The kid pushes in. Why is the baby in the mother's belly so active?

Many pregnant women are anxious about how the baby behaves in the stomach. Is the baby comfortable? Does he need oxygen? Why doesn't he push for a very long time? How to understand that the movements of the child are not associated with problems in his development? - To answer these questions, it is worth learning more about what is uterine tone, hypoxia and what expectant mothers should do to avoid these problems during pregnancy.

First movements

When the second trimester of pregnancy comes, women begin to listen to their stomach, looking forward to the first movements of the baby. The baby begins to move as early as 7-8 weeks, but its size is still so small that a woman cannot feel them. Most often, the first movements of the crumbs become noticeable at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. The appearance of the first movements up to 23 weeks is considered the norm, during this period all pregnant women already feel a slight movement in the stomach, reminiscent of swimming fish.

If a woman is thin, she will notice the first movements at 16 weeks, the rest - a little later. During this period, the child is still very small, and it is easy to confuse his movements with increased intestinal peristalsis and not pay attention to them. Pregnant women for the second time and more are able to notice the subtle movements of the baby already at 16-18 weeks with any physique. As a rule, movements are rare at this time, 1-2 times a day, possibly 1-2 times in 2-3 days.

From the 20th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to grow rapidly, the abdomen noticeably increases in all women. This is the period of maximum motor activity of the fetus. The child has already grown enough, gained strength. When it turns over and spins, a pregnant woman feels gurgling movements, quite intense. After the 32nd week, the baby will already be so big that he will not be able to "arrange dances" in his mother's stomach. Floating movements will be replaced by sharp pushes with knees and elbows.

The influence of the environment on the behavior of the fetus

A child in the womb is able to respond to what is happening in the world around him. The most common external factors that change behavior are:

  • touches of mom, dad and other people,
  • noises, music,
  • smells.

From about 24 weeks, the baby's movements can already be felt by all family members if they try to put a hand on their stomach. Babies react differently to touch. If the baby is actively kicking, spinning, this can cause inconvenience to the mother. But if at this moment dad touches the stomach, the child very often calms down, calms down. It seems that the baby was frightened and hid. If you do not immediately remove your hand, then the child gets used to it and begins to actively push his father's hands. Some kids, on the contrary, are very fond of playing with everyone, intensifying tremors when they feel new people.

Often they protest in response to loud harsh sounds, unpleasant odors. If the baby is frightened by loud screams, music or the sounds of construction tools, he will definitely give a signal to his parents, he will start to push hard. Very often, children spin around until the unpleasant sounds are eliminated. Doctors and psychologists recommend that pregnant women avoid going to cinemas and nightclubs, replacing such rest with outdoor walks and listening to classical music.

The beneficial effect of classical music on the development of the baby before and after birth has been confirmed by a number of studies by scientists from the USA and Israel. They noticed that listening to classical music by premature babies boosted their metabolism, helping the babies gain weight. In addition, breastfeeding mothers who regularly listened to classical music were able to maintain lactation longer than women who preferred other music.

Classical music has been proven to have a therapeutic effect on nervous system person, which is especially useful for pregnant women who often experience negative impact hormonal surges, manifested in mood swings, tearfulness, nervousness. Undoubtedly, a child, while still in the womb, is able to calm down with his mother, listening to the calm melodies of great composers. If the baby moves very much, you can try turning on Vivaldi's The Four Seasons or Mozart's Music of the Angels.

American neuroscientists have proven the special influence of Mozart's music on intrauterine development. Children whose mothers listened to Mozart's works were ahead of other children in their development and had a good memory.

Influence of smells

Prolonged exposure of a pregnant woman to certain odors also leads to an increase in the motor activity of the fetus. The strong smell of chlorine, acetone, paint can irritate him. The child begins to spin, trying to turn away from the unpleasant smell.

The greatest harm to the health of a pregnant woman and fetus is caused by smoking and the smell of tobacco smoke. Numerous studies of this problem have proven the negative impact of tobacco smoke on the intrauterine development of the child. If a pregnant woman smokes, it is extremely important to stop this habit as soon as possible. But the smell of smoke in the room can negatively affect the child.

When tobacco smoke enters the mother's body, the child may begin to move very strongly. At this point, he experiences oxygen starvation (hypoxia) and tries to cope with it. As soon as the mother leaves the smoky room for fresh air, the baby will calm down. Constant exposure to tobacco smoke, chlorine, and other harmful odors can lead to chronic hypoxia, developmental delays, oligohydramnios, and poor weight gain in the baby.

How to know that hypoxia has begun?

If the baby moves very strongly in the stomach, this is an occasion to think about why this happens, what kind of lifestyle a pregnant woman leads. For the normal development of the child in the womb, a sufficient supply of oxygen is very important. It nourishes all the cells of the body, helping the child grow. To control the correct development of the crumbs, the following methods are used:

  • listening to the heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope,
  • ultrasound screening,
  • dopplerometry,
  • dopplerography,
  • cardiotocography (CTG).

Each of these methods is designed to check and assess the condition of the baby so that you can take care of him in time. Why the baby moves strongly or, conversely, does not move for more than a day will help determine the examination of the obstetrician-gynecologist. The first thing the doctor will do is listen to the heartbeat with a stethoscope. After making sure that everything is in order with the child, the doctor will suggest that the pregnant woman walk more, not sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position in front of the TV or computer, and eat right. To clarify the condition of the baby, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound.

Ultrasound screening provides information about the size of the fetus, the correct formation internal organs and parts of the body, the number amniotic fluid and condition of the placenta. If hypoxia is suspected, the doctor pays special attention to indicators of the thickness of the placenta, the amount of water, the position of the umbilical cord, and the size of the baby.

To monitor the state of blood flow in the mother-child system, Doppler and Doppler sonography are used. These two methods differ only in that, with Doppler sonography, information from the sensor is additionally recorded on a medium (disk or tape). This method allows you to see how blood flows from the placenta to the baby, it will be especially useful in case of entanglement with the umbilical cord.

CTG is done to all pregnant women from the 33rd week. Special sensors connected to the abdomen monitor the baby's heartbeat, breathing and movements. The woman lies on the couch from 30 to 60 minutes. The results are displayed on tape, similar to ECG data. During the study, it is possible to assess how the increase in uterine tone affects the baby if it occurs in a woman.

With an increase in tone, the uterus begins to contract, the woman feels how the stomach becomes stone for a short time, pulling pains appear. Such cramping movements of the muscles of the uterus, if they occur frequently, can lead to hypoxia and placental insufficiency. During an increase in tone, a woman feels anxiety, and the child becomes especially active, he is cramped in a shrinking uterus. To get rid of this condition, doctors prescribe a certain treatment aimed at preventing hypoxia. As a rule, after the treatment, the baby becomes calmer.

Not always the activity of the child is a manifestation of his struggle with oxygen starvation. Each baby develops its own sleep and wakefulness regimen, and each mother knows when and how he moves. With significant changes in motor activity, you should consult a doctor. To prevent problems with oxygen supply, it is recommended to walk a lot in the fresh air, enjoy every day and tune in to a calm, easy birth. Good luck!

When a child kicks hard in the stomach, this alarms the pregnant woman. A woman gets used to a certain rhythm and strength of her baby's movements, and if he starts tossing and turning too violently, this becomes a cause for concern. However, the causes of overactivity are often quite harmless.

Why is the baby kicking hard in the stomach?

The first movements of the baby give the woman a lot of joy. At first they are rare and barely perceptible, but with an increase in the term, the weight of the fetus also grows rapidly. After the 23-25th week, as a rule, all pregnant women clearly feel confident tremors.

When a child kicks hard, the sensations can even be painful.

A woman should carefully listen to the movements of the child, since this is the only way for him to talk about his condition.

If the child kicks very hard, the reason for this may be the following:

  • The mother took an uncomfortable position for the child. When the gestational age is not very long, the baby is located freely in the uterus, being able to roll over as he pleases. In recent weeks, he does not have such freedom of movement. He may be constrained by a certain posture, which he lets know with strong jolts. In this case, in order for them to stop, it is enough to change their position.
  • This is how the reaction to external stimuli manifests itself. While in the womb, the fetus reacts to bright lights and loud sounds.
  • The woman ate something sweet. Eat a candy or chocolate bar - folk, but in many cases effective method stir up a quiet baby.
  • The child responds to emotional background mother. Strong tremors can begin if a woman is upset about something or vice versa, happy or excited.

All these reasons should not cause concern.

But there is a more serious reason: the child kicks hard in the stomach if he does not have enough air. Thus, he tries to increase blood circulation in the placenta and get more oxygen. To prevent oxygen starvation - hypoxia - and not to miss its first signs, it is necessary to regularly undergo a CTG procedure - a fetal cardiotocogram.

The baby pushes hard in the stomach - during pregnancy, many women worry for this reason. But no less than expectant mothers, who, on the contrary, are frightened by the lack of movement in the womb. Both of them are interested in how the child should move normally? But the body of each pregnant woman is individual, and advice from the outside is not always applicable to a particular situation.

Usually the first movements are felt in the period from 18 to 22 weeks. Hardly perceptible movements, over time, are replaced by active, strong shocks. Why does the baby move unusually strongly in the womb? Several factors influence the intensity of perturbations.

1. Pregnancy period. The term increases - the baby grows, gets stronger and becomes stronger. That is why light shocks over long periods turn into very sensitive “kicks”. From 24 to 32 weeks - a period of rapid growth of the child, it is at this time that the movement inside is especially noticeable. The number of movements decreases by the time of childbirth, but the strength does not stop growing.

2. Nutrition. If the child is actively moving, then he may not have enough oxygen or nutrition. Relative signs of this can be seen on ultrasound. This is the premature maturation of the placenta, for example.

3. External factors. An intensive reaction of the baby occurs to external influences. Examples of external stimuli are: the voice of a father or mother, loud music, the sound in the subway, a car signal, or just someone's hand on the child's "house".

4. Mode. The wakefulness of the crumbs in the mother's stomach does not always occur, it has an individual regimen. Sleep occupies most of the time, on average, he sleeps for 3 hours, followed by a short break. The strength of the pushes is influenced by the temperament or mood of the baby.

5. Mom's emotions. An active reaction to the mother's mood begins at about the 25th week of pregnancy. Bad mood often causes active movements of the child, but some children, on the contrary, calm down and wait for the “atmosphere” to change. A long stay in one position, for example, at a computer, can provoke the baby to move, which will sound like a call to change the type of activity, the so-called request to move is a common reason why the child pushes hard in the mother’s stomach.

Certain moments call for vigilance. Starting from the 25th week, the baby should move about 10 times per hour. But he may not move at all for 3 hours, as this is a normal time for uninterrupted sleep. With regular movements of the fetus, mommy should not worry. The reason to be wary is if the child pushes hard in the stomach for a long time, without interruption. This may portend hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. Acute deficiency oxygen can be diagnosed by a doctor by listening to the heart sounds of the fetus, as well as by prescribing a special ultrasound. The main task for hypoxia is to improve the nutrition of the baby. You may need hospitalization. But do not worry ahead of time. Many moms have increased vigilance and panic with or without reason. With the passivity of the fetus, it is recommended to eat something sweet and do gymnastics. If the baby answered - everything is in order, otherwise you should repeat the same thing after 2-3 hours, perhaps he is just sleeping.

Calmness and a positive attitude are the key to the health of mother and baby in any period of life and development.

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The baby is actively knocking on the tummy - this is familiar to every mother. Pregnant women anxiously expect the first movements from the very first weeks of pregnancy, sometimes confusing them with the work of internal organs. And as the second half of pregnancy comes, and the baby makes itself felt, many are lost and suspect something is amiss.

Young mothers panic for any reason. The baby practically does not move or, on the contrary, actively kicks - a reason to call the doctor. Question - why is the baby kicking hard in the stomach, almost all mothers ask. So, let's look at the possible reasons.

Unusual activity or passivity of the baby always alarms the expectant mother. In fact, why suddenly spontaneous bursts of cheerfulness? Maybe the baby is giving an alarm signal?

  1. First, children's riots often have a perfectly understandable reason. Any change in posture can cause dissatisfaction with the crumbs. It seems that mom is comfortable and comfortable, what causes irritation of the crumbs? In any new position, the bones and organs can put pressure on the uterus, restricting the baby's movements. So there is not enough space for him, and then the ribs rest against his legs! In fact, feeling sharp kicks in the stomach, just change your posture!
  2. Secondly, soberly assess the environment. The baby may not like the smells and noise around you. In addition, the food you eat also undergoes a thorough “audit”. A sweet baby is always happy, but bitter and sour will displease him.

If the activity of the baby does not decrease, no matter what you do, this is an occasion to visit the doctor. Do not get depressed and panic, this is a simple consultation of a specialist! Your excitement is fully justified, however, anxiety and fear will be transmitted to the baby, so keep yourself in control.

The likely reason for the activity of the child may be lack of air however, only a doctor can diagnose it.

To independently control the well-being of the crumbs, record every movement during the day. If there are at least 10 of them, this is a normal indicator of activity.. For a period of more future mom must necessarily monitor the movements of the child in order to catch any deviations from the norm. Remember: doctors can carry out the therapy necessary for the baby, but it is you who should signal this. If the movements are too frequent and prolonged, consult a doctor for KTG or unscheduled ultrasound. With an undesirable clinical picture, the doctor will put you in a hospital for round-the-clock observation.

31.5.2007, 15:20

He moves a lot and oh-oh-very much, his stomach is shaking!
The doctor says it's okay. The heartbeat is good, the ultrasound too.
Maybe because of the heat?
Girls - pot-bellies and giving birth, how are you (it was)?

31.5.2007, 15:40

AutoLady, it was so. I alternated periods of "calm" and wild activity. So when my son started playing football in his stomach - or whatever - I couldn’t even sleep for days. So here it is.

31.5.2007, 15:53

AutoLady, the doctor told me that this is a sign that the child is not quite comfortable in your stomach. you need to pass all the tests, is everything in order with you. everything was fine with me, but the child was still pushing, as a result, during pregnancy, the course was generally fine (I had neither nausea, nor dizziness in the heat, nor abdominal pain), at 8 months. water broke, no pain. as it turned out very well, because the child was born with severe jaundice and before the end of the term he could get himself big problems. my antibodies haunted him and this is with the same Rh factors, just different groups blood. when I found out everything, I was very surprised why no one said anything like that during the ber-ti. turned out to be a rare occurrence. but for my child, it almost cost him his health, at least!
I wrote, as it was with me, and your baby may just be hot, now many are uncomfortable with such heat.

31.5.2007, 16:09

jancer, do you think that the activity of the son caused the early outpouring of the waters? Hardly.
With a constant threat from 22 weeks (strong uterine tone) and fetal activity, I happily conveyed to the PDR, and then the bladder was pierced.

31.5.2007, 16:31

QUOTE(GerdA, 31-05-07 @ 16:09)
you think

not I think, but I was told by the doctors who did the caesarean and examined the child. that his activity was due to discomfort (this was also told to me by the tsareva during ber-ti that his activity could be due to this, so I was prescribed additional tests, hemoglobin was slightly lowered, I was prescribed pills and decided that they had found the cause) , the waters receded suddenly, for no reason, generic activity did not start even after 6 hours after that. The doctors explained to me that a critical moment had come and that the taking could no longer continue. as they put it: "what clever nature!".
it is now remembered without problems, but we have suffered enough fear. and when they saw my belly, the doctors said that the child’s weight did not even reach 2 kg, when it turned out that they were mistaken, the weight was normal, another one began, even worse, with intensive therapy, b-bin grew so actively that we survived not best moments In my life. only thanks to the doctors, their work, it was possible to stop him 11 days after the birth. our luminary of pediatrics, calmly told me, there will be a b-bin of 500 units, the child will become a fool, above 750 is not compatible with life.

31.5.2007, 16:31

My first child was born in September, all summer I walked with a belly, the baby moved very violently in my tummy, I couldn’t sleep at night. The second child was born in June some time later, so I left the winter and spring pregnant without even feeling it. I don’t know exactly what is the reason for such a stir, or heat, and the result of this is a lack of oxygen, or the child’s character is already laid in the mother’s tummy. My first child is still restless, and the second is a calm and docile boy. see.
jancer, by the way, we also had incompatibility in terms of blood type, I was very surprised and naturally scared when on the second day the baby had jaundice, they began to take blood from a wreath, droppers, etc. every day, and the pregnancy went well and We were born very quickly, in 2 hours!
Now everything is behind us, soon we have a birthday, already 2 years old
So I wish you all the best!!!

31.5.2007, 16:39

Increased activity may be due to lack of oxygen.


31.5.2007, 18:29

My first baby hardly moved at all, and wished to be born at 38 weeks (the waters went), and the second girl was just terribly active (all the more there was something to compare with), but the doctors said that it was okay, the contractions started at 36 weeks, she arrived to the maternity hospital, they looked at me, they did an ultrasound, the weight was 2900, they offered to fix and wait until 38 weeks, they were born with a weight of 3360!

My hemoglobin is low. But what about the child?
I am silent about bilirubim and blood incompatibility, everything is (ttt) ok. All analyzes are good.
Anyway, THANK YOU to everyone for the replies!
The doctor says that everything is in order, and since this is not only with me (but also with a bunch of members of the forum) - I completely calmed down
I would think that a football player (ka) ...

Well, just with low hemoglobin, there is a lack of oxygen in both the mother and the child. During pregnancy, they also put low hemoglobin, prescribed Sorbifer Durules. Then, about 7 months later, they pierced KKB (cocaborxylase, maybe somewhere in the letters they lied). But the stomach was shaking like that, so it all went on. However, even now Sanka is such an awl
We have different blood types with her, the rhesus are the same, there were no conflicts, jaundice too. She gave birth at the 42nd week, the bladder was pierced, but there were no signs of postmaturity.
Health to you and the baby!

we have a Rh conflict, the belly walked by itself where it wanted from the 16th week. in the shower, I always had the feeling that I had to wash two. By the way, the festivities began at night and until the morning. Actually, for a year and a half now, we have been sleeping badly at night. I've even gotten used to it.

Once I came across an article about a strong stirring of a child in the stomach. It was explained by the lack of oxygen and mother's movement. That is, if the mother did not move much during the day (sedentary work), and even if there is a lack of fresh air, then the child will encourage the mother to move. I noticed on myself - while you are walking, doing something, singing songs, the goat lies calmly and does not jerk. One had only to sit / lie down for an hour or two, this began ... They advise you to walk more, in the evening, slowly, with your husband by the arm. After such walks, my paunchier let me fall asleep calmly (apparently he swayed like on his arms), otherwise he used to suffer while he kicked his own there.

If intuition tells you that something is wrong and you are very worried about this, do a CTG and see how he lives there (after consulting with your doctor, of course). And oxygen cocktails appeared in the pharmacy (I saw them in Zdravushka), a year and a half ago, when my pregnant friend was rushing about with the thought that her bladder had oxygen starvation, they were not on sale. And I myself went to the pressure chamber during pregnancy, as prescribed by the doctor, they assured me that it was terribly useful, but the procedure was not pleasant. Although I don’t remember such a thing that the baby “constantly shook in the stomach”, rather, on the contrary, there were days when there was almost no activity, believe me, this was also a reason for excitement.

If I were you, I would try breathing with my tummy, it gives oxygen to the baby, and drank an oxygen cocktail. If it helps, then it really is a lack of oxygen, which is quite understandable in such heat.

IMHO, it depends on the child.
The first kicked and spun, there was no rescue. The second pushed very little - he didn’t like it only when there was at least some pressure on his stomach (for example, he couldn’t stand a laptop). Hemoglobin was low in both pregnancies. Only in the first I was running to the institute on buses, and in the second, more and more at home on the couch. The first one was a terrible nightmare. The second is just a bunny. So oxygen and movement are complete nonsense.

AutoLady, Were you going to Turkey there? So - I really do not advise in this situation, you will be exhausted at least. We won’t do better as a maximum - the health of vacationers is completely on their conscience

I also heard and read that the child moves intensively with a lack of oxygen. About myself I can say that everything was periods, then the stomach was shaking, then complete calmness. But neither is good.
I wish you all the best and a healthy baby, the main thing is to be less nervous.

We didn't gather. Reasons have been found. Although very sorry.

Thanks to all!
Went to buy oxygen cocktails


QUOTE(AutoLady, 31-05-07 @ 16:20)
The doctor says it's okay. The heartbeat is good, the ultrasound too.

I was told that this is not very good, because. the child does not have enough oxygen, they prescribed oxygen cocktails and advised to be in the air as much as possible

I don’t know ... As Mr. Isheisky said (I fell in love with him this year!) Each person is individual ... You can’t pull or stretch everyone under the “Procrustean bed” ... My child does not fight in the tummy, but such the feeling that she is constantly moving somewhere smoothly ... Sometimes she wants to tear her mother's tummy, but I explain to him that the way out is from a completely different side ...
In general, there was no trust in doctors before, and now even more so ... They have been scaring me with childbirth since the end of April ... In chorus in the first maternity hospital they said that I was about to give birth ... I took a month off ... I came to the first, when they saw me, they were surprised, they examined me and said everything ... Five-day readiness ... Five days passed, I went to my doctor (more precisely, not to my doctor, but who is for her!), I say well, since when should I give birth ... I again have an answer All in five days, there are no other options!!! And now I have been sitting for the second month on bags and in combat readiness ... And things are still there ... The child is growing, it is getting bigger and more and more discomfort from his movements ... Therefore, it seems that he is constantly moving .. But movement is life and I am glad that it grows and lives ... It’s not only that these movements intensify at night .. But after reading this thread, I realized that I’m not the only one with such problems ... A friend is trying to teach her already in my stomach so that I can sleep at night and not sleep during the day ... But it’s all pointless, nature is such a thing, you can’t predict it, and the doctors here are completely powerless ... in front of my eyes ... The 1st maternity hospital will open, I’ll go anyway ... I was even told in the LCD that they would no longer write a meeting, because anyway, I’m giving birth in any way ... I’ll visit tomorrow ... I’ll ask where the vaunted forecasts are ... already 39 weeks ... and from 32 everyone promises childbirth ...
