Presentation for parents of newly arriving children. presentation on the topic

My family. Preschool institution. Preschool educational institutions. Our preschool group Preschool Pedagogy. Preschool departments. Municipal preschool educational institution. Our preschool life Forms of work with parents in dow. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution. Educational program of preschool organization.

Programs of preschool educational institutions. Interaction between the preschool institution and the family. The main educational program of a preschool institution. General educational program of a preschool institution. The main general educational program of a preschool educational institution. Labor protection in a preschool institution.

School for young parents. Social partnership of family and preschool educational institution. Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the families of pupils. Programs for the development of a preschool educational institution. Program for the development of a preschool educational institution. Sanitary maintenance of a preschool institution. Non-traditional forms of work with parents in a preschool educational institution.

Ant family. Planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution. Pupils of group number 3. Organization interactions with families of pupils. The relationship between preschool and parents. Presentation of the educational program of a preschool institution. On the cost of maintaining children in preschool educational institutions.

Network interaction of preschool educational institutions. Updating the educational process in preschool educational organization. Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution No. 11. Competition "Our preschool life".

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State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 42 of the compensating type of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg Teacher-psychologist Antipova E.D. To kindergarten with joy! Advice for parents

Adaptation is the adaptation of an organism to changing external conditions. (S.I. Ozhegov)

By the age of two, a child develops his own world, in which he feels confident and protected. Changing social stereotypes violates the state of the baby, requires the tension of adaptive mechanisms. A typical picture of the state when a child is left alone in changed conditions is his arrival in preschool. (G.B. Rogova)

Easy adaptation Moderate Severe Adaptation classification

Manifestations of the adaptation period Increased morbidity Sleep disturbance Decreased appetite Behavioral reactions (whims, fatigue, attachment to adults) Exacerbation of allergic manifestations

For adaptation to be successful:

EDUCATIONAL TOYS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN early age they like to act with a toy, so it must understand, assemble, change. lacing maze logical house musical turtle

Psychological support of children during the period of adaptation

Psychological techniques for relieving stress The game "Palms" The game "A-a-ah!" Exercises before relaxation "Spider line"

Water games and drawing

Using relaxation techniques during the adaptation period Relaxation training begins with the formation in children of the ability to recognize and feel the tension and relaxation of their own muscles. For children younger age(2-3 years old), lullabies performed without musical accompaniment are an effective relaxation technique.

At 3-4 years old, you can already use fairy tales told in a quiet voice, in which the text alternates with relaxation settings.

In senior preschool age(5-7 years old) figurative relaxation with musical accompaniment is carried out.

For you, parents In order to establish interaction with the family, individual consultations of specialists, training seminars and round tables are held for parents.

Peppermint - has a calming and analgesic effect, relaxes smooth muscles, has a general tonic and antidepressant effect Melissa officinalis - has a sedative, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effect Valerian officinalis - helps to reduce excitability, enhance inhibitory processes, has an antispasmodic effect adaptation syndrome

Thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Advice for parents "To kindergarten - with joy"

Consultation for parents "To kindergarten - with joy!" Most parents believe that preparing a child for school is necessary. But few people know that the readiness for children ...

Advice for parents "To kindergarten with joy"

The consultation material introduces the concept of "adaptation", contains recommendations on the organization of the preparatory and main stages of adaptation....

Advice for parents "To the kindergarten - with joy!"

This material contributes to the psychological and pedagogical support of parents during the period of adaptation of children to preschool ...

Fanfare sounds.


To our presentation

The heralds are in a hurry

From a garden where kids love!

From behind the curtains, two Glagiatii appear on the stage. They have decrees rolled up into a tube in their hands. The heralds make a circle around the stage and, stopping at the proscenium, begin to read the decrees.

1st herald.

Everyone in the world! Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

To solve parenting problems

A cheerful kindergarten is open.

I am pleased to introduce him to you.

2nd herald.

Our kindergarten teaches reading

Very nimble preschoolers.

1st herald.

Everyone here sings and plays.

All the best here - for the guys!


We invite you to visit us and take classes.

Let's learn to work and all sorts of concepts.

2nd herald.

The magical world of knowledge awaits you

Wonderland will solve all the secrets of words for you.

1st herald.

Let no trains go to this country,

Parents bring their kids here.

2nd herald.

In the country of this sonorous, cheerful

They are welcomed like newcomers!

This country is always in the heart of a child!


So, we have no time to be bored,

We start to present.

The song "Interesting Country" sounds. During this, the royal castle appears on the scene with the inscription "The Castle of the Queen of Letters". A sign "Kindergarten No. ____" is attached to the central gate.

interesting country

1. Kindergarten No. __

interesting country,

It is called the land of words.

There is a vowel area there,

Next to her is a consonant.

2. Rules a literate country

Queen Literacy.

The royal circle is:

Letters-maids of honor play,

Gnomes-syllables help.

3. Valet - sound says

He quickly hurries to letters.

Distribute the message:

From illiterate lands

We accept small children.

During the song, the assistants demonstrate various bright pictures corresponding to the lyrics of the song. There is a backup dance with umbrellas-suns, on which there are illustrations and a photomontage about the activities of nursery school No. ____.

Heralds(after the song). Make way for Queen Literacy! (They call the F.I.O. of the educator)

Solemn music sounds. Queen Gramota appears from the gates of the royal castle. The courtiers greet her with respectful bows and exclamations:

Glorious Diploma cheers!

The kids know her!

The Queen Letter, bowing with a slight nod, majestically moves to the fore.

Queen Charter(against the background of instrumental music). I invite you, friends, to my Imagination. It's quite easy to get there. It's extremely conveniently located.

My magical land of words is located on the island of young readers.

The charter queen performs a dance with the courtiers.

Queen Charter(after the dance). I live with my subjects - letters, syllables, words and sentences - in a beautiful castle of learning and knowledge. But one day someone knocked at the gates of our wonderful castle...

Someone knocks loudly and insistently at the gate of the castle.

QUEEN GRAMOTA (coming to the castle gate).

We do not yet know

Solemn music sounds. Heralds bring a huge bundle onto the stage from behind the gates of the castle, unfold it: a map of the country of words. Each destination on the map is covered by a magic icon.

1st herald. The letters are calling us to the path.

2nd herald. They invite you on the road.

(The Queen is handed magic keys with the inscriptions "Primer", "ABC")

Queen Charter(sings).

You memorize these letters -

There are more than three dozen

And for you they are the keys

To all good books!

Come on, key, turn around,

And open the lock.

The first lock opens, in the first illustration we see the sea. The sound of the surf is heard in the recording. The courtiers, wearing sea berets and collars, instantly transform into dashing sailors.


Sea of ​​rules visit

Learn the vowels!

The sailors bring 2 large ships with blue and green flags onto the stage. On one - vowels with hard consonants, and on the other - with soft consonants. The sailors depict the sailing of the ships during the words of the Queen of Letters.

Queen Literacy.

On a ship with a blue flag

We plant vowels

With hard letters

But in everything we agree!

(A ship sails forward under a green flag)

Queen Literacy.

Under the green flag

Let the vowels float

With soft consonants

Friendly consonants!

To the music, the sailors leave the stage.

Queen Charter(after the departure of the sailors).

We continue the fun way

Let's get to the wonder city!

(Opens the next lock, behind it is a city of wonderful transformations of words)

Queen Literacy. Wizards live here

Transformations lead.

The courtiers are transformed into magicians with the help of caps and cloaks with stars to the mysterious instrumental music. The Queen of Letters is given a magic wand, a light red fabric and a black top hat with stars.

Queen Charter. Read the word on the tablet.

Children. Chalk.

(The Queen of Letters waves her magic daddy, lowers a sign with the word "chalk" into the cylinder and manipulates the fabric over it)

I covered this word...

We get white chalk!

A puff of smoke escapes from the cylinder and instead of a tablet, the Queen of Letters takes out and shows a large piece of white chalk. At the moment of transformation and recording, a musical accent such as an explosion is heard.

Queen Literacy.

I suggest you relax

To do a physical minute.

The guys like it very much

Repeat these letters.

We invite everyone to the warm-up. You will be energized and Have a good mood for the whole week. Repeat after us.

Any rhythmic music sounds, and the Queen Letter, along with court movements, shows the various letters of the alphabet. The Queen of Letters calls them, the audience repeats the movements.

Queen Charter. How many sounds in the world?

1st courtier. How many snowflakes are in the snow!

2nd courtier. How many raindrops in the rain!

Queen Charter. How many sounds does speech have?

3rd and 4th courtiers. How many streams by the river!

Queen Literacy. A merry river led us to a clearing of living sounds. (Takes off the magic lock, opens it with a key)

The courtiers depict the river with a light blue fabric. The Queen Gramota takes out from the gates of the castle a model of a clearing of living sounds with flower-letters. The river runs around her and disappears backstage.

Queen Literacy.

She speaks silently

But clear and not boring.

You talk more often with her -

You will become four times smarter.

(The courtiers bring out a large book. The Queen of Letters addresses the auditorium)

Come on together, what is it, friends?

Children. Book!

Queen Literacy.

We are friendly with the printed word,

If it weren't for him,

Neither old nor new

We wouldn't know anything!

1st herald.

We didn't waste time

The essence of the work was shown.

2nd herald. We want to tell you all:

Queen Literacy.

Don't run away from work

Succeed in education

Cheer for the children!

Together. And now a surprise - an anniversary super prize!

The song "Surprise" from the children's film "Dunno from our yard" sounds. A large box is carried out of the castle gate with the inscription "Surprise" and ribbons tied at the top in the form of a huge bright bow.

The box is opened and two big dolls(girl and boy). She has a big heart in her hands, framed by flowers, with the words of V. Sukhomlinsky: “I give my heart to children.”

1st courtier. Thank education

For the interest in education!

2nd courtier. For support and care!

Together. For interesting work!

Queen Literacy. To all employees preschool education dedicated! (All heroes sing ending song)

Dedicated to the anniversary

1. We remember you, we love you,

We wish you well.

We hasten to give everyone now

Everything that the kids drew and composed!

2. We want you to always be lucky!

We wish you all the best in the world!

Let it be so to spite fate,

So be it - success in business.

Let our kindergarten prosper

To the delight of parents and children.

At the end of the song, the puppets and helpers throw flowers and balloons into the hall. Everyone is chanting: “Our kindergarten is the best!”. Under cheerful music the songs “Beauty Lives Everywhere” (music by Yu. Antonov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky) are removed from the stage, they wave goodbye to the audience.

Parent meeting

Pogorelova N.V.

Physical education instructor

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 146"

Parent meeting "Healthy lifestyle - from childhood!"

  • Reveal parents' knowledge of meaning regime moments(sleep, walk, food, physical activity);
  • To encourage thinking about health and about methods of maintaining and strengthening the health of the child;
  • arouse the desire to activate their skills to improve the child.

“I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of a parent.

Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and cheerfulness of children.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

child in kindergarten

Kindergarten is an important stage in the life of a child, and parents, sending their baby to a preschool institution, of course, are worried about his health.

After all, so often they hear from more experienced moms and dads that before kindergarten their children never got sick, but they went to the garden and that’s it - constant sores, cough, runny nose, medicines ...

1. What is a walk?

a) having fun

b) outdoor games;

c) part of the day;

d) an obligatory moment of the daily routine ...

Correct answer:

A walk is an obligatory element of the regime, enabling children in outdoor games, labor processes, various physical exercises to satisfy their needs for movement.

On a walk, children realize 50% of the daily need for active movements.

2. How important is walking for health?

a) is harmful to health: the child catches a cold;

b) helps to strengthen the body of the child;

c) appetite improves after a walk.

Correct answer:

Clean air helps to strengthen the child's body, increases its resistance to infections and colds, improves metabolic processes.

In addition, fresh air plays an important role in the life of the body, since oxygen, which comes from the air, is also a source of energy.

3. What is the total duration of a walk for a preschool child?

a) 30 minutes;

c) 3-4 hours;

d) whole day with lunch breaks.

Correct answer:

The duration of stay in the open air in different seasons of the year varies significantly, but even in cold weather and inclement weather it should not be less than 3-4 hours.

Children 3-7 years old should not be deprived of walking even at t air -20; - 25 s, you can simply shorten its duration.

With a drizzle, you can wander with your child under multi-colored cheerful umbrellas. in strong winds - find shelter.

On days when it is impossible to go outside with children, you can open a window in one of the rooms at home, put a warm hat, blouse and pants on the child and play outdoor games with him.

4. Why do you need daytime sleep?

a) as a punishment;

b) to restore strength;

c) for the parents to rest from the child;

d) the ability to sleep through an interrupted night's sleep.

Correct answer:

A preschooler is very impressionable, emotional, energetic.

During sleep, the functional state of the nervous system is restored.

During sleep, the process of processing the information received during the day, its analysis and selection for storage and long-term memory is carried out. Thus, during sleep, the brain continues to work, its blood supply and oxygen consumption increase, and the muscles rest.

5. How many hours a day should a child sleep?

a) 12 hours;

b) the more the better

at 8:00;

d) as needed.

Correct answer:

The daily routine consists of night (from 21 to 7 hours) and daytime sleep (from 13 to 15 hours). Lack of sleep can be one of the causes of neurosis in children.

On this basis, the child becomes whiny, irritable, feels uncomfortable, hardly joins the proposed activity, quickly gets tired.

Therefore, it is very important to keep a sleep schedule.

6. What makes you fall asleep better?

a) watching a cartoon before going to bed;

b) outdoor games;

c) calm music, comfortable bed;

d) playing on the computer.

Correct answer:

The process of falling asleep is complicated and lengthened if children are overexcited.

Therefore, shortly before sleep, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes that create a focus of increased excitability in the cerebral cortex, the process of falling asleep is disturbed.

Twilight, muffled music, a comfortable clean bed, a well-ventilated room, an affectionate attitude and at the same time soft perseverance contribute to normal falling asleep.

7. What is an important condition for the rational nutrition of preschoolers?

a) the menu should contain as many sweets as possible;

b) dishes should be beautifully decorated;

c) it is necessary to observe the diet;

d) Eat as often as possible.

Correct answer:

Proper selection of products is a necessary condition, but not yet sufficient for the rational nutrition of preschoolers. yes, you need to strive to ensure that the finished dishes are beautiful, tasty, fragrant and prepared taking into account the individual tastes of children.

But it is very important to have a strict diet, which includes at least four meals; breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and three of them must include hot dishes.

If the interval between meals is too long (more than 4 hours), the child's performance and memory decrease.

Excessively frequent eating reduces appetite and thereby impairs the absorption of nutrients.

8. Is it advisable to punish a child with restriction in movement?

why not?

b) no, it is better to use other types of punishment;

c) make it move until it falls;

d) it is better to switch to another type of activity.

Correct answer:

A child is a person with a constant need to move. "... And at my feet - a perpetual motion machine, a jumper and a perpetual runner." If children are limited in the ability to run, jump, jump, spin, then they accumulate a feeling of fatigue, anxiety, self-doubt. Therefore, to begin with, remember: do not punish the child with a restriction in movement ("Sit down!", "Calm down!", "Stand in the corner!"). And not for nothing in Greece, on the wall of the forum, words were carved that could become a motto for all of us: "If you want to be strong - run, if you want to be beautiful - run, if you want to be smart - run."

But the child must be able to independently regulate his motor activity in public places, during various events, realizing that with its active movements it can cause inconvenience to others.

9. What are the main components required in a child's daily routine?

a) exercise, walk, sleep, nutrition, physical activity;

b) games, meals, walks;

c) night sleep, food, walk;

d) games and entertainment during the day, meals.

Correct answer:

The behavior of the child in kindergarten, his mood, performance are directly dependent on how his activities and sleep are organized in the family on ordinary days, as well as on weekends.

Weekends children spend at home, usually with significant deviations and even violations of the usual regimen.

It is no coincidence that the functional level of preschool children is worse on Monday than on the second or third day of the week.

Therefore, it is necessary to arrange home mode and, if possible, bring it closer to the daily routine established in kindergarten.

It is desirable that the weekends be devoted to a good rest in the air, it is also necessary to regulate watching TV, especially before going to bed.

Do not forget, dear mothers and dads, that the regime is the most important factor in maintaining the health of the child! Thank you for joining our conversation.

Let each participant be rewarded with the joy of communicating with your healthy baby.

For his health, we will continue to work together with you!


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Preschool age is a bright and unique page in the life of every child.

The task of the educator is to ensure that each child feels comfortable in the atmosphere of the kindergarten.

The younger age is the transition of the baby to new relationships with adults and peers, with the objective world.

The task of the educator is to awaken the creative activity of children.

In our garden, friends, Just wonderful! We are like a friendly family With our teacher: We sing songs together. We have fun, we celebrate, In general, we live a great life And we laugh joyfully! (Y. Sysoeva)

How can mom help? In the presence of the child, always speak positively about the teachers and the kindergarten. On weekends, do not change the child's daily routine. Try to ensure that the baby's home is surrounded by a calm and conflict-free atmosphere. Be tolerant of whims. Give your favorite toy to the garden.

Calm morning The main rule is: "Calm mom - calm baby." The state of the child in the period of adaptation.

Who can adapt more easily? Children whose parents prepared them to visit the garden in advance. Children with independence skills. Children whose regime is close to the garden regime. Children whose diet is close to the diet of the garden.

REGIMEN OF THE DAY IN KINDERGARTEN The correct mode is the basis of a child's life, the main condition for maintaining his health.

RECEPTION OF CHILDREN 7.00 - 8.15 Early in the morning kindergarten, meets the kids

MORNING EXERCISE 8.25 - 8.35 To make your day in order, start it with exercises, do not be lazy to do it - physical education is life!

BREAKFAST 8.30 - 8.50 Eat right, my friend, On time and in moderation. You will grow up in time Healthy without fail.

Educational activities from 9.00 to 10.10

Second breakfast at 10.10


Preparing for dinner

Lunch at 12.00

Daytime sleep from 12.30 to 15.00

Climb, air baths preparing for afternoon tea.

Afternoon snack at 15.30

Games, independent activity.

An evening walk

Teach your child to play!

Play with your child in kindergarten.

Teach your child to be independent

Improve your child's health!

List of necessary things: Change of footwear (to sign); spare clothes (panties, tights, blouses); clothes for the group (dresses, skirts - for girls; shorts, pants - for boys); pajamas - sign; sports uniform (pants, socks, T-shirt, blouse - windbreaker); Czechs - sign; comb in a case - to sign; photo for locker.

