Where should you pour the liquid powder in the washing machine. Types of Persil laundry gels: the best Persil products and their review How to use Persil laundry tablets

Persen contains a number of active components of plant origin: dry extracts lemon balm , valerian , peppermint . As additional substances, the tablets include: magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, crospovidone, lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, MCC.

The shell of the tablet consists of the following components: talc, hydroxypropylcellulose, sucrose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, povidone, titanium dioxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, , calcium carbonate, wax E, dye brown 75.

Release form

Available in the form of coated tablets; biconvex tablets, round, dark Brown. Foil blisters contain 10 tablets, 3, 4, 6, 8 blisters can be put into a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

The abstract indicates that the tablets act as antispasmodic And soothing means. All components of this medicine in the complex have a mild effect on the body. sedative action.

Valerian extract provides a calming effect, lemon balm extract has an antispasmodic and calming effect. Peppermint extract provides a mild sedative as well as antispasmodic effect.

In general, Persen relieves feelings of anxiety and irritability, has a calming effect on people in a state of excitement and psycho-emotional stress. During facilitates the process of falling asleep, while not causing a condition in the daytime.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The drug affects the body due to the total effect of its components, so kinetic observations were not carried out. drug is also impossible to identify.

Indications for use

The following indications for the use of this remedy are determined:

  • that accompany states of arousal, anxiety, insomnia, and in which there is no need to prescribe potent drugs;
  • the period after the abolition of potent drugs with a sedative effect;
  • prevention of psychosomatic manifestations in people who are exposed to stress factors.


Such contraindications for taking Persen are determined:

  • fructose intolerance, lack of sucrase and isomaltase;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption, lack of lactase, lactose intolerance;
  • diseases of the biliary tract - , cholangitis, etc.;
  • arterial hypotension ;
  • high sensitivity to the components of Persen;
  • the patient's age is up to 12 years.

Carefully appoint Persen to people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Side effects

In the process of taking the tablets, the manifestation of such side effects:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of a rash on the skin, hyperemia, peripheral edema, bronchospasm;
  • with prolonged use may develop .

Tablets Persen, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use Persen in tablets provides for the use of the drug orally. At the same time, its intake does not depend on the period of eating. You need to take the tablets with water.

Adults and children after 12 years of age receive 2-3 tablets, you need to take the drug 2-3 times a day. For more information about how to take the medicine, you should ask a specialist.

If the patient is suffering from insomnia , he is prescribed 2-3 tablets in the evening - 30-60 minutes before going to bed. The maximum dose of the drug is 12 tablets per day.

You can not continuously take the sedative Persen for more than 1.5 months.

After the patient stops treatment, he does not experience a withdrawal syndrome.


In case of an overdose (if more than 60 tablets have been taken), the patient may develop nausea, weakness, mydriasis, pain during internal organs, hand shake. A day after taking large doses of the drug, the symptoms of an overdose disappear. No toxic effects are noted. If necessary, practice symptomatic therapy.


Under the influence of Persen, the effect of hypotensive, hypnotic, painkillers is potentiated. Therefore, with simultaneous treatment with agents that depress the central nervous system, the effect of such drugs is enhanced. In this case, dose adjustment may be necessary.

Terms of sale

Implemented without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Persen tablets should be stored at t no more than 25 ° C.

Best before date

special instructions

Before taking this medicine, you should understand how Persen tablets work, what they help with. If the symptoms do not disappear during treatment, or they become more severe, you should consult a doctor and get his recommendations.

People with GERD may experience worsening symptoms during treatment.

While taking Persen, be sure to be careful when driving vehicles and when working with dangerous mechanisms.

You can not use the product for longer than 2 months without a break. With the development of side effects, you should consult a doctor.

Persen's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are currently no analogues of the drug for the active substance. There are variations of this drug - , Persen Cardio .

Analogues according to indications and therapeutic effects on the body are drugs , Valdispert , , , Doppelhertz Nervotonik , Melison , Neurobutal , etc. Taking any of these drugs should be discussed with your doctor beforehand.

Persen or Novopassit what's better?

Novopassit - This is a drug, which also includes herbal ingredients. However, unlike Persen, Novopassit contains 8 components - 7 plant components and a substance guaifenazine . The prices of both drugs differ insignificantly. In terms of the severity of the action, the drugs are similar, but only a specialist should determine which of the drugs is advisable to use.


Persen is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. If there is a need to treat younger patients, it is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. The maximum dose per day is 1-2 tablets.

Persen and alcohol

It is better not to combine Persen tablets and alcohol. Alcohol can increase the sedative effect of Persen, as well as significantly exacerbate side effects.

Persen during pregnancy and lactation

The effect of this drug during pregnancy has not been studied, so its use is not practiced. If necessary, the doctor carefully weighs the risk-benefit ratio, and also carefully monitors the condition of the pregnant woman during treatment. Persen at breastfeeding also administered with caution.

Reviews about Persen

Many users write that Persen tablets are a very effective sedative for them. It is noted that it helps with insomnia, relieves anxiety and irritability. There are also reviews about Persen for children, but parents, in most cases, do not risk giving this drug to children under 12 years of age without a doctor's prescription.

There are also reviews of women about taking Persen with pregnancy , in which we are talking about the fact that this remedy made it possible to quickly cope with a feeling of anxiety, strengthen the nervous system.

When discussing the Persen remedy, the doctors' reviews are also mostly positive. It is noted that the remedy is of plant origin and acts gently. But at the same time, doctors warn against uncontrolled intake of pills.

Price Persen, where to buy

How much the tablets cost depends on the packaging. The price of Persen tablets (40 pcs.) Is on average 300 - 350 rubles. The price of Persen in Ukraine (Kharkov, etc.) is 100 - 120 UAH. (cost of a pack of 40 pieces). You can buy the drug at any pharmacy.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Internet pharmacies of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Persen tab. p.o n60 Lek d.d.

    Persen night caps. n40 Lek d.d.

    Persen tab. p.o n20 Lek d.d.

    Persen night caps. n10 Lek d.d.

    Persen night caps. n20 Lek d.d.

The article provides an opportunity to get to know Persen tablets better and understand how they are used for it, but the appointment and use should take place only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Persen tablets description and form of release, indications for use

Persen tablets are designed as a sedative antispasmodic. Tablets of 10 pieces are produced in one blister. Tablets are dark brown, biconvex, round in shape. This drug can be taken by those people who have impaired vegetovascular dystonia, frequent neuroses, insomnia and for the prevention of psychosomatic manifestations.

The drug Persen where to buy and its price, reviews and analogues

The drug Persen can be bought at any pharmacy. Its price for the whole pack (40 pieces) in Ukraine is 105-130 UAH, in Russia 310-360 rubles.

Reviews about this drug are only good, as the medicine quickly begins to act, removes excitement, anxiety, and helps with insomnia. It can be taken by adults, pregnant women and children, but it is worth adhering to the rules.

Persen's analogues are medications Glycine, Melison, Valerian Forte, Novo-Passit, Bellaspon and others.

Persil tablets for dishwasher and laundry instructions for use, how to use for colored laundry and where to put

Persil tablets are designed for washing in a washing machine of any type of linen: white, colored, any temperature.

It is not recommended to wash wool and silk. Before use, you need to remove the required number of tablets from the package with dry hands (a table is provided on the package that details how many tablets to take for which laundry) and put into the dispenser. Be sure to add fabric softener.

Easy to use: 1 capsule = 1 wash

Gone are the days when washing powder, which replaced soap, was perceived as a curiosity. The modern industry is ready to offer hostesses much more effective and interesting means. Laundry capsules are gradually gaining popularity, displacing the usual trunks of powders from the bathroom. Many housewives admit that using "pills" is more profitable - and not without reason. Consider the most important points- how to use laundry capsules, and compare which is better powder or capsules.

Instructions for use

The contents of the package are convenient capsules filled with gel. The shell is easily soluble in water of any temperature - even cool. As a rule, the tool is divided into two types: for colored and for white things.

  • Fill washing machine linen and place one capsule in the drum.
  • No need to open the package or do any other manipulations: contact with the skin can cause irritation.
  • It is undesirable to touch the object with wet hands.
  • Capsules are not used for hand washing.

The concentration of the gel is enough for the entire washing time: in vain, cautious housewives worry that after several drains of water it will be washed off. One capsule is precisely sized for a full drum and will easily deal with any household stains.. It makes sense to use two only in exceptional cases - for example, for heavily soiled work clothes.

Benefits of laundry capsules over powder

Are there any downsides?

The alternative product outperforms washing powder in many ways, but it is also subject to criticism. The main complaint about capsules is the impossibility of dividing it into two or more parts - after all, it happens that it is not required to completely fill the drum. If you often have to wash in small volumes, the use of capsules will be disadvantageous.

The disadvantages include more high price, which may not be justified if the things that require washing are not too dear to you. In addition, the smell after washing with capsules is more pronounced than when using powder. If it is unpleasant for you, it is better not to use capsules for tissue that you have to keep next to your face - pillowcases, towels.

The most rational way out would be to alternately use both means. For gentle washing of personal items, it is better to use capsules, and for household fabrics, where gentle handling is useless, you can use a standard powder.

Overly attractive appearance capsules, resembling a rubber toy or a treat, may cause unnecessary interest in a child. Attempting to lick or eat the product can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the packaging out of the reach of children.

Who are the manufacturers?

Laundry capsules are represented on the world market by a considerable number of brands. Among Russian housewives the most popular are:

    Ariel Active Gel. One of the most popular manufacturers producing gel for both colored and white fabrics. Perfectly copes even with strong pollution, so it includes a stain remover.

    Persil Duo Caps. Approximately equal to the previous brand in terms of price and quality. Each capsule is divided into two chambers containing gel and stain remover. good remedy to restore and preserve color.

    Tide Alpine freshness. More economical option. It copes well with pollution, convenient, compact packaging. Among the minuses, an overly pungent smell is distinguished, which, however, disappears after the laundry is dried.

    Losk Duo-Caps Color. One of the most budget manufacturers. You should not expect miracles from him and send him to fight old spots, but the gel does an excellent job of simple work.

    Domol Gel Caps Universal. A powerful tool that renews the color and refreshes the appearance of clothes. Of the minuses - the lack of a convenient box, a classic package is used.

    Perlux baby. Gel specially designed for washing baby clothes. Does not cause allergies, pungent odor, gently takes care of things and is suitable for any baby.

Video with the control purchase of capsules:

Opinions of hostesses

“Of course, buying powder is still cheaper. But the capsules are more pleasant in appearance, neater, more convenient. It is more pleasant to look at them than at the torn edges of a bag with adhering granules. I take the powder when I want to save money, but in general capsules are easier to deal with.” (Tatiana)

“I use only capsules for washing, the child has an allergy, nothing else suits him. I am completely satisfied with everything: now, as soon as I remember these pieces of powder on my clothes, I will shudder. There is no such thing here, everything is washed clean, and there are no stains. (Angela)

“My review of laundry capsules is this: it’s better to spend money on an expensive powder than on this innovation. I did not like it: there is a very pungent smell, it is impossible to wash bed linen at all. Also, the pieces of the packaging did not completely dissolve. Although the packaging is convenient, you can’t argue with that.” (Maria)

“Capsules are good for everyone, only the effect of the conditioner is rather weak. Do not compare with the full use of this tool. So sometimes I use air conditioning additionally, and everything suits me like that. ” (Faith)

Private video review.

Persil liquid powder is used in the machine and when washing by hand. Depending on the variety, apply the gel to colored, light-colored synthetics and cottons. Manufacturers do not produce separate gels for wool and silk. According to the instructions, the liquid is poured into the second compartment of the machine instead of the powder, put into the drum or dissolved in warm water when washing by hand. The line contains universal powders: Persil Professional Universal, Persil Red Ribbon, Persil Premium, Persil Business Line, as well as a white laundry detergent - Persil Expert, color - Persil Color, as well as children's clothing - Persil Sensitive.

Persil Gel or "Persil Gel" for washing is available in bulk bottles with a dispenser cap. The concentrate contains stain remover and bleach, therefore it removes even stubborn stains and refreshes the laundry. However, the tool has a number of disadvantages and is not suitable for delicate matters. Let's figure out what the gel is suitable for, how to use it, what varieties the manufacturer offers.

Main characteristics

Washing powder was developed by the German company Henkel. At first, bulk powders were produced, later gels began to be produced. Since 2000, Persil has been produced in Russia.

"Persil gel" is a manual or automatic. This is a concentrated liquid, due to which the consumption for a full load is minimal.

The gel is available in bottles ranging from 1.2 to 5.6 liters. The bottles are equipped with a dispenser cap of a convenient design: the remaining gel is poured into the bottle without remaining on the neck of the bottle.

The composition is positioned as safe and hypoallergenic, as it does not contain phosphates. However, the liquid contains other detergents that can cause allergies:

  • surfactants (5–15%);
  • nonionic surfactants (5–15%);
  • phosphonates (<5%);
  • soap;
  • enzymes;
  • preservatives;
  • stain remover;
  • optical brightener;
  • fragrance.

note . Not all types of liquid "Persil" contain stain remover, bleach, phosphonates. Read the label carefully.


Persil gel is dominated by positive reviews. Users note the following advantages:

  • removes even difficult stains;
  • refreshes fabrics;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • suitable for automatic and ;
  • has economical consumption;
  • rinses out easily.


Along with the advantages, the detergent has disadvantages:

Judging by the reviews, for some users, the smell is not a disadvantage.

Application features

On the bottle of any kind of washing gel "Persil" instructions for use are indicated. The manufacturer offers the following dosage, depending on the hardness of the water and the intensity of pollution:

The cap has notches with volume designations. Liquid is poured into for dry powder. After that, the necessary program with rinsing and spinning is set. Additional rinsing is not required.

Difficult stains are recommended to be prewashed. Pour the liquid on a dirty place, rub it and send it to be washed off. The gel is completely rinsed out of fabrics and does not leave stains, so you do not have to worry about the negative effect of the liquid directly on the material.

Some types of gel have an additional measuring container for use in the car. The calculation of the quantity remains the same, but in this case, the container filled with liquid is placed in the drum along with dirty things.

To wash by hand, dilute 48 ml of liquid powder in 10 liters of warm water.

Varieties of funds

Several types of Persil Gel concentrate are produced, depending on the type and color of the fabric. Universal types ("Professional", "Red", "Premium", "Business") differ only in packaging design and volume. The content of the main components and purpose are the same. The table shows the main types of gel.

Table 1. SpeciesPersil washing gel

note . SeparatelyPersilDuo-caps in three types: with a lavender smell, "Fresh fromVernel" and "Color". "Duo" is placed in the drum of the machine.

It is applied to natural and synthetic fabrics of different colors. Contains stain remover. Removes stains of various origins: grease, coffee, wine,. Has an unobtrusive aroma. It is recommended to use at a temperature of 20-90°C.

The volume is designed for 77 cycles.

Suitable for all types of fabric. Softens the fabric, removes various impurities. Includes optical brighteners, enzymes.

The volume is designed for 40 cycles.

Suitable for all fabrics. Contains enzymes. The temperature regime should be in the range of 30–95 ° С.

The volume is designed for 20 cycles.

Hypoallergenic powder with a pleasant smell that remains unnoticeable on clothes. Softens water, preventing the formation of. Removes stains at 30°C. Contains antistatic. You can wash different types of fabric (except for wool and silk) of any color.

The gel volume is designed for 85 cycles.


Suitable for colored natural and synthetic fabrics. Contains components that prevent fading and retain color. Whitens natural fabrics. Contains stain remover, enzymes. Removes stains of different origin, dirty stains. Has a persistent smell.

A similar flavored gel "Summer Collection" was produced in a limited series to increase sales.

The volume is designed for 40 cycles.

Suitable for light-colored items made of natural and synthetic fabrics. Similar flavored gels are Spring Freshness and Lavender. Contains stain remover, bleach, enzymes. Makes fabrics soft and easy to iron. The liquid smells strongly even when a small amount is added.

The volume is designed for 30 cycles.

Hypoallergenic gel specially designed for children and people with sensitive skin. Suitable for light and colored, cotton, linen, synthetics. Contains stain removers, enzymes.

Where can I buy

Gel "Persil" can be bought in hypermarkets, household chemical stores and via the Internet. Large selection in "Auchan", "Carousel", "Magnet Cosmetic". It is best to buy liquid powders on sale. This is a good opportunity to purchase a gel "for trial" at a low price.

Gel "Persil" can be bought in household chemical stores

"Persil" copes with a lot of pollution, whitens, retains color. However, the high cost, pungent odor, and unsafe components make the liquid far from an ideal powder.

Overview of Persil powder: how to distinguish a fake from a natural remedy:

Larisa, October 27, 2018.

In Europe they wash already without phosphates. In Russia and Ukraine, half of consumers consider the presence of phosphates in washing powders a problem. At the same time, not all brands can boast of the absence of phosphates in their composition. Which washing powder to use in everyday washing is the choice of every Russian and Ukrainian.

And the specialists of the Henkel company, a pioneer in the market of phosphate-free washing powders, told the recipe, using which you can make detergents not only a tool for cleanliness, but also a more gentle product for the environment.
Phosphates are salts with various counterions. In laundry detergents, they are used to soften water and increase washing power. Phosphates themselves are not toxic, meaning they are not harmful to humans or the environment. However, when a large amount of phosphates is discharged into water bodies, the growth of plankton, algae and various organisms is stimulated. This leads to oxygen deficiency, death of fish, deterioration of the chemical and microbial properties of water (including drinking water), general turbidity of water and other consequences.
In Europe, such conclusions were reached a very long time ago - back in the 1970s. of the last century, the search began for new components that would replace phosphates in washing powders. Henkel was the first manufacturer in the world to bring to the market washing powders with phosphate substitutes. Already in 1986, Persil powder appeared on store shelves in Europe, in which phosphates were replaced by a combination of zeolites, phosphonates, polycarboxylates, soda and silicates. These components, unlike phosphates, do not promote the growth of plankton, algae and similar organisms in ponds and other bodies of stagnant water. This formula has been the standard for phosphate replacement in Western Europe, North America and Japan for over 25 years.

Despite the fact that phosphate-free washing powders have been manufactured in Europe for a long time, in Russia and Ukraine, products based on harmful phosphates still make up the majority of the market. However, phosphate-free powder can already be found on the shelves of regular stores. So the Henkel company was ahead of mandatory restrictions and has been importing Persil, Losk and Rex washing powders, which do not contain phosphates, to Russia and Ukraine for 4 years. Tore Birol, CEO of the company's Detergents and Cleaning Products business in Russia and Ukraine, comments that for products shipped to Russia and Ukraine, the company uses the same formula standard as for European markets. So a new generation of phosphate substitutes is a formula based on soda, sodium silicate, phosphonates and a special polymer. Today it is used in all Henkel laundry detergents in Europe.

Professor Walter Giger, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and the Environment of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Science EuChemMS, encourages manufacturers to develop formulas and formulations that minimize the negative impact of detergents on the environment. “To reduce the negative impact of phosphates on the environment, a set of measures is needed. If we talk about laundry detergents, - the professor comments, - then one of the primary and most important steps from the point of view of the interests of society and consumers is the rejection of harmful components, such as phosphates, which lead to the rapid development of algae in water bodies and, as a result, to a deterioration in quality drinking water".



How to wash properly:

  1. Use the round dosing cap: place the cap with Persil directly into the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Without using the cap, pour the detergent into the detergent drawer.

Spot pretreatment:

  1. For stubborn stains, apply the gel directly to the stain before washing.

Hand wash and soak:

  1. 48 ml of Persil gel per 10 liters of water.

Universal concentrated liquid detergent "Persil Expert Sensitive Gel". For washing items made of cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics and fabrics made of mixed fibers (except wool and silk) in washing machines of any type and hand washing in water of any hardness. When choosing a wash cycle and temperature, follow the recommendations indicated on the labels of your products. In case of freezing, Persil restores its properties after defrosting. It is recommended to shake before use.

PRECAUTIONS: Keep out of the reach of children! Keep away from food. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water. In case of hypersensitivity and damage to the skin, avoid prolonged contact with any detergents. Store protected from direct sunlight at temperatures from + 5 to + 35. Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture. Dispose of as household waste after the expiration date.

Manufactured, purchased: branch of LLC "Henkel Rus", Russia, Moscow / g. Permian.

COMPOSITION OF PERSIL WASHING GEL: 5-15% anionic surfactants, water, non-ionic surfactants, 5% phosphonates, soap. As well as optical brightener, enzymes, preservative, fragrance.


Persil Expert Duo-Caps is a universal concentrated detergent for washing in automatic washing machines, dosed in capsules. Contains rare enzymes to remove stains.

HOW TO USE: When loading more than 4.5kg or very dirty laundry, use 2 capsules. Suitable for water of any hardness. Wash at 20-95 degrees. Keep container closed after use. Do not crush, bite, or cut the capsules. Do not touch them with wet hands to avoid the risk of leakage. Do not use on wool and silk items. Expiration date: 18 months from the production date indicated on the package.

INSTRUCTIONS: Keep away from children! In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water. Do not swallow! In case of ingestion, seek medical advice. People with sensitive and damaged skin should avoid prolonged contact with the powder. Contains protease, may cause allergic reactions.

Producer, price: Hungary, Budapest.

PERSIL DUO-CAPSULES COMPOSITION: 15-30% anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants, soap, 5% phosphonates, alcohol, solvent, water, dye, optical brightener, enzymes, perfume (butylphenyl methylpropional, hexyl cinnamal, limonene, linalool).


Universal concentrated liquid detergent "Persil Expert Color Gel". For washing colored items made of cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics and fabrics made of mixed fibers (except wool and silk) in washing machines of any type and hand washing in water of any hardness. When choosing a wash cycle and temperature, follow the recommendations indicated on the labels of your products. In case of freezing, Persil restores its properties after defrosting. It is recommended to shake before use.

HOW TO USE: Keep away from children! Keep away from food. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water. In case of hypersensitivity and damage to the skin, avoid prolonged contact with any detergents. Store protected from direct sunlight at temperatures from + 5 to + 35. Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture. Dispose of as household waste after the expiration date.

Produced, reviews: branch of Henkel Rus LLC, Russia, Moscow / g. Permian.

WASHING POWDER PERSIL COMPOSITION: 5-15% anionic surfactants, water, non-ionic surfactants, 5% phosphonates, soap. Another optical brightener, enzymes, preservative, fragrance (benzyl salicylate, butylphenylmethylpropional, citronellol, hexyl cinnamal).


Washing powder "Gloss Color Gel" for washing colored items made of linen, synthetic and cotton fabrics and fabrics made of mixed fibers (except silk and wool) in washing machines of any type and hand wash in water of any hardness. When choosing a wash cycle and temperature, follow the recommendations indicated on the labels of your products. In the event of freezing, the liquid Losk restores its properties after defrosting. It is recommended to shake before use.

HOW TO USE: Keep away from children! Keep away from food. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water. In case of hypersensitivity and damage to the skin, avoid prolonged contact with any detergents. Store protected from direct sunlight at temperatures from + 5 to + 35 degrees C. Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture. Dispose of as household waste after the expiration date. The price is free.

Manufacturer, reviews: branch of Henkel Rus LLC, Russia, Moscow / g. Permian.

WASHING POWDER GLOSS COMPOSITION: 5-15% anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants, 5% phosphonates, soap, enzymes, preservative, fragrance (including hexyl cinnamal, butylphenylmethylpropional, geraniol). TU 2381-021-89589540-2010.


Liquid detergent for washing colored items "Pervol Brilliant Color" with "color renewal effect". Protects colors from fading. Eliminates discolored micro-fibers from colored items, keeping colors vibrant like new longer. Follow the fabric manufacturer's instructions when washing. When washing in a machine, we recommend using the washing program for delicate items. Shake before use.

GEL FOR WASHING PERWOLL COMPOSITION: water, 5-15% anionic surfactants, 5% non-ionic surfactants, soap, phosphonates, enzymes, perfume (Amil Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Mehtylpropional, Citronellol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene), preservatives: Benzisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone.


Liquid detergent for washing woolen and delicate fabrics "Pervol Care Balsam" with a "recovery effect". Strengthens the fibers, helps to restore the elasticity of worn wool and silk fabrics, keeps them supple and soft, as if new. Follow the fabric manufacturer's instructions when washing. When washing in a machine, we recommend using the washing program for delicate items. Shake before use.

COMPOUND PERVOL FOR WOOL: water, 5-15% anionic surfactants, 5% non-ionic surfactants, soap, phosphonates, perfume (Amil Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Mehtylpropional, Citronellol, Geraniol / Amyl Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Citronellol, Geraniol), preservatives: Benzisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone / Benzisothiazoline, Methylzothiazoline.

Manufacturer: Austria


Liquid detergent for washing things of dark and black colors "Pervol Brilliant Black" with "effect of updating black". Protects colors from fading. Prevents discoloration of dark colors, removes gray deposits, while maintaining the primary saturation of blacks and dark colors. Helps things look new for as long as possible. When washing in a machine, we recommend using the washing program for delicate items. Shake before use.

COMPOSITION OF THE PERVOL WASHING GEL: water, 5-15% anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, soap, phosphonates, enzymes, perfume (Amil Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Mehtylpropional, Citronellol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene), preservatives: Benzisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone.

Manufacturer: Europe, Austria


Detergent for black and dark fabrics: Perwoll Black Magic with Re-new Black Effect prevents discoloration of dark colors, removes gray deposits, preserving the original saturation of blacks and dark colors. Follow the fabric manufacturer's instructions. Shake before use.

DETERGENT FOR WASHING PERVUL COMPOSITION: 5-15% anionic surfactants, water, 5% nonionic surfactants, soap, enzymes, perfume (Amil Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Mehtylpropional, Citronellol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene), preservatives: Methylisothiazolinone, Octylisothiazolinone, Tetramethylolglycoluril.

Manufacturer: Europe, Austria


Synthetic liquid detergent for washing woolen clothes "Dreft / Drift "Wool" with the "effect of 100% protection of the form of clothing". Use the expiration date indicated on the package. Keep out of the reach of children. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water. Store away from In case of hypersensitivity and damage to the skin, avoid prolonged contact with any detergents Store in a cool dry place Protect from direct sunlight and heat above 35 degrees Store at a relative humidity of no more than 95%.

COMPOSITION OF GEL FOR DELICATE WASH DREFT: water, 5-15% anionic surfactants, 5% nonionic surfactants, soap, preservatives, fragrances, benzyl salicylate, butylphenyl methylpropional, hexylcinnamic aldehyde, limonene.

Produced by: Procter & Gamble-Novomoskovsk LLC, Novomoskovsk
