What can you buy for boys on February 23. Military themed toys

Tanya Piteryakova

Since the beginning of February, schoolgirls and the parent committee have been preparing for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Surfing the Internet and looking into stores, they consider original gifts for classmates on February 23. To really like them, you need to choose them according to the age of the heroes of the occasion, and not just buy what you like.

Gifts for 1st grade on February 23

First graders are 6-8 years old - this is a conscious age for the start of adult (school) life. Now all the efforts of the child are directed to the study of the proposed material. Therefore, they can donate office supplies by choosing from the following:

  • pencils;
  • pens;
  • felt-tip pens (which parents are usually not very happy about);
  • sharpeners in the form of tanks;
  • plasticine.

Usually such gifts of children are quite satisfied. Present one of them with a chocolate bar, and the children will be satisfied, and the gift problem will be quickly resolved.

Considering what you can give boys to schoolchildren in the classroom for Defender of the Fatherland Day, stop on soap self made - on sale you will find many different creative sets for children. These can be marine inhabitants, hearts, animals, etc. Children will create soap under the control of their parents, and this is another reason to have fun for both of them. Children will definitely be delighted, creating a beautiful and unusual soap.

If funds are very limited, then give the boys key rings with holiday symbols. Of course, children will not be as happy with such a gift as with the first two options, but still they will not be left completely without a present. This choice is good if parents do not want to give something more expensive to first graders on February 23.

Gifts for boys of grade 2 on February 23

The second year of study is more serious than the first. The children grew up, learned to read and count. Which means it's time for a book gift. Be sure to choose it with colorful illustrations, because elementary school boys are still children and it will be difficult for them to read a book without pictures.

Choose a publication that will be of interest to children. It could be Minin and Pozharsky. A good option is "Tanks of Russia", well, or planes. It can be difficult to find such books quickly, so it is better to order them in an online store.

Do not buy too thick edition. Looking at it, the child will become discouraged and, most likely, will refuse to read.

Considering gift ideas for children at school, you can opt for a craft gift. In this case suitable origami set. There are many different boxes on sale with everything you need to create crafts. Choose the one with the right age. Such a gift is both inexpensive and practical. The work will contribute to the development of:

  • industriousness;
  • perseverance;
  • ability to work with hands under the control of consciousness;
  • intellectual abilities.

Instead of origami, you can purchase other cardboard crafts. The main thing is that they fit the boys by age.

What is the best gift for 3rd grade?

At 9-10 years old, children at school learn the multiplication table, so a gift can be appropriate. Consider as a present small magnetic poster with a table. The child will hang it in the room, and each time his eyes will stop at the examples. Thus, he will quickly remember them.

At this age of boys will please a gift in the form of a small designer, which may be of a military theme, relevant for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Don't treat constructor with big amount details, as other parents may not be happy about the high costs.

Please note that on the box of the designer there is an inscription with an age suitable for the child

Thanks to the game with the constructor the child develops:

  • spatial thinking (the student will quickly master the ratio of elements - above, below, right, left);
  • constructive abilities (the child will understand how various objects are created);
  • eye, fine motor skills;
  • imagination;
  • Creative skills.

Consult with the rest of the parents, offering them several options for a gift, this will help you quickly decide on it.

What to give boys in grade 4 on February 23

Now the children are already 10-11 years old - at this age, many boys are quite independent. They no longer scatter toys around the apartment and try to help dad with the housework. The boys have become more careful, so it's time for a puzzle gift. It is not difficult to choose a picture, because you will congratulate the heroes of the occasion on Defender of the Fatherland Day. And this means that puzzles with an image will do:

  • tank;
  • helicopter;
  • military machine;
  • weapons;
  • helmets, etc.

Do not choose puzzles with a lot of details - the boys will get tired of collecting them, and for parents such a gift will be costly

Transformer will be relevant. It does not have to be large, there are many such products on sale with a height of about 10 cm. This gift is inexpensive, and besides, it will help to captivate the student. Transformers are different:

  • warrior planes;
  • flying rocket cars;
  • all-terrain spaceports, etc.

Thanks to them, the logic of transformation and spatial thinking develop. Two or three toys in one at once - why not a gift-hobby for a student?

What to give boys of senior school age on February 23

More adult life of children begins with the fifth grade. Now the child visits different classrooms, other teachers work with him. He has additional subjects: geography, history, biology. They can be difficult, especially for boys.

Find out which subject they learn worse than others, and give the children additional textbooks or encyclopedias with colorful illustrations and clear text. It is possible that in this way the boys will fall in love with an incomprehensible object.

Gifts for 5th grade can be the simplest. Boys will be delighted with key rings-flashlights or mini-calculators, because it will not be possible to check yourself for the correctness of solving complex examples in your mind.

What else can you give older children:

  • 6th grade boys will love miniature globes;
  • 7th grade students will be delighted with pocket combs complete with handkerchiefs;
  • in the 8th grade, children will be satisfied if they are given a piggy bank;
  • 9th grade boys will love the puzzles.

If you are thinking about what to give to grade 10, then choose a mug with holiday symbols - it will always come in handy. It will be nice if there is a creative inscription on such a presentation. Gifts for grade 11:

  • flash cards;
  • ties;
  • headphones;
  • notebook.

It will be nice for graduates to receive men's jewelry as a gift, for example, original ring from jewelry steel.

Do-it-yourself gifts for boys on February 23 at school can be made by girls on their own. For example, at a labor lesson it’s nice to cook these gingerbread cookies.

Every person loves gifts. It doesn't matter if he studies primary school or is a few steps away from adulthood. Of course, boys will be more pleased if they receive something really necessary as a gift, so think carefully and take note of the above tips.

February 9, 2018, 18:06

Winter, although the cold season, but there are a lot of red days in the calendar. And among this multitude there is a wonderful holiday - February 23, when you can celebrate it with soul and give great emotions to your close boys, men, grandfathers. Today, even in kindergartens, future men are given gifts. Therefore, it is worth considering what to give the boy on February 23, so that the present can warm the heart and cheer you up on such a truly masculine day.

Undoubtedly, all representatives of the stronger sex receive congratulations on their holiday from the opposite sex and each other, but the kids are waiting for him more than anyone else. The essence of the celebration is deeply rooted: gifts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day develop in boys a sense of patriotism, a favorable view of military service, first care for the family, loved ones, and only then for their homeland. So gifts for February 23 should have a thematic meaning.

These presentations include:

  • A set of sweets, on which there is an inscription in accordance with the holiday. It is better that the sweetness is handmade.
  • Calendar with a photo of a boy in military uniform or against the backdrop of military equipment.
  • Personalized mug with a funny inscription.
  • T-shirt with the inscription "To the strongest boy".
  • Soap in the original version.

Basically, the parent committee of a kindergarten or school is responsible for congratulating little future men. Therefore, it is parents who should think over variations of presents that are inexpensive and original. Agree, this is not so easy to do, but if you add a little creativity, then the simplest gift will delight the boys on their holiday.

Classic Gifts

Commonly used gifts that are somewhat limited on a budget include:

  • puzzles;
  • key rings;
  • small calendars;
  • notebooks;
  • handle sets;
  • albums;
  • any office in military style;
  • balls and other inexpensive options.

In principle, such presentations are not bad, but they are very universal and predictable. Therefore, taking into account the age of future defenders, it is necessary to add a little imagination.

Boys under 10

Preschoolers and elementary school students are the most unpretentious people. Therefore, they will greatly appreciate simple and modest gifts, such as:

  • Medals, key rings, magnets. The price of such presentations is low, but their original execution will help create a good option offerings.

  • Discs with games for PC. But before you buy discs, you should ask what the boys already have in their collection of entertainment. It is also better to give preference to different genres, depending on the preferences of the boys.

  • Toys. It can be a designer, a toy tank, cars. The more expensive ones include radio-controlled options.

Boys aged 10 to 14

  • Models for design. Today is being implemented great amount variants of these games. These are robots, and planes, and ships.

  • Flashlights. A practical present will be a pocket flashlight, which will certainly come in handy for a teenager.

  • Laser pointers. Most often, boys like these offerings very much.

  • Puzzles, strategies. Useful gift will take the boy's time according to his preferences.

  • Books. These can be scientific and educational encyclopedias, educational literature, perhaps a subscription to your favorite teenage magazine.

Boys aged 14 to 17

Of course, at this age, boys can hardly be called children; rather, they are already young men who have a couple of steps left to live independently. Therefore, gifts for February 23 should be as practical and serious as possible. The vast majority of guys in this period are fond of computers and all kinds of gadgets, so you can give them:

  • Stereo headphones. They will definitely find a worthy use.

  • Mice for PC. There are various options in their design, color, shape. Therefore, choosing a gift is not difficult.

  • Laptop stands or mobile phone. The thing is quite useful, therefore, the boys will like it.

  • Portable speakers. Modern models play music quite loudly, they are connected to the phone, they work from flash cards. Therefore, music can be listened to at any time and in any place provided for this.

These gifts are considered personal. In addition to them, you can also give a collective present. They are more suitable for high school students. For example, for such purposes, you can organize a trip to the bowling center with the whole class, paintball games, billiards. Such presents are very useful, they can unite a cool team even more, give excellent emotions.

Original gift giving

For unforgettable emotions, you need to give prepared presents accordingly. We offer you several scenarios that will make all your ideas come true.

  1. A gift for each boy should be packed in an individual package, non-standard designed. When the gifts are the same, then each should put a postcard with personal congratulations in the form of a quatrain.
  2. Having turned on the solemn music, award each boy with prizes and diplomas. Nominations can be: the most creative, the strongest, the most diligent, etc.
  3. Arrange a quest for the boys to find their present of the "hot-cold" type. A congratulation will be more effective if they are blindfolded.
  4. Present an interesting wall newspaper to the stronger sex.
  5. Arrange a lottery, of course, a win-win.
  6. Fun entertainment. To do this, you need to choose a host, play a phantom (gift) behind his back. The host must come up with a task that the boy performs. After that, he is awarded a prize.
  7. The end of any scenario can be a sweet table.

And finally, I would like to suggest original gift which is suitable for any age. This is a video greeting in the style of news about stars and politicians. You can also order congratulations on a TV show, where photos of the boys will be shown, original words to future defenders, and after all this there is an opportunity to order your favorite male song.

We hope that in general you understand what to give the boy on February 23 and do it very creatively and for the benefit of a gifted defender. Indeed, for a great gift, a little imagination is enough, a minimum of creativity, a little time and original idea. And the holiday will definitely be remembered by the most positive impressions.

Despite the fact that February 23 is a military holiday, a tradition has been established to congratulate all males, regardless of age and occupation. And if it’s easy to come up with a gift for an adult defender, then what to give a child on February 23 is not entirely clear.

All growing boys are future defenders and not only from a military point of view, so it is important to congratulate them with small but pleasant gifts.

Boys only get to know the world, show curiosity and make the first discoveries. Therefore, it is much easier to surprise boys than adult men. As a gift, boys will appreciate not only cars on the control panel, but also educational games, interesting books, and creative sets.

The price of a gift can vary greatly. Expensive gifts usually donated by relatives. congratulations in kindergarten or at school can be much cheaper.

For 5-7 years old

Both relatives and the parent committee are thinking about what to give for February 23 to a child of 5-7 years old. On the one hand, a boy at that age is still just a child, on the other hand, a gift should be useful and functional.

At this age, it is important to maintain the child's curiosity and develop his skills. practical gifts will become puzzles, games for the development of logic, thinking and reaction speed. Items that help simulate adult life will also be useful in mastering social skills (tools, mini-workshops, kits for various professions).

Examples of gifts for boys 5-7 years old:

  • water gun;
  • fire truck with a sliding ladder;
  • multi-level parking for toy cars;
  • set "Play-Do";
  • a set of wooden tools;
  • tablet for drawing with water;
  • lotto or card game for knowledge of letters or numbers;
  • constructor;
  • helicopter on the control panel;
  • soccer ball;
  • autotrack;
  • darts;
  • trampoline;
  • electronic poster;
  • set for painting or modeling.

On the eve of the men's holiday, we think about what to give to her husband, father, friends or colleagues. Do not forget about the future defenders of the fatherland - they are also pleased with congratulations and gifts. We hope that our little guide will help you choose the right idea for schoolchildren.

1. Educational games

What to do on winter evenings on the eve of spring? For example, invite your child's friends and introduce them to new board and educational games. Fortunately, there is a choice for every taste - from the Jenga puzzle, dynamic naval combat and to the intellectual Monopoly, Mystery or What? Where? When?"

Board games - great idea for exciting leisure and intelligence development

2. Sets for experiments

School age- the time when you want to learn something new, discover the world, try and implement the craziest ideas. The main thing - do not forget about safety. Special sets for cognitive experiments will help in this matter, where everything is provided and painted in steps. With them, children will get acquainted with solar energy, magnetism, electricity and other natural and physical phenomena.

If you have a set, you can make a lot of interesting things with your own hands: snow or a rainbow at home, large bubble and crystals. Try it - who knows, maybe just such a set will awaken your child's interest in science.

3. Constructors

Even adults enjoy playing with some building blocks, so if you want fun for the whole family, give your child a fun building kit. junior schoolchildren they will be happy to assemble cars, buildings or magnetic figures, mechanical designers, 3D models or Lego with many small details are suitable for older technology lovers.

4. Gadgets

Even first-graders are not indifferent to gadgets today, but this does not mean that a child needs to be presented with a new phone or tablet every year. There are other exciting devices: smart watches, e-readers, stylus brushes for drawing, and even glowing globes. A fan of new technologies can be given a 3D pen, a research lover - an electron microscope, and a music lover - new headphones.

Give the boy a smart watch, new headphones, or a 3D pen

5. Hobby gifts

What can your child not imagine life without? The most desired gift is something useful and necessary for a hobby. For example, a model of a car or motorcycle, a new soccer ball, a skateboard or boxing gloves. With such a gift, it is easy to guess - most often the children themselves mention in a conversation what they dream about.

Guessing with a gift is not difficult - children themselves often mention in a conversation what they dream about

6. Kits for creativity

Another option interesting gift for February 23 - a set for creativity. And yes, such sets will be interesting for boys if you choose the right option. For example, give a student a football fan kit if he enjoys this sport. You can also captivate young creatives with modeling kits or sticker books, with stickers from which children will be happy to decorate skateboards, notebooks, phones - whatever they want.

7. Gifts for a gamer

Does your child love computer games? Then he will be happy if, instead of notifying about the dangers of a computer, his parents give him a souvenir related to his favorite game - a lamp in the form of Pac-Man or Minecraft characters or a laser sword for a fan of Star Wars and other space adventures. Universal gifts are also suitable - a new mouse or keyboard, especially their gaming options with additional functions.

It’s so customary that it’s customary to congratulate men of all ages on Defender of the Fatherland Day, including boys who are just about to become defenders of their country. On February 23, future soldiers can be given inexpensive gifts: toys, games, computer gadgets, school supplies, clothes, sporting goods and other useful things that a child will be delighted with.

Gifts for a boy under 10 years old

A boy of this age will definitely be happy with a toy. You can buy a sword, a rifle, a machine gun, a water pistol or a military helmet for a kid. An older child will be delighted with a tank, an armored personnel carrier, fire engine or any other machine. The dream of any boy is an electric railway with a train and wagons or a multi-level parking lot for toy cars. Modern children are not alien to helping dads around the house, great gift for a young master, there will be a set of home repair tools or a set of toy wrenches.

A little musician can buy a children's drum, a toy piano, a saxophone or a guitar for kids as a gift. In order for the toy to help the child develop their creative abilities, it is worth buying a drawing set, a modeling kit, a children's easel or a drawing board with a luminescent effect as a gift.

What to give on February 23 to a boy 10-14 years old

For a child of this age the best gift a radio-controlled toy will become: a robot, a car, an ATV, a helicopter, an airplane or a boat. A good idea for a gift is a board game, for example: Sea battle, Slot machine, Monopoly, children's hockey, football or billiards.

February 23 - winter holiday, so the boy will definitely come in handy with all kinds of devices for skiing from the hills: ice cubes, plates, inflatable sleds. You can also buy a children's stick or puck for playing hockey, a bright sports hat or gloves.

There is nothing wrong with giving a 10-14 year old student something for school, only it should be some interesting things. If needed inexpensive gift, then an unusual pen is suitable, for example, in the form of a rifle or machine gun, a sharpener in the form of a helmet or a camouflage pencil case. From more expensive gifts, you can choose a sports bag, a satchel or a multifunctional calculator.

Gift ideas for teenagers 14-16 years old

As a rule, teenagers aged 14-16 concentrate all their hobbies on the computer: games, reading books, communication, getting new information. A boy of this age will be ideally suited for gifts that he can use without departing from his " best friend”: youth headphones, unusual mice, laptop stands, rubber keyboards that easily fold into a compact tube and do not take up space in a bag.

Boys love to listen to music, which means that on Defender of the Fatherland Day a teenager can buy cool music speakers that support playback from memory cards, or an MP3 player that will allow a young music lover not to part with his favorite songs all day long.
