Love and fidelity is a thunderstorm. Arguments from the literature in the direction of "Loyalty and treason

Katerina is the central character in Ostrovsky's play The Thunderstorm. From the moment of writing, the work has been very popular. Performances staged based on the play do not leave the stage of the largest theaters. main reason such popularity in the talented disclosure of Katerina's character by the author.

Inevitable conflict with others and emotional drama main character leads to her tragic death.

In the image of Katerina, Ostrovsky portrayed a strong independent personality, which is held back by the chains of traditional society. The patriarchal way of life, which everyone in the city adheres to, stifles the slightest manifestations of a living soul. His main supporter is Tikhon's mother. She raised her son in conditions of unquestioning obedience. Tikhon in his heart understands all the stupidity of mother's instructions, but he does not have the will to resist her.

Katerina sincerely loves and pities her husband. She cannot look indifferently at his humiliation in front of her mother. But she can't fix anything either. The stuffy atmosphere that prevails in the city gradually takes possession of it. Katerina unconsciously wants to break out of it.

Soul Drama Katerina lies in the fact that under other conditions she would never have committed adultery to her husband. But in this "sleepy kingdom" it is too crowded for her, she suffocates from such a life. In the famous monologue of the protagonist "Why do people not fly" this spiritual desire is most clearly expressed. The fantastic desire to become a bird and fly away "far, far away" is a passionate impulse of a tortured soul.

In reality, Katerina's release was the result of a sudden love for Boris. The decency of the woman did not allow her to speak openly about this. The rapprochement took place with the assistance of Varvara. The romance with Boris, on the one hand, inspired Katerina, allowed her to feel the real enjoyment of life. On the other hand, this novel became disastrous for the main character.

The image of Katerina is extremely tragic. She cannot be considered a fallen woman who betrayed her husband for the sake of a fleeting hobby. The betrayal occurred through the fault of an old woman who had lost her mind and her weak-willed son. The time spent without a husband flashed by like a moment. Katerina anticipates the inevitable retribution for her terrible sin. She could easily hide all this, but, being a deeply religious woman, she does not even allow the thought of deception.

Katerina's mental turmoil is aggravated with the arrival of Tikhon. She lives as if in delirium, frightening those around her with her behavior and words. Katerina is waiting for divine punishment for her sinful behavior. The feeling of imminent death leads her to a terrible confession to her husband and his mother. Having confessed to sin, she, as it were, purifies her soul before death. Katerina's suicide is a logical outcome of the work. Her spiritual drama could not be resolved otherwise.

Katerina is a wonderful example of a strong spiritual personality. She is not to blame for the betrayal, nor for her own death. Ostrovsky convincingly showed what a destructive effect obsolete concepts and prejudices have on the human soul. The emotional drama of Katerina is indicative of any historical era.

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2. The image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm"

Katerina is a lonely young woman who lacks human participation, sympathy, love. The need for this draws her to Boris. She sees that outwardly he does not look like other residents of the city of Kalinov, and, not being able to find out his inner essence, considers him a man of another world. In her imagination, Boris appears as a beautiful prince who will take her away from the "dark kingdom" to the fairy-tale world that exists in her dreams.

In terms of character and interests, Katerina stands out sharply from her environment. The fate of Katerina, unfortunately, is a vivid and typical example of the fate of thousands of Russian women of that time. Katerina is a young woman, the wife of the merchant's son Tikhon Kabanov. She recently left her native home and moved to the house with her husband, where she lives with her mother-in-law Kabanova, who is the sovereign mistress. In the family, Katerina has no rights, she is not even free to dispose of herself. With warmth and love, she recalls her parental home, her maiden life. There she lived freely, surrounded by the caress and care of her mother.

Katerina found herself in completely different conditions in her husband's house .. At every step she felt dependent on her mother-in-law, suffered humiliation and insults. On the part of Tikhon, she does not meet any support, much less understanding, since he himself is under the rule of Kabanikh. By her kindness, Katerina is ready to treat Kabanikha like her own mother. ". But sincere feelings Katerina does not meet with the support of either Kabanikha or Tikhon.

Life in such an environment changed the character of Katerina. Katerina's sincerity and truthfulness collide in the house of Kabanikh with lies, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and rudeness. When love for Boris is born in Katerina, it seems to her a crime, and she struggles with the feeling that has washed over her. Katerina's truthfulness and sincerity make her suffer so much that she finally has to repent to her husband. Katerina's sincerity, her truthfulness are incompatible with the life of the "dark kingdom". All this was the cause of the tragedy of Katerina.

"Katerina's public repentance shows the depth of her suffering, moral greatness, determination. But after repentance, her situation became unbearable. Her husband does not understand her, Boris is weak-willed and does not go to her aid. The situation has become hopeless - Katerina is dying. It is not the fault of Katerina's death one specific person. Her death is the result of the incompatibility of morality and the way of life in which she was forced to exist. The image of Katerina was of great educational importance for Ostrovsky's contemporaries and for subsequent generations. He called for a fight against all forms of despotism and oppression of the human person. This an expression of the growing protest of the masses against all forms of slavery.

Katerina, sad and cheerful, compliant and obstinate, dreamy, depressed and proud. Such different states of mind are explained by the naturalness of every mental movement of this at the same time restrained and impulsive nature, the strength of which lies in the ability to always be itself. Katerina remained true to herself, that is, she could not change the very essence of her character.

I think that the most important trait of Katerina's character is honesty towards herself, her husband, the world around her; it is her unwillingness to live a lie. She does not want and cannot cheat, pretend, lie, hide. This is confirmed by the scene of Katerina's confession of treason. Not a thunderstorm, not a frightening prophecy of a crazy old woman, not a fear of fiery hell prompted the heroine to tell the truth. “The whole heart is broken! I can't take it anymore!" So she began her confession. For her honest and whole nature, the false position in which she found herself is unbearable. To live just to live is not for her. To live means to be yourself. Her most precious value is personal freedom, the freedom of the soul.

With such a character, Katerina, after betraying her husband, could not remain in his house, return to a monotonous and dreary life, endure the constant reproaches and “moralizing” of Kabanikh, lose her freedom. But any patience comes to an end. It is difficult for Katerina to be where she is not understood, where her human dignity is humiliated and insulted, her feelings and desires are ignored. Before her death, she says: “What is home, what is in the grave is all the same ... In the grave is better ...” She does not want death, but life is unbearable.

Katerina is a deeply religious and God-fearing person. Since, according to the Christian religion, suicide is a great sin, by deliberately committing it, she showed not weakness, but strength of character. Her death is a challenge to the “dark force”, a desire to live in the “light kingdom” of love, joy and happiness.

The death of Katerina is the result of a collision of two historical eras. With her death, Katerina protests against despotism and tyranny, her death testifies to the approaching end of the "dark kingdom." The image of Katerina belongs to the best images Russian fiction. Katerina is a new type of people in Russian reality in the 60s of the XIX century.

In the play, "Thunderstorm" is so ambiguous that it still causes conflicting opinions and disputes among critics. Some call her "a bright ray in a dark kingdom", "a decisive nature." Others, on the contrary, reproach the heroine for her weakness, her inability to stand up for her own happiness. Who Katerina really is is difficult to answer unequivocally, and even impossible. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the main character had them too.

The desire to create a happy family

Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" tells about the confrontation between light and darkness, good and evil, new and old. The characteristic of Katerina allows the reader to understand how much a girl brought up in loving family, where warmth and mutual understanding have always reigned, it is hard to be in a house where everyone lives in fear. The main character wanted with all her heart to love her husband, to create happy family, give birth to children and live a long life, but, unfortunately, all her hopes went to dust.

Katerina's mother-in-law kept the whole city in fear, what can we say about relatives who were afraid to take a step without her knowledge. The boar constantly humiliated and insulted her daughter-in-law, set her son against her. Tikhon treated his wife well, but could not protect her from the arbitrariness of his mother, to whom he unconditionally obeyed. The characterization of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" shows how disgusting she is to perform certain "rituals" in public, meaningless and no longer relevant.

Finding Happiness

It is clear that the main character could not live long in such an environment that Kabanikha created, so the tragic ending was obvious from the very beginning. The description of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" creates the image of a pure and bright girl, very kind and reverent about religion. She cannot endure oppression, and when her husband leaves for a trip, she decides to find happiness on the side. Katerina starts an affair with Boris Grigorievich, but going on a date with him she already understands that she does not have long to live.

The time spent with her lover is the best in the life of the heroine, she seems to be on a holiday. The characterization of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" shows that Boris Grigoryevich becomes for a woman a dream and an outlet, about which she dreamed all the time. The heroine understood that she would never be forgiven for treason, and her mother-in-law would die in general, and she herself could not live with such a grave sin.


The characterization of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" makes it possible to understand that the heroine cannot live a lie, constantly deceive others. A woman confesses her infidelity to her husband and mother-in-law "in front of all honest people." Kabanikha could not endure such a shame. If Katerina had not died, then she would have had to live under eternal arrest, her mother-in-law would not have let her breathe freely.

It was not worth hoping that Boris would save his beloved and take him away from the city. This man chose money, thereby leaving Katerina to her death. Suicide does not justify a woman, but this step was taken out of desperation. The heroine is a bright nature, she could not take root in the kingdom of darkness.

Loyalty is an indispensable quality on which human relationships are built. The feeling when you know that there is a person you can trust, reveal all the spiritual secrets and know that he will never betray, is probably one of the most important. Still, there is something reliable in this changeable world. This is the rear, where everything is stable, where it is always cozy and comfortable.

But such a colorful picture can be easily changed. And changes her betrayal. Cheating instantly knocks the ground out from under your feet, deprives you of mental balance. Traitors are not loved anywhere: neither in society, nor in personal intimate relationships. The problem of the moral choice between duty and betrayal has a psychological and moral basis.

These two categories "loyalty" and "treason" are always of particular interest, especially among writers who are looking for topics for their work. Therefore, they are found in almost every second work.

The play by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" was no exception. In it, these two concepts are placed in the very center.

The author invites us to follow the fate of a simple woman, Katerina, who does not have clear life beliefs and principles, and she cannot figure out her feelings either. There is an opinion that they are not yet sufficiently developed in her. But life offers many tests and makes a woman appreciate what she does.

Very similar to Katherine. No, of course not outwardly. Namely, this lack of adult responsibility for their actions, some kind of immaturity and inferiority of the individual. Both of them cannot make decisions, and seem to be in some kind of limbo all the time.

Such naivety and childishness of both characters is exposed by the author literally for show. Together with him, we are watching how in Katerina and Tikhon only the beginnings of personality are born.

Ostrovsky - good psychologist, in order to reveal a person, he offers him a test. meets Boris and forgets that she is his wife. She is ready to commit betrayal and betrayal.

The young woman is weak in spirit, and constant bullying also has an effect. Katerina sees no other way out than to kill herself. She considers this the only solution to all problems. And she betrays even her feeling for Boris that has flared up.

Such an act is very selfish. We watch in horror how a person relates to his own life. He has no responsibility, no desire and strength to make a firm decision, no convictions. And it's scary. The play's ending is tragic but predictable.

Ostrovsky's work was written in the last century, but the topic raised in it is still relevant today. And it will always be significant, because the problems raised in it are eternal.

The author encourages us to grow up, respect ourselves, have our own word and be firm with it, follow the rules and norms approved in society. Only in this way will it be possible to grow up and become a person who knows how to take responsibility for actions and value his life.

We often hear these antonyms in life: loyalty and betrayal. And everyone understands these words in their own way. Why? Loyalty is defined as constancy in feelings, attachments, beliefs. But rarely does anyone remember the meaning of the root of the word - faith. Faith is a belief in something that is unshakable in your ideas, understanding. But betrayal is nothing more than a violation of loyalty to someone or something. According to Christian ethics, adultery is a particularly serious sin. But betrayal does not have to be in the realm of faith. There is such a thing as adultery, treason, treason. All these are variations of this all-encompassing concept.

I want to address the understanding of adultery and fidelity. And in this regard, recall the works of our literature. This problem is raised in the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”. The main character of the drama, Katerina Kabanova, cheated on her husband with a young man who came from the capital. Unusual, unlike the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov, Boris in his particular dress seems to Katerina so bright and unique. She falls in love with him literally at first sight. His delicacy and tact do not at all fit with the darkness, ignorance, rudeness and rudeness of the locals. However, Katerina, who has never loved anyone before, chooses Boris as her betrothed, a man sent by God. She, once taking a step towards her chosen one, decides that it is he who is her destiny. Cheating on her husband in her understanding is not cheating at all. She never loved Boris, although she tried to be faithful to him. In fact, he changed this because he left her alone in this evil world. But she is tormented by the fact of the oath during the wedding ceremony. However, Tikhon does not accept Katerina's betrayal, she is his beloved wife, the main thing is that no one knows anything. He beats his wife at the insistence of his mother. So Katerina's betrayal becomes a symbol of her faith in God, in his blessing. She decides to commit suicide, just so as not to change her beliefs, her faith.

In N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, Matryona Korchagina remains faithful to her husband in the most difficult life situations. When her wife Philip is recruited, and she remains pregnant in anticipation of a child, without a husband, she decides to go to the governor for help, in an effort to find protection. She was lucky: childbirth began, and the governor became the godmother for her child. She assisted in the release of her husband from recruiting duty. A rare woman is capable of such self-sacrifice in the name of her beloved husband, of such fidelity to her wedding vow.

Cheating and loyalty are mutually exclusive concepts, but in Lately no one attaches much importance to them. No one particularly tries to be faithful, no one considers betrayal a terrible sin. Boundaries faded. Everything in human morality, in how to evaluate the actions of one's own and other people.
