Beautiful postcards thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you cards for free with mood postcard thank you flowers smiles thanks pictures

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

First of all, I am grateful to the Universe, which, through this book, gave me the opportunity to realize a long-cherished desire: to publish what I write, and thus share it with many people.

I am grateful to the Wolves and Giraffes inside me, who throw coal into the furnace of my heart, which does not wear out at all from this, but, on the contrary, thanks to these frantic stokers, it becomes more trained and larger, more and more like the heart of a Giraffe.

I am grateful to my beloved Giraffe-Wolf David, “my man”, for leading me to the first Marshall seminar and writing this book, and for sharing with me all the ups and downs - as well as all the many joys (oh yes!) wolf-giraffe dance.

I am grateful to my sons Leander and Timarian for their humorous willingness to share this seemingly strange path of their mother, as well as for their interest in this book and support in its creation.

I am indebted to my teacher and colleague Klaus-Dieter Gens for his patience and lively willingness to give me attention and sort out my nagging questions again and again and thus help me realize my pronounced need for certainty and proportion.

I am indebted to the Great Great Giraffe Marshall for inventing the Four Step Process that helps me break free from the clutches of my own speculative concepts day by day and find comfort in reconnecting with my Giraffe heart. And I am also grateful to him for the fact that he conducts seminars, where I was able to see him "in action", thanks to which I caught fire with an enthusiastic attitude towards Intimate Communication.

I am grateful to Isolde Teschner for the conversation that took place between us during my licensing and thanks to which the essence of Nonviolent Communication fully appeared before me. In the situation of the exam, this person managed not to alienate me one iota from myself and create the conditions for deep human contact between us.

I am grateful to Britta Dahlberg of the Frankfurter Ring, who invited Marshall Rosenberg to Frankfurt and through it into my life.

I am indebted to Stefan Stutz for the tireless creative collaboration that brought my written, literal Wolves and Giraffes to life with his excellent, humorous drawings.

I am indebted to my literary editor, Naomi, whose inimitable sense of language put a final polish on my words.

I am grateful to Karin and Konrad at KOHA who brought this manuscript to the people and turned it into a book.

I am grateful to my friends Margit, Michael, Sylvia and Kristina, who, with their participation, interest and advice, inspired and supported me while writing this book.

Last but not least, I thank the participants in my workshops for their curiosity, courage, and temperament with which they approached Volkov and Giraffe and from whom I have learned so much.

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I thank you for everything you do for me and really appreciate your attention and responsiveness. Thank you for your time, pleasant emotions and for your big kind heart, which always responds to help and support. I want to wish you only the best of everything good and beautiful, a lot of happiness in your eyes and immense love and respect for your great personality. Thank you cards for friends just like that, for example for friendship. Thank you so much for everything. I wish such a kind, sensitive, sympathetic, sincere, open, bright and beautiful little man great happiness in life, undoubted good luck on the way, well-being in the family and success in business.

I, with all my sincerity, want to thank you for all that you do for me. You teach me to see goodness where it a priori cannot be. You give me faith when I start to doubt myself, and support when I need it most. Thank you for you. Thank you for enduring any of my emotional outbursts, for trying to make me laugh when I'm sad, and for always teaching me something new, thereby opening up new facets of the world. Thank you for not giving up and fighting for me, emphasizing my significance and uniqueness. thank you cards Have a good mood, for a compliment in pictures with effects.

Thank you very much for your understanding, participation in my destiny, responsiveness and help. I sincerely thank you and wish that all the good things sent by you always come back, so that your life consists of good roads, good people and happy days. I would like to say a few words of gratitude! Thank you for always being there. For support and care, for the ability to listen and help in difficult times. For the fact that just by your presence in my life, you make it better. With all my heart - thank you! Beautiful playcasts of thank you cards with flowers. From the bottom of my heart I would like to say “thank you very much”. You showed sensitivity and were able to help me, you literally saved me in right hour. I wish you health, peace and prosperity, all the blessings of life and all the opportunities to make your dreams come true.

The emotions that overwhelm me cause a very sincere desire to thank. For friendship and faith, for help and assistance, for love and support, for care and guardianship. Thank you for your responsiveness and courtesy, patience and participation. God bless you! I really want to express the words of incredible gratitude, to say a simple, honest and sincere thank you! It is very important to remember the good done to each of us, this is how we strengthen social ties! Singing free music cards where it says thank you - thank you with patterns. Thank you very much for everything. I want to wish you so many good, kind, bright things. I thank fate for such a kind, sympathetic, good man and with all my heart I wish you health, peace over your head, prosperity in your home, inner harmony and joy for your heart.

I want to say thank you so much just for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my undertakings. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally lacked air from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything. Find nice animations about gratitude with the inscription thank you gifs. From the bottom of my heart I want to say “many thanks” for everything you have done for me, for the kind words of support and respect shown, for understanding my problems and assisting in solving them. From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you to live in full prosperity of love, happiness and attention of your native hearts.

I want to thank you for everything you have done. I sincerely wish you only the best and fulfillment of the most desired. May your sincerity, openness, sincerity and direct helping hand at the right moment always be welcomed and gratefully received. Good luck and all the best! Find download on your phone free picture thank you thank you very much. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without your support, without your efforts, Without your kindness and sensitivity of the heart, I would not be able to. I wish you all the best and brightest in life, health, prosperity, peace and happiness. Thank you for being such a kind and generous person.

We have collected not just thank you cards - animation with gratitude, but cards with beautiful music, that is, animated musical postcards. To beautifully thank your friends, acquaintances, and just good people, thank them thank you - thank you. I don't know what to say, so I say thank you.

5 times to say thank you

The words are please, sorry and thank you. Theoretically, we know in what situations to use them, if only because of a good upbringing. In practice, things do not look so colorful. It is difficult for us to ask someone for help, the word I apologize is generally difficult for many people to use. We also have a problem with gratitude, for many people it is difficult to say a simple word thank you, it is easier to remain silent, or to find excuses. There is also a problem with this, start thanking with a smile in the 5 situations that we have given below, then it should get easier!

1. When words will change your approach to life

In the era of the Internet, not littered with quotes, many forget the author's signature. Still, there are people who motivate with their words, give strength to fight, they allow you to forget about yourself. It's a bit like watching your favorite movie for the hundredth time. You'll always find something new, motivating, appropriate for the current situation you're in.

2. When someone praises you when someone misses you

You look great today! Are you crazy? Can't you see those bags under your eyes?!
And no matter how old we are and acts How beautiful we look. Accepting compliments This is simply unusual for us. Completely wrong! Accepting compliments is not an expression of arrogance or self-confidence. Even if you do not want to believe the person, accept compliments out of politeness so that the person does not feel that his words are being ignored. Sometimes it's worth believing and listening!

3. When someone is near you

It seems that we appreciate relatives and friends only when we lose them. It's one of those sad truths to bear in mind Everyday life with another person. It kind of comes naturally, but sometimes it's worth remembering that the other person also needs your support and attention. The moment of your illness or problems, you become in the center of events, everyone is worried about you, worried. Maybe this is normal, but that's when your loved ones need even more respect. It doesn't matter if it's a family member or a loved one, saying thank you can be really important, especially when you don't have a special occasion for it.

The poets you asked for, but there are tips coming from the heart, this is a sign of the truth and care of your loved ones or friends. Although Sometimes you might think that a person is just elevating himself, but in fact he wants to help you. Of course, there are situations in which you need to turn on a filter that helps you test the other person's kindness. Advice received from a friend is always perceived better with us than those received from unfamiliar people. The latter can sometimes even be painful, because words hurt the most. Whether you take the advice or find it worthless, instead of ignoring it, just give thanks.

5. When someone wants to help

Reading the news from the world, it may seem that there are very few people who are willing to come to the aid of others. In fact, there are more of them than it seems. No matter how little help it is, whether it's about replacing a burned-out light bulb or helping you find a rental apartment, the dash is important. Imagine someone you know is asking for help. Everything is fine with you, you have a good job, then you find out that the person who was given the advice succeeded because of you. Will you feel satisfied? Probably not. However, when you hear the words of gratitude, things will be a little different, always try to thank for the help, with a huge smile, the world may not become a magical land because of this, but it will become much better around you.

Big, clean "thank you"
We speak with sincerity.
For help and understanding
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Good will always be rewarded
All our feelings are a boomerang.
The desire of the heart will be transmitted
In deeds, not words.

After all, our life is sometimes cruel,
And it's very important to guess
Someone who is really bad
To give a helping hand.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,
After all, there is no such thing as gratitude!
I want to wish you all the best,
Let there be everything that the soul dreams of!

May all goodness return a hundredfold,
May luck be with you all around!
Let happiness knock on your soul
And the heart is filled with warmth!

I want to say thank you so much just for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my undertakings. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally lacked air from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
That you don't forget about me
And with any holiday me
Congratulations always.

I feel so good to feel
Your warmth and understanding.
Your care is important to me
Pleasant attention.

I'll say "thank you"! Let you
Dreams will certainly come true.
And your kind words
I will never be forgotten!

In gratitude
Accept the wish
good health
And universal recognition
Success and prosperity
And so that everything
Life was smooth!

For your help and attention
Thank you sincerely.
Thank you for your understanding,
I will keep this in my heart.

For your good intentions
Let fate be grateful.
Always you everywhere, no doubt
Luck favor!

We say thank you for everything.
For everything that has ever been
For a surge of emotions, wonderful laughter,
For your creativity, success.

For understanding, kindness,
For eloquence, dream,
For attitude, support,
For euphoria without cost.

For the fact that you are always with us,
After all, this is happiness, beauty!
Your soul is warmed with warmth,
We are grateful to you for this!

For kindness and care
I say thank you.
Your kind attitude
I value my life very much.

Gratitude you accept
All words are from the heart.
May all weekdays with weekends
You will be good.

Thank you very much
I speak from the heart.
Gratitude has no end
I will repeat hundreds of times.

For such a person
My words cannot be found
I express my gratitude
My feelings are indescribable!

My gratitude knows no bounds
I can describe it in a hundred pages!
But I'll fit in two dozen words,
But they will sound sensitive and short:

Thank you very much for your sincerity -
She heals everything in me that hurts
Thanks for all! For warmth and loyalty
For your words and for your sincerity!

Thank you!" I say
And no other words are needed
I thank you with my heart
Smile and look.

They are clearer than all words
Their heart says
For all the good things in destiny
Thanks you.
