60 years of living together event in the library. Diamond wedding anniversary

A diamond wedding is a family anniversary celebration celebrated by spouses after 60 years life together. Such a long marriage is rare, only a few couples manage to live to such an advanced age, preserving love. Anniversaries on this anniversary are already 80-90 years old, advanced age is not a reason to refuse to celebrate a diamond wedding.

Preparing for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate a diamond celebration in the family circle, in the presence of several generations of numerous relatives of anniversaries, or in close circle loved ones. In connection with the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion, the Organization wedding anniversary the children of the anniversaries take over, due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion. When preparing the celebration of a diamond wedding, it is necessary to choose a venue for the celebration, traditionally decorate the hall, write a script for the holiday, and select musical accompaniment.

The main tradition of a diamond wedding is the passing by anniversaries of family parting words to the next generations near the hearth, so a suitable venue for the celebration is banqueting hall restaurant with a fireplace. When writing a script for a 60-year wedding anniversary, consider the presence of guests at the celebration different ages: anniversaries need to provide comfort, children - mobile activity, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - children's entertainment, so that everyone is comfortable at the wedding.

Decoration of the venue

The decoration of the hall for the diamond holiday will create a mood corresponding to the celebration. A great decoration option - garlands of balloons, beautiful flower arrangements. Decorate the table using accessories with rhinestones symbolizing gem weddings are a gem. To decorate the hall of the diamond celebration, choose calm, warm colors so that the excess of color paints does not tire the guests in advance.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Choose music for a diamond wedding according to the taste of the couple. Open the holiday with the melodies of the youth of the anniversaries, which will touch the spouses, will evoke pleasant memories of youth. During the feast, use background music that allows those present to communicate without interference, congratulate the anniversaries on their anniversary. For the more active part of the evening (competitions, dances), cheerful, moving dance songs are suitable.

Scenario for a diamond wedding

We bring to your attention finished script wedding anniversary celebration 60 years.

The presenter opens the diamond celebration with the words:

- Dear friends! We have gathered for a great occasion - to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the wedding celebration (Names of spouses), which is called a diamond wedding. Thanks to the joint efforts of the spouses, by the 60th wedding anniversary, all the beauty of the relationship is revealed, like the brilliance of a diamond obtained by cutting a diamond. Let's welcome our anniversaries!

Applause from the wedding guests.

The host continues:

– Today, four generations are present in our hall: spouses and their friends, children of anniversaries, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Let's give them the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds, give gifts!

Congratulation of friends of the spouses:

- You carried love through time, having lived for many years together soul to soul. We are extremely happy, because we managed to live up to this significant day and testify that your feelings remained as hard as a diamond. Good luck, love each other!

Congratulations to the children of the married couple:

Dear Mom, dad! Love, friendship, mutual assistance, harmony between you have always served as an example of a strong family for us. We have preserved the family wisdom received from you and passed it on to our children, raising them as people worthy of respect. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your diamond anniversary!

As a congratulation to the younger generation (grandchildren, great-grandchildren), children can play any small play, sing a song, dance a group dance, for example, a dance of little ducklings. If there is only one child at the party, then ask him to read a poem for grandparents. An example of congratulations from children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, see the video:

Diversify the wedding feast with contests that allow the active part of the guests to warm up and amuse the couple. The traditional end of the celebration of the diamond anniversary is the transfer of the family mandate to the older generation. The appeal is drawn up by the anniversaries in advance, at the celebration it is solemnly read out and passed on to the younger generation. This is where the official part of the diamond wedding ends, the evening continues with dancing.

Competitions for 60 years of married life

  1. Competition "Artist". Families are invited to participate. Participants need to draw a portrait of the spouse, reflecting in the drawing his main character traits. Then the contestants exchange portraits and try to guess what qualities the spouse displayed. The audience determines the winners.
  2. Diamond Competition. Married couples participate. Husband, wife should come up with compliments to each other using the word "diamond" within 5-10 minutes. Then the spouses take turns reading them. Whoever has the longest list wins.
  3. Family Competition. Everyone is welcome. The task of the participants is to take turns naming their associations with the word “family”, for example, strong, friendly, etc. Whoever hesitates to answer is out. The prize is awarded to the last remaining contestant.

A diamond wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday that allows you to gather all your relatives and friends. A wedding celebration will strengthen family ties, establish relationships, give an unforgettable experience to each participant in the celebration, which will remain in the memory of children and adults for a long time. Celebration of the wedding anniversary of 60 years will be beautiful family tradition passed down from generation to generation.

Girls, get married! No man should go unpunished!

Diamond wedding - the right scenario

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Having lived together for 60 years, the couple celebrate the anniversary, which is called the Diamond Wedding. It is called so for a reason.

For so many years, the relationship between husband and wife has gained strength and preciousness, hardened and began to sparkle like a faceted diamond. A diamond is the most expensive gemstone, which is distinguished by its incredible beauty and chic brilliance.

This anniversary should be celebrated brightly and in an original way. Therefore, it is important to think through his scenario in detail.

What should be taken into account?

Since the newlyweds are already aged, the organization of such a significant event is undertaken by their close relatives. A diamond wedding is celebrated on a grand scale, in a large circle of relatives and friends. You can celebrate at home, or you can celebrate in a cafe or restaurant. It all depends on the preferences of the spouses and the financial side of the holiday.

First you need to decorate the room with various ribbons, figurines, balls, fresh flowers, photographs and more. Any scenario begins with the decoration of the house, which creates comfort and sets the mood for celebrating the wedding.

Further, the menu is compiled taking into account the preferences of the guests, and, most importantly, the anniversaries. It is advisable not to overdo it with alcohol, the wedding should not turn into a drinking bout. The table must be decorated in accordance with the event - it should shimmer with pleasant colors, like a diamond.

The musical accompaniment is equally important. During the meal, the favorite hits of the spouses should sound quietly, and during the competitions you can turn on louder cheerful music. At the celebration, several slow compositions are to be performed, which the newlyweds associate with their love and the Green Wedding.


There is a tradition that a husband and wife must adhere to in order to bring happiness to the next generation. You need to write parting words on a piece of paper, give advice regarding family life, and put the sheet in a secluded place. This "letter to descendants" must lie until the next Diamond Wedding.

Such an unusual tradition has been practiced in our country for many years - you should not interrupt it. Be sure to add it to the event script.


Competitions are an important part of any event. They help turn the feast into an amazing holiday, add mobility and vivid memories to the scenario. There are a lot of competitions - you can choose any number to your taste and the wishes of the spouses. We offer several options that are suitable for the 60th wedding anniversary.

  • Competition "Artist". Several couples take part in the game. They should draw portraits of each other, focusing on the main character traits. When the portraits are ready, the couples exchange them and must understand what character traits the spouse wanted to talk about. The audience determines the winners.
  • The "Association" competition can be held even at the table, all guests can take part in it. The toastmaster names any word, and the participants must name their associations with this word. Everyone who cannot add their association in 3 seconds is eliminated. The one who remains in the ranks to the end wins.
  • Diamond Competition. This game is for couples. Husband and wife for the allotted time (usually 10 minutes) must write on a piece of paper compliments to each other using the word "diamond". After that, compliments are read aloud. The one with the longest list wins.


You can include a video greeting in the celebration script, consisting of beautiful music and photos from the family album that are important for the spouses.

Upon closer examination, it generally becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the passage of time are, in fact, no changes at all: only my view of things changes.
Franz Kafka

Wedding Anniversary - Screenplay

Wedding anniversaries occupy a very important place in the life of every married couple. This is a unique opportunity to feel like a bride and groom again, although there are 5, 10, 15 or even 100 years of marriage behind them. Therefore, the tradition of celebrating the anniversary of their wedding in the company of close friends and relatives allows the spouses to feel those same moments of love again, to remember best moments family life and become more closer friend friend. To make the holiday interesting and memorable, it is necessary prepare a script for your wedding anniversary in advance. The presenter does this, or you can independently come up with or redo the finished script, filling it with unusual fun contests, games and wedding riddles. Thus, you can give real holiday not only to their guests, but also to themselves.

Script Ideas

The first anniversary is important, if only because it is the first. Spouses who have lived a certain number of years can easily decide how to celebrate their wedding anniversary. And those who have lived only one year are sometimes lost in search of options. After all, a lot of questions arise: What idea to take for a wedding scenario, and what is better to invite guests and arrange a wedding anniversary in a certain style, or celebrate an anniversary together? And is it possible to organize a chic wedding celebration on your wedding anniversary on your own, or is it necessary to turn to professionals? There is no single answer to this. It all depends on your desire, mood and opportunity.

A holiday designed only for your couple will look absolutely romantic. To do this, on the day of the anniversary, take a walk around your favorite places, sit on the park bench where you kissed when you were not yet husband and wife. In the evening - gourmet dinner, good wine, watching a video of your wedding, favorite music and an unforgettable night.

With twelve or fewer guests, you can organize an anniversary celebration at home. With more people, it is better to hold an event in a cafe, restaurant or rented premises. Think about which of the guests and how many you really would like to see at your celebration. By inviting them to a cafe or restaurant, the script will require large financial investments. If you would like to celebrate in home environment, then this is a more economical option, because relatives can lead the holiday. Therefore, take care of this in advance, and choose the scenario for the wedding anniversary that suits you.

For the holiday to go smoothly, you need to hold a large-scale preparatory work: from drawing up a list of those present and sending out invitations, to thinking through unforeseen situations and spare scenario ideas.

Ready wedding anniversary scripts

The scenario for the wedding anniversary should be interesting, exciting and varied, because a simple wedding feast can be arranged on any other holiday, and your family anniversary should be memorable. Therefore, a rich competition program is suitable for celebrating any wedding anniversary.

- "Ship of Love" is an original script wooden wedding with fun competitions, interesting games. Where Baba Yaga acts as a fairy-tale hero, and the leader is one of the relatives or a professional toastmaster. The celebration of the fifth wedding anniversary can take place both in nature - in a country house, in a country house, in a tent or in a restaurant. It all depends on the time of the year and the preferences of the heroes of the occasion.

The presenter should think over, since this is the first serious anniversary in the couple's life together, in addition, such an event should be celebrated on a grand scale. Therefore, the script should carry warmth, tenderness according to the color of this anniversary, abound in contests, jokes and poems, and be written so that you and your guests remember this pink wedding another ten years.

The people have developed certain traditions of celebrating the 15th anniversary. This day must be celebrated. According to customs, everyone who was present in the wedding hall when the bride and groom were declared husband and wife is invited to the holiday, if possible. The name of your closest friends is the same, and if you want to surprise them, run this script in the style of "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and let happiness shine through your window, smiling and giving extraordinary feelings of delight!

It will help to celebrate the anniversary of the spouses who have lived in a family union for twenty years. Therefore, a married couple always evokes a feeling of respect and admiration.

A classic scenario that will take you back to your very first day of marriage! Such pleasant and warm memories, immersion in the atmosphere of the past, dear to the heart, can even cause tears of tenderness in the eyes of the spouses, because they return to their youth, to the brightest day of their life...

Such a special event as a wedding day always remains in the memory of a bright flash. Especially for the beautiful half of humanity. The wedding anniversary is as significant an event as the wedding itself, so you want to celebrate it so that in the future you can talk with pride about this day. To do this, you need to come up with wedding anniversary script, which will depend, first of all, on the period of joint life.

Traditionally, the sixtieth anniversary of marriage is called a diamond wedding. Just as a diamond is considered a very rare stone, not all couples get to the celebration of sixty years of living together. Those who managed to endure all the trials of life and live to see this anniversary are the real lucky ones. The rarity of such a holiday turned into its value.

The diamond is also the hardest of the stones. As well as the feelings between the anniversaries, which over the years have only grown stronger, turning into the strongest of all unions.

Celebration traditions

A diamond wedding is a good occasion to arrange a big family celebration. As a rule, all children and grandchildren, relatives and closest friends are invited to the celebration. Very often, such a number of people simply cannot fit in one apartment. Therefore, in most cases, on the occasion of the holiday, they book a hall in a restaurant so that guests can dance and just relax. Sixty years of living together are worthy of special respect, and therefore such a holiday turns into a celebration of love and understanding, which strengthen any relationship.

Since the number of guests present at the celebration is always quite large, the process of organizing a feast requires special seriousness and responsibility. Therefore, as practice shows, for such a holiday a special scenario is drawn up, according to which a feast is held.

Such a script can be written for a specific audience or borrowed from professionals who organize such holidays on a daily basis. Everyone who takes care of the preparations is trying to make the holiday as appropriate as possible for the venerable age of the perpetrators of the solemn event.

What to gift?

A diamond wedding is a serious date in the life of a married couple who have been able to endure many trials. Therefore, they deserve special gifts and congratulations on their diamond wedding.

At the celebration of sixty years of marriage, there must be many flowers. Therefore, for the main gift, it is better to buy a bouquet or a flower in a pot, which will be a wonderful reminder of the holiday. If it allows you financial side question, you can present symbolic diamond rings, which over time can turn into a real family heirloom. Appliances and kitchen gadgets that can make life easier for anniversaries are also welcome.


A necessary addition to each gift is a wish. When choosing congratulations on a diamond wedding, you must first take into account the age of the couple. But it can be a wish both in verse and in prose. In most cases, jocular wishes are rather inappropriate, as not everyone can understand subtle humor. A diamond wedding is a serious date for the life of two people, which requires those present to be especially careful in their choice of congratulations and gifts.

Congratulations on a diamond wedding, like the script, should not be too huge. Sometimes it is quite difficult for the heroes of the holiday to concentrate on the wish and carefully listen to it to the end. Brevity and conciseness, restraint and words filled with love - this is what should dominate in the chosen congratulation.

The scenario of a diamond wedding, as a rule, regulates the time of performances at the festive table.

Where to find ideas?

Having received an invitation to the celebration of sixty years of marriage, everyone begins to think about choosing a gift and congratulations, which would help to express wishes and tell about feelings as accurately as possible. There are many various gifts, so you should carefully choose the one that the best way perfect for a diamond wedding.

Today, quite a lot of people turn to the Internet for help. Various specialized sites have great amount information for such cases. Here everyone can find practical advice on any issue. , congratulations in prose or in verse, short and large, cool and more restrained, different variants gifts - from homemade to expensive - all this can be found here.

Diamond wedding is a rare event

A diamond wedding is a celebration of love and understanding. The people who managed to get to this anniversary lived a long life, there were ups and downs in it, they quarreled thousands of times, but still found a way to understanding. Their mutual support and respect is what has kept them together for so many years. This day is very significant - a couple can take stock of their life together. Happy children, adult grandchildren, pleasant and smiling faces of friends and relatives can decorate any holiday.

Sixty years of marriage is a beautiful and rare holiday. In our time, it is difficult to find a couple that would be able to reach this milestone. That is why a diamond wedding is valued so highly. Each guest who is lucky enough to be on the guest list tries to find the most sincere words to congratulate the married couple. This day is celebrated with great pomp and pomp.

Right Scenario

As a rule, children and grandchildren are responsible for all the action and organization, who are sincerely happy for their parents that they have lived together for such a long life. A holiday script drawn up in advance will help the correct distribution of time and organization of leisure.

This anniversary is a rare event, just like genuine diamonds large sizes which are not often found in nature. The couple that celebrates this date is an example of composure and patience, love and care, affection and tenderness. They supported each other all their lives and managed to create a wonderful family, raise children and grandchildren. These are people who deserve the highest praise and the loudest applause from all the guests present at the celebration.


Diamond of the purest water -
A gift to you from fate.

And no matter how many carats it contains,
It is important that the eyes are still burning.

The one who so cherishes his love,
Neither soul nor body is decrepit.

Fading and words, and congratulations,
In front of a couple - everyone is a feast for the eyes!

May health be strong like a diamond
Celebrate your wedding many more times!

Diamond wedding - sixty!
Magic erases the boundaries of time,
Young people sit side by side
And in the eyes of love still sparkles.

And the soul does not see gray hair, wrinkles,
And hearts beat with a single sound,
Your union is strong and indestructible,
You are holding hands all the time.

This wedding is celebrated by a few,
You have passed both troubles and adversity.
May it remain so forever
All the good things that have been created over the years!

You have a rare date today,
A diamond wedding is a miracle!
Diamond is a great reward of fate,
For everything that was in life and what will be!

And there will be many more - life is long,
And all the sharp turns - behind.
I raise my glass of wine
For happiness ahead!
May your life be long and pleasant!
Let the disease forget you!
Let there be joy boundless!
And great-grandchildren will arrive!

Two people met one day
And together we walked an entire era,
Not everyone is capable of this:
Share joys, sorrows and sorrows.

But we will not remember sad things,
Today is a holiday - the best of dates!
We celebrate the merging of your destinies,
Your anniversary is wonderful - sixty!

From this date it breathes magic and a fairy tale,
She sparkles with diamonds,
After all, so many years to live in love and affection,
Fate blesses only the chosen ones!

Let the diamond be a magic stone
Fate sends you grace!
And you stay with us longer
To convey the wisdom of life!

Today is the anniversary, like a faceted diamond,
Exactly six decades ago,
Two hearts of lovers united
And a miracle was created without barriers!

After all, your marriage is a miracle of miracles!
Not only children are adults, but grandchildren!
Heaven's blessing on you
Which is beyond the control of science.

After all, many roads have been traveled together,
Winding and smooth and steep,
For this, fate gives you a gift
Diamond priceless for two!

Among the stones - he is the hardest stone!
And how it sparkles - do not take your eyes off!
As if it contains both ice and fire,
Just like your life path.

Your relationship is strong as a rock
Pure love is conjugal grace!
Accept our congratulations now!
To live, love and win!

Half a century is a lot
And if there are ten more years on top?
It turns out a life-long road,
And you passed her shoulder to shoulder.

Today is your wedding again
And behind the shoulders and victories, and losses.
I know - there is eternal love!
I feel sorry for those who don't believe it.

Today is a rare, valuable anniversary!
He is like a cut diamond!
Gathered children and grandchildren and friends
On the feast of two lovers!

How to adopt your wisdom of life?
How to comprehend your secret of love?
For so many years of life do not get tired!
You should erect a monument!

May it last for many years
Love in hearts!
Let life together last
Like a fairy tale without end!

You are the most best mom and dad!
You are the wisest grandparents!
How lucky we are that once
A boy meets a girl!

How lucky they got married
Found your soul mate!
Lived, raised children and worked
Happiness, adversity - all passed together!

How we love you and how we respect -
Simple words can not convey!
Today we only wish you:
May heaven send grace!

For six decades of joint
We will say to you: "Thank you, dear ones!"
From us, children, from grandchildren, wonderful great-grandchildren:
"Thank you for being you, folks!"

A diamond wedding is an incomparable date!
Years passed, the world around changed,
And only love remained unchanged
And the strong interweaving of your hands!

So, holding hands, walk
We are happy for years and years!
Meet the sunset and sunrise together!
And let adversity pass you by!

Your bright anniversary inspires us,
Makes cleaner, better and more beautiful!
May fate protect you
Live many years, our relatives!

In prose

Sixty years is more than half a century. Sixty is a whole era, which is both frightening and exciting at the same time. Over these long years, you have become wonderful spouses, ideal parents: father and mother, grandparents, great-grandmother and great-grandfather .... - let this list continue indefinitely for many, many more years. You are an example of love that does not fade and tenderness that does not die. You are infinitely dear to everyone who loves you and came to congratulate you on this day. Happy holiday, our dear anniversaries! May your life be filled with only positive emotions! May fate bring only good news and surprises! Health to you and boundless love!

In my imagination, you two are associated with a beautiful necklace - a beautiful wife, personifying a pure diamond and an impeccable setting - her husband. It was he who not only managed to win the heart of a young beauty 60 years ago, but also supplemented her beauty with his strength and masculinity. Such a tandem is a rarity. And if fate gave it to you, then you are wise and worthy. I want everyone who is present here to touch the magic of your relationship and become the same wonderful spouses and friends! Happiness to you and good health! Once again, Happy Holidays!

Dear anniversaries! Here comes your diamond hour! It's so rare these days to find a couple celebrating their diamond wedding. And you proved that living a happy life together is not only possible, but necessary! You lived with love and faith in each other and created a wonderful family with their own traditions. They admire you, they want to be like you. I sincerely wish you long life, inspiration and joy! More happy smiles and wonderful events! Happy holiday to you, with a diamond wedding, dear!

Today is not just a day when we celebrate another wedding anniversary. Today is a celebration of love and understanding. After all, it was these qualities that could keep you together for so many years, they helped you create a wonderful family and raise good children. You have supported each other all your life, such an understanding as yours is very rare, and therefore it is so highly valued - like a diamond of rare beauty. Diamond wedding - fairy tale! May it never end! We wish you many years happy life, smiles and bright moments! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Dear Mom and Dad! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on your diamond wedding today. Thank you family for your warmth and care, for the fact that you managed to create a wonderful family with many traditions and small family holidays. For me, you are the personification of the most the best parents in the world. For my children, you are the wisest grandparents. For the children of my children - the most gentle great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Thank you for your constant tireless work - to create and protect our great relatives! May your life be filled with highlights! Let it be easy and carefree! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Today we are all here to celebrate your diamond wedding anniversary. A diamond is the strongest stone of all the stones in the world, let your health be just as strong! A diamond is also the most valuable stone - let mutual love and tenderness be just as valuable for you! May your house be filled with joy, and illnesses forget the way to it! Let your faces glow with happiness, just like on your wedding day! You are beautiful and deserve admiration and applause! Happy holiday, our dear ones!

Diamond wedding is the 60th wedding anniversary. This is truly one of the most record-breaking wedding anniversaries of married life, and accordingly, the most beautiful gemstone should be the symbol of this wedding anniversary.

The sixtieth anniversary is celebrated between golden wedding - 50 years of marriage- And crown wedding - 75 years of marriage, therefore, the features of both anniversaries are guessed in the celebration. Occasionally, this wedding anniversary is also called the first diamond wedding.

Besides that the diamond is valuable, expensive and very beautiful, it is impossible not to take into account the strength and durability of this stone. Such is the life of spouses who managed to maintain their relationship until this wedding anniversary, despite all the problems and difficulties that are inevitable in any family.

When holding a diamond-gold wedding, the organizers should try to combine intimacy and solemnity. It can be a purely family holiday, when children and grandchildren present gifts to their parents. The form of the sixtieth wedding anniversary is something between a solemn celebration of the anniversaries and a fun concert for them. Anniversaries themselves do not take part in organizing this wedding anniversary, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren.

It will be very nice if the holiday is decorated in the style of the time in which it took place. first wedding anniversary. Their favorite dishes must be on the table. You can also play some theatrical number especially for the spouses or show them an edited film about their life.

Diamond wedding gifts - 60th wedding anniversary.

The biggest gift for the elderly will be the very holding of their diamond-gold wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means that they are loved and respected. Old people will be very pleased. If your parents or grandparents live in another area, then bring them to your place, and if they do not want or cannot, then arrange a holiday with them. Guests should give the spouses beautiful diamond rings. With such gifts, they show that they do not feel sorry for their parents, that they love them madly and are infinitely grateful to them.

Congratulations on a diamond wedding - 60 years of marriage.

Years passed like a blizzard
And do not return them to you now,
Not very sweet life was,
How the boat sailed on the sea!

Together you are exactly sixty,
You have great grandchildren!
And your marriage is diamond
Let it be bright, like a poppy!

May God prolong your years
Let them not step on the threshold
Trouble, misfortune or grief,
And there will simply be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness!

Our beloved, relatives,
Do not hide gray hair at the temples,
For us, you are always young,
For us, you are always alone,
Diamond wedding let the date
It will be just the beginning for you
Let our dad be healthy
And happy glorious mother,
So that your dear eyes
Did not know treacherous tears,
And your great-grandchildren are all older,
They bring you bouquets of roses,
So that you are with us forever
They gave us warmth and affection,
After all, we value you very much,
You made a fairy tale come true for us!

Sixty years - yes!
Super friendly family!
So many years lived together -
He is the groom, she is the bride,
Today again at the table,
And we drink champagne
For love and kindness
And family warmth
What warms their souls
And helps all relatives
In a difficult, difficult life
Be a friendly family!

Celebrating a diamond wedding today
Now we wish you health for centuries!
Believe in your strength and forward with the song,
May love grow stronger every year!

May the children be strong and the grandchildren grow up!
May your beloved great-grandchildren bring happiness!
May the sun shine on your hearts
And may the loyalty multiply over the years to come!

You have confirmed that there are
A huge light of goodness -
Happy anniversary to you mother-in-law, father-in-law,
Happy wedding! Hooray!

It's been sixty years since
Happy day -
Before the diamond wedding
Enough fire!
Cheerful, warm, smart meetings!
Let's sing, circle:
You save your fire of love,
And - so much to live!

Dear father! Congratulations on your 60th birthday. Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance. The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, life's hardships did not bend my mother's back, thanks to your love and tenderness, my mother's eyes still sparkle with diamonds, thanks to your example and your advice, I learned to overcome any difficulties. Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the very best! Sun and joy to you!

Dear (names of anniversaries)! You are the chosen ones of God, since the Lord does not give everyone such a long and happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties with the country, but at the same time you retained your love for your children and grandchildren. It means that you truly have a golden heart, a golden mind and golden hands. I congratulate you on your Diamond Jubilee and wish you that your future life will be as bright as: today's holiday!

A diamond wedding is an important date, because it is celebrated after 60 years from the date of marriage. This is a record time of married life, especially by modern standards. The diamond symbolizes durability: this gem undergoes numerous treatments before becoming beautiful. Draw a parallel between a diamond and a 60th anniversary, they are almost identical, because in both cases, efforts were made to obtain the final result. How to celebrate this wedding?

Ancient traditions and customs for 60 wedding years

According to legend, 60 years of marriage have always been celebrated lavishly and richly. All familiar couples were invited to the anniversary. It is interesting that celebrating the diamond anniversary, as well as wondering how many years the diamond wedding has been together, Europeans have started quite recently. Therefore, there are relatively few traditions associated with this anniversary. But still, there is an ancient rite that should be performed by a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

In Rus', on the eve of the holiday, the spouses wrote to their offspring the so-called mandate of a joint letter, which outlined the secret of family happiness and harmony. The couple mentioned how they managed to maintain love, respect, devotion to each other for so many years of living together, because how much they had to endure together! This order was hidden in a beautiful box. In the future, the mandate could become a family heirloom, passed from father to son or from mother to daughter.

Diamond wedding: how to celebrate an anniversary?

A traditional diamond wedding is a real holiday, because the spouses have experienced a lot of events, and now they can relax a little, have fun. For all sixty years of marriage, they have repeatedly encountered problems, as well as real grief, perhaps even partings and hot reconciliations took place. This wedding anniversary is worthy of magnificent decoration, expensive gifts, close guests.

To celebrate your 60th wedding anniversary successfully, check out this good video example to help you organize your event with a bang:

Choosing a venue for the celebration

As a rule, a significant diamond wedding is held at home, in a close circle of family, close people, because due to their age, the couple is unlikely to want to celebrate the anniversary outside the home. But if the heroes of the occasion can be persuaded to celebrate the event in some cozy cafe or restaurant, it will be great.

After choosing a place, it is important to take care of the correct design of the room. It is advisable to place on the walls photos of diamonds in the company with photos of spouses in different years life, decorate the hall with shiny decor items. The color scheme should be sustained in golden-white tones.

What to wear to a wedding?

Spouses are encouraged to wear loose, comfortable outfits for their wedding anniversary. So, a dress of an interesting loose-fitting style in white or black, decorated with embroidery or lace, will suit the wife. And the husband should choose a neat light suit, combining it with a bright tie. People who are going to visit a couple should prefer clothes decorated with shiny stones, embroidered with gold threads.

Who to invite?

It is customary to invite only the closest people of the couple to such a wedding: children, grandchildren, relatives, friends. If a familiar young married couple has a child, he should also be brought to this wedding, because children are a symbol of longevity. In a narrow circle of relatives, it will be easier for spouses to relax, to truly relax their souls. Having created a pleasant family atmosphere of the celebration, guests will be able to hear a lot interesting stories, because for 60 years of living together, the spouses have accumulated a decent amount of interesting stories.

What should be on the table?

Since the wedding is called a diamond wedding, the table should be set appropriately. Original, unusual dishes of fish, meat, poultry, seasoned with a hearty side dish, are perfect for the event. Cold appetizers sandwiches, canapes, rolls will be appreciated by guests. A traditional diamond wedding cannot do without pies and other flour products baked by the hostess herself. A wife with such experience in family life, by definition, should prepare delicious dishes that should surprise guests.

Choose hot drinks for the Diamond Jubilee, they will serve as a kind of fuel for further relations spouses. These include teas of unusual varieties (black, red, green), natural coffee and vodka. It is better not to overdo it with the latter, otherwise the holiday will end unpredictably. Cover the table with a yellow or white tablecloth, because these colors are symbols of the Diamond Jubilee.

Celebration scenario

There are many options for the development of events during a significant wedding. It is allowed to compose a script for a diamond wedding on your own, but it is not forbidden to use a ready-made sketch. Let's take a look at a few ideas on how to celebrate a diamond anniversary.

The children and grandchildren of the spouses may well organize a small concert for the elderly, consisting of songs, poems, funny scenes. The numbers of the mini-concert should be interrupted for snacks, during which it is necessary to honor the couple. It is also worth arranging some interesting games. A well-rehearsed concert will attract the attention of a husband and wife, give them joy and new impressions.

It is also a good idea to organize a beautiful theatrical performance, where close people of the spouses will play the couple's love story. Include highlights of the couple's married life, such as dating, getting married, having children, traveling, etc. In an impromptu play, you need to take into account the place where the husband and wife met, whether it be a school bench or an institute. It is worth ending the performance with congratulations from the actors of the play.

What to give for a diamond wedding?

The 60th wedding anniversary involves the presentation of items from the appropriate material to the spouses. But the thing is that a diamond is an expensive stone, which the layman can hardly afford. However, there is an artificial diamond called cubic zirconia. It is as strong and of high quality as a diamond, and outwardly it is not much different from it. Therefore, we will consider examples of cubic zirconia gifts:

  • Ceramic vase decorated with rhinestones, cubic zirconias.
  • Zirconia jewelry chains, bracelets, earrings, etc.
  • Wedding rings for both spouses with the names of the other half, carved on the back of the item.
  • Chandelier decorated with cubic zirconia.
  • Cufflinks with cubic zirkonia inserts.

The main thing is that your gift should be sincere. Therefore, be responsible in choosing a gift for the spouses for the diamond anniversary.

Congratulations on your diamond wedding

The sixtieth anniversary is worthy of respect from the society. Anniversary greetings should emphasize devotion and love for spouses. Elderly people will be glad to hear pleasant things addressed to them, nice words. If you don't know how to express your love to a couple, check out more congratulations Here:

The Diamond Anniversary will be at the highest level if you carefully plan the scenario and organize the event yourself. The reward for your efforts will be immense gratitude and smiles from the elderly spouses!

Have you organized such a wedding, have you ever been to a diamond celebration? Leave a few words about your experience in the comments to the article!

60 years of marriage is one of the most significant and record-breaking wedding anniversaries. And if the spouses lived to see such a rare event, then it must certainly be celebrated, given the symbolism of the holiday and the customs of its holding. Let's figure out how to do it right, according to established customs and traditions, and how to congratulate anniversaries on this date.

Holiday psychology

60 years is a serious date for spouses. Very few couples live to see such an anniversary, if only for the reason that minimum age spouses - 80 years. Having lived together for more than fifty years, people know everything about each other. They went through many trials, difficulties, problems. During this time, they raised not only children, but grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This marriage, time-tested, is called in honor of the most durable mineral - diamond.

Holiday symbolism

The symbol of the 60th anniversary of family life are:

Brilliant or diamond

This stone was not chosen as a symbol by chance: the hardest and most durable, beautiful and valuable - it is like the life of spouses who were able to save their family, despite life's obstacles. That is why the wedding is called a diamond. It is noteworthy that in esotericism, a diamond is considered a mineral that was formed from the mixed energy of earth and air, therefore it will become an excellent talisman of the spouses for their future life.

Number 60

The number 60 is considered “sacred” and the most significant: after all, there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 6 times 60 degrees in a circle, and so on. Therefore, a marriage that has been preserved for so many years can truly be called sacred. In time, this date is after a significant wedding - golden. Therefore, it incorporates the characteristics of both elements - the invaluability of gold and the strength of a diamond. Therefore, sometimes such a wedding is called platinum.

Diamond Jubilee: customs and traditions

Since a diamond wedding is the rarest and most uncommon anniversary, it has no traditions deeply rooted in antiquity. It was first celebrated at the end of the 19th century by rich and noble people who wanted to introduce new family traditions.

But very quickly such a holiday began to be celebrated by people of all classes. Therefore, today there are several traditions associated with this date:

  • On the wedding day spouses should present each other with diamond jewelry. Alternatively, it could be new wedding rings with this stone.
  • Traditionally on the 60th anniversary honors the anniversaries of the local registry office if the spouses live in the same place where they got married. They usually give a "Diamond Certificate", flowers and mementos. In addition, they are asked to sign the book of honorary anniversaries in a solemn atmosphere.
  • Spouses compose on this day a kind of "mandate" to their descendants. The letter reveals the secret of their long family happiness. However, it is not customary to read it. Moreover, the “mandate” must be hidden in a hidden place (for example, in a box), so that only those descendants who will also live until the Diamond Jubilee can read it. In some European countries, this mandate is approached with great seriousness: it is given to a notary's office and there it waits for its recipient. Usually, a donation for a family heirloom (for example, for a jewel or any other significant thing) is additionally attached to it.

Briefly about the script

When organizing a diamond wedding, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • In this case, an overly magnificent celebration (with a toastmaster, actors, musicians or entertainment shows) is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that the anniversaries themselves and their friends are already in old age, and quickly get tired of too noisy and active actions.
  • An ideal holiday is a cross between a solemn ceremony and home gatherings.
  • It is necessary to completely free the anniversaries from organizing the event: their children, grandchildren or friends can do this.
  • The holiday should be exquisite festive table without frills and exotics: simple dishes and snacks are welcome.

After all the features are taken into account, you can choose the scenario for the upcoming holiday:

home concert

Celebration in the narrow circle of the family is the best alternative to chic restaurants and cozy cafes on this day. Gather all your relatives together: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - the anniversaries will be happy only because everyone comes to congratulate them. We need to organize a small concert for them: let everyone tell a verse or sing a song dedicated to the heroes of the occasion.

retro style

Organize a retro holiday of those times when the couple first visited the Wedding Palace. Appropriate decoration will be appropriate - any suitable vintage items (antique paintings, old-fashioned tablecloths and curtains, furniture, and so on). The main highlight of the design should be black and white photographs of the spouses from their youth: print them out and hang them like posters around the house. In addition, you can arrange a viewing of a pre-filmed film about the life of the anniversaries (it is better if you find a projector and arrange an impromptu cinema hall). And, of course, an old gramophone with your favorite tunes will create the right atmosphere. If there is no gramophone, then you can look for digitized recordings of songs from those times.

At the family hearth

You can arrange a small theatrical performance. To do this, you will need an impromptu hearth - a fireplace, a fire lit in the yard or its imitation (for example, special lamps). Guests sit around the hearth, and the heroes of the day sit in the most convenient and honorable place. They, as the guardians of the ancestral fire, will accept your gifts and talk about the life they lived together: some stories - funny and not very funny.

Such a holiday will be useful and pleasant for everyone: the elderly will make up for the lack of communication, and the grandchildren will have the opportunity to learn more about them.

impromptu kingdom

Arrange honoring the founders of your family dynasty. To do this, you need to make two improvised thrones and two crowns: you can use foil, beads and rhinestones that look like diamonds for decoration. You seat the heroes of the day in the royal place - let them be entertained and honored. The heroes of the occasion can issue laws and decrees, say parting words and reward their descendants. Prepare in advance small cardboard medals on ribbons that the anniversaries will present to their grandchildren and children. And of course, do not forget that such an event must be captured in photographs.

What to give spouses

Like any other holiday, it is customary to give gifts to a diamond wedding:

How to congratulate the "diamond" heroes of the occasion

On this day, it is necessary to congratulate the old-timers of family life. No need to invent idle speeches and toasts - just put words of gratitude, respect and love into them. You can write your speech based on examples:

Take responsibility for such a date as a diamond wedding. After all, there are so few couples in the world who live to see such an anniversary. Therefore, arrange a real holiday for the soul and pamper the old-timers with your attention.

In conclusion, let's watch an informative video and learn a lot of interesting facts about diamonds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvgLNwQFvxk

Diamond wedding.
You've been together for 60 years.
Again today we will shout: "Bitterly!"
“Love, we’ll tell you, yes advice!”
They proved by their example
You, that there are no obstacles for feelings.
I wish with admiration
You long and happy years!

I wish you health
Only understanding.
Live in harmony with yourself
Gentle attention.

wonderful holiday, a significant date in honor of 60 years lived together. Congratulations on your diamond wedding. I wish you to remain for many years the most precious and beloved diamond for each other, I wish you health and prosperity, great luck, family understanding, care and respect for loved ones, prosperity and spiritual joy.

Diamond wedding, sixty years old.
Congratulations today. May your century be
Long, joyful, pleasant and rich to all,
What a person needs. Let it be no problem
Then you will live together until the end of days.
Let life be kinder and fate more tender.

Diamond wedding - 60 years!
Units mark this.
Diamond fortress in the hearts of your love
Erases even time boundaries.

We wish you to live like this
Side by side together for twenty or thirty years.
Leave in the memory of your love warmth

Let it be preserved
All that was dear to you for so many years.
All that is created by labor with the soul,
Let it fasten.

Love and live many years
Happy days
Let it just last.

Glorious anniversary of living together,
And it is also very beautifully called -
Diamond wedding
After sixty years is considered!

This is a very rare and beautiful stone.
And not everyone gets it.
Only a select few before this date
We manage to live together!

There was nothing in life
And happiness and adversity
And there was no noise in your house
What kind of weather.

But all with perseverance passed,
And credited for experience
Reliable support for each other
You have already become a long time ago.

Diamond wedding -
Incredible day!
So let it disappear in the future
Even the shadow is sad.

With a diamond wedding!
You are heroes, no doubt!
Easily lived in marriage
Sixty happy years.

Who knows how to have fun
He cannot live otherwise
Will never get angry
And in misfortune will not cry.

Forget all ailments and troubles,
If the circle of friends is large.
We are all grandparents
Only young at heart!

Weddings, like people, go away over the years,
There in the loneliness of our land,
What will stay with us forever
The native coast and its ships.

Time knows how to make anniversaries,
The buoys of the river of life flash.
We will be carried away, and will always be with her,
Your warm gentle hands.

There will be a hearth, the one that we created,
Warm you and me with stepfather warmth,
To icicles and quarrels and sorrows.
They melted somewhere behind a warm window.

Many flowers and smiles today,
Our diamond wedding match,
Let the years of mistakes be forgotten
We will remember our victories.

Let's love, it's more fun to hold on,
Let's warm the earth with family warmth,
We need to hug each other tighter,
And there is nothing to be sad about, about the past.

The way is strewn with diamonds
Your life is good and grace,
Love is alive in it, and this is the essence,
Destined to meet each other.

God bound fates
Two native and loving hearts,
Sixty years inseparable
Union of two golden rings.

Adversity and bad weather passed,
May you never return
And so that there is happiness in life,
And so that we always bake to the shoulder!

All the guests will not get tired of clapping together,
All marveling at the strength of the family.
Although the past years can not be darned,
And you don't have to, it's all about love!

And six tens is a huge term,
This is a big part of life.
Let it be with bottomless tenderness
Fate will spin smiles for you!

Wedding scenario - Diamond-gold wedding - 60 years

. Diamond gold wedding
- This is the anniversary of the spouses who have lived together for sixty years. Agree, the celebration of such an anniversary is an extremely rare phenomenon, since not many manage to live to such an advanced age (by this time the anniversaries are already about 80–90 years old), and even in such a long marriage.

More traditional and common are silver and gold weddings. A diamond; gold, copper, porcelain, etc. weddings began to be celebrated relatively recently, somewhere from the end of the nineteenth century, among wealthy citizens. Most likely, such family anniversaries have become an attempt to create new traditions that help strengthen the family, an attempt to decorate and diversify family life. This is indirectly evidenced by the fact that these anniversaries took root and fairly quickly spread among all segments of the population, the names were fixed and were picked up by the mass press.

The sixtieth anniversary is celebrated in the interval between the golden wedding - 50 years of marriage - and the diamond - 75 years of marriage, so the features of both anniversaries are guessed in the celebration. Occasionally, this anniversary is also called the first diamond wedding.

In order for the form of holding a holiday to correspond to its essence, you need to know the properties of those materials that the name of the holiday indicates, i.e. gold and diamonds.

Gold is a metal that occupies a very high place in the scale of evaluation of rare and precious metals, malleable, chemically inert, does not change in air even when heated. In alloys, it retains all the basic properties, but at the same time it becomes harder and stronger. Therefore, people in the relationship between which gold shone, really have a golden character, since they managed to live in peace and harmony for so many years. In general, the word "gold" in the language of human communication is a synonym for everything valuable, kind and noble. The highest praise for a person is to say that he is "just gold."

Despite the fact that life, by a combination of circumstances and the pressure of difficulties, crushed and melted the heroes of the day, but they did not break and did not change their basic qualities - the ability to love and be patient.

With each passing year, their character only hardened and acquired the brilliance of a noble metal.

In ancient times, alchemists were looking for the "philosopher's stone" - the stone of wisdom, which in a practical sense led them to search for and obtain gold, and then to the path of discovering the origin of life.

Polished and processed gold shines like the sun. And the sun played a very important role in people's lives, in mythology, religions and folk rituals - it gave life, was the luminary of life and vitality. According to astrological medicine, the Sun governs the heart and all major human organs, and modern medicine has discovered the presence of gold in the composition of blood and cells.

Alchemists believed that the earthly transformation of metals (which are all on the way to becoming gold) is only a symbol of the transformation of man into a more perfect being. And indeed, compare young spouses: a volcano of passions, a rush to live, immaturity of judgments - and an old married couple: wisdom, harmony and calmness - a clear example of the improvement of spiritual qualities.

The phasing of this transformation is also reflected in the names of wedding anniversaries: print wedding- any scandal can break the thin chintz of relationships, copper wedding- relations have become stronger, but copper is too soft a metal that easily oxidizes in air, therefore it requires careful handling and constant cleaning, silver is a beautiful noble metal, but also requires considerable effort to maintain its luster, etc.

Diamond is a mineral, one of the crystalline varieties of carbon. It is difficult to say what captivates most of all in this stone: a special bright brilliance, a multi-colored play of rays reflected by it, or extraordinary hardness. Nothing created by nature or human hands can match the hardness of a diamond.

This amazing creation of nature can cut and process any solid substance: glass, stone, metal, but the diamond itself can only be processed with another diamond. The name "diamond" itself is a corruption of the Greek word "adamas", meaning "invincible". The relationship between the spouses, who have lived together for sixty years, has acquired a truly diamond fortress. No one and nothing can destroy this union.

Usually, the faces of minerals have straight edges, while those of a diamond are rounded, consisting of curved or striated faces that intersect beautifully in arcs in certain directions. There are many tubercles, pits, mounds, curvatures, mesh complex patterns on the edges. That is, we can say that the long family life of the heroes of the day was not distinguished by directness and ease. Various obstacles, troubles, failures, quarrels, of course, left their mark. And at the same time, love, joy, achievements polished the edges, made them play and sparkle.

Diamonds best quality colorless, they are said to be "of the purest water." But in most cases, diamonds come with the so-called "overcolor", i.e. with a faint shade of another color: straw, reddish, black, greenish, blue. Very rare, and therefore highly valued diamonds are transparent, but completely painted in any color, such as pink, yellow, black.

. “Through thorns to the stars,” the ancients said. Love gave the relationship of the spouses a red tint, tenderness - pink, trouble - black, separation - yellow, melancholy - green, failure - blue. The thorny family path mixed all colors, turned the stone into a diamond of family happiness and finally sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow, turning into the most beautiful gem - a diamond. And this diamond is like a guiding star for all the young members of the family. And not only for them.

Brilliant; the golden jubilee is a vivid example to follow for everyone who has not yet reached the age of anniversaries.

According to ancient esoteric beliefs, diamonds were formed from five primordial elements: sky, air, water, earth, energy, and therefore have magical and medicinal properties. Diamonds without any defects drive away enemies, protect against lightning and poison, complications during pregnancy, bring all sorts of benefits to their owner. So the spouses who have lived together for six decades, thanks to their wisdom, life and professional experience, become excellent advisers in difficult life situations, good healers of the soul, unsurpassed teachers for their grandchildren, the spiritual force that unites all generations of the family.

In celebrating a brilliant and golden wedding, the organizers should try to combine intimacy and solemnity.

Usually, professional toastmasters and musicians are invited to hold such celebrations, but in this case it is more appropriate to hold the holiday only with close relatives.

The fact is that anniversaries are elderly people, their friends are too, so it will be difficult for them to take an active part in the preparation and holding of the holiday. People invited from outside (tamada, actors, musicians) will somewhat embarrass the elderly, who feel much calmer and more relaxed in the circle of loved ones.

If among the guests there are friends of the spouses - their peers, then they will also need to be given increased attention. It is desirable that there is a doctor among the relatives, so that if necessary, he can help the elderly, or at least there is a first-aid kit with medicines nearby, which are most often resorted to by the heroes of the day.

It is advisable to invite to honor the anniversaries as much as possible large quantity relatives, and with children. This will add solemnity to the family anniversary, and the children, with their spontaneity and cheerfulness, will enliven it, please and touch the elderly.

The form of the holiday is something between a solemn celebration of anniversaries and a fun concert for them. The anniversaries themselves do not take part in organizing the holiday, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular children and grandchildren, but if they have such a desire, then do not interfere with them, but simply be nearby to quickly come to the rescue if necessary.

The anniversary can also be in the form of a theatrical performance. Option one. A fireplace is kindled in the house, and it is even better to build an impromptu hearth in the yard, around which all relatives are seated. Spouses sit in the most honorable and convenient place; anniversaries are the keepers of the family, tribal fire. family hearth symbolizes eternal love and labor, only thanks to which it is possible to constantly keep the fire going. By the way, this is also an ancient pagan form of unity by the fire. The sun was considered the source of life on earth, and the hearth was considered the source of family life.

The holiday itself takes place as a big conversation; parting words about the true values ​​of the family.

Anniversaries accept congratulations and talk about their life and love, give advice to young people on how to maintain peace in the family, harmony in relationships and material wealth, after which they move on to a feast and entertainment.

Option two. Anniversaries are seated on improvised thrones. On the heads of the "king" and "queen" they put on crowns made of cardboard and gold foil or soft gilded metal, the teeth of which are sheathed or pasted over with beads, rhinestones imitating diamonds. The royal couple are the founders of the family dynasty, the descendants honor them, thank them for their wise rule and entertain them.

. The "king" and "queen" have the right to establish laws, issue decrees, punish and reward their subjects. For example, a comic punishment for a son for an inattentive attitude towards his wife is to eat a whole lemon in front of everyone in order to understand the taste of her sadness.

The room in which the holiday is held is decorated with many fresh flowers, multi-colored balloons, serpentine and confetti. In winter, you can even put a Christmas tree in the hall, around which dances will be arranged later. Exhibitions of old family photographs or drawings and crafts of grandchildren and great-grandchildren will delight the elderly.

The table is covered with a beautiful tablecloth, preferably yellow; white.
Fresh flowers and a birthday cake are required. For anniversaries, it is necessary to prepare their favorite dishes or dishes that were popular at the time of their youth. Do not shackle old people with ostentatious, blinding luxury of table setting, do not depress by turning the holiday into a banal booze, do not behave cheekily, take into account the tastes and wishes of the heroes of the day. Respect maturity!

The biggest gift for the elderly will be the very holding of their diamond and gold wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means that they are loved and respected. They will be very pleased with it. If your parents or grandparents live in another area, then bring them to your place, and if they do not want or cannot, then arrange a holiday with them.

If the anniversaries did not exchange rings for the fiftieth anniversary of married life, then the children can present them with new gold rings.

Sixty years ago today's anniversaries exchanged gold rings for the first time. The groom put his ring on the bride's finger as a sign of love and readiness to sacrifice everything for his wife and help her all her life, the bride put the ring on the groom's hand as a sign of her love and devotion, as a sign of readiness to accept the groom's help all her life and desire to go hand in hand with him hand in hand through all the difficulties. The young people kept their oath, for sixty years they shared equally both joys and sorrows, they withstood everything. But their rings turned out to be less resistant, they could not stand it - they were worn out. Therefore, the closest people give the anniversaries new gold rings. Better yet, give gold rings with diamonds - there will be full compliance with the diamond; golden jubilee.

Gold rings can also be used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Older people are zealous about their health, so this will be most welcome. With a gold ring tied to a thread, pressure is measured by drawing it up from the brush, then down. The ruler, laid from the bend of the hand to the elbow, shows in numbers the pressure where the ring “waves”.

To determine problems in the liver, it is necessary to draw a line along the cheek along the ear with a golden ring, if a black stripe appears, this is a sign of a diseased liver. The ring can also be used as a pendulum to determine products that are useful or not very specific for your body: if the ring goes clockwise - “yes”, against - “no”. Water is insisted on gold rings, such water perfectly tones, strengthens the lungs, liver, heart muscle, improves memory.

Try to "reward" anniversaries with gold or gilded anniversary medals. For example, this option: the silhouettes of a man and a woman holding hands, at the bottom of the year in which the anniversary is celebrated, and the inscription - "For life." Pictures and inscriptions can also be comic, such as: “Veterans of the family front”, “Winners of the family race”, “Martyrs of God's will”, “Victims of love”, “Conquerors of worldly mountains”, two pigeons, a boxer can show off in the pictures , cactus-roses, hearts, rings, captain, etc.

Luxurious gifts will be any jewelry from gold and diamonds: brooches, earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, tie and hairpins, chains, tiaras, watches, cutlery, figurines and various crafts.

Or ancient weapons: daggers, sabers, swords, pistols, the handles of which are trimmed with gold and diamonds. Of course, this is very expensive gifts. Gold-plated products, as well as products decorated with rhinestones, can become their equivalent. Do not spare money, because the anniversaries gave you incommensurably more - your life, your love and care, involvement in a large and glorious family.

Be sure to give the "groom" and "bride" a lot; a lot of fresh flowers. If the anniversaries prefer some, then certain flowers, then give them exactly. Spouses who grow flowers can be given flowers in pots or seeds and bulbs of rare flowers for planting in the country.

Active anniversaries, who still do everything themselves in the house, can be given a vacuum cleaner, a food processor, a washing machine and other useful devices, mechanisms, tools to facilitate their work. Many old people like to listen to the radio, so a portable radio will be a nice gift for them.

A very kind and symbolic gift will be dressing the heroes of the day from head to toe. That is, having agreed among themselves, the relatives buy them all new clothes: from underwear to winter clothes, from shoes to hats.

During the celebration of the anniversary, you can put a new notebook around the circle of guests, in which everyone, both an adult and a child, will write their wishes or congratulations to the anniversaries, in verse, or draw something beautiful or humorous. At the end of the holiday, the notebook is tied with a gift ribbon and presented to the heroes of the occasion. The holiday itself can be filmed on videotape, and then presented to the anniversaries.

For greater solemnity, present the spouses; anniversaries with bread; salt on a long embroidered towel; towel. Towel is a sacred wedding item, in the old days they sealed the union of two loving people for life. Loaf is a symbol of prosperity, a symbol of the earth. Salt is a symbol of the sun.

Once upon a time, there was a custom of breaking the loaf by the newlyweds, so that in the subsequent life together they would divide everything in half. And the proverb “To know a person, you need to eat a pood of salt with him” is still popular today. In addition, until now, the presentation of bread or salt to someone is considered an expression of great respect.

The most fun gift will be a concert dedicated to the anniversaries.

Songs and dances (some of them must necessarily be from the time of the youth of the anniversaries or just favorite songs and dances of the anniversaries), humorous scenes, performance of a family orchestra, poems, ditties, home mini; performances, fairy tales, jokes, round dances. Try not to focus once again on the age of the anniversaries, let them just have fun and rejoice looking at you.

Congratulate people of all ages: from a small great-grandson to an old fellow soldier.

The main thing is to create a festive relaxed atmosphere. The "groom" can confess his love to the "bride", the "bride" - to the "groom", and the guests - to both anniversaries.

What can you wish for elderly spouses? Wish you health, peace, happiness, long life, sunny days, joy, patience, more great-grandchildren, happiness to children and grandchildren, more than once to celebrate the anniversary, prosperity, peace of mind, etc.

Dear (names of spouses; anniversaries)! You are the chosen ones of God, since the Lord does not give everyone such a long and happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties with the country, but at the same time you retained your love and raised worthy people - your children and grandchildren. It means that you truly have a golden heart, a golden mind and golden hands. I congratulate you on your "precious" anniversary and wish you that your future life will be as bright as today's holiday!

sixty wonderful years

Life has counted.

What is it all in the past? Oh no!

Sixty is the beginning.

Yes, new start

In the field of knowledge.

Be an example - your destiny -

Kindness and knowledge.

. And now congratulations from adult children:

Dear mommy! I congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary! I want to thank you so much for giving me life, for love and understanding, for good advice and support in difficult times, for my happy childhood dreams, for home comfort. I have no one closer to you and my father. I love you with all my heart. Happiness to you and long life!

Dear father! Congratulations on your anniversary. Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance. The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, life's hardships did not bend my mother's back, thanks to your love and tenderness, my mother's eyes sparkle young and cheerfully, thanks to your example and your advice, I learned to overcome any difficulties. Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the very best! Sun and joy to you!


Where you go

Flowers bloom.

Smile is the light of the sun

There is no boredom with you.

No need for many words:

After all, you are love itself!

Not broken by misfortune

Has always been with me.

You are light, fire, water.

I wish - always be!


Be as gentle and simple

For me, so young.

Life with you is not a burden for me,

You are my love, you are my joy!


And you are still so cute

The eyes have wrinkles, but the eyes shine,

Cheerful, lively, energetic -

That snowfall, then a summer thunderstorm.

I love you so restless

Thank you for any day

In the fight against worries and troubles

You were always by my side.

Anniversary says:

I went through barriers

I removed the interference

I worked like an ox

To be successful.

I knew that the rear is strong -

You'll be waiting, no matter how long.

I loved you so

What went to you, and nothing more.

My pinnacle is you.

Through years and bad weather

Didn't spill dreams

I'm talking about shared happiness.

And this anniversary

I know not the last.

We are not in the sunset

Our age is still middle.

Spouse's words:

Many years ago

I was struck by your look.

There were many troubles, obstacles,

But the look remained the same.

And more than all awards

For me, my favorite look

In it the spring garden blooms,

The sun in it and sweet honey.

Darling, thank you for your love and tenderness! May your eyes never become cloudy, filled with bitter tears, may they only radiate!

On this glorious anniversary

From family and friends

Allow me to wish

Do not get sick, do not lose heart

Wait for no troubles and no end

And the diamond crown:

You are fifteen years old

To endure until the crown.

Let's follow this strictly.

Good, smooth road to you!

On such a major anniversary, toasts are indispensable. Let's raise our glasses to health, happiness and love!

Though the hair turns gray

And sad sometimes

But souls don't age

And always young.

For you newlyweds

For eternal love

To her laws

Reigned again and again!

Our dreams open pink petals, girls in love bloom, beloved women bloom, children are born - the most beautiful flowers on earth, in spring gardens drown in a white and pink flower sea, and in summer a rainbow of meadow flowers shines, on today's holiday is also a flower carnival.

So let's drink to the multicolor of life!

There once lived a beautiful and proud eagle. The earth weighed him down, he spread his mighty wings, soared into the blue sky and looked down from above. The eagle bathed in the air currents and the golden rays of the sun, it was easy, joyful and free for him. But one day at dawn he saw a beautiful eagle and forgot about everything in the world. From that time on, he was attracted to the earth, because there, on the mountain slope, in a large nest, an eagle and eagles were waiting for him. And no matter how much the eagle circled in the high sky, it always returned to them.

Let's raise our glasses to love, to love for life!
