Announcement for manicure clients. How to make money on home manicure - tips for masters

The idea of ​​a manicure at home is popular and can bring professional master good money. The business is relevant for women who can or are ready to learn nail service. Such services are usually provided privately to consumers at their home or home. Since the competition in this field of activity is quite high, even experienced professionals in their field have to think about how to attract customers for manicure at home. Having dealt with the principles of forming a client base and familiarizing yourself with the ways to promote your offer, even a novice master will be able to cope with this task.

Business direction

Organizational business tasks

When planning a business in the field of beauty services, you should offer your customers a comprehensive service package.

The possibility of going through several procedures in one meeting will not only reduce the time and save the client's money, but also increase the entrepreneur's rating in the eyes of current and potential consumers. When planning manicure services at home, you should remember that appearance at home will be evidence of the professional attitude of the specialist to the case. For work, it is necessary to allocate a separate room in which equipment for instrument sterilization should be placed. The visitor must feel confident that no infection will be introduced to him during the procedure. Since the issue of sterility is dominant in this field of activity, if the master emphasizes that he complies with hygiene requirements, clients will definitely share their associations with friends.

Competent advertising of a nail salon involves the complex use of various promotion methods, including outdoor advertising, promotion on the Internet and even in the media. However, if the owners of such studios begin to thoughtlessly invest in all possible marketing resources, the salon simply risks burning out. That is why it is important to understand which promotion methods are relevant and effective, and which ones are still better to refuse. This article is designed to help entrepreneurs understand this issue and develop a profitable marketing strategy.

Point decoration



You can use one of several options window dressing. So, they can be covered with sticky posters with thematic photos of models, nails, images of varnishes, etc., or the windows can be left open so that every passer-by can appreciate the interior and internal arrangement of the salon and look at the masters at work. However, even in the latter case, it is better not to leave the shop windows completely “naked” - they can be decorated with beautiful light patterns, several small advertising images and / or inscriptions can be placed.

Outdoor advertising



pillar necessary regardless of the location of the nail salon. It perfectly performs the role of an additional sign and well attracts the attention of passers-by. However, do not order plugs with detailed description a range of services and even a price list - it is unlikely that a passer-by will stop to read the text written in small illegible print. Try to make sure that when you see a pillar, information about a particular service and the price for it, a person immediately becomes interested in you.

Advertising in elevators

You can also place your advertising posters in the elevators of the houses. The advantage of this method of advertising is that it is seen by many women living nearby (it is worth giving such advertising only in nearby areas). Try to design it in such a way that your ad stands out from other promotional images. It is also worth remembering that such a poster should contain information about some very attractive promotion for customers - this way you significantly increase the likelihood of interest. Just the description of the salon, its address and phone number will definitely not have such an effect.


The pointer is a unique tool that performs a useful function, namely showing the way to your nail salon and at the same time is an attractive decorative element.

Internet advertising


The site is a necessary advertising tool. You should not try to save money and abandon this most important resource - creating a business card site will cost you little, but it will allow you to widely promote your nail salon on the web. Of course, it is desirable that the site be optimized for search queries, because so, a person entering in the search bar "nail salon" name of the city "" will see your link one of the first. You can do it easier and advertise in the most popular search engines, Yandex and Google. And remember, the site should be both interesting and useful. Post photos of the best works of masters, publish interesting articles about manicure, pedicure, nail care and, of course, make sure that this information can be easily understood thanks to a clear menu. You can also place in the most visible place of the site an advertisement for a discount, which can be obtained by simply printing it out.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

banner advertising

Banner advertising is a good remedy promotion of a nail salon, however, it should not be given on an ongoing basis, but, for example, before the holidays. So you optimize your costs and attract new clients to the salon, who, with the proper quality of the services provided, will definitely return to your masters.

Groups in social networks

Groups in the most popular in social networks, namely Instagram, Vkontakte, Twitter and Facebook can do almost more to promote the salon than all of the above advertising tools. By posting photos of the work done and accompanying them with the appropriate hashtags, you can win the sympathy of a huge number of potential customers without even investing any serious funds in promotion. Moreover, you can count on the reposts of your visitors, thanks to which their friends and subscribers will see where the manicure was done. Moreover, the presence of such pages will allow you to maintain direct contact with buyers and, of course, notify them of all kinds of promotions.

Ads on ad sites

Explore free classifieds sites in your city. Place information about yourself and the services provided there. Of course, this kind of advertising will bring you fewer customers than the same social networks, but this does not mean at all that this resource should not be used. Also visit the city forums, and try to leave unobtrusive advertising disguised as a real review there. Most likely, even such a hidden ad will be removed by the moderator, but it will stay on the site for a certain time, and this is already a good bonus for business.

Printable advertisement


Leaflets should be distributed in the most crowded places near the nail salon and left in mailboxes nearby houses. Such promotions should be carried out regularly, preferably once a month. Remember, the text on the flyer should be concise and communicate an attractive promotion and/or range of services. It would not be superfluous to also offer a small discount to the bearer of the flyer.

Nice bonuses

Offer drinks to your customers, broadcast interesting films and programs, give small gifts. Such bonuses will not hit your budget, but will make visiting your nail salon a very pleasant event.

Carrying out price promotions

Try to regularly make discounts on certain types of manicure and design. So you fill the schedule of your masters and significantly increase profits.

Placement of data in electronic directories

Enter information about yourself on resources such as 2Gis and 2Geo. Such a service is free, and is able to promote a good business. However, you should not place paid advertising there - experience shows that such costs are not compensated by its effectiveness.

What ads are not suitable for nail salons

  1. Billboards and other costly outdoor advertising methods. Accommodation billboards around the city will require serious material costs from you. As a rule, such expenses are catastrophic for nail studios. That is why entrepreneurs should focus on less expensive, but more effective ways promotion.
  2. Advertising on radio and TV. Even broadcasting on local TV channels and radio stations will not do you any good. It should also be emphasized that an audio clip on the radio can do a good job of promoting a solid chain of nail salons, but certainly not just a small studio that has opened.
  3. Advertising in print media. Publishing advertisements in magazines is theoretically a good idea. However, in practice, this method is too expensive and inefficient.

Examples of nail salon slogans

  1. Territory of pleasure.
  2. Feeling of flight at the fingertips.
  3. Meeting point for friends.
  4. Habit to the best from a young age.
  5. Beauty is the work of human hands.
  6. Trust a professional!
  7. You don't have to hide your hands.
  8. We create individuality.
  9. Your hands are worthy good master!
  10. Art is in your hands.
  11. Feel perfect.

Everyone knows that beauty will save the world. However, if we are promoting the theme of beauty, then most likely we will need to be saved. Take, for example, finding clients for manicures and pedicures. Countless competitors, a very blurred portrait of the target audience and thirty-three more misfortunes await us when promoting this topic. Let's imagine that we need to find clients in Volgograd.

Where to look for clients?

We open the site and go to the section. To begin with, we will find all groups for manicure and pedicure in our city, we also need to find all groups of beauty salons.

You can add each group separately, but it will take a lot of effort and time, and customers are needed right now. Therefore, we click "Find and add to the list" and add the first 500 groups.

Thus, we found all the urban communities on the topics we need. Now let's start unloading the audience from the found groups. To do this, click "Parse List".

The question arises: who to unload? First, we need an active audience from competitor groups. These are the most interested people who closely follow the updates in the groups and look for new patterns on the nails for themselves, which should be done next time.

Secondly, we unload people who are in several groups from our list. Just so a person will not join several groups with similar topics. Either he is looking for ideas for his next manicure and pedicure trip, or he visits several different salons, which means there is every chance that he will become our client as well.

How to work with the found audience?

As a result, we received two uploads with the audience and we really want to upload them to the advertising account, create advertising creatives and wait for clients, but that was not the case, now we have the most important stage - working with the found audience.

Step 1. Many groups like to attract bots to increase activity and increase subscribers. Therefore, first we need to clear our databases of offers and bots. Click on the arrow next to the upload and select the item "Clear offers and bots". We repeat the procedure for the second base.

Step 2 Now we need to understand what the found audience is. To do this, we need to analyze it. Again, click on the arrow opposite the upload, but this time select the "Analytics" item.

As a result, we see that the basis of our audience is women from 20 to 35 years old.

Step 3 Two bases with an audience is, of course, good, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure. Therefore, we will find groups suitable for our subject, in which our audience consists. To do this, click on the arrow again and select "Search communities".

Step 5 When we have done all these manipulations, the moment of audience segmentation comes. There are a lot of segmentation methods, you can read more about them.

Learn to communicate and find a common language with people. If the master makes many mistakes (cuts, inaccurate coating), then anti-advertising will be inevitable. Place an ad in the newspapers. Not all women and men use the Internet. Pay attention to older people.

  1. Quality materials.

The more reliable the coating or extension material (gel polish, acrylic, gel), the longer the client spends with well-groomed hands. Covering or building nails with poor-quality materials that will crack or wear off will not bring the master good reviews and new clients.

  1. Client comfort.

It is important that the client, coming to the master at home, feel comfortable. Set aside a separate work area at home so that no one interferes. The client comes for a manicure to relax. In the process of work, do not be distracted by children, husband or animals.

20 ways to attract customers without investing

Overall, the page looks very stylish and inviting, which is extremely important when it comes to beauty. After the fold line, the user sees the lead form. The incentive factor of urgency (20% discount on any service) is designed to increase conversion. The next window introduces the user to the list of services provided by the company and the specialist.

The obvious advantage is the ability to add "live" photos of your work. After that, you can see the benefits of the company (or the master, depending on your needs). Another attractive block is customer reviews (and this is word of mouth).

At the end - a map with the location of the office and contacts. Interested in a template? You can purchase it here.

How to find clients for manicure at home?

Offer existing customers the opportunity to receive a discount:

  • If they bring a friend or relative with them. The difference in cost will be covered by a reduction in the time spent preparing the meeting.
  • When making a pre-registration. The future costs are not tangible and clients will gladly want to take advantage of such a discount, but in the future it will be more difficult for them to refuse an appointment.

    It will also allow you to plan your working time more rationally and increase your work efficiency.

  • When performing a certain type of manicure. For example, in autumn, when the active period of weddings comes, you can provide a discount on wedding manicure for the bride, while all other ladies (mother and bridesmaids) compensate the difference with full payment for services.
  • Offer a service package.

How to recruit clients for a manicurist at home?

There are plenty of ordinary manicurists, but there is a shortage of good ones. I started from scratch, I posted ads on Avito first. You can advertise on social media. Or put up ads on the entrances of nearby houses. The best advertising is word of mouth, offer a service to your friends, and they, in turn, will share information with their friends, unless of course they are satisfied.

Manicure at home: 5 secrets of a successful business

If a client has nail diseases, it is quite possible to politely refuse to provide him with a service and advise him to consult a doctor;

  • You should never stagnate at the same level, you need to develop, try new services, materials, images, overlays, etc.
  • A few tips from a manicurist
  • Adequately assessing your skills, even if the courses were completed with honors, this does not make a beginner a professional, so it is worth discarding thoughts about earning money and focusing on experience.
  • There is a vicious circle, for experience you need clients, for clients you need experience.

How to attract clients to a manicurist?

Well-groomed hands are a must, because they give out the true age! Women and men pay money for beautiful manicure but finding a good master can be difficult. Manicurist is an ideal job for moms in maternity leave and for those who want to do interesting things without leaving home. Manicure is in demand at any time of the year, so having studied and gained a client base, the master will be in demand.
Earning a manicure master at home Before you start making money with the art of manicure, you will have to undergo training and purchase tools. Investments are required, but they will quickly pay off. Mastery training Training lasts from a week to a month. It depends on the level of the training master and the training program.
Lessons from an acquaintance or from a friend will be minimal in terms of investment, but you will not receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

Finding a common language, being polite and willing to communicate, without neglect, familiarity, familiarity - will increase the likelihood of a client returning next time;

  • Remembering your clients (at least as long as there are few of them) will be a good practice, the client will definitely appreciate that the master remembers his preference to drink black tea, or coffee with milk, etc. In order not to keep everything in your head, you can write down some points in a notebook after the session;
  • It is necessary to observe the ideal order in your workplace, the person who came to the manicure session must be sure of the cleanliness and safety of the procedure. Therefore, you need to thoroughly clean the tool, make timely cleaning.

How to attract clients for a manicure at home

If you want to work with elite clients for high pay, be prepared to go to their homes at any time of the day. You can find out more about how much you can earn on a manicure at home here - How much you earn on a manicure at home: income calculation. How to find clients for an elite manicure at home If you use expensive materials and equipment, then the price of your services will be high.

Accordingly, you must present yourself to clients as a serious master. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Creating your own website with a description of the technology and materials used. Do not skimp on the correct implementation and promotion of the resource.
  • Publication of advertisements in newspapers and glossy magazines.
  • Participation in competitions and championships.

    This method will improve your skills and attract new customers.

At the very beginning, in general, you can set a price equivalent to the cost of materials or with a minimum margin, you should not chase money, there will be experience, satisfied customers, there will be money. In the meantime, it's worth working on experience. How to Attract Clients for Manicure at Home, Others effective methods Good way declare yourself - tell others about your new profession, it can be hateful, casually or directly. Portfolio is another great way, for example, you can create a page in the social.

networks, telling about yourself as a master, services and prices. It is worth spreading information about yourself through friends, publishing all your works, organizing pranks. All this will bring good results. Watch a video on how to find manicure clients.

How to recruit clients for manicure at home

Creativity in the execution of the design will attract customers who know a lot about fashion. Be flexible master. In no salon, the master will not accept a client in the early morning or late evening. This is the plus of the home master. You can adapt to the client.

The ability to travel to the client's home will be a big plus in the work. As a novice master to attract customers Profit depends on the number of customers and the quality of the service provided. The more people and positive reviews, the higher the income.


Clients who have visited the master are also advertising. If a person likes the approach of the master to work, then he will tell his friends about it.

Work at home manicure customer base recruit as

These can be birthday discounts, cumulative bonuses, "preferential" nail correction, free visits (for example, every fifth), etc. Try, experiment with marketing policies, see how your visitors respond to it. Based on this, plan your next strategy. Back to Contents LP Store Landing Page LPgenerator Landing Page Shop offers its answer to the question of how to attract a client for a pedicure and manicure.


A good exit is a relevant template for a landing page for a small beauty salon or a home master. A short, but, despite this, informative landing brings the offer to the user already in the main window. Delicate color scheme (blue, gray, white pink) is great for a page with beauty services.

A prominent CTA-button "Get a consultation" has an advantageous location.
