Survivor's pension in the city of Social survivor's pension

Lose loved one- hard hit. Unfortunately, quite a lot of families and couples are faced with this situation. Even worse, if the deceased was the only one in the family who was able to feed her.

To support such families who have lost their breadwinner, the government has developed a special type of social payment. This payment is called survivor's pension. The unofficial name of this payment is also survivor's benefit.

This article will tell you about how a family can receive this payment, what documents will be required and where to apply to receive a pension.

Who can get a survivor's pension?

To receive this benefit, it is not enough that no one else in the family is employed. It is necessary that no one in the family is able to work - for example, they are disabled or underage.

So, who is eligible to receive benefits for the loss of a family member? This pension is provided for families, each member of which is recognized as disabled. The following categories of people can be classified as disabled:

  1. Disabled persons whose illness leads to incapacity for work. At the same time, a disabled person must be officially registered, since a document on disability will be required when applying for a pension.
  2. People who have reached retirement age. In Russia, citizens old age are recognized by law as disabled and receive payments from the state without having to work. The loss of a younger family member does not restore their ability to work, so they are also recognized as a privileged category.
  3. Minor family members are also recognized as disabled at the legislative level. Thus, receiving a pension is possible until the eldest child reaches the age of majority, that is, eighteen years.
  4. Adult children who are studying full-time in higher educational institutions: universities, institutes, as well as in institutions of secondary vocational education. These citizens are recognized as disabled before graduation. Such a policy, according to the government's calculations, should lead to an increase in the level of education in the country.
  5. Relatives of the deceased who care for the child until the age of eight. Raising children is a very complex and responsible process, so the government provides that the child's educator will not need to be distracted by work.

Thus, in order to receive this payment, each family member must meet the above requirements. If indeed every person in the family cannot be recognized as able-bodied, then citizens have the right to apply for a survivor's pension. To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents, which we will discuss in one of the following sections of the article.

The amount of the survivor's benefit in 2018-2019

As always, the most interest Ask in the bill on social payment - this is its amount. Since 2014, the amount of this payment has been increased by about a thousand rubles. So, in 2019, the amount of the benefit is almost 10 thousand rubles (to be more precise, 9,919 rubles). The allowance for the loss of a soldier is less - it is 8540 rubles per month.

The 2019 Survivor Benefit is the main government assistance paid to families in which a person has died (or disappeared) while exercising labor activity for its content. The presented social payment is called a survivor's pension (benefits) and is paid out of the pension savings of the lost breadwinner.

Who is eligible for Child Benefit?

A survivor's pension is paid if the rest of the family members are unable to work for various reasons. The following persons fall into this category.

  • Disabled, officially registered disabled;
  • Pensioners (even if they have lost a younger family member who supported them);
  • Minors (survivor's allowance per child is provided to the eldest child under 18);
  • Adults (persons from 18 to 23 years old, full-time students in higher and secondary educational institutions until the very end of their studies);
  • Other relatives of the deceased (who took custody of a child under the age of 8 years).

If family members meet the above requirements, they may be eligible for benefits. It will cease to be paid until someone from the family becomes able-bodied.

This may happen as a result of:

  • the child comes of age;
  • after graduation by a student or upon his expulsion;
  • a relative of the deceased who had a dependent child under 8 years of age upon reaching this age.

Interestingly, the breadwinner does not necessarily have to live with the person who is under his care. It is also not necessary to have a blood person with a dependent. It is enough to regularly make cash deductions to him at least to a cash account in a bank ().

In some cases, the legislation allows the payment of benefits to widows who, after the loss of the main breadwinner, remarried, as well as persons who have received the ability to work, but have not reached the age of majority.

The size of the survivor's benefit in 2019 is one of the most discussed issues. The amount of the social survivor's pension for children in 2019 is:

  • 5034 rubles in case of loss of one parent, which is about 75 dollars according to the current one;
  • 10068 ruble in the event of the loss of both parents, which is approximately $151.

Payments begin from the time of submission of the relevant application to the authorized bodies, as well as receipt of its approval. The money comes at the end of each month to the account of the family representative.

The amount of payments may be much smaller, for example, if the deceased breadwinner had only one relative in need of support. In this case, it will be 50% of the above amounts. If there are two or more people left who are unable to feed themselves, the pension is paid in full.

The pension itself consists of two parts:

  • Basic - fixed;
  • Insurance - depends on the number of dependents, as well as the insurance savings of the breadwinner.

When calculating payments, the main rule should be taken into account - they should not be less than a certain living wage in the region where the dependents live.

How do I apply for bereavement benefits?

To receive the presented allowance, you will need to collect a package of the following documents:

  1. Documents proving the identity of each of the members of the family that has lost the breadwinner;
  2. Official certificate of the loss of the deceased;
  3. The work book of the breadwinner;
  4. Certificate from the place of employment on the amount of income of the breadwinner for the last 2 months.

These documents are provided to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation together as an annex to the relevant application.
