are good conditioners on sale - on natural basis, hypoallergenic. But their price will also be high.

That's why the conditioner of its own production is good, because all the components in it are always at hand, they are inexpensive and do not harm health. Of course, allergic reactions to these ingredients should not be ruled out, but they happen much less frequently than in the case of industrial air conditioners. Yes, and this composition is prepared in just a few minutes. But for how long it will last, it depends only on you. You can immediately prepare the rinse aid with a margin, it is stored well.

In order to make an air conditioner at home, you will need the following components:

  • vinegar;
  • baking soda (can be replaced with soda ash);
  • Epsom salt - sold in a pharmacy, the usual one will not work here;
  • warm water;
  • essential oil (lavender, orange, lemon or any other with a pleasant smell);
  • hair conditioner (not balm or rinse);
  • a container in which the air conditioner will be stored (you can even take a bottle from a purchased product).

As you can see, no complex and rare ingredients are required. You probably have all of this at home. If not, then a visit to the pharmacy or the store will help fill in the gap.

Manufacturing process

If you decide to make fabric softener at home, then you can do it both in advance and immediately before use - it is prepared quickly.

Now you just have to choose a rinse aid based on the ingredients that you have at home, and you can start making it. Having tried to make such a tool once, you are unlikely to return to industrial options. Homemade formulations are cheaper, safer, and soften laundry no worse than store-bought ones.

Very often, after washing, our linen becomes hard, unpleasant to the touch. What can be done to enhance the effect of detergents and get rid of harsh fabrics and at the same time not use household chemicals?

To help us solve this problem:

  • table vinegar
  • borax or borax

The Best Natural Fabric Softeners

Before we start describing how to soften the fabric during washing, it should be noted that you will need to find the optimal remedy for your individual case. The whole point is that universal remedy no, because the effect and result of using any means, both chemical and natural, directly depends on chemical composition water. Therefore, we suggest that you try in turn all the ways we offer to soften laundry during washing and find the most effective one for you.

1. Add 125 ml of table vinegar (9%) to the rinse compartment of your washing machine.

Vinegar is the most versatile fabric softener. It not only helps to remove residues more effectively detergent from linen, but also refreshes the fabric, eliminates odors and, of course, softens it.

2. Add half a 250 ml glass of baking soda to the drum of your washing machine

Before loading the laundry into the drum, pour the right amount of soda into it. The baking soda will enhance the effect of the laundry detergent and also soften your laundry.

Tip: Use baking soda and vinegar only if you are washing without bleach, otherwise an unwanted chemical reaction may occur!

3. Baking soda and vinegar together

We add half a glass of soda to the drum as described above, pour 125 ml of vinegar into the air conditioner compartment and get perfectly clean, soft linen. An added bonus is no static electricity!

By the way, soda and vinegar can be used when washing in a different way:

We add a glass of soda and a glass of water to the container, then pour 6 glasses of vinegar there - there will be a violent chemical reaction, wait for it to end and add another 6 glasses of water. If you want your home air conditioner for linen had a pleasant aroma, add 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil to the container. Pour the resulting mixture into an empty and clean bottle with a cap and add 125 ml of the product to the conditioner compartment before each wash.

4. Add half a 250 ml glass of borax (borax) to the detergent drawer (along with the detergent)

Borax softens hard water and enhances the action of your detergent. As a result, you get clean and fresh laundry, pleasant and soft to the touch. Borax (borax) can be bought at household chemical stores.

You can often hear the opinion that air conditioning is just a publicity stunt, but it has no real effect. Some people are embarrassed by additional expenses, others are annoyed by a pungent smell, and others do not even think about using the product. However, the benefit in the air conditioner is not only for linen, but also for the washing machine - the product softens the water. The problem remains only in choosing a brand, a suitable fragrance and the desired effect when washing.

Why you should try

Air conditioning is an additional tool to washing powder. The cleaner has other names - rinse aid, softener, antistatic agent. In fact, the difference between fabric softener and fabric softener is only in the name and in the specification of the stage at which the agent is applied. "Rinse aid" speaks for itself - for rinsing clothes at the last stage of washing.

Chemical composition

Store shelves are full of names and shapes of bottles. However, any air conditioner has almost the same composition, the difference is only in additional substances that give a certain smell and extend the shelf life. Mandatory components of softeners and their purpose are presented in the table.

Table - Action and purpose of air conditioner components

The content of surfactants in the rinse aid should not be less than 5%. Surfactants combined with silicone prevent pilling, smooth and soften fabrics. Silicone, depending on the formula, gives the air conditioner different properties - the ability to absorb or repel moisture. Some softeners do not contain silicone. Also, the rinse aid contains thickeners and fragrance, which give a uniform density and aroma to the washed things.

Positive effect

The conditioner has a positive effect on the fabric. Even the simplest and cheapest conditioner has softening and smoothing effects. The main effect of the substance is indicated on the vials, depending on the content of additional components in it. The tool has various properties and functions:

  • dirt-repellent effect- the film created on the fabric surface prevents rapid contamination, things stay clean longer;
  • softening - used to soften linen from different fabrics;
  • maintaining colors- colored things do not fade and retain their color longer;
  • easy ironing - thanks to the softening and smoothing of the fabric during washing, the ironing process becomes easier;
  • antistatic effect– neutralizes static electricity, which is important for wool and synthetic fabrics;
  • aromatization - beats off unpleasant odors giving the laundry a fresh and pleasant fragrance.

What things are suitable for

Fabric softener is not suitable for all fabrics. Rinsing special tool has a positive effect on cotton, linen, synthetic, woolen things.

The properties of the rinse aid have a bad effect on:

  • silk - stains and stains remain;
  • corrective elastic underwear- deformed, elasticity decreases;
  • water-repellent impregnation- the fabric loses its properties.

Additives allow you to use the rinse for starching, giving fluffiness, maintaining brightness. For children's clothes and delicate products, special softeners must be used. To understand if the conditioner can be applied to a certain fabric, a label with the corresponding sign on the clothes will help.

Potential Harm

The modern world has become mobile largely due to the chemical industry. However, every student knows that chemicals are potentially harmful to health. When choosing an air conditioner, many are wondering about the dangers of the components, trying to choose a safe, hypoallergenic product. It is difficult to completely protect yourself from chemistry, but when choosing an air conditioner, you should pay attention to potentially hazardous substances:

  • linalool - gives the aroma of lilies of the valley;
  • A-terpineol - imitates the smell of lilac;
  • benzyl alcohol- used to give linen the scent of jasmine;
  • chloroform - used as a solvent;
  • ethanol - essential for preservation and retention of odors.

All of these chemicals can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and dizziness if present in large amounts. Therefore, it is better to avoid drugs containing them. In any case, when using the conditioner, the dosage should be strictly observed, and the bottle should be kept away from curious children.

Addition for manual and automatic washing

Traditionally, air conditioning is used for automatic washing machine but can also be used for hand washing. The difference is only in the dosage and the period of addition.

  • Automatic washing. The rinse aid is added to the washing machine before the start of the cycle. The receiving tray has a special compartment for liquid conditioner, which usually has a narrow opening and is indicated by a flower. The conditioner in a special dispenser can be placed in the drum or poured into the compartment immediately before the rinse cycle. It is not necessary to pour fabric softener during each wash. You can alternate cycles with only powder and conditioner.
  • Handwash . The product dissolves in water before the final rinse. The linen is soaked for several minutes in a basin, wrung out and hung out to dry. There is no need to rinse clothes after conditioner.

With any type of washing, it is important to observe the proportions and dosages in accordance with the volume of the washing machine, the amount of laundry. To do this, it is enough to use a cap from the bottle or a special dispenser. The nuances of use can be found in the instructions attached to the label.

How else can you use

Ways to use the conditioner do not end with washing. Few people know that the rinse aid is useful for household needs during general cleaning. With air conditioning are held:

  • washing windows in the apartment and car;
  • cleaning of leather things;
  • washing the laminate
  • tile cleaning;
  • carpet cleaning from wool;
  • removal of old wallpaper.

For washing and cleaning it is necessary to prepare a conditioner solution. Usually, four parts of warm water are taken for one part of the product. To rid the carpet of wool, you should mix the solution in a 1: 1 ratio. IN pure form rinse aid can be used to work out a stuck zipper: just apply a little to the zipper.

Fabric softener: what each type is for

Among all the variety of products, choosing the best fabric softener is quite difficult. Housewives usually act at random, trying different means in accordance with their tactile sensations and sense of smell. Let's figure out what air conditioners are, what you should pay attention to when choosing.


Concentrated rinse aid is easy to use. Despite the high cost compared to conventional conditioners, the concentrate helps to save money. This rinse contains a large amount of active substances, so one wash requires no more than half of the usual dose of conditioner.

Distinctive features of the concentrate:

  • economy - enough for a large number of washes, 700 ml can be stretched for a year;
  • habitual use- poured into the compartment for air conditioners, does not require dilution with water;
  • small dosage- a small amount of the product works no worse than the usual dose of a conventional conditioner.


Choosing a conditioner for baby clothes should be done with great care. Clothes after rinsing should be not only soft, but also hypoallergenic, not cause irritation on the skin. It is recommended to wash children's clothes up to three years old only with rinse aid.

For clothes of newborns, special "children's" air conditioners without fragrances and harmful substances. The quality of the product is checked in the store: after shaking the bottle, a lot of foam should not form.

Rules for choosing a conditioner for baby clothes:

  • fragrance-free- the product does not have a pronounced odor;
  • "soft" base - does not contain chloroform, benzyl acetate, terpineol, ethanol;
  • GOST - the goods must be certified and comply with GOST standards;
  • age marking- you should look for vials marked "0+";
  • average price - cheap products, as a rule, contain a lot of preservatives and thickeners.


Balm - a variant of the "children's" conditioner. Conditioner-balm for linen is suitable for sensitive skin of babies, prevents allergies. It is recommended to add when washing towels, terry dressing gowns, bed linen, children's clothes, woolen and synthetic products.

Advantages of the balm over conventional conditioners:

  • consumes no more than 25 ml per wash;
  • does not leave a smell after drying;
  • removes static electricity;
  • suitable for delicate baby skin;
  • contains natural ingredients (surfactants of plant origin, proteins, oils).

With the prefix "Eco"

People who are concerned about the health of loved ones and the state of the environment can choose an eco-conditioner for washing children's things - natural remedy odorless or with a slight aroma of natural essential oils. The conditioner is suitable for clothes made of different fabrics.

The main difference between an environmentally friendly softener and other similar products is the vegetable origin of all components. The tool does not contain:

  • sulfates;
  • oil products;
  • parabens;
  • phenols;
  • phosphates;
  • phthalates;
  • formaldehyde;
  • chlorine;
  • fragrances.

The basis of the ecological rinse is water and vegetable surfactants. Caring mothers should take a closer look at these funds.

If the air conditioner thickens for some reason, you can try diluting it with water. Sometimes the manufacturer indicates on the label what to do in this case. In the absence of any instructions, after unsuccessful attempts to dissolve the agent in water, the bottle will have to be thrown away. It is better not to risk and not use a frozen rinse in the car - the product will most likely clog the drains, it will not completely rinse out of the clothes.


An unpopular dry conditioner is napkins soaked in the product. The agent is placed in a centrifuge before the start of the cycle or before the drying mode. The dosage depends on the amount of laundry to be washed. You can put a few pieces or a torn off half. Also available in the form of fabric balls.


Another alternative to bottled conditioners with a pungent odor can be special granules sold in bottles. Granular conditioner is difficult to attribute to traditional rinses, not only because of the shape. The agent does not soften the fabric, does not protect against dirt, but gives things freshness and a pleasant delicate aroma that lasts on clothes for a long time. Use a perfumed conditioner, adhering to the five recommendations.

  1. Pour out a sufficient amount of the product from the bottle (the more, the stronger the smell).
  2. Load the laundry into the drum of the machine.
  3. Spread granular rinse aid on top.
  4. Start the car in the usual mode.
  5. To soften clothes, use a traditional conditioner.

Napkins and granular air freshener are hard to find in Russia, but can be ordered online or brought from abroad. Housewives who have tried "non-standard" air conditioners leave only positive feedback, noting the economy, efficiency and unobtrusive aroma.

Do-it-yourself rinse aid: use 5 improvised means

Despite the availability of funds and a large selection, some housewives are looking for something to replace fabric softener with. Some want to save money, others want to protect their loved ones from the harmful effects of synthetic components. We offer five home methods to help soften and dielectric fabric with improvised means.

  1. Vinegar . A household softener known to housewives is added directly to the rinse aid compartment in the machine. 150-200 ml of vinegar is enough for one wash.
  2. Soda. Add 50 g of baking soda pre-diluted in water for automatic or hand washing. Soda softens water, bleaches clothes.
  3. Salt . Dissolve three tablespoons of salt in a glass of water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  4. Hair balm. Mix 500 ml of water with 250 ml of vinegar and 150 ml of balm. Mix into a homogeneous mass. You can also grind five tablespoons of sea salt with three tablespoons of balm to make a paste.
  5. Blend. Prepare a glass of soda and 9% vinegar each. Pour half a liter of boiling water into a deep container. Dissolve baking soda in water, add vinegar. For aroma, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil. Pour the mixture into a bottle. Use 50 ml when washing.

It is recommended to prepare a gel paste from soap shavings (50 g), soda ash (50 g), glycerin (three tablespoons), borax (one tablespoon) and essential oil (three drops). Soda and soap are dissolved in boiling water, glycerin is added and mixed thoroughly. When the solution has cooled, borax and oil are added.

The use of fabric softener does not cause difficulties for modern housewives. The choice of a suitable rinse aid is left to the buyers. For odor intolerance, it is better to use fragrance-free products or use self-prepared mixtures. Only with strict observance of the instructions and dosages, you can get soft clothes without conditioner residues in the fabric.

Reviews: "And I add to the water for the iron"

How about an air conditioner for smell? without it, my towels are hard, and the man has winter camouflage - autumn camouflage only beats like this if washed without air conditioning. I always choose different ones, but I realized that the cheap one has a weak antistatic effect, which is bad.

Goat Agata,

I also add a drop of fabric softener to the water for the iron. And the smell is pleasant, and ironing is easier, and it seems like an antistatic agent.

Vasilisa Mikulishna,

I do use fabric softener. I can’t say that I stick to the products of a particular company, but in any case, the underwear after the conditioner is much more pleasant to the touch.


I started using children's conditioners when I started washing children's tights, and now I buy them out of habit. I like them better. I think they are softer and smell not intrusive.


I make my own mouthwash, no chemicals! 1 cup vinegar, the same amount of soda and 2 cups hot water, quite a bit of inexpensive fragrant oil. The conditioner is ready.

Irishka 55,
