Application of peach oil for acne on the face. Peach oil for the face: good or bad? How to use peach face oil

In the arsenal natural remedies skin, hair, eyelash care Peach oil occupies a leading position. Elastic and light, it makes the skin "soft as a peach". Based on it, eye makeup removers are made. Peach face oil for wrinkles has proven to be excellent for any skin type. From this article you will learn in what cases you can use a pure natural product, how to prepare effective masks based on peach oil in combination with apricot oil, whether it is possible to apply peach pomace on delicate skin century?

How does peach oil for wrinkles work?

Cosmetic oils are necessary for any type of skin. Dry skin is moisturized, protected, cell renewal. Fat gets rid of inflammation, acne and dermatitis.

The most delicate consistency of oil from peach nucleoli lies pleasantly on the face, eyelids, eyelashes. Absorbs quickly without leaving greasy marks. At the same time, it nourishes the dermis with vitamins, amino acids, fills it with moisture, delivers vitamins to the tissues. The protective oil film serves as a barrier for microorganisms, keeps the upper layer of the dermis from destruction, smoothing the skin.

With regular application to eyelashes, growth improves, hair loss decreases. They become thick and shiny.

These beneficial features are explained by the composition of the fruits of the fruit, which includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • niacin;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B17;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin E;
  • pyridoxine;
  • almond oil - up to 50 percent of the dry matter.

Oil composition

After cold pressing of dried peach fruits, an oil similar to almond oil is obtained, but enriched with the unique vitamin composition of the seeds themselves. These are B vitamins with an index of 15 - pangamic acid. It is involved in the synthesis of keratin, providing cells with oxygen. This component of the cosmetic product fills the dermis with moisture, removing peeling and dry skin.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids help B vitamins in this:

  • Palmitic acid protects the dermis from negative effects.
  • Oleic acid supplies nutrients.
  • Linoleic acid, being an antioxidant, heals cells.
  • Phospholipids are a natural emulsifier. Softens and moisturizes the skin.
  • Tocopherol is a vitamin of youth E. It restores skin elasticity and beauty lost with age.

Application of peach oil for wrinkles

All ingredients of peach oil are actively used in the production of cosmetics: creams, gels, lotions. At home, it is indispensable for caring for fading and problematic skin faces.

Those who regularly use natural cosmetics note the anti-aging effect:

  • the skin becomes elastic, elastic;
  • mimic wrinkles are smoothed;
  • turn pale dark spots;
  • the oval of the face is tightened.

Gentle peach oil is indispensable for the care of dry and sensitive dermis:

Mask Recipes

Despite the rich composition of fatty acids, peach oil has a delicate texture. They can clean the face before going to bed, remove makeup from the face. It would be nice if you add a drop of filtered peach pits to your favorite cream, tonic, lotion. Dry skin will respond to the evening application of a natural composition.

Apply a heated product to it a couple of hours before bedtime. Follow the procedure daily, without interruption - you will be surprised how your face will become: tender, like a peach peel. The color and turgor will improve if you make scrub masks based on peach oil yourself.

  1. Scrub mask Based on almond bran and warmed peach oil, it is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is applied to wet skin along massage lines. Impact - up to slight reddening of the skin. Usually two or three minutes. Then evenly distribute the composition over the face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water.
  2. Coffee and oil scrub. Mix ground coffee with gel and peach oil to make a thick slurry. Start massaging your face with gentle movements, gradually increasing pressure. The face feels smooth to the touch - wash off the scrub big amount cool water.
  3. Toning mask with peach and cream after coffee scrub will improve turgor. Ingredients: peach pulp (2 parts) one each - stone pressed and heavy cream. Apply on face for 20 minutes. For oily dermis, replace cream with yogurt or cottage cheese.

IN pure form you can massage around the eyes, grabbing the eyelid. At the end of the procedure, lightly blot the massage area. The morning procedure will relieve swelling, the evening procedure will smooth the skin, hiding wrinkles.

To increase the regenerating effect, experts advise combining stone fruits with essential components that are able to deliver nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis.

Essential plant extracts cannot be applied in their pure form on the eyelids and around the eyes - you can cause burns, dermatitis! TO basic basis add no more than two drops per 10 ml of stone pomace.

Top 3 effective masks

You can enhance the effect of ready-made cosmetic products for the care of aging skin around the eyes by adding stone fruit oil. You will achieve the best results by combining several components at home.

  1. Egg- oil mask . The egg yolk is mixed with a spoonful of stone fruit oil. A cotton pad is impregnated and applied under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. At the end, the excess composition is removed with a damp cloth.
    The mask smoothes even deep dynamic wrinkles.
  2. Oil-Essential Mask. Droplets of essential extracts from sandalwood, rose petals or neroli (orange flowers) are added to the base base. Phyto composition is applied in the form of a compress for 10-15 minutes.
    Successfully fights sagging and wrinkles.
  3. Vitamin masks. Pharmacy vitamin E is added to the stone base (more on the effect of vitamin E on wrinkles). For 5 ml, 3-5 drops of a vitamin solution are enough. Saturate the napkin with the composition and apply on the eyes for 10 minutes. Compress do two hours before bedtime. Follow the procedures for a month, every other day.
    A simple tool after regular use will remove "crow's feet", delay the formation of deep wrinkles.

Advice! Choose for your type of face, experimentally, one or two masks that effectively work on wrinkles around the eyes. Alternate their application.

Can peach or apricot oil harm the skin of the face?

The advantages of stone oil include its "omnivorous". On the basis of fruit components, medicines and the best cosmetics are produced. Pediatricians recommend using peach or apricot oil to care for the delicate body of newborns. For colds, they are instilled into the nose of infants and adults, as they have anti-inflammatory properties.

Fruit "balm" is hypoallergenic. Has no contraindications. Only in isolated cases individual intolerance can be noted. The delicate texture of the components easily penetrates the skin, filling it with useful substances and health. An excellent base for massage compositions.

The pluses include daily use, without "exposure" to rest the face. All this indicates that the stone "balm" will not cause any harm to the skin. It can be used in preventive, curative and rejuvenating procedures.

With regular use, women note that wrinkles on the eyelids, in the corners of the eyes, mouth and nasolabial folds become invisible. The face becomes healthy and velvety.

And in this video we offer three more effective masks for facial skin with peach oil:

Stone oil should always be in the cosmetic set of women of any age. Early prevention of wrinkles will delay the time of deep age-related changes. Acne, inflammatory processes are quickly removed by natural cosmetics based on peach and apricot kernels.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

In the East there is such an expression - "skin like a peach." These words are considered a compliment of the highest dignity. Indeed, the peach has an elastic ruddy surface, like the cheeks of a young beauty. To make the skin of the face as clean, smooth and elastic, the same peach, or rather, its seed oil, will help. It perfectly nourishes the skin of the face, relieves dryness and irritation.

Peach oil is made from the kernels of its pits. The kernels are pressed and the squeezed oil is carefully filtered several times to obtain a high quality product. Peach kernel oil is used in medicine, perfumery, and cooking. But the product is most widely used in cosmetology. Peach oil is great for skin, hair and nails. It is very soft, non-sticky and non-greasy, suitable for almost any skin type. And most importantly, its application gives an amazing result.

  • Peach oil relieves inflammation and redness on the face, treats teenage acne and acne. Thanks to its long-term disinfecting action, it prevents the appearance of new skin rashes.
  • Peach oil is unique in that it effectively fights against any cosmetic imperfections. It copes with the problems of youthful skin as well as with age-related changes in the epidermis. Peach oil helps eliminate wrinkles, darkening of the eyelids and deformation of the contours of the cheekbones.
  • Massage with peach oil has a tonic and lifting effect.
  • It is not only very effective, but also soft, delicate. This allows it to be an excellent skin care product around the eyes. The oil fills the fine mesh of wrinkles with collagen, which significantly evens and smoothes the skin.
  • Gives the face a fresh and rested look. Masks with peach oil can be used in the evening after a hard day's work to transform before a responsible event. The mask will invigorate the skin and give it a healthy glow. This remedy removes yellowness and dullness of the face.
  • Peach oil can also be used as a make-up remover. It gently dissolves makeup, cleansing the face qualitatively.

Peach oil fits perfectly on the face, absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy sheen. It is so safe that it can be used as a massage oil for children. Peach oil is the perfect solution for daily care in the autumn-winter period, when our skin needs so much care and extra nutrition. To get a real result from the mask, you need to properly prepare the skin and apply oil according to some rules.

  • When buying peach oil in a pharmacy, pay attention to whether there is an inscription on its packaging - “Oil of the first pressing”. Only this designation guarantees a high concentration of vitamins, fats and acids.
  • Before applying the mask, do not forget to remove makeup. It needs to be done by special means, so as not to damage the epidermis by excessive friction and not to dry the skin with soap. Gather your hair and pin up your bangs so that the skin of your face and neck is completely exposed.
  • In order to cleanse the skin and open the pores in order to penetrate useful elements into them, you need to prepare a steam bath. To do this, take a small amount of any medicinal herb - it can be nettle, chamomile or celandine. Pour the plants with boiling water and cook the mass over low heat. After 15 minutes, the broth should be removed from the heat, cool a little and strain.
  • Check the steam temperature before steaming your face. Hold your hand over the container and, only after making sure that the steam does not burn, tilt your face over it. Cover yourself with a towel to be more effective. The procedure can not be carried out in contact lenses.
  • After steaming your face, take a soft washcloth and gently go over your skin with it. This is a kind of peeling that removes the softened top layer of dead epidermis scales.
  • Warm up the peach oil. This can be done with a microwave, water bath, or just hot water. In no case do not heat the oil on an open fire - it will become useless.
  • Apply the oil to your face with your fingertips. Gently massage every inch of skin. Do not forget about the neck, décolleté, eyelid skin.
  • The mask can be left on for an hour. If after the specified time all the oil is not absorbed into the skin, remove the remnants of the product with a dry cloth. Rinse your face with warm water.
  • To complete the procedure, you can rinse your face with a decoction prepared in advance for steaming or wipe the skin with ice cubes - this significantly narrows the pores.
  • At no stage should pimples be squeezed out mechanically (with fingers). This will damage healthy tissue and introduce bacteria into the wound.
  • This procedure can be carried out several times a week on a regular basis. This will make the face soft, tender and elastic, like a child's. For the prevention of various skin diseases, one peach mask session per week is enough.

Peach kernel oil can be used on its own, but sometimes it is mixed with other ingredients for greater effect.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Nourishing mask for thin and sensitive skin


  • a tablespoon of cream;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

  • Warm up the oil slightly.
  • Cream mix with cottage cheese, knead with a fork.
  • Mix butter with dairy products. Get a homogeneous mass.

The prepared mask should be applied to clean skin face and leave for 40 minutes. Oil well nourishes dry skin, cream eliminates peeling and irritation, cottage cheese gently affects painful areas of the skin. The mask is suitable for regular use, as well as during the period of frost, when the skin is subject to sudden changes in temperature.

Rejuvenating lotion for active skin hydration


  • peach oil - 1 bottle (150 ml);
  • petals of 5-6 red roses.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully pick the petals from the flowers and put them in a ceramic dish.
  • Pour the oil over the petals so that most of them are covered.
  • Put the mass to boil in a water bath until all the petals lose color.
  • Then cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for a day.
  • Strain.

This lotion is suitable for daily moisturizing of the skin. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month. Regular use of peach oil and rose petal lotion will make your face visibly firmer, firmer and more elastic.

Mask for the treatment of problem skin and removal of blackheads


  • peach oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • a tablespoon of blue clay;
  • a small amount of warm milk.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the oil in a water bath.
  • Mix it with cosmetic clay and dilute it a little with milk to get a homogeneous creamy consistency.

The mask should be applied warm on a previously cleansed face. Hold until the clay is completely dry. Peach oil is very good at soothing sore skin, relieves inflammation, and kills pathogenic bacteria. Blue clay in a liquid state, it penetrates into the pores, and after drying, it brings out impurities, dust, black spots and sebum. The mask perfectly copes with acne and, when undergoing a full course of treatment, prevents their reappearance.

Mask for a healthy complexion


  • peach oil - a tablespoon;
  • a pinch of turmeric seasoning;
  • cucumber;
  • a tablespoon of kefir.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the cucumber on a grater.
  • Warm up the oil.
  • Mix cucumber, oil, seasoning and kefir.

The mask should be applied to the face and kept for no more than 15 minutes. All ingredients of the mask perfectly refresh and invigorate. The mask is not recommended for very light skin types - turmeric can turn it orange. This tool copes well with age-related darkening of the skin around the eyes, with freckles, pigmentation.

Eye cream


  • coconut oil - the same amount.

Cooking method:

  • Mix and warm oils before use.

The prepared cream can be stored in a cream jar and used for a long time. You need to store the cream in the refrigerator, but do not forget to warm it before use. The cream is applied only to the delicate skin around the eyes and left until completely absorbed. This tool can significantly reduce facial wrinkles and the so-called "crow's feet".

Peach oil vitamin mask


  • peach oil - a teaspoon;
  • a few strawberries;
  • quarter banana.

Cooking method:

  • Grind banana and strawberries in a blender until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.
  • Add oil to the mass. Mix.

The mask can be left on for an hour. This tool is used mainly in the spring, when the skin suffers from a lack of vitamins. The mask will make it more vibrant and hydrated.

Peach oil is a real find for those who want to get a high-quality result in the form of a beautiful, clean, smooth and even face for little money.

Peach oil- nutritious and perfectly absorbed product, which is a source of many useful substances.

It has long and very effectively been used in cosmetology and medicine, as it has many wonderful qualities.

Oil obtained from bones by mechanically pressing the fruit kernel and then filtering to remove waste.

The oil contains vitamins - C, A, P, E and the whole group B. Of the trace elements, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium are present.

In addition, oil rich in essential acids- palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, palmitic, linolenic, stearic. It also contains carotenoids, bioflavonoids and sugars.

Due to its remarkable composition, peach oil has many valuable qualities for skin and hair:

  • It has pronounced antioxidant properties delaying and slowing down cell aging.
  • Works as an adaptogen.
  • Refers to low-allergenic products, helps to fight the manifestations of skin irritation - itching, rashes.
  • Improving the processes of hematopoiesis, reduces fragility and fragility of small vessels, reduces their permeability.
  • Participates in the construction and preservation of the integrity of all skin cells.
  • Heals skin damage It also works as a pain reliever.
  • Possesses anti-inflammatory qualities.
  • Removes harmful heavy metal compounds.

Benefits of using oil

Peach oil can be used to improve the condition of any type of skin, even oily.

However, oil brings the most benefits dry skin in the aging stage:

  • Oil tightens the skin, increases its elasticity.
  • Promotes collagen synthesis stimulates an increase in elasticity.
  • Eliminates small and superficial wrinkles, including mimics.
  • Removes peeling skin helps reduce dryness.
  • Treats inflammatory processes and irritations of any etiology, including eczema, burns, dermatitis.
  • Whitens the skin, eliminates age spots and evens out the color.

Peach oil completely ready for use and can be used even in its pure form instead of face cream. It can also be used as a component of therapeutic masks, homemade creams and ointments.

Made from oil applications for applying to problem areas, it is used as a base for applying essential oils and a means of removing even persistent makeup.

More oil can be used as a lip balm, lubricating them with increasing dryness and the appearance of peeling. In this case, a combination of three oils, peach and wheat germ, is often used to enhance properties.

The main advice of cosmetologists when using peach oil for the face:

  • To get good even color skin, strengthening capillaries and cleansing pores, peach oil should use regularly and for a long time.
  • Light massage of the skin of the eyelids with fingertips with the use of peach oil helps to strengthen the skin and reduce the severity of swelling under the eyes and cyanotic color.
  • Lubricating eyelashes and eyebrows with peach oil contributes to the improvement of their nutrition and, as a result, their condition and appearance.
  • During cold periods, peach oil works as barrier to aggressive climatic factors Therefore, regular use of oil as a cream will protect the skin from peeling, chapping and dryness.
  • Apply peach oil recommended after a bath, shower or bath, as steamed skin provides better penetration of nutrients.


Withering and dry skin
it is recommended to lubricate with pure oil, applying it in a thin layer to the entire surface of the face and neck. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, pat dry with a clean, dry cloth without rubbing. The procedure is carried out in the evenings.

Peeling and skin diseases treated with applications. A napkin or cotton swab is abundantly moistened in peach oil and applied to problem areas.

For skin cleansing and make-up removal oil is mixed with tonic, gel or lotion for washing. The mixture is prepared immediately before use by adding a few drops of oil to a portion of the product. You can use pure oil, slightly warming it up and applying it to a cotton swab.

For any skin type apply creams and masks in which peach oil will act as a base. It can be mixed with any other cosmetic and essential oils, cream, honey, cottage cheese and other products that are used to make homemade care products.

Deep cleansing of skin and polluted pores carry out scrubs based on peach oil. You need to add almond, oatmeal and rice bran to it in a 1: 1 ratio and wipe your face after washing. This procedure removes dead particles, any impurities and not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes it.

Who doesn't love peaches! Tasty, fragrant fruits, "Persian apples", as they were called in China. The poets of the East sang of beauties, comparing them with lush, velvety fruits. But most of all they were valued by the ancient oriental healers. Not for the wonderful taste, but for the oily liquid obtained from their bones.

Peach Oil Secrets

Our skin likes to surprise us all the time: juvenile acne, increased greasiness, hormonal pimples. Not far off is a treacherous wrinkled mesh. Unique peach oil for the face is suitable for the care of the epidermis at any age. The nutrient substrate is instantly absorbed into the cells, where it carries out its healing work on the deepest layers.

The composition and benefits of the medicinal extract

Pale yellow, fragrant oily substance has a huge supply of substances important for the skin that will give it a second youth. Especially peach oil for the face is useful for:

  • Flaccid skin that has forgotten what elasticity is.
  • Problems on the lips (jamming, cracks, peeling).
  • Inflammatory rashes, dermatitis, eczema.
  • With dryness in the eye area ("crow's feet").
  • Dull, expressionless complexion.

The use of peach oil is beneficial and perfectly healthy, normal skin. She will receive good prevention of future age-related changes. In the power of a magical extract to remove almost all problems with the epidermis:

Ascorbic acid The strongest antioxidant will give elasticity, elasticity, protect cells from destructive radicals, restore the process of collagen formation
Retinol Prevents oxidative processes at the cellular level, improves the protective properties of the skin, helps in supplying cells with oxygen
Tocopherol Synthesizes elastic collagen fibers, smoothes fine wrinkles, evens out the relief of the face, smoothes it.
Fatty acid Restore cell membranes, help them regenerate, enhance nutrition, eliminate dryness, deeply moisturize the skin
Riboflavin Expands blood vessels, normalizes water-salt metabolism, removes peeling, improves complexion
Rutin Restores the ability of the epidermis to receive and retain nutrients, whiten and remove pigmentation
Phospholepides Strengthen the walls of capillaries, deeply moisturize them, help retain life-giving moisture
Carotenoids Antioxidants, useful in the prevention and treatment of numerous skin diseases, relieve swelling, inflammation
Minerals Increase the protective properties of the skin, restore natural color face, improve the structure of the dermis

How to use peach oil for face

  1. Remove make-up from your skin with it. Saturate a cotton pad with oily extract, gently remove the remnants of cosmetics.
  2. Take care of . Every day, gently apply oil to this area, gently massage it into the skin with fingertips.
  3. Peach kernel oil for the face is useful to add to any skin care products. Just drop a few healing drops into a serving of the product.
  4. Get rid of dry chapped lips. Apply peach extract on them. Refrain from eating and drinking for a while. Let the healing substance soak in.
  5. Peach oil is effective in massage (especially anti-cellulite). Usually it is mixed with other essential substrates (orange, grapefruit). This mixture is actively, with effort, massage problem areas.

Help dry skin

To use peach oil for the face for wrinkles, dryness and flaking skin, apply it constantly as a cream at night. Lubricate the most problematic places abundantly and throughout the day.

  • Scrub for sensitive skin

Mix equal amounts of peach oil and chopped almonds. The product is applied to steamed, moisturized skin. Treat with massaging movements for 5 minutes. Then remove the remnants with napkins. Wash your face with chilled water.

  • Sour cream mask for peeling

Puree two small peaches. Add peach oil (10 ml) and sour cream (20 g) to it. Mix everything and bring to the condition in a water bath. Apply to skin, keep for 25 minutes. Wash off the rest with cold water.

  • Curd nourishing mask

Take peach oil and fatty cottage cheese in equal proportions. Mix thoroughly. When it acquires the state of a homogeneous slurry, it can be applied to the face. Keep for half an hour, wash off the remnants with lukewarm water.

Heal oily skin

Peach face oil for acne in the form of compresses is very effective. Prepare a decoction of a mixture of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile and linden). Cleanse the skin, apply oil on it. Soak a washcloth in the solution and wrap your face with it. Rest for half an hour, then apply the usual cream.

  • Pore ​​Scrub

Mix sea salt (200 gr) with peach oil (15 ml). Add cream (100 ml) to them and mix thoroughly. Scrub the skin along the massage lines for 7 minutes, especially treat problem areas. After finishing, leave the mixture for 15 minutes for a fuller effect.

  • Anti-inflammatory protein mask

Take the pulp of a medium-sized peach (1 tablespoon) and protein (it must first be beaten into a stiff foam). Add peach oil (10 ml) to the mixture. And apply on the face, where we will keep for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water.

Let's mix peach puree(20 gr) with freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tsp). Add peach oil (7 ml) and oatmeal (5 g) to them. Mix everything and wait five minutes. Then apply to the skin of the face. We wait a quarter of an hour and remove the remnants with cool water.

Peach oil for facial skin will become a magical anti-aging agent, provided that you carry out caring procedures daily.

Youth to your skin!

According to dermatologists and cosmetologists, there are quite a lot of natural remedies that have a beneficial effect on the skin. One of these is peach oil, which is present as an ingredient in many modern skin care products.

However, not everyone knows that the benefits of peach oil for skin rejuvenation were discovered in antiquity. So, in China, since ancient times, the fruit of the peach tree is considered a symbol of immortality, and the tree itself is considered the “Tree of Life”.

According to an ancient Chinese legend, a son came to his mother for her birthday and brought a peach fruit as a gift. After tasting the peach, the mother looked younger.

From here it takes roots chinese tradition to give the elderly a "longevity peach" - "Show Tao", thereby wishing them a long life and prolongation of youth.

Peach face oil is very effective for wrinkles. Reviews of women who have tried this remedy speak of an increase in skin firmness and elasticity, the disappearance of wrinkles, and an improvement in complexion.

Due to its beneficial qualities, peach oil has a positive effect on facial skin from wrinkles. Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that with proper use it:

  • increases the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • relieves peeling;
  • evens out shallow wrinkles;
  • contributes to the attenuation of inflammatory processes;
  • reduces acne;
  • has a brightening effect;
  • evens out the tone of the face.

What is in peach oil and how does it help eliminate wrinkles

In the composition of peach oil:

  • fatty acid that perform the energy and plastic functions of the body;
  • set of vitamins groups A, B, E, C, P, necessary for proper care for delicate skin;
  • high concentration of minerals(P, K, Fe, Ca and others) - the lack of at least one of them entails a deterioration in the condition of bones, skin, hair, nails.

The effectiveness of peach oil for wrinkles is due, based on the reviews of cosmetologists, natural composition, similar in content to the natural structure of the human epidermis, which in turn contributes to a better perception of its components by the skin.

Beauticians advise using peach oil to protect facial skin from adverse natural conditions: frost, wind, sun.

The systematic use of peach oil tightens the skin, prevents flaking. There is an increase in elasticity and tone of tired skin. Serves as an excellent method of prevention from the appearance of premature wrinkles on the face, mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and lips.

Peach oil, according to numerous professional reviews, is completely hypoallergenic, unlike most other oils. Thanks to his unique property smoothing wrinkles on the face and restoring elasticity, peach oil is indispensable for caring for mature skin.

Peach oil is indicated for use regardless of skin type and at any age.

How to make peach butter at home

To obtain vegetable oil, the following methods are used:

  • pressing method;
  • extraction;
  • combined method (first squeezed under high pressure, then treated with a solvent).

Extraction is the easiest and most common way to get peach oil at home.

To make peach oil at home, finely grind the peach kernels

This will require:

  • grind peach kernels to the maximum;
  • place in a bottle with a cap;
  • pour essential oil(for example, sulfuric or ethyl ether - they dissolve vegetable fat well, are not toxic and quickly evaporate at room temperature);
  • close the bottle tightly with a lid;
  • shake vigorously several times;
  • let it brew for a quarter of an hour;
  • filter the resulting mixture through a dense layer of gauze;
  • squeeze out the remaining sediment;
  • pour the resulting solution into a bowl or plate;
  • wait until the ether disappears;
  • pour the resulting oil into a glass dish.

Cosmetic peach oil

Thanks to the huge offer of the cosmetic market, today it is not difficult to purchase ready-made cosmetic peach oil. Feedback from consumers using it for anti-wrinkle facials is promising, and the price range is significantly lower than anti-aging creams.




Peach oil

pack 25 ml

pack 50 ml


27 rub.

52 rub.

Peach kernel oil

pack. 30 ml

OOO "Botanika"

94 rub.


ind/pack 50 ml.


130 rub.

peach oilOleum Persicorum

fl 30 ml

OOO "Natural oils"

42 rub.

PEACH OILcold pressed

Peach Oil 100% 25 ml

"Green Doctor"Russia

40 rub.


with vitamin-antioxidant complex (30 ml)


67 rub.

Oil Essential World of Peach Kernels(20 ml)


78 rub.

OLEOS Cosmetic oil peach

fl. 30 ml

Symphony of Aromas LLC

103 rub.

Cosmetic peach oil(50 ml)


69 rub.

Peach Prinus persica

Cosmetic oil 100% fl. 10 ml

NPF MedikoMed LLC,Russia

51 rub.

Body butter cream BODY BUTTER(200 ml)


232 rub.

Product prices are not fixed and vary by region and offer.


  • 100% natural oil cold pressed peach kernels
  • fatty acid
  • minerals
  • vitamins: A, B, C, E, P


  • during massage procedures;
  • cosmetic product for anti-aging care;
  • when preparing masks, scrubs;
  • make-up removal;
  • acne treatment;
  • healing of burns, scratches, bruises and other damage to the epidermis;
  • in the fight against cellulite;
  • strengthening eyelashes;
  • restoration of healthy hair shine;
  • elimination of microcracks, rashes and peeling of the lips;
  • strengthening nails;
  • with ear pain.

Storage: at a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Moisturizing fluid cream for daily use

Peach oil is one of the best ingredients for self cooking homemade cream- a fluid that cares for the skin of the face. According to experts, the cream serves as an effective means of preventing the occurrence of age-related wrinkles and moisturizing the skin, eliminates inflammation of dry skin, relieves irritation, and helps treat acne.

For homemade fluid cream you will need:

  • peach oil (15 ml);
  • aloe extract (10 ml);
  • lanolin (1 tbsp.);
  • spermaceti (2 g).

Mix everything you need until a homogeneous structure is formed. Transfer to a glass or plastic jar. Close the lid tightly.

The cream is intended for night care for dry mature skin. Transforms wrinkled skin, nourishes, smoothes and moisturizes.

A drop of peach oil added to a regular cream "enriches" it. However, this should be done immediately before use, shifting the desired volume from the total mass.

When preparing cream at home, do not use metal utensils. Also use a wooden or plastic spoon, as contact with iron causes the cream to oxidize, and its shelf life is reduced.

At room temperature, the fatty acids contained in the cream are rapidly oxidized. The optimum storage temperature for natural creams is up to 12 degrees., hence, the best place for storage - the lower shelf, or the door of the refrigerator, where the temperature is kept at 8-9 degrees.

The shelf life of any homemade cream is a maximum of two weeks. The cream, which is based on peach oil for the face against wrinkles, is no exception. Cosmetologists recommend not to make a lot of cream at once, 20-25 ml is enough for several procedures. And over time, it is better to prepare a new composition from fresh ingredients.

Do not apply cold cream on the skin! Its effectiveness is reduced from this, as the components are "frozen".

Therefore, you must first pull out the right amount of cream, or simply warm it to room temperature, holding it for several minutes on your fingertips before applying.

Hot oil mask with peach oil for wrinkles

The recipe for using a peach mask is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to distribute the peach oil evenly over a hot, damp cotton cloth.
  2. Cover the pre-steamed and cleansed face with a hot application and a towel. Wait 15 minutes. Remove application.
  3. Remove any remaining oil from your face by blotting with a paper towel.

A hot peach oil mask, according to professional reviews, has a double effect on aging facial skin: the oil helps to moisturize and nourish, hot water Encourages blood circulation, tightens the skin. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Cleansing lotion for aging skin


  • rose petals (200 g);
  • peach kernel oil.

Place the petals in a container and pour in peach oil. Warm the contents in a water bath until the color disappears. Leave the lotion on for 24 hours. Filter.

Apply the lotion daily to cleanse sensitive, aging skin prone to flaking.

Peach face massage. Rubbing in its purest form

In addition to masks professional cosmetologists It is advised to use peach oil for facial massage. According to reviews, due to the lymphatic drainage effect massage helps to relieve swelling and has an effective tonic effect on the skin, has a rejuvenating property, smoothes wrinkles.

Oil during massage must be rubbed in the direction from the middle of the face to the temporal lobes. Using tapping movements with your fingertips, gently work the oil into the thin, sensitive skin under the eyes.

Recipes for face masks with peach oil for wrinkles

Due to a large number positive qualities peach oil is one of the important components of many cosmetic masks.

With cream


  • Peach oil;
  • crushed peach pulp;
  • heavy cream.

Thoroughly grind all the ingredients. Apply to cleansed and steamed face and neck. Leave for about 20 minutes or half an hour. Wash away.

With cottage cheese


  • fine-grained cottage cheese;
  • peach oil;
  • milk;
  • carrot juice.

Grind cottage cheese until a homogeneous texture is obtained. Mix with remaining ingredients. Use one tbsp. each component. Spread the resulting mass with a gauze swab on a clean face. Wait a quarter of an hour. Wash off the dried mask with water.

The mask softens the skin, eliminates the feeling of tightness. For getting desired result apply every other day.

With almond bran


  • Peach oil;
  • almond bran (1 tbsp.).

Pour almond bran with peach oil (15 ml) heated to a comfortable temperature. Massaging in a circular motion rub the mass into a damp face. Continue massaging for another minute. After a quarter of an hour, remove the mask with water.

At the same time, this mask is an excellent scrub for delicate dry skin. Easy to adjust for use on normal skin - add tsp. water at room temperature. For oily skin - add 5 ml of lemon juice.

In the absence of almond bran, replace with oatmeal.

With sesame oil and clay


  • peach oil - 10 ml;
  • sesame oil - 10 ml;
  • cosmetic clay - 25 g.

Dilute the clay with water at room temperature. Add the rest of the ingredients, preheating them slightly. Stir quickly. Apply to face with a clean brush. Wait for the clay to dry completely.

Wash off in two stages with contrast water. Do not wipe, but gently pat your face dry with a towel and spread a cream that matches your skin type.

The mask perfectly tightens and tones the skin. Indicated for oily skin types.

Cosmetologists are sure that homemade creams, lotions and masks, thanks to their natural ingredients, are more effective and useful than any finished product of cosmetic companies, which includes flavors and preservatives that extend the shelf life of the product.

Video clips about peach oil and its use in cosmetology

Video about the use of peach oil for the face (including wrinkles) + reviews:

How to make a peach oil mask at home:
