Belarusians talk about a preferential pension: “If it were like a salary, I would quit my job.” The retirement age has been raised

Reader of the Vitebsk Courier: “ Nowhere in the world is there such deception»

Recently, the editors of the Vitebsk Courier received a letter from a resident of the regional center, in which he talked about how, according to the new pension legislation, they fell into a “trap” insurance period» military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and persons equivalent to them.

“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.” Photo by Svetlana Vasilyeva

The situation arose in connection with the introduction of new pension rules, according to which the period of service in law enforcement agencies is not included in the insurance period if the employee has not served 10 years.

That is, if a person for some reason does not serve the specified period, then he is deprived of the right to a departmental pension. In addition, the entire period of his service is not included in the length of service for the purpose of assigning an old-age pension on a general basis.This means that, for example, an employee, being dismissed after 9 years of service, will have to find a job and have time to develop an insurance record of at least 16 years today,- our reader explained.

According to the man, during the Soviet Union, law enforcement officers did not pay contributions to state social insurance.

This was the case in Belarus until recently. The state itself did not pay contributions to the social protection fund, what does this have to do with the employees? People were guaranteed that they were full-time employees, even with benefits.

And now these people cannot receive either an old-age pension on a general basis or social pension, noted our reader.

According to the law, having reached retirement age, they do not even have the right to receive unemployment benefits or the right to targeted social assistance. But in fact, it is difficult to find a job to support yourself and your family. There is no such deception anywhere in the world! A failure in the insurance seniority compulsory military service is the ultimate fantasy of Belarusian legislators of our time.

In our country, only the retirement age is consistent, and the minimum insurance period there is lower - 15 years. And the main difference is that the insurance period includes military service on call. In addition, take into account maternity leave, caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person aged 80 years or older.

By the way, according to the Ministry of Labor, in 2015 there were about 1,000 people who found themselves in such a difficult situation. And their number increases over time. After all, the adoption of new decrees led to the fact that those who for a long period of time carried out socially useful activities that are not included in the insurance period lost their right to a pension.

In 2018, an old-age labor pension on a general basis is assigned to men aged 61 years with at least 25 years of work experience, of which at least 16 years and 6 months of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state extra-budgetary social protection fund.

For representatives of some professions they kept it. the site talked to Belarusians who can retire on preferential terms and found out whether they should be envied.

Ballerina: Pension is eight times less than salary

Ballerina Yulia Dyatko- Honored Artist of Belarus. A year and a half ago, when Yulia already had 23 years of experience under her belt, she retired on a preferential pension. The artist says that she would have continued dancing, but a serious injury prevented her

Photo from personal archive

“If the Bolshoi Theater’s repertoire had more modern choreography, I might still have stayed.” But I could no longer play the classical repertoire without painkillers. It sounds sad, but what can you do,” says Yulia. “Leaving turned out to be very difficult mentally, because every performance was a holiday for me.

The pension of the honored artist, although “considered large compared to the national average,” is still noticeably different from her salary, which she received in the theater as a ballerina; it is eight times less.

In retirement, Yulia continues to work as a choreographer-tutor in Bolshoi Theater opera and ballet, as well as a teacher at the Vezhnovets ballet school. Together with her husband, People's Artist Konstantin Kuznetsov, she works on productions as a choreographer. By the way, Yulia’s husband has not yet retired, although they are the same age. According to her, there is gender equality in ballet: regardless of gender, leading soloists can count on retirement after 20 years of experience. And in Russia, for example, after 15 years.

“In Belarus, ballerinas often do not develop experience,” explains Yulia. — Some decide not to renew their contract, others leave due to injury. If it becomes very difficult, they look for a job with less stress.

Colonel: On average, military pensions are half their salary

Colonel Mikhail Ivanovich ( name has been changed. — Approx. ed. ) may retire on a preferential pension this year. He considers it deserved that his military ranks become pensioners at the age of 50.

— At a time when our peers were studying at institutes, we were at a military school. What is student life and what is cadet life? The barracks and boots are like military service, only 2.5 times longer,” explains Mikhail Ivanovich.

At the age of 21, he graduated from military school, after which he was given command of about forty people.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Reuters

— There was a lot of responsibility: for people, for equipment, for completing the tasks that were assigned to you. You’re practically never at home, especially in the first years of service,” says the colonel. — In the army there is no such thing as a standardized working day or a 40-hour work week. My daughters started talking and walking without me. I was in the fields, on exercises.

Mikhail Ivanovich says that he gets upset when he hears indignation about why military personnel retire early.

— Some people argue that a military man has risen to big stars and can do nothing. Before you become a colonel, you have to work hard. And working with big stars is not easy. Believe me, not a single state has ever given benefits to anyone for no reason and will never give them. If there are benefits, they are justified, the colonel is convinced. - In addition, there is such an objective reality as the age limit in order to occupy this or that position, to perform certain duties. There are a number of studies on this topic, including abroad. Therefore, in addition to some personal assessments, judgments and opinions, there is a scientific explanation.

The colonel plans to leave the Armed Forces this year, but will continue to work elsewhere. In his opinion, “seventy percent of his colleagues” do this: they are looking for a quieter job in order to still receive an increase in their pension .

— On average, military personnel have a pension of half their salary: that’s enough for many, but today it’s not such a large amount. Until I didn’t think about what I would do if I couldn’t get a job anywhere. But there are grandchildren, a dacha, a garage, a car - there is always something to do,” the colonel sums up.

Police major: I receive a pension of 450 rubles, but I continue to work

Vladimir Ulsky He retired at the age of 45 with the rank of police major, he had 27 years of work experience. The man worked in Novopolotsk in the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the detention group.

“The work was intense, you had to immediately respond to alarms that went off in apartments and shops: you got up in the morning and worked until the morning,” says the man.

Vladimir Ulsky now receives a pension of 450 rubles.

— For the last year and a half, civilians’ pensions have been increased, but the military and police have not. The civilian pension is almost equal to the police pension: my mother, a pensioner at 78 years old, has a pension of 350 rubles. As for the dissatisfaction with the early retirement of police officers, I can give you the following example. They called and said that the captain with whom we worked together in the task force had died. He turned 50 years old. Before this, another colleague, a sergeant, died at the age of 45. Now men in Belarus will retire at 63 years old, but many police officers do not live up to such years. Every day we worked to the limit. Few can stand it.

Vladimir says that he would be glad to retire, “Still, the pension is enough for bread and milk”.

“But there is a son who needs help, because it is almost impossible for him to get a job in the city.” As long as you have health, you have to work, and then whatever happens, sums up Vladimir.

Geologist: I plan to work as long as my health allows

Tatiana Gavina came to Belaruskali in 1994. Now she is a local geologist. According to her, work “not the easiest.”

- At 8.30 - descent into the mine to measure the quality of the mine workings, and at 11.25 you need to leave the mine and process the data obtained. Noise, dust, dirt: working conditions in the mine are considered harmful, says the woman.

This year Tatyana Gavina has developed, as she says, “underground experience.” I could have retired, but chose to stay.

Photo from personal archive

- Of course, I'm working! At 45 years old, sitting at home is boring,” Tatiana laughs. “And I have time to do household chores even after work.” I like my job and our team.

Other geologists at the enterprise do the same, the woman says. Tatyana doesn’t remember any of her colleagues retiring at 45.

“This is all because the difference in money is too significant, the pension is almost four times less than the salary,” says Tatyana. “If my pension were the same as my salary, I would think about doing something else.” And I plan to work as long as my health allows.

Electrician: The difference between salary and pension is about 1,700 rubles

Sergey Pavlin has been working as an electrician at Belaruskali since 1991. He repairs and inspects electrical equipment. “The shift in the mine starts at 6.35 and ends at 13.35. Every year you have to undergo a medical examination: if something is wrong, you won’t be allowed to work,”- the man notes.

Last year, an electrician could have received a preferential pension, but continued to work - fortunately his health allows it.

“The children need to be weaned, put on their feet.” You can’t really live on your pension, so I’ll work,” says Sergei.

The difference between an electrician’s salary and pension is about 1,700 rubles. Sergei Pavlin explains that most of his colleagues do not retire on a preferential pension, but continue to work. And those who retire do not get jobs “on the surface.” “It’s impossible to find a salary like ours there”, explains Sergei.

The average amount of assigned monthly pensions in February 2017 was 297 rubles 65 kopecks.

Alexander Khristoforov, Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee:

− Pension provision for citizens is carried out in accordance with the Law “On pension provision" dated April 17, 1992 No. 1596-XII (as amended and supplemented) and other regulations in force on the date of application for a pension.

According to Articles 5 and 11 of the Law, in 2017, an old-age labor pension on a general basis is assigned to men aged 60 years 6 months with at least 25 years of work experience, of which at least 16 years of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state non-budgetary social protection fund.

The calculation of length of service is carried out in accordance with Article 51 of the law. The concepts of length of service for calculating the amount of pension and length of insurance differ in content.

Periods of work, entrepreneurial, creative and other activities are included in the length of service for calculating the amount of pension, provided that during these periods compulsory insurance contributions were paid to the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population (part one of Article 51 of the law), as well as other periods activities without paying mandatory insurance contributions specified in paragraphs “a” - “n” of Article 51 of the Law (part two of this article).

In particular, periods of military service in the Armed Forces, border troops and border service agencies, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, state security agencies, the Presidential Security Service and other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of the service are counted as length of service for calculating pensions. in the internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee, the State Forensic Examinations Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee, as well as service in the Armed Forces, state security bodies and internal affairs bodies of the former USSR.

The insurance period includes only periods of work (other activities) provided for in Part 1 of Article 51 of the Law, including periods of work on the territory of the USSR. The periods provided for in part two of Article 51 of the Law (paragraphs “a”, “c” - “n”) are not counted towards the insurance period.

Please note that the presence of an insurance period of a certain duration is a prerequisite for the appointment of one type or another. labor pension. Thus, to assign an old-age pension in 2017, 16 years of insurance work experience is required (annually from January 1, it increases by 6 months until reaching 20 years).

To assign labor pensions for disability and loss of a breadwinner, the fact of payment of insurance premiums is sufficient. Presidential Decree No. 233 of June 29, 2017 “On pension provision for certain categories of citizens” provides for certain benefits based on the length of the insurance period for the assignment of age pensions to certain categories of citizens.

Thus, an old-age labor pension is assigned to citizens who have served in the military and have work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, including at least 10 calendar years military service with at least 10 years of covered work experience.

The circle of people entitled to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions is determined by Articles 12 and 15 of the law. In particular, paragraph "b" of Article 12 grants the right to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions to men with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 5 years and with work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months (in this case at least 6 years 3 months in the period before January 1, 2009) in the jobs provided for in List No. 2. If the man has at least half of the work experience in hazardous and difficult working conditions (at least 6 years 3 months) before January 1, 2009 and at least 25 years of work experience, pensions are assigned with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 1 year - for every 2 years 6 months of such work.

When calculating the special length of service that gives the right to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions, for periods of work before January 1, 1992, the lists of industries, workshops, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to such a pension, Lists No. 1 and No. 2, are used. approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 22, 1956 No. 1173.

For periods of work from January 1 to December 31, 1992, when calculating special length of service, Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10, are used.

Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of May 25, 2005 No. 536, are applied for periods of work after January 1, 1993.

The procedure for applying each of the Lists is regulated by law: Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved in 1956, are compiled on a production principle and the calculation of special experience for periods of work before January 1, 1992 is made without taking into account the results of workplace certification for working conditions. To include periods of work in professions and positions provided for in Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved in 1991 and 2005, into the special experience, a prerequisite is confirmation of special working conditions by the results of workplace certification.

Right to early retirement by age is provided to employees employed directly and continuously for a period of time specified by law, full-time in jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions, which must be confirmed by documents of the period of work.

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the BSSR (USSR, Belarus) is not provided for by Lists No. 1 and No. 2. Pensions for this category of citizens are carried out, in particular, in accordance with the law of December 17, 1992 No. 2050-XII “On pensions for military personnel, commanders and privates composition of internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies.”

Junior medical personnel are given the right to early retirement benefits according to List No. 2.

Thus, Section XXVI “Health Institutions,” approved in 1956, provides for junior medical personnel working in psychiatric and psychoneurological institutions (directly serving mental patients).

Junior medical personnel in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions, directly serving patients, are also provided for by List No. 2, approved in 1991 (section XXIV “Health care institutions and social security").

List No. 2, approved in 2005, includes orderlies directly involved in serving patients in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions.

Teaching staff are not included in the circle of people entitled to an old-age pension for work with special working conditions according to List No. 2.

At the same time, in accordance with Article 48 of the Law, certain categories of medical and teaching workers are given the right to a pension for long service with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 5 years. Women are granted this right if they have a special work experience of at least 25 years, and men with a special work experience of at least 30 years.

The special length of service includes work provided for by the List of institutions, organizations and positions, work in which entitles certain categories of medical and teaching workers to a pension for years of service, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 1, 1992 No. 724 and the List of institutions, organizations and positions for the purposes of professional pension insurance for medical and teaching workers, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of October 9, 2008 No. 1490.

The specified Lists include teachers primary schools, basic schools, secondary schools and so on.

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This period will increase every year until it reaches 15 years by 2025.

  • The minimum number of points converted from funds transferred by the employer in the account must be 13.8. By 2025, this figure should increase by 2.4 annually to reach 30.
  • People with experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are defined in Federal Law No. 400 on insurance pensions as a category of persons who have the opportunity to enter an old-age pension earlier than 55 years for women and 60 for men. Retirement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to mixed length of service The procedure for retirement and calculation of benefits is determined on the basis of Law N 4468-1. Like any other citizen, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can continue working and at the same time receive a long-service pension. For employees of this structure, the pension is formed from the state budget, and for civilians from the funds of the Pension Fund.

Pension for mixed military service

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus" based on: certificate No. ... dated .... I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...




Work experience is confirmed by the data in the work book, and in its absence - in the manner prescribed for confirming work experience when assigning pensions. And where is it written that work books are not filled out.

And they don’t issue social security cards either. It turns out that the person served and there was no protection. I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message, because: A notification is being sent...

How to retire from the Ministry of Internal Affairs with mixed length of service?

The assignment of a pension of this type occurs in a strictly defined manner, which differs significantly from the procedure for receiving other forms of pensions.
However, there are quite serious reasons that can prevent this.
And only compliance with all requirements and taking into account the specifics can guarantee that the application for a pension will be approved by the pension fund.


If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a military serviceman has experience in different organizations To apply for a mixed service pension, he must meet the following criteria:

  • his age must be at least 45 years;
  • The total length of work experience must be at least 25 years;
  • The length of service as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be at least 12.5 years.

Time of study in higher education educational institution can be counted towards the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs if a military rank was received during the training process.

Mixed service pension

Their work experience in the named positions is flight and flight test personnel, workers performing air traffic control and having a dispatcher certificate, engineering and technical staff, flight attendants, medical and teaching staff of secondary schools, OPTU, technical schools and colleges, as well as artists and others employees of theatrical and entertainment institutions and groups - called length of service.

The total duration of work of the named employees in the positions listed above is their length of service.

However, their work in the positions listed above can also be called length of service for the purpose of assigning and paying them a pension for long service.

Long service also includes military service of citizens in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee.

Pension for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with mixed experience

In this case, the calculation takes into account the total work experience, which must be at least 25 years.
These years include the period of military service, which cannot be less than twelve years and six months.

For female military personnel, their length of service includes the period they were on maternity leave if they were granted during military service.

Their period of study at a military school is not included in the length of service of military personnel.

The calculation of pensions for mixed service is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 4468-1.

Prerequisite for appointment mixed pension- reaching the age of 45 years. The age limit may be reduced in the event that a serviceman is forced to leave service due to illness, layoff or reorganization.

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The following may apply for it: employees of criminal correctional institutions;

  • fire service employees;
  • employees of organizations whose activities are aimed at combating drug trafficking;
  • employees of the Ministry of Defense;
  • police officers.

Required documents Documents for retirement with mixed length of service:

  • Statement of the established form.
  • Identity document.
  • Social Security Certificate.
  • Salary certificate for five years.
  • Certificate of duration of military service.
  • Application indicating the method of receiving a pension.

After submitting the package of documents, verification of the provided data begins. Based on its results, a decision is made on the appointment of one or another type of pension provision.

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This issue is regulated by:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation number 4468;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation number 166;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation number 247;
  • Resolutions of the Government and the Council of Ministers No. 941 and 1237;
  • Acts of individual ministries and departments.

Works within the structure of the ministry a large number of people who can be divided into two unequal parts:

  • civilian workers who do not have military ranks or positions;
  • military personnel with military rank.

The same provisions apply to them pension law, which is true for the majority of citizens.

This also applies to retirement age.
Thus, the length of service of military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies and the State Security Committee is the total duration (in years, months, days) of military and other service in the above-mentioned bodies plus individual periods of service counted on the appropriate preferential terms provided for legislation. In accordance with Art. 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pensions for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies”, the procedure for calculating length of service for assigning pensions for length of service to officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and military personnel serving under a contract, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies determined by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 1993.

National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2003, N 127, 2/993). Military personnel, commanding and enlisted personnel and members of their families are also granted the right to assign pensions on the grounds provided for by this Law. At the same time, all types of monetary allowances for military personnel, commanding officers and rank and file are taken into account on an equal basis with the wages of workers in the republic.

It is no secret that today many are employed unofficially or on “black” wages, which affects the total length of service for calculating a pension and its amount. The employee will not be able to officially confirm the time he worked. But the law protects all categories of citizens and social benefits are provided for such situations.

After 2002, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension is 5 years. It's already called insurance, and not labor, because Each employer pays insurance for its employees. The size of the subsequent pension depends on this indicator. After amendments were made in 2015, the minimum experience was increased to 10 years, and the formation of the amount is influenced by the following main parameters:

We find out whether maternity leave to care for a child is included in the length of service when calculating pensions - labor and preferential

In accordance with the same law on insurance pensions (Article 30), female teachers who have worked in institutions for children for at least 25 years can retire before the age of 55. However labor code RF (part five of Article 256) stipulates that the period of care is not taken into account when calculating the pension early.

  1. For pregnancy and childbirth: its standard duration is 140 days (of which half are days before childbirth and the remaining half are after). If there were complications, then postpartum period increases from 70 to 86 days. Women carrying multiple children go on this leave for 194 days (84 before and 110 after).

Calculation of length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

response to work at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on September 20, 1994, retired in November 2014. upon reaching the age limit. The certified experience was 20 years plus 2.5 years in total** (study 22 years, i.e. pension 56% of cash income). Contents of the calculation of pensions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Period: - work in the Department of Internal Affairs from September 20, 1994 to November 7, 2014 is taken into account. (20 month 1 year 17 days – 50% DS); — **Period of training from 09/01/1976. until 31.05. -3 1980 9 months (45 months) (this is an additional calculation to 22 certified years of experience - the missing 1 year 10 months 14 months (22.5 days). I want to apply to the Pension Fund for the assignment of part of the insurance pension. Question: In connection with the fact that I received the education at the university without civilian separation labor activity, is it possible to exclude the unused period of study - work from 06/01/1980 to 06/25/1982 when calculating the pension through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to give me the opportunity to include it in the calculation of the insurance pension portion. ** Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 941 of September 22, 1993 “In the years of service for granting a pension to persons of commanding and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, it is time to count their training before entering service in civilian educational institutions of higher education or in secondary specialized educational institutions within five years at the rate of two months of study for one month of service - in employees in relation to internal affairs bodies received on January before the 1st service in 2012 (paragraph introduced by the RF PP dated 08.25.12 N854)

Hello! 09.15. The period for extension of service according to the age limit has ended. Dismissal for the Report or for extension of service, I am not Two. wrote months after that I was absent from the opinion, according to their service without good reasons, however, I tried to transfer to the Dnepropetrovsk region for further medical examination and retirement. There was a request to the GUMVD department of the Lugansk region. and my translation was given permission. At the end of November I arrived at the service location to collect necessary documents. interview I passed the DVB and a polygraph, but the leadership of the Lugansk Regional Department of Internal Affairs decided to fire me on the basis of absenteeism and I was not allowed to work by order. Since I was not informed about the punishment and with the order to delay my dismissal, I was refused to undergo a medical examination, citing the fact that it is not possible to undergo a medical examination in the territory of the Lugansk region - the ATO zone. I did not receive any monthly salary for September. Do they have the right to fire me for a gross disciplinary violation? Should HR have fired me when I reached my age limit? 46 years old. Major. Work experience 20, 5. If they fire me now, then what date should be considered the date of dismissal? Is it possible to undergo dismissal for a disciplinary violation after a medical examination and what is required for this? Should I apply for a pension in this case, if the calculation of the pension is carried out for two years, which includes those three months (I haven’t heard)?

Calculation of pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formula, examples)

In this case, accrual is made at the rate of 1% of the amount of allowance for each year of service. The size of the pension is not limited by law, but the law contains a clause according to which a work experience of 25 years must include at least 12 years and 6 months spent by a citizen in military service in certain government bodies.

Disabled people eligible to receive a pension can expect its amount to be increased. The increase in the amount depends on the disability group assigned to the citizen who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the reason why the citizen became disabled is taken into account.

Mixed pension for military personnel

Dismissed due to staff reorganization and transfer to Russia. Guard (abbreviation), at the age of 42 years. Experience in the police, then police 16 calendar years, preferential 17 years, 9 months. With the army for 19 years, 8 months. I have a year of civilian experience before the army, two after the army. Now 44 years old. Total calendar experience 26 years. I am 44 years old, registered as a labor veteran. The displaced pension was denied. Is this legal? They told me to apply after 45 years.

Thank you for answering the question about the benefits when assigning a pension to military personnel designated for active military service on a voluntary basis at the age of 43 for use in officer positions by decision of the Minister of Defense (according to Article 90 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service by officers of the USSR Armed Forces, for example on position of teaching staff at VUZ). Is it possible to find out according to which document? Thank you in advance

Minimum pension for military personnel in Russia

A pension is awarded to a serviceman or his family depending on how many years he served and the amount of his allowance. Obtaining disability during service may also become a factor for granting pension payments, but subject to 20 years of experience.

In 2015, it was planned to increase military pensions by 20 - 22%, but taking into account the current circumstances in the economy, the hopes of military pensioners were not justified. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, payments to the military must be indexed annually by 2% without taking into account adjustments due to inflation. It is expected that for 2019 the adjustment factor will be 5-7%.

Russian Pension Fund

Everyone knows that most police officers become pensioners at a relatively young age. A pension for mixed service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very tempting prospect for junior and mid-level employees, since continued service is associated with the same difficulties and dangers, and, in most cases, there are no longer any career prospects. It is quite predictable that most police officers strive to take advantage of the chance they have. This article is dedicated to detailed description retirement based on mixed length of service.

However, it must be taken into account that only persons in military service are entitled to the latter form of support. If an employee has a certain period of service as a military personnel, but at the time of submitting an application for this type of pension provision is a civilian, then he will inevitably be refused.

All about accounting"

  • 55 years old - born before September 30, 1956 inclusive;
  • 55 years 6 months - born from 10/01/1956 to 03/31/1957;
  • 56 years old - born from 04/01/1957 to 09/30/1957;
  • 56 years 6 months - born from 10/01/1957 to 03/31/1958;
  • 57 years old - born from 04/01/1958 to 09/30/1958;
  • 57 years 6 months - born from 10/01/1958 to 03/31/1959;
  • 58 years old - born from 04/01/1959 to 09/30/1959;
  • 58 years 6 months - born from 10/01/1959 to 03/31/1960;
  • 59 years old - born from 04/01/1960 to 09/30/1960;
  • 59 years 6 months - who were born from 10/01/1960 to 03/31/1961.

The woman was born on March 11, 1970. 7 years 6 months of work experience according to List No. 1 and 15 years of total experience. She has the right to a preferential pension when applying for a pension in March 2015. But if she submits an application for an old-age pension on preferential terms to the PFU in April - June 2015 (within 3 months from the date of entitlement, as provided for in Article 45 of the Pension Insurance Law, having a total experience of 15 years 3 months), she will be denied a pension. This is because, according to the new version of the Law on Pension Security (effective from 04/01/15), you already need to have 15 years and 6 months of work experience.

Military pensions

  1. Resign due to length of service by submitting a completed sample report to the military unit.
  2. Register with the commissariat at your place of residence, attaching the relevant documents (length of service or disability).
  3. Request a monetary certificate at your place of service (since 2014 it has been sent to the military registration and enlistment office).
  4. Get a certificate from Pension Fund about the absence of charges.
  5. Contact the military registration and enlistment office with an application, attaching a complete package of documents to obtain a certificate.
  6. Receiving a pension is the same as for ordinary pensioners.

The pension fund and the military commissariat at the place of residence have the right to issue pensions to military personnel. Pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019, as well as other equivalent structures, is issued according to a similar procedure. The laws on social and pension security establish a special procedure for registration military pension:

All about military pensions

If a military pensioner receives an unofficial salary, and his employer does not pay insurance contributions, then insurance part no labor pension will be formed. Thus, the size of the insurance part of the labor pension is directly dependent on the amount of legal wages and, accordingly, the amount of insurance contributions of a particular person for the insurance period: the higher the official salary, the more insurance premiums and accordingly, the larger the pension.

Question about insurance part of labor pension more relevant. In the first editions of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (as well as in the previously effective Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On State Pensions in Russian Federation") the right of military pensioners to receive a labor pension in addition to the military pension was not provided for. It was possible to apply for a labor pension by refusing a military pension, but in the vast majority of cases this was unprofitable.

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