Thematic Christmas lesson for children. Abstract of a lesson in the senior group of kindergarten using ICT on the topic: Christmas

for children 2-3 years old

Introduction. Children, there will soon be a wonderful holiday "Christmas". Houses decorate beautiful Christmas trees with toys, make snowflakes, give gifts to each other. Soon you will also receive a gift from mom and dad (show a picture showing a Christmas tree and children, or prepare a Christmas tree yourself from cardboard, Fig. No. 1). And what do you want? (refer to 2 children).

Read the verse to the children

Christmas means peace!

Christmas means you have to

Bible story. (show the children's Bible to the children, have them repeat the word "Bible" or fig. Bible).

Do any of you have a little brother and sister? Look at this picture - the baby has just been born. He still does not know how to talk, walk, eat like an adult. He is small and helpless. Mom and dad take care of him. Small children are carried in their arms or carried in strollers.

Little Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, far from the city of Moscow, where we live. Jesus' mother's name was Mary, and his father's name was Joseph. show fig. No. 2 or show the dolls). At that time, people dressed differently than your moms and dads. Mary rides on a donkey to the city of Bethlehem, and Joseph walks beside her. It's hard for her, because she is due to have a baby soon.

The place where he was born is called a barn, where they kept pets ( show picture number 3, name the animals).

How did this happen and what was surprising about the birth of Jesus? One of the miracles is that the shepherds saw angels in heaven. Shepherds are those who tend sheep (show picture #4) (show picture)

Jesus is the name of all above

Wonderful Savior, glorious Lord.

Emmanuel - God is with us forever

Liberator, forever alive.

Prayer. And now we pray to God. Have the children stand and in silence have an adult pray out loud like this:“Dear God, thank you for Christmas. On this day, many years ago, Jesus Christ, our Lord, was born. Bless me and my parents. Amen".

Ask questions to children

Where is baby Jesus pictured?

- Where is his mother?

- What was her name?

- Show me an angel

Who gave gifts to Jesus?

Crafts. On Christmas holiday Christ's people give gifts to each other. Now we will make gifts for our mothers and fathers (Fig. No. 5). Prepare in advance carved figures for children - Angel, stars. Have the children glue them on a dark blue background. Explain to the children where the stars, angels, and baby Jesus are.

2 Lesson with children on the topic "Christmas"
for children 3-5 years old

Introduction. Children, there will soon be a wonderful holiday "Christmas". Houses are decorated with beautiful Christmas trees with toys, snowflakes are made, and gifts are given to each other. Soon you will receive a gift from mom and dad . And what do you want? (refer to two children).

Read the verse to the children.
Christmas means joy
Christmas means peace!
Christmas means you have to
Forgive everyone as Jesus forgave!

Bible story. The birth of Jesus was described in the Bible (show the children's Bible to the children, have them repeat the word "Bible" with you).

Take a baby doll to class, wrap it in a blanket and pick it up. Or show a picture."Lots and lots born years ago a little boy, baby named Jesus. He was special. He was God and man at the same time. He was born to help people, save them from sins. God loves you and every person on earth."

How many of you have little brothers and sisters? Look at this picture - the baby has just been born. He still does not know how to talk, walk, eat like an adult. He is small and helpless. Mom and dad take care of him. Small children are carried in their arms or carried in strollers.

Little Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, far from the city of Moscow, where we live. Jesus' mother's name was Mary and his father's name was Joseph (show fig. No. 2). At that time, people dressed differently than your moms and dads. Mary rides on a donkey to the city of Bethlehem, and Joseph walks beside her. It's hard for her, because she is due to have a baby soon.

The place where he was born is called a barn, where they kept pets .

(listen to answers


(show picture #4). At night they saw many angels praising God, saying "Hallelujah!" and sang songs. Angels (show picture) serve God and help people. They also take care of each of you.

Play the song "Jesus is the name of all above" or sing it yourself.

Let's imagine that together with the angels we are praising Jesus, we will sing this song.

Jesus is the name of all above

Emmanuel - God is with us forever
Liberator, forever alive.


Our Father who art in heaven!
hallowed be thy name;
let your kingdom come;

and forgive us our debts,

and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom

Ask questions to children
Where is baby Jesus pictured?

If the children cannot answer these questions, you can help them.?
- Where is his mother?
- What was her name?
- Show me an angel
Who gave gifts to Jesus?
What did people see unusual in the sky?
What is the name of the book where you can read this story?

crafts. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people give gifts to each other. Now we will make gifts for our moms and dads (Fig. No. 6) (fig. 7 and 8) or a garland of stars (each garland needs 5 to 10 stars different colors, cut them out in advance, then glue them to the thread with tape).

3 Lesson with children on the topic "Christmas"

for children 5-7 years old

Introduction. Children, there will soon be a wonderful holiday "Christmas". What kind of holiday is this (listen to the children's answers). Add - houses are decorated with beautiful Christmas trees with toys, snowflakes are made, and gifts are given to each other. Soon you will receive a gift from mom and dad (show a picture of a Christmas tree and children or prepare a Christmas tree yourself). What do you want your parents to give you? (refer to two children).
Read the verse to the children.

Christmas means joy

Christmas means peace!

Christmas means you have to

Forgive everyone as Jesus forgave!

Bible story. The birth of Jesus was described in the Bible (show the children's Bible to the children).

Take a baby doll to class, wrap it in a blanket and pick it up. Or show a picture.“Many, many years ago, a little boy was born, a baby named Jesus. He was special. He was God and man at the same time. He was born to help people, save them from sins. God loves you and every person on earth."

How many of you have little brothers and sisters? Look, the baby has just been born. He still does not know how to talk, walk, eat like an adult. He is small and helpless. Mom and dad take care of him. Small children are carried in their arms or carried in strollers.

Little Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, far from the city of Moscow, where we live. This city is in Israel. Maybe someone rested there with their parents? This country is very far from us. The winter there is short, there is almost no snow, and the summer is very hot. Palm trees grow there.

So, the mother of Jesus was called Mary, and the father was Joseph. (show fig. No. 2). At that time, people dressed differently than your moms and dads. Mary rides on a donkey to the city of Bethlehem, and Joseph walks beside her. It's hard for her, because she is due to have a baby soon. The place where he was born is called a barn, where they kept pets (show picture number 3, name the animals).

How did this happen and what was surprising about the birth of Jesus? One of the miracles - an unusual star appeared in the sky. She was very bright and beautiful, different from other stars. Children, have you seen the stars in the sky (listen to children's answers). The star that appeared in the sky showed the way to the wise men who wanted to see the baby Jesus and give Him gifts. They traveled for a long time through deserts and mountains. At that time, people rode camels. When the sages met the baby, they were happy and gave him gifts.

Another miracle happened when the shepherds saw angels in heaven. Shepherds are those who tend the sheep (show picture #4). At night they saw many angels praising God, saying "Hallelujah!" and sang songs. Angels (show picture) serve God and help people. They also take care of each of you.

Play the song "Jesus is the name of all above" or sing it yourself. Let's imagine that together with the angels we are praising Jesus, we will sing this song.

Jesus is the name of all above
Wonderful Savior, glorious Lord.
Emmanuel - God is with us forever
Liberator, forever alive.

Prayer. Read the prayer "Our Father" with the children. Ask the children to stand and pray in silence. First, the adult says two words, then all the children repeat together until you read the entire prayer.

Our Father who art in heaven!
hallowed be thy name;
let your kingdom come;
may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
give us our daily bread this day;
and forgive us our debts,
just as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom
and power and glory forever. Amen.

Rebus. Divide the group into teams of 2 people. Give each team an envelope with the letters O E F R D S W T O. They have to guess what the word is (Christmas).

Ask questions to children

Where is baby Jesus pictured?

- Where is his mother?

- What was her name?

- Show me an angel

Who gave gifts to Jesus?

What did people see unusual in the sky?

If the children cannot answer these questions, you can help them.

Crafts. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people give gifts to each other. Now we will make gifts for our moms and dads (Fig. No. 6). Prepare in advance carved figures for children - a Christmas tree, angels, stars (instead of candles), figures of Mary, Joseph and the Baby. You can make angels (fig. 7 and 8) or a garland of stars (for each garland you need from 5 to 10 stars of different colors, cut them out in advance, then glue them to the thread with tape).

Program content:

  1. To consolidate knowledge with children about winter holidays (New Year, Christmas, baptism, carols); about their main symbols and preparations for the holiday. To consolidate children's knowledge about winter, the winter months.
  2. To arouse in children an interest in communication, active participation in the conversation.
  3. To enrich the vocabulary of children (eve, Christmas Eve).
  4. Create a joyful mood for children.

Material: audio recording ("Christmas" music and lyrics by E. Shmakov); illustrations of New Year and Christmas; riddle about winter; snowballs; letters for the game "Words".

Guys, I know that you are very fond of solving riddles. Do you want me to give you a riddle?

The cold has come

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?


And tell me all the winter months. (December January February.)

Do you like winter? What do you like about her?

What holidays do we celebrate in winter? ( New Year, Christmas.)

These are big holidays that we celebrate in winter.

And there are also small winter holidays. Who knows? (Baptism, carols.)

What do many people do at baptism? (They plunge into the hole.)

Why are they doing this?

Remember we also had a holiday in our garden, many guests came to us with songs and dances. What is it called? (Carols.)

What are the names of the people who come? (Carolers.)

Remember the words that carolers say.

carol, carol

You serve the pie.

Or a slice of bread

Or half the money.

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a crest.

And why do they come? (Congratulations, wish you health and happiness.)

Let's remember our favorite New Year's holiday.

What happens at your house before the New Year celebration? (They decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, prepare various dishes.)

The whole family is preparing for this holiday.

So what is the name of this holiday? (Family.)

What is the main symbol of the New Year? (Christmas tree.)

We talked about the New Year, and what other holiday do we celebrate in winter? (Christmas.)

Would you like to listen to a Christmas song? (Listening to audio recording.)

Did you like the song?

What did you like about her?

What is her character?

What is this song about?

What new words did you hear? (Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve.)

How many of you know what the word Christmas means?

Listen, the very word Christmas says that someone is born. Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Almost 2,000 years ago on this day, a boy was born who was given the name Jesus. Since then, people have been celebrating his birthday.

Do you know why all people around the world celebrate his birthday?

Because not an ordinary person was born, but a son of God, a savior, was born to help people, save their lives from greed, enmity and death. That is why this holiday is celebrated as the Nativity of Christ.

The holiday of Christmas always brings joy and fun. For Christmas, people always start preparing in advance. They buy or make gifts with their own hands, prepare treats, learn songs, poems, and various games.

Let's play games too. Want to?

(Children are divided independently into two teams.)

The first game is called "Words".

I will give you cards with letters and you will need to collect words from these letters: the 1st team the word "Christmas", the 2nd team "New Year".

Well done, did you like collecting words?

Now let's play our favorite winter fun"Pass the snow."

The snow is magical, it's good

It will not melt in your hands for anything!

And it's easy to play.

Liked. Warmed up a little, well, now sit down on the chairs.

Guys, what do you think are the symbols of Christmas? (Christmas tree.)

Look at my picture there are 2 Christmas trees. One of them is New Year's, and the other is Christmas.

Which one do you think is Christmas?

What is the difference?

And look what other symbols of Christmas exist. (Illustrations depicting bells, a Christmas wreath.)

Where do you think they need to be hung and what are they for?

These are amulets, and they protect houses and people from evil spirits and hang them on the door.

Guys, do you want me to tell you about the main symbol of Christmas?

Nobody knows him? But everyone must have seen it.

Is the angel the main symbol of Christmas? He always brings good news to people.

How do you think the angels were portrayed?

Usually they were depicted as a pleasant child with wings behind their backs.

What face should an angel have? (Good, joyful.)

You know today and a little angel flew to us. Do you want me to show it to you?

Submit all your hands. Now I will put him in the palms of everyone, and you can hold him and make the most cherished desire, which he will surely fulfill.

Did you make every wish? Do you want such an angel to appear in your home or your friends too? Then let's sit down at the tables and each of you will decorate your angel, and then give them to anyone you want. After all, Christmas gifts from loved ones are the best, most valuable and expensive, because your love and kindness are attached to them.

Choose any place for yourself and decorate the angels.

Now let's look at your angels.

What color did you color them in?

Why do you draw their faces like that?

Let your angels bring warmth, comfort, joy and happiness to your home.

Tatiana Mironova
Summary of the lesson "Christmas"

Program content:

1. To introduce children to elementary ideas about religious Russian holiday Christmas.

2. Cultivate moral feelings and ethical consciousness: responsiveness, kindness, sympathy.

3. Strengthen the skills of working with templates, scissors. Teach children to work in a team.

preliminary work: excursion to the St. Nicholas Church, decoration of the mini-gallery with reproductions and icons of the dedicated Christmas memorizing poems and songs about Christmas.

Material: herringbone, reproductions from paintings about Christmas, backing track of music Christmas dance, material to manual labor.

Plan classes:

1. Introductory part - What kind of holiday is this Nativity.

2. Introduction to "The legend of the first Christmas tree» E. Ivanovskaya

3. Conversation on the content of the legend

4. Execution teamwork "Stars for Christmas tree»

5. Christmas round dance around the Christmas tree.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Nativity

Let's celebrate today

With songs, fun,

Christmas tree!

On December 25, according to the old style, on January 7, according to the new, according to biblical tradition, in the family of the carpenter Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. The wonderful Star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky when the Savior was born.

This holiday is always met with a festive dinner, a smart Christmas tree and christmas gifts.

Every time we cross the threshold of the New Year, the soul becomes especially warm, because in a few days the Holiday will come Christmas!

Nativity- an amazing time when the heart is filled with the expectation of a miracle. And this miracle happens.

« Christ is born praise!"- rushes over the universe, - « Christ from heaven, meet!- the whole world sings the glory of the Creator. The angelic powers and the human race together glorify the One whose love knows no bounds. And that's probably why Christmas is called"Winter Easter".

Each of us tries to spend this day differently than anyone else. another: give kindness and love close person to become better, and most importantly, closer to God.

It seems that the sky has become closer. All nature falls into a dream, and a spark of hope lights up in the heart that the world around us will become better.

The teacher reads a poem by A. Fet

The night is quiet. On firm ground unsteady

The southern stars tremble.

Mother's eyes with a smile

Quiet looking into the manger.

No ears, no superfluous eyes,

Here the roosters crowed -

And for the angels in the highest

Shepherds praise God.

The manger quietly shines in the eyes,

Illuminated face of Mary.

Star choir to another choir

Hearing quivering pricked.

And above Him burns high

That star of distant countries:

With her are the kings of the East

Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.

Today I want to introduce you to the legend of E. Ivanovskaya. You will learn about why people - Christians began to decorate the Christmas tree.

"The legend of the first Christmas tree» E. Ivanovskaya

When the little one was born Christ, and the Virgin Mary, swaddled, laid Him in a simple manger for hay, Angels flew down from heaven to look at Him. Seeing how simple and miserable the cave and the manger were, they whispered softly to each other. friend:

Does he sleep in a cave in a simple manger? No, that's not possible! Need to decorate cave: let it be as beautiful and elegant as possible - after all, Sam sleeps in it Christ!

And then one Angel flew to the south to look for something to decorate the cave with. It is always warm in the south, and flowers are always in bloom. The angel picked up a lot of scarlet, like the dawn, roses; lilies white as snow; cheerful hyacinths, azaleas; scored tender mimosas, magnolias, camellias; I also plucked several large yellow lotuses. And he brought all these flowers to the cave.

Another Angel flew north. But it was winter there. Fields and forests are covered with a heavy cover of snow. And the Angel, not finding any flowers, wanted to fly back. Suddenly he saw a sadly green fir-tree in the midst of the snow, whispered:

Perhaps nothing that this tree is so simple. Let it, the only one of all the plants of the north, look at the little Christ.

And he took with him a modest northern Christmas tree. How beautiful and elegant it became in the cave when the walls, the floor and the manger were decorated with flowers! Flowers looked curiously into the manger where he slept Christ and whispered to a friend friend:

Ts. Quiet! He fell asleep!

The little Christmas tree saw such beautiful flowers for the first time and was sad.

Oh, - she said sadly, - why am I so ugly and unpretentious. How happy all those wonderful flowers must be! And I have nothing to dress myself with on such a holiday, there is nothing to decorate the cave with.

And she wept bitterly. When the Virgin Mary saw this, She felt sorry for the Christmas tree. And she thought:

It is necessary that everyone rejoice on this day, it is not necessary that this Christmas tree be sad.

And She smiled and made a sign with her hand. And then it happened miracle: a bright star quietly descended from the sky and adorned the top of the Christmas tree. And others followed her and decorated the rest of the branches. How suddenly it became light and cheerful in the cave! Woke up from a bright light small Christ sleeping in a manger, and, smiling, reached out to the sparkling Christmas tree.

And the flowers looked at her with surprise and whispered to each other. friend:

Oh, how pretty she has become! Isn't she more beautiful than all of us? And the Christmas tree felt quite happy. Since then, people decorate every year on Christmas Christmas trees for young children in memory of the first Christmas tree - the one that was decorated with real stars from the sky.

caregiver: Guys, what happened in the cave?

Who flew into the cave?

What did the angels say?

What did the angel bring from the south?

What did the other angel bring from the north?

Why was the tree sad?

What miracle happened?

caregiver: guys, look, and our Christmas tree is not smart at all and is not ready for Christmas holiday. Let's all decorate our Christmas tree together, as in this giveaway, with stars!

(The teacher invites the children to the tables, draws attention to the Christmas tree. Star patterns are prepared on the tables, colored paper, simple pencils, scissors, threads, PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins.

Together with the children, the teacher discusses the upcoming work.)

Children do the work and decorate the Christmas tree with stars.

Child 1.: Look how bright the stars are

Shine the world there, far away:

For people - goodwill,

Peace and truth - for the earth!

Child 2.: An angel has descended on us today

And sang: « Christ is born» .

We came glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

child 3: Rejoice, all people

On the big planet

God, love and truth are with us,

christianize, children!

caregiver: Let's all stand together in a round dance and let's sing:

« Christmas»

words by P. Dziuba, music by T. Potapenko

1. Earth blizzard white

Covered with snow.

Christmas tree

Decorates the house.

Chorus: Christmas, Christmas,

The tree shines brightly

Christmas, Christmas

Gives us gifts.

Music is fun

Play boldly

We praise Jesus

With your song

2. Asterisk Christmas

Happiness enters the house

Congratulations on the holiday -

Light Merry Christmas!

The chorus is the same.

caregiver: Fluffy snow covered the fields,

Covered the dense forest.

The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,

The vault of the heavens darkened.

Today is a break from work

Forget all worries...

The first star will light up

And to us Christ will descend.

It will come down to every family

Bring peace and tranquility

All the goodness to show their

Make a feast for the kids!

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce the Gospel story about the Nativity of Christ and the worship of the shepherds to the Infant.

Lesson objectives:

  • continue to form an understanding of the meaning of the gospel through the study of gospel events;
  • to acquaint with the gospel story about the Nativity of Christ, with the festive icon of the Nativity of Christ;
  • enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren with new words of historical and cultural significance;
  • arouse interest in the study of the history of Orthodox culture;
  • continue to develop respect for Orthodox traditions, domestic culture, culture of other peoples.

New words and concepts: Bethlehem, Nativity scene, Manger, Jesus Christ.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

(the teacher reads an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Bird”)

In a foreign land I sacredly observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I release the bird
At the bright holiday of spring.

I became available for consolation;
Why should I grumble at God,
When at least one creature
I could give freedom!

What custom is referred to in the poem by A.S. Pushkin. On what Orthodox holiday did it exist? (Earlier in Russia there was a custom on a holiday Annunciation buy birds and release them into the wild).

What event is the Feast of the Annunciation dedicated to? (The archangel told Mary that it was she who would give birth to Jesus Christ)

Where was Mary raised? (Mary was brought up in the Jerusalem temple, in the service of the Lord)

Why did Mary decide not to marry? (She made a vow to God)

Who is Joseph?

III. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we will talk about the favorite Christian holiday dedicated to the long-awaited event in the life of the whole world.

(Trained students read the poem by N. Tananko “ Holy holiday Christmas")

Bright holiday of Christmas,
Christmas -
To every house from afar
Comes to us again.

White soft snow
Scattering outside the window
Dancing candle light,
And the cat purrs.

A star will flash in the sky
And the troubles will go away.
Bright Christmas holiday
It brings us happiness.

On this day, you can not be sad,
Quarrel and get angry
You need to forgive everyone around
Pray to God.

Let's say kind words
We are each other again.
Hello Christmas holiday

What holiday are we talking about today? (About the Nativity of Christ). (Slide 1)

IV. Teacher's story, work with slides.

The birth of children is always an important and joyful event in people's lives. Relatives and friends congratulate happy parents, give gifts, wish health to the born child. All people love their birthday and celebrate it every year.

But the Nativity of Christ has become the most important event for all mankind, therefore people of the whole world not only celebrate this day, but also the modern chronology is from the Nativity of Christ. So, according to the current year, you can determine how many years ago the Savior of the world was born.

Who can say how many years have passed since the birth of Jesus?

(A trained student speaks)

The chronology from the Nativity of Christ was introduced in Rus' by the Decree of Peter I of December 15, 1699 (7207). Prior to this, the reckoning was conducted from the Creation of the world, and by this time there were already 5508 years.

(Teacher continues)

Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem. At this time, the Roman emperor ordered a nationwide census, so everyone had to enroll in the place where his ancestors lived, where his family originated. Joseph was from Bethlehem, so he and Mary went there. ( slide 2)

Many people gathered in Bethlehem, the hotels were overflowing with visitors, and there was no place in them for Mary and Joseph. They found shelter outside the city in a den - a cave that was used to drive cattle. Here the greatest event in the history of mankind took place - the Savior of the world was born. ( slide 3)

(The slide show is accompanied by a prepared student's story)

We know many icons dedicated to this holiday. Always in the center of such an icon is depicted the Infant lying in a manger, next to it are the Most Holy Theotokos and Righteous Joseph.

Usually, angels are depicted praising the Nativity of the Savior, who came to bow to the Lord and the Most Pure Virgin Mary, and the Magi going to the place of the Nativity of Christ with gifts to the Infant. ( slide 4, Slide )

(The teacher continues.)

On the same night, the Angel announced to the simple shepherds about this joyful event. And they hurried to the indicated place to worship Christ. Entering the cave, they announced the appearance of angels and worshiped Christ as God.

V. Physical minutes.

VI. Continued explanation of the material.

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is called the “Mother of all holidays”. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates it on January 7th. Listen to the Christmas troparion - this is a festive doxology: ( slide 8)

Your Christmas, Christ our God,
Rise of the world and the light of reason;
To you bow to the Sun of truth,
And you are led from the height of the East.
Lord, glory to You!

Think about why this is the most favorite children's holiday?

Now a little more about the holiday itself. It is preceded by a 40-day fast, during which we remember every day why we deprive ourselves of ordinary food and pleasures. The eve of the holiday (January 6), or Christmas Eve, takes place in a particularly strict fast: only with the first star you can eat wheat porridge with honey - sochiva. The hours celebrated on the eve of the Nativity of Christ are called royal, because Byzantine emperors used to attend this service. After the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, for two whole weeks you can feast on anything, even on Wednesday and Friday. These days are called Christmas time, or holy days. Let us be cheerful and happy on holy days, so that the light of our joy falls on everyone we meet.

People have always celebrated this holiday very solemnly and beautifully. What do you think is the favorite decoration of the kids this holiday. And this riddle will help you with this:

Who gets dressed up once a year? (Christmas tree)

That's right, but why the Christmas tree? And this is what you will find out now.

(Staging "Three Trees")



  • Leading
  • First shepherd
  • Second shepherd
  • Angel
  • Palm
  • Olive

Winter forest decoration.


Green hats with paper palm leaves, olives, spruce needles;

A beautiful vessel for oil - Olive.

Here she came to us
Directly from the North winter.
The forest is all in white - magic!
Coming soon - Christmas!
Winter nights are quiet.
Shepherds walked through the forest...


Shepherds appear.

First Shepherd (referring to the Second Shepherd and pointing up)

Look over here - See? Bright Star!

Second shepherd (gazing up at the sky)

Where is the star? Until I see
I'll come closer to you.

The first shepherd approaches the second shepherd. Together they look up.

First shepherd

Here, look! Golden! It burns brightest! Holy!

Second shepherd

How it shines! How it burns! It's like he's saying something!

And about what? Do you want to know?
I can tell you.

Shepherds (in chorus)

Of course we do! Tell me soon!

Centuries ago, just like you
The star appeared to the magi
Like a sign from heaven: soon everyone
Arrive in distant Bethlehem,
Where was born in a sheep's manger
Savior of all human souls.
Trees, people, animals, birds
Come to worship the baby .


Palm, Olive and Fir-tree appear.

Argued Palm, Olive and Christmas tree,
What a gift to bring them to the Holy Child.
And the Palm bowed to the beautiful Olive...

Palm (Olive)

Let's go and bow with them!

Stay, my dear sisters, -
I also want to bow to the Baby!

Palm (contemptuously)

Where are you with us, prickly Christmas tree?
What do you have? Only resin and needles!

You're better, sister, look at us:
Fragrant oil I keep inside!
I give my fragrance to the baby -

(Shows the hall a beautiful vessel.)

And he will be happy, and he will be glad!

Palm (picks up)

Yes, the Holy Child does not need Christmas trees!
And I will give him a cool leaf!
I will protect him from the heat -
And he will sleep in peace and quiet!

Oh yeah! I agree! You are right sisters.
I can't match your gifts!

An angel appears. Olive, Palm, Fir-tree surround him.

I came to you to resolve this dispute.
May you be better than boastful sisters!

(Solemnly proclaims, addressing to Elka.)

For your modesty I will exalt you -
And from now on there will be a wonderful custom:
Decorate the Christmas tree with toys in winter
And this is to celebrate the birth of Jesus! ..

Why was Jesus born not in Nazareth, where Mary and Joseph lived, but in Bethlehem?

Who was the first to know about the birth of the Savior and how?

VIII. Homework.

Run creative work(optional) on the topic “If I went to the Baby” (Make gifts with your own hands that children would like to give to the Infant Christ).

Elena Meselyan
Abstract open class V senior group"Nativity"

Program content:

educational: To acquaint children with the history of the great Orthodox holiday; give an idea of ​​its meaning.

Consolidate knowledge of the gospel events Christmas acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating Christmas- the main and favorite holiday of the year.

Educational: Activate children's speech and enrich vocabulary.

Educational: To cultivate a positive attitude towards the Orthodox faith and culture. To cultivate a moral and spiritual attitude to folk traditions.

Cultivate love and friendliness towards others.

vocabulary work: Enter new words into the active dictionary, clarify the concept of new words - Nativity, Christmas time, carols, waits, Star of Bethlehem.

Course progress.

caregiver: Hello guys! Our favorite holiday, the New Year's Eve, has passed, but the holidays are not over, we still have a magical and very kind holiday - Christmas! Christmas January 7 is celebrated in our country, on this day Jesus was born Christ - Savior of the World.

The night before Christmas January 6 is considered magical. If you make a wish, it will surely come true. Only the desire must be necessarily good, because Jesus teaches us kindness and love for all people. Christ. Do you want to know the amazing story of him birth?

Children's answers.

Good news.

Long ago, there lived a girl named Mary. Her husband was the carpenter Joseph, a descendant of the great family of King David. One day the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary and said to her: "Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with you; Blessed are you among women.". Of all women, God has chosen you for birth of the Son of God whom You will call Jesus. From that moment on, the young Virgin Mary knew that she would give birth to the Son of God, the Savior of the World.

Once Joseph and Mary had to go to the city of Bethlehem. And at that time a lot of people came there, and they could not find a place to sleep in any house. Then they found a cave not far from the city (nativity scene, where shepherds drove cattle in cold weather. Here Mary gave birth to her son Jesus Christ. There was no cradle for the Baby in the cave, and Mary put Him in a manger - that was the name of the cattle feeder. At this time, many angels appeared in heaven. They sang song: "Glory to God in Heaven, on earth peace and God's love for people". The shepherds heard the Angel's song. They came to worship Christ.

And before Merry Christmas a particularly bright star appeared in the sky. This star was noticed by the ancient sages (Magi). They followed the extraordinary star, and she led them to the cave to the Baby. The wise men understood that this was not a simple Child, but God Himself. The wise men of the East, the magi, found the way to the cave in which the Savior was born by the star. They came to worship Him and brought gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

caregiver: Guys, what kind of holiday is this, who knows? What is he, what does he bring to us?

(children answer)

Yes, this holiday brings us faith in miracles, gives us goodness and joy.

Here we go again Christmas -

The triumph of heavenly forces:

On this day Christ has come,

To save our world from evil.

caregiver: Guys, we have learned a lot of new words and I want to test your knowledge. I suggest you play the game "The Fourth Extra".

I will name 4 words, and one word has nothing to do with this holiday. You must find out "superfluous" word and name it. Be careful.

word game "The Fourth Extra":

Cave, angel, pencil, nativity scene;

Manger, pencil, sheep, shepherd, Magi, star, straw, table;

Gold, frankincense, myrrh, wood;

Infant, Mother of God, Joseph, Carlson;

caregiver: Well done. You were very considerate.

There were many stars in the sky

Warm clear night.

Jesus slept quietly Christ

On the straw in the manger.

Virgin Mother, bending over Him,

She sang softly.

The night shimmered golden

Star cover.

The angels sang Christ,

glorified birth,

He brought beauty into the world

I believe in salvation.

Educator. Guys who came to the Virgin Mary with the good news.

Children's answers.

caregiver: (shows icon). Right. The archangel told her. that she will have a son and give him the name Jesus).

Where do you think the baby was born?

Children's answers

What gifts did the wise men bring?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Right. Gold they brought to Him as a King in the form of an earthly gift); incense as to the God of Heaven; myrrh (perfumed oil) How common man who came to suffer.

Children, why exactly the shepherds, the Magi openness, What Christ the Savior of the World(because they were the most pious, they revered God).

In a day Christmas we celebrate the fulfillment of this promise, God loves and pities all people. He came into the world to teach people (and me and each of you) right life and save them from evil, from sin, if the person himself wants it.

All heavenly angels and people on earth glorify him together, because love Christ has no boundaries for us. Each of us tries Spend this day differently than any other. When the holiday comes Christmas candles are lit in houses and churches. They sing songs about the newborn Baby and his mother.

IN Nativity

An angel has arrived

He flew across the sky

Sang a song to the people:

All people rejoice

Celebrate Together

In a day Christmas!

On the first day of Christmas time, people always set the table and invited guests. Good people shared something tasty with the poor, so that on this day no one would feel offended and unhappy. Children were given gifts. They built a nativity scene from snow. (demonstration of illustrations). And they also went, especially in villages and villages, to each other's houses with gifts and praised Christ, They dressed up in comic masks and clothes, took stars with a lit candle, took in their hands figurines of mother Christ with little Jesus and caroling. To carol means to praise Christ special songs - carols, in which they wished people happiness, health and a good harvest, People who praised Christ, sang carols, called christoslavs, especially tireless children were Christophers. For singing such songs - carols, treats were supposed. In every house they went into, they were sure to be rewarded with something, Do not accept Christoslavs was considered a great sin for the owner of the house, an insult to carolers and disrespect for traditions,

Let's remember who waits?

How do people celebrate Nativity? (at Christmas time fun days from

Christmas to Epiphany).

What were the people doing? What about children?

caregiver: Guys, now guess puzzles:

In the middle of winter there is a big celebration.

Great holiday - ... ( Christmas!

And, fluffing green needles,

show off christmas(Christmas trees).

So that this evening passes with prayer,

All the people in the temple light up (candles).

Breathing exercise "Blow out the candle"

On this holiday, it is customary to take care of the poor, the destitute, because the future king of the world Christ was born not in a rich palace, but in a simple cave, showing by this that the main value of a person is not in wealth, but in his soul.

Christmas It's a holiday of gifts.

Summing up classes.
