Lighten hair at home without dye. Lightening hair folk remedies

The dark color of the hair, as you know, is a dominant feature, so the vast majority of people on the planet are brunettes and brown-haired. Natural blond hair is not at all as common as modern beauties would like, so how to lighten dark hair at home is a very popular question.

Features of dark curls

Hair color is determined by the amount and ratio of two color pigments - eumelanin and pheomelanin. The first provides dark color, the second is a red tint. The amount of both substances determines the intensity of the resulting shade. Owners dark hair eumelanin is produced in large quantities, while pheomelanin is synthesized very little.

The pigment accumulates in the cortical layer of the hair. From above, the cortical layer is protected by tightly packed cuticle scales, therefore, for example, with a simple shampooing, it is impossible to change the color of the curls.

As a rule, dark hair is quite thick, noticeably thicker than blondes, but thinner than redheads. Their number is less than the average for fair-haired, but due to the thickness of the hair, this feature is completely invisible.

Coloring, bleaching and bleaching

To change the dark color of the hair, it is necessary to remove the natural pigment and replace it with an artificial one. To do this is not so easy. Firstly, the cortical layer has a rather high density, secondly, it is protected by the upper stratum corneum, and thirdly, the hair shaft envelops the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, in order to remove the natural shade, it is necessary to destroy or damage the cuticle, remove grease and make the cortical layer looser. Obviously, this procedure is not very useful for hair.

  • Discoloration - involves the complete washing out of the natural pigment. At the same time, the clarified strands become literally white, although naturally black hair retains a yellowish tint even after such a tough procedure and needs additional dyeing. In this case, the hair is first treated with a strong oxidizing agent, like hydrogen peroxide, in order to deform the top layer as much as possible. In this case, the scales, instead of closing tightly, bristle, and the oxidizing agent can penetrate into the cortical layer inside the hair. The substance simply destroys the natural pigment.

As a rule, dark strands have to be lightened several times before a really light shade is obtained. Curls after that need very careful care.

  • Coloring - if you want not just to discolor the hair, but to give it some shade - golden, honey, ashy, then after bleaching, paint is applied to the strands. Since at least partial discoloration is necessary in any case, modern paint necessarily includes an oxidizing agent.
  • Clarification - in this case, weak oxidizing agents are used during processing. They only partially penetrate the stratum corneum and destroy a small amount of eumelanin. However, if lightening by a couple of tones is required, this is enough.

For light clarification, there is no need to resort to professional paints. The effect can be achieved using a variety of folk remedies.

Uses of chamomile

Traditionally used to lighten and give a beautiful golden hue to light curls. Few people know that the method is quite suitable for dark braids. Of course, a radical change in color should not be expected, but the result on dark blond, chestnut hair will be noticeable - a change in shade by 2-3 tones.

Alas, chamomile is powerless “against” black curls, you should not try.

Preparing a decoction is simple: 3 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials are poured into 1 cup of boiling water and insisted for at least an hour. Then rinse the hair with this decoction after washing. To change the shade will require at least 10 procedures.

Besides the fact that chamomile brightens the hair, it also helps to strengthen the hair.

You can prepare another option, suitable for lightening light brown and chestnut curls. True, the tool takes a long time to prepare.

  1. 200 dried flowers are poured into 400 ml of vodka and infused for 7 days.
  2. 100 g of henna is poured into 300 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours.
  3. The mixture is stirred and infused for another 2 weeks.
  4. The broth is filtered through gauze and used as a hair mask: applied to the strands and held for 40 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

The power of ginger

Ginger root, as it turns out, is not only a storehouse of various trace elements and vitamins, but also acts as a fairly effective oxidizing agent. It is used in many recipes for lightening hair.

The first way is:

  1. several fleshy roots of the plant are grated;
  2. pour raw materials cold water and put on the smallest fire for half an hour;
  3. when the broth has cooled, it is filtered;
  4. A decoction of the root is used every day as a rinse until the desired result is obtained.

The second method combines the power of lemon and ginger. This mixture is under the force of dark- blond hair make golden. The procedure is as follows:

  1. juice of half a lemon and grated ginger are mixed with a glass of light beer until smooth;
  2. you can add a few drops of your favorite to the mixture base oil- peach, jojoba, so that the curls acquire not only a new shade, but also shine;
  3. the resulting mixture is applied to the strands and kept on the head for 2-3 hours. You can wrap your head in a warm towel. Wash off the mask with cool water.

The third method is designed for owners of dry hair. The recipe is:

  1. ginger root and peel of one lemon are soaked for 20 hours;
  2. 10 drops are added to the infusions essential oil and 200 g of sour cream;
  3. the resulting mixture is evenly applied to the curls. Put on a plastic cap and wrap with a warm towel;
  4. the brightening mask is held for at least 2 hours, then washed off with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure the next day to consolidate the result.

Tips on how to get the most out of ginger's magical properties for hair:

Lightening with lemon juice

Of the home remedies, lemon is the most popular bleach. Moreover, it has an effect on both the skin and hair. Apply it when they want to lighten curls after dark paint. However, lemon juice is too successful in removing grease and loosening the cuticle, so it is recommended to use this remedy only for owners of oily hair.

It is like this: lemon juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and distributed over wet strands. It is very convenient to use a spray bottle. Then you should dry your hair in the sun so that the effect of lemon juice is more effective. After that, the curls are washed with water.

Procedure with honey

Honey is part of the mass of masks and ointments for skin and hair. If there is no allergy to this wonderful product, its ability to restore water balance can put the driest skin and hair in order.

Honey can also be used as a natural clarifier. It is used in a variety of ways:

  • honey can be simply applied to dyed hair and kept as a mask for up to 30 minutes;
  • you can dilute it with water. The strands are moistened with this tool, then they put on a plastic cap and wrap the head with a warm towel. The mask is held for 30-40 minutes;
  • mix honey and olive oil in a ratio of 2:1. This mass is applied to the strands and held for 45 minutes. You can add a crushed banana to the mask.

Kefir mask

It acts weaker than lemon, but does not dry the strands. On the contrary, they allow you to restore the hydrobalance.

50 ml of kefir is mixed with 2 tablespoons of cognac, 1 egg, juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of shampoo. The mixture is stirred until smooth and applied to curls. The head is covered with a film, wrapped in a towel. The mask is kept for 8 hours.

The procedure is repeated at least 4-5 times.

Discoloration with hydroperite

At home, it is quite possible to lighten the hair not with paint, but in the classic way -. This is a rather risky undertaking, since with an incorrectly calculated dose or time delay, instead of light curls you can get a bunch of burnt hair.

Hydroperit tablets are sold at any pharmacy. The maximum concentration of the substance is 30% solution. When calculating, the quality of the hair should be taken into account:

  • with thin hair, the concentration should be no more than 7%;
  • with an average thickness - up to 12%;
  • for thick, the concentration varies from 12 to 30%.

Flour is added to the resulting solution of the required concentration to obtain the consistency of gruel. Then this tool is applied with a brush to the strands, evenly distributing along the entire length. It is better to protect your hands with gloves, since peroxide also affects the skin.

The composition is kept on the strands in accordance with the tasks. Then it is washed off with warm water.

This method allows you to noticeably lighten curls in one procedure. If necessary, clarification can be repeated, but after a couple of weeks.

Special Shampoos

There are not only tinting, but also clarifying shampoos. Which paint is better to lighten depends on the type of strands and the nature of the color. It is more difficult to remove the natural shade, since the hair that has not yet been touched by the paint is reliably protected. Colored curls are always dyed faster and easier next time, as the cuticle has become looser.

They act much softer: the coloring pigment does not penetrate into the cortical layer, but remains on the cuticle. The hair is not damaged, but the pigment is not retained for a long time.

Another option is coloring foams and mousses. But, true, they are usually used to color individual strands.

The most popular solutions include the following shampoos:

  • John Frieda Sheer Blonde Spray Eclaircissant Gible Go Blonder - a composition designed specifically for dark and black hair and is considered one of the most effective. Includes vitamin complex to support curls and chamomile extract. Shampoo costs from 610 rubles.
  • Avon Advance Techniques is a mild highlighter. Contains natural brightening ingredients. The cost of shampoo is affordable - 255 rubles.
  • Eugene Perma Keranove Blond Vacancies Shampoo Lighten Hair - designed to lighten dark blond and red hair. The brightening effect is provided by chamomile extract and wheat proteins. The price of the product is 505 rubles.
  • Estel Aqua Otium - designed to lighten strands of any initial shade. Can be used on damaged and previously colored hair. The cost of funds - 750 rubles.

Lightening dark and black hair at home is not an easy task. Some perseverance and patience will be required, since you can get the result only by repeating the procedures from 5 to 10 times.

Sometimes, to change the image, you do not need to spend a lot of time and money, because you can always use the easiest method, which involves dyeing your hair. To do this, you can use the services of professionals or carry out the procedure yourself. How to quickly lighten hair at home, the advice of experts will tell you, following which you can get a wonderful result.

Basic tools for changing colors

Among the abundance of drugs that help change the color of curls, which can be easily found in the store, women willingly choose traditional drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • hydropyrite;
  • "Supra".
Such is the girlish nature - constantly looking for yourself, experimenting with appearance, changing what is given by nature

Folk recipes

Having found out how you can lighten your hair at home, most often the choice falls on the well-known peroxide. To use it, you need to prepare the following solution: shampoo - 40 g, peroxide - 60 g, water - 50 g and ammonia - 3 teaspoons. Treat the strands with the finished mixture. For fair-haired people, only one procedure is required, for brown-haired women or brunettes, the sessions must be repeated several times, making a two-week break between them.

With the help of hydropyrite, successful lightening of hair at home is also carried out: dissolve 7 tablets of the drug in 50 ml boiled water and apply the liquid to clean curls, rinse after half an hour.

Supra or white henna is a chemical bleaching agent for hair.

"Supra" is another tool that will help solve the problem of how to quickly lighten hair at home. It is extremely simple to prepare the composition: henna powder is poured with an activator. Before use, it must be slightly warmed up and applied to the length of the curls.

One of the topical issues that worries all women today is how to lighten hair without injuring them. To solve this problem, you need to use the advice of cosmetologists:

  • chemicals must be of high quality;
  • home remedies must be prepared strictly adhering to the recipe;
  • treated strands should not be exposed to chlorinated water;
  • damaged curls (after perm) is not recommended.

Rules for the procedure for lightening hair

Home coloring

Any salon can tell you how to quickly lighten hair at home. In addition, familiarity with the video or photo, as well as instructions describing how to lighten hair at home, will help to properly carry out an independent procedure. Armed with this knowledge, you can safely proceed to self-coloring.

The question of how to lighten blond hair arises in many women, and in this case, highlighting will be the most gentle option. For this method, both special and folk remedies are used to help change light brown hair at home without any difficulty.

When it comes to a dark color, to solve the problem of how to lighten hair at home, you will have to use a creamy dye or bleaching powder.

The selected bleaching agent is applied with a synthetic bristle brush or a wooden stick wound with a cotton pad.

Quite relevant is the question of how to lighten red hair at home. It is worth considering that it is absolutely impossible to turn fiery red curls into snow-white in one procedure and special technology will be required for lightening.

Finding out how to lighten hair roots is also a goal for most women. For tinting the roots, as a rule, the same dyes (chemical or natural) are used as for the main length of the curls. For a gentle method that allows you to dye hair roots at home, you need to prepare a mixture of oxide - 2 tablespoons and powder - 1 spoon. To obtain an effective result, it is worth remembering a simple rule: the head, before lightening the roots, must not be wetted.

Today, one of the fashionable trends in hairdressing has become the ends of the strands treated with dye. This technique is called "ombre". To lighten the ends, the color of the dye should be a tone lighter than the real color of the hair. The dye is applied to the ends of dry curls, which are wrapped in foil for half an hour, and then washed off with shampoo.

Today, one of the fashionable trends in hairdressing has become the ends of the strands treated with dye.

Recipes for natural dyes

In addition to professional preparations, there are many recipes for simple affordable masks to change the color of curls, the preparation of which will take very little time and money.

A concentrated decoction of chamomile is prepared as follows: boil dry flowers (2 tablespoons) and a glass of water for 10 minutes in a water bath. After cooling, strain the solution and use as a conditioner. To do this, wet the ends of the strands, leaving to dry completely without washing off. It should be borne in mind that the change in shade will appear after several sessions.

A wonderful tool for changing the shade of curls to a lighter one is kefir. The mixture for the procedure is prepared as follows: combine a teaspoon of balm, 2 tablespoons of cognac, 50 g of kefir, yolk and juice from half a lemon. Apply the finished composition on the head and wrap. It is advisable to do the procedure before going to bed.

Chamomile is a common and easy method for getting light golden hair.

Combine equal amounts of lemon juice and water. Use the solution to apply on washed wet curls, leave to dry. The main thing that you definitely need to pay attention to is that the juice does not dry out and does not “burn” the hair. For dark curls, lightening with lemon is one of the most effective remedies.

Distribute a mass of 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of cinnamon and 6 tablespoons of conditioner along the length of clean, dried strands, wrap and leave for 40 minutes. Recipes with cinnamon are best suited for dark hair. Reviews about this mask are extremely positive.

Combine the juice of two onions with water in equal proportions and use as directed. Despite its good effectiveness, this tool is used less often than others, because it has a pungent odor.

You can try to lighten your hair a little with kefir masks

Combine chopped rhubarb (with roots) in the amount of 2 cups with 0.5 l of white wine and simmer until half of the initial volume remains in the container. Distribute the cooled and filtered composition over the strands for 50 minutes. The recipe is suitable for lightening red curls. The staining method with the help of medicinal herbs works well. This option is the best, because, along with lightening, it also strengthens the curls, making them stronger and healthier. Using a steam bath, prepare a decoction of chamomile and nettle, taking a spoonful of each ingredient and pouring a liter of water into the herbal mixture. Use as directed.

A decoction of green tea - 10 g, chamomile - 50 g, white henna - 40 g and a glass of boiling water, boil in a steam bath for 5 minutes. Pour 300 ml of alcohol into the filtered cold broth and keep the composition in the refrigerator for 3 days before use. Apply before washing.

Lightening hair at home

Color change after painting

Today, women are increasingly looking for an answer to a fairly common question: how to lighten dyed hair at home? In order not to harm the hair, it is recommended that before lightening dyed hair at home, carefully study all the nuances.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Many women try to change their appearance in order to become as attractive as possible. One of the most common ways is to change the color of your hair. Those who are light tones, lighten their hair, bleaching with special means natural dark or dyed strands. This is necessary not only to make the hairstyle light, but also to create the desired base tone for future painting.

How to lighten hair

There are many ways to lighten up. The main one is a serious procedure carried out by the master in the salon. It is done with the help of special professional tools that are not on the general sale. The hairdresser can offer you different methods discoloration, which involves a change in color in certain areas and of varying intensity. They will also advise you on how often you can carry out the procedure so as not to harm.

Professional Lightening

Changing the color by several tones is not an easy task, so it is better to trust it to professionals. An experienced master will carry out all the necessary steps, trying to preserve the health of the hair as much as possible. Hairdressers in the salon will do the procedure as follows:

  • Determine which of the light tones will be in harmony with the color of the client's skin.
  • Will choose suitable remedy desired tone and intensity.
  • They will advise whether it is possible to carry out full clarification immediately or whether it is necessary to complete the work in several stages so as not to burn the hair.
  • Special protective components will be used so as not to destroy the roots and stem.
  • Color the clarified strands in desired color if the procedure was part of a future painting.

Lightening Techniques

Hairdressing keeps pace with the times, so fans of light shades are offered different variants clarification. The main types include:

  • Blonding. This is a cardinal change in tone to a lighter one along the entire length. It includes complete discoloration, with the absolute destruction of the natural pigment; classic, which changes color by only a few tones; platinum is one of the most fashionable today.
  • Highlighting. It is not carried out over the entire head, but partially brightens individual strands, after which the entire hairstyle must be tinted to obtain a single harmonious color.
  • Shatush. This technique is designed to imitate a sun-bleached color, where the top strands remain dark and lighten more and more below.
  • Ombre. This technique imitates regrown roots, the color of which at the bottom is as close as possible to the original natural color.
  • Balayazh. This technique is similar to ombre, but is more difficult due to the need to achieve a slight burnt hue in the upper layers.

How to lighten hair without harm

The essence of lightening comes down to the destruction of the pigment, along with which the structure of the hair is partially destroyed. In order to minimize the risk of damage, the following measures are used:

  • Ammonia-free dyes. They contain a minimum harmful components and very carefully remove color, so they are suitable even for damaged hair, but they also cannot make a sharp transition from dark to light.
  • Lightening oils. This is a relatively new product. They also act gently, but are not suitable for gray and dyed hair, after applying henna.
  • Products with keratin. Keratin is a product that makes up natural hair, it fills the entire structure, helping to maintain health after lightening.
  • Folk remedies. They will not harm, but they can also lighten curls only slightly and not in one procedure.

How often can you lighten your hair

The frequency of going to the hairdresser depends on the technique of the previous staining and on the degree of clarification. The average time between treatments is 6-8 weeks. If we are talking about maintaining the color of the strands, as with highlighting, then you can update them after 4 weeks. It is important that during the second procedure, the master does not touch the already clarified curls, so as not to damage them even more.

How to lighten hair dye

For a lighter shade, you can choose a bleaching agent that will make the hair 1 to 7 shades lighter. However, it will not add any new shades. Lightening paint will not only remove the dark pigment, but also add a new light one, due to which the entire color range will change, but not more than 4 shades. The more contrast you want to achieve, the more hydrogen peroxide should be contained in the paint. The action of the composition leads to the following:

  • Eumelanin, the darker pigment, is removed first.
  • Then pheomelanin is a reddish pigment.
  • Even if in the process you do not like the color, you should not reduce the duration of the composition.
  • A yellow tint is acquired by previously damaged hair.

How to lighten hair with peroxide

An inexpensive liquid available at any pharmacy, such as hydrogen peroxide, has long been used by those who want to lighten. The procedure is very simple. On washed, damp (not wet) and well-combed strands, 3% peroxide is applied with a spray bottle. It must be kept from 45 to 60 minutes, depending on desired shade. After half an hour, one strand can be washed and look at the result. Light porous types lighten quickly and easily. For dark, the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

Hydrogen peroxide bleaching may not be safe. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, on your skin, or on your clothes. For more than an hour during a session, it is forbidden to keep the product on the head so as not to cause burns on the skin. It is better to repeat clarification every other day. Pouring liquid directly on the head is strictly prohibited. You can apply it either with a sprayer or with a cotton swab. Remember that peroxide destroys melanin directly in the hair shaft, which greatly injures it. With frequent use, this leads to brittleness, loss and even baldness.

How to lighten hair

There are many professional brands who specialize in the manufacture of clarifiers. These are oxidizing emulsions, lotions, special powders that need to be diluted with additional means, ammonia-free creams, and so on. Popular brands that are in demand in beauty salons and are developed for home use include L'Oreal, Solvex, Syoss, Palette, Wella, Schwarzkopf, Garnier, Estel and others.

Professional lighting products

Professional products companies are trying to attract buyers by developing the most effective and gentle clarifiers. In terms of popularity, the top 5 best included:

Folk remedies for lightening

If you are against any chemistry, then you can turn to the gifts of nature. Several titles stand out natural remedies, which will help make the hairstyle lighter by several tones:

  • Honey can impart a golden color.
  • Lemon juice is part of masks for clarification, manifests itself under the sun's rays.
  • Chamomile gives a golden hue. The brunette turns into a brown-haired woman.
  • Vinegar. It oxidizes well, but should be used as part of masks, and not as a separate agent, after which the use of a balm is recommended.
  • Cinnamon can not only lighten, but give a reddish, reddish tint.
  • Rhubarb has a whitening effect.
  • Onion gives a copper tint.
  • Fruits with regular use brighten and saturate with vitamins.

Lightening hair at home

When deciding to carry out the procedure yourself, remember a few important rules use of cosmetics. They will help to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before dyeing.
  • Before applying the paint, spread the skin along the contour of the hair with a greasy cream.
  • Do not overexpose the composition, so as not to harm.
  • Apply the products evenly so that the roots and tips do not turn out to be different shades.
  • Application always starts with darker roots.
  • At the end, be sure to apply a balm.

Lightening strands

If you want to lighten only individual strands, choose a color that will differ by 2-3 tones. The easiest way to color the strands is to put on a cap with holes, from where it is easy to pull out the right amount of hair with a hook. Then carefully comb them and apply the product along the entire length. It is necessary to start painting from the upper parts, then the sides and at the end of the lower ones.

Lightening colored hair

If you were previously painted in dark shades, then it will not work to become light the first time. Depending on the original and desired results this will take 3-5 sessions, which are best done at weekly intervals. For this, special washes are used, but they must be used carefully so as not to destroy the strands. Special shampoos work more sparingly.

How to lighten ends

To lighten the tips, first of all make a parting on the head, and pull the hair forward. Then paint all the ends to the desired length. Wrap the painted parts with foil, leave for the time indicated on the tool. When the lightening reaction begins, remove the foil and comb through. This will remove the boundaries between the old and new color. Close the foil again and remove it when the time is up.

How to lighten roots

The procedure for lightening the roots is carried out on a dry head. First, carefully comb and divide into an even parting. Start applying paint from the middle of the head, painting over the desired length from the roots. Then separate the strands and turn them over to the other side. Paint over the whole head. At the end, comb again, slightly stretching the paint along the entire length.

How to lighten hair one tone

If you need a very light clarification, instead of a professional remedy, you can choose a folk remedy, the effect of which is less pronounced and you will be more likely not to overdo it. 60 g of glycerin mixed with 50 g of chamomile, infused in 1 cup of boiling water, will help change the color by 1 tone. The mask must be applied to wet curls, hold for 30 to 40 minutes, wrapping your head in foil.

Lightening hair by 2 tones

If you decide to make the tone lighter by two, it is better to choose an ammonia-free cream paint. She will act less aggressively. A not very liquid cream helps to evenly distribute the composition along the entire length without spreading, and this is important for obtaining a uniform shade without ugly strands of darker or lighter colors. For the rest, proceed according to the instructions on the package.

How to lighten hair folk remedies

There is one significant drawback in any artificial chemical dyes - it makes hair weaker every time, forcing women to spend a lot of energy on maintaining and restoring health. There is no such effect in folk remedies that carry out home dyeing sparingly, while saturating the hair follicles with the vitamins they contain. In the most effective recipes preparations are used cinnamon, chamomile, lemon oil, olive oil.

Hair lightening oil

Olive oil contains many useful natural components, and when combined with lemon juice, it will manifest itself as a clarifier. This recipe is suitable for owners of light brown shades:

  • Take 3 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice, or half a spoonful of baking soda.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply generously to the hair.
  • Comb each strand well.
  • Go out for 1 hour to sunbathe.
  • At the end, you need to wash off with shampoo, but do not use a hair dryer when drying.


Another natural remedy is cinnamon. Use it together with honey, oil and conditioner. For cooking, you can not take metal utensils:

  • First, mix all the components: 200 ml of conditioner, 3 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon, 70 ml of honey.
  • Apply the mixture to clean strands, put on a shower cap.
  • Leave the mask on for 3-4 hours or all night, wrapped in a warm towel.
  • To enhance the effect, the procedure can be repeated.

With chamomile

By itself, chamomile can give hair a soft golden hue. A more effective effect occurs when the plant is mixed with lemon and honey:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of chamomile, pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes, strain.
  • Then add to the infusion the juice of half a lemon and 3 tbsp. l. honey.
  • Next, you need to rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • At the end, rinse with warm water.

Today, in addition to salon hairdressing services and professional hair bleaching products, there are options for home treatments. Changes in color of this kind will make it possible to achieve the desired shade without extra spending, and will also allow the use of folk and safe means for hair.

Features of the procedure

To bleach hair at home, the fair sex should be prepared for the fact that the process itself will require some effort, time and accuracy. However, if all the recommendations are followed, the result of the work done will be the appearance of the desired shade or color, while the hair will remain beautiful and healthy.

There are a number of features of bleaching curls at home without harm. The primary task is to assess the initial state and color of the hair:

  • For natural brunettes it will be necessary to carry out clarification in several stages, since such cardinal color changes will be associated with the appearance of unwanted yellowness;
  • fiery hair of natural origin will also require a special technique for removing natural pigment from hair shafts;
  • for blondes and light brown hair, the process of self-lightening should go without unnecessary "pitfalls", since the required shade will turn out pretty quickly.

If the hair before home bleaching has already been dyed with professional means in black, chestnut or dark blond, then it will be possible to achieve the correct result with preliminary decapitation. This also applies to natural dyes such as henna, basma and the like.

Ammonia dye is usually washed off the hair after 14-21 days, so bleaching should be carried out after this time.

As practice shows, clarification work is many times easier to carry out with straight and thin hair. It will be more difficult to recolor thick and hard hair in light of the structural features of the hair shafts.

Home clarification technology does not pose any danger, but still has some contraindications:

  • regardless of the chosen method of clarification, this procedure is not recommended for women with sensitive epidermis, as well as various inflammations or wounds;
  • discoloration of weak, burnt and split ends will lead to a significant deterioration in their condition, up to loss;
  • postpone the transformation of hair color for a while during pregnancy and lactation;
  • it is impossible to discolor the curls immediately after curling, at least 2-3 weeks must pass between these procedures;
  • temporarily refuse color changes will be correct during the period of taking antibiotics.

A distinctive feature of hair bleaching is the fact that in the process of exposure to selected products or chemicals, the natural pigment of the hair is destroyed, so it does not acquire a new shade. As a rule, such manipulations involve the second stage of the transformation of the hairstyle. In this case, most women resort to the use of tint balms, tonics and other similar color changing products.

It is important to understand that bleaching is a sequential and gradual process, the result of which depends on the reaction of the composition used to the hair structure. The bleaching process stops only after the neutralizer is applied to the curls. As for the deep removal of the pigment, the reaction in the hair cuticle can persist for several days after the procedure itself.

In order for the result not to be long in coming, as well as for more effective penetration of the products into the hair, the masters are recommended to refrain from washing their hair for several days before the procedure before bleaching themselves. This will also help protect the scalp from irritation after contact with chemical compounds.

Popular tools and methods of their use

Today, there are many ways to bleach hair at home. This is due to the presence a large number various formulations to remove pigment from the hair shaft. A number of products are professional products, the preparation of which will take a minimum of time, and all components will be in one package. Folk remedies are also actively used, which can be no less successfully used at home.

Finished preparations

The following products are the most popular.


A feature of the composition is the ability to make hair lighter by 2-3 tones, but on condition that the composition is applied to unpainted curls. On such hair, the paint can perform two tasks at once: the composition will eliminate the natural pigment and perform toning. As a rule, quality products will have in the package all the necessary tools and tools for home bleaching. And also you don’t have to calculate the proportions of the ingredients used before painting.

The only drawback of a professional ready-made product is the inability to work with already dyed curls. For such situations, you will need to use specialized blocking drugs.


Effective method achieve light and even white color especially on fair hair. This product will make the original shade lighter by at least 4-5 tones. However, to work with a powdered product, you will need to additionally buy an oxidizing agent. The proportions of the use of these two substances should be calculated in each specific case based on the length, structure of the hair and other nuances.

After applying the powder, the hair will need to be toned. It is best to use the tool once a month and a half.


In fact, this tool is a white henna of chemical origin, recommended by experts for bleaching. The composition of the supra includes substances such as magnesium oxide and peroxide, ammonium salt. In order to work with such a ready-made tool, you will need to dilute it with an activator. Oxygen can have different degrees of concentration, and the higher it is, the lighter the hair will be in the end. Supra is easy to use at home.


A pickling product that removes pigment from the hair shaft. It can be used for colored hair of any shade. Today, the tool is presented in two versions - an acid and a blond product. The first type is a gentle composition that works well with artificial pigment. The second type can have a negative effect on the condition of the hair, but the result will be a color change of 3-4 tones.


A safe product for changing color, however it does not have a pronounced effect. This option is used in cases where it is necessary to smooth out the difference between growing roots and light tips.

Folk recipes

Hydrogen peroxide

Suitable for partial or complete bleaching. The most popular way of house clarification. In the process of independent work safety precautions must be followed protecting the scalp and hands from irritation.

Lemon juice

Suitable for natural uncolored hair. In addition to removing the pigment, the tool will allow the hair to acquire additional shine. For effective clarification for a couple of tones, you will need contact of curls with ultraviolet light. As a rule, a solution based on citrus juice is sprayed onto the hair with a spray gun or with a coloring brush. A long-acting agent, therefore even after rinsing, the lightening process will continue for some time.

Castor oil

Based on this natural product, bleaching masks are prepared that will help remove pigment even from dark hair. There are many different recipes for preparing brightening agents based on castor oil. Among them, one can single out a mixture of butter and yolks, as well as a dual-action agent, which includes not only oil, but also lemon juice.

Honey, cinnamon

Products with which many women radically changed their hair color without visiting beauty salons and using chemicals. Honey delicacy bleaches hair due to the content of natural peroxide. This product works even with gray curls.

Based on cinnamon, brightening masks are prepared that nourish and strengthen curls, but can irritate the skin, and therefore require careful application. The disadvantage of using cinnamon is the duration of the procedure: it is necessary to go through the mask for at least 5-8 hours.


Blonde hair discolor with chamomile infusion. For these purposes, a decoction is prepared from the dry collection, which is used to rinse the hair after washing.


A natural brightener that can penetrate deep into the hair shaft, washing out the color pigment. A fermented milk product is used in conjunction with natural products such as cognac, lemon juice, egg.


A rather aggressive bleaching agent, which, if handled incorrectly, can cause significant damage to the hair shaft, as well as cause a serious burn of the skin. Most often, hydroperite is used in tablets, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The main disadvantage of such discoloration is the appearance yellow shade on the hair.

Soda, laundry soap

Alkali is able to penetrate into the structure of the hair shaft, washing out the pigment from there. As an alternative to powder, soap can be used, which is dissolved in water, after which it is sprayed onto the hair with a spray bottle.

Partial lightening

Sometimes it is required to work out with the composition only regrown roots, which will be darker than the rest of the hair color. For such procedures, from the existing list of professional or folk remedies for bleaching, it is worth choosing compounds that will not harm the skin of the head. Toning the roots is best acid wash or homemade products. The process itself involves working with roots, you need to start it from the parietal zone, gradually processing the rest of the contrasting areas with a clarifier.

Keep the composition on the hair should be until the desired shade is obtained. For hair with a porous structure, you need to be extra careful control the exposure time of the clarifier on the roots.

We must not forget that the reaction with the hair shaft will persist until the moment the selected agent is washed off and neutralized, whether it is working with Blondex or lemon juice.

If after the procedure the difference in color is preserved, it is allowed to re-stain dark areas until a color is reached that is as close as possible to the shade at the ends.

Elimination of yellowness

A frequent occurrence after lightening is yellowness, especially for light and red curls. There are several reasons for the appearance of such an undesirable result:

  • use for bleaching cheap low-quality composition;
  • errors related to the technology of clarification itself;
  • the composition of tap water with impurities of heavy metals, which subsequently wash out cosmetic substances from the hair.

The article will help you choose a method for lightening hair at home without the use of special dyes.

The usual hair color sometimes bothers, and not every woman decides to spoil her hair with paint. But you can lighten your hair by several tones using exclusively natural components.

How to lighten hair at home

Lightening hair at home with folk remedies undoubtedly differs from lightening with paint not only in the degree of lightening, but also in the effect on the hair.

What you need to know before lightening hair with natural ingredients at home:

  • The result can sometimes be unpredictable. This is especially true for previously dyed hair. You can get a shade that will not please you at all. To avoid this, test the chosen coloring method on a separate strand.
  • You will not get cardinal clarification. 1-2 tones - the most real result. However, some hair lends itself well to lightening and after several procedures can please you with its beautiful light tone.
  • Be prepared to repeat procedures. If your hair is light, then some recipes can give results after the first application. But, in order not to be upset, it is better to prepare mentally for the need to use the mask several times.
  • Many recipes call for the mask to be applied to the hair for several hours. If you are not the owner of great patience, then this method is not for you.
  • hair after folk clarification, as a rule, obedient, beautiful and soft. The only exception is home lightening with non-natural ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide, or natural lemon, which can dry hair.

Lightening hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the most popular folk remedies for lightening hair. Its prevalence is due to several factors:

  • Cinnamon will make your hair thicker while using the mask.
  • Cinnamon will not harm your hair in any way.
  • Combined with other ingredients, it will lighten your hair.
  • Properly prepared and used cinnamon masks will make your hair beautiful and shiny (read mask recipes below)

Hair mask with cinnamon for lightening

You will need:

  • 30 g cinnamon for the entire length of medium length hair
  • 3 art. spoons of liquid honey. If the honey is thickened, melt in a water bath
  • 4-5 art. tablespoons of moisturizing balm or hair mask


  • Mix honey and cinnamon first
  • Add a balm or mask
  • Stir until smooth
  • The mask should not be too thick so that it can be evenly applied to the hair.


  • Wash your hair and walk around with a towel on your head for 5 minutes to remove excess moisture from your hair.
  • Apply the mask evenly to wet hair. Coat each strand to achieve an even lightening lighter. You can apply not only to the entire length, but also to the ends in an attempt to get a beautiful ombre
  • After applying, wrap your hair in a bag and warm it up a little with a hair dryer.
  • Wrap a towel over the bag.
  • Remove the towel after 30 minutes
  • With a bag on your head, you need to walk for at least 4 hours. You can go to bed with a mask. The effect will only increase from such a step.
  • Wash thoroughly with warm water. Cinnamon grains are washed out quite difficult
  • Can be washed with shampoo
  • Dry your hair and evaluate the result

Important: lightening hair in this way requires several approaches (especially for dark hair). Each time the color will get lighter.

If you don't see the lightening effect you want, don't be discouraged. Hair after such a mask looks very good.

Lightening hair with cinnamon: before and after

Photos of successful results

Lightening with cinnamon before and after. The result after the systematic use of the mask for six months

Lightening hair with cinnamon: reviews

After reading the reviews of the girls about this method of clarification, we can conclude:

  • Lightening effect is possible, but not more than 2 tones
  • Achieving lightening dark hair will be quite difficult
  • If the first time you did not see the effect, repeat the procedure. Sometimes 5 procedures are needed to achieve the effect, and sometimes 1 procedure already gives the result.
  • Blond hair will most likely acquire a beautiful ashy shade, and the yellowness will go away.
  • The mask is very effective for the beauty and health of your hair.
  • After the first application, your hair will become soft and shiny
  • The downside of the mask is that you need to walk with it on your head for 4 hours, and it’s even better to sleep at night
  • The mask does not wash out of the hair very well. To wash off faster, you should stand in the shower and separate a small strand of hair. Rinse each strand thoroughly with water. Then you won't have any problems.
  • Even those girls who have not achieved the effect of lightening do not regret the procedure done because of the resulting beautiful hair

Video on the topic: Lightening hair with honey and cinnamon

Lightening hair with kefir: reviews

There are practically no reviews on the procedure for lightening hair with kefir. The bulk of the reviews about kefir masks boil down to the fact that the hair after such masks looks very healthy.

Therefore, if you want to try to lighten your hair with kefir, then you will not lose anything, but on the contrary, you will get beautiful well-groomed hair.

But some still managed to achieve some effect.

Lightening with kefir before and after photos

Kefir mask for lightening hair

Kefir masks are applied to wet hair.

Recipe 1.

The easiest and most affordable version of the mask with kefir is in pure form heated kefir. Choose fatter kefir.

Apply heated kefir to the entire length of the hair, cover with a bag and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for 3-4 hours. If the mask is left on all night, then the chances of lightening the hair increase. In addition, your hair will be very soft and beautiful.

Recipe 2.

  • Half a glass of fat-free kefir
  • Juice squeezed from a lemon
  • 2 yolks
  • A little olive oil (optional)


  • Warm up kefir
  • Beat the yolks and pour into kefir
  • Add lemon juice

Apply the mask evenly on the hair and keep it for 2-3 hours. It is not recommended to keep it longer due to the presence of lemon juice in the mask. In addition to the brightening effect, lemon also dries out the hair.

Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 3.

  • Half a glass of kefir
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey
  • A few drops of lemon essential oil
  • Warm up kefir and honey
  • Mix and achieve a homogeneous mixture
  • Add lemon oil
  • Apply to hair and keep for 2 hours

The mask is good because all its components are very useful for hair and each individually has brightening properties.

IMPORTANT: The first thing you need to understand before bleaching your hair with lemon is that lemon dries your hair.

For this reason, you should be ready to actively apply moisturizing oils and hair masks after the lightening procedure.

Although, of course, the harm from lemon can not be compared with the harm of lightening paints.

IMPORTANT: Lightening with lemon is effective in the summer, as lemon brightens better under the influence of UV light.

  • Several lemons
  • A few drops of olive oil or a couple of tablespoons of moisturizing conditioner


  • Squeeze lemon juice and remove pits and skins
  • If you are using pure juice or juice with olive oil, then it will be easier to pour the mixture into a jar with a spray
  • If you chose a mixture of juice and conditioner, then just mix in a deep bowl
  • Apply the mixture to dry hair evenly
  • Go outside and sit in the sun for 2 hours
  • After 1.5 hours of being in the sun, you can repeat the procedure for applying the mixture and bask for another half an hour
  • Rinse the mixture thoroughly from your hair.
  • Be sure to use a moisturizing mask or conditioner

It is enough for someone to carry out one procedure to see the result (usually they are fair-haired girls), for someone, even several procedures do not give an effect. It all depends on the color of your hair and its structure. Some hair say goodbye to their pigments well, others just don't want to do it.

Therefore, the reviews are conflicting.

Lightening hair with honey

Lightening hair with honey is right for you if:

  • you have blonde hair
  • Do not be afraid of the red tint that may appear as a result of lightening. The result on your hair is unpredictable
  • Ready to do at least 3-4 procedures to get the effect
  • Agree to lighten only a couple of tones

Lightening hair with honey, even if there is no lightening effect, will delight you with soft, manageable, silky hair.

IMPORTANT: Honey will not harm your hair, so you will not lose anything when applying honey masks(see recipes below)

bleaching with honey before and after

Mask for lightening hair with honey

Masks with honey are applied to wet hair.

Recipe number 1.

  • The simplest recipe is to mix honey with water or hair conditioner until you get a consistency that you can apply to your hair.
  • Honey in its pure form, even liquid, cannot be applied evenly over the entire length of the hair.
  • Apply this mixture evenly to your hair. Hold for 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo
  • The effect is worth waiting for after only a few applications.

Recipe number 2.

  • Natural honey
  • Olive or coconut oil
  • 1/2 banana, beaten with a mixer (added at your request for additional hair nutrition)

Preparation and use:

  • Mix honey and oil in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively.
  • Add banana and mix thoroughly
  • Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes
  • Apply evenly to hair for 40 minutes
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo

Recipe number 3.

  • Natural honey 2 tablespoons
  • Burdock oil in a small amount to only slightly dilute the mixture for ease of application

Preparation and use:

  • Blend until smooth
  • Apply to hair evenly. You can use a paint brush
  • Wrap your hair with a plastic hat and towel
  • Keep the mask on your hair all night

mask with honey and burdock oil
