Six topics for conversation with unfamiliar people. How to keep up a conversation with an unfamiliar person What to communicate with an unfamiliar guy

Communicating with a handsome young man live or on the phone, most girls feel embarrassed. Often they don’t understand what they can talk about with a guy, how to choose words, a topic for an interesting conversation that can captivate and develop the awakened interest on the part of a man.

And although our society ascribes to girls such a quality as talkativeness, at the right time it treacherously disappears, giving way to tongue-tied tongue and insecurity.

Here you need to clearly separate communication with an unfamiliar guy and a conversation with your friend, a relationship (even a friendly one) with which has been going on for several weeks. These situations have a number of nuances, but one thing unites them.

The conversation should be based on a language understandable to both and feed on sincere emotions that can be compared with spices - a little - dry and boring, a lot - feigned and tiring.

Talking to a stranger

So, what to talk about with a stranger? ? In fact, finding a topic for conversation is not so difficult. Music, cinema, theatre, weather, hobbies. When discussing tastes and preferences, the most important thing is to remain patient and tolerant of any opinion.

If a guy brought up the so-called "male" topic in which you are not competent, you should not cut off his speech. Men, like women, enjoy being listened to. And cute and attentive girls who are able to listen to a man always enjoy success with the opposite sex.

When communication needs to be continued

If more than one week has passed since the day you met, and you have already managed to get to know each other enough, topics for conversation arise by themselves. Instead of awkwardness and embarrassment, self-confidence comes, a sense of humor wakes up.

You should definitely be interested in how young man day passed. What did he do and what was his mood like? Maybe the question "How are you?" and it sounds like a trifle, but given by the girl you like, it is very pleasant for male pride.

Men always like to be a little smarter, a little more experienced than girls. Ask the guy for advice on those issues in which he understands better than you. This information can become the basis for making an important decision, and the pride of the wise "adviser" who took you under his wing will be satisfied. In any case, the right of the final choice always remains with you.

Sometimes it happens that strong men share with the girls their experiences or life difficulties. This step speaks of trust and sincere sympathy, so it is important to behave correctly in such an intimate moment.

Starting a conversation with a stranger is like skydiving. It's interesting, but very risky. In addition, sometimes such a conversation can change your life. If you put in the effort despite your fears and concerns, one conversation like this can change your life forever. Read this article and you will learn how to start a conversation with a stranger.


Part 1

Anxiety management

    Practice before you start talking to strangers. Talking to strangers, like any other skill, needs to be developed: the more you practice, the better you get at it. Practice will help you feel and behave more naturally, you won't even think how to start a conversation with strangers. To achieve this, set goals for yourself.

    • Do not overdo it! If at first it will be difficult for you to communicate with strangers, do not rush. Start small, like trying to start a conversation with two strangers a week. You can add one conversation every week.
    • Force yourself! There is a fine line between pushing yourself and not overdoing it. Don't let fear hold you back. Get out of your comfort zone.
  1. Attend events yourself. Do not invite other people with you. Create situations for yourself in which you yourself will be among strangers. In this case, you will not be able to hide behind your friends. If you don’t talk to anyone the first couple of times, don’t worry, it’s not scary! You have already taken an important step, you have attended an event where there are a lot of new people for you! Find out what events will take place in your city. Attend events with people you don't know.

    • Art show
    • Book presentations
    • Concerts
    • Exhibitions in museums
    • open festivals
    • parties
    • Parades / rallies / protests
  2. Ask a friend to help you. If you find it difficult to talk to a stranger, ask your friend to help you. With the help of a friend, you will be able to start a conversation with a stranger, and you will feel more comfortable knowing that a loved one is nearby.

    • Don't let your friend take the lead. Let your friend know ahead of time that you want to learn how to talk to people you don't know.
  3. Don't think too much. If you worry too much about things going wrong, you are setting yourself up for failure. The more you think about it, the more you will experience. Once you spot someone you can start a conversation with, get down to business. As a result, you experience less stress.

    Be confident. You may be afraid of talking to a stranger, especially when you realize that this conversation can be life-changing for you. If you are going to an interview or would like to speak with attractive man or a woman, you may worry that the other person will notice that you are nervous. But believe me, no one knows that you are experiencing excitement! Try to be more confident, even if you feel fear and anxiety.

    • Remember, over time, you don't have to pretend that you are a confident person, you really will be.
  4. Don't let the negative reaction affect you. Be prepared for the fact that the reaction of a person may be different. As a shy person, you know perfectly well that sometimes people don't feel like talking at all! If someone doesn't want to talk to you, don't take it personally.

    • Remember, even a negative result is an experience that will come in handy in life. This is a chance to learn and improve.
    • People don't bite. The worst thing that can happen is that someone will say that he is very busy or ask to be left alone. It's not the end of the world!
    • Believe me, no one pays attention to you except yourself. People tend to think only of themselves, so don't worry if someone thinks badly of you.

    Part 2

    Conversation with a stranger
    1. Be open and friendly. If you look sullen, it is unlikely that a person will want to talk to you. Even if you are very worried, try to relax and be friendly. Thanks to this, people in your presence will feel calm. This is a good conversation starter.

      • Maintain eye contact. Instead of fumbling nervously with your phone, look around, paying attention to the people present. Try to make eye contact with someone.
      • Smile when you make eye contact, even if you don't plan to start a conversation. Communication is not always words. In addition, thanks to these techniques, you can arrange a person for a conversation.
      • Learn to control yourself. Our body language can say a lot about us. Don't slouch, keep your head high. If you are a confident person, people will want to connect with you.
      • Do not cross your arms over your chest. As a rule, such a gesture means that you are closed or not interested in a conversation.
    2. Show non-verbally that you want to talk to someone. You are more likely to be seen as strange if you abruptly approach a person and start talking to him. Instead of suddenly starting a conversation with someone, show non-verbally that you want to start a conversation. Make eye contact and smile before starting a conversation.

      Start with a short conversation. Prolonged deep conversation can turn a person away. Start small. Instead of asking a question about the meaning of life, simply express your opinion about some event or ask for a favor:

      • The bar is already closed. It wouldn't hurt to leave a good tip!
      • Terrible traffic today! You don't know what happened?
      • Could you connect my laptop to the network? The outlet is right behind you.
      • Tell me, please, what time is it now?
    3. Introduce yourself. After you have started a conversation, you need to find out the name of the person. The best way to do this is to say your name. Most likely, the person will say his name. If he ignores you, he may be very bad mood or poorly educated. In any case, this is a sign that you should not continue the conversation.

      • After you have started a conversation, you can say "My name is [your name]." You can reach out your hand when you say your name.
    4. Ask open-ended questions. If you ask questions to which a person will give monosyllabic answers, the conversation will quickly come to its logical conclusion. Instead, ask questions that will help keep the conversation going. For example:

      • "How was your day?" instead of "Did you have a good day?"
      • "I see you here often. What motivates you to come here so often? What attracts you?" instead of "Do you come here often?"
    5. Ask the person to explain something to you. We all like to be considered an expert on something. Even if you know a lot about the topic under discussion, listen to what the person has to say. For example, if something happened in your area, you might say, "Oh, I saw the headlines in the newspapers, but I didn't have time to read the material at all. Do you happen to know what happened?" People are more willing to connect when they feel that others can learn something from them.

      Don't be afraid to object. Of course, it is very important to find something in common with a person. However, oddly enough, different views on some issue can be the basis for a good conversation. Show the person that you will not be bored. Lead the discussion and don't be afraid to express your opinion.

      • The discussion should take place in a relaxed manner. If you see the person getting annoyed, it's best to change the subject.
      • Be kind, don't argue.
      • Smile and laugh during conversations to show that you are having a good time and are not nervous.
    6. Choose only safe themes. Although you can choose topics that will be a good basis for discussion, avoid topics that may cause negative emotions in your interlocutor. Discussing topics related to religion or politics can lead to serious disagreements with the interlocutor. However, discussions about topics related to travel or football can be relaxed and fun. Other safe topics might be movies, music, books, or food.

      Let the conversation be free and casual. Of course, you can prepare a list of questions in advance that you can discuss with the person. However, it is unlikely that you will get a casual conversation! Of course, you can set a topic for a conversation, but do not try to build a conversation according to a template. If your interlocutor wants to talk about something else, yield! Ask him to explain things you don't understand and be glad that you have the opportunity to learn something new.

  • Be relaxed. It's hard to start a conversation when you're shaking with fear.
  • Compliments - The best way melt the ice.
  • Speak clearly and appropriately. If you mumble something under your breath, it will be much more difficult to talk to you.
  • Remember that no matter who you talk to, you will always have something in common. We all deal with the weather, love Tasty food and enjoy good mood and laughter. When in doubt, just talk to the person about why they are here. For example, if you meet at a bus stop, ask where he or she is going. If your interlocutor is not from this city, ask about his or her life at home.
  • Be bold. Communication with people has become so necessary in our time that you can not afford to be shy. If there is a reason to communicate, find a way to start a conversation. If you like someone's work, tell them about it.
  • It helps a lot if you are interested in what you do. If your life is not interesting to you, it will definitely not be interesting to anyone else.
  • When talking to another person, use body language. This will make the conversation more exciting and last longer.
  • If you are a shy person, then come up with a topic or two for a conversation in advance.
  • Expand your field of interest. It's always easier to start interesting conversations when you put in the effort to develop your own interests. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the topic that interests you so that you can clearly and clearly talk about all the nuances that it (the topic) concerns. Expand and deepen your interests, cultivate an interest in everything. Another way to achieve this is to ask questions about the interests of others. If your friend loves football, ask them which teams and players did well this year, or ask them all about league structure.
  • Don't be afraid that the conversation will take a different direction. If you have an idea in your head during a conversation, it is probably related to it.
  • Half of success in communication depends on non-verbal cues, not necessarily what you say. Hone your non-verbal communication skills to appear more friendly and confident.
  • If you consistently fail to build a conversation, you may just not be very good at expressing your interests (sharing too little or too much), or you are hiding these interests out of fear that people will reject them (or reject you). At some point, you will realize that you need to learn how to interest people if you want to be interesting.
  • Note in your mind the interesting and funny things you saw or heard during the day. For example, someone said something funny or you did something interesting with your friends, whatever. Thus, you will have more topics for conversation in stock.

Life is impossible to predict. You never know for sure what awaits you tomorrow or in the next few months, and even more so you will not be able to guess what knowledge will be required in situations that will happen to you. For example, young ladies often ask themselves: what to talk about with a guy to make the conversation interesting and exciting, there was an opportunity to show oneself from the good side.

The peculiarity of this question is such that it arises not only before the first meeting, but also after some time of communication, and even after a couple of years family life. Girls interact with guys every day: with a loved one, an acquaintance, or maybe just a stranger. How to build a conversation right when it seems like there is nothing to talk about?

What to talk about with a guy you know

The longer you communicate with a guy, the easier it is to interact and select topics that are of interest to both. Next to a familiar person you are not shy, you do not feel awkward and you know what to talk about. For example, you can:

  1. Ask how the day went, what news is there, what was interesting and remarkable. This question should not be considered banal: it can be asked at least every day, showing interest, care and attention, which are very important for every young person.
  2. Talk about personal: about thoughts, feelings, experiences, maybe even secrets and secrets. How trusting to be, each girl must determine for herself.
  3. Mutual friends. You can talk about familiar people, remember the events associated with them.
  4. Ask for advice. This can be done boldly, without hesitation, especially if you are sure that the guy is always ready to help. Guys like this behavior of girls, and even more so, they perfectly “rummage” in many issues that are not too accessible to girls.
  5. Help a young person with advice if he shared his difficulties, without trying to completely solve the problems himself, without reproaching.

But sometimes it seems that we have already discussed everything and got to know each other to the smallest detail. Then just share news and new thoughts, as well as use the list. Perhaps you will find a topic that has not yet been touched upon in a conversation with a guy:

  • New in music or cinema;
  • Different types of people's appearances;
  • Personal life;
  • own family;
  • Sport;
  • Computers, programs;
  • political issues;
  • Life lessons, failures and successes;
  • General errors and shortcomings;
  • Questions of health, beauty, self-care.

And if you daily engage in expanding your horizons, then interesting topics you don't have to search for a conversation - they will appear by themselves! An erudite person is interesting to other people, and if you feel a lack of knowledge in a certain area - just ask the interlocutor a competent question, to which he will gladly answer, taking the course of the conversation in his own direction. And the girl will only have to cheer him up, agree and ask related questions.

What to talk about with a stranger young man

If you don't know the person you're talking to, that's no reason to be upset. Topics can be discussed in a variety of ways.:

  • Hobbies and hobbies;
  • Culinary Arts;
  • shopping;
  • Family;
  • News.

Build the course of the conversation as you see fit. You can start or maintain an interesting conversation by using standard phrases or by asking simple questions, such as:

  1. How do you spend your free time?
  2. Do you have a favorite activity that you are ready to devote every minute of your free time to?
  3. I'm crazy about ... And how do you feel about this?
  4. Let's try to find similar interests (hobbies)?
  5. What dishes do you like?
  6. Today I cooked... Have you ever tried it?
  7. I tried it today… What do you think about such dishes?
  8. Have you tried to cook for yourself, or do you consider it an exclusively female responsibility?
  9. Do you live by yourself or with your parents?
  10. How are your relationships with your family?

If you liked the guy, and you want to continue communicating with him, in a roundabout way find out if he has a girlfriend . If the answer is no, subtly hint at a desire to meet again in the near future. If a young man already has a girlfriend, express your desire to maintain a friendly relationship and see each other - a few new friends or acquaintances have not bothered anyone yet.

Themes for communication with a guy on social networks

Communication in virtual world, just like the personal requires certain rules:

  1. Try to answer straightaway , without long pauses after receiving a message from a guy;
  2. Try to write without typos and grammatical errors;
  3. Answer all the questions posed by the young man, avoid understatement and ambiguity. If it’s unpleasant to answer a guy’s question, throw out a good joke;
  4. Use a sense of humor, keep a course on the positive;
  5. Do not use ugly words and expressions, express yourself in a literary language, beautifully building phrases;
  6. Give me a number mobile phone if you have been asked to.
  • Weather;
  • Policy;
  • Hobbies and interests;
  • Discussion of opinions, dual views;
  • Memories of meetings, events, events;
  • Discussion of gifts, life problems and incidents;
  • Movies and music;
  • Artists and performers;
  • Jokes and anecdotes;
  • Funny jokes;
  • Memorable performances of KVN teams.

5 rules for a first date

First date conversation- it's something quivering and exciting. You need to think carefully about what you should definitely say and how to present it. If you really care about the guy who invited you to the meeting and you want to develop relationships try to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Ask about interests young man, tell us about yours. Try to find a common ground. If you're not into anything in common, show genuine interest in a couple of the guy's hobbies.
  2. ask character traits guy, tell us about your outstanding features. Do not be stingy with compliments towards the male qualities you like.
  3. Ask about education, work, tell us about yourself, discuss interesting points in these areas.
  4. Reply to those addressed to you questions openly and honestly, this will help win over the interlocutor.
  5. During a young man's monologue and try your best to show interest to the topics raised, express your opinion gently and compromise.

On a date, be natural and feminine, during a conversation as much as possible less often look away from the face of the interlocutor and try to fill the gaps that suddenly arise.

10 rules for an interesting and successful conversation

To successfully build a conversation Be on the lookout and do not neglect the following rules:

  1. No need to climb into the soul if you notice resistance;
  2. Get away from the topic if it is unpleasant for a person;
  3. Do not start abruptly discussing personal life - leave the initiative to the guy or move to this topic smoothly;
  4. Do not spray on the advantages of ex-boyfriends, especially do not compare a young man with other men, on the contrary, pay attention to uniqueness and inimitability;
  5. Sit (stand) calmly during the conversation, do not look at your watch, otherwise the person will decide that it is unpleasant for you to be in his company;
  6. Try not to lose the thread of the conversation, fill in the gaps;
  7. Completely exclude financial issues from your list of topics if you don’t want to upset the guy and hear “all women are like that.” If he doesn’t say it out loud, he will definitely think;
  8. Strongly avoid vulgar topics of conversation, leave them for discussion with fairly close people;
  9. You should not complain about life - it is better to be optimistic and charge others, including the interlocutor, with positive;
  10. Do not discuss shortcomings directly - try to accept a person as God intended him to be. If there is something you don't like about a young person's behavior or manner, talk about it gently and kindly.

A sincere and good-natured girl will always find something to talk about with a guy, and will try to make the conversation pleasant and impressive. To do this, you need a little: study the characteristics of the interests of men and remember a few simple rules communication and conversation.

Video about talking to guys

Surely, each of you, when communicating with unfamiliar people, especially of the opposite sex, more than once got into a situation where the conversation did not go well. The situation was further aggravated by the taciturnity of the interlocutor himself and his monosyllabic answers to your questions. In moments of critically prolonged pauses during a conversation, your brain panicked trying to generate at least something sensible, but eventually fell into a slight communicative stupor. The questions you came up with seemed stupid, and you seemed to tell everything you could about yourself.
Here are a few questions and topics for conversation that will help you get out of these unpleasant pauses. They will help to talk to the interlocutor for a while and give you the opportunity to continue the conversation.
So, the first question concerns work, study or other daily activities of your interlocutor. But when asking questions on this topic, remember that there are people who are better off not being reminded of their work. If your interlocutor does not belong to this category, then feel free to ask why he loves her (work), what are the main difficulties of the duties that he performs, what is the most interesting about them. You can ask who your interlocutor dreamed of becoming in childhood, what results he wants to achieve now.
As you know, nothing disposes an outsider to his own person like sympathy or * censorship * shaft. Ask the interlocutor what he considers his main achievement in life and what is his most crushing failure.
Talk about spiritual values. Find out what is the greatest value in life for your interlocutor. Ask what made your interlocutor think so.
Talk about recreation and entertainment. Foreign travel and holiday adventures are a wonderful and almost inexhaustible topic of conversation. You can talk about club recreation, about sports.
Take an interest in the musical tastes of your interlocutor, tell us about yours. Talk about music can be translated into cinema, theater and similar cultural entertainment. Do not impose your point of view if it does not coincide with the point of view of your interlocutor.
Some people think that talking about computers is boring and uninteresting. If you use specific terms in your speech or retell the algorithm of the program you wrote the other day, then I agree with this statement. But you are having a secular conversation - that is, you are talking about nothing and everything at the same time, so you can and even need to talk about computers, but without going into details.
Talk about the relationship between a man and a woman. Ask the interlocutor about ideal relationship. Ask about what could be the reason for him to break up.
Find out what annoys and pisses him off, try never to do that.
This is just a brief overview of the possible topics for conversation, in fact, there are a great many of them. The questions listed here will help you get to know your interlocutor better, determine his interests and inclinations.
And finally, one piece of advice - no matter what questions you ask your interlocutor, be sure that you yourself can always answer them.
