How to make a family happy in a nutshell. How to create a happy and strong family? How to create a happy marriage

A happy family despite all trials.

The first couple of years after the marriage, the spouses experience passion, love, desire for each other. However, after some time, especially after the birth of long-awaited children, these feelings cool down. Some couples simply turn a blind eye to this and try to go with the flow, while others do not like this prospect of a relationship. And if some are trying to return family happiness and harmony to their home, others simply give up and get divorced. But is it worth it to go drastic measures? Isn't it easier to show a little prudence, and instead of looking for a new partner, try to save the marriage by returning the idyll to your own family?

What or who interferes with family happiness?

Such questions are of interest not only to couples, but also to researchers and psychologists. According to the second, family happiness is hindered not only by life, work or postpartum depression of women, but also by those around them, and often close and dear people. So, let's look at the main factors that can affect couples' marital happiness.

Life, work, children

Constant employment, routine, monotony can destroy even the strongest relationship. Moreover, it has a devastating effect on both men and women. So, the head of the family disappears for days at work in order to provide his family with everything necessary. Sooner or later, such workload exhausts psychologically. Hence the breaks Bad mood, unwillingness to do anything, apathy, depression due to constant stress. And imagine the situation if a husband comes home after a hard day's work, and his wife starts to “nag” him, they say, he returned late, did not take out the garbage, did not fix the tap, etc. It is worth remembering that for men, the house is a fortress where he should feel needed, loved. After all, men are like children: they also need attention and love, understanding and care. Without this, a happy relationship cannot be built.

As for women, here the picture does not look simpler: everything rests on their fragile shoulders - the house, children, and sometimes even material well-being families. It is generally accepted that women stronger than men psychologically. However, their “batteries” run out over time, and then this crazy hurricane is very difficult to stop. Imagine for a moment: every day a woman is torn between screaming children demanding attention, food, drink, games, etc., washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking and other “female” duties. By the evening, when there is no strength left at all, she has one desire - to rest calmly, to sleep. But a gloomy tired husband comes home and begins to criticize: either the soup is not salted enough, the shirt is not ironed, or the toys are not collected. And many generally blame the fact that the spouse sits at home for days and does nothing. Has anyone ever wondered where the cooked lunch or dinner came from on the stove? Who irons and evenly folds the linen on the shelves of the closet? Why dirty dishes does not support the gander of the crane, but is beautifully placed in its place? And how many times a day do you need to walk with a vacuum cleaner, removing the consequences of the kids' games? But all this takes a lot of time and effort, and not so much physical as moral.

From all that has been said, the only conclusion follows: both spouses get tired equally (of course, provided that everyone is fully occupied with their duties). Therefore, to blame someone for idleness is stupid. Show understanding, try to help each other, be interested in the affairs of your soul mate. Be careful and, perhaps, less demanding, because sometimes we want from our beloved (beloved) the difficult or even impossible, which leads to conflict situations, resentment. Rest more together: walk with the whole family, have fun, stay alone, send the children to grandparents, arrange romantic evenings, make small surprises. This is not difficult at all, but such actions will help maintain family relationships at the romantic stage that they were before marriage or immediately after it. It is equally important to believe and trust your partner. Respect him/her. It is these feelings that are the basis of a happy marriage.

Spouses' parents

You can talk forever about the relationship of spouses with their parents. Some are lucky with them, others not so much. What does it mean "lucky" or not? In the first case, mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law (respectively, fathers-in-law and fathers-in-law) do not interfere in the relationship of the newlyweds - and this is the correct position in the opinion of many couples. Yes, they can sometimes give useful advice, and young people will definitely take it into account. But this happens infrequently and, most importantly, unobtrusively.

In the second case, "bad luck" is the total control of the parents over the young. Not a single step of the spouses goes unnoticed. All actions related to everyday life, raising children, cooking, and even relations between young people are carefully controlled and adjusted in their own way by mother-in-law and mother-in-law (as a rule, fathers do not participate in such intrigues). What happens in a young family? Complete discord, scandals, tears, divorce. None of the spouses can withstand such an onslaught. When a family collapses due to the fault of their parents, young people are convinced that they simply did not fit together, although in fact it was the parents who made efforts to break up once. happy family.

Is it possible to get rid of total parental control? You can, but you need to show firmness of character, be patient. Try to explain to your mother-in-law / mother-in-law that you are adults and independent people, that your family is YOUR family, and that you are responsible for it, and you know how to act in this or that situation. Of course, you should not refuse the help of your parents if you really need it. Limiting the communication of your children with their parents is also not worth it - this will aggravate the situation, a new conflict will appear, and much more seriously. And remember, if you decide to declare your own independence, then you are now responsible for your every action.

Sisters and brothers of spouses

We may not even suspect that our younger brothers or sisters can become the destroyers of our marriage. It would seem that the usual guardianship over them will not bring any harm. But when these family relationships become a burden, action must be taken, otherwise the ideal family relationship will burst like a soap bubble.

What to do? Find an activity for your brother/sister that will distract him/her from your relationship. Does he/she constantly ask for money? Help me find a decent and interesting job. Staying up at your house until late, preventing you from enjoying each other alone? Present a dog or other animal - now he / she will have something to do in his free time. Another option is to give birth to a child, then the problem with an obsessive relative will be solved by itself.

Friends and comrades

Both spouses need rest and relaxation. And friends in this matter are the main assistants. But not always the spouse or spouse accept friends of their half. Husbands are not satisfied with too frank or eccentric girlfriends of the wife, and wives - rude or too cheeky friends of the husband. Often friends and comrades take a lot of time from married couples: either the wife and girlfriend disappear in cafes or shops, or the husband leaves for the whole weekend hunting or fishing. But ideally, spouses should spend their free time together in order to keep that invisible connection that once reunited them.

Of course, spouses need to rest even from each other. But this should not be done as often as it usually happens. Still, family, children and a loved one should remain a priority.

Hobbies and hobbies

Today, many men (and some women too) are addicted to computer games. Sometimes this hobby turns into a real gaming addiction. Such a person is not interested in anything else: neither family, nor work, nor communication in reality. virtual world everything for him: wife, children, and parents.

If an addict cannot overcome his passion for games or other activities in which he is very fanatic, marriage with him is doomed to failure. What can be done? The very first thing is to talk frankly with him, looking into his eyes, without reproaches, screams, insults. Let him know that he is dear to you, as well as the relationship with him. Help overcome this addiction, because together it is easier to fight than to cope with problems alone. Give it a chance, and you will be able to keep happiness in your family, even if it will be very difficult to do so.

If the passion is gone...

There are many factors that influence the relationship of spouses. And if earlier the touches of the second half caused delight, a storm of emotions, and now you feel only irritation, then we can say that passion has left your relationship. Can it be returned? Psychologists are sure that it is possible. But why does passion leave a relationship? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Lack of romance. Often, spouses become bored, forget to pamper each other with gifts, make surprises, and prefer watching TV or sitting at the computer to a fun vacation or a walk in the park.
  2. Accumulation of grievances and claims to each other. Often, in a fit of anger, the spouse says nasty things to each other, which are difficult to forget. Isn't it better to resolve conflicts in calm tones, coming to a common consensus that will satisfy both?
  3. Banal habit. When the feeling of novelty disappears, the relationship becomes mundane, boring. Imperceptibly, the spouses begin to annoy each other, and soon hate each other. Correcting such a situation is almost impossible.

In order not to completely destroy family relationships, you should adhere to certain rules that psychologists advise. But be prepared for the fact that you will need a lot of effort and patience.

Using these tips in combination, you can achieve harmony, brightness and reciprocity in relations with your partner.

Secrets of a happy family life

Even despite the sad statistics of divorce, you can save your own family, but you will need to make a lot of effort. The main thing is to follow the advice of psychologists, and then a long happy family life is guaranteed to you.

  1. Be emotionally responsive and available. Always respond to your partner's requests, don't blame, don't close, don't ridicule. Be a helper, like-minded person, support, adviser. Emotional responsiveness and availability in a married couple should be mutual.
  2. Accept your partner's differences and see them as real. Many people associate love with similarity. There is a feeling that partners think the same way, feel the same things, say similar things, but it only creates the illusion of unity, closeness and security. In such a relationship, any disagreement or dissimilarity is perceived painfully. Any difference must be accepted and respected by the partners for granted. Consider these differences, and learn to accept a person as he is. Only then will there be harmony in the relationship.
  3. Know how to cooperate and come to an agreement. Help each other, respond positively to requests, discuss plans for the future together, look for compromises. If there are controversial points, do not be afraid to discuss them and express your own opinion - this will help in the end to come to a common decision. And if you agree to something, follow these agreements by all means.
  4. Do not interfere, but contribute to the self-development of your partner. Interaction is the success of marriage. Happy spouses are those partners who, together, were able to achieve certain successes that they would not have been able to achieve alone.
  5. Treat many things lightly and with humor. Life is short, and you should not waste it on quarrels, ridiculous showdowns, omissions, stupid accusations. If there was any frivolous embarrassment - translate everything into a joke, laugh, get distracted. After all, pleasant emotions and laughter quickly defuse the situation, destroy the negative, tune in to a positive wave.
  6. Organize your life properly. Household duties can be divided among all family members, and how you do it is up to you. The main thing is that in the future everyone is responsible for his zone, without transferring his duties to another. Of course, it is possible, and even necessary, to help a loved one, but do not consider your merits to everyone, take it as a voluntary contribution to family coziness and comfort.

How to make a family happy - this question is faced by many spouses in the process of finding family harmony. The family is the cell of social society. People who marry should be aware of the seriousness of their intentions. What is life in a happy family? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article.

A happy family is the goal in many people's lives

The family is the warmth and comfort of the hearth, which warms in everyday life. You can become truly happy if you find people with whom it is pleasant to share positive emotions.

People meet, fall in love and decide to live together. But you need to take relationships seriously so as not to destroy everything in an instant. In a happy family, people understand each other perfectly, and also do not refuse to spend time together.

What is a strong happy family

In fact, the relationship that is considered happy is understood differently by everyone. For some it's love, for some it's money, and for some it's a lot of children. Unfortunately, some spouses see happiness in an open relationship.

Family comfort, kindness and love - what could be more expensive

It is impossible to say unambiguously what happiness consists of. But a strong family must stand up for each other like a mountain. All its members are close-knit and friendly. In a strong family there are no quarrels, quarrels and conflicts. People try to spend all their free time together, which makes their relationship warm and friendly.

Rules for happy families

If you don't know how to create happy family, take into account a few important rules. Thanks to simple advice you can enjoy harmony and comfort in the house:

  • communicate more - it is impossible to make relationships strong without constant communication. Gather around the table in the evenings to drink tea and discuss how your day went. Take an interest in the affairs of your children, ask your spouse how the working day went, share your experiences;
  • the law of conformity - you must carefully consider the choice of your soulmate. You can't order love, but your interests and life views should coincide. If you find that your personalities do not match, learn to deal with it. Only in this case it is possible to avoid conflicts and quarrels from scratch;
  • development - if you are thinking about how to build a happy family, do not forget to constantly develop. You should not sit at home after the birth of a child or clog yourself amid severe stress. Remember that a person must improve himself. You will be able to find new facets for entertainment, as well as talk on serious topics, understanding each other.

It should be understood that relationships are the work and labor of its participants.

Secrets of a happy family

There are certain secrets that will allow you to make your family happy. They are so simple and affordable that you will not encounter problems:

  1. show your love without hiding your true feelings;
  2. sit down for lunch or dinner with the whole family, if possible;
  3. create your own family traditions that will allow you to become friendly and united;
  4. host guests to expand your social circle and your interests;
  5. do household chores together to feel the support and help of loved ones;
  6. tell the children about the history of your family;
  7. get a pet that will develop responsibility and care in all family members;
  8. respect your loved ones, because they are individuals;
  9. be punctual so that loved ones feel their importance;
  10. always take care of those around you, because this is the first sign of happiness.

Only a complete understanding of the feelings and desires of partners will create harmony

These are the basic secrets of a happy family that will help you achieve desired result. You will be able to enjoy the harmony that gives a feeling of comfort.

How to create a happy marriage

If you are looking for the answer to the question of how to create a happy marriage, then it is worth remembering that everything comes with time. A truly happy family becomes after a while.

To make everyone feel comfortable and cozy, learn to show your care. Show your family members how much you love them. In any situation, support them so that they feel needed.

It should be taken into account that the concept of happiness in women and men is different.

Spend your free time together. Get out of town for the weekend or enjoy your favorite games at home. This strengthens the relationship, allowing each person to feel loved.

How to make your husband happy in marriage

If you do not know how to make your husband happy in marriage, take into account a few tips. They help you enjoy good mood spouse:

Following these tips is extremely simple, as you can see in practice. As a result, your feelings will be strong, so your spouse will never go "to the side."

How to make a woman happy in marriage

In fact, the answer to the question of how to make a woman happy in marriage is quite simple. Here is the key to your wife's happiness:

  1. constantly tell her how much you love her;
  2. a man must prove his love by making a pleasant surprise for a woman;
  3. learn not only to speak, but also to listen, since this is very important for a woman;
  4. take into account the psychology of the fairer sex, because she is very worried when you leave. Try to tell where and for how long you are going;
  5. do not solve absolutely all problems for a woman, because sometimes she wants to be independent;
  6. stand for her worthy man, protecting from uncertainty in the future;
  7. Tell a woman compliments so that she is convinced that she is the one and only for you.

These are the rules of happy families where everyone respects and appreciates each other. It all depends on how attentive you will be to your soulmate.

Problems sooner or later arise in any unions. The main thing is to behave correctly when solving them. Only through joint coordinated work with an understanding of the presence of a problem, it is possible to successfully survive various difficulties.

What prevents you from creating a strong and friendly family

Some people try very hard, but cannot achieve harmony in relationships. This is influenced by many errors that do not allow to achieve the desired result.

Never limit the freedom of your soulmate. You should not check your mail, read messages on your phone and forbid meeting friends. Sooner or later, such restrictions will infuriate, which will lead to serious disagreements.

Do not ignore the interests of a loved one. This main secret strong relationships. If your spouse has an important football game on TV, you should not insist that he switch to your favorite series. This is a sign that you do not respect his hobbies. So why should he go to meet you in the future?

No need to discuss a spouse or spouse in the company of your friends. Remember that you live under the same roof with this person, so you must have respect for him. Also remember that even the most best friends may be traitors. Everything that you said about your loved one can reach the ears of your soulmate.

Strong and long-term relationships are based on mutual understanding, respect and tolerance

Constant jealousy also interferes with the creation of a strong family. Paranoia sooner or later will lead to disastrous consequences. Do not bring your loved one with unfounded suspicions that will drive anyone crazy!

These are the basic rules that will help you understand how to make a marriage happy and long without unnecessary problems. You will be able to maintain your relationship with your soulmate for a long time. Enjoy family harmony and warm communication, as each new day will bring you maximum pleasant emotions!

- Stage of patience. There are quarrels, but they are not so fatal. There is an understanding that the quarrel will end, the relationship will be restored. In a couple, the thought runs: “This can be dealt with.” And here the law of conservation of energy comes into play: no energy disappears, it is transformed. The energy of patience is transformed into the energy of reason. And then we finally see our partner through the prism of reason, and not through our sensuality or selfishness.

— The stage of duty and respect. At this stage, the understanding comes that the partner is not obliged to do as I want. You begin to see your partner's strengths and your weaknesses. You begin to think not about “my partner owes me”, but about “I owe my partner”. Focusing on your responsibilities is a powerful resource for developing relationships.

- Stage of friendship. At this stage, common goals are formed on the basis of common values.

— Stage of love.

Up to and including the fourth stage, we are focused on what we are owed. In the steps that follow, we focus on what we need.

When a woman gets married, she ends up in another family. We all know that relationships with the mother-in-law are sometimes difficult? Without building harmonious relations with her husband's parents, one can hardly talk about a happy family.

Think about the word "marry". We go for the husband. But the husband is a representative of his family. And in fact, we are going under the auspices of our husband's Family. Hence the tradition of changing surnames. And we do it voluntarily.

If we realize this, then there will be no problem in the mother-in-law-daughter-in-law relationship. If you volunteer consciously enter into the Family of your husband, then how can you deny its representatives, in particular the mother-in-law?

And in life, we often demand from a spouse a kind of renunciation of his kind. In principle, this is the same selfishness. And if you have a natural relationship with your mother, a natural closeness, then you need to make efforts with your mother-in-law. The mother-in-law, however, like the father-in-law, needs to be given more attention, i.e. invest more energy in relationships than with their parents. The same is true for the spouse.

His attention, his energy belongs more to his wife's parents than to his own. This formula gives excellent long-term results.

I can't help but give an example from practice. The client asked about bad relationship with mother-in-law. We have reached the stage of understanding that the mother-in-law should be given more attention and love. How? The insight came to the client like this: I know that she really wants to get a pedicure, but she has problem feet, and it is difficult for her to find a master. Maybe, the best gift, a sign of attention will be a pedicure made by me. The client is a manicure and pedicure master. In this process, something important happened for both of them: both bowing their heads in front of an older woman and at the same time demonstrating their qualifications, which caused reverse respect. Relations improved.

Olga, I know that in your course “Success of a man. The happiness of a woman” is there a theme of family selfishness? What it is?

The selfishness of spouses grows in proportion to the time invested in the family. The more and longer people together, the more rights they impose on a partner. This is family selfishness, which directs the family to collapse. Position “Why me? Why not you? - destroys relationships. Position “I will gladly do something for you!” - Preserves, develops and builds relationships. Rescues conscious disinterestedness towards each other. A higher form of selflessness, which reduces selfishness in the family, is doing for others, conscious selflessness outside the family.

Olya, what three main pieces of advice would you give to women who understand that they are responsible for peace and happiness in the family?

The energy of inspiration belongs to a woman - inspire your men. If a woman believes in her man, he reaches the top. If he looks like "lost" - he is gone. We women are very strong in the world, in the material sphere. Be chaste. Chastity is not only about marrying a virgin. First of all, it is to be sure that for you the best man is your husband. Accept your men. Totally! Acceptance is an unconditional agreement with some qualities, traits and characteristics of your man, without the desire to change it or fight it.

I would like to finish like this: A woman gives a man the right to do what he wants, while reserving the right to ask for what she wants.

The interview was conducted and prepared by Tatyana Dzutseva

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Despite the complexity and philosophical nature of the above questions, which over time have become almost rhetorical, the answers to them are quite simple. But the whole difficulty lies precisely in the fact that you need to apply in life what is given in the answers. Not just to know, but to APPLY.

As, however, any changes that we decide to make in life begin with a desire, then there is a decision, and then, in fact, action. It is not enough to want, it is not enough to decide, you need to DO. And this is the main secret of any undertaking.

Independent long-term studies were conducted, in many countries and in different periods of time. And they all showed one irrefutable fact - all successful people who have achieved success in various areas of life - in relationships, in the professional field, in personal development, etc., what distinguishes them from ordinary people is that they ACTED. I will repeat this again and highlight. Because there are simply no other secrets to success.

And since I want to devote this article to achieving success in family life , then it is very important to apply all the recommendations that you hear in it from personal experience.

I do not like to write about the experience of my family relationships, this is too intimate a topic for me and should always remain within the family. But I just want to note that what I will write about today, I have already applied in my life. And the results exceeded all my expectations. Strong family, strong marriage, warm relationships, lack of quarrels, development of the inner life of the family, building deep ties with her husband, gifts (which have not been for a long time), peace, harmony and happiness - these are the benefits that I personally received from what I introduced in your life the things that will be discussed below.

Where does marital happiness begin?

Family happiness starts with... a woman. If you notice, I always write about it, I always put emphasis on it. A man also has his own role, his own work to strengthen relationships and create happiness in the family. But since it is rather difficult to inspire others to change or force something to be done, and it is much easier to educate and change oneself, then building personal and family happiness we start with ourselves. And it is simply necessary to recognize the fact that the woman bears the main force in preserving the family.

A happy family is not fate or luck, but the constant, deep, inner work of two loving people

Faith in husband

Well, you got married. Chose yourself best man in the world. You believe it. And in this faith lies a huge portion of happiness. Do your best to carry this faith throughout your family life. Because if you even for a short time allow thoughts that you could find better, then from that moment your happiness will begin to collapse.

If you do not believe that you could be happy with this person, then you will not have happiness in the family. I talked a lot about the psychophysical nature of a woman in an article. So this psychophysical nature plays a decisive role in family life. If a woman at the energy level (in thoughts) will allow more happy marriage with another person, it will be difficult for her to build a deep relationship with the person she married.

In this case, the strength of the family and the secret family happiness will lie in the plane of a woman’s thoughts and her deep belief that the man she chose as her husband and with whom she now lives is the same man with whom she can build her happiness. If this faith is not there, then there will be no happiness in the family. By the way, this same belief is the basis of any positive changes both in the personality of the husband and in family life. Faith is the force that opens the way to a man's heart. And this faith should come only from a woman.

And vice versa, the trigger for the destruction of the family is the woman’s condition and her thoughts that I won’t be able to be happy with this person and in general I didn’t choose the best one for myself. the best option. The answer to such thoughts will be the anger of the husband, the manifestation of not the best features of his character, nervousness, and failure in business. And, as a rule, few associate such behavior with the mood of the wife.

If you allow thoughts of another man, you are not faithful to your husband. And loyalty is the power that builds relationships. “This is my only person with whom I have connected my life and I don’t need another” - these are the correct moods of a wife that will provide her happiness in marriage.

Purity in behavior

Second Force happy marriage is the purity of a woman's conduct. Let's return to the biblical immortal virtues, which were defined several thousand years ago and are actually not accepted by modern society. I think if you are one of those who deny them, then it will be uninteresting and useless for you to read the article further. This article is for those women who really want to be happy, build strong and happy relationship and who is ready for this to gain knowledge and work on themselves.

So, cleanliness in behavior. What is meant by this? It's not just the absence of physical infidelity. But also the exception of flirting. If a woman smiles friendly while greeting another man at a meeting - this is one smile, and if she smiles and at the same time internally tries to please him and wishes this - then this is a different smile. Flirting is sex on a subtle level. That's what ancient knowledge says.

The assumption of flirting comes from the first rule - if a woman admits that she could be happier with another man, then she will subconsciously or consciously look for this best option in every man she meets.

And if a woman accepted and recognized her husband as the best man in the world, then she would not even want to flirt with other men, she would not see the point in this. Yes, and desire will not arise. When we smile sweetly (every woman knows what kind of smile I'm talking about) and flirt with other men, then in this way we share family energy to some extent and family happiness with this man, thereby wasting power.

Chastity directly determines the amount happiness in the family . Chastity means not to look softly and affectionately at other men, not to smile at them, and even more so not to start relationships with them. Moreover, it is important to note the fact that a woman does not lose anything. She does not deprive herself of anything, devoting her life to only one man. Because fidelity will allow her to deepen her relationship with her husband. And as a result, she will receive much more love, happiness and other privileges that will come as a result of chastity.

A man will feel and understand that his wife is reliable, he will trust her, he will see and feel her impeccable behavior and will be grateful to her for it. Such a family will be treated with respect, feeling its strength and influence.

What Happens During Cheating? The mechanism of jealousy is easy to explain from a psychological point of view. When a man and a woman are happy with each other, then psychic strength begins to gather and accumulate between them - the energy of happiness. When a wife, for example, begins to cheat on her husband, then the energy of happiness begins to be divided among all, and for a married couple it decreases. The husband begins to feel this, and anxiety begins to grow inside him, which is called jealousy. So, even before everything is revealed, the family begins to lose its strength, and with it, its happiness.

Understanding your role in the family

third force happy family is that everyone should understand their place in the family and their role. 80% of a man's happiness lies outside the family - in public affairs. And it is important to accept it as a fact. For women, the opposite is true: 80% of our happiness lies in the family. Modern women it's hard to admit. But this is also a fact.

When we oppose work to family, we make another man happy - our boss or business partner, companion, etc. And when we stay in the family, we use all our strength for cultivating happiness in the family and to make our husbands happy.

This does not mean that we should not work or engage in social activities. We can work and do what we like, but only enough time to leave enough time for the family, for building and deepening relationships, for building the inner life of the family and raising children.

A woman should not work from the position of earning a living. If you do not agree with me, it means that you have not yet come to this understanding. This realization came to me so clearly that I can hardly think otherwise. And it came at the moment when I became a wife, and later a mother, and plunged into the cycle of affairs and responsibilities associated with family life.

Before marriage, I enjoyed my job, earning money and building a career. Having a family, I naturally changed my views and priorities. I suddenly realized that home, family, household, raising children, building relationships (not only with my household, but also with relatives, as well as with neighbors and people around the family), establishing relationships, creating family traditions and rituals and so on and so forth - this is the work. Huge, complete work. If I have time and desire, then I do something else that brings me pleasure - this is, for example, maintaining this blog and communicating with readers.

I came to understand that a woman can work, but only if she wants to or has time for it. But not to earn a living. This understanding releases tremendous strength and additional energy in a woman, which she can use for other useful things besides family, for example, creating projects or generating new ideas.

But what to do in the case of a small income of a husband, you ask, or in situations where the husband does not work at all? Here we move on to another force that every woman must learn to discover, cultivate and accumulate for herself. This is the power of love. Yes Yes! It's all so trite. But not that erotic love, because of which many create relationships and families, deeply believing that this is it ... the one ... real love. No. And now I'm talking about love - service. In general, to love is a verb, and its synonym is to serve.

love = serve

It is known that in the whole Universe there is no greater power than the power of love. Love is energy. And she can work miracles. So the strength of a woman is in her ability to love. To love means:

  • take care
  • inspire
  • care
  • feed
  • respect
  • listen
  • read
  • be faithful

If a woman understands the true meaning of love, then she is “doomed” to happiness. It will be easy for such a woman to inspire her husband to the exploits, who, as a result of this love, will begin to bring money into the house, constantly increasing the welfare of the family.

If you inspire your husband to exploits, which is actually the duty of a woman, then sooner or later, your husband will reach heights in his affairs, both material (great earnings) and spiritual (recognition). To do this, you just have to constantly tell your husband that everything is fine with him, that everything is working out for him, that he is talented, that he is doing everything right. A husband and wife have a very strong and deep spiritual connection, so the husband believes his wife at this moment, enthusiasm appears in him, his confidence grows; decisive action follows confidence; And after the actions come the results. This is how the chain is built family happiness.

If you dream of your husband succeeding in public affairs (at work, in business, in any activity) and bringing home a lot of money, then everything is in your hands. It is very easy to learn this. Look again (above) what love is. If you fill a man with this love, then he will start earning more so that you do not have to work at all.

The intelligence of a woman

Next Power harmonious family relationships is the intelligence of a woman. This is when all family and interpersonal issues are resolved without disputes, bickering and disagreements. When the wife is able to get her way through consent, affectionate communication and obedience. If a wife learns not to argue with her husband, but to initially agree with him in everything, showing her humility and obedience, then such a wife will always get what she wants. But only in a different, more reasonable way than reproaches, insults or manipulation. In such a house there will always be peace and tranquility, which, you see, is not enough.

Here the psychology is simple: a man, by nature, is strong both in spirit and body. And so he cannot fight the weak. He will no longer respect himself. When a woman shows weakness and obedience, he cannot fight it, cannot resist it. And he always agrees. And when a woman begins to "swing muscles" of her unreasonableness - screaming, yelling, contradicting, climbing with her fists, then the beast begins to wake up in a man. And then the relationship goes to the level of scuffle and assault or constant quarrels and showdown.

Any wife should understand that two things make a man happy - this is when he is respected and when he is listened to. If this happens in the family, then for him it will mean one thing - he is loved here. And for people who treat him this way (wife, children), he will be ready to move mountains.

Therefore, I repeat, the power family happiness in the mind of a woman.

Increasing experience

The next force to help line up strong marriage And happy relationship is the acquisition of knowledge. Previously, their mothers and grandmothers passed on the experience of family life to young girls and shared their secrets, experience and best practices. Now all this knowledge is forgotten and for many has lost its relevance.

The wisdom of this experience can be useful to any girl, no matter what state she is in - just going to get married, already married, in a happy marriage, in an unhappy marriage. In any situation, you can at least try to correct the situation and change everything for the better. But change requires knowledge.

So, constant learning about how to behave in marriage, how to behave with your husband, how to educate and build relationships with children, how to take your role in family life, will help build strong relationships and create happy family.

If a woman does not study these issues, then it will be difficult for her to understand the cause of many failures and she will not know how to act correctly. And the acquisition of knowledge will accumulate experience in it, which is much more important than getting, say, economic education or any other. Experience will help her build harmonious and deep relationships with households and relatives. Experience will help you quickly identify the problem, respond to it and solve it.

Openness to husband

The next strength of strong family ties is openness to the husband. It is very important for a woman to learn to communicate openly with her husband and tell him everything that happens in her life. Not with a friend to share this, namely with her husband. This will help strengthen the relationship and deepen it. And this is the best prevention of betrayal and divorce. Everything that lies on your heart - ideas, thoughts, fears, doubts, you need to dedicate your husband to all this.

At the same time, it should be noted that a man should not share with his wife what is in his heart. This is a sign of weakness. Imagine that your husband comes home from work and starts talking about his worries (whining), discussing what someone said or did, how someone was dressed (gossip) and how his work day went. A real man should not even pay attention to all these things. He must be above all this.

Do not take out "dirty rubbish"

Another rule that must be observed in order to build a happy and harmonious family is to never take out dirty linen in public. For some reason, in our time it is customary to share the details of family life with friends, relatives or even a psychologist, revealing all the nuances of family life. This is a big mistake. Everything that the family lives by must remain within the family. This will help cultivate strength in the family. And if you take family happiness outside the family, then this force will gradually decrease, bringing discord and quarrels into the family.

Keep the power of your family in your hands. You can say a word with family and friends that everything is fine with you, things are fine. And that's it! Nobody else needs to know. Your family is your castle. Guard her!

mutual respect

It is very important in the family to develop respect for each other. The whole strength of the family is built on mutual respect. This is the necessary foundation upon which happiness is built. If spouses respect each other, then their children will respect them. Moreover, it is worth noting that respect is closely related to loyalty. If a wife respects her husband, she will never allow herself to smile sweetly, like a woman, to another man. And if he does not respect, then he will allow it. When mutual respect melts, then happiness gradually leaves with it. A sense of respect in oneself for another person (in particular, for a husband) must be consciously cultivated and developed. For family happiness is at stake.

I am well aware that everything that is written in this article is not easy to understand and accept, and even more difficult to apply in life. It is much easier for us to diet, to starve, to lift weights in gyms than to obey our husband or stop comparing him with others. Applying all this knowledge requires a lot of inner work. But here it is very easy to find motivation for yourself, just decide once and for all - do you want to be happy and build a happy marriage? If yes, then you will find the strength in yourself to at least try to follow these recommendations.

It is important to remember that happiness appears outside of us only when it appears within us. Thanks to the subtle energy that women possess, we are able to make whole revolutions. But first, let's make a revolution in our minds to change our lives and the lives of people close to us for the better.

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How to make family life interesting and eventful

Over time, family life can become boring and uninteresting. Spouses get so used to each other that they begin to take their loved one for granted. Evenings and weekends are the same. But it is up to you to change the situation.

Knowing some of the nuances of family relationships will allow you to avoid the most critical moments and achieve love and harmony.


Family happiness is impossible without love, this is the most important and important point. You cannot be happy knowing that you are unloved, that your husband does not appreciate you and does not show you any warm feelings. The only way out in this case is to part with the person to whom you are indifferent.

But do not rush to conclusions, trying to understand whether you are loved or not. Love is not only and not so much gifts and signs of attention, but a true consonance of souls. Commonality of spiritual qualities, outlook on the world, coincidence of tastes and preferences. Of course, there are always some differences, but there are still many things that unite. There are always some disagreements in the family, sometimes they result in scandals - but even in this case there is no reason to say that you are not loved.


If your husband has some interests and there is nothing reprehensible in them, do not interfere with them. A person needs rest for the soul, an opportunity is needed to escape from pressing problems at least for a while. Let your husband relax, do what he likes. This does not mean that he should spend all his free time from work as he wants. Just keep a balance between his interests and yours.

What is the desire to be loved worth? What is worth agreeing to, and what will not lead to success? Let's watch the video!


Together plan a specific time for solving certain problems and tasks. When some things are planned in advance, you can prepare for them, they do not take you by surprise. Plan a joint vacation together, this perfectly harmonizes relationships.


Everyone makes mistakes, and you and your husband are no exception. Each person can get excited in some situation, say something superfluous, commit some kind of rash act. Forgiveness is the best evidence of love - it was not for nothing that the holy fathers said that love covers everything. At the same time, forgiveness should not inspire a sense of permissiveness.


The situation when a husband and wife keep their capital separately is unacceptable - although many families live this way. There is a normal traditional way, when the husband gives all the money he earns to his wife, the keeper of the hearth. And already she decides how best to dispose of them.


If there are children in the family, this is the most in the best way brings spouses together, brings them a lot of happiness. Caring for children gives great amount joyful moments, leaves many pleasant memories.


This allows you to spend leisure time together, brings you together spiritually. Hobbies can be very different, from skiing to love for Russian poetry and films. The more time you spend together, the stronger your relationship, the more happiness in your life.


They do not have to be expensive - it's not about gifts, but about attention. Take care of each other, give each other pleasant moments, and love and harmony will reign in your family life.
