Scenario of the competitive game program for the holiday “International Family Day. Scenario of a family holiday “May 15 - World Family Day Evening of rest on family day May 15

Festive entertainment"Day balloons»

The text of the script was developed jointly with the director of the Center - Zhukova O.V.

Purpose of the event: Introducing schoolchildren to the festive and gaming culture, creating a festive mood in children; development of motor activity: dexterity, speed, coordination of movements.

Create a joyful cheerful mood; to consolidate and clarify knowledge about balloons, to be able to use balloons in various outdoor games, to develop mental activities such as thinking, imagination, perception, to develop a desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere; educate activity, curiosity, organization. Formation of the idea of ​​a family as people who love each other, take care of each other.

Event objectives:

The development of communication skills of pupils, the formation of the skill of organizing their leisure time in children, the ability to spend their free time in a meaningful and varied way, and the popularization of the best games and toys.

Characters: Buffoon 1, Buffoon 2, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit

Hall decoration: multi-colored balloons on the ceiling with long ribbons so that an adult can reach out and give to a child (according to the number of children present, at the end of the holiday each child receives a balloon as a gift)

Props: dense round balls for games, sports fitness balls for relay races, balls, felt-tip pens for writing desires on balls, for a competition on asphalt - a set of crayons.


Sounds like funny music

Buffoon 1: Hello dear guests!

Buffoon 2: Hello, invited and welcome guests!

Buffoon 1: We gathered today for a holiday.

Buffoon 2: We are glad to see you at our family holiday. Of course, you know that May 15 is celebrated as the International Day of the Family all over the world.

Buffoon 1: Family day? What is a family?

Buffoon 2:(instructive) Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. A family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings, interests, attitude to life. There is nothing more precious than a family.

Buffoon 1: We have gathered today for a holiday, to rejoice, to have fun.

Buffoon 2: have some fun?

Buffoon 1 :( stamping his foot ) have some fun! Play! Have some fun!

Buffoon 2: So we will have fun! After all, today is a holiday! Let's call the guys.

Buffoon 1: Will you play with us? And celebrate the family holiday? (children answer)

Buffoon 2: Let's call friends from a fairy tale? (to the guys) Do you agree?

Buffoon 1: and I heard that today is the day of the balloon!

Buffoon 2: Is it true? how cool then we will invite the heroes of the book, in which there was a balloon, to the holiday!

Buffoon 1: that's great! And who is it?

Buffoon 2: And the guys will tell us! Remember the heroes of the books where the balloon was ... (guys answer) ...

For him, walking is a holiday,

And honey has a special scent.

This is a plush prankster

Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

... that's right Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.

(Music sounds - In the head of my sawdust ...) ... and here they are!

Winnie the Pooh: Hello guys!

Piglet: Hello guys!

Winnie the Pooh: We heard that you have a "Family Day Holiday"

Piglet:"...and balloons."

Winnie the Pooh:: "...and balloons." Can we celebrate with you too?

Children: Yes!

Winnie the Pooh: But... you know, we only have one balloon.

Piglet: One balloon (shows it - a burst green balloon)

Buffoon 2: nothing we have a lot of them!

Winnie the Pooh: What beautiful balls! What flowers are missing? And what color are they? (Children name the colors.)

Buffoon 1: Piglet, can you solve riddles?

Piglet: No.

Buffoon 2: we will teach you!

"Guess a riddle"

small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

Tempting look

love these balls

Adults and children,

pourable balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Similar to a balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned ... (hippo)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Color - any, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds.

Piglet: balloon!

Buffoon 2: Well done!

Buffoon 1: Winnie the Pooh do you know any balloon game?

Winnie the Pooh: I'm not ... but do you know Piglet?

Piglet: Me neither.

Winnie the Pooh: good guests! They came to the holiday and do not know a single game with balls ... what to do?

Piglet: What to do?

Winnie the Pooh: Do you know what we should do?

Piglet: I'm not, do you know?

Winnie the Pooh: And I don't know ... but something needs to be done ... you know (together) ... we know ..

Only for this we need to call our friend Rabbit ... he knows a lot of all sorts of games.

Piglet: Yes! (begins to call) ... Rabbit

Winnie the Pooh: Rabbit.

Rabbit: ( coming out of the corner ) And there is no need to yell like that! I heard great for the first time!

Winnie the Pooh: Who said that? (seeing) And Rabbit! Hello!

Rabbit: Yes it's me. And who is this?

Winnie the Pooh: This is Piglet!

Rabbit: Yes, really Piglet. So what do you want from me again.

Winnie the Pooh: We've been calling you. I have already forgotten. Piglet, (pushing to the side) what did you want from the Rabbit?

Piglet: I'm nothing.

Winnie the Pooh: and I'm nothing ...

Rabbit: Then I went...

Buffoon 2: wait we have a holiday with balloons ...

Winnie the Pooh: I remembered you know balloon games, don't you?

Piglet:(confidently) you know!

Winnie the Pooh: We were invited to a holiday - "Family Day"!

Buffoon 1: And we have fun, play with balloons!

Rabbit: "Family Day" is very good! Answer my questions?

I will show you many games with balls:


- This is when everyone is together - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather. (Family)

“It’s so small, it’s squeaky, it’s a lot of trouble, but it’s still loved. (Child)
She knits socks for everyone and bakes the most wonderful pies and buns. (Grandmother)
- This is not a man, but he is loved by all family members. (Pet)

All children play in them. (Toys)

- The most gentle, kindest, most beloved person for all people on Earth. (Mother)
- A place where we all go together. (House)
Balloon day contests:

Relay race with balls

Serpent Gorynych (2 people) pass the balloons

10 people ball on a ribbon on the leg

Carry the ball

Munchausen (ball between the legs)

Jump on a ball

Magic volleyball (ball through a ribbon like a snowball fight)

Draw on the balloon (wish)

Competition "on the asphalt drawing" (draw the house in which you live.)

Winnie the Pooh: Thank you! And guys, it's time for us to leave.

Goodbye! (leave)

Buffoon 2: Aye well done! What smart people you are! How fun we played! ending our holiday, I would like to express the hope that our family holiday helped you get to know each other better, unite, take one more step towards mutual understanding and unity. Let's join hands and sing a song together.

Buffoon 1:

We have prepared a surprise for you

I need to show it to you.

You all close your eyes tightly,

Both adults and children

I will send you wishes

The best in the world.

Whose hands will they fall into?

At that moment, they will come true!

Let everyone leave happy

From our festive - air kingdom!

. … And we leave these beautiful balls to you. See you next time! Goodbye!

Deryagina Natalia Vladimirovna

Note. The proposed event can be timed to coincide with Family Day (May 15) or Children's Day (June 1).

Sweet prizes for the winners and participants of the holiday are obligatory.

The course of the holiday

I. Organizing time. Creating an emotional state.

Leading. If parents love each other, if they try to understand their children, and if children and grandchildren treat their elders with respect and care, if the house is cozy and calm, it smells delicious of soup and pies, this is real family happiness.

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the recipes for family happiness shared by the characters of the best children's books.

We hope that you will definitely take away from our holiday one more - the best - recipe for family happiness and tell your mom and dad, grandparents about it at home. There are stories, games, tokens and prizes waiting for you at the celebration.

Mom and dad are my relatives,

I have no relatives.

And sister - relatives, and brother,

And the puppy - lop-eared Tishka.

II. Parade of literary works.

1. Nomination "The youngest and most cheerful family"(Viktor Dragunsky's stories about Deniska).

When Victor Dragunsky went to school and then worked at a factory, he composed all sorts of incredible stories right on the go and made everyone laugh so much that he was advised to become an artist. Indeed, Viktor Dragunsky trained as an artist and worked as Santa Claus, a red-haired clown in the circus, and performed comedic roles in the theater.

Once Viktor Dragunsky's son Deniska was born, with whom all sorts of things began to happen. funny stories. Victor Dragunsky began to write down these stories - this is how the famous “Deniskin Stories” turned out in the amount of 90 pieces. In these stories, we see a small, young, but very friendly and cheerful family. This is Deniska, his mother and father, from whom the son learns to be kind, sensitive, modest and courageous.


Once, a mother, exhausted by a whole mountain of dirty dishes that invariably appear three times a day, said to her husband and son:

I've said it for the hundredth time - I'm choking on the dishes! It's not comradely to sit on the windowsill yourself and listen to the radio while I shorten my eyelids, endlessly washing your cups and plates.

And there is nothing to sit and pretend to sigh! I give you both time. Before lunch, you must come up with something and make this damned wash easier for me! Who does not come up with, that I refuse to feed. Let him sit hungry. Deniska! This applies to you too. Wrap yourself up!

And Deniska, in order not to be left without lunch, came up with one tricky way, and dad - his own simple way, how to help mom wash the dishes.


Try to describe these methods.

Deniska's method: everyone takes turns eating from one cutlery and thus soils one deep plate, one small plate and one glass, and instead of three cutlery, mother washes only one.

Dad's way: now dad and Deniska will wash the dishes.

2. Nomination "The most teacher's family"(Eduard Uspensky's story "About Vera and Anfisa").

A family lived in the same city - father, mother, girl Vera and grandmother Larisa Leonidovna. Mom and dad were school teachers. And Larisa Leonidovna was the director of the school. But retired. The girl Vera in such a family was supposed to be the most educated in the world, but she was capricious and naughty - she had such a difficult growth.

Once a new and unusual family member appeared in the family - a little monkey named Anfisa, and the adults in the family had more things to do. But mom, dad and grandmother did not despair, because they were amazing adults: kind, sympathetic, patient and cheerful. They loved Vera and Anfisa, despite all their pranks. From this funny book you will learn about how interesting the life of a teacher's family is: mom and dad at school are happy to teach children the mind and arrange performances and competitions for them, grandmother sweeps the rooms and puts out the fire, Vera and Anfisa go to the bakery for bread and to the clinic for help.

You will definitely fall in love with a funny monkey and a girl - a fidget and an inventor.

Now let's sing together.

Those present sing the song "Monkey Anfisa".

3. Nomination "Family of travelers"(the story of Arkady Gaidar "Chuk and Gek"),

Chuck and Huck's father was completely wonderful person. He was a geologist. He worked a lot far from home, in the Blue Mountains, but the work did not decrease, and he could not go home on vacation. And then he called his wife and his children, Chuk and Gek, for a visit, a thousand kilometers from Moscow, to the taiga, to the Blue Mountains.

Chuck and Huck had a completely wonderful mom, brave, resourceful, hardworking and also cheerful and cheerful. She gathered Chuk and Gek and went with them a thousand kilometers to the Blue Mountains, because she loved her husband very much and knew that her sons also loved him very much and missed him very much in a year.

An episode of the work is presented, students stage one of the fragments of the story.

The game is being played.

Strips of thin colored paper are hidden in the books. Whoever finds them faster will be the winner of this game. (Two players participate.)

4. Nomination "The most hardworking family"(collection of stories by Lyubov Voronkova "Sunny Day"),

Lyubov Voronkova knew the secret of the living word, it is not for nothing that everything lives in her books, breathes, sounds, the voices of birds and animals, forest rustles, the murmur of a stream are heard. And people here live like in real life: they work, think, feel sad, rejoice, help each other.

Lyubov Voronkova introduced us, readers, to an amazing family, which consists of grandfather, grandmother, mother and girl Tanya. Their dad died in the war. Tanya will go to school soon. Everyone in the family is busy. Grandfather works at the stable, mother works in the collective farm brigade: she cleans hay, threshes grain, beats oil. Grandmother takes care of the house, and Tanya not only plays, but also tries to help adults: she washes dishes, brings jelly to her mother to eat at work, and collects spikelets.


The whole family gathered at the table in the early summer morning. Soon everyone will go about their business, but for now there is a large copper samovar, multi-colored cups, a pot of hot baked milk with brown foam, a dish of hot potatoes, a large bowl of jelly on the table. And Tanya's grandmother put a plump, ruddy pie on a saucer. (Even salivating.)


Which of the two private traders will quickly put on an apron and serve the table: spread a napkin and put a plate, a glass on it, put a spoon.

5. Nomination "The biggest family"(Anne-Kat Westley's story "Dad, Mom, Eight Children and a Truck").

Once upon a time there was a big, big family: dad, mom and as many as eight children. And they also lived with a small truck, which they all loved very much. Still not to love - after all, the truck fed the whole family!

Dad, mom and eight children lived in a tall stone house in the very center of a huge city in a small apartment, which consisted of one room and a kitchen. At night, dad and mom slept in the kitchen, on the sofa, and the children in the room on mattresses, which folded into a high slide in the corner for the day.

The family was noisy but hardworking, and everyone in the family took care of each other. Of course, I had to save money - the younger ones wore clothes one after another. Each had his own basin, in which each independently washed, as best he could, his dirty linen.

Surprisingly, next to them all immediately became calmer, happier and more interesting to live. My grandmother came to visit, and she stayed like that, because she was immediately surrounded with care and attention. The angry neighbor Hulda thawed out and began to treat a large family with hot coffee and delicious pies. Big family arranged children's holiday, about which the boy Sigurd, who was invited to it, said: “It was the most fun party on which I had to be. The family found a lost dog in the forest. Dachshund so enjoyed living in big family that she gladly stayed with them forever and began to respond to the name Samovar Pipe.


One day, eight children came up with a word game: make a sentence of three words that begin with the same letter - I, D, 3, etc.

We offer you a similar game - "Throwing Words".

1) We call two participants, to whom we will take turns throwing a ball and pronouncing a syllable. Your task is to catch the ball and complete the word:

For -, ka -, pro -, co -, se -, lo -, ra - etc.

2) We pronounce the word, your task is to complete the phrase:

green grass

wash the dishes

mighty - oak

teach - lessons

deep - river

build a house

fashionable - suit

To solve the task

hot tea

tell a fairy tale

happy song

throw the ball

Mother country

wash clothes

warm hat

pretty haircut

help Mother

Friendly family

work as a clown

Red sun

eat - pie

big mouth

chop - cabbage

wild animals

meet - guests

chicken soup

cook - porridge

tasty - compote

6. Nomination "Family in which they tried to raise worthy people"(collection of stories by Mikhail Zoshchenko "Lelya and Minka"),

Mikhail Zoshchenko spoke about his family and his childhood in the cycle of stories "Lelya and Minka", told with delight and sadness, funny and honestly, without hiding either good or bad deeds.

It may seem to some of you that Lelya and Minka are very unlucky children: after all, not a single leprosy gets away with them, as soon as a brother and sister get in trouble, a strict dad appears and inevitable punishment comes.

But this is not so: thanks to the teachings of the father (no need to lie, take other people's things, it's bad to be greedy, you can't offend the weak) and punishments (two years not to eat ice cream, not to receive gifts for a whole year), says Mikhail Zoshchenko, "I learned to love and pity people and became such a comparatively cheerful and happy person.


Equipment: a cardboard Christmas tree with apples, papier-mâché sweets.

Leading. And now Lelya and Minka will tell you guys about one of their pranks.

Minka. It happened when I was five years old.

Lelya. And I'm seven years old, and I was an exceptionally lively girl.

Minka. We've been looking forward to New Year's celebration. There was a beautiful tree in the room.

Lelya. Minka, let's go to the room where the Christmas tree stands and see what's going on there.

Minka. So my sister Lelya and I entered the room and see: a very beautiful Christmas tree.

Lelya. And under the tree are gifts for children invited to visit.

Minka. And on the Christmas tree - multi-colored beads, flags, lanterns, golden nuts, lozenges and apples.

Lelya. Let's eat one pastille.

Minka. Lelya, if you ate a lozenge, then I will also eat something now.

Lelya. Minka, if you have bitten off an apple, then I will now eat another lozenge and take another candy for myself.

Minka. If you, Lyolisha, ate the second lozenge, then I will bite off this apple again.

Lelya. If you have bitten off an apple for the second time, then I will no longer stand on ceremony and now I will eat the third lozenge and, in addition, I will take a nut for myself.

Minka. And I, Lyolisha, how can I get myself something other than an apple.

Leading. What do you guys think, what happened next? (Children's answers.)


7. Nomination "The largest and most cunning family"

(fairy tale by Jan Ekholm "Tutta Karlsson, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others", two families - fox and chicken).

We want to introduce you to the largest and most cunning Larsson family in the entire forest. Did you guys guess that we are talking about a fox family?

Deep in the ground, Papa Larsson has set up a cozy apartment. This apartment is the time.

Let it not seem to you that the hole is too big. She should be like that, because the fox family is very large. This is Papa Larsson, a well-known rogue, this is Mother Larsson, who sits at home and creates comfort, and children, the youngest of whom is called Ludwig the Fourteenth. Why?

The most amazing thing is that thanks to Ludwig, who did not want to be cunning, and the young chicken Tutta, the fox family and the chicken family began to be friends at home and protect each other from trouble.

Exercise. We play with contrasts.

Compare Ludwig and Tutta:

The end of the table.

8. Nomination "The family in which the smallest son was born"(Russian folk tale"Boy-with-finger"),

An old man lived with an old woman. Once an old woman was chopping cabbage and accidentally chopped off her finger. She wrapped it in a rag and laid it on the bench. Suddenly I heard someone on the bench crying. She unfolded the rag, and in it lies a boy the size of a finger.

The old woman was surprised, frightened:

Who are you?

I am your son, born from your little finger.

The old woman took him, she looks - the boy is tiny, tiny, barely visible from the ground. And she named him Little Thumb. He began to grow with them. The boy did not grow tall, but he turned out to be smarter than the big one. Well, the old man and the old woman lived in peace with such a reasonable and caring son.


Find out from the description of the characters, who, like the Thumb Boy, were also very small.

1) This is a small plump self-confident little man who can fly by himself. As soon as he presses the button on his stomach, an ingenious motor immediately starts working behind him, and the little man soars up and flies with an important and dignified look. (Carlson.)

2) Niels couldn't believe his eyes. A little man was sitting on the edge of the chest. On the head is a wide-brimmed hat, a black caftan is decorated with a lace collar and cuffs, stockings are tied at the knees lush bows, and silver buckles gleam on red morocco shoes. (The dwarf from the fairy tale by S. Lagerlöf “Nils' wonderful journey with wild geese.”)

3) He wore a bright blue hat, yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. (Dunno.)

4) Nobody knows fairy tales more than he does. Wearing only stockings, a silk caftan and umbrellas under his arms, he quietly and quietly climbs the stairs to the children, puts them to bed and begins to tell them stories. (Ole Lukoye.)

5) They lived in the forest in a cute toy house. They slept in small cribs, each with a name written on it: Doc, Sonya, Grouchy, Simpleton, Quiet, Sneeze, Cheerful. (Seven dwarfs from the fairy tale "Snow White" by W. Disney.)

6) Invented by the famous artist Kanevsky, fluffy, yellow, like a dandelion, in a red beret and scarf, with a camera over his shoulder, he became a symbol and decoration of the most wonderful children's magazine. (Murzilka.)

7) She was born in a tulip and was small, small. A walnut shell was her bed, a plate of water was a whole lake for her, and a tulip petal was a boat.


9. Nomination "The most ordinary family that met an unusual flying little man" (Astrid Lindgren's story "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof"),

In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson. This family consists of the most ordinary dad, the most ordinary mother and three of the most ordinary children - Bosse, Betan and Malysh.

I'm not the most ordinary, - says the Kid.

But this, of course, is not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world who are seven years old, who have Blue eyes, unwashed ears and pants torn at the knees, that there is nothing to doubt: the Kid is the most ordinary boy.

But, nevertheless, the Kid is the favorite of the family, and everyone pampers him as best he can and for no treasure in the world will agree to part with him.

For a long time, mom and dad do not believe that Carlson is not a fiction, and when they are finally convinced that he is real, they begin to educate him, realizing that their main helpers in raising are patience and time.

Now let's sing a song.


Sl. P. Sinyavsky Music. A. Zhurbina

I hurried to you, friends,

With terrible anticipation.

I'm a motorist for a reason

Lubricated with jam.

Behind me

The propeller is spinning

I want to be with me

All the guys were singing.


funny man

Lives on the roof

funny man

Chewing toffee.

funny man

I'm not used to being bored

funny man -

Big bastard.

Even if a little

A friend will be sad -

I'm pulling out the window

Like an educator.

I'll dance with the baby

I'll play hide and seek

If the house is shaking -

So it's all right.


funny man

Lives on the roof

funny man

Chewing toffee.

funny man

I'm not used to being bored

funny man -

Big bastard.

(Merry carousel. Issue 5. -M, 1987. - S. 7.)

III. The final part of the holiday.

1. Task for the most attentive readers.

How many people are included in each of the families that were discussed at our holiday?

V. Dragunsky. "Sly way". (3.)

E. Uspensky. About Vera and Anfisa. (5.)

A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek". (4.)

L. Voronkova. "Sunny day". (4.)

A.-K. Westley. "Dad, mom, eight kids and a truck." (eleven.)

M. Zoshchenko. Lelya and Minka. (4.)

I. Ekholm. "Tutta Karlsson, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others". (16.)

Russian folk tale "Thumb boy". (3.)

A. Lindgren "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." (5.)

2. Leader's word:

Happiness and prosperity to you and your families. We hope that we have introduced you to good, wise books.

Summing up the results of competitions, awarding the winners. Participants and presenters sing the song “Together it's fun to walk” (lyrics by V. Shainsky, music by M. Matusovsky).

Index of works used during the event

The story of V. Dragunsky "Cunning way".

E. Uspensky's story "About Vera and Anfisa".

The story of A. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek".

L. Voronkova's story "Tannin's Pie".

The story of A.-K. Westley, Dad, Mom, Eight Kids and a Truck.

M. Zoshchenko. Collection of short stories "Lelya and Minka".

Fairy tale by J. Ekholm "Tutta Karlsson, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others."

Russian folk tale "Thumb boy".

The story of A. Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."

Family holiday-competition "Our friendly family"

Classroom teacher(reads the tale of the first family)

Long ago, on a distant island, there lived a boy. He lived alone. No one brought him up, no one punished him, he did not share nuts and fruits with anyone. And the boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore. Suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him, very old and very wise.

"Where are you going?" asked the old man. “I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely,” the boy replied. “I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested.” He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived. "Look! - said the old man. - We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.” The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And it happened because he had a family.

Each of you guys has people closest and dearest to you. These people loved you when you were just born and will always love you. Who is this? Name them in one word.

Vedas. - And what is a family? (Answers) The boys will tell us this hour ...

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.

Vedas. - Why are we here today? MWe didn't get together by chance!May 15 is Family Day.

The history of the holiday (slide)
Video clip "Song of the family"

What is the most important thing in a family? I think it's very importantconfidence ! So the next contest is called:

Contest. No secrets
Exercise. Teams are invited, adults stand with their backs to the audience, children in front of them face the audience, are given in their hands air balloons yellow and green. Yellow associated with the child, green - adults. When answering a question, you need to raise a sign, in extreme cases - two. If the answer matches, the team gets 1 point.

1) Which of you do the dishes more often?
2) Who sings better?
3) Who is more interested in dreams?
4) Which one of you is prettier?
5) Who snores in their sleep?
6) Who has the best cell phone?

7) Who bathes more often?

1) Which one of you does grandma love more?
2) Which one of you eats more sweets?
3) Which one of you loves more

4) Who likes to watch TV shows?
5) Who doesn't make the bed in the morning?
6) Who has a funnier walk?
7) Who is afraid of dental treatment?

1) Who likes to chew on seeds?
2) Who likes to read more?
3) Who watches TV until late?
4) Who is most often scolded by grandfather?
5) Who writes with errors?
6) Who scatters socks all over the house?

7) Who has a better memory?

Who follows everyone and turns off the lights in the rooms?
Who has a charming smile?

Vedas . So we got to know each other better, learned a lot of interesting things about you.

Children should remember that parents are your most faithful friends, they can be trusted with any secret, they will always help and support you. And parents should not forget that looking at you, children get an idea of ​​​​what kind of parents they will be.

The results of the questionnaire "What kind of parents do we have?"

Vedas. Let's imagine what our children will be like when they are adults, when they themselves become parents.

*When I'm an adult

I will be very formidable.

And my children will say:

"Can't you take a walk?"

“What time is it? Ninth?

It's probably too late

Well, I'll tell you guys

Now march to bed!”

* When I am an adult,

I will be very formidable.

And my children will say

"Can't you take a walk?"

I’ll say: “We played all day!

The box is broken!

Lost the coil!

Now march to bed!”

Vedas. What is your family's favorite day of the week? I think it's the day off! Do you want to know why?

These days are one lucky day!
Sundays are needed
Because Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.

Dad washes tea cups
Wipe them together
And then we the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window,
I'm ready to sing...
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes!

Vedas. Guess what it's about? This little creature that gives a lot of trouble to parents, but they still love and care for him? That's right, child! You need to take care of your loved ones, please them as often as possible. What can make your child happy? Everyone knows that children are very fond of sweet and tasty.

Contest "Who will drink lemonade faster"

Vedas. For centuries formed in the familytraditions . The wisdom of the older generation is passed on to the descendants. And the wisdom of the people is contained in proverbs.

Proverbs about the family (slide )

Contest. Proverbs and sayings.

In the order of the draw, the teams name a proverb or saying with the word that is on the card. Those who named the proverb receive 1 point.
Bread. Bread is the head of everything.
Ruble. A penny saves a ruble.
Apple. The apple never falls far from the tree
Mirror. There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.
Rope. No matter how much the rope twists, but there is an end.
A cap. On the thief and the hat is on fire.
Spoon. Road spoon to dinner.

Vedas. It is important in the family to be able to defuse the situation at the right time, use humor, jokes,having fun .( Chastushki )

We know a lot of ditties -

Both good and bad.

It's good to listen to

Who doesn't know any.

Hey girly chicks

Sing ditties,

Sing more cheerfully

To please guests.

Oh, today at 6 o'clock

Parents meeting!

Need to put a pillow

To the place of punishment.

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,

cabbage pies -

Peter has learned his lessons

All and even oral.

Dad, mom, dear,

What is your allergy?

How do you take notebooks

You're all shaking in a fever.

Oh, how timely my dad

All so evenly bald

And not looking at my diary,

He would be very gray!

For a son to read a book,

Dad gave him a ruble.

My son read a lot of books -

Dad went around the world.

Every day in your piggy bank

I throw a ruble.

To buy myself a brother

I've been saving for a whole year.

Mom and dad and brother -

Here she is my family!

Oh thank you dear

That you are all I have!

The ditty has a beginning

The ditty has an end.

Who listened to our ditties,

Let's just say - well done!

Vedas . important in the family andunderstanding . Now we will check if you understand each other well.

Contest. Understand me
Exercise. An adult sits on a chair, a child stands in front of him. Signs with words rise up behind the adult's back. The child must explain so that the mother (dad or grandmother) understands and names the word. It is not possible to name single-root words. Who can do it in less time?
Words: March 8, rain, morning, hare Heels, New Year, soup, bear Monkey, ears, cutlet, sun Giraffe, seeds, bird cherry, closet Dress, stool, trousers, book Candle, mop, hippopotamus, pencil Horse, Easter, chandelier, asphalt

Let's summarize our competitive program. (Winner's reward ceremony)

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together
sit for festive table,

And together they are not bored at all,
And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family

What could be more precious
In this fabulous land

The family is a holiday round the table.
Family is happiness, family is home.

I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family!

Song "My Family"

Once again I congratulate everyone on the holiday of the Family, I wish everyone good health, happiness and love!


The task "Mysteries".
1. Son of my father. (Brother)
2. My dad's mom. (Grandmother)
3. Father's brother (Uncle)
4. My sister's daughter (Niece)
5. Husband's mother. (mother-in-law)
6. Mom's sister (Aunt)
7. The son of my child. (Grandson)
8. Son of my sister. (Nephew)
9. Husband's father. (Father-in-law)
10. My mother's daughter. (Sister)

11. My mother's mother (grandmother)

12 Wife's mother (mother-in-law)

13. My brother's daughter (niece)

14. My mother's brother (uncle)

15 My brother's son (nephew)

16 Dad's sister (aunt)

17 My husband's sister (sister-in-law)

The song "My family" (group "Fidgets")

There are a lot of toys in front of me,
But everyone has known for a long time
That it's pretty boring for me to play alone,
And not at all interesting.
But when my relatives are with me,
And the people I love the most
I immediately forget about despondency,
And it always has been, is and always will be.

There will be a happy and wonderful day,
If mom and dad are around.
I'll be happy, I'll be very happy
If there are sister and brother nearby.
And I will be infinitely glad
If grandfather is nearby, and grandmother is nearby.
Well, I'll be most happy
If the whole family is around.
All my family.

And I have to confess to mom and dad,
That sometimes I am of course
A little naughty and stubborn
But I love you, I love you endlessly.
Failure doesn't scare me

I am the happiest person in this world.

Failure doesn't scare me
I will not be afraid of the cold wind,
My family is with me, which means
I'm the happiest on this

Scenario family holiday"We are a family"

B. Good afternoon, dear guests, parents, children! On May 15, International is celebrated all over the world. And today you came to visit us on "We are one family." So what is a family? This word is understood by everyone as the words "bread" and "water". A family is a home, it's dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother, it's love and care, sorrows and joys, habits and traditions. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the family consisted of several generations. It included not only dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, but also great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. They lived together, helped each other, the elders protected the younger ones, respected old age. Families were large and strong. This is evidenced by folk proverbs. Let's remember them! I will start and you will continue!

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better);
Treasure is not needed when ... (in the family way);
When the family is together, so ... (and the soul is in place);

B. Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
We want your friends to talk about you:
What a good family!

We decided to spend our holiday today in the form of a meeting -
meeting our valued guests. Our family is here today:

1. Uzhikenovs (Anastasia Viktorovna and Ruslan Serikovich)
2. Minnekaev)
3. Zemlyanushins
4. Paitsevs (Maria Alexandrovna)
5. Chukhvachevykh (Evgenia Mikhailovna)
6. Proskuryakovs (Natalya Nikolaevna)
7. Roubaix (Nadezhda Sergeevna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich)
8. Bogomolovs (Anna Borisovna and Sergei Anatolyevich)

Q. Your families are not alike. But one thing unites them: they are all strong and happy! And although the famous classic said that everything happy families are similar to each other, but it seems to us that each of the families present here has its own special, proprietary recipe for family happiness. And we hope that at the end of our meeting we will be able to identify these ingredients and come up with a universal recipe called "A happy family".

Let the light of this meeting burn in your hearts, let jokes and laughter sound, let funny Games and competitions create a joyful mood.
Let's disperse the last gloomy thoughts with a wonderful drink, whose name is tea! You won’t drink tea - where will you get the strength from?
Forces for competitions and dances today will require a lot. Dear guests, you are welcome to taste our tea.
In the meantime, you are drinking tea, a musical gift for you.

Don't let the lights go out

C. At the heart of every family is love. Robert Rozhdestvensky also wrote:
Everything starts with love...
They say: “In the beginning was the word…”
And I proclaim again
Everything starts with love:
And illumination, and work,
The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child
Everything starts with love.
And if love lives in a family, then there are many children in it. We recognize that the state cannot always help everyone large families fully. And how wonderful that there are people who are not indifferent to the difficulties and problems of such families.
We express our deep gratitude for the help in holding our holiday to the specialist in social work of the Novopokrovsky village council Naumenko Elena Vladimirovna (the word, delivery of the certificate).

And now let's get acquainted with our families, who are visiting us today.

1. So, today we have the Uzhikenov family (Anastasia Viktorovna and Ruslan Serikovich).
(Family introduction)
Please tell us about your family, how you met, how many years you have been together, what talents your children have.
2. Today our guest is the Minnekaev family.
What is interesting about your family? How do you like to spend your leisure time? (business card of the family)
3. The Zemlyanushins family is present today.
Under what circumstances did you meet? Do you use your parents' advice when making family decisions? (Family's story about themselves)
4. The Paitsev family (Maria Alexandrovna) is with us today.
What are your children doing? What is your family's signature dish?

Q. So, dear guests, we got to know four families and before continuing our acquaintance with the rest of the families, we suggest you take a short break. We have prepared a few questions for our guests. But the questions are not simple, but with a twist, funny. So please be careful. You can answer directly from the spot. The family that answered most of the questions will receive a diploma as the "Most Fun Family".

So: What is the pair usually compared to? (with two boots)
Who are husband and wife personified? (with Satan)
What is the name of the specialist in "shooting" the unloved (Cupid or Cupid)
What awaits the dear ones in the hut? (paradise)
What do men usually eat? (pears)
Without whom no family can do? (no freak)
Which geometric figure can destroy a family? (triangle)
When can a husband legally count on only a quarter of his wife? (when the wife is a treasure)
The desire to marry appears when the desire disappears ... (learn)
Continue the proverb “A wife is not a harp - after playing, on .... (you can’t hang a wall)


Q. And now it's time to announce a musical pause.

Imagine this

C. Let's continue our acquaintance with the families who came to visit us.
1. So, we welcome the Chukhvachev family (Evgenia Mikhailovna).
Which family traditions did you get? What is the secret of your family happiness? (Business card of the family)
2. Today we have the Proskuryakov family (Natalya Nikolaevna).
Tell me, please, what family traditions did you bring from your parental home? What do you think is the secret of family happiness?
(Family introduction)
3. We welcome the Roubaix family (Nadezhda Sergeevna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich).
Who is the head of your family? Who should be the first to yield in family disputes?
4. And finally, let's welcome the Bogomolov family (Anna Borisovna and Sergey Anatolyevich).
Does your family have their own traditions? A distinctive feature of your family?

Q. There are many children present at our meeting. As you know, children are the flowers of life. Without them, the family cannot be for real happy. If children's laughter sounds in the house, it means that life goes on. After all, children are our future. And our present. Now we will ask each family to come up with one child. Every family dreams of their own home. Your task is to draw the house of your dreams. In the meantime, the children will draw, we will find out how well men know women, and women-men. First, we will ask our strong half to answer simple questions.

Questions for men:

1. Why do women drip nail polish on their tights? (so that the "arrow" does not crawl)

2. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a thread or a needle? (needle)

3. What is highlighting? (lightening individual strands of hair)

4. Why do we need floss and canvas? (for embroidery)

5. What is the name of a small purse that stores makeup items? (beauty bag)

6. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (No)

7. Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

8. What process can wax, cream, laser and mechanical devices be used for? (for depilation)

9. What is Permanent makeup? (this is a "permanent" makeup applied for a long time)

10. What is a curling iron? (hair curler)

11. What is a clutch? (this is a small handbag that should be carried mostly in the hand)

Men did well with women's issues. And now questions for women in the "man's language."

Questions for women:

1. What is a carburetor part of? (motor)

2. Where is the concept of "octane number" used? (in gasoline)

3. What is the difference between a chisel and a chisel? (It is the same)

4. What is a bullet? (penalty in ice hockey)

5. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards you or away from you? (Push)

6. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)

7. What is a puncher for? (for drilling holes, for scraping walls….

8. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? ("Nike")

9. The best four-legged "friend" of a man (sofa)

The women also did a good job with the men's issues.

And now it's time to see what your children have drawn. Attention! Now we will show the drawings of children, and you, dear parents, will have to guess which drawing your child has drawn.
(Then the leader asks each child to stand up with his drawing). If the parents correctly guessed the drawing of their child, the family is awarded the diploma "The most creative family".



Q. I want to tell you a parable. One morning the fisherman went fishing with his two sons. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to pull out the nets, a storm suddenly came up and completely hid the coastline. And at the same time, the storm did not spare their little house. It caught fire, the fire burned to the ground their homes and all their property. When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a weeping wife was waiting for him, who told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman did not raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we have lost everything that we had, and you don’t care.” Then the fisherman replied: "The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the light that showed us the way to the shore in the fog."
You see how sometimes important in the family, despite any adversity, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.
And now I'm announcing our next contest. And it's called

"The most charming and attractive family"

Only mothers are invited to participate in the competition. Task: the participants move to the music, at the signal of the Leading participant, they must quickly sit on a chair and say loudly: “I am the most charming and attractive!” (According to the results, the winning family is awarded a diploma).


And don't tell your heart

Q. Our next competition is called “The Most Erudite Family”.

I tell you the concept of some thing, an object, and you have to guess what it is about.
 Clothes for potatoes; military uniform; but the soldiers do not wear it. (uniform)
 They sometimes sit there; now they are not fashionable; I used to wear them in the rain. (galoshes)
 It grows in the field; there is such a game; sometimes her nose looks like her. (potato)
 It lies on the floor; it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner; he is called to the chief. (carpet)
 Every book has; the tree also has; fall off the tree. (leaf)
 It is part of the human hand; they draw with it; paint doors and windows. (brush)
 This thing is necessary for every person; products are carried in it; kangaroos have it. (bag)
 Tool of labor in the village; the girl has it; they braid it. (braid)
 Container for a bribe; clothes for the little ones; in which letters are sent. (envelope)
 They like to eat it; the driver turns it; this is the wife of a ram. (steering wheel)
 It happens when the sun; there is such an animal; it turns gray in spring. (bunny)
 Part of the phone; the captain smokes it; Sherlock Holmes never parted with her. (a tube)


Kalina rowan

IN. Our next competition "The most theatrical family"

(The host distributes the roles that the guests will play in an impromptu production of the fairy tale "Turnip". Each participant remembers the phrase that he must say when he hears the name of his character, and also remembers a certain movement).

 Turnip (spreading his arms to the sides, jumping from foot to foot): Both - on!
 Grandfather (rubbing his palms): So, sir!
 Grandmother (bowling): The meal is served!
 Granddaughter (waving): Hello everyone!
 Bug: Woof-woof!
 Cat (washing himself): Meow - meow!
 Mouse (running in place): Pee-pee-pee!

The facilitator reads the text; when he names the hero of a fairy tale, he must play his part.

Fairy tale: Grandfather planted a turnip, the turnip grew big, big. Grandfather grabbed the Turnip, pulling, pulling, he couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called Grandma, Grandfather called for Turnip, Grandma called for Grandfather, they pulled, pulled, they couldn’t pull it out. Grandma called her granddaughter. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandmother for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, they pull, pull, they cannot pull. The Granddaughter called the Bug, the Grandfather for the Turnip, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the Granddaughter for the Grandmother, the Bug for the Granddaughter, they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out. Called Bug Cat. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug, they pull, pull, they cannot pull. Called Cat Mouse. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug, Mouse for Cat, pull, pull, pulled the Turnip.


Ball blue

IN. The next competition is called "The Most Musical Family"

Participants recall old songs that they sang in their youth and perform them.


Q. Well, sing, let's play now. I propose a competition with balloons (who will hold the balloon the longest to the music, the nomination "The most athletic family").


Q. I see you are in a good mood. What's the fun today?
Let's say loudly: "We are one family." (Whoever shouts the loudest receives a diploma in the nomination "The most friendly family."


B. You can sing and dance,
And eat candy
Everyone can joke, play,
And, of course, dance!

dance block.

And love was there
Oh how I like you
Where was

Q. Thank you all! We hope you had fun, interesting and joyful today.
And I would like to end our meeting today with the words:

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land?


May 15, 2014 13.00

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1:

In our house - a glorious holiday.

I don't think it's more important.

Here today our dads, moms

Is there anyone in the world

Closer and dearer?

Lead 2:

Good afternoon, our dear parents, guests, teachers! Today our festive concert is dedicated to Family Day.

Presenter 1:

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. Family is close and dear people. Those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness.

Host 2:For everyone in this room


Presenter 1:

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Host 2:

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And five of them are interesting.

Presenter 1:

The kid is like a pet for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything,
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.

Host 2:

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land!

For you _______________________________________________________

Presenter 1:

We are proud of our family

Because you know, and I know

In trouble, the door to happiness will be slightly opened,

With love, all your seven

Host 2:

May the sun shine for all of us

But even if it's cold

Dearest of all in the world

Family that is always near!

Presenter 1: For everyone in this room


Presenter 1:

Family is a great kingdom of love.

It has faith, righteousness and power.

The family is the backbone of the state

My country, my Russia.

Host 2:

Family is the original source

Protected by heavenly angels.

And sadness, and joy, and sorrow -

One for all, inseparable.

Congratulations on the holiday ____________________________________

Presenter 1:

Family life is like going uphill:

Pleasant and difficult, but easier together!

It is enough to throw away thoughts of a quarrel,

And suddenly the ascent begins!

Host 2:

Family sea - unrest, shaking,

Gusty winds, agonizing rain...

And it seems that there will be an unfortunate denouement,

But the day is more like an accident.

Presenter 1:

Family ties are silent strings

Their hearts will hear their song.

Melody harmonious solar-lunar

They will fill each other to the end!

Host 2:

Family happiness - the solution is so close!

It's so easy to give each other warmth,

Trust the connection of hearts without a trace,

Love passionately and unceasingly!

Presenter 1:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Host 2:

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Presenter 1:

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But live happily

One is impossible!

Host 2:

Always be together, take care of love,

We want your friends to talk about you:

What a nice family this is!

On the stage ______________________________________________________

Presenter 1:

And in every family there are beloved grandparents. We want to say thank you for your care, attention, affection.

Host 2:

My grandfather dear

We are all proud of you!

And I'll tell you a secret:

There is no better grandfather in the world!

I will always try

Equal to you in everything!

Presenter 1:

Oh, how much grandma's hands

They do wonderful!

Pancakes baked with sour cream

And they are doing something...

There are no hands faster, more beautiful

Here they are, then there.

Congratulations on the holiday


Presenter 1:

How nice after a day's work, school back to his family. As soon as you enter the house, it smells of mother's pies, grandmother's buns.

Host 2:

The laughter of the younger brother is heard. Dad sits quietly and watches TV. And in the evenings my beloved grandfather teaches me to play chess. This is happiness!

Presenter 1:

Keep, people, the family hearth,

In it is your strength and fortress -

It was, it is now,

And it will be like this forever!

For you ________________________________________________________

Presenter 1:

Family is the most capacious word.
It hears the "seed" - the basis of life.
The seven 'I's are seven firmly bound,
And future lives - a reliable source.

Host 2:
Family is joyful children's laughter.
Family is what gives us success in life!
Let relatives be a support to each other,
And may all misfortunes pass by!

Presenter 1:
Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,
That in childhood and old age protects us.
Family - a house built on love,
May joy and happiness reign in him!

Congratulations on the holiday


Presenter 1:

Let's honor family values
Let's always love our loved ones,
After all, only in the family we will find support,
May your house always be a full bowl!

Host 2:
Let children and adults always remember -
Family is the most important! Years later
Be able to carry your happiness,
Let only the best lies ahead!

For you ______________________________________________________

Presenter 1:

Let the family flourish
May loyalty, kindness and love
Lead you through life, friends,
Making happy again!

Host 2:
May every wonderful moment
What was spent together with the family,
A smile will decorate your face,
And it will be like a dream!

Presenter 1:

Happy Holidays again, you! Take care of each other!

Host 2:

All the best to you! Until we meet again


1. "Merry song" - ensemble "Droplets"

2. "How I was born" - Shirobokov Nikita

3. "Komarovo" - 4 A class

4. “The nightingale sang in the grove” - the Perky Heel Ensemble

5. "Boom-boom la-la-la" - 4 A class

6. "Mom" - trio "Ecole"

7. “I have a grandmother” - Ekaterina Sychkina

8. "For water" - Fiastro Vitaly

9. "Russian boots" - ensemble "Zabava"

10. " Mom's hands» - Khalina Anastasia
