What can baby powder be used for? Baby powder

Every mother uses such an indispensable tool as baby powder, which helps keep the baby's skin healthy and protect it from bacteria and germs.

Baby powder is able to absorb excess moisture and dry the skin. She fights against diaper rash and prevents the development of "diaper rash". With its help, itching, local irritations, inflammation of the skin are eliminated, however, it is not recommended to use it for pustular lesions.

Pediatricians also advise do not use powder until the baby is 1 month old. At this time, it is better to feed the baby's skin with a regular baby cream. Apply at the same time to dry skin after bath procedures. And already from the second month you can apply powder or liquid talc.

What does baby powder consist of: composition?

Powder is produced on the basis of mineral talc, it contains corn flour, potato and rice starch, as well as zinc, due to which baby powder has a wound-healing property.

The powder may contain extracts of medicinal plants: lavender or chamomile.

There are two types of baby powder:

  1. powder powder- removes excess moisture and reduces friction between diapers, diapers and skin.

    Pros: has an antiseptic, deodorizing effect on the skin.
    Cons: during its use, there is a possibility that the child will inhale small particles of powder.

  2. liquid talc- absorbs excess moisture, creating a protective film on the baby's skin from harmful effects.

    Pros: thanks to the packaging, it is convenient to use and does not form lumps in the places of its application.
    Cons: in addition to being more expensive than powdered powder, talc can be difficult to spray due to its consistency.

How to use baby powder?

  1. Apply it first on the palm of your hand or a cotton pad (but not directly on the baby's body).
  2. Spread the powder with light powdering movements in places of skin folds.
  3. Do not use cream and powder at the same time on the same skin areas.

How can I use baby powder for oily hair?

Women have such situations when they urgently need to give their hair a neat look and there is no time to wash their hair with shampoo. In such cases, regular baby powder can be used. It perfectly absorbs oil and makes hair visually clean.

Naturally, you should use baby powder only when absolutely necessary: ​​to do this, apply it to your hair and evenly distribute it, rubbing it into the scalp. Wait 15 minutes, then use a comb to remove the resulting crumbs. Such a cleansing of the hair with powder will make the hair clean, soft, without greasy sheen and unpleasant odor.

Almost every mother has on hand such an indispensable thing as baby powder. It has many advantages, the main of which is the protection of the baby's skin from irritation, various microbes and bacteria.

The powder easily absorbs the resulting moisture and dries the baby's skin. It prevents the development of diaper rash and a common disease - "diaper rash". After its application, itching disappears, many irritations, redness, inflammation of the skin. And older children are well helped by baby powder for acne, as it has a drying effect. It should be noted that with purulent inflammation, it is highly not recommended to use it.

Many pediatricians advise using powders only after the baby is 1 month old. Until this time, it is better to treat the baby's skin with baby cream after each bath. Starting from the second month of life, you can use liquid talc or powders.

Baby powder: composition

The main component of which the powder consists is mineral talc. In addition to it, rice or potato starch, corn flour are added. For a wound healing effect, zinc oxide is included in the composition. Together with the above components, the powder can be enriched with extracts of medicinal plants such as chamomile, calendula or lavender.

Types of powders

Depending on the purpose and preferences of the mother, the condition of the baby's skin, the powders used can be divided into two types - liquid talc and powder. Which type to use for your child can be advised by the attending pediatrician or, in extreme cases, an experienced mother or grandmother.

powder powder

Powder is designed to remove emerging moisture and reduce irritation in the area of ​​diapers and diapers. In a high price category, it is produced with a cooling effect. Powder is the most common baby powder, reviews of which are very flattering from both mothers and pediatricians.

It has a good deodorizing and antiseptic effect, but many parents complain that while treating the baby's skin, he can sometimes inhale small particles of powder.

liquid talc

This cosmetic product something like a cream, but when applied to the skin of a child, it turns into a powder mass, perfectly absorbing excess moisture, and then acts like a regular baby powder.

Reviews of liquid talc are also very diverse. But the main advantages noted by mothers and doctors are the absence of any lumps in the places of skin folds and the presence of additional protection in the form of a thin film on the baby's skin. The packaging is quite economical, the product does not spill out of it, it is very convenient during use.

The only drawback that parents note is the price, when compared with powder powder.

What to look for when buying

Always carefully and scrupulously read all the information on the package, because we are talking about the health of your child. Any baby powder that contains grammatical errors, or has an incomprehensible expiration date, should be immediately excluded.

A mandatory requirement for powders is the presence on the label of full information about the composition and manufacturer of the product, indicating a clear address and telephone number. If you do not see all the information described above, then most likely you have either a fake or a low-quality product, which can easily contain harmful substances.

For example, Johnson baby powder contains on its label, in addition to basic data, also phone hotlines for moms, e-mail where you can send your wishes, and even Skype.

The main requirements for the composition that the authorities impose on baby powders are the basis of a completely natural remedies, absence of pungent odors and lumps (powder must be homogeneous).

Baby powder with a pungent smell indicates that the manufacturer has clearly overdone the use of ingredients. Even if they are natural, the measure should be in everything, otherwise the baby may experience headaches or develop allergies.

It makes no sense to buy powder for the future. You will most likely use it only in the summer months when there is intense heat. The rest of the time, with high humidity, climate change or improper storage, it can simply deteriorate.

If on the package you see an inscription like “Baby powder, talc + fragrance identical to natural”, you should not buy such a product. Artificial dyes or odor substitutes are not the best the best remedy baby skin care.

Also, do not buy any baby cosmetics that contain the following abbreviations: BBP, CDC, DBP, CMR, DEHP, DHP and DIDP. All of them are united by one group of substances - phthalates. They are extremely harmful for both children and adults. Some unscrupulous manufacturers may add these substances to their powders, so be careful and read the label.

Baby powder: application

The powder is needed to absorb moisture and protect the baby's skin, and if it contains zinc oxide, then, in addition to its main functions, it will have an antiseptic and drying effect.

Most of the moisture accumulates in the places where the body comes in contact with the diaper, so baby powder is simply indispensable when treating these particular areas of the skin. Otherwise, diaper rash and other dermatological problems may appear.

The main trouble is that too much moisture accumulates under the diapers, and the powder very quickly develops its reserve and begins to crumple, causing injury to the baby. Therefore, it is so important to change the diaper on time, while at the same time treating the skin with a new portion of baby powder.

Outside the diaper zone, there is much less moisture: on the knee and elbow bends, under the armpits and on the neck. However, sweat from the folds in these places evaporates for a very long time and without proper care can cause inflammation of the skin. This is especially true for well-nourished children. It is with the prevention of diaper rash in these areas that baby powders cope just perfectly.

Precautionary measures

Try to protect the baby's respiratory organs, eyes or damaged skin from getting the powder and keep it away from the baby.

As soon as the baby begins to make his first involuntary movements, make sure that the space around him is as safe as possible. And there are no guarantees that you will not accidentally knock over the powder at night. Try to ensure that the trajectory of the movement of the powder package from the place of application to the place of storage passes as far as possible from the child's head.

Applying baby powder

The powder should only be applied to clean and dry skin. Do not pour it directly on the baby's body. First, apply the powder on a cotton pad or on the palm of your hand, and then gently spread it with powdering movements on skin folds or other problem areas. Hand movements should be light and in no case be of a massage nature.

It is unacceptable to use both cream and baby powder on the same area of ​​​​the skin, because these cosmetic products have the exact opposite effect.


Let's outline the main points that you need to pay attention to when using baby powder:

  • avoid getting powder on the baby's face;
  • keep the packaging as far away from the crib as possible;
  • do not sprinkle the powder directly on the child's body;
  • treat only clean, dry skin;
  • When choosing a powder, carefully examine the packaging and be sure to smell it.

Some mothers can do without baby powders, treating problem areas with a greasy cream to prevent and treat diaper rash. But there are children, when caring for which it is extremely difficult to do without the use of powder. For some babies, especially those with an abundance of wrinkles and overly delicate skin, this remedy helps to grow healthy and cheerful.

Leather baby very delicate and sensitive, so it needs reliable protection and careful care. Every mother should pay due attention to this issue. Healthy baby skin is a reliable barrier that protects the body from infections and bacteria. Today there are many means for caring for the body of crumbs, an important place among all cosmetics is occupied by powder. How to choose and use this product correctly? Why is this tool needed and what properties does it have? Can something replace it?

The skin of a small child is very delicate, so it needs only the most best cosmetics

Purpose of baby powder

Baby powder is a special powder with a delicate texture and pleasant aroma, used to powder the skin of newborns. This tool can be both exclusively cosmetic and therapeutic. Often, talc is included in the composition of baby powder, which has excellent absorbent properties. In addition, extracts of useful herbs - chamomile, lavender - are found as ingredients. If zinc or potato starch is present among the components, then the agent has a good wound healing effect.

The main purpose of any baby powder is to remove excess moisture that forms on the surface of the baby's body. This tool dries the skin, prevents the appearance of diaper rash and itching, reduces sweating, relieves irritation, redness and inflammation.

If the baby is hot, he may develop prickly heat on his body, and baby powder will help to cope with this problem. Often, when using diapers, infants develop an itchy reddish rash - diaper dermatitis. In this case, this drug will come in handy again. It should be applied to those places where there is increased sweating - especially on skin folds. In addition, it is necessary to treat the groin, elbows and armpits.

It is worth noting that pediatricians are advised to start using talc only after the baby is one month old. Until this age, it is recommended to treat the skin with baby cream, lubricating the body of the baby with it immediately after bathing.

The main function of baby dry powder is to absorb excess moisture from the folds of the baby.

Main varieties

Baby powder is divided into two groups:

  • powder in the form of powder - such a product has high deodorizing and antiseptic qualities, perfectly absorbs excess moisture, reduces friction between the baby's body and a diaper or diaper, has a cooling effect;
  • liquid talc is a cosmetic preparation that has a softening effect on the skin of crumbs, it is very convenient to use at home, as it does not get enough sleep from a jar, and when applied to the body it turns into powder, creating a protective film, absorbs excess moisture well and does not roll into skin folds in lumps.

Terms of use

The use of baby powder requires compliance with simple recommendations:

  1. Apply the drug only on clean and well-dried skin of the baby.
  2. It is recommended to apply the cosmetic product twice a day - after morning bathing and evening bathing, and if necessary, it is permissible to do this more often.
  3. Using a remedy for diaper rash, you should treat them with all the skin folds on the body of the crumbs - in the armpits, under the knees, behind the ears and on the neck.
  4. Do not pour too much talc under the diaper, otherwise the pores on the baby's body may become clogged and cosmetics will lose their absorbent effect.
  5. You should not treat the baby’s skin with both powder and cream at the same time, since these preparations have opposite properties (talc dries the epidermis, and the cream moisturizes) (we recommend reading:).
  6. It is forbidden to pour talc directly on the body of the crumbs, first you should pour a small amount on a cotton swab or on your fingers, and then treat the folds and skin of the child with light powdering movements.
  7. You should not use the remedy for a long time - it is enough to use it for the first 3 months from the baby's birthday, after which it is enough to resort to talc only in hot weather in the summer, when it is necessary to prevent excessive sweating in the newborn.
  8. It is necessary to regularly conduct a visual examination of the body of the crumbs for the appearance of redness or rashes, if something suspicious is noticed on the skin, you should stop using cosmetics and show the baby to the pediatrician.

Cream and powder are never used at the same time, as they are opposite means in terms of the principle of action.

Can powder be dangerous?

With all its obvious positive qualities, unfortunately, the powder also has a number of disadvantages, so it should be handled with care. First of all, it is necessary to strictly ensure that the baby does not inhale the powder, for this you should not sprinkle the product directly on the skin of the child, and keep the package with the drug away from the child. During the body treatment procedure, the powder should not be allowed to enter the eyes and face of the baby.

In some cases, cosmetics can have a negative effect on the skin of the crumbs. You should not treat the body of the baby with talcum powder if it is not very clean or wet, as the product will clog the pores and irritation will appear. Sometimes the powder can roll into lumps, which also leads to unpleasant consequences. You can not powder the skin if there are pustules or wounds on them, there is a risk that they may become inflamed.

You should be aware that in the cosmetics of unscrupulous manufacturers there may be phthalates - substances that are very dangerous for the baby's body. These ingredients provide negative impact on the development of the endocrine and nervous system kids. In addition, scientists involved in the study of cancer, include asbestos (it is in many cases a component of talc) among the carcinogenic elements. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure that such an ingredient is not in cosmetics.

Carefully read the composition and choose trusted manufacturers of powder. Asbestos is the basis for the manufacture of talc by unscrupulous manufacturers. The mineral is officially included in the register of hazardous to humans

Choosing baby powder

Today, the shelves of stores and pharmacies are simply crammed with children's cosmetics from various manufacturers. What brand of baby powder is best? How to choose the most a good option? Understanding these issues can be difficult even for a specialist, let alone mothers. However, the choice of this tool should be approached with great care, because we are talking about the health of the baby.

The most harmless products are those that are made on the basis of flour, starch or spores of club mosses. It would be nice if the remedy did not have a bright aroma - it will distract the attention of the baby from loved ones, and can also lead to loss of appetite and disrupt the spatial orientation of the crumbs.

  1. You should carefully study the packaging - it must contain information about the manufacturer, expiration date - in the absence of this data, unreadable text or grammatical errors, it is better to refuse the purchase. It is also necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the bottle - the lid must be tightly closed.
  2. You should carefully read the list of ingredients - various unfamiliar terms and abbreviations, such as E, DBP, BBP, DHP, indicate the presence of chemical compounds harmful to the baby, for example, phthalates. It is better to refuse the acquisition of such cosmetics. It is good if it is made on the basis of talc (only without asbestos content), corn flour, potato or rice starch. Not bad if the powder contains zinc, as well as plant extracts, such as lavender, chamomile or aloe - all of these ingredients have a healing effect.
  3. After purchasing cosmetics and opening the bottle, you should pay attention to the smell - if it is too intrusive and sharp, then you do not need to use the drug for its intended purpose. A rich aroma can lead to a headache in a baby and even an allergic reaction.
  4. It is not recommended to purchase several packages of baby powder at once for future use - it is quite possible that you will need to powder the baby's skin only in the summer, when there is increased sweating.
  5. When choosing inexpensive domestic cosmetics, it is advisable to give preference to proven brands.

Starch is one of the harmless substances suitable for making powder.

Manufacturer rating

What is the best powder for baby skin care? Consider the most popular brands of cosmetics for babies:

  1. Johnson's Baby is one of the most well-known American brands of beauty products for children. The powder consists of special talc of mineral origin, its particles are given round shape to minimize the risk of damage to baby's delicate skin. The manufacturer's line includes odorless and flavored preparations. The list of ingredients does not contain parabens and others. harmful components, all cosmetics are hypoallergenic and suitable even for babies who are prone to allergies. Johnson's Baby also releases special cream based on olive leaves with minerals and vitamins, it is recommended to apply it under the diaper instead of powder. This is very convenient when there is no way to use powder, for example, on the road. The product perfectly eliminates all irritations and has a tonic effect on the skin.
  2. Bubchen is a German manufacturer that makes powder based solely on mineral talc and does not use any fragrances. This powder is characterized as a hypoallergenic agent, it is easily applied to the body and does not roll.
  3. Moe Solnyshko is a domestic manufacturer that produces powder cream, which is suitable for caring for a baby's body literally from the first days of his life. A distinctive feature of this drug is that it turns into a delicate powder when applied to the skin, does not roll down and lasts long enough. The manufacturer's line also includes a cream designed to be applied under a diaper and eliminates irritation. According to reviews, the products of this brand are not able to relieve the manifestations of allergies on the skin.
  4. Our mother is a baby powder from a domestic manufacturer, which is suitable for the most delicate and sensitive skin. The product is additionally enriched with chamomile extract, which helps to relieve any irritation and inflammation, while the presence of flavors and dyes is excluded.

Johnson's Baby powder is one of the most popular in many countries of the world.

Cream or powder - which is better?

Even the most experienced mothers and grandmothers cannot give an exact answer to such a question. Both cream and baby powder have both positives and negatives, so the ideal option is to use them alternately. Consider what good baby powder is:

  • the product has a good drying effect, absorbs both sweat and remnants of feces and urine;
  • does not clog pores;
  • reduces skin friction on diapers and diapers, relieves inflammation and itching;
  • suitable for use even in hot weather, as it has a cooling effect on the skin.

However, baby powder in the form of talc has one significant drawback - with high humidity, cosmetics quickly turn into lumps, which not only do not perform protective functions, but also cause microtrauma to the delicate skin of the baby. In this regard, the remedy is not suitable for those children who are often without a diaper.

The cream forms a thin film on the skin of the baby, which moisturizes the epidermis and prevents irritation. Whether your baby needs such hydration at the present time, you can decide for yourself by observing the sensations of the newborn and the skin reaction. The main thing is to look closely and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

What can be used instead of powder?

Each mother may face the fact that the powders simply will not be at hand, and it is necessary to treat the baby's skin. In this case it will be useful folk remedy- ordinary potato starch (corn starch is also suitable), which our great-grandmothers used. Of course, a special powder is more effective, but starch can also cope with diaper rash.

There are a few more tools that may well be an alternative to powder:

  1. Xeroform - this remedy is prescribed for skin diseases, has an antiseptic and drying effect. According to reviews, the drug has low toxicity and does not cause irritation in areas of the skin with inflammation and wounds (more in the article:). Xeroform is produced in the form of a powder, which is used to treat the umbilical wound in newborns, and for babies older than a month, it helps to get rid of diaper rash (more in the article:). Another form of release of the drug is an ointment. The tool should not be used in case of high sensitivity to its components.
  2. Oil and Weleda cream(see also: )- special cosmetics for babies from a German manufacturer. Means contribute to the healing of the skin and the elimination of diaper rash, while not clogging the pores. The cream is suitable for nursing babies from the first days of life, they are treated with body folds and applied under the diaper. Among the useful components in the composition of cosmetics, almond and sesame oils, chamomile and calendula extracts, beeswax and lanolin can be noted.
  3. Bepanten (more in the article:)- an ointment used against diaper rash. Dexpanthenol in its composition promotes tissue regeneration and is well absorbed into the skin. You can use the drug almost immediately after the birth of the baby. The tool is also available in the form of a cream and spray, according to the instructions, it should be applied twice a day to the inflamed area, the skin of babies should be treated with each diaper change. Contraindication is sensitivity to dexpanthenol.

on the medical use of a medicinal product

Baby powder


Baby powder

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form

Powder for external use


100 g of powder contains

active substance: zinc oxide 10 g

Excipients: talc, potato starch


Powder white or almost white color, soft, greasy to the touch

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Dermatoprotectors. Zinc preparations.

ATX code D02AB



The components of the drug do not penetrate the skin and do not have a systemic effect.


Adsorbent, drying, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent for external use. It has a high hygroscopicity, adsorbs secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, exudate, reduces friction of skin folds, protects the skin from adverse external influences.

Zinc oxide causes protein denaturation and the formation of albuminates, which inhibit the process of local inflammation with pain relief, constrict blood vessels, and thicken cell membranes. The drug reduces the severity of local phenomena of inflammation and irritation.

Indications for use

Treatment and prevention of diaper rash in newborns and children

Dosage and administration

Assign externally 2-3 times a day. Baby powder is applied with a cotton swab to the area of ​​diaper rash and for prevention - to areas of natural folds (inguinal-femoral and intergluteal folds, armpits, folds of the abdomen and neck, interdigital folds of the legs).

Side effects

Possible itching, hyperemia, rash


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Acute purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin

Moist areas of affected skin

Drug Interactions

If you are using any other medications to treat your child medicines for external use, be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using the drug.

special instructions

Do not allow the drug to get into the eyes and on the surface of wounds


Not installed

Release form and packaging

50 g in plastic jars for powders with a lid. Banks, together with instructions for use or leaflets in the state and Russian languages, according to the number of cans, are placed in corrugated cardboard boxes.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from moisture at a temperature of 15 to 25 0 С.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

Do not use after expiration date

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter


Lugansk, st. Kirova, 17

Registration certificate holder

PJSC "Lugansk chemical-pharmaceutical plant", 91019, Ukraine,
Lugansk, st. Kirova, 17

Address of the organization accepting claims from consumers on the quality of products on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

IP Tleubergenova G.S., Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000 , Akmola region

Astana, st. Bosingen 8

The sensitive skin of a newborn needs to be taken care of using special means. It is especially important to treat wrinkles to avoid diaper rash and damage. For these purposes, baby creams and baby powder are traditionally used.

Basic properties

Baby powder is a powdery substance that actively absorbs moisture and reduces friction of surfaces. The benefits of this baby skin treatment include:

  • the ability to absorb well the remnants of secretions that have fallen on the skin (sweat, urine, feces);
  • reduced friction - the skin in the folds is not damaged by the active movement of the baby;
  • soothing effect (itching is removed);
  • no pore blockage effect (skin respiration is not disturbed);
  • cooling properties relevant in hot weather.

The composition of the powder may include zinc oxide, which gives it antiseptic properties.

First of all, the powder is used when wearing a diaper to avoid diaper rash due to constant waterlogging of the skin. Please note: the powder actively absorbs moisture and rolls into lumps. And these lumps, trapped in the folds, can injure the baby's skin. It is necessary to regularly clean the baby's skin and repeat the treatment, especially on hot days when the baby sweats a lot.

Among the disadvantages of the powder is the insecurity of use - with inaccurate actions, the powder can get into the eyes and respiratory tract of the child. There is a danger that the composition of the powder includes components that are unsafe for the baby.

Rules for the use of powder

In order not to harm the baby, it is important to know how to use baby powder. You should act very carefully, keep your hands with the powder away from the face of the child.

Instructions for use:

  • Before applying the powder, the baby's skin must be cleaned and dried. If the powder gets on wet skin, it will quickly roll into lumps.
  • A small amount of powder is rubbed in the palms, and then the parted folds on the baby's body are powdered. The composition is applied with light patting movements, the powder cannot be rubbed.
  • To let the applied powder dry, leave the baby to lie down without a diaper and clothes.
  • Treat not only the area under the diaper, but also the folds under the armpits, on the neck, under the knees.
  • In order not to dry out the skin, you can not apply the powder in a thick layer. It is advisable to alternate the powder composition with diaper cream, but the skin must be completely cleansed before each treatment.
  • If an allergic reaction (redness, rash) is observed after powder treatment, consult a pediatrician. You can replace the product with a powder with a different composition.
  • Do not use a powdered product if there are rashes or wounds on the skin.

Powder composition

Baby powder is a multicomponent powder of white or gray color, which includes:

  • Starch - primarily rice and corn.
  • Zinc - important for the prevention of scuffs and diaper rash, disinfects and dries the skin.
  • Plant extracts - calendula and chamomile contribute to the healing of damaged skin.

Instead of starch, or together with it, the powder may include moss spores (lycopodium). Plant-based formulations are safe for the baby.

For decades, talc has been used to make powder. This mineral is still used for manufacturing today, but there is a danger that, along with talc, asbestos, which is adjacent to it in nature, also goes into processing. Asbestos powder is a carcinogen, so you should be careful with such products and carefully choose the manufacturer.

As an additional component, baby powder may include a fragrance - an artificial flavor.

  • flavors are potential allergens;
  • an extraneous obsessive smell prevents the baby from recognizing the smell of his mother, which is important for him for full contact, psychological comfort and appetite.

Quality and safety criteria

To choose a safe powdered remedy for the prevention of scuffs and diaper rash, pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. Only natural ingredients. The fewer ingredients in the powder, the safer it is. Potentially dangerous products, which include artificial additives designed to replace natural substances.
  2. Absence of fragrances. The smell should be light or completely absent.
  3. Homogeneous consistency, no tendency to roll into lumps.
  4. The absence of active substances from the following list: DIDP, DBP, DEHP, BBP, DHP, DEP (carefully study the labels on the package).
  5. High-quality packaging (there are fake products of famous brands on the market).

Safe use of powder also implies compliance with the expiration date of the product - be sure to check the release date when buying. Fresh powder in the opened package does not lose its properties during the year.

Top Producers

  1. JOHNSON`s BABY. It is made from high purity talc, the absence of plant components makes the powder hypoallergenic. But there is a risk of an individual reaction to the product, since it contains a fragrance (menthol). The product gained popularity in the market due to the combination of price and quality.
  2. BUBHEN. The basis is high-purity talc, there are no flavorings. The structure of the powder prevents rolling into lumps. Well removes moisture from the skin.
  3. "The world of childhood". A Russian product made from natural ingredients, designed for intact skin. Hypoallergenic, contains zinc.
  4. SANOSAN baby. In addition to purified talc and zinc oxide, it contains avocado extract and olive oil for softening and healing. Suitable for application to damaged skin.
  5. Baby Kinder. Hypoallergenic herbal product. The line includes compositions with string and chamomile for wound healing.
  6. "Our mother". For babies from the first days of life. Mild formula contains skin-soothing chamomile extract.

Healing powders

If it was not possible to avoid diaper rash, special powdered products will help, which include:

  • Baneocin. Therapeutic powder with antibacterial and healing action. It is used to treat diaper rash and skin lesions in the folds. Since the powder contains an antibiotic, you should not use it as a daily remedy for healthy skin.
  • Candide. Antimicrobial drug for the control of skin diseases in infants.
  • Xeroform. Strong antiseptic for use in severe skin lesions.

Therapeutic powders are prescribed by a doctor.


The market includes products from well-known and new manufacturers. When buying baby powder, carefully study the composition of the product. An indication for the use of the powder is the increased sweating of the baby during illness or in the heat. If there are no conditions for the appearance of diaper rash, the powder should not be used.
