Medication to improve the sleep of a child. If the child cannot sleep: sleeping pills - a panacea or harm? Pedagogical behavior correction

Modern children often suffer from increased excitability, so many parents have a question about what kind of sedative it is permissible to give to infants.

A constantly naughty child is a difficult test for nervous system mothers and beyond. A newborn without that takes a lot of strength and energy, and if he also does not sleep at night and does not find peace during the day, parents are ready for a lot to stop whims.

First of all, it is worth finding out what is the cause of children's anxiety. Most likely you will find:

  • pain in a child;
  • discomfort for any reason;
  • neurological disorders;
  • psychological trauma;
  • wrong daily routine.

In this situation, you need to visit a pediatrician and conduct a complete diagnosis. When the cause is found, after its elimination, the baby will stop being capricious, throw tantrums and sleep badly.

Do not self-medicate and give sedatives to the newborn only as directed by the doctor. After all, even the safest sedatives can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child.

First of all, doctors try to manage in the following ways:

  • homeopathy;
  • soothing teas;
  • baths;
  • massage.

In extreme cases, sedative medications are prescribed.

For children from 0 to 12 months, modern pharmaceuticals offer a large selection of ready-made sedative drugs. Children under one year old are allowed the following medicines:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Phenibut";
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Central";
  • "Pantogam".

But it is worth remembering: such drugs can be harmful, and therefore it is permissible to use them exclusively for their intended purpose and under the supervision of a pediatrician. Homeopathic remedies are best suited for children:

  • "Tenotin";
  • "Baby Sed";
  • "Dermikind";
  • "Caprilly";
  • "Note";
  • "Edas";
  • "Naughty", etc.

And even they should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

For 2, 3, 4, 5 year olds

  • "Persen" helps relieve nervousness and improve sleep for babies, relieve emotional overexcitation. It is prescribed in tablets from the age of three years, and in capsules from the age of 12.
  • Phenibut is a potent remedy that helps to remove anxiety, irritability and a sense of fear. The drug can cause allergies and addiction. Give very small doses calculated by the doctor.
  • "Pantogam" - good remedy, relieving increased muscle tone. The drug is poorly researched, and therefore it is not worth focusing on it. Available in the form of syrup and tablets and is recommended from 2 years.
  • Tenoten helps relieve anxiety, soothes. It is widely used for hypoxia, circulatory disorders of the brain, increased excitability, intoxication. Available in tablets and not recommended for children under three years of age. The tablet is best diluted in water and given as a drink.
  • "Note" - an anti-anxiety homeopathic remedy, available in tablets and drops. Drops are preferable, it is convenient to dilute them in a drink, and the baby will be able to drink them freely.
  • "Glycine" - a completely natural drug recommended for children of any age.
  • Likewise, universal means are Magne B6, Citral.
  • In special cases, tranquilizers are prescribed - Elenium, Phenazepam, Tazepan, Sibazon. Their use is treated very carefully, they are addictive and can subsequently have a bad effect on children's health. Typically, these medications are recommended for children over five years of age.

What is fraught with a delay in the mental development of a child? Will your child get worse at school? Read the material.

6 to 10 years

In children between the ages of six and ten, a special period begins when hyperactivity can be noticeable. The child leaves the kindergarten and becomes a schoolboy, and this is a special stress for children's nerves.

  • "Bayu Bai" is an all-natural syrup made from herbs. They give it to children, pouring it into a spoon, diluting it in a drink. The drug is recommended for use from the age of five.
  • "Atomoxetine" is prescribed according to the results of a thorough diagnosis, confirming diagnoses such as hyperactivity and attention deficit since 6 years. Self-medication is unacceptable, it must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Depression and aggressive behavior of adolescents are stopped by drops of Epam 1000.

Replacement of drugs intended for children under one year old

The nervousness of the mother of a restless baby can be transmitted to the baby and make him even more capricious, so you should think about rest. It is worth reviewing the daily routine, for example, to calculate whether you walk enough with a newborn, whether you bathe often, what time you put to bed. It is also worth paying attention to how calm the atmosphere is at home and whether wet cleaning of the living quarters is carried out regularly.

Until the diagnosis is made to the baby, follow the simple rules:

  • Ventilate your home every day.
  • Recommended daily wet cleaning.
  • Watch out for children's hygiene.
  • Take daily walks.
  • Create a positive environment at home: do not speak in a raised tone, avoid scandals and any other negativity.
  • Every day, bathe your baby in warm water with the addition of a decoction of soothing herbs.
  • Try to keep the room where you live not hot and cold.
  • Buy clothes made from natural materials.
  • Make sure your child is dry and well fed.

Relaxing baths

Soothing baths are a safe way to help children relax and calm down. In the absence of any serious reasons for the child's nervousness, a bath with decoctions of herbs and plant extracts is the most suitable remedy. Children under one year of age are well helped by the following added to the water while bathing:

  • fennel;
  • peony;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • hop;
  • lavender.

Soothing teas

Children under one year old are offered to use sedative teas purchased ready-made and made on their own. Purchased tea will help you “not miss” with the dosage, but personally made tea guarantees a completely natural composition.

Nursing mothers have a way out - half an hour before the evening feeding of the baby, also drink a glass of sedative tea. It will turn out a double effect: it will help the mother to relax and relieve the nervous tension of the baby.

Important: give tea to the baby, having previously studied the instructions, pay special attention to contraindications and side effects.

They independently prepare a drink from the same herbs used in baths.

When applied

  • Tantrums for no apparent reason.
  • Insomnia, restless sleep.
  • The child cannot get used to kindergarten, school.
  • The offspring gets tired of the school curriculum and therefore worries.
  • Adolescence.
  • The baby often cries, is naughty and easily excited.

Suitable herbs

  • Chamomile. Fights colic, relieves inflammation, has sedative qualities.
  • Series. It has bactericidal properties and helps in the treatment of allergies. A similar component is added to tea only on the recommendations of a pediatrician.
  • Valerian.
  • Calendula. It fights many disorders in the body and is a universal component. Reduces children's anxiety, reduces excitability and restores nerves.
  • Mint soothes, helps with vomiting and nausea.

The components are used in medicinal drinks both individually and in combination with each other.


Tea for babies with a sedative effect is purchased ready-made and made by hand. The drink consists of one component or includes a complex of herbs.

From 1 month

Chamomile infusion is the simplest and safest drink allowed for babies from birth.

  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped chamomile.
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Dried flowers are poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes. The infusion cooled to room temperature is given to a small patient. The dose is calculated by age: from a teaspoon to half a glass.

From birth

A drink made from fennel seeds is useful for both the baby and his mother, who is breastfeeding.

  • 1.5 tsp fennel seeds.
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Boiling water is poured over the seeds and left for 10 minutes, filtered and given to the baby. It is convenient to dilute the drink with the main drink in a bottle.

From 6 months

Perfectly relieves anxiety and restores sleep tea from lemon balm, chamomile and mint.

  • 1 tsp lemon balm.
  • 1 tsp chamomile.
  • 1 tsp mint.
  • 1.5 st. boiling water.

The collection in crushed form is poured with boiling water and kept for 20 minutes, filtered and the baby is added to the drink. This drink is also recommended for nursing mothers.

From 1 year

  • 1 st. l. valerian.
  • 1 st. l. lemon balm.
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

The components are mixed and poured with boiling water, insisted for 25 minutes, filtered, given 1 tsp each. or added to regular tea.


The nervous system of a baby from 0 to 12 months is still weak and easily reacts to any stimuli. Therefore, it is worth creating comfortable conditions for your beloved child and not delaying going to the doctor if it is constantly nervous and crying. Perhaps the cause of the baby's anxiety is not harmful, but a specific disease.

At the age of one to three years, you should definitely visit a neurologist, it is during this period that a common diagnosis among modern children is made - hyperactivity.

Update: November 2018

A restless child of any age is a rather serious problem, exhausting the patience of parents and often annoying others.

Modern pharmacology is ready to provide a rich selection of drugs that can calm the most violent baby or teenager. But how expedient is it to use different groups sedatives in pediatric practice? Let's try to figure it out.

Sedatives for a child

Sedatives (sedatives) are designed to gently regulate the balance between excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Most of them are herbal preparations, but there are also synthetic agents. Today, combined preparations in teas or tablets are very popular. This group of drugs is much milder than tranquilizers or sleeping pills, and can enhance their effect.

Sleepless at night

Babies quite often do not adhere to the traditional daily routine (eat and sleep). Many of them, for some reason, prefer to scream almost around the clock or, having slept for half an hour after an evening swim, proceed with a heart-rending cry for hours until four in the morning.

Let's make a reservation right away that a healthy child of the first three months of life normally eats and sleeps most of the day and night. None early development staying awake for more than four hours a day is not justified at this age. Yes, and a grown-up baby, who has not reached one and a half years, should sleep for ten hours in a row at night (provided that he is fed and changed clothes).

  • Consequences of hypoxia

What makes infant scream or just stay awake at odd times? As a rule, brain hypoxia suffered in utero or in childbirth is to blame for everything, followed by postnatal encephalopathy, which is completely rejected by Western neurologists, but which, however, quietly exists even without this recognition.

The lack of oxygen, leading to damage to some of the cells of the cerebral cortex, or even to hemorrhages in different parts of the brain, leaves behind either a bursting head of the child and disturbing him with a headache, or dysfunction of the cortex, which affects the nervous excitability of the baby.

For newborns who confused day with night (born from mothers who liked not to sleep at night during pregnancy), the above is not relevant, since this category of babies quickly enters a normal schedule with careful observance of the daily regimen already during the first month of life.

  • Intestinal problems

The second common cause of restless behavior of an infant is intestinal discomfort against the background of dysbacteriosis, irrational feeding or intestinal infection. Stretching the intestines with gases causes such severe pain that the child is ready to rage and scream for most of the day (see).

The third, rarer pathology that makes the baby scream is inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), in which the pain is also not weak, and there is no way to endure it without anesthesia.

Rachitic lesions of the nervous system are also a common problem, especially for northern latitudes. In addition to sweating, the child has an overreaction to harsh noises, he shudders in his sleep and generally becomes too restless.

And only somewhere in the fifth place are the teething teeth so beloved by pediatricians (which in general rarely really force one of the kids to stay up at night or scream out loud) and other diseases that have quite expressive symptoms (fever, snot, cough, well, or at worst some kind of rash).

To calm the baby, you must follow the following algorithm

  • feed
  • change clothes
  • Take on the hands and shake. Remember that Dr. Spock's recommendations that the child will yell and get used to falling asleep on his own have already given a couple of generations of neurotics who are accustomed from infancy to achieve everything only with a heart-rending cry. Calm the child as soon as he screamed, do not bring to tantrums - this becomes a habit of the baby and then it is much more difficult to cope with it.
  • If your baby can't suckle as much as he needs, buy a pacifier. For babies, sucking is the best sedative.
  • Show the pediatrician and neurologist.
  • Make an ultrasound of the brain and take a stool culture for dysbacteriosis.
  • Compensate for intracranial pressure (if any) with diacarb or magnesia. In severe forms of hydrocephalus, consult a neurosurgeon, if necessary, perform a bypass (see )
  • Sanitize the intestines for dysbacteriosis (bacteriophages or), then drink a couple of courses of probiotics (premadophilus, linex, bifidumbacterin, see). In parallel, give the child defoamers that break gas bubbles (Bebicalm, Espumizan, Bobotik).
  • In parallel, show the child to the ENT and exclude inflammation of the ears.
  • Transfer the child to breastfeeding by age, adjust the mother's diet (when breastfeeding, see), stop overfeeding and feed cabbage soup from five months of artificial (see).
  • Do not neglect the prophylactic intake of vitamin D. If in the region where the baby lives, the sun does not shine for eight hours a day for five months a year, it is stupid to be afraid of an overdose of this drug. After all, such severe forms of rickets, as in the Russian North, have not been seen in Europe for a long time.
  • Establish a daily routine for the baby. More walks with the baby. Restless and violent children should be warmly dressed and put to bed with the window open.
  • Do not be nervous when approaching a child. Do not shout or swear in his presence. Take herbal sedatives yourself.

Thus, the only situation when a baby from birth to a year really needs sedatives is postnatal encephalopathy,. In all other cases, you just need to be attentive to the baby and the patience of the parents, most children under one year old wake up 2-3 times at night and are restless for various reasons - this is normal!

Sedatives for the baby

If a neuropathologist has diagnosed postnatal encephalopathy in an infant, if the child is too restless (sleeps little, cries a lot) and has no other diseases that could interfere with his life, it is worth listening to the neurologist's recommendations regarding sedatives.

For intracranial hypertension:

  • As a rule, most infants with intracranial hypertension come to an equilibrium state of mind already from banal diuretics.
  • In parallel with them, a child may be recommended a mixture with citral, which is prepared in pharmacies according to a neurologist's prescription. The composition of the drug includes:
    • magnesium sulfate, which lowers pressure in the head, soothes and causes a mild sedative effect
    • sedative sodium bromide
    • valerian, inhibiting the nervous system.

    It is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosages, since valerian can slow down the heart rate. Valerian prevents the destruction in the brain of substances that block inhibitory processes. It soothes, enhances the effect of sleeping pills, relieves intestinal spasms.

With rickets: Children with rickets of the nervous system are usually bathed with sea salt or coniferous extract.

Breastfeeding mothers you can recommend soothing teas and fees sold in pharmacies (provided that they do not cause allergies in a small one). The same soothing teas are available in the departments baby food for the children themselves.

When bathing babies tincture of valerian or motherwort can be added to the water (40 drops per baby bath), not forgetting that alcohol solutions are not recommended even for external use in children. , lemon balm or also relax kids. Recommended and grass perforated .

  • Bath with oregano, motherwort, valerian and thyme- take 3 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of these herbs, brew, let stand for half an hour, strain and pour into a bath, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  • Coniferous soothing bath- perfectly removes the excitement of the baby, but take it no more than 5 minutes and no more than 12 baths per course.
  • Sea salt bath- also perfectly soothes and is recommended even for newborn babies. You can bathe a child for up to 30 minutes by dissolving 250 mg in a bath. sea ​​salt.
  • Phenibut 20 tab. 120-170 rub.
  • Anvifen 20 tab. 180 rub. (analogue)

This is a more serious sedative, often prescribed for toddlers up to a year (although the instructions indicate a contraindication for up to 2 years). It removes anxiety, irritability and fear, causes drowsiness, relieves increased muscle tone and excessive physical activity in children. However, it has side effects in the form of excessive drowsiness, allergic reactions, headache, kidney and liver dysfunction.

The nootropic drug Pantogam (hopantenic acid) is often prescribed. It not only improves the nutrition of damaged areas of the cortex, but also removes increased muscle tone, smoothes obsessive motor activity, helps with motor disorders, delayed psychomotor development.

True, today it belongs to drugs with unproven action, since there have been no wide randomized trials on the drug (great practical experience in pediatric neurology does not count, since the manufacturing campaign did not spend money on clinical trials).

From one year to three

After surviving the first year of the baby, most parents enter the era of normal life. At the same time, not all children whose nervous system malfunctioned in infancy, but was well compensated by the age of one, received any sedatives. After all, the children's nervous system is at the stage of development and has a huge potential for self-healing.

However, some children still have anxiety and sleep disorders. Some of them develop hysterical behavioral traits. Some have fears, night or. Therefore, the problem of sedatives remains relevant at this age.

It should be remembered that part of the problems of a restless child at this age comes from social or pedagogical neglect. Therefore, for example, replacing the problem of deprivation with a medical diagnosis and replacing full-fledged upbringing and love for a child with drugs of a calming series is not only illiterate, but also criminal.

At home, folk sedatives can be prepared independently. Here are a couple of easy recipes:

  • Mint and linden - take one part each peppermint and linden flowers. Add half of the chamomile. Pour everything with two cups of boiling water and bring to a boil in a water bath. Insist in an enamel bowl. Give the child a tablespoon twenty minutes before bedtime.
  • Mint and valerian- two tablespoons of mint and valerian root, pour two glasses of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Strain, cool, give the child three times a day a tablespoon for a week.

Many believe that if the drug is herbal, then it can be used without control, not limited, even “the more the better” - for both infants and older children. However, medicinal plants are also medicines, the composition of which is complex and very ambiguous, many plants in their composition contain, albeit small doses, but harmful compounds, and you should definitely consult a pediatrician or phytotherapeutist before use.

For example, children should not drink tea only with mint or only with lemon balm (mono tea). Soothing teas for babies usually contain valerian, chamomile, fennel seeds, string, linden blossom, etc. - soothing teas “Evening Tale”, “Soothing Children's”, “Calm”, Fitosedan, Baiu-Bai drops.

  • Calm-Ka tea 40-50 rubles.

Green tea, thyme, motherwort, alfalfa, rosehip, lemon balm, mint, kelp extract powder.

  • Children's sedative "The power of Russian herbs" 40-50 rubles.

Valerian, mint, thyme, motherwort, linden, St. John's wort, hawthorn, chamomile, plantain, rosehip, stevia.

  • Children's sedative 50-60 rubles.

Rhizomes and roots of valerian, dandelion, mint, walnut leaves, plantain, stevia, hawthorn, cumin fruits, wild rose, hops, oregano, St. chamomile

  • Evening fairy tale 60-100 rubles.

Anise extract, lavender, mint

  • Fitosedan 50-60 rubles.

Sweet clover, valerian roots, thyme, motherwort, oregano

  • Buy-bye 120-150 rubles.

Hawthorn fruit extract, oregano, peony, motherwort, peppermint, glutamine and lemon acid

  • Hipp tea 250-300 rub.

Linden blossom extract, lemon balm and chamomile, dextrose.

Calming pills for hyperactive children

Denying existence, Western neurologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists practicing in children's environments are very prone to diagnose hyperactivity and distracted attention. But not only to make diagnoses, but also to fully treat patients with these ailments, connecting to the process a lot of drugs with a calming effect.

All nootropics improve metabolic processes only in the pathologically altered cortex. That is, they are effective in areas damaged by oxygen starvation or hemorrhage, but do not work on a healthy brain. But all the cells that could recover have already recovered at the age of early childhood (up to three years).

Here is a list of drugs that can be used to treat distracted attention and hyperactivity, but it is useless:

  • Polypeptides: Cortexin, Cerebrolysin
  • Racetams: Piracetam, Nootropil, Rolziracetam
  • Neuropeptides: Semax
  • Derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid: Phenibut, Picamilon, Pantogam.

Sedatives, which are resorted to from three to twelve, are all the same herbal sedatives:

  • Valerian, motherwort, bromides
  • Persen - combined tablets - dry extracts of mint, lemon balm and valerian roots
  • Tenoten homeopathic for children - antibodies to the brain-specific protein S 10
  • Nervoflux tea - a mixture of extracts of valerian root, hop cones, lemon mint, licorice root, orange flowers

40 tab. 230 -250 rub.
Ingredients: extracts of peppermint, valerian rhizomes with roots, lemon balm leaves
Excipients: cellulose, starch, lactose, talc, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, povidone, sucrose, hydroxypropyl methyl, calcium carbonate, glycerin, sucrose, dyes.
Pharmaceutical action: Persen has an antispasmodic and sedative effect.
Indications: irritability, nervous irritability, insomnia.
Contraindications: for tablets for children under 3 years old, for capsules - for children under 12 years old, hypersensitivity to components Dosage: for children 3-12 years old only under medical supervision and only in the table, the dose is determined depending on body weight 1-3 r / day . Do not take the drug for more than 1.5-2 months.
Side effects: constipation, allergic reactions.
Overdose symptoms: stomach cramps, fatigue, dizziness, dilated pupils.
Special instructions: The decision to take the tablet form for children 3-12 years old is made by the attending physician, capsules can be taken by children only after 12 years of age under the supervision of a doctor. There is no withdrawal syndrome, you can not take Persen for more than 2 months.

40 tab. 170 - 220 rubles

Ingredients: antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100
Excipients: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose.
Pharmaceutical action: has an anti-anxiety, calming effect, without a hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effect. Under conditions of hypoxia, intoxication, after an acute violation of the blood circulation of the brain, it has a neuroprotective effect, reduces the area of ​​damage, improves the functions of the central nervous system.
Indications: neurosis-like disorders and neurotic disorders - impaired attention and behavior, increased excitability, anxiety, irritability, autonomic disorders.
Contraindications: children under 3 years old.
Dosage: keep 1 tablet in the mouth until completely absorbed between meals 3 r / day, it is also possible to dissolve the tablet in boiled water(small amount). The course of treatment is 1-3 months. Evening reception should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, because. the drug has activating properties.
Side effects: hypersensitivity reactions.
Special instructions: the drug contains lactose, therefore, when a child has Tanoten, it is not recommended.


Over the past decade, the practice of prescribing children has gained momentum. Actually sedative in pure form this drug is not, but refers to nootropics. It is an amino acid that is part of many biological fluids and tissues of the human body.

Receptors for this neurotransmitter are found in the brain and spinal cord. By binding to them, glycine increases the release of amino acids responsible for inhibitory processes in the nervous system (glutamine) and reduces the release of excitatory amino acids (gamma-aminobutyric).

These sweet pills are easily tolerated and readily taken by children, but are unlikely to have any significant sedative effect (at least in the dosages that are accepted in pediatric practice). Like all modern nootropic drugs, this drug belongs to drugs with unproven action, that is, its prescription remains on the conscience of the attending physician, and the drug is not included in neurological standards.

Homeopathic sedatives and dietary supplements for children

Adhering to the principle of “treat like like,” homeopaths should have composed their preparations from a mixture of roaring, whining whining and unreasonable jumps from the floor to the walls and back. However, these far-sighted healers resort to the same herbal sedatives, seasoning them with sugar and serving them in the form of sweet peas, which most children take for sweets, so they eat without problems. There are also sweet syrups, which also go with a bang. In this regard, in this matter, we are at the same time with homeopaths and are not at all against homeopathic sedatives for children.

The following soothing homeopathic remedies are currently available:

  • BAD Bunny

Thus, sedatives in pediatric practice are always a necessary necessity. It cannot be assumed that taking such medications for a child is a daily practice and a normal state of affairs.

Sedatives are medicines that a doctor must prescribe according to strict indications in certain doses and for a specific period of time, after which the medicine must be canceled. More than half of the problems associated with children's anxiety are generated by their unreasonable behavior of adults who are responsible for the child. Remember that in addition to the nervous system, the child has a liver, kidneys and pancreas, which can suffer from unreasonable medication.

Restless children take a lot of energy from moms, dads and even grandmothers who have joined in the upbringing. Trying to find a sedative for babies, parents want to get not only an effective, but also a safe remedy. What are the methods of normalizing sleep in children of the first year of life?

Why is the baby crying?

Before talking about sedatives, you should understand why the child does not sleep well. Babies of the first year of life do not throw tantrums from scratch. If the child cries, worries and does not want to fall asleep, you should find the reason for this behavior. Young children worry for a variety of reasons, and parents are not always able to distinguish all the shades of anxiety in their crumbs. It is especially difficult for mothers and fathers of the first child, because they still have absolutely no experience in communicating with infants.

With loud crying or quiet whimpering, the baby calls for help from parents. Perhaps the baby is hungry and for a restful sleep he needs a little “snack”. The cause of crying can be pain in the abdomen, colic, gas, stool retention. In all these cases, the baby will not be able to sleep until the source of anxiety is removed.

In children of the first year of life, cutting teeth are a common cause of discontent. The pain during the passage of the tooth through the gum is very intense, and many babies simply cannot sleep under such circumstances. The child is crying and naughty, trying to gnaw everything that he can reach. In many children, when teething, the body temperature rises, which also does not add calmness to already tired parents.

Some babies cry because they miss their mother. This often happens when a woman goes to work early enough and the whole day the child is with her grandmother or nanny. Returning home, mom gets a baby who misses her attention. The little man is ready to spend the whole evening in his mother's arms, and, of course, he will be unhappy when trying to put him to bed. Loud crying is heard throughout the apartment, and a tired woman again and again tries to find the reason for this behavior of the baby. There is no need to invent anything here, just try to spend as much time as possible with your baby.

When do you need to see a doctor?

In many cases, a change in the daily routine, peace and care allow you to cope with a baby's bad sleep. But what if the cause of anxiety lies in diseases of the nervous system? This situation is not uncommon in children of the first year of life. The consequences of hypoxia, transferred in utero or in childbirth, make themselves felt immediately after the birth of the child. Lack of oxygen leads to damage to the cells of the nervous system, which inevitably affects the condition of the baby. Intracranial hypertension, dysfunction of the cerebral cortex - these are the most common neurological causes of poor sleep in newborns.

Restless behavior of the baby is a reason to see a doctor.

Options for safe sedatives for newborns

The first step is to make sure that the baby is not hungry, not cold, and does not need to urgently change the diaper. After eliminating the main irritating factors, you can proceed to other methods of calming newborns. What can help your little one sleep?

  • warm bath;
  • relaxing massage;
  • lullaby;
  • soothing music;
  • medicines.

Do not rush to use sedatives for the baby. It is not recommended to use herbs and drops without a doctor's prescription. Many of these drugs have big amount similar effects, and the benefit from them may be much less than the possible harm. The dosage and duration of taking sedatives for newborns should be selected by the pediatrician after a careful examination of the small patient.

Evening baths are the easiest and safest way to soothe your baby. Baths should be taken at the same time so that the baby can get used to a certain daily routine. The water should not be too cold. Supporters of hardening should postpone wellness procedures until the baby starts to sleep peacefully throughout the night. The optimal water temperature for bathing a child up to a year is 36-37 ° C.

Soothing baths for children are prepared an hour and a half before the expected sleep. In warm water, add herbs that have a sedative effect. For newborns, you can use mint, valerian, thyme, chamomile, lavender. Make sure that your baby does not have an allergic reaction to soothing herbs.

If a rash appears on the skin after swimming, consult a doctor!

Herbs for an evening bath can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. The duration of bathing should be from 5 to 15 minutes. Instead of herbal preparations, you can use coniferous extract. It is not recommended to make baths with essential oils and sea salt for children of the first year of life.

Unfortunately, not all children fall asleep after an evening bath. Some babies, on the contrary, are aroused after water procedures. If your child is restless after an herbal bath, find another way to soothe your baby.

Soothing music for newborns

Many children fall asleep to the cozy tunes of their mother. Lullabies - here the best remedy soothe a crying baby. Our distant ancestors rocked their babies in wooden huts every evening. The words of the lullaby were passed down from generation to generation, and now modern mothers sing for their children in the apartments of high-rise buildings.

Do I need to know any special songs or turn on suitable soothing music? Not at all necessary, because the child listens to the voice of the mother, and not her words. It is not so important that the woman sings - her song will be to the taste of the baby. Hearing familiar notes, the baby will fall asleep, lulled by words incomprehensible to him.

Not all women like to sing, and not always the mother has the opportunity to stay near the baby's bed for a long time. If household chores require your attention, just turn on a soothing melody for your baby. Calm music will create a special atmosphere in the house, and the little man will fall asleep quickly enough. How to choose a melody for your baby?

Many women introduce the baby to the outside world during pregnancy. Music included for future mother favorably affects the condition of the fetus. Calm songs in any language count good method development of hearing and sense of beauty. Music that you played to your child before he was born can be useful now. Let a familiar song sound from the speakers, because to the usual music, the baby will be able to calmly fall asleep in his crib or in his mother's arms.

Let the music start playing 15 minutes before the baby goes to bed - so the child will get used to falling asleep to his favorite songs.

Music for lulling the baby should not be too loud. Many babies fall asleep well under the classics, not always waking up even for feeding. Muted sounds have a positive effect on the psyche of the child, giving him a healthy and sound sleep.

Music should sound as long as the child needs. One kid will have enough of a short song, another will need to listen to the entire album before going to bed. Some babies fall asleep to white noise. By turning on such music, you will most likely be able to put your baby to sleep in a fairly short time.

Special tea for the baby can be purchased at the pharmacy or you can cook it yourself. For newborns, the pharmacy collection “Evening Tale”, “Soothing Children's” and other mixtures are suitable. These funds contain in their composition useful herbs that have a positive effect on the child's psyche. Soothing tea stabilizes the nervous system, slows down all processes in the body and gives the child the opportunity to sleep peacefully throughout the night.

When choosing tea in a pharmacy, you should carefully read its composition and instructions. Some products are approved for use only after a year, while others are suitable for newborns. If the baby is breastfed, tea can be given to him with a spoon. The bottle should only be used if the baby is on infant formula. Babies over 6 months old can be offered soothing tea in a plastic cup.

The herbs that make up the tea, in rare cases, can cause an allergic reaction. If a rash and redness appear on the skin, sneezing or coughing, tea should be replaced with another remedy. It is also worth remembering that medicinal herbs can cause stool breakdown, especially in children of the first month of life.

Soothing drops for newborns

What to do if the parents have tried all means, but the baby still does not sleep? Evening baths, light unobtrusive music and favorite songs did not bring the desired effect, and the child still worries and cries every evening. The best way out of this situation is to see a doctor. The pediatrician examines the child and, if necessary, refers to a neurologist or other specialists. Also, the doctor may advise taking sedative drops at night, designed specifically for restless children.

Most often, pediatricians prescribe glycine, magnesium preparations and various nootropic drugs. These funds directly affect the nervous system of the child, inhibiting all processes in the body. The dosage and duration of use of soothing drops are determined by the doctor.

You should be very careful when using any drugs in newborns and children of the first year of life. Such therapy is prescribed only if soothing songs, baths and other methods have not brought the desired effect. If any side effects occur, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Parents are always worried if the child is naughty, screaming, sleeps little and badly. They are ready to do anything to soothe their baby. Parents turn to the doctor with a request to prescribe a sedative for children. But doctors, as a rule, are in no hurry to do this. Why? Let's figure it out together.

Doctors believe that it is first necessary to determine why the baby is capricious and does not sleep well.

Possible causes of increased excitability of the child

  • The baby is hungry.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • Any diseases (teeth are cut, the stomach hurts, ears hurt, etc.).
  • Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D or, conversely, an overdose of vitamin D.
  • Active games or exciting cartoons before bed.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability.

If the cause of anxiety is illness or pain, a pain reliever will be a sedative. And if the cause is a deficiency of calcium or vitamins. Then the child needs calcium preparations or vitamins, etc. That is, the child may not need a sedative, but a completely different medicine, which will become sedative for him (will improve his sleep).

If the child has diseases of the nervous system, he will be treated by a neurologist. Treatment will be directed to the underlying disease. But, if the child's hyperexcitability is very pronounced, the doctor may prescribe quite strong sedatives.

Meanwhile, without a doctor's prescription, in a pharmacy, and even in a store, parents can easily buy a sedative for children at their discretion. At the same time, parents often question doctors' prescriptions. And do not give the child the medicine prescribed by the doctor. But, it is very easy to start treating the baby with what a friend advised.

In this article, an overview of children's sedatives that are currently popular among mothers and pediatricians.

Calming mixtures

Or restful sleep blends

From birth

Frisolac Night Formula

Recommended from birth to 1 year, for feeding before daytime and nighttime sleep.
Contains increased amount amino acids tryptophan, which contributes to the regulation of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. It contains prebiotics to improve digestion. Does not contain flour.

From 6 months and older

All mixtures offered on the market for a restful sleep from 6 months are similar in principle to their effect on the child's body. They contain the flour of any cereal: buckwheat, rice, oats or corn. After such a mixture, the child retains a feeling of fullness for a longer time. And he sleeps better at night. Mixtures of this group have a thicker consistency. Therefore, children may have difficulty sucking them out of the bottle. Wider opening required. Essentially, such mixtures are liquid milk porridges. And they can be attributed to complementary foods. All blends in this group contain prebiotics for comfortable digestion.

For a restful sleep from 6 months, you can buy the following mixtures

  • Nestozhen Happy dreams contains rice flour.
  • Nutrilon Good night contains rice flakes.
  • Humana Sweet dreams contains buckwheat flour.
  • hipp good night contains buckwheat and rice flakes.
  • Materna Laila tov Kornflor - corn flour.
  • Baby plus 2 - with buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.
  • Baby plus 3 - from 1 year old - baby milk with rice flour.

Soothing cereals

Porridges for a restful sleep are complementary foods. And recommended for children over 6 months old. They can be . Suitable for both breastfed and formula fed babies.
The principle of their action is based on the long-term preservation of a feeling of satiety. In addition to cereals, fruits and vegetables can be added to such cereals. Especially often, a banana is used, as the most sweet and satisfying fruit.
Manufacturers add soothing herbs to some cereals: linden, lemon balm, chamomile.
Most restful sleep cereals contain prebiotics to aid digestion.

Dairy-free cereals

hipp good night

Organic oatmeal with bananas and lemon balm. Contains whole grain oatmeal, banana flakes, lemon balm extract and vitamin B1.

Heinz before bed

Multi-grain porridge with linden and chamomile. Contains wheat, oat, corn flour, sugar, prebiotics, linden and chamomile extracts, minerals and vitamins.

Nestle Pomogayka Happy Dreams 5 cereals with linden blossom

Contains wheat, barley, rye, corn, oat flour, malt extract, prebiotics, lime blossom extract, vitamins, minerals and live bifidobacteria, and vanillin flavor.

Milk porridge

Humana evening multi-cereal with banana

Contains skimmed milk, oat, rice, corn and banana flakes, vegetable oils, glucose, fructose, vanillin, maltodextrin, vitamins and minerals.

Baby We grow in a dream 7 cereals with lemon balm

Ingredients: oatmeal, rice, wheat, barley, millet, corn, rye flour, lemon balm extract, demineralized whey powder. And also, skimmed milk powder, vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower), soy lecithin, maltdextrin, minerals, vitamins, cinnamon, vanillin.

Baby premium For sweet dreams 3 cereals with apple and chamomile

Contains: milk powder, oatmeal, rice, corn grits, sugar, concentrated apple juice, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, chamomile extract.

Baby premium For sweet dreams 3 cereals with raspberries and lemon balm

The composition is similar to the previous porridge, only instead of apple juice - raspberry puree, and instead of chamomile extract - lemon balm extract.

Semper Good evening Semolina porridge with honey

Ingredients: partially hydrolyzed semolina, subsequent Semper mix, skimmed milk powder, vegetable oils (soybean, coconut, sunflower, palm), lactose, sugar, honey, prebiotics, minerals, vitamins, vanilla.

semper good evening manna

The composition is similar to the previous porridge, only instead of honey - grape juice.

Semper Good evening Rice with bananas

Ingredients: partially hydrolysed rice flour, post-blend, skimmed milk powder, vegetable oils, lactose, sugar, bananas, prebiotics, fructose, maltodectrin, minerals, vitamins, vanilla.

Ready liquid milk porridge Frutonyanya from 6 months


Ingredients: whole milk, buckwheat, corn, rice flour, corn starch, prebiotics, sodium citrate, water.

Oatmeal with banana

Ingredients: whole milk powder, oatmeal, banana puree, maltodextrin, cornstarch, prebiotics, sodium citrate, water.


The composition is similar to the previous porridge, only instead of oatmeal - rice flour and does not contain a banana.

Rice with pumpkin

Pumpkin puree is added to the composition of rice porridge.

In addition to cereals, there are many products recommended at night for a restful sleep. Among them are desserts "Hipp" (milk porridge "Good night" in jars). Kissels "Leovit" (soothing and sleepy) - they contain cereals, fruits, herbs. Jams - contain herbs, vitamins, fruits, sugar. Before giving any product to a child, you need to make sure that it is suitable for age, carefully study the composition. You can try a little first. And look at the reaction of the child (if there are any allergies or digestive disorders). And then give a whole serving.

To prepare a soothing tea, herbs or herbal preparations that have a calming effect are used. The sedative effect may develop slowly. After 2-3 weeks from the start of admission. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the effect of the herb after several doses.
To prepare a soothing tea for a child, you need to know at what age a child can be given tea from these herbs.

  • Melissa- Contains citral as a soothing ingredient. Allowed for children from 4 months.
  • Mint- contains isovaleric acid. Allowed for children from 3 months.
  • Linden flowers- have a calming effect similar to valerian root. From 4 months.
  • Valerian- perhaps the most famous soothing plant, used in children from 3 years old.
  • Motherwort- from 3 years old,
  • Hop cones- from the age of 3.

Some herbs in the collection are allowed for children with more than early age, since the collection uses a smaller amount of herbs in one serving of tea. And the action of different herbs in the collection is summed up or enhanced.
Herbs are often added to soothing teas to improve digestion and reduce gas formation in the intestines. These are chamomile and fennel (they are allowed for children from the first days of life), cumin, anise.
Chamomile flowers also have a mild sedative effect. Due to the isovaleric acid and chamazulene contained in it.

You can buy herbs at the pharmacy (chamomile flowers, linden flowers, mint leaves or lemon balm). And make your own soothing tea for your child.
For children under 1 year old, it is easier and safer to buy ready-made soothing baby tea. On such tea, the age of the child from which the tea can be used is always indicated.

may be in sachets or soluble.

Children's soothing tea bags may contain one of the soothing herbs or a mixture thereof, such teas do not contain any additional components. Some teas in this group are labeled organic, indicating the high quality of the product.

Granulated or instant tea contains an extract (extract) from the herb or herbs. In addition, such tea may contain fruits, prebiotics and herbs to improve digestion, carbohydrates to improve taste, and vitamins. Granulated tea dissolves completely and is very convenient to use.

Instant soothing tea

Babyvita Sweet dreams From the 1st month

Ingredients: dextrose, extracts of fennel, chamomile, lime blossom.

Humana Herbal tea From 4 months

Contains lactose, maltodextrin, extracts of chamomile, lime blossom, lemon balm, orange blossom and lemongrass.

Hipp Linden blossom with lemon balm From 4 months

Contains extracts of lemon balm and chamomile.

Hipp Goodnight From 4 months

Contains: lactose, maltodextrin, lemon balm, hibiscus, lime blossom and thyme extracts.

Semper Good evening Lemon mint and pear From 5 months

Ingredients: glucose, maltodestrin, inulin, lemon mint extract, pear fruit powder, natural pear flavor, ascorbic acid.

Hipp With natural herbs From 6 months

Contains sucrose, dextrose, extracts of chamomile flowers, fennel fruits, lemon balm leaves, anise and cumin, fennel and thyme oils.

Hipp Apple tea with lemon balm From 6 months

Ingredients: sucrose, dextrose, sweet apple juice concentrate, lemon balm extract, instant caramel, citric acid, vitamin C, natural flavor.

Relaxing tea bags

Grandma's basket Mint From 3 months

Contains only peppermint leaves.

Hipp Organic Herbal From 4 months

organic product. Ingredients: chamomile flowers, fennel fruits, lemon balm leaves, linden flowers.

Fleur Alpine Alpine Evening From 4 months

organic tea. Ingredients: linden flowers, lemon balm leaves, peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers.

Bebivita Melissa-cumin-chamomile From 4 months

Contains melissa leaves, chamomile flowers and cumin.

Babyvita Linden blossom-origanum-anise-rosehip From 4 months

It also has an immunostimulating effect. The composition corresponds to the name.

Fleur Alpin Sea buckthorn with lime blossom From 5 months

In addition to calming, it has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ingredients: sea buckthorn fruits and leaves, lemon balm leaves, linden flowers, raspberry leaves, apple fruits.

Grandma's basket Melissa-thyme-fennel From 6 months

Contains lemon balm leaves, thyme herb, fennel fruit.

Children's line Evening fairy tale From 6 months

Ingredients: anise and fennel fruits, peppermint herb, lavender flowers.

Calm down Gesha From 6 months

iodized tea. Ingredients: green tea, alfalfa, rosehip, mint, thyme, lemon balm, kelp extract with high iodine content.

Altai cedar Fitosha Calm down From 3 years old

Ingredients: currant leaves, lemon balm grass, oregano and thyme, cherry fruits.

Sedation fees

Need to know what sedative fees- These are special collections of herbs with a calming effect.
Sedative fees No. 1, 2, 3 refer to official medicines. They have a strictly defined composition and are sold in a pharmacy.

Calming Collection #1

Ingredients: peppermint grass, St. John's wort, lemon balm, valerian root, chamomile flowers, hop cones.
The collection is sold in filter bags, brewed like tea: 1 bag per glass, infused for 10 minutes.

Allowed for children from 3 years old: up to 7 years old ½ cup 30 minutes before bedtime, over 7 years old - 1 cup.

And sedative fees No. 2 and No. 3 are allowed for children over 12 years old.

Sedative medicines

Used only as prescribed by a doctor!!!

For application only the safest medicines are allowed in children with a minimum of side effects. When choosing a sedative medicine for a child, preference is always given to medicines that have a nootropic effect that improves memory and brain activity.
These are preparations of plant or natural origin or their derivatives, homeopathic remedies.

When taking any medication, the development of allergic reactions is possible!

Sedative for children of plant origin

Valerian extract

Available in tablets. The word extract means extract. That is, the tablets have all the properties of valerian. Are taken orally, children from 3 years old are allowed. The course of treatment is 10-30 days. The dose depends on the age, weight and condition of the child. ¼ to 1 tab, 1-3 times a day.

motherwort extract

Pills. It is taken orally, children from 3 years old are allowed. The dose is selected by the doctor individually, depending on age. ¼ to 1 tab, 1-3 times a day. The calming effect develops slowly. Therefore, the course of treatment is 20-30 days.
Dyspepsia (vomiting, diarrhea) is possible.


Herbal preparation. Pills. Contains extracts of valerian root, lemon balm leaves and peppermint. It is used in children over 3 years of age. The dose of the drug from ¼ to 1 tab, 1-3 times a day is selected by the doctor individually. The course of treatment is 10-30 days.
With prolonged use, constipation is possible.

grass shield

Lozenges. Biologically active food supplement. Herbal preparation, herbal collection. Ingredients: extract of rosemary flowers, olive leaves, red grape skin, red grape seeds, St. John's wort, hawthorn leaves and flowers, passionflower herb, lemon balm leaves. Auxiliary components: sorbitol E491, malic acid E296, magnesium stearate, aspartame, flavor identical to natural "Mint" AT, flavor identical to natural "Lemon" ATO 234.

It is used in children from 6 years of age. The dose is selected by the doctor individually. 1-2 tablets every 3 hours. The course is 3-4 weeks.


Herbal sedative. Contains valerian root extract and hop cone extract.
It is used in children from 6 years of age. It is prescribed by a doctor, depending on age, 1-2 tablets 1 hour before bedtime. The course is 10-30 days.

bye bye

Biologically active food supplement. The drug is of plant origin, does not contain ethyl alcohol. Drops or spray. Ingredients: extracts of hawthorn fruit, peony, motherwort, peppermint, glutamic acid, citric acid. It has a mild calming effect, restores the natural phases of sleep and morning activity. Allowed for children from 5 years old. Take 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day for 1 month.


Biologically active food supplement. Syrup.

Ingredients: fruit syrup 92.7%, water extract from barberry and cumin fruits, hawthorn and chamomile flowers, mint leaves, lemon balm and motherwort herbs, valerian rhizomes, vitamins C and B6.

The effect of the drug is determined by its composition: it calms, facilitates falling asleep, strengthens the nervous system.

Allowed for children from 3 years old. 1-2 teaspoons with food, during meals, dissolved in liquid. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Good Night Sleepy Herbs

drops for children. There are also capsules. Biologically active food supplement. Ingredients: extracts of dry thyme herb, rose hips, peppermint leaves, oregano herb, lemon balm, chamomile flowers.
Excipients: water, fructose, citric acid, potassium sorbate.

Allowed for children from 5 years old, 25 drops 3 times a day with meals, dissolved in water. The course of treatment is 1 month.

homeopathic remedies

Tenoten for children

Lozenges. Homeopathic preparation, has a nootropic and mild sedative effect. It is used in children from 3 years old. Take 1 tab. 1-3 times a day. The calming effect develops slowly. Therefore, the course of treatment is long, 1-3 months.


Granules. Homeopathic remedy. Reduces hyperexcitability, improves attention, improves sleep. It is used in children from 1 year old, 1 granule for 1 year of life 3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 1.5 months. The granules can be dissolved in a small amount of water.


Lozenges. Homeopathic remedy. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. Allowed for children from 3 years old. Up to 3 years, the use is possible as directed and under the supervision of a physician. It is taken under the tongue 30 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


homeopathic drops. Alcohol solution 60%. Sedative, hypnotic. According to the instructions for the drug, it is allowed from 2 years old, but it is better not to give it to small children because of the ethyl alcohol contained in the drug. It is prescribed 5-15 drops 2-3 times a day, depending on weight and age. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.


Homeopathic drops (ethyl alcohol 43%) and sublingual lozenges. According to the instructions, it is allowed from 3 years. 1 tab 3 times a day 30 minutes after meals or 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1-4 months. As prescribed by the doctor, the dose and course may increase or decrease.

Preparations of natural origin


Glycine is a natural amino acid found in proteins. Glycine improves brain metabolism, has a mild sedative.
Lozenges. Used in children from 1 month. Up to 3 years: ½ t 2-3 times a day, over 3 years 1 t -2-3 times a day. If the child cannot dissolve the tablet, it is crushed into powder and put on the child's cheek (between the gum and cheek). The course of treatment is 7-30 days.

Derivatives and analogues of GABA

GABA - gamma aminobutyric acid is the most important inhibitory mediator (amplifier) ​​of the human central nervous system.

Pantogam Pantocalcin

Preparations analogues. There are tablets and syrup. The active substance is hopantenic acid. They have anticonvulsant action. Reduces motor excitability, streamlines behavior. They have a mild soothing effect.
They are used in children from the first months of life. For children under 1 year of age, it is preferable to prescribe in syrup. The dose is selected by the doctor individually. It is recommended to gradually increase the dose within 7-14 days, then 1-2 months of taking the drug at a therapeutic dose. And gradual dose reduction over 7-14 days. The course of treatment is 1-3 months. There may be sleep disturbances or drowsiness, drug withdrawal is not required.


Pills. Approved for use by children from 2 years of age. Calms, relieves tension, improves sleep. Perhaps the development of nausea, drowsiness. And with prolonged use - eosinophilia. The dose and course of treatment (14-30 days) is selected by the doctor individually.


Pills. Picamilon is chemically GABA + nicotinic acid. Improves cerebral circulation, soothes. Allowed for children from 3 years old. Perhaps the development of nausea, dizziness, irritability.


Potassium bromide and sodium bromide

They are used in solution, powders and tablets.
Bromine salts enhance the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Establish a balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition with increased excitability. They have anti-epileptic action.
Bromides for children are currently most often prescribed as part of sedative mixtures or as part of finished drugs.
But, it is also possible to prescribe a 2% solution of sodium bromide to the child. To do this, the doctor must write a prescription to the pharmacy. According to the prescription for the child, a solution will be prepared. Sodium bromide is allowed for children from the first months of life. The dose is selected by the doctor individually. From ½ teaspoon to 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day, depending on the age, weight and condition of the child. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. And then another 2 weeks - a gradual dose reduction.
With prolonged use, the development of "bromism" is possible: runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, lethargy, memory loss, skin rash; abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Magne B6

Magnesium lowers the excitability of neurons and neuromuscular conduction. It takes part in many enzymatic processes, including those in nerve cells. Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolism of nerve cells. And also, promotes the absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract. Available in the form of tablets and oral solution. In children from the first months of life, it is used in solution. Tablets are prescribed for children over 6 years of age. The course of treatment is 14-30 days.
Side effects: abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

Calcium preparations

In children during periods of active growth, calcium deficiency in the body is often noted. This leads to increased excitability, irritability, sleep disturbances. In this case, calcium preparations will have a calming effect.

Calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate. Available in tablets. They are used in children from the first months of life.

1/2-2 tablets are prescribed 2-3 times a day, depending on age and weight. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Soothing tinctures

Tinctures are alcoholic extracts from medicinal herbs.

Used as a sedative in children

  • Valerian tincture.
  • Motherwort tincture.
  • Valerianahel.
  • Nott.

Valerian and motherwort tinctures contain ethyl alcohol. Therefore, they are not used in children under 4 years of age. For children older than 4 years, it is preferable to give tablets, infusion or tea. But there are children who refuse to drink infusions and take pills. In these cases, sedative tinctures are prescribed at a dose of 1 drop per year of the child's life 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment, as when taking pills.

About "Valeranachel" and "Nott" read above.

Sedative potions

Potions are prepared in a pharmacy by prescription from herbal extracts, sodium bromide and sedatives.

The most commonly used medicines in children

  • Bromine potion.

Soothing baths

The bath itself, or rather warm water, if it is not cold, not hot, but pleasantly warm, has a relaxing, calming effect. Children's skin is thin and delicate. And salts and drugs dissolved in water easily penetrate through it. In addition, during the bath, the child inhales the vapors of water and substances dissolved in it. Thus, baths affect the body in a complex way. Before going to bed, they soothe, prepare the child for sleep. In addition, they strengthen the nervous system, increase resistance to stress.
The order of the procedure is of great importance. We walked, ate, took a bath, read a book, went to bed. The next day everything was repeated in the same order. Then the child will develop the habit that after the bath you need to sleep. After finishing the course of soothing baths, it will be possible to do just warm baths before going to bed, without the addition of soothing herbs. And the child will quickly fall asleep after such a bath.

How to give your child a soothing bath

  • Soothing baths are recommended 30 minutes - 1 hour before bedtime.
  • The water should be comfortable, pleasantly warm, 37-39°C.
  • The duration of the procedure on the first day is 3-5 minutes. With a gradual increase to 10-15 minutes.
  • The course is 10 - 20 procedures, daily or every other day. Then, you should take a break for 2-4 weeks and you can repeat the course.
  • After the bath, the child does not need to be washed with soap and shower. It is recommended to lightly rinse the child from a ladle or from a mug with warm, clean water, (without salt or herbs) at the same temperature as the water in the bath.
  • There is no need to rub the child. It is recommended to gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel.
  • After the bath, it is recommended to read a book or play quiet games with the child. And then put the baby to sleep.
  • During the bath, the child should be calm and contented. If he doesn't like the procedure. He protests and cries. Or if you are too happy and excited during the bath. Then the effect can be reversed. And it is better to stop such baths.

Sea salt baths

They have a calming effect due to the trace elements contained in sea water: bromine, magnesium, calcium and others.
Bath salt is better to buy in a pharmacy. For 10-15 liters of water you need 100 g of salt. Salt is recommended to put in a linen bag, and lower the bag into warm bath water.
Contraindications are skin rashes, including those of an allergic nature.

Coniferous baths

Baths with coniferous extract have a therapeutic effect, due to the macro and microelements contained in the needles and essential oils. They act not only through the skin, but also by inhalation.
Coniferous extract is sold in a pharmacy. It can be dry (in briquettes), or liquid. You need to dilute it according to the instructions on the package. If the extract is dry, in order to avoid getting various particles into the water, it is recommended to put the right amount of the extract in a linen bag, and tie the bag tightly and immerse it in the bath.

Pine-salt baths are also soothing. Pine-salt extract is also sold in a pharmacy.

Baths with soothing herbs

Soothing herbs are used for baths. These are valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, mint, thyme, oregano, their mixtures or fees. For example, calming collection No. 1 and No. 2 from the pharmacy. In the pharmacy, you can also buy special soothing baby herbal baths.

To prepare a bath, 1 tablespoon of herbs (or herbs) is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. Infused for 30 minutes, filtered. The resulting infusion is added to the bath.

Relaxing massage

Soothing massage is also called relaxing. All methods of such massage are aimed at relieving tension, relaxing muscles.
It is best for children to have a relaxing massage after bathing, before going to bed.
Babies are given a full body massage. And for older children, massage of the back, collar zone and scalp.
Relaxing massage techniques stroking, rubbing and kneading are done gently and carefully. Percussion techniques (effleurage, patting) are excluded.
If desired, the mother can master a relaxing massage and do it herself to the baby before bedtime.

Calming cartoon

At the end of the article, I suggest you watch a soothing cartoon.

I hope the article helped to choose a sedative for children. Stay healthy!

Sedatives for children are becoming increasingly popular among parents. Some mothers and fathers give them to their babies on the advice of a doctor, while others look for them on their own. Drugs that reduce the excitability of the nervous system can cope with many problems. What are the effective and safe means for children?

Why are sedatives needed?

Increased excitability, anxiety, tearfulness of the child are quite a serious problem for his parents. In toddlers, this condition often leads to poor sleep, and in adolescents, to problems in learning and social life. Tantrums and whims do not add harmony to the family. In an attempt to somehow regulate the situation, moms and dads turn to specialists, hoping to get much-needed help.

Neurologists, together with pediatricians, often prescribe sedatives to children. Sedatives inhibit all processes occurring in the central nervous system, removing excessive excitability and hyperactivity of the child. These drugs normalize sleep, eliminate tearfulness and the desire to throw a tantrum from scratch. Sedatives also help children adjust to new environments, such as when attending kindergarten or school.

Types of sedatives for children

All sedative drugs can be divided into several groups:

  • medications;
  • herbal preparations;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Preparations from the first group should be prescribed only by a doctor. Such drugs are often used for various organic diseases of the central nervous system and the consequences of perinatal brain damage. Many of these sedatives have serious side effects. Using such drugs on the recommendation of a neighbor or young mothers from the forums, parents run the risk of earning big health problems with their child.

Follow the doctor's instructions exactly and do not exceed the dosage of the recommended drug!

Herbal remedies are collections of herbs or medicines based on natural natural ingredients. Such sedative drugs are very popular among parents, because they have a much smaller list of side effects. Many herbal remedies can be brewed as a tea and given to a child to drink several times a day.

There is more debate about the benefits of homeopathic medicines. Official medicine does not recognize these drugs, arguing that their effect does not differ from the placebo effect. Homeopathic preparations contain in their composition such small amounts of active substances that the expediency of their use remains a big question. Despite this, many parents prefer homeopathy, arguing that these remedies are better than many others to cope with increased excitability in a child.

In what form should a sedative be given? Parents of babies should give preference to medicines in the form of syrups or soluble powders. At 2 years old, you can offer your child a sedative in the form of tea. After 5 years, many children chew and swallow tablets well. Capsules are allowed to be given to adolescents 12 years of age and older.

An overview of the most popular anti-anxiety drugs


  • "Fenibut"

This sedative from the group of nootropics is approved for use from birth, but pediatricians do not recommend giving Phenibut to children under two years of age. The drug has very multidirectional effects, and it is not always possible to predict exactly how the drug will affect the child's body. At 2 years old, Phenibut is prescribed for hyperactivity, excitability and tearfulness. In adolescents, this drug is recommended for use in case of insomnia, anxiety and neuroses.

The course of treatment with Phenibut is from 2 to 6 weeks. If necessary, re-treatment should take a break for 2-4 weeks. Cancellation of the drug occurs gradually, with a gradual decrease in dosage. Such a scheme allows brain cells to adapt to new conditions and learn to independently produce the necessary substances.

"Phenibut" is available in the form of powders and tablets. The drug is taken orally after meals. In the first days from the start of treatment, increased drowsiness and lethargy are possible. Such symptoms are a manifestation of adaptation to the drug and soon pass by themselves.

  • "Pantogam"

The drug belongs to nootropics and is similar in mechanism of action to Phenibut. For the smallest, there is a special form in the form of syrup. After 5 years, you can offer the child "Pantogam" in tablets, provided that the baby is able to swallow the drug. It is taken after meals. The duration of therapy is from 1 to 6 months. A second course of treatment is carried out no earlier than 3 months after discontinuation of the drug.

"Pantogam" not only eliminates increased excitability in a child, but also has a beneficial effect on various motor disorders. This remedy eliminates increased muscle tone and relieves excessive motor activity. "Pantogam" is widely used in delay physical development in children of different ages.

  • "Tenoten for children"

Baby sedative is an antibody to the S-100 protein and belongs to the group of nootropics. Available in tablets, used in children older than three years. Has practically no side effects, which has earned its recognition among parents of babies. The course of therapy is from 1 to 3 months. The drug should be taken at least 2 hours before bedtime.


Currently on the market there are a large number of herbal preparations for children. Each sedative has its own composition and can be used for various conditions. For children older than one and a half years, herbal preparations can be brewed in the form of tea, while it is preferable for babies to give herbal remedies from a bottle or from a spoon.
The most popular herbal sedative fees:

  • "Bayu-bay" (motherwort, oregano, hawthorn, mint, peony);
  • "Calm down" (green tea, thyme, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, rosehip);
  • "Children's soothing tea" (hibiscus, mint, valerian, hawthorn, dandelion, oregano, St. John's wort, thyme and ten more herbs);
  • "Fitosedan" (motherwort, valerian, oregano, sweet clover, thyme);
  • "The power of Russian herbs" (motherwort, valerian, mint and 7 more herbs).

The first portion of soothing tea should be very small. In some children, herbal preparations cause the breakdown of the stool. Parents of small allergies should be especially careful, whose reaction to herbal preparations can be very strong.

If you develop a skin rash, sneezing and coughing while taking herbal medicines, stop taking the sedative and consult a doctor.

Separately, it should be said about herbal remedies in tablets. The most famous among them was the drug "Persen". It is a mixture of valerian, lemon balm and mint. Approved for use from 12 years in the form of capsules. In children under 12 years of age, it is possible to use the tablet form of the drug under the supervision of a physician. The course of therapy should not exceed 2 months.

Sedative homeopathic remedies consist of the same soothing herb extracts that are used in herbal remedies. Sweet peas are popular with children, and this largely explains their growing popularity. Many homeopathic preparations are available in the form of syrups, so they can be used in children of the first year of life.

The most famous homeopathic sedatives:

  • "Naughty";
  • "Hare";
  • "Valerianahel";
  • "Leovit";
  • "Baby-sed";
  • "Notta";
  • "Nervochel".

Before using drugs in preschool children, you should consult a homeopath.

Any sedatives in children's practice is a forced necessity. Before starting therapy, it makes sense to try other methods of normalizing the child's behavior. In many cases, the organization of the daily regimen and the avoidance of stressful situations allow you to cope with the problem without prescribing sedatives.
