We got ready for a hike. Event in the summer school camp with a presentation

I was taught as a child, I remember exactly:

No matter how much you change the order of the numbers,

But in total they will not increase in any way.

And I naively believed in this myth!

I put a sleeping bag and sneakers in my backpack,

Socks, toothbrush and pants

T-shirts, matches, a spoon and a windbreaker,

Only the edge of the saw does not climb.

I suffered this way and that for a long time,

Until I remembered this simple lesson:

There is no point in moving objects.

Then I decided to go without boots.

My backpack is crooked and unbearable,

Something hit me in the back,

And I confess to you that I am pleased with myself,

He left, leaving a pogrom in the room.

But a faithful friend said to me, smiling:

“The backpack, brother, is not an example for the first class.

Here you need to be neat and tidy.”

And everything folded easily and evenly at once.

What does this turn out to be?

Now I'm not easy to fool!

Everything in life turns to evil,

When it's not right, not with that, not so put together.

Can't fold vermicelli boots

Lies and a bold disposition do not stick,

Luck and idleness do not converge,

And if you're strong, it doesn't mean you're right.

The days went by, and Danka and I continued to dream of the heights, we even began to listen to bard songs in order to soak up the atmosphere. They also learned to make a fire, tried to sleep on the floor and carried all sorts of weights. In general, they prepared as best they could. But at the second meeting it turned out that we were not preparing for that at all, and no one would just let us into the mountains. In June, the whole group will go to a special sports camp, where they will learn everything in the world: put up tents, build a fire, cook food on it, and not even get lost in the forest. Although the camp was not in the mountains, but in a nature reserve on the lake, we decided that it would be fun. After all, among other things, it will be possible to go kayaking, play table tennis and volleyball, watch the fire at night and even live on a desert island!

And at the second meeting, we received our first task: to pack a backpack! We were given lists of things to take with us, and a week later we had to come to school with backpacks to check.

I immediately gave the list to my mother. She knows best where my things are. I wanted to ask her to collect a backpack, but then dad intervened:

Which one of you is going on a hike? A? How are you going to pack in the morning?

Well, dad ... - I was about to moan, but he looked at me sternly, and I stopped short.

To be honest, I did not see the problems in throwing things into a backpack and cheerfully set to work.

First of all, I took out a sleeping bag specially bought for me from the closet. He lay in a blue case and looked like a ball, only soft. I jumped on it a little, and then untied the strings and pulled it out into the light. The sleeping bag was great! Soft and shiny. I insisted that we buy a one-color, no pictures, because I was going to be a serious tourist, and not anyhow! Grabbing a flashlight, I climbed into it with my head and began to study from the inside. The flashlight snatched out islands of fabric and aroused the imagination. I saw monsters lurking in the corners and kicked them hissingly. Having overcome all the evil spirits and thoroughly sweating, I got out into the light and began to push the sleeping bag back into the cover. But for some reason, he did not want to shove! The sleeping bag was clearly much larger than the bag.

Yes, how so? I indignantly asked him. - You were there ten minutes ago!

The doorbell rang - it was Danka. I dropped my sleeping bag and rushed to open it.

Danka entered the apartment and, without removing his backpack, fell to the floor. His face was red and sweat was streaming down his forehead.

What are you? - I asked stunned.

Give me a drink, he whispered.

Having somehow pumped out a friend, I began to find out what had happened to him. It turned out that he was tired of carrying a backpack. I tried to try on his backpack on myself, and it did not seem heavy to me at all. But I didn't say that to Dana. Why upset?

I have a problem, I said.

Danny made a surprised face. This, you know, with raised eyebrows and bulging eyes.

My sleeping bag doesn’t fit back, ”I explained.

Danka took the cover from me and for some reason looked inside.

Why did you even take it out?


Danka looked into the bag again, sighed, and began stuffing the sleeping bag into it. Having suffered a little, he said: “It is necessary to fold it,” and began to carefully turn the sleeping bag into a parallelepiped.

But no matter how he suffered, the sleeping bag was larger than the cover.

Let's go in a logical way, - Danya uttered his favorite phrase and fell silent.

Let's go, I said. - Why are you standing there, logician?

And let's just put it in a backpack, without this stupid bag?

We stuffed the sleeping bag into the backpack, and I kept looking at the cover with regret. It was a pity to leave such a house. useful thing. "Is it not enough?" - I thought and threw it on top.

The collection of things has just begun, and Danka and I are already quite tired. But there was no time to rest, time before the meeting was running out. I gave Danka the list and, under his dictation, looked for the necessary things and threw them into my backpack.

There were a lot of stupid things on the list. Tell me, why should I take two pairs of woolen socks with me? Summer is! I don't wear them in winter either, they're not small. And also leggings or warm woolen pants. Wow! It's like going to the North Pole on an expedition!

But finally I was finished off by a handkerchief on my head. Here I could not stand it and was indignant aloud:

What other scarf? Maybe we got the lists mixed up?

Why confused? Danka was surprised.

Headscarf! So the list is for girls! Tell me, did you take a scarf?

He took it, - Danya answered quietly and lowered his head.

Which? - I was stunned.

In a flower, - Danya murmured even quieter.

Danka, where did you get the flowered scarf from? - I did not believe my friend and neighed.

Things ... Tribute, maybe we'll take it out, huh? They will laugh.

That's how Dankin's backpack was unpacked. The handkerchief, as luck would have it, lay at the very bottom. He was so cute that I could not resist and immediately tied him on my head.

I'm Alyonushka! I giggled and began curtsying.

You are an idiot! Danny giggled. - Give it to me.

We started running around the apartment. I ran away, and Danka tried to pick up my mother's handkerchief.

Olya's phone call distracted us from this lesson.

Are you ready? she asked very sternly.

I looked around the room. The whole floor was littered with things, and Danka stood in the middle and victoriously clutched a handkerchief.

Almost,” I answered evasively.

Half an hour left, what are you doing?

Yes, we don’t have a sleeping bag here, - I began to make excuses. Don't tell her about the scarf!

Where is he not going?

Doesn't fit in the case.

And what is yours?

No, what are those stupid questions? Spalnikovsky, what!

Blue, I replied out loud.

No, flannelette or wadded?

Ol, what are you up to? A sleeping bag is like a sleeping bag. I don't have time, by the way.

Give Danya, - she answered offendedly. I handed the phone to Danka.

He made a serious face and just nodded. Then he said, "Understood."

I found out what to do with the sleeping bag,” he said happily, hanging up the phone.

It turned out that it should be rolled up, squeezing out the air. He, you know, takes in air.

We spread the sleeping bag on the floor and began to roll it up, crawling on our haunches and pressing it with our knees. On the third attempt, we still managed to stuff it into the case.

In fact, I will never take it out again! - I threatened the sleeping bag.

And how will you sleep? Danny giggled.

But I won't! - I answered proudly and immediately shied away.

Danny just shrugged.

Okay, let's finish the deal, it's time to leave, - he reminded.

Somehow we loaded all the things into backpacks. True, Dankin swelled twice. I was surprised by this, but there was no time to ask questions, we ran to the school. It was visible from my window, so we got there quickly and without incident. The whole company was already assembled. Vovka and Valerka were jostling and making faces at each other, Olya was trying to get Svetka to talk, and Yegor and Svyatik were having an important conversation with Igor Petrovich about something.

Well, finally, - he smiled when he saw us. - So, take out all your things, we will learn how to pack a backpack.

For what? Vovka was outraged.

We just put them there, - Valerka supported him.

Fucked up, you say? I see, I see what they screwed up. Give me the backpack.

Valerka proudly brought the backpack and placed it in front of Igor Petrovich. He began to feel it here and there.

Look, there's something hard on your back. How will you go? This thing will dig into your back. And then, it rolls to your right, see? It will outweigh you along the way! Remember, - he turned to us, - as you collect your backpack in the morning, so the whole day will pass!

For the next two hours, we obediently took things out and put them back. Were tired, horror. But you know what's interesting, each time our backpacks got smaller and smaller. I even began to look around, I thought maybe someone was carrying things. But no, everything was in place. And what's the secret? Who knows.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-12



"We're going camping."

Form of carrying out: game-journey.

Objectives: to discuss the problem of the formation of the ecological culture of the child; to promote the role of the family in educating children's love for nature, the formation of rules for environmentally competent interaction with the environment.


In harmony with nature and with yourself

In the world for babies to live,

Educate in children, take care,

Keep the ecology of the soul! (N. Lukonina.)

A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves, the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream, the ringing of silver bells, the singing of birds in the bottomless summer sky, the howling of a blizzard, the gentle splash of water and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and, holding his breath, listens to this for hundreds and thousands of years. wonderful music of life.

The division of the participants of the event into teams. "Backpack", "Compass". In competitions, for each correct answer, teams will receive cards with the corresponding number of "km". At the end of the game, let's summarize: whoever goes more than "km", that group will be the winner.

Please express your point of view on the following questions:

1 team:

Do you love nature? How is it shown?

2 team:

Why do you think some people love nature, protect animals, while others do not?

1 team:

How often do you visit nature? How are these walks going?

2 team:

Have you ever done a good deed towards nature? Which?

1 team:

Have you ever planted trees, prepared food for wintering birds, fed them?

2 team:

What, in your opinion, helps most of all to cultivate compassion, a kind attitude towards all living things?

Summer is the time for exciting hikes. Would you like to go hiking in your native land? I invite you to go to the forest. Here is a plan of our ecological trail. Traveling along it, we will talk not only about the beauty of nature, its inhabitants, but also about caring for the Earth.

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich,

Mountains, forests and fields - our home, guys!

And, of course, it is disturbing that, at times, we godlessly

We do not keep what we have, we do not spare, we do not regret.

Not responsible for anything, as if just a little

We have to live and rule on this planet.

We are not guests on the planet, and the Earth is our home,

It will be light and clean in it if we save:

And transparent lakes, and spruce forest,

And colored fields patterns, and river expanse.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it.

We won't let anyone hurt her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make us better!

Let's decorate the whole Earth with flowers, gardens...

We need such a planet!

Each region is wonderful in its own way,

And if you want to see a miracle

Go on wandering around the wide world. (M. Marik)

Here is the first surprise. Imagine that you have a swampy swamp in front of you, which you can overcome only by jumping from “bump” to “bump” one by one. “Bumps” are placed on the way - circles made of cardboard. And on the other side of the swamp there is a spring covered with leaves, a letter is written on each leaf . The tourist, having overcome the swamp, must take one leaf, clearing the spring, and return to the place. When you have collected all the pieces of paper, make a word from the letters written on the pieces of paper. So let's get started! The teams are completing the task.

Competition "Necessary things in the campaign."

Next test. We need to get ready for a hike. What would you take with you? Now we will find out.

Teams take turns guessing riddles and receive a card for the correct answer - "1 km".

1. I am small, but remote,

It's worth taking a look at me

And immediately you will know the way. (Compass.)

2. We all need him on a campaign,

He is very friendly with fires,

You can cook an ear in it,

Boil fragrant tea. (Kettle.)

3. In a wooden house

Gnomes live.

So good-natured

Give out lights to everyone. (Matches.)

4. Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back.

If you go on a hike with me,

I'll hang on my back. (Backpack.)

Competition "Forest edge".

Guys, we stopped at the edge of the forest. This is the most beautiful place where many different flowers grow. Try to find out from the description which flower it is talking about.

Teams take turns guessing riddles.

1. White fluffy ball

I show off in a clean field.

A light breeze blew -

And the stalk remained. (Dandelion.)

2. Girls are small,

And a heart of gold

fluffy eyelashes

shining white,

Swaying in the wind

Everyone smiles. (Chamomile.)

3. Now purple, then blue,

He met you at the edge.

He is endowed with a sonorous name,

But we never heard the bell. (Bell.)

4. What a small flower, you and I know -

Not white, not scarlet, but pale blue.

At the forest stream you can see a little,

Remember his name and then do not forget. (Forget-me-not.)

Competition "Dr. Aibolit's clinic".

Riddles about medicinal plants. Guess their names, why they take these plants for medicinal purposes (the cost of the answer is 2 km).

1. You do not touch the plant - it burns painfully, like fire. (Nettle. They wash their hair with a decoction, and it also stops the blood.)

2. Thin stem near the track,

At the end of his earring.

Leaves lie on the ground

Little paddles.

(Plantain. Heals wounds, cuts.)

3. White basket, golden bottom. (Chamomile. Used to gargle with sore throat.)

4. Name herbaceous plants or shrubs that can cure a cold. (Cowberry and cranberry - with high temperature, angina; blackcurrant and chamomile - with a sore throat; cloudberry - cough remedy, etc.)

Competition "Forest cuisine"

Questions for the Compass team.

1. Name the plants that can be eaten immediately in the forest or in the meadow without cooking. (Sorrel.)

2. How to bake fish on a hike if there are no dishes? (put the fish on wooden or metal rods and place over the burning coals of the fire.)

Well done! And now the questions for the Backpack team.

1. What plants can be used to make strong, fragrant tea during a hike? (Ivan-tea; lingonberry leaves.)

2. What methods do tourists usually use to cook a baked potato with a ruddy, crispy crust? (Washed and dried tubers are buried in burning ash.)

Competition "Forest compass".

This competition is for real tourists who are not afraid to get lost in the forest and always know how to find their way home. You need to explain how you can determine in the forest where is north and where is south

1. "Coniferous trees". (There are fewer branches on the north side of the trees than on the south side.)

2. "Wild berries". (The side of the berry that is turned to the north is the longest greenish, unripe one.)

3. "Kick." (On the stumps of trees, the rings face south with a wider part.)

4. "Stones". (Moss grows on the rocks on the north side.)

Summarizing. The earth is ours big house in which we all live. And the owner of this house is a man. And this owner must be kind and caring. Each team has passed all tests. Now count how many "km" your team has covered.

Target: Create good mood, raise muscle tone, team building. To teach children to see the reasons for successes and failures in the implementation of any stage, to instill the skills of analyzing joint activities.


  • Consolidate sports knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom for the year.
  • Develop dexterity, speed of reaction.
  • Instilling love and interest in nature, sports, tourism.
  • Cultivate a sense of collectivism, respect for each other.

Time spending: April 2011

Members: 2 teams of the 1st year of study participate in the relay race.

  • A team of students .... class "Youth";
  • A team of students .... class "Fantasy".

The task of the organizer was to test the skills, knowledge and skills acquired in the tourism classes. Instilling love and interest in nature, sports, tourism.

Game points were placed in the sports hall. At each station, depending on the quality of the task received at it, the participants receive 1 point. The event consists of two parts:

  1. Sports relay race "Warm-up" /preparation for the hike/.
  2. Tourist strip "Let's go hiking."

The event begins with a solemn formation.

Preliminary work: Each team prepares a business card: team name, motto.


  • Gymnastic benches - 2 pcs;
  • Hoops - 2 pcs;
  • Baskets - 2 pcs;
  • Large rubber balls - 2 pcs;
  • Plastic balls - according to the number of participants;
  • ropes for knitting knots - by the number of participants;
  • d / and "Bonfires", "Collect a backpack", a sports crossword;
  • clubs - 2 pcs;
  • skittles - 6 pcs;
  • envelopes with letters - 2 pcs.;
  • rubber mats - 4 pcs;
  • rugs - 2 pcs;
  • sleeping bags - 2 pcs;
  • stopwatches - 2 pcs

Event progress

Host - Chief Judge:

Hello participants of the competition! Today you have to show all your knowledge and skills that you were able to learn in a year and draw a conclusion, without which it is impossible to live in one big family.

Our event has two parts:

  • sports relay race "Warm-up" / preparation for the hike /.
  • tourist strip "Let's go hiking."

Your results will be evaluated by the jury: ... the calculation will be by points.

My assistants… will help me.

Main judge:

- I ask the teams to take their places, stand in one column.

– To the captains, one by one, introduce their team / Team ... /.

Laws of the game:

  • Three whistles - silence;
  • After completing the task with the whole team, raise your hands up;
  • Support participants with a kind word.
  • Transfer of the baton - by touching the hand;
  • Do it clearly and carefully.
  • The team that finishes the relay first wins.

We proceed to the implementation of the first stage "Sports relay race".

Relay race with the most favorite subject….

I'll start and you finish
Answer in unison:

Fun game - football
Already scored the first... GOAL.

Someone ran away
And flew without the ball ... At the gate.

Petya kicked the ball -
And pleased the boy ... Head-on.

The boy laughs merrily,
On the forehead grows a large ... Cone.

But the guy doesn't care
Again he runs for ... Ball.

I. Sports relay race "Warm-up" / preparation for the hike /.

  1. Passing the ball overhead.
    The first player passes the ball to the second and so on, as soon as the last player receives the ball, he runs and stands in front of the first player, the game continues until the first player is back in his place.
  2. "Accurate shooter"
    The first participants run to a certain place where the balls lie and throw them into the basket. Each participant throws one ball. How many hits, so many points.
  3. "Hockey with a ball".
    Each participant dribbles the ball with a club, circles the pins without knocking them down, brings them to the end of the hall and runs back, picking up the club and the ball, to pass to the next player.
  4. "Through the eye of a needle."
    The first participant runs to the hoop, threads it through himself, leaves it on the line, runs to the rack, runs around it, threads the hoop again and passes the baton by touching his hand.
  5. Guessing a sports crossword.
    Who can guess the fastest and correct.
  6. "Centipede".
    The first participants run to the counter, run around the counter and return to the team, the second participants cling to the first and the two of them run without falling or unhooking their hands, then the third participants cling to the second and so on.

The word of the jury is presented ...

II. Tourist strip "Let's go hiking."

Leading: Amazing! I see that you are true friends of sports, and now we are going on a hike, where obstacles and obstacles await us. For his trip, the tourist takes ..../ Makes a riddle: How boring, brothers, to ride on someone else's back, someone would give me a pair of legs so that I myself could run ... Backpack/.

You can’t do without the necessary things on a hike, find the most necessary among all and put them in your backpack, for each correct card you get a point.

1. d / and "Collect a backpack."

Target: from the offered things, select those that are suitable for the trip. Each participant runs to the place where the cards are and selects one, puts it in a box / backpack /, back - running.

We packed our backpacks and set off on our hike. And there are so many obstacles and obstacles that you need to overcome.

2. "Crossing".

Target: cross from one coast to the other.

Teams participate in full strength, lined up in a column one at a time. At a distance of 8 m there are gymnastic benches. On a signal, the participant needs to cross sideways, with an added step to the other side, if the participant falls, then he performs the task again, returns back by running.

3. "Bumps".

Target: cross over bumps without stepping on the ground .

Each team is given two rugs, rearranging the rugs alternately to get to the line, and back - running. The team that completes the task quickly and without errors wins.

All crossings overcame it's time to make a fire and cook food.

4. d / and "Collect a fire" - puzzles.

Who will assemble the fire faster.

Eat, put things in order, it's time to relax ...

5. "Hang up".

Target: quickly take off your shoes and lie down in a sleeping bag.

Correct execution is when the participant fully climbs into the sleeping bag, lies down, then gets out of it, straightens it, puts on shoes and passes the baton to the next participant.

6. "Tie a strong knot"/ at the discretion of the teacher, which ones have been learned in a year /.

Target: tie a knot according to the given pattern.

Each team member is given 1 knot sample. For each knot not tied - a fine. The team that completes the task faster wins.

7. "Assault on the heights."

Target: it is necessary for the team captain to climb to a height / Swedish wall, where is the envelope with the letters /.

At the signal "Take the height!" the captains complete the task, as soon as the captain returned to the team, the whole team collects a word from the letters. /cm. Application /.

The team that completes the task faster than the opponents wins.

That's where the game ended.
It's time for us to leave...
Take a look at the board -
Let's sum up the game.

The result is announced...

So in conclusion, tell me what you can’t live without ... Without FRIENDSHIP!

And it's time to say goodbye
And our speech will be short,
We say to you: goodbye,
Until new interesting meetings!

When we are going on vacation at sea or visiting relatives, we simply put things in a bag and calm ourselves with the thought that, they say, we are not going to the end of the world. In which case we will buy everything on the spot. But what about when you have to go hiking where there are no signs of any civilization at all? Here you already need to prepare thoroughly and try to think through all the possible risks in advance.

Clothing, food, water, medicine. This is far from full list essentials for the trip. So, since the upcoming event will mainly be on foot, the list of what to take on a hike should be as practical and concise as possible. Let's try to figure out what things should be with you during this period.


This item should be as roomy as possible and easy to carry. Small backpack is not a solution to the problem. All your belongings must be guaranteed to be inside the backpack, so you won't lose them.

The rug, which is so beautifully placed on the top of the luggage in the store, is also better to hide inside or purchase a special cover for it to avoid coughing and getting wet. For men, the optimal load is 80 liters, for women 60 liters.


If you already have a tent, then take it. But if you are just going to make a purchase, the first thing you should pay attention to is the conditions in which you are going to use it. Modern tents differ not only in their modification, but also in their pricing policy.

If you are, say, going to spend a couple summer evenings in the bosom of nature, it is not necessary to buy a tent for the winter. Remember, the lighter the tent, the better it is! The average weight of a double tent should not exceed 3-3.5 kg.

Sleeping bag

Each person has their own comfortable temperature regime. When choosing a sleeping bag, pay attention to its " comfort temperature". A summer sleeping bag is one kilogram lighter than a winter one.


Cheap and cheerful. The most practical, in my opinion, option. Considering that they are also inflatable, super light and, without exaggeration, with the effect of a thermos. Karimat has long received well-deserved recognition among lovers of outdoor recreation.

Trekking poles

Very popular in Lately, designed to partially relieve the load from the legs. If desired, you can do with one stick. Well, to be honest, it's better without them at all.

Storm clothes

If bad weather caught on the way, how to dress in order to keep warm and not catch a cold?

The 100% option is:

  • A windbreaker jacket must be made of membrane fabrics. Mandatory presence of a hood;
  • Waterproof pants, also made of membrane fabrics.


Polyethylene raincoat is the most budget option. If you decide to stop at it, buy several at once, as they are torn very quickly. A poncho raincoat will save you money, as it covers not only a person, but also a backpack. This is important in bad weather.


I will say this: you can spend the night in a leaking tent, carry an unbearable backpack, but if your shoes bring your feet to the state of bloody blisters, you are guaranteed a path to Golgotha. For hiking, opt for leather trekking boots. They hold the ankle well and their sole does not slip. Tip: bring light slippers with you after a day's hike, it's so nice to change your shoes.


Synthetic pants with mesh lining. Very light, dry quickly. Jeans are taboo! Impractical, if wet, become heavy and take a long time to dry.


A thermal t-shirt is the one thing that will keep you dry and comfortable throughout your hike. The number of T-shirts must be equal to the number of days in the hike.

Warm clothes

Even if your hike is scheduled for the warm season, do not neglect warm clothes. The weather is changeable and it can be cool in the evenings or at dawn. Take a fleece-lined sweater or light sweater just in case. Depending on the conditions of the hike and the altitude, be sure to put a warm hat and gloves in your backpack. They will not take up much space, and if it gets colder, they will be very useful.


Special hiking socks are of two types:

  • ordinary - made of cotton fabric;
  • warm - cotton plus wool.

They also do not have seams and repel moisture. Which reduces the risk of getting calluses. They cost decently, but they will serve you for a very long time.

Swimming trunks, swimsuit, panama

What trip would be complete without these accessories? Is that a trip to the North Pole. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the ears, nose and, of course, the head need protection. A panama or cap will do the job perfectly.


Terry and bath we leave at home. A compact microfiber towel, if possible, will be enough for you. They dry quickly and absorb 6 times more moisture than regular ones.


If on your way there will be settlements or shops - this radically makes your task easier. But what if you are going to travel in an unpopulated area? What food to take on a hike?

I offer these options:

  • Freeze-dried meat is a worthy analogue of canned food. The product has a fairly long shelf life and the lightest possible weight. Although they are more expensive;
  • Powdered mashed potatoes;
  • Dried vegetables and fruits;
  • Take cookies, crackers and waffles in the form of packs. So they can be more rationally placed in a backpack. Do not take foods that crumble easily;
  • Products enriched with glucose: halva, chocolate, sugar;
  • Refrigerator is not included in camping equipment. Thus, give preference to raw smoked sausage, hard cheese, ghee;
  • Buckwheat porridge, lentil beans - simple and nutritious.

Let's not forget about such necessary trifles as matches and an ax.


Do not be surprised, everything is very simple. KLMN is a mug, spoon, bowl, knife. Taboo on ceramic and cast iron products. Dishes should be light and durable. Disposable tableware doesn't fit either. There is nowhere to throw it away, but to carry it with you garbage bag- this is too much!


A person can live much less without water than without food. Intense pace of walking promotes active sweating. To effectively replenish the water balance in the body, you need to take 1-2 sips every 30 minutes.

For this you need plastic bottle with a capacity of 1-1.5 liters. Since you are hikers and you have to carry everything on yourself, take care of the route in advance. It should run through the area where villages, towns, or clean springs are located.

Flashlight and batteries

We take and do not doubt. Away from civilization, this ray of light will literally lead you along. Ordinary models absorb a large number of energy, and the LED kit will last you at least 100 hours without recharging.


Here is an approximate list of medicines needed for the trip:

  • bandage sterile and not sterile, elastic just in case;
  • bactericidal plaster;
  • tourniquet;
  • iodine, peroxide, brilliant green;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • sofradex;
  • panthenol;
  • validol;
  • analgin;
  • citramon;
  • nosh-pa;
  • suprastin;
  • small scissors.

If you have any diseases, take care of the preparations for them. Do not forget about painkiller ointments and sunscreen.

Hygiene products

Everything is extremely simple here: a toothbrush and paste, wet wipes. Pour liquid soap and shampoo into small bottles, so you save space in your backpack and don't carry around with you. excess weight. And here toilet paper it is better to take with a margin you are in nature, you never know what.

From finding a route to getting the right gear, what to do when you decide to go on a camping holiday.

To bookmarks

In summer, everyone really wants to escape somewhere from the stuffy city and from themselves. Even if you've never been out for a long time in nature, haven't played sports, and generally traveled little, you can start hiking without preparation. The main thing is to get interested and inspired by hiking.

But what about those who do not know anything about hiking and do not understand what to buy and where to start? TJ has compiled an instruction that will help you plan your actions.

How to choose the right type of tourism and where to go for a beginner

In general, tourism is hiking, water, mountain, cycling and skiing. Hiking on a motorcycle, car and sail are also types of tourism. Without good physical fitness, it is better not to try mountain hiking right away, and for water and bicycle trips, you will need solid equipment. It is better for beginners to try their hand at the simplest form of tourism - on foot. There you will have to answer only for yourself (because there is no equipment), besides, it will be easier for you to adjust the route.

For starters, it is better to choose popular and well-traversed routes. Avoid swampy areas. Look for those routes where there are clear rivers or springs on the way. It is better to start with the nature of one's own and neighboring regions, and only then plan exits to Karelia, Altai or the Crimea.

Where to look for information and like-minded people

Basic hiking information can be found on travel websites, forums, and YouTube. If you already roughly understand what to take and where to go, read other people's trip reports. They are most often written by people with great experience, many travel to wild places in the Caucasus, Altai and even Kamchatka.

If none of your friends are ready to sign up for miles, cold nights and a bunch of insects yet, you can try to find like-minded people. There are quite a few tourist clubs and organizations, most often they are created on the basis of universities. To get to them, it is enough just to find them (it is not necessary to study at this university and in general to be a student). IN in social networks there are also many communities where participants share their experiences and invite to join their campaign.

For those who do not trust amateur performances and want everything to be planned for them at first, there are tourist firms, which organize hiking. The routes that offer they may be more complex and picturesque.

What to take with you

First you need to find the most necessary things, without which you simply cannot arrange an overnight stay - this is a backpack, a tent and a sleeping bag. For short trips, a small backpack (35-50 liters) is suitable, for weekly trips and more, you will have to take 80-120 liters. The backpack should sit well on you, fit to your shoulders and back, have a comfortable belt.

It is best to take a regular tent, two or three people. At a cost, they start from a couple of thousand rubles.

For warm summer Almost any cheap sleeping bag will do. For cold summers and other seasons, you should choose a sleeping bag more carefully, pay attention to the comfort temperature (the one with which you will sleep well in it and not freeze) and the extreme temperature (the one in which you will survive in this sleeping bag). Be sure to take a rug with you on a hike: it isolates from the cold and is needed in order to lay it on the bottom of the tent, and only then put a sleeping bag.

The minimum set for cooking on a camping trip is a burner, a gas bottle and a pan. Of the important things on a hike, it is also worth taking a knife, a lighter, a flashlight, repellent and a first aid kit. In summer, sunscreen is very useful.

From clothes it is better to take synthetic T-shirts (they dry faster) and any comfortable pants. Worn running shoes are also suitable for shoes, but it is better to choose special trekking shoes. You need to take a warm sweatshirt or fleece jacket with you, a raincoat and several pairs of spare socks. For the cold season, you need a jacket with a hood, a hat, gloves and thermal underwear.

Where and how to look for it

All clothing and equipment can be found in sports chain stores like Sportmaster or Decathlon. There are also special tourist shops - they are usually more expensive. Many things can be found in a simple hypermarket: inexpensive dishes, rubber boots, clothes. If you are not in a hurry and want to save money, then order everything online in Chinese stores.

For the especially resourceful, the equipment budget can be close to zero. The most modest version of equipment can be collected for 5-6 thousand rubles, especially if you share some things for two or three friends. A more decent option with a comfortable backpack, a stable tent and a warm, compact sleeping bag will cost 15-20 thousand. Real madmen can spend endlessly.

What to put in a backpack and what to do with food

For a trip, it is very important to choose a route. For the first time, it is best to find ready-made routes on the Internet with detailed descriptions. The easiest and cheapest option for navigating the terrain is a map (you must remember to protect it from rain) and a compass. But it is worth saying that in the forest it is quite difficult to navigate along the trails if it is not a very well-traveled route. It is best to buy a navigator and have an application with maps on your phone for safety.

Make a list before packing so you don't forget anything.

It is better to pack things in a backpack in modules (separate food, separate clothes, separate first-aid kit and hygiene products). Put heavy things on your back, so the backpack will be easier to carry. Be sure to pack your sleeping bag and change of clothes well so that they don't get wet. To protect against moisture, you can put things in special hermetic bags, but at first they can be replaced by vacuum bags and tight garbage bags fastened with tape.

Good instruction on collection hiking backpack by NOLS Camp Traveler and Instructor Marco Johnson

The food you take with you should be stored for a long time. She has two more important criteria: nutritional value and weight. Your set of meals should be both high in calories, contain protein and carbohydrates, and at the same time weigh a little so that you do not die under the weight of a backpack. Take with you different cereals, pasta, noodles, dry mashed potatoes, raw smoked sausage and stew, melted cheese, bread or crackers. From foreign tourists, such a thing as a trail mix came to us. This is a mix of different snacks: nuts, dried fruits, seeds, dryers, banana chips, muesli, M&M's and everything else you can think of. The trail mix is ​​a life saver during transitions and when there is no time for lunch.

If there is space, you can take something nice for yourself and eat on the first day. It can be a chocolate bar, a can of cola, a couple of apples or mom's pie.

Anything can happen in nature, so be sure to take a first aid kit with you. It should have everything for dressings, painkillers, antipyretics, medicines for the stomach, colds and allergies. You also need to take into account personal intolerance to drugs and do not forget to take those medications that you may need. Even better would be to spare no expense and take first aid courses or look for free medical lectures.

Before you set off, be sure to tell your relatives or friends where you are going and when you plan to return, so as not to repeat the story of the hero of the movie 127 Hours.

And finally, what you need to remember when traveling

If you are already on a campaign, it is very important to properly distribute forces. Alternate walking and rest time. Ideally, you need to walk for 40-50 minutes, then rest for 10-15 minutes and alternate. On a hike, always keep active and have enough energy: have a hearty breakfast, have lunch in the middle of the day, and also have a hearty dinner, preferably with hot food (to avoid freezing at night). It is better to start the day early in the morning, and in the evening set up camp before dark. When hiking, be sure to keep an eye on the amount of remaining water and calculate its consumption in advance.

On a hike, as in any journey, something unforeseen can happen. For example, the weather may deteriorate sharply. In this case, you should be well equipped and always have options for adjusting the route. A more unpleasant moment is possible injuries, poisoning, overheating and the usual manifestations of diseases that are not terrible in the city, but can make you worry in nature. In this case, you need to have all the necessary medicines with you and also quickly change the route if necessary.

It also often happens that not all participants in the campaign find a common language in the field. In the campaign, everything is the same as everywhere else: some are tired, others pretend to be leaders, others frankly interfere. The only difference is that you can't all go your separate ways easily. You just need to be mentally prepared for such things and, if anything, take everything into your own hands.

Describe the possible difficulties in the campaign can be endless. For most, the best solution is not to panic and be smart. Any difficult situation can be perceived as training your ingenuity and endurance. And most importantly - do not forget that you yourself came up with all this and wanted to get out of your comfort zone.
