Vitamin A and peach oil for face. Peach oil for the face: benefits, features of use and recipes for cosmetics

In cosmetology, vegetable oils have long been used for the skin, and peach oil is widely used for the face and body. When interacting with this remedy, the complexion improves, the skin becomes elastic and velvety, wrinkles are smoothed out, and acne disappears. Consider how to properly apply peach oil to improve facial skin.

The homeland of the peach, in fact, is not Persia, but Ancient China. And only about 400 years ago this fragrant fruit from China came to Central Asia, in particular to Persia, and from there to Europe, Turkey, Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. And since it came to us not directly from the Celestial Empire, but from Persia, they began to call it a peach.

In ancient and modern China, the fruits of the peach tree are considered a symbol of immortality, and the fruit plant itself is called the "Tree of Life".

According to an ancient Chinese legend, the Queen of Heaven and the fairy goddess Xi-Wan-Mu had a fabulous garden on Mount Kunlun. And only once in three thousand years magical fruits ripened in it - peaches of immortality.

When these fragrant fruits ripened, Si-Wan-Mu organized great holiday for all immortal spirits. Some people also managed to taste a piece of the fabulous fruit, and they learned the truth and also became immortal or gained eternal youth and the ability to fly in the clouds.

So, one Chinese boy managed to get a magic fruit, which he gave to an old mother for her birthday. Having bitten off a peach, the woman rejuvenated and gained health.

This is where the ancient chinese tradition- to present a “longevity peach”, in Chinese “Show Tao”, as a gift to the elderly, wishing them, thereby, prolonging youth and longevity.

For the same reason, the Taoist god of longevity Shu Lao is always depicted with a peach in his hands. In Japan, the peach tree is considered the Tree of Life. And in some countries, talismans and amulets are made from peach wood to protect against evil spirits.

Not surprisingly, peach oil for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands, which is made from the seeds of this fruit, has found wide application.

Health Benefits of Peach Kernel Oil

In fact, the oil is not made from peach fruits, but from the seeds of this fruit, which is obtained by pressing under high pressure, followed by filtration. It turns out a very nutritious, but light in consistency composition.

In addition, peach oil is absolutely hypoallergenic, which is why its use in medicine and cosmetology is so popular.

The peach kernel extract contains the following substances:

  • vitamins - A, groups B, E, C, P, which are necessary for regular care of delicate facial skin;
  • fatty acids that protect and moisturize the skin, give it firmness and elasticity;
  • minerals in high concentrations - P, K, Fe, Ca, without which the condition of the skin, bones, nails and hair deteriorates.

The effectiveness of using peach oil against wrinkles on the face is due to natural composition, which is similar in content to the natural structure of the epidermis, due to which the components are easily absorbed and interact with the skin.

Peach kernel oil will be beneficial for all skin types, but most of all, it will help dry and wrinkled skin, as well as a sensitive type of face that is prone to different types of skin problems. inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.

Regular use of this product for the care of delicate skin softens, nourishes, tones and moisturizes it, which contributes to a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

Systematic use increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, relieves flaking and dryness, giving a beautiful and healthy skin color, significantly improving it appearance.

In addition, the oil effectively eliminates irritation and has regenerating properties. It contributes to the rapid healing of damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, peach kernel oil is recommended by pediatricians for skin care for babies.

What skin problems does it treat?

The combination gives an amazing effect when essential, other cosmetic and peach oil are mixed. The use of this agent in cosmetology is often found in the composition of pharmaceutical ointments and creams, baby oils, as it accelerates and facilitates the penetration of therapeutic components into the skin.

Peach oil is often included in oil balms and masks for dry and sensitive skin, as well as eye and face makeup removers.

Indications for the use of peach oil in cosmetology:

  • wrinkled and flabby facial skin;
  • the presence of "crow's feet", dry skin around the eyes;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • the presence of eczema and various dermatitis;
  • cracks on the lips and "jamming" in the corners of the mouth;
  • the presence of acne and inflammation on the skin;
  • dull, pale and gray skin complexion.

The light texture allows peach oil to be absorbed very quickly without leaving a greasy sheen.

Ways to use peach oil

The use of peach oil in cosmetology can be conditionally designated by the following categories:

  1. It is considered a suitable basis for the preparation of massage mixtures that can be used for massages for adults and children.
  2. As daily care behind the face, especially in the autumn-winter period. In this case, the agent must be slightly warmed up to improve its penetration. The skin of the face acquires a healthy color and velvety.
  3. For excessively dry, sensitive and aging skin, every night before going to bed, wipe a clean face with a cotton pad dipped in peach seed oil. It is better to combine with self-massage.
  4. If there is inflammation and damage of various kinds on the face, then it is better to lubricate the problem areas several times a day.
  5. This oil can be added to various cosmetic products. A few drops in a cream, scrub, mask or lotion will be enough. This product is very effective for caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids, especially if you already have crow's feet.

It is worth noting that this cosmetic miracle has a positive effect on eyelashes, preventing them from falling out and contributing to their strengthening and active growth. For this not a large number of Spread peach oil along the entire length of the eyelashes. Repeat the procedure every day.

Thanks to its excellent regenerating and regenerating properties, peach seed oil perfectly nourishes and softens dry and chapped lips, heals wounds and cracks.

Recipes with peach oil for the face

Homemade recipes for face care based on peach oil are in no way inferior to ready-made ones. You can simply lubricate the skin with peach oil. Daily procedures will saturate its cells, restore healthy color and elasticity.

But the product is more effective as part of other care products. On its basis, you can make a variety of masks, peeling scrubs, lotions, tonics for cleansing the skin of makeup, compresses, etc.

Let's look at a few of the most effective recipes for the face with peach oil.

Peelings and scrubs

  1. Scrub with oatmeal. Mix hot oil with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Apply to face, massage and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. This peeling is suitable for dry and inflamed skin.
  2. Honey peeling. Mix 25 ml of peach oil with the same amount of liquid honey. Add 15 g of dried, crushed nucleoli. Apply to face and gently rub in for a few minutes.
  3. Scrub with sea salt. In 1 st. l. add fine salt to 30 ml of the base product. Add 3-5 drops of any essential oil. Lubricate the skin, rub thoroughly and rinse with warm water after a few minutes.

Cleansing lotions

  1. Wet a sponge with pure peach oil and wipe the skin, clearing it of makeup. Change the cotton pad as it gets dirty.
  2. Hydrophilic oil based on peach. For 80 ml of the base product, add 20 ml of any emulsifier, for example, Polysorbate-80. Add 2-3 drops of essential pomace or 1 tbsp. herbal infusion. Rub the mixture on your face to cleanse it.

Compresses for skin healing

  1. Compress with lemon ether. Heat the oil, add 5 drops of lemon extract. Moisten a clean, dry cloth or cotton towel. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Carefully remove the rest with a sponge. You can replace lemon aroma oil with any other citrus ether or freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Herbal compress. 40 g of dried chamomile flowers pour 100 ml of boiling water. Insist 30-40 minutes, strain. Add warm peach oil. Soak a small towel and place on your face. This lotion is effective in combating irritation, inflammation, rashes and dryness.

Face masks

  1. Mask for oily skin with oatmeal and lemon. Heat the base oil (40 ml), add the same amount of citrus juice and crushed oatmeal. Mix with peach or apricot, after mashing the fruit with a fork. Let the mask brew for 15-20 minutes, then apply the composition on the face. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. Curd mask for dry and problematic skin. In 1 st. l. fat cottage cheese, add 15 ml of peach oil. Apply to skin and leave on for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Eye masks

  1. Mask with fish oil. In 1 tsp. peach seed oil, add 5 drops of fish oil, enrich with esters of jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, patchouli. Moisten a cotton pad and apply to your eyes. Hold for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Nourishing mask. Mix 3 drops of peach, almond and olive oils. Saturate the lower and upper eyelids with the mixture using a cotton pad. Lie down and let the product soak in for 30 minutes. Then gently blot the residue with a dry cloth. Never rub your eyes as this can stretch or damage the skin.
  3. Mask with whitening effect. Cut off the fleshy leaf of aloe, squeeze 0.5-1 tbsp out of it. l. juice. Chop a bunch of parsley, add peach oil and 3 drops of Aevita. Apply around the eyes and wash off after 20 minutes. This product is great for removing puffiness and dark circles.

For lip skin care, especially in the autumn-winter period, mix peach oil with jojoba or wheat germ in equal proportions, add 1-2 drops of essential oils of melissa, rose and limette. Such care promotes healing of lesions on the lips, making them supple and elastic, increasing the brightness of the border of the lips.

Peach oil is also used in the massage process. To do this, lubricate the face with peach extract, and then pointwise knead the corners of the eyelids, cheeks, forehead, and selections. The product enhances the anti-aging effect due to antioxidant and lifting properties.

Peach oil for the face - an indispensable tool for dry and problem skin. It is hypoallergenic, relieves rashes and fills the cells of the epidermis with collagen. It can be used in both pure form, and as part of various lotions, masks, creams, scrubs and compresses.

Do not be lazy to take care of yourself and always be beautiful and healthy!

In this article, you will learn how peach oil is useful for the face and how exactly the composition of the oil affects the skin. You will find out how to use this oil correctly and what to be wary of when using it. You will learn how to use pure peach oil for your face, body and hair. In the article you will find several recipes for different face masks and tips from cosmetologists on the use of peach seed oil. You can also watch an educational video that will show you how to make a moisturizer and makeup remover from oil.

How peach oil affects the skin

The first thing we pay attention to when we meet or just see a person is his face. Well-groomed skin, of course, always looks spectacular and fresh, and every girl and woman tries to keep her skin in order. And in fact, in our time, taking care of yourself is not at all difficult - there are many shops with cosmetics for every taste, and you can always choose what is right for you.

However many do not want to spend a lot of money on facial care, because you need to use creams and serums, washing gels and masks every day, and sometimes several times. It takes a lot of money, but what if facial care really requires regularity, and constantly buying expensive cosmetics is unprofitable? Someone will say that you can buy cosmetics cheaper, but this is not an option.

There are really good representatives of skin care cosmetics for little money, but in most cases these are low-quality and ineffective products. And for some, only certain brands and brands that are not cheap are suitable at all. What then to do? In fact, everything is quite simple. You can purchase several varieties of oils and make masks with them, add them to creams, or even use them in their pure form.

There are many different oils for the face that can also be used for the body and hair. Each oil contains many vitamins, minerals and other components that have a positive effect on the skin. Most often, jojoba, grape seed, macadamia, olive or tea tree oil are chosen for facial care. Some moisturize, others dry, others stabilize the water balance. There is also peach oil or, as it is also called, peach kernel oil. About him and will be discussed in the article.

This oil popular among girls and women with dry skin. Although, hydration and nutrition are far from the only positive properties of peach oil. It is extracted from peach pits by cold pressing these seeds. The oil contains great amount various useful components that have a positive effect on the skin of the face and body.

Benefits of peach oil

Peach kernel oil is actively used both in its pure form and as an additive to masks. Often you can find this oil in the composition of creams, washing gels and other cosmetics Oh. There are many benefits of peach oil:

  • The oil contains vitamins A and E.. Both vitamins help speed up metabolic processes, which allows the skin to regenerate and renew itself faster. Vitamin A treats acne and has antioxidant properties, and also promotes the production of natural collagen. Vitamin E, in turn, works with the condition of the skin, in addition to renewal and regeneration, the vitamin improves the skin, making it soft and smooth. This vitamin is often referred to as the vitamin of youth and beauty, because its regular use makes the skin fresher, radiant and toned. In addition, vitamin E removes toxins from the skin, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and fights rashes.
  • Peach oil makes the skin soft and moisturized. The oil fights flaking and cleanses the skin of dead cells that clog pores.

  • Oil normalizes blood flow in the skin, which makes the skin more radiant and looks fresh.
  • Due to the ingress of fatty acids into places on the skin where there is not enough natural collagen, the skin after some time of regular use of peach oil becomes more toned. It also helps to get rid of wrinkles and copes with even the deepest folds and microcracks.
  • Peach oil not only restores the skin, but also soothes it. Irritations go away and wounds heal.
  • Oil is considered one of the best means to prevent acne and blemishes. It also treats skin conditions and is often recommended for those who suffer from acne.
  • Oil tones not only the skin of the face, but also penetrates deeper, under the skin thereby toning the entire body.

  • This oil can be used without interruption as it is non-addictive unlike most other oils.
  • The oil also eliminates the fragility of blood vessels and improves tone and complexion. In addition, peach oil has a whitening effect on the skin.
  • Peach kernel oil slows down the aging of the skin, tightens it and makes it softer, smoother and more elastic.

Rules for use and precautions

Peach oil has no restrictions on skin type, and it is recommended to anyone who needs to improve the condition of the skin or just wants to keep it in order. However, any remedy, and especially such an “aggressive” one as oil, has its own rules, which are important to follow in order to get the effect for which you bought this oil. Here are the rules that will help you figure out how to use the oil:

  • Apply oil every day once or every few days to get desired result. You You can apply it all over your face without avoiding the skin around the eyes.. Moreover, this oil can be applied on the eyelids, as well as on eyelashes and eyebrows. After regular use of this oil, your eyes will look like you always get enough sleep every morning, even if you don't. The oil does an excellent job of eliminating bruises and circles under the eyes.

  • Unlike other oils, it absorbs very quickly and leaves no residue. Moreover, this oil does not clog pores. Therefore, you can apply it in its pure form, without diluting it with water or cream, and also use the oil as a base for make-up. The oil will lay down as a light, imperceptible film, which will become a barrier to penetration foundation into the pores and under the skin.
  • If your skin is too flaky, the oil should be applied several times a day.. For example, morning and evening.
  • Apply the oil to cleansed skin without makeup. Immediately after washing with gel or foam, wipe your face dry and apply a little oil on your fingers. Massage the oil into the skin with massaging movements until completely absorbed. If necessary, remove excess oil with a cotton swab. You don't need to wash the oil off your face!
  • Add oil to creams, tonics and serums that you use. You can always apply a small amount of cream or other product to yourself on the outside of the brush, add a couple of drops of oil and mix everything well. Then the resulting mass should simply be applied to the entire face, rubbing it well into the skin.

Application in its purest form

Of course, the use of some oils in their pure form is practically forbidden for many girls. Oil is an oily product that the skin does not accept very well. That is why many oils need to be diluted, and they are not advised to be used in their pure form. However, peach kernel oil is completely harmless due to its pleasant and soft texture.

Note! You can either add this oil to creams and other face care products, or you can safely use it in its pure form.

It can be used not only for the face, but also for other purposes. Below you will learn how to properly use pure peach oil.

Face cream

You can use peach kernel oil as a moisturizing and nourishing face cream. More precisely, rather, it will be called an emulsion. Applying oil in this way is not at all difficult. You just need to wash your face and dry your face.

Then apply a couple of drops of oil on your fingers and distribute the oil over the skin of the face with light, massage movements. Then leave the oil to soak in. No need to flush oil. If excess remains, they can be removed with a cotton pad. You can apply peach kernel oil on your face as a cream once or twice a day, depending on the condition of your skin.

For hair

You can use peach oil not only for face care, but also for hair care. There are several options for how you can use this oil. The first is as a hair mask in its purest form. You can apply the product to the entire length of the hair either before shampooing (approximately 1-2 hours in advance) or on damp hair after washing. The second option is as a serum for the tips.

The application is about the same as in the case of a mask - you simply apply peach oil to the ends of your hair either before shampooing or after washing your hair. The amount of oil should be small - just a couple of drops. Pay attention to how your hair will look- if they are greasy and stuck together, then you have applied too much oil, and next time you will need to apply less.

And another option that will help you comb your hair easier. Choose an empty spray bottle, wash it of the product that was there before, and pour clean mineral water into it. Add a couple of drops of peach oil there at the rate of 2-3 drops per 100 milliliters. Shake the bottle well before each use and spray all over the hair, avoiding the roots.

For body

You can use the oil as a body moisturizer. To do this, apply the oil after you take a shower. If your skin is too sensitive and you often experience breakouts and irritation after shaving, you can use the oil as a soothing aftershave.

In addition, you can use the oil as a massage oil. For example, if you are massaging with your hands, apply oil to the areas of skin you will be massaging and rub the skin well with the oil.

Note! If you prefer dry brushing, you can apply the oil either before the massage for 10-15 minutes to absorb the oil, or immediately after the brushing.

Mask Recipes

The use of pure oil does not require additional effort - it is quick, easy and simple. However you can achieve an even greater effect if you add oil to homemade face masks. Making them is very simple, you just need a few products that you can find at home and peach seed oil. Below you will find recipes for face masks with oil, which you can easily repeat at home.

Wrinkle mask

  1. Dilute 6 grams of sodium alginate in 50 milliliters of distilled water and leave the mixture for 5 hours.
  2. After 5 hours, add 15 grams of bodyaga powder and 14 drops of peach oil. Stir the mixture well.
  3. Apply the mask from the bottom up - from the chin to the forehead - with a special spatula. The thickness of the mask should be uniform on the entire face, approximately 3 millimeters of a layer.
  4. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  5. Carefully remove it after the time has elapsed.

Acne mask

  1. Mix 14 grams of chickpea flour, 8 drops of peach oil and 1-2 drops of mandarin essential oil in one bowl.
  2. Steam your face with an herbal compress (5-8 minutes).
  3. Apply the mask all over your face and leave on for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

Mask for age spots

  1. Mix 15 grams of yellow clay with 12 grams of cocoa powder and add 12 drops of peach oil.
  2. Add a couple of drops of calendula infusion there. Mix well.
  3. Apply the mask along the lines of the lymph flow and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with warm water and moisturize your face with a nourishing cream.

Mask for dry skin

  1. Grind 24 grams of kelp and fill with distilled water.
  2. Add 1 ampoule of retinol and 18 drops of peach oil. Mix the contents of the bowl well.
  3. On a clean face, apply the mask with a soft brush.
  4. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mask with a herbal decoction of chamomile.
  6. Instead of a face cream after the mask, it is better to apply olive oil to the entire face.

Mask for oily skin

  1. Remove the skin from one tomato and make a pulp out of the vegetable.
  2. Add 12 grams of yeast and 7 drops of peach oil. Mix well.
  3. On clean skin Apply face mask and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off the mask with clean warm water.

rash mask

  1. Grate lemon zest (about 4 grams).
  2. Add 12 grams of blue clay, 15 drops of peach oil and 4 grams of lemon zest to the bowl. Mix well.
  3. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with clean water and cleansing gel.
  5. Moisturize your face with hyaluronic acid cream.


The use of peach kernel oil will help in the following cases:

  • with sagging skin;
  • with dry skin;
  • with rashes and irritations;
  • with grayness of the face;
  • in the presence of yellow shade on the face;
  • with pigmentation;

  • with acne;
  • with acne;
  • with scars;
  • with bruises under the eyes;
  • with microcracks;
  • with skin diseases;
  • with wide open pores;
  • in the presence of wrinkles.


Peach oil has practically no contraindications. This tool should not be used by those who have a tendency to allergic reactions, and also have intolerance to peach extract or other components in the oil. In addition, peach oil does not need to be used by people with problems with nervous system or easily excitable people. Before using the oil, it is better to check it for an allergic reaction.

To do this, conduct a test on the skin of the hand - apply the oil for half an hour and look at the reaction. If irritation and inflammation do not appear, you can safely use the oil as a face cream. To avoid any side effects, follow the rules described in the instructions for the oil. Each manufacturer may have different instructions! Be careful while reading the instructions.

It is difficult for many girls and women to make a decision without making sure that the experts in their field - dermatologists and cosmetologists - fully support this or that product. You can check out the tips and tricks below. These tips belong to highly qualified professionals who are considered true masters of their craft. Below you will find out how cosmetologists relate to the use of peach oil for the face.

Many people believe that oils, which are very light and weightless in their consistency, can be used regularly without interruption. Yes, manufacturers of many oils claim that this is true, but there are still other facts that suggest that it is better to periodically give the skin a rest. And here we are not talking about the very fact of the ban on the use of oil. It's important to take a break from everything when it comes to facials.

As a rule, healthy skin does not need additional regular moisturizing. For such skin, it is better to use light creams with a basic set of vitamins that will help maintain its condition, and will not heal and nourish the skin even more. Therefore, when you use the oil regularly, while still using creams, serums, your skin gets tired of the amount of funds on itself, and it needs to be allowed to rest.

Give your skin a detox day once a week - on this day, do not apply any products to your skin, including foundations. Wash your face with plain water and you can use tonic or micellar water.

Important! It is better to store oils in the refrigerator or in a cool place. When you apply cool oil to your skin, especially under your eyes, the skin is not only hydrated but also cooled.

Peach oil can be used as a lip balm. If your lips are constantly dry and flaky, apply one drop of oil on your finger and rub into the lips with massaging movements. After regular use, you will notice how moist and radiant your lips will become.

You can use peach oil regularly, without changing or alternating it with other oils. However, if you still decide to choose several base oils for your care, make sure that they both work together and suit your skin type. Try to alternate them every other day or every other week so as not to overload the skin with different products and formulations.

Always keep an eye on how your skin reacts to a particular product.. If you notice that your skin is changing and getting better, that's great! So this oil suits you and your skin accepts it. If you do not notice changes or see that the skin is getting worse, you need to look for a replacement for this oil.

Useful videos

To find out even more useful information about peach oil, watch these videos. They describe the benefits of this oil, and also tells what components are contained in the composition and how exactly they affect the skin. There you will also find several recipes for masks and learn how to make a face cream or make-up remover using peach kernel oil. Enjoy watching!

Every girl and woman should have oil in her cosmetic bag for face and body care, which can be used both in its pure form and as an additive in masks and creams. Peach oil is an ideal option for those who want their skin to be always moisturized and nourished, without peeling and irritation.

When choosing a face cream, many women are confused: they don’t want to overpay and use a product with preservatives and chemical additives. But contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to use expensive chemicals to be beautiful. You can get by with natural peach oil bought for a penny.

Features and composition

Currently, the choice of facial cosmetics is so great that not every woman can easily decide and choose a cream for herself. Previously, girls often could not find funds to their liking due to their scarcity and used what nature offers. And in fact, natural oils are in no way inferior, and in some ways even superior to purchased factory creams. One of the most popular facial oils is peach, which has its own distinctive qualities. Everyone knows what a peach and its pit looks like. To obtain high-quality cold-pressed oil, the core of these same seeds is squeezed by industrial presses. The result is the most healthy and natural peach oil, which has a pleasant color and an incomparable aroma of a bright southern fruit.

Such an unrefined product is stored for a very short time, so it is rarely found on the shelves of ordinary stores and pharmacies. Most often, the oil is purified and refined. It becomes pale yellow and smells less intense, and beneficial features decrease somewhat. But on the other hand, it can be stored for a long time and, accordingly, it is easier to find it on sale. The cost of peach oil is ridiculous - about 100-150 rubles per 30 ml. This bottle will last you for several weeks at an economical expense.

The chemical composition of this product is very impressive. Even the most picky ladies will not be able to resist such an impressive list of vitamins contained in peach oil:

  • vitamin A or retinol acetate - is a building block of cells, as well as a natural antioxidant;
  • B vitamins - external use helps smooth wrinkles and removes the second chin;
  • vitamin E - relieves swelling and minor inflammation, is used to get rid of unwanted freckles;
  • vitamin C - improves the elasticity of the epidermis and reduces rashes;
  • vitamin P - makes the face more fresh.

Important! In addition to a huge amount of vitamins, peach oil also contains macronutrients, minerals and other useful components. What nature has created is always the best and safest for humans.

What is useful and harmful?

The valuable chemical composition could not but affect the beneficial properties of peach oil. They are so extensive that they will bypass even the most expensive professional creams in quantity. The benefits of the product are as follows:

  • minimizes the manifestations of acne, as it has antiseptic properties;
  • reduces wrinkles and smoothes the skin, preventing signs of aging, which is achieved with the help of fatty acids contained in the composition;
  • improves complexion due to carotenoids and vitamin P;
  • during regular use, there is a decrease in the number of freckles and unwanted pigmentation;

  • spider veins on the face will no longer appear if you constantly wipe your face with peach oil;
  • toxins are removed from the cells and the epidermis heals;
  • fights dry skin, but does not make it too oily;

  • suitable for those individuals who are allergic to nut oils (almond, cedar), as it has similar properties, but no less useful composition;
  • suitable as a base for making creams - the product can be mixed with other oils, added to a ready-made cream, and masks can be made based on it;
  • moisturizes and nourishes even oily skin as part of creams, leaving no excess, as it is well absorbed;
  • can be used at any age, as it has universal beneficial properties;
  • promotes the regeneration of small cracks on the lips and the rest of the skin of the face, which may appear due to wind and frost;
  • It has a light degree of sun protection, which allows you to protect the skin of the face not only from dryness, but also from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Like all natural remedies, peach oil has a contraindication. It applies only to those people who are prone to allergies, because there may be an undesirable reaction of the body to it. It can not be used if the allergy has already manifested itself. Before applying it to a large area of ​​​​skin for the first time, you need to conduct a test for the reaction of the body a day. To do this, a drop of oil is applied to the elbow and wait 24 hours. If irritation and redness does not occur, then you can use this product without fear.

Important! Cosmetologists also do not recommend that girls with problem skin and acne completely replace face cream with peach oil, as oversaturation with fatty acids is possible. To nourish skin prone to excess oiliness, you can and should add a drop of oil directly to the cream, suitable in this situation.

How to choose and store?

In order not to run into a low-quality product, it is better to purchase peach oil in pharmacies. But if this is not possible, when buying, you need to carefully pay attention to the quality certificates that must be provided in the store. To choose best product, you need to evaluate it according to the following criteria:

  • compliance with the expiration date;
  • tightness of the package;
  • the best remedy will be made in autumn in connection with the ripening period of peach fruits;
  • the label must state that the product is 100 percent natural;
  • it is better to choose domestic oil, as it has undergone fewer transportations and other changes for longer storage;
  • the best container for oil is dark glass;

  • it is better not to take a large package so that it is kept open for a minimum time.

In order for peach oil not to deteriorate during operation, it must be stored in a dark and cool place. It is best that this be a chest of drawers or a cabinet for cosmetics. After each use, close the lid tightly to prevent oxygen from entering the container. The oil should not be stored in the refrigerator, as its quality may deteriorate and sediment may separate. But it also should not be heated and boiled, as it will lose all the useful properties.


Peach oil for the face is used both in its pure form and as part of masks, creams, scrubs, lotions. It is also suitable for skin care around the eyes, as it is a very gentle and nutritious product. In addition, it will help reduce the external manifestations of bruises under the eyes. Recently, it has become fashionable and quite effective to massage the face. This treatment helps reduce puffiness, smoothes wrinkles, lifts skin tone, removes the double chin and improves blood circulation, giving a healthy glow. Massage should be carried out with the use of oil, and peach will come in handy here. It has a suitable structure and consistency, as well as unconditional beneficial properties.

For wrinkles, you can use peach oil instead of a cream. You can also apply it to the area around the eyes to reduce crow's feet and moisturize the skin of the eyelids. For deep hydration of wrinkle-prone and dry skin, you can make masks with peach oil in the composition. Regular use of such a remedy will help to make problem areas more toned and nourish the skin with useful substances.

Problematic skin also requires care, and peach oil will not make it more oily and will not provoke new acne breakouts, as many used to think. If the face is covered with rashes without much inflammation, and there is also oily sheen and black dots, then this problem can be partially solved with a homemade scrub. To do this, take crushed oatmeal or ground coffee and mix it with peach oil to the consistency of a thick slurry. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and with light massage movements are passed over the skin, paying special attention to problem areas. Clay, charcoal, oatmeal, and peach oil masks are also often used for acne.

IN very coldy or with a lack of vitamin A in the body, lips often crack, which is a very painful phenomenon. Peach oil can serve as a hygienic balm and help to cope with such an unpleasant problem. Being beautiful and well-groomed is quite easy, and it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on it. Peach oil can serve as an excellent facial treatment. This product is versatile and suitable for all skin types.

Mask Recipes

To make the skin look young and firm, as well as radiant natural beauty, you need to apply masks based on peach oil regularly two or three times a week, without skipping the procedure. Only then it will be possible to achieve a stunning effect from the use of this natural remedy. No need to visit beauty salons to make a gift to your skin. You just have to go to the nearest pharmacy, buy peach oil, and also take products that are almost always on hand for any housewife. Making home treatments is not difficult at all, and it does not take much time. It is worth considering the most popular recipes.

  • Mask for oily skin. It is necessary to combine in equal proportions ingredients such as ground oatmeal, lemon juice and peach oil. You need to wash off makeup and other impurities, then put a hot towel on your face or hold it over the steam for a short time. Then apply the above mixture for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water and use your favorite face cream. This mask visibly mattifies the skin and reduces pores.

  • Mask for dry skin and for nourishing skin of any type during the winter cold. To rejuvenate the face and moisturize dry skin, you can make a course of masks from natural yogurt and peach oil. To do this, mix one tablespoon of each ingredient and apply on a clean face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water and apply regular cosmetics every day.
  • Mask for inflammation and rashes. A decoction of chamomile and sage has long been used for antiseptic purposes, therefore, by combining peach oil with it, you can achieve good results in the fight against acne. To prepare a miraculous mask from these ingredients, you need to brew sage and chamomile - two sachets of each plant, which can be purchased for a penny in pharmacies, per cup of water. When the decoction has cooled to a warm state, peach oil should be applied to the face, and gauze moistened with the decoction with pre-cut holes for the eyes and nose should be placed on top. And also in cosmetics stores and in some pharmacies you can buy sheet masks for such purposes, which is undoubtedly more convenient. The procedure should take no more than 30 minutes. After that, you need to wash with warm water, and then close the pores with an ice cube and apply a tonic and cream for problem skin. Chamomile can be substituted for chamomile in this recipe or added to existing herbs.

  • Mask for unwanted pigmentation. Ardent opponents of freckles are constantly looking for different sophisticated ways to get rid of them. But you can use a simple and well-known method - a mask based on peach oil and lemon juice. For the procedure, you need to prepare a mixture of equal proportions of lemon juice and peach oil and apply for 15 minutes on the skin of the face. After the end of this time, the excess mask should be removed with a cotton swab, but not washed off.
  • Nourishing mask for the skin of the eyelids. When bruising and bags under the eyes bother you, there is nothing better than using a banana, vitamin E and peach oil mask recipe. For this procedure, you need to mix a quarter of a banana crushed into gruel, a vitamin E capsule pierced with a needle, and a teaspoon of peach oil. The mask should be applied to the skin around the eyes and left for a few minutes. Then you need to wash well and apply age appropriate and skin type eye cream.

  • Mask for the skin around the eyes based on several oils. To nourish the skin around the eyes after a dry summer and during winter frosts, you can prepare such a remedy: mix a teaspoon of avocado, olive and peach oil. As a result of this procedure, not only the condition of the skin improves and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, but also the density of eyelashes and their length noticeably increase. So this procedure has a triple positive effect.

  • Softening mask with cottage cheese. To eliminate tightness of the skin and make it velvety, you can apply a mask based on cottage cheese and peach oil. To do this, you need to purchase fine-grained cottage cheese or a liquid consistency product, peach oil, milk and carrot juice. Add each ingredient to a cup in a tablespoon and grind until a homogeneous gruel. The mask is left on the face for half an hour and removed with a damp cotton swab.
  • Vitamin mask. A tablespoon of cream, peach pulp puree and peach oil are mixed in a separate container and applied in a thin layer to clean face skin. Leave for half an hour and wash off with warm water. Velvety and soft skin after this home procedure is guaranteed.

Peach kernel oil for the face is a universal assistant for women with any type of skin. It fights rashes, inflammation, moisturizes and prevents aging. You can use peach oil both in its pure form and as part of masks, scrubs and creams.

Peach oil

Peach kernel oil is used in cooking, medicine and pharmacology. But it has found its greatest application in cosmetology. They enrich skin and hair care products.

Peach oil is obtained by cold pressing. The fruit bones are crushed, pressed and filtered. You need to buy a product that indicates that the first pressing method was used in the manufacture.

During heat treatment, the product loses most of the useful components.

Natural remedy is useful due to the content:
  • vitamins: A, P, E, C and the whole group B;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron;
  • polyunsaturated acids: linoleic, linolenic, palmitic, stearic;
  • other substances: sugars, carotenoids, bioflavonoids.

The oil is absolutely hypoallergenic. It is used even for infants. Regular use helps:

  1. Restore tone to aging skin.
  2. Heal wounds, microcracks and jams on the lips.
  3. Cure acne, small pimples and get rid of blackheads on the nose, chin and forehead with an antioxidant effect.
  4. Soften rough skin.
  5. Smooth wrinkles, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  6. Eliminate inflammation and dryness, including eczema and dermatitis.
  7. Remove black circles and crow's feet around the eyes.

Nuances of use for different skin types

Peach oil is suitable for all skin types. It is lightweight, absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue.

The greatest benefit of peach oil lies in its regular use for problematic and sensitive skin. It helps relieve itching, peeling and other allergic reactions.

The product softens dry skin, restores its elasticity and stimulates metabolic processes in cells. Peach oil for the face works especially well for wrinkles. After a couple of weeks of regular use, it becomes fresh, acquires a healthy color and looks fit.

Owners of oily skin often have the question, is it possible to use peach seed oil? There is nothing to be afraid of - it has a light texture and does not leave a greasy shine. The tool cleanses clogged pores and normalizes the sebaceous glands. But in this case, it is better to use it not in its pure form, but as part of masks, lotions and scrubs.

The greatest benefits of peach seed oil can be obtained if you know how to use the product correctly:

  1. They buy products only from proven manufacturing companies: EcoLab, Green Doctor, Aspera, Aromatika.
  2. Remove make-up and cleanse the skin.
  3. Remove hair from face.
  4. Before applying peach oil for the face, the skin is pre-steamed over a warm herbal decoction. This procedure will help open pores, remove dead skin cells and prevent girls from frequent complaints: I regularly smear my skin, but there is no effect.
  5. The oil is heated in a water bath to 35°C - 40°C.
  6. The tool is pointwise applied to the face, and then distributed over the entire surface.
  7. If after an hour there are greasy traces, the remnants are blotted with a dry cloth.
  8. To combat acne, the extract is applied to problem areas several times a day.
  9. As the main tool, the product can be used daily. For prevention, it will be enough to lubricate the skin once a week.

You can simply lubricate the skin with peach oil for the face. Daily procedures will saturate the cells, restore healthy color and elasticity. They also enrich the finished cosmetic product: night and day creams. The product is mixed with a few drops of an oily liquid directly in the palm of your hand.

But the product is more effective as part of other care products. On its basis, you can make scrubs, lotions, compresses, tonics for cleansing the skin and make-up, as well as face masks with peach oil.

Lotions to remove impurities

  1. In its pure form, a few drops of peach oil are moistened with a sponge and wiped over the skin. Change the tampon as it gets dirty.
  2. Hydrophilic oil based on peach. For 80 ml of the base agent, 20 ml of any emulsifier is added, for example, Polysorbate-80. Optionally, you can add essential pomace or herbal infusions.


  1. Honey scrub. 25 ml of peach oil is mixed with the same amount of liquid honey. Add 15 g of dried, crushed nucleoli of the fetus. Apply to the face and gently rub for several minutes.
  2. Scrub with oatmeal. The heated oil is mixed with a tablespoon of oatmeal. Apply to the face, massage and leave for 15 minutes. After wash off with water. This peeling is suitable for dry and inflamed skin.
  3. Scrub with sea salt. A tablespoon of fine salt is added to 30 ml of the base product. Optionally, you can enrich the mixture with 3-5 drops of essential oil. Lubricate the skin, rub and wash off with warm water after a few minutes.


  1. Compress with lemon ether. The oil is heated, add 5 drops of lemon extract. Moisten a clean, dry cloth or cotton towel. Apply to face for 15 minutes. The rest is carefully removed with a sponge. Lemon aroma oil can be replaced with any other citrus ester or freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Herbal compress. 40 g of dried chamomile flowers are poured into 100 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 - 60 minutes, filter. Add warm peach oil. Soak a small towel and place on the face. This lotion is effective in combating inflammation, irritation, dryness and rashes.

Face masks

  1. Mask with oatmeal and lemon for oily skin. The base oil (40 ml) is heated, the same amount of citrus juice and crushed oatmeal are added. Optionally mixed with peach or apricot, after mashing the fruit with a fork. Let the product brew for 10-15 minutes and apply on the face. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  2. Curd mask for problematic and dry skin. A base agent (15 ml) is added to fatty homemade cottage cheese (1 tablespoon). Apply to the skin and leave for 20 minutes.

Eye masks

  1. Nourishing mask. A few drops of peach, olive and almond oils are mixed. Impregnate the lower and upper eyelids with cotton swabs. Take a horizontal position and allow the product to soak. After half an hour, the remains are carefully blotted with a dry cloth. In no case should you rub your eyes - this can stretch or damage the skin.
  2. Mask with fish oil. A few drops of fish oil are added to a teaspoon of base oil. Wet sponges and apply to the eyes. Hold 15 minutes. The mixture can be enriched with esters of rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli.
  3. Mask with whitening effect. The fleshy leaf of aloe is cut off, the juice is squeezed out of it (at least half a tablespoon). A bunch of parsley is crushed, peach oil and a few drops of Aevita are added. Apply around the eyes and wash off after a third of an hour. This remedy is good for removing bags and dark circles.

The oil is also used for massage. It is necessary to smear the face with peach extract, and then pointwise knead the corners of the eyelids, cheeks, forehead, and selections. The product enhances the anti-aging effect due to antioxidant and lifting properties.

Peach kernel oil is an indispensable remedy for dry and problematic skin. It is hypoallergenic, relieves rashes and fills the cells of the epidermis with collagen. It can be used both in pure form and as part of various masks, creams, scrubs and compresses.
