Glycerin in its purest form. Properties and uses of glycerin in skin care

"Super-moisturizing" and "super-essential" for dry skin and hair, glycerin is a favorite ingredient in marketers. It is designed to make your skin smooth, moisturized, literally collecting moisture from the air.

Let's try to understand the magic of glycerin, is it so effective and safe for daily use in your cosmetics?

Glycerin is a substance resembling a transparent viscous liquid in consistency, it can be obtained from vegetable fats or synthesized chemically, in which case it is obtained from the toxic substance epichlorohydrin. Manufacturers most often simply do not indicate what origin glycerin is, most likely if it is not written that it is natural, then it is synthetic.

It reduces the viscosity cosmetics, which helps them not to freeze during transportation in the winter season. It can also be found in some foods (pastries, candies, etc.)

There are 3 main grades for glycerin:

  1. Raw: 44-88% pure glycerin
  2. Technical: 98% glycerin
  3. Pharmaceutical: 99.5-99.7% pure glycerin

Other important designations: kosher (vegetarian - from plant products) and food.

Is glycerin bad for the skin?

Glycerin collects moisture from the air and retains it, one molecule of glycerin is able to collect up to 10 water molecules. But, the point is that this is only possible when air humidity 65% and more, in other cases, glycerin simply collects moisture from the deep layers of the skin ... visible hydration actually dries the skin.

The same effect awaits those who use a cream in which the main ingredient (at the top of the list) is glycerin. In order for glycerin to have a beneficial effect on the skin, firstly, it must be natural, and secondly, it must be combined with other natural ingredients in the right proportion. If you don't want to buy organic cosmetics, try to find a cream without glycerin in general is better.

Glycerin for the skin around the eyes

By itself, glycerin cannot be classified as a toxic ingredient, nor can it be called a poison. But it all depends on what it is extracted from and how much of it is in your eye cream. Synthetic glycerin can cause allergies and dry sensitive skin (isn't it strange if it is supposed to moisturize it?!)

In addition, too much glycerin can create a sticky effect on the skin, which is not very pleasant, because you still need to apply foundation or eye shadow on your eyelids!

Glycerin is most commonly found in soaps and hand creams. But the use of cheap mass-market products with glycerin leads to the fact that the skin needs to be moisturized again and again - glycerin simply aggressively draws out all the moisture from the inside (unless, of course, you live in the tropics), the effect necessary for manufacturers is obtained - first, the skin of the hands is well moisturized, after a while, the hands are dry again and you need to smear more - so we don’t leave the house without a cream in our purse.

Is it possible to use glycerin in its pure form for facial skin care? What will be the effect?

Some lovers of experimenting write about what you can buy pure glycerin(sold in a pharmacy) and use it (diluted with water or rose water) on the hands and face. The skin really immediately looks hydrated (unless, of course, you are allergic to glycerin).

So, perhaps, if you suddenly have a wedding or other important event, then as an emergency moisturizer (again, do not overdo it so that there is no sticky or wet effect) - you can use it, but not for daily care, not if you want to have a healthy and beautiful skin always, and as long as possible to preserve youth.

When applying pure glycerin to the skin - The moisturizing effect will only last for a couple of hours.

Glycerin is widely used in dry hair products. Most prone to dryness curly hair, but in this case, you need to be careful with such products - in conditions of excessive humidity, the hair will fluff, and if the air is dry (as is the case with skin) suck out all the moisture from the inside to the surface.

It is also worth being careful with glycerin in products if your hair is dyed - it, being a good solvent, capable of dissolving paint molecules(especially freshly dyed or red shades, these paints have large molecules, and are always on the surface).

It is said that you moisturize the skin well if used in a humid environment, and in low humidity, hot summers and harsh winters, you are best not to mess with. You begin to “pump out” water from the deep layers of the skin, thereby only damaging and leading to even greater dryness. They say a lot of things, they even give different numbers. But what about glycerin? Tell me, what is your role for the skin? Come on as the spirit - benefit and harm. Spread it!

Have been using glycerin for two hundred years in the manufacture of cosmetics and suddenly - bang! There have been accusations that it can harm the skin if used improperly. They even give specific figures that, they say, the content in the cream should not be more than 7%, and when used at a relative humidity of less than 65%, it dries the skin terribly, “sucking out” moisture from the lower layers of the epidermis and dermis. And in fact?

Very nice, king

Meet. Liquid, transparent, viscous, sweet-tasting alcohol. Where not used. Food industry, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, medical, tobacco, agriculture, etc. He was involved in all spheres of life. Glycerin surrounds. He is within us. Any fat, vegetable or animal, including human, consists of fatty acids and glycerol.

In industry, it is extracted both from natural raw materials - sugar, starch, palm oil and other sources, and chemically synthesized. Most of it is obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of soap.

Notable for its love of water. Wikipedia says so much that in 3 days it can “eat” an amount of water equal to its mass. The fact is interesting, but useless. From such facts, it is not clear whether glycerin can be used for the skin, there is a risk of overdrying, or again they are intimidated by how much in vain. Benefit and harm - that's valuable information.

All of myself is so positive

Let's start with the good news. Useful properties of glycerin:

Here is such a rather big track record for this comrade, no matter what point, then joy. And what is the harmful effect of glycerin on the skin?

Everything is medicine and everything is poison

Oh, great Hippocrates, how accurate you were in your statements. Dose is everything. Does glycerin dry out the skin? Yes. His love for water is blind. He doesn't care where his beloved is. If there is not enough moisture in the air, it will “pull” it from the lower layers of the epidermis to the outer ones, really drying out the skin. But it is pure concentrated glycerin. Do you use pure glycerin for hands, face or body? Do you think that a mono-component is always better than a chemical mix? Here's an interesting experiment for you.

In the 50s of the XX century there was such a scientist I.H. Blank and he conducted a bizarre experiment. I watched, just don’t laugh, a piece of callused skin, which, while in mineral oil, did not want to become soft, and a short stay in water helped restore elasticity. From this wonderful experiment, he concluded that all emollients work due to water acting as a conductor.

Laughter with laughter, and the story was further developed. I.H. Blank has been rewarded, industrialists have launched a huge release of moisturizers, and dermatologists have received new opportunities to combat dry skin. As modestly said

Beautician himself

Here is such a story. Any simple composition in a jar, consisting of water, glycerin, silicones, a couple of stabilizers and preservatives, even without vitamins, oils and other active substances, will be more useful than pure glycerin. By the way, in most cases, this also applies to a number of other cosmetic substances. Don't believe? Read the reviews of cosmetologists about glycerin in cosmetics, they are very positive, which cannot be said about “solo” use.

If a creative soul cannot do without home experiments, now you know how to use glycerin correctly - be sure to dilute it with water. Say, in a ratio of 1 to 2 and do not get carried away too often with such a mixture.

Not convinced? Will you use a pure substance and observe the use at the notorious humidity of at least 65%? The optimal value of indoor humidity is considered to be from 40 to 60%, in summer and winter outdoors it is even lower. It remains to wait for autumn or rains.

Can glycerin be applied to the skin around the eyes? It can also be used on the area around the lips, elbows, knees, any parts of the body, but not in a concentrated form.

Too high concentrations of glycerin also give a sticky effect. In skin care products, it is typically used in concentrations up to 10% mixed with other ingredients such as emollients and oils. When experimenting with quantity, remember Golden Rule- Less is better. You can always add if you want.

How to use glycerin moisturizer correctly

On this issue, too, confusion and vacillation in opinion. Who says that they can only be used during the day, applying to the face in the evening can provoke swelling. Others forbid using it in the summer because of the heat and dryness, in the winter because of the frost. Putting all the statements together, it turns out that there are no favorable moments for using moisturizers at all. Popular opinion simply did not leave these "muds" a chance.

Conventionally, all creams can be divided into two types - moisturizing and nourishing, depending on the amount of water in their composition. In a moisturizer, water is usually between 70% and 90%. In nutrition, the same amount falls on fat components. The type of cream is not always indicated on the jar, but the manufacturer always gives recommendations for use.

  • The main rule is to choose a cream according to age and skin type. Using inappropriate formulations, no matter when you apply them - morning or evening, winter or summer. The degree of harm is the same. And vice versa, having picked up a product, according to the needs of your skin, you can use it all year round, there will be no catastrophe. It is not forbidden to use a cream with glycerin for the skin around the eyes.
    In winter, regardless of type, the skin becomes a little dry. For the frosty period, it is worth buying a composition with a high fat content. For example, if the skin is oily, choose the composition for normal, normal for dry, but for dry skin, manufacturers always try to competently “oil” and moisturize, regardless of the time of year.
  • Learn the ingredients. Sometimes another colorful jar shouts from the shelf: “Do not pass by, buy me, I am with valuable and precious oils”! In fact, the most valuable thing a charlatan has is mineral oil and petroleum jelly.
  • Choose products in which the manufacturer has not regretted putting various active ingredients: natural oils, vitamins, herbal extracts. Glycerin, silicones, petroleum jelly, lanolin, mineral oils - all these are also “skin-friendly” substances, they will benefit, but the composition good cream should not be limited to them.
  • Track the reaction to a particular product. If during use noted the appearance of dryness, it is worth changing to another. By the way, if the skin reacts painfully to cleansing procedures, choose products with glycerin in the composition: cleansers, hand soaps, shower gels. They are softer and more gentle.

So we figured out how glycerin affects the skin. We dispelled the myths around your person, invented by home-grown cosmetic healers. Thank you, glycerine, for taking such care of the beauty of women for a couple of hundred years. Do not trust marketers, trust scientists, they will help you to get to the bottom of the truth with their eccentric experiments. All beauty and hydration!

In order to look good, you need to devote enough time to taking care of yourself. At the same time, it is not necessary to make significant financial investments. In fact, with the help of sufficient budgetary funds, you can organize excellent care for your skin and hair. So, ordinary glycerin, which can be purchased for a penny at any pharmacy, can become an important part of the home care arsenal. So, today we will talk about how glycerin can be used for the face, we will give recipes tested with it. Let's figure out what is the use of glycerin and what harm can be from its use, we will also consider real reviews about the use of this substance at home.

Glycerin is a fairly common component of pharmacy products for body care in general and facial skin in particular. This substance is also used in the manufacture of home cosmetics. At its core, glycerin is a trihydric alcohol. It has neither smell nor color, it looks viscous and transparent. Basically, such a component is used to achieve an excellent moisturizing effect.

What are the benefits of glycerin for the face?

In fact, this substance is able to draw particles of moisture from the air, saturating the skin with it. Due to this, a kind of wet film is formed on the skin, which contributes to the achievement of an excellent moisturizing effect. In fact, thanks to the use of products with the addition of such a component, the skin becomes soft, smooth and acquires high elasticity.

Glycerin plays the role of a stabilizer in home cosmetics. It is able to activate metabolic processes in the skin, which in turn helps to cleanse its pores of dirt, oil and toxins. For the face, the benefit of this substance is that it helps to get rid of mimic wrinkles. Glycerin can also eliminate cracks in the heels, make the skin on the knees and elbows smoother and more nourished.

Possible harm glycerin

However, experts say that glycerin can only absorb moisture particles from the air if there is actually moisture in the environment. Accordingly, in dry air, this component can begin to act in a completely different way: by sucking moisture from the skin cells. So the use of glycerin as part of home cosmetics is possible only if the air humidity is in the range of forty-five to sixty-five degrees.

Also, harm to the face from the use of glycerin is possible if it is taken pure and undiluted. As part of various means for the skin is usually only five to seven percent of this substance.

The combination of glycerin with silicone can also be quite harmful. And when combined with soap, such a component is able to wash out melanin from the skin, providing a brightening effect. In addition, according to cosmetologists, for the face, the harm of this substance is possible when caring for hypersensitive or inflamed skin.

Recipes with glycerin

To prepare an effective anti-aging and moisturizing agent, you need to combine a tablespoon of high-quality honey, a teaspoon of glycerin, a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, and a couple of tablespoons of full-fat milk.

Mix all the prepared ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to previously cleansed skin. After twenty minutes, wash your face without using soap.

Readers of "Popular about Health" with sensitive and dry skin types should combine a teaspoon of glycerin with the same amount of only brewed green tea and a tablespoon of heated coconut oil. Stir the resulting mixture and apply it on your face like a balm using a cotton pad. You can leave this product for half an hour, then wash.

In order to add elasticity and firmness to the skin, it is recommended to combine fresh chicken yolk, ten milliliters of glycerin, five grams of finely grated zest and a teaspoon of heavy cream. Mix until smooth, then apply to the skin. This mask must be kept for twenty to twenty-five minutes.

To improve the condition of dry skin prone to rashes and irritations, it is worth preparing a decoction of herbs, for example, chamomile flowers, sage or thyme. A tablespoon of filtered liquid must be combined with four tablespoons, a tablespoon of glycerin and the same amount of lukewarm water. All components must be mixed until smooth, so that there are no lumps. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave for twenty minutes. Wash off with cool water afterwards. Use the clay mask twice a week.

Impressions about the use of glycerin, reviews

The girl Ksyusha used the first version of the mask (indicated by us above) for skin care. She liked the moisturizing and softening effect of the use of glycerin, but the girl does not like product masks. Much more often, she uses glycerin, simply mixing it with water in the palm of her hand. She applies the resulting mixture on the skin at night, and in the morning the skin becomes soft, and even after washing it does not feel tight.

The girl Arina writes that she uses glycerin in combination with vitamin E for application to the skin. She performs this procedure every night, and notes that the skin becomes moisturized and radiant as a result. In addition, Arina's glycerin helped to avoid the appearance of mimic wrinkles.

Thus, reviews of glycerin are positive and its use in cosmetic recipes for the face gives a wonderful moisturizing effect, helps to prevent and eliminate many skin problems.

Glycerin (glycerol) is a chemical substance in the form of a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid, miscible with water in any proportion. It has the properties of most alcohols, since it is itself a trihydric alcohol. The substance is sweet in taste, odorless.

Glycerin activates the penetration of nourishing and moisturizing ingredients deep into the layers of the skin, enhancing their positive impact.

This substance is widely used as one of the components of cosmetics:

  • soap,
  • creams,
  • lotions and more.

In the cream, this substance has:

  • moisturizing,
  • rejuvenating effect
  • effectively fights mimic wrinkles,
  • the skin of the face is brighter and tightened.

Properties and effectiveness:

  1. Here is an example: if you place it next to an open container filled with water, after a certain time the structure of the drug will change. It turns out not quite glycerol, but a mixture of 80% glycerol and 20% water. The drug similarly absorbs moisture from the environment, being on the skin, while moisturizing the face.
  2. smoothing. The drug fills microcracks and wrinkles on the face with water, smoothing the skin and rejuvenating it.
  3. protection. A kind of film created by glycerin on the face protects the skin from microbial flora and dirt. The substance can successfully treat eczema and deal with excessive dryness of the skin without complications.


External use of the drug is contraindicated in case of violation of the integrity of the skin, an allergic reaction to the drug.

Application features

The main quality of glycerol is hygroscopicity.

The substance covers the skin with a protective film, but at the same time it has the ability to absorb moisture from the deeper layers of the epidermis, which contributes to the drying of the skin. That is why there is an opinion that the remedy is more harmful than useful.

At the same time, the substance also absorbs the moisture that is in the surrounding atmosphere, simultaneously nourishing the epidermis. But then again: the atmosphere does not always have a sufficient level of humidity. If the air is too dry, then the substance absorbs moisture from the deep layers of the skin, which greatly depletes it.

In winter, when heating appliances dry the air, as well as in countries with arid and hot climates, it is not recommended to use care products that contain glycerin.

That is, glycerol can not be used both in too hot and cold seasons. If, nevertheless, there is a need to use this drug for cosmetic purposes, and the air is dry, then it is necessary to humidify it: you can use a device for humidifying the air or a spray bottle with water.

It is strictly contraindicated to apply glycerin undiluted to the face: be sure to mix it with water or oil. In its pure form, this substance will absorb moisture from the skin, and the maximum allowable degree of presence of glycerol in a cosmetic product should not exceed 10%.

Recipes for masks with glycerin from wrinkles on the face

Glycerin face masks for wrinkles are best done in the morning. Since such masks, for the most part, contain very fatty components. In order to avoid the appearance of puffiness, it is better not to use glycerol at night.

Before pampering your face with a mask, you need to wash your face well, pat dry with a towel. For glycerin to be as effective as possible, it must be applied only to wet skin. To enhance the effect of the mask, you can steam your face a little before the procedure.

We offer several recipes for masks with glycerin for wrinkles:

  • take 10 ml of glycerol, liquid vitamins E and A, 1 yolk, 40 ml of fresh chamomile infusion.

Prepare the infusion as follows: brew dry chamomile (1 sachet) in half a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Pour chamomile infusion into a container from glass or ceramics, add liquid glycerol, vitamins A and E, yolk (it should not be cold, optimally at room temperature). Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water;

  • a mask with glycerin and gelatin is especially useful for wrinkles. Prepare the gelatin base: pour a teaspoon of gelatin with 7-8 teaspoons of cold boiled water, let it swell, then place the container in a water bath and cook until a homogeneous mass is obtained, without boiling. Combine this solution with 4 tablespoons of water and add two teaspoons of glycerin and liquid honey, then mix everything. Such a blank can be stored in a clean, sealed container in the refrigerator for 14-20 days;
  • heat a tablespoon of honey in a water bath, mix with one teaspoon of glycerin, a tablespoon of cornmeal, then add a tablespoon to the mixture mineral water. Apply to the face, remove after half an hour with warm chamomile infusion;
  • mix the egg yolk with half a tablespoon of butter, add one dessert spoon of honey and glycerin, a tablespoon of chamomile decoction. Keep the mask for 10 minutes, rinse cold water;
  • in a puree of 1 medium-sized boiled potato, add 20 ml of milk, 1 yolk, 20 ml of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey and mix. Next, you need to dilute 5 ml of glycerol in the same amount of warm water and add the solution to the prepared products, apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes;
  • in a pharmacy bottle of glycerol, enter the contents of 10 capsules of vitamin E, mix. The mask can be done at bedtime, leaving the composition on the face;
  • divide the chicken egg, add honey (a teaspoon) and a teaspoon of glycerin to the yolk. Beat egg white, add oatmeal (tablespoon). Mix all ingredients and apply to clean skin faces for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water.

Adverse reactions

The use of this substance very rarely causes negative side reactions. Before use, it is necessary to do an allergy test:

  • apply a little substance on the back of the brush,
  • observe the reaction of the skin - if redness or a rash appears, then you are allergic to glycerin and should not be used in any case.

Among the adverse reactions that this remedy can cause, one should also highlight the possibility of strong lightening and depletion of the skin, since glycerin tends to wash out pigments.

Glycerol can clog pores, resulting in pimples and inflammation. If the composition of the cosmetic product, in addition to glycerol, also includes silicone, then this can lead to peeling and dryness of the dermis.

But Negative consequences can occur only if glycerol is used in too high a concentration, or if there is an individual intolerance to this drug. In reasonable doses, correct application, the substance brings only benefits.

How to rinse properly

When we read in recipes: “wash off the mask with warm water”, you need to know that this statement has nuances when applied to masks using glycerin.

Just washing with water is not recommended - there will be no effect from the mask. It would be correct to moisten a cotton pad with warm water or milk and gently blot the skin. It must be remembered that after such a mask, cosmetic gels and face cream cannot be used.

Course and duration of procedures

Usually the course of using masks with glycerin is 15-20 procedures, which are carried out with a break of 2-3 days. Such courses can be held 2 times a year, optimally - in spring and autumn.

Can it be left overnight

A mask with glycerin for a face against wrinkles consists of quite fatty components, so it is better not to leave such a mask at night: in the morning you can wake up swollen.

If the mask with this substance is not washed off and left for a longer time for a greater effect, then you can get the effect of wet skin (all this is due to the properties of the drug to attract moisture).

The desire to be well-groomed and beautiful is natural for any woman. The pursuit of this goal encourages the fair sex to use various cosmetics. High-quality creams, lotions, foams for facial skin care are a special item of expenditure, because such products are not cheap.

However, to heal delicate skin and maintain its radiant appearance, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics. The functions of caring for her can take on such a simple tool as glycerin.

Beneficial features

Glycerin is a substance used in the manufacture of a number of cosmetics. Its demand is explained by the ability to absorb moisture from the environment, attracting it to the skin and thus moisturizing it.

Glycerin is able to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and smooth existing ones.

Owners of sensitive skin will also appreciate the action of this substance, because glycerin makes the skin soft, smooth and resistant to adverse factors. external environment which is especially true for the autumn and winter periods.

It is also suitable for delicate skin around the eyes. For women who want to get rid of crow's feet, it will be a real discovery. In combination with vitamins A and E, it can work wonders, tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

Another advantage of this component is that it rarely becomes a source of allergic reactions, so its use is safe for health.
You can use glycerin for the face in conjunction with various components. Homemade masks and lotions based on it for dry and oily skin can be used to significantly improve appearance skin.

Home Recipes for Cosmetics

Masks and creams based on glycerin can solve many problems: dryness, peeling, rashes, flabbiness, education dark circles under the eyes. It will not be difficult to prepare such funds, but the result obtained from their regular use will certainly please women.

Below are the options for masks and lotions that are suitable for eliminating skin imperfections:

  • If you need complex care, you can try masks based on glycerin and oatmeal. Its action is to soften dry skin, smooth wrinkles, eliminate dark circles under the eyes. It is prepared like this: a tablespoon of oatmeal boiled in milk is mixed with an incomplete teaspoon of glycerin and one raw yolk. The resulting mass is applied to the face with a thin layer and kept for at least 20 minutes. The use of the remedy should be regular.
  • A mask made from a tablespoon of glycerin, two tablespoons of milk, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of raw oatmeal has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. This mass is left on the skin for up to 20 minutes.
  • You can use glycerin for the face to solve problems such as acne. For this purpose, a liquid lotion is prepared that has a gentle effect: take a teaspoon of glycerin and mix with 200 ml of boiled water. Literally 2 ml of lemon juice and camphor alcohol are also added here. Wipe the skin with lotion daily.
  • Many women suffer from hyperpigmentation on the face, i.e. freckles. Glycerin, combined with lemon, becomes a powerful skin whitener. The lotion, which fights the manifestations of hyperpigmentation, consists of 50 ml of vodka, whipped raw protein, squeezed juice from a whole lemon and 4 ml of glycerin. All this is mixed and the areas of the face where the freckles are concentrated are rubbed with the resulting liquid.
  • The fight against wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin of the face will become much more effective if there is a cream with glycerin and vitamin E in the arsenal of skin care products. Numerous positive reviews speak in favor of these products. To prepare the cream, you just need to add the contents of ten capsules of vitamin E (it is known as Aevit) to a bottle of glycerin (25 grams). You need to smear your face with this composition before going to bed, keeping it from 40 minutes to an hour.

Please note: Creams and lotions based on homemade glycerin are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their properties.

Can glycerin hurt?

Any skin care product that contains it should be kept on the face for a strictly defined amount of time and not left all night, wanting to achieve a magical effect right away.

Glycerin cream, mask or lotion, having useful properties moisturizing, capable of drying out the skin under certain conditions

So, if the humidity level in the room is less than 65%, glycerin can harm the skin, causing a feeling of tightness, dryness and peeling. A similar effect is observed when this component is used in excessive amounts.

Is it possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about its exclusive benefit or harm? I think no. When using this product for skin care purposes, you must adhere to the "golden" rule: moderation and reasonableness. Only in this case, glycerin can really be useful, it will help restore skin health, restore its elasticity and natural color.
