Exchange of partners: report from a swing club. Wife swapping or swinging as a means to strengthen a family Where can you buy Czech crowns

“Someone else’s wife always seems like a maiden,” says an old Russian proverb. She is echoed by the words from a modern song by Boris Grebenshchikov: “Everyone wants someone else’s, no one wants theirs.” In Soviet times, in one of the air towns in the Far East, one officer constantly looked at his neighbor’s wife. Then he noticed that he was not indifferent to his own wife. Ultimately, they decided to swap wives. The story reached the high authorities, who were indignant: “Why did the full-time political officer, called upon to monitor the moral character of Soviet officers, do nothing?” But it turned out that it was the commissar who swapped his wife, who was already pretty boring to him, for someone else’s more attractive one... It is unlikely that the Soviet military pilots knew then that they were repeating the experience of their American colleagues.

The history of the origins of swing

During World War II, Americans flew to bomb the Japanese from the Pacific Islands. Moreover, at air bases, pilots could live with their wives. It was there that an unusual tradition arose, which is believed to have marked the beginning of swing. There was a war going on, planes were shot down and pilots often died. However, the wife of the deceased was not left completely alone. Best friend, as a rule, “shared” her husband with her, realizing that she herself could find herself in the same situation at any moment.

After the war, in peacetime, this tradition was continued. In 1957, the American men's magazine Mister published an article about wife swapping. It turned out that in the United States many couples practice this. Swinging has become a publicly discussed phenomenon. By 1960, about 20 dating magazines had a special “Couple Seeking Mate” section. Later, swing clubs began to appear. They were of two types: open - “on-premisses” and closed - “off-premisses”. “Off” meant that the club's bylaws prohibited sexual contact during parties and meetings. And “On” - allows. Later, swing became widespread in Europe.

Partner swapping is believed to be most popular in the United States, where one in five couples (20%) have tried it at least once, one in six (15%) have tried it three to five times, and 8% of spouses practice it regularly.

According to recent surveys, even in prim Britain, about two million couples have already tried swinging. And the other six million admitted that they wouldn’t mind trying. The number of swingers is constantly growing in other European countries, including Russia. By the way, this phenomenon took place back in Soviet times in some closed scientific campuses. There, young scientists worked on secret military projects and lived according to their own sexual laws, as in a large polygamous family. Friendly relations organically complemented by intimate ones. Sex parties with wife swapping took place regularly on Fridays and Saturdays. It should be noted that group sex and swinging are not the same thing. Swinging does not always lead to an orgy, and not every orgy is swinging.

It seems completely incredible, but exchanging wives has a fairly beneficial effect on strengthening the family. As studies conducted in the United States have shown, swingers almost never get divorced. The survey showed that when exchanging partners, the majority are even quite happy families̆ relations have improved noticeably. And among those who, before swinging, considered their marriage “unhappy” and were planning to get divorced, 90 percent noted improvements! During the research, the general “level of happiness” of swingers was also tested, compared with ordinary families. It turned out that they are twice as happy as average Americans.

Freedom helped us!

“It was from a situation when our family was on the verge of divorce that we came to swinging. And we can say unequivocally - it helped!!! Everything was fine in our family except for sexual relations. It was swing that gave us the necessary variety in sex and helped us to liberate ourselves. And moreover, now we sincerely believe that our relationship is more natural than the relationship of ordinary couples. The opportunity to realize our sexual fantasies on the side, absolutely without hiding, raised our relationship to a new level and added the necessary zest to home sex.”

Elfik, 30 years old

Fragment from the book by Arseny Sobolevsky “Revolution of Love or Degeneration?”

Every Russian tourist coming to the Czech Republic, without exception, is interested in exchanging money. There are hundreds of exchange offices in Prague. In the city center they can be found literally every twenty meters.

How not to be deceived?

Every money changer wants to make money and everyone has a beautiful sign announcing a super favorable rate without commission. However, eighty percent of the exchange points add to those indicated on the sign beautiful numbers either a fixed fee, or some tricky percentage, which they don’t seem to consider as a commission. You can lose from fifty to a thousand crowns or even more on such an exchange. It depends on how much money you put through the window and on the impudence of the person sitting there.

Come in - they are waiting for you...

If you pop into the first kiosk you come across, you will most likely change euros at the rate of 22-23 crowns, although the sign will promise 25, or even 26.

We are talking about the euro, since most Russian tourists come to Europe with European currency. And he does the right thing.

Read how I had to call the police and find out how it all ended.

Three golden rules when exchanging currency

There are three golden rules for exchanging money that always apply in any country in the world. They will help you not get into a puddle.

  1. Change small amounts for the first time, for example 100 euros. If you are cheated, then let the scale of the disaster not be global. If everything goes smoothly, you will know that everything is fair in this exchanger.
  2. Before giving the bill, show it through the glass to the cashier and ask in any language - he will understand: how much will I get for this? The cashier must have a calculator on which he will type and show you the amount. If it matches the course on the sign and suits you, change it.
  3. Change your money slowly. Never fuss or rush - count everything in your head twice, you have the right to do this. After you have been given the amount, make sure that everything is in order. If you are being rushed, it is a sign that something is unclean. In this case, it is better to refuse the deal.

We think it is unnecessary to say that You cannot change money from the hands of people approaching you on the street.- these people usually sell inexperienced tourists printed pieces of paper or money from a non-existent republic instead of crowns - avoid them.

Walking around Prague and looking for honest exchangers is a tedious task and not very exciting for a healthy person.

Arab exchangers

It is known that the network of correct exchange offices in the city belongs to the Arabs. Yes, oddly enough, it is the Arabs who change money without fees, commissions and at a good rate. These guys realized that it was profitable to work honestly and thus made a reputation for themselves. Tour guides and guides recommend Arabs as having proven themselves well. Tourists approach them with wads of money without fear. And in general they remain satisfied.

Here are some addresses of Arab exchange offices in Prague:

  1. Provaznická Lane;
  2. Panská 6;
  3. Panská 4;
  4. Náměstí Republiky 1 in .

Perhaps, the most popular Arabic exchanger located in the very center at the end of Wenceslas Square behind the New Yorker store in an alley. Whenever I happen to be in Prague, the author often changes money there and recommends it to friends because it’s the easiest place to find. The last time they gave 25.00 Czech crowns for 1 euro. The favorable location is an additional plus. Here are some photos for visualization.

We reach the New Yorker store at the very end of Vaclavka (or at the very beginning - whichever is closer to you).

We walk forward another twenty meters and on the right there will be a descent along the escalator to the Můstek metro station, and on the house above the entrance to the cafe there is a Provaznická sign.

Provaznická - you are almost there.

Here is the exchange office itself and a group of Russian tourists brought by the guide.

Russian tourists, hungry for shopping, came for the crowns.

Of course, there are usually no long lines here. Look, after just three minutes everyone was served promptly and conscientiously.

Everyone has been served - come to your health.

And here comes the Arab. He has been sitting here for at least ten years and has trained himself to count courses to such an extent that his brain performs 256 counting operations per second.

If you buy crowns here, be sure to look into his honest eyes.

Let's continue our story.

If you turn from the middle of the central square along right hand Wenceslas statue, then after walking 100 meters you will find yourself on a parallel street called Panska. There three correct exchangers at once. The first one, already mentioned, is in the house where the Embassy of the Argentine Republic is, in the tourist center at Panska 6. To get there, you need to dive under the arch.

Some Russian-speaking guides end their excursions here and, as if by chance, say that there is a fair exchange and a good exchange rate here. They don’t lie (25.40 CZK per euro).

By the way, here you can rent a car, find discounted air tickets, buy an excursion for the evening, look for souvenirs for friends, have a snack and even pee for free.

Here is a couple from Russia finding out something about a night tour of Prague. And behind them in the background, if you look closely, is what you came here for.

The second point on Panskaya is across the road and a little lower, closer to Na Příkopě street. There the rate is even more favorable (25.60).

The third is next to the first, in the 4th house. Here in 2013 you could exchange euros for rubles at the best rate in the city (25.75), although it is usually deserted and the faces of the tellers are not very spiritual. The difference with a point behind the New Yorker from one hundred euros is a mug, or even one and a half, of the best beer in a good restaurant, the difference with the average money changers is a good meal with dessert.

It is impossible not to mention one more point in our article. It is located at Kaprova 15 and the course here is also always pleasant (25.40). According to legend, the Czechs themselves change money here.

And the last exchange office that you need to know about is located at the exit from the Malostranskaya metro station. There is only one exit from the station, so you won’t get lost. If you are in that area, for example, come on an excursion, and you need crowns, for your health - the rate is not bad 10/25.

Correct Prague exchangers on the map

Finally, here are all the places mentioned in the article on a map of Prague to make it easier for you to navigate.

Well, now you are savvy about exchanging money in Prague. And once again - wherever you are, never forget the three golden rules.

Everyone is welcome. If there is news, we will let you know. If you have something to say on the topic, we welcome comments.

Our brave author took on a difficult editorial assignment and went to a party at a swing club. Well, in order not to stand out too much among the vacationers (and for the time being not to attract attention), Olga took her friend Andrei with her: relaxed, handsome, and also a scout by profession.

Hopes and Doubts

During this secret operation, Andrei and I decided to pretend to be an established couple. As it turned out later, this turned out to be unnecessary. But they still came up with a legend about who we are: he is a designer, and I am his muse, I don’t work. They stated their age honestly: I am 24 years old, he is 27.

The website of the swing club was full of photographs of ideal bodies, and the texts evoked an atmosphere of mystery. But for some reason it still seemed that in reality only elderly, bored couples swing. The site did not say where the swingers' parties were held, but you could call or fill out an online application. I dialed the number and made an appointment for the coming Friday. In response, the girl dictated the address of the club: the ground floor of a restaurant not far from the Moscow Ring Road. This was somewhat alarming, but also intriguing. I asked how we should dress, they recommended “something more erotic: for a man a shirt and trousers, and for a girl - Evening Dress».

Andrey and I agreed that an evening dress was too much. We decided on a red shirt with a deep neckline, tight skirt with a large slit, wide black belt. Plus black lingerie and stockings. Then we checked our reservation on the website. "Olga and Andrey" were on the list. Judging by the names, there were about 30 couples expected. There were no singles on the list. At the same time, we got acquainted with the rules of conduct in the club: at swingers’ parties, relationships between men are prohibited, but bisexual relationships between women are allowed. After drinking a little tequila for courage, we went “to work.”

Pride and Prejudice

At the same time, another couple, who looked to be in their early 40s, came down to the swing club with us. After paying for the entrance (3,000 rubles for each couple), we went inside. We were asked to immediately undress: wrap ourselves in a pareo or bath towel. “Thank you, but we’ll take a closer look first, and then maybe we’ll get naked.” The organizers insisted that we change our shoes. I had shoes with me, and Andrey was given disposable slippers. Fortunately, not hospital shoe covers.

We asked to show us the club. The first room is the main hall with tables and large leather chairs. The lights are dim, candles are burning, condoms are placed everywhere. From this room you could access the pool, shower and sauna. Nearby there were two rest rooms, each with a double bed (only sheets on them), the lights dimmed, and condoms on the bedside tables.

After looking around the club, Andrey and I sat down at a table and asked for a menu. But the second couple, who came in at the same time as us, left: they didn’t like it here. While waiting for our order, we began to look at other visitors.

Here is a couple about our age (as it turned out later, she is 25, he is 29). Pleasant. Already in towels, bored on the sofa. A lonely girl in a pareo sits at the next table. Looking at her, Andrei summed up: “She’s here at work. First of all, there was no single girl on the list. And secondly, you can see from it.” Very soon his guesses will be confirmed: the girl will indeed turn out to be a fake, designed to warm up the audience. Soon a short man with a shaved skull, about 30 years old, sat down next to her. He also turned out to be an employee of the establishment.

At that moment, another couple entered the hall, they looked to be over 40. The woman was wearing only a slip, the man was wearing a turtleneck and a red towel (I’ll call them G. and I.). Then another couple our age arrived. Andrey and I immediately liked the girl (A.), but not so much her partner. And the last couple to enter the club was a couple that we discussed in detail with the other swingers - grandparents. He has a potbelly, wearing family shorts and glasses. She has breasts, I think, size 10, wearing a Soviet beige bra and pareo tied under her impressive belly. Both are gray. By the way, the rules of the swing club stated that the age of visitors was from 18 to 50 years. However, throughout the evening they behaved very quietly and did not disturb anyone.

There was no one else in the club. Of the promised 60 people, only 12 showed up, two of whom turned out to be fakes. Without undue modesty, I admit that Andrey and I were the cutest couple. Although in fairness, I note that everyone, without exception, was well-groomed and neat, the women had smooth legs and intimate haircuts, the men had shaved chins and armpits.

Swing is a short-term exchange of sexual partners by mutual consent.
Varieties of swing:

  • soft swing - foreplay with other partners, sometimes including oral sex, but without intercourse;
  • light swing - couples accept lesbian caresses from girls, but men are strictly prohibited from touching someone else’s wife;
  • indoor swing - a process where couples exchange partners, but have sex in separate rooms;
  • open swing - couples exchange partners and have sex in the same room or on the same bed, not suitable for jealous or shy people.


Debauchery and Innocence

While waiting for the show program, Andrey and I drank martinis and chatted with a pleasant couple of our age (J. and L.) and a couple over 40 (G. and I.). Everyone was here for the first time. They, like us, did not really like the cheap tablecloths, cut-up chairs and clueless waiters. Meanwhile, the website announced that “a club for European swing parties. This is an elite establishment...”

It is important to keep your distance: no matter how much you sleep in the same bed, someone else’s partner is someone else’s partner, you can only temporarily “borrow” him in exchange for your own.

Our small talk was interrupted by the announcement of the start of the show program. A man (in trousers, a shirt and flip-flops) came into the center of the hall and, using a karaoke microphone, offered to greet the “incomparable Gloria.” Gloria is a pretty dancer, with a good figure, about 30 years old.

Then the competitions began. Andrey and I were in a great mood, we had a lot of fun ourselves and encouraged the others. Frankly, I didn’t expect such behavior from myself. I thought I would be shy and tight, but no... And I looked for condoms hidden in the clothes and on the body of an unfamiliar man (naturally, one of the products was hidden in my underpants), and without hands I rolled a grape into my man’s mouth. Between competitions the “incomparable Gloria” performed. On one of the outings, she asked me to “lend” Andrei to her. Having sat him down on a chair, she began to throw her legs over his shoulders and slowly undress him and herself. Suddenly I felt sad. I tried to push out the unpleasant thoughts. “Just a dancer! – I mentally reassured myself. “And this is a swing club, you’re not supposed to behave like that here either!” On top of that, Andrey is just your friend and lover, not your husband. You have no obligations to each other...” The dance ended, Andrey put on his pants and returned to our table. He whispered that “he didn’t even get hard.” My good mood returned.

Then there were slow dances, to which you had to invite partners from other couples. Before I had time to look back, Andrei was already dancing with girl A. I was invited by L., a peer with whom we had just chatted.

Sweet and nasty

We continued to communicate, drink martinis, discuss those around us and did not notice that the show program had ended. The same fake girl, half-naked, came up to us and asked us to follow her. It looked as if she was calling us just for a second, and then we would return to the chairs again.

In the lounge room, on a large bed, which was lit only by candles, three completely naked people were caressing each other: A., with whom Andrei had recently danced, her boyfriend and a fake young man. While I was looking at them dumbfounded, the fake girl undressed first Andrei, then me (I was only wearing stockings) and dragged us with her into this mess of bodies.

She suggested that I give oral pleasure to guy A. But I didn’t like him, so I pretended that I was getting ready to join the “game.” Noticing this, the fake girl took the initiative into her own hands... I turned around to see how Andrey was doing. Andrey was already with A.. More precisely, in A. In a doggy style position.

And then I was overcome not just by sadness, but by terrible jealousy! In my mind, I understood that this was not the right time and that in general I had no right to be jealous, but I could not help myself. What would happen to me if Andrei was actually my husband or permanent boyfriend? Perhaps, then I would definitely throw a tantrum! Now she just silently caught his gaze. It seemed to me that he was guilty.

While I was nursing my jealousy, the fake girl put a condom on “my” possible partner (not Andrey, but the other one) and tried to put me on him. I politely refused: “I need to go to the toilet!” I got out of bed and collected my things... In the corridor I met J. and L. and was terribly happy with them: “There is such a nativity scene there!” The jealousy and feeling of disgust disappeared somewhere, I felt happy again. They offered me privacy as soon as the second room, which was currently occupied by my grandparents, became available. I agreed. She just said that you need to wait for Andrei until he finishes with A.

We sat down in the common room. It turned out that J. and L. had been married for four years and they had a three-year-old son, whom they left with their parents today. Soon Andrey left the room. He walked naked across the hall to the shower - no one was embarrassed anymore. And when he returned, he admitted that he had fun and cool. But, looking at me during the orgy, for some reason I felt a sense of guilt: as if we were really a couple and he was cheating on me in front of my eyes. In response, I told him about my jealousy and what our new friends L. and Zh. were offering us.

...We each kissed our partner, lying on the same bed. I liked what was happening, and besides, L. and J. were a little shy, so Andrey and I felt some superiority. The only thing that bothered me were the sheets, on which ten minutes ago it was unclear what my grandparents were doing. But we prudently laid out clean towels. Then we had sex - again, each with his own partner. Sometimes J. and I kissed or she affectionately touched my breasts.

Then the four of us went to the sauna, and then got ready to go home. L. was driving and offered to give us a ride. (How cute, right?) At that moment, a couple over 40 appeared, with whom we communicated well during the show program. They had sex, but only with each other. They invited Andrei and me to visit them for coffee. Significantly invited. G. and I. seemed to me to be very pleasant people, but for some reason I didn’t want to drink coffee with them (assuming the possible development of events). However, it turned out that they live not far from Andrei, so we decided to split up: L. and Z. would give me a lift, and G. and I. would give Andrei a lift.

On the way home, L. and J. and I discussed the fake prostitute, why I was still single, building materials, debauchery, cars, love and the issue of trust. And another thing is that in a swing club you don’t have to have sex with someone, much less exchange partners, if you don’t want to. You can just sit and watch. As we said goodbye, we exchanged contacts and agreed to stay in touch.

Very impressed

The next evening we met with Andrey. I once again told him in detail about my jealousy of unknown origin, and he told me about his feelings of guilt of a similar nature. And this, I note, happened to us, just friends who have sex without obligation! One can only guess what doubts torment the legal spouses. And maybe a couple who's bored in the bedroom should try something less extreme first? Because the swing option is more suitable for those who are not familiar with jealousy. And let’s be honest, there are few of them.

We also came to the conclusion that in this swing club we did not experience sinful debauchery. It didn’t feel anything incredible either. There wasn't even passion there! Maybe it was because the atmosphere was not very presentable, and neither was the organization (presenters and program)? And then Andrei admitted that at night he did not immediately go home, but went to visit G. and I. First, they played strip cards. I. was quickly left without clothes, and after a while G. too. The couple lay down on a large leather sofa and began to caress each other, inviting Andrei to join them. But he only watched. In the evening G. called Andrey just to chat. And he said that he would be glad if Andrei and I still went to see them together. At least just for coffee.

Sincere confession

…I was writing this material and thinking about swing. Could an experience like this push partners away from each other? Is it possible to forget this? Or, once you diversify sex, will you be obliged to constantly come up with something new? At that moment Andrei called and asked to see him urgently: “I have to tell you something important. I deceived you..."

Andrei admitted that that night at G. and I.’s house he didn’t just look at them, but took part. But he hid it from me automatically, because I told him about my jealousy. But we are friends, we trust each other with almost everything! And I understood: the race for new sensations, disgust, etc. someone, but they definitely won’t touch us! After all, there is no relationship between us that could be destroyed. But if we were a family, there is no telling how this nightly adventure would have turned out. Jealousy and suspicion could well have poisoned our communication. And we would no longer be able to watch a movie as if nothing had happened and have ordinary, but great sex.

Olga Ritter

Temporary exchange of partners - swinging - is one of the most provocative types of sexual relationships. And more and more popular. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, in Omsk and Murmansk, Voronezh and Vladivostok - in almost all major Russian cities, swing clubs are opening one after another. What is the appeal of swinging? Can it be considered an alternative form of marriage, allowing diversification? sex life without deceiving your partner? Let's try to understand the meaning and risk of this double game.

How does this happen

“The exchange of partners is not new in world culture,” writes sexologist Igor Kon. “Sexual hospitality (when a host lent his wife to a distinguished guest) and wife exchange between men of different tribes existed in many ancient societies.”* Modern swinging continues these traditions and at the same time develops the ideas of the hippies and the sexual revolution of the 1960s in general. “In ancient times, women were not asked for their consent to exchange,” continues Igor Kon. “This is impossible in a civilized society, so swingers establish consensual sexual relationships with one or more couples.” Swinging (from English swinging - alternation, looseness), as a rule, involves established couples, but singles can also join them. At parties, you can practice “soft” swing, engaging in petting or oral sex, or “closed” swing, when newly formed couples have sex in separate rooms. And finally, “open” swing involves collective intercourse in the spirit of ancient Roman orgies. The freedom of swingers is paradoxical - this is flirting, this is sex, but always within the framework of a preliminary agreement: this is possible, this is undesirable, this is not allowed under any circumstances. Swing clubs operate strict rules. “For example, visitors over 50 years old and overweight people, gays (for women who prefer the same gender are relaxed), prostitutes are not allowed into the hall; drunk and drug-using guests are not welcome,” says Irina, manager of one of the Moscow swing clubs. clubs. Entry fees vary: from 1000 to 2500 rubles for a couple; from 6,000 to 8,000 rubles for single men. Women are admitted free on weekdays. “The clear terms of a swing exchange reduce the anxiety associated with finding and seducing a partner,” explains Jungian analyst Lev Khegai. – There is confidence that the offer to make love will not be refused, in addition, time is saved (you can move on to sex faster). Swinging is a vibrant phenomenon of the busy and fast life of a big city.”

More and more young

Olga and Denis are 24 and 31 years old, respectively, and their trip to the swing club is evidence of a new trend: the rejuvenation of swingers. " Average age our visitors are 30–35 years old,” says Anna, an employee of one of the swing clubs in Moscow. “But there are more and more people who are about twenty-five.” Increasingly early disappointment in intimate life forces them to seek new thrills. “For many young couples, sex is often reduced to technology and does not involve personal inclusion,” explains family psychotherapist Boris Shapiro. – The main thing is pleasure and the search for new ways to get it. Besides, you can flaunt your swinging experience to your friends.”

Some couples, like Olga and Denis, try swinging for fun. “A friend told Denis enthusiastically about the club,” Olga recalls. “I decided that we should go: it would be better for him to cheat in front of my eyes and under my control than to start a serious affair and leave me.” At the club, he was immediately taken away by a woman, older and more relaxed than me. This age difference helped me calm down and feel more confident. After drinking a little, I had oral sex with one handsome man. Denis saw this. He was confused, smoked in the kitchen all night and, in my opinion, even cried. We never went to such places again."

Why are they doing that

In 90% of cases, it is the man who initiates the trip to the club, but then it is the woman who pushes him to repeat the experiment. “At first, she follows her partner out of love rather than out of curiosity,” explains Lev Khegai. “But once a woman has overcome the taboo, she is ready to go much further than a man.” Moreover, if a couple practicing swinging breaks up, the woman often continues this practice, while the man very rarely. Among the motives that encourage a man to meet other swingers, the main one is to spice up his sexual relationship. “But this desire may also reflect repressed homosexuality,” says sexologist Willy Pasini. “Although most men are afraid of possible comparisons.” “Another motive for visiting a swing club can be boredom in a relationship,” adds Boris Shapiro. – And sometimes a man only checks whether his wife is ready to accept such an offer. A woman, showing initiative, emphasizes her independence: yes, she is able to offer that!”

Freedom without deception?

Do partners remain faithful while practicing swinging? It seems that yes: after all, everything happens with the consent and in front of the partner. But infidelity remains synonymous with deception, that is, it operates outside the sphere of marriage. “If swinging gives pleasure and does not destroy relationships in a couple, it can hardly be called cheating,” Boris Shapiro is sure. – Quite the contrary, it protects against possible betrayals. But it still has nothing to do with fidelity.” “The paradox is that voluntary swinging is actually the highest form of coercion,” says psychoanalyst Philippe Bourrier. - “I sleep with your friend, and in exchange I give you mine”: what kind of loyalty is that!

The attractiveness of swinging is that it allows you to enrich your sexual repertoire without breaking the marriage union. But by giving up sexual exclusivity, marriage loses intimacy. Sex with four people can be more fun than with two people, but it quickly becomes boring, forcing you to increase the number of couples and constantly change them, and the emergence of sympathy between new partners inevitably undermines the original unions. In the end, not a trace remains of fidelity.

If you and your partner are interested in the now popular sexual entertainment: swinging, or more precisely, the exchange of partners for one night, read stories about how couples feel who have gone through a similar experience, or who practice it regularly.

Ilya and Oksana, 31 and 29 years old, practiced swinging for a year

It was my initiative to try this type of sex. I wanted variety, and as an honest person, I offered two options: either leftist or swing. The wife was shocked, but over time she chose the second one. There was no jealousy on my part. With her - I think it was.

It wasn't better than imagined. On the contrary, it was worse: firstly, excitement, and secondly, the cockroaches in the heads of the partners. Well, of course, it never happened that I liked my partner, and my wife liked the partner. Therefore, one person enjoys it, while the other acts as a sign of solidarity.

We were looking for partners on Mamba for the first time, but nothing worked out because of excitement. And then they exchanged pairs, or met separately with a guy or a girl. They protected themselves with condoms.

But after a year they stopped - because they realized that it was not ours. And my wife realized that it would be better if I had a leftist (but in secret from her).

What to advise those. who wants to try swing? Imagine walking into a room and suddenly seeing a couple having sex. What will be your first wish? If you join, then swing is yours. If you close the door and leave, then you don’t even have to try. You won't like it.

Elena and Anton, 27 and 30 years old, tried swinging six months ago

I myself suggested this way to my husband to shake up our family life. We almost didn’t have sex after the birth of our son (my son was already three years old, for a second), I thought that he wanted to go to the left, well, I would have gone, but my conscience did not allow it.

That’s why I directly suggested to him: let’s do this so that it doesn’t offend anyone. I didn’t just pick this out of thin air, my friend had a boyfriend who was into this business. And she still refused. Well, I found him on Facebook and asked where I could get a similar experience. He gave me a link to a group on VKontakte, which was still open at the time.

We registered (it was also called something intricate, so that employees and friends would not understand that you were part of a group for such acquaintances). They wrote it in the standard way: an advertisement and a photo. That we are looking for diversity, men and women.

10-15 letters arrived, I did not expect such a rush. But everyone was somehow not very good. It seemed like a lot of people came here looking for one last chance to have sex. But we singled out a young, pretty guy and a pretty girl.

We met at our place and had a drink. The first time was a little awkward, but I liked it even more, it really turned me on. My husband was confused, I think.

Then we decided not to practice this anymore, but sex between us was revived. But a few months later, my husband suggested trying again. We met an older couple and this time there was no such delight from the innovation, but there was no confusion or awkwardness.

We later agreed that we would sometimes do this if we both wanted. And we won’t cheat on each other behind our backs. By the way, we liked this second couple, and we decided that if we met again, it would be with them.

For those who want to try this. I would like to recommend that you come to an agreement with your significant other about possible consequences: jealousy, resentment. Speak clearly at any moment: I don’t want this, I don’t like it. And respect each other's opinions.

Robert, 40, and his three women have been swinging for over 15 years

To begin with, I will say that I had three long periods of relationships in this format. For the first seven years, they separated on her initiative. She left for someone else. The second, about three years - rather according to me, or mutually: the age difference was large, the relationship was not viable in general, I did not expect it to be different. The third, two years - at a distance. We met, including hooliganism, I was determined to continue seriously, I asked to get married, I planned to move in together, but everything suddenly stopped, and I don’t know the reason.

In no case do I consider our hobby to be the reason for the breakup. Always something different. It is not possible to interview the other side; maybe they have a different vision.

In each couple, the decision was always a joint one, as a rule, as a fulfillment of the partner’s bisexual fantasy. Then, in the process of practice, interest could change somewhat. There was never any persuasion from the opposite side, it was completely mutual.

We searched through dating advertisements, but this was the most unproductive. Later - communication in chats and thematic forums, some joint events. It is better.

Even later - swing clubs. This is the most convenient option - no one obliges you to do anything: you came, got to know each other, if you wanted to continue - they continued, if you didn’t want to - they parted ways. The lack of commitment is relaxing and empowering.

Fantasy, of course, is almost always better than implementation. It's one thing to invent, another thing to implement. But I can’t say that some moments are much worse than imagined. Everything is within tolerance.

There was never any jealousy on my part. On the part of my partners, it has happened, even anecdotally: when she, while actively having sex with another man, suddenly experiences a strong attack of jealousy towards me, because I simply touched another woman’s breasts.

At the same time, I knew couples who were terribly jealous of each other, and continued to practice, getting a thrill from this. This is apparently a version of masochism. I don't understand, but I saw this.

In general, this is not only an exchange of couples. This includes sex in large groups and small ones. It has always been optimal for both of us small companies with a significant predominance of men. Protection - condoms are a must, of course.

The strangest thing about such meetings, for which I still have no explanation, is the unexpectedly intolerant attitude towards male bisexuality among the masses. As a rule, this is condemned, although it would seem that they themselves are “perverts,” so why else kick someone for being “non-standard”? And yet it is a fact. Although there are a lot of bisexual men in the party, this is not advertised (I know literally one or two open bisexuals), and in swing clubs there is usually an outright ban on demonstrating such relationships.

Now I'm in a new relationship and don't practice swinging. I'm not sure the entertainment will continue. There are no prerequisites yet. Which - of course - must be mutual.

Advice to those who want to try: do not insist under any circumstances if your partner is against it. Categorically. Only mutually. And under no circumstances should you do this to restore relationships. Only if everything is good and wonderful between you. Because this is the strongest catalyst - if there is a crack, then there will be an abyss. If everything is strong, it will be stronger. And treat it as a seasoning, not a main course. The main recommendation is not to overdo it!
