Pension for working pensioners. Law on raising the retirement age

The topic of indexation of pension accruals is perhaps the most exciting one. Pensioners are actively discussing the problem of lack of funds for a decent existence. Many citizens old age you have to work additionally, perhaps at more than one enterprise, in order to at least somehow feed yourself, pay taxes.

The working part of the elderly is interested in increasing pensions no less than those who are unable to work. The question arises of how the state will calculate benefits for elderly citizens who continue to work, or whether the indexation of pensions after dismissal is required for a working pensioner in 2017.

Each year, the state sets a percentage, depending on the level of inflation, by which payments to pensioners will be indexed. 2017 became a crisis year, a difficult economic situation developed in the country, but the required recalculation for working old people nevertheless took place.

In August 2017, there was a planned increase in pensions for working pensioners by 3 points, which is no more than 222.81 rubles.

Thus, the allowance for older workers was only recalculated; they did not fall under the state indexation. Such recalculation of benefits is made depending on the insurance premiums paid from the employer.

How pensions were calculated

As already noted, the recalculation pension payments produced according to the rate of inflation. IN 2015 the inflation rate was almost 13%. However, the unstable economy did not allow for an increase in benefits for the elderly by such a factor.

In connection with the current situation in the country, a law was passed abolishing the conditions for raising pensions to the level of inflation. The law provided for an increase in accruals by a coefficient significantly lower than inflation - 1.04. Also, this bill abolished the indexation of working pensioners.

Important! The abolition of indexing did not affect citizens who are on state support, regardless of their labor status.

In February 2016 All pensioners were indexed at 4%. The state authorities planned to re-index, but it did not happen. Instead, he was appointed lump sum in the amount of 5,000 rubles to all pensioners, including those who work.

Such a measure of state support turned out to be beneficial for the Government in connection with the current difficult economic situation. This award was made in January 2017. As noted by the state authorities, this one-time bonus to the pension population was equal to the promised secondary indexation.

2016 inflation has been calculated. It amounted to 5.6%. In February 2017 accruals for the elderly were indexed by 5.4%, in April for the balance - 0.38%. Thus, even able-bodied old people did not remain offended; indexation of pensions for working pensioners was carried out in 2017.

Forecasts for 2018

As usual in 2018 disabled citizens retirement age government benefits were indexed by 3.7%. In subsequent years, it is planned to increase state support by 4%. But this applies to pensioners who do not work, and beneficiaries.

Working citizens of the appropriate age will not be affected by this recalculation of benefits. Accruals will not be subject to indexation until the summer of 2018. A fair question arises when the pension for working pensioners will be indexed.

Attention! Leaving a job is the only situation that will allow a former employee of retirement age to return all missed indexations.

After dismissal, the pensioner will have the right to receive all indexations that he was not entitled to during the period labor activity. This right will come from the next month after leaving the place of work.

To confirm their right to return indexation, a person must contact the nearest branch of the pension organization, submitting the following documents to employees:

  • a statement with a request to increase the monthly payment, as the right arose in connection with the dismissal;
  • work book, where there will be a mark confirming the fact of dismissal of the employee;
  • an employment contract signed by the head;
  • if the resigned was an individual entrepreneur, a lawyer or a notary, evidence of the termination of all labor activity should be submitted;
  • the main identity document of a citizen.

After submitting all the required papers, the authorities pension management increase payments to working pensioners.

After May 2016, business leaders are required to report on the number of their employees performing duties on this moment, or laid off.

Thus, the retired elderly employee will not need to apply to the Pension Fund, the employees will automatically index.

The state does not forget about the working old people. Government Russian Federation decided to make an annual recalculation of the allowance of older workers in accordance with the deductions of the employer. Such recalculation of compensation payments is made by no more than 3 points. The recalculation is carried out automatically, without requiring additional documents, it was decided for working pensioners to increase their pension in accordance with the deductions of managers.


So, the legislation for citizens of the elderly is not the same for all persons. Working old people do not have the opportunity to receive annual indexation, as disabled people do. Such a right comes to them only after they officially leave the workplace.

How many working pensioners are there now and why do they decide that you can't live on your pension? Is there a chance to build a business or find a good job in retirement? And what about the indexation of pensions?

Fewer working pensioners

The number of working pensioners in Russia decreased by 500 thousand people in the first half of 2017 compared to the same period last year.

"As of July 1, 2016 - 10 million working pensioners, as of July 1, 2017 - 9.5 million working pensioners," the press service of the Pension Fund of Russia reported.

According to the Pension Fund, today 22% of pensioners work in Russia.

It is clear that it is not even possible to survive on the pension that was determined. Not to live.
The previous work has ended. there are no new projects, but there are no old ones ... hmm ... either.
Having rested for a month “on a well-deserved” ... without access to computers, I got to computers and the Internet.
The pepper is clear, there is nothing to do on job sites. Firstly, age. Secondly ... this is a dummy!
For 5 (or 7?, 8?) years of being on them, only a couple of times they showed interest in my resume. And even then, networkers.
Went to Avita. Remembering that the previous time I got a job through her and in just three days!
Es-no, I’m not torn into any “menagers”. I don't even want to be an accountant.

A little motivation: examples of how a business was built in 40+

When we talk about out-of-the-box start-ups, a new business approach, and innovative entrepreneurship, the imagination invariably draws a hipster with an intricate beard. Are the 20-year-old sharks of Silicon Valley at the peak of innovative inventions? Not at all!

In today's world, success comes closer to retirement. Henry Ford founded Ford Motors at the age of 40. McDonald's owner Ray Kroc sold paper cups until he was 52. Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States on the eve of his 70th birthday. John Goodenough, the inventor of the critical lithium-ion battery cell, at 94 years old, announced the development of a solution that would allow electric cars to compete on price with conventional ones.

Our friends from Investory prepared a video about successful pensioners.

According to the law, pensioners are citizens of the Russian Federation who each month receive a certain amount of money in the form of benefits after they have reached retirement age. Also, these payments may be related to the fact that a person has received one of the disability groups or has lost the breadwinner of the family and is unable to earn money. But, if a citizen continues to work, sooner or later, he will have a question about how the process of calculating pensions for working pensioners looks like.

Regarding the situation in Russia, people belonging to this category of persons make up approximately 30% of the total population of the state.

43 300 000 - the number of pensioners registered in the system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

In this regard, it is very difficult for the government to provide every citizen with a decent old age. The issue of paying pensions to working pensioners is almost always relevant, so the authorities annually adopt certain laws that should improve the situation and regulate the situation in full.

This document is intended to regulate the procedure for the accrual process Money those citizens who, after reaching retirement age, continue to go to work. Here you can note both the pros and cons. The main provisions of the law on working pensioners include the following:

  1. Each working pensioner who has received the right to accrue government payments, is forced to either make room for a younger employee, or write a waiver of pension payments. This means that in the future he will be able to receive certain additional allowances, which in the future will be transferred to pensions and wages.
  2. As for the accrual of additives to the state payment for the previously worked service after the pension is issued, they are not expected. This rule was adopted due to the fact that the government does not consider this method of using budget funds to be effective.
  3. The minimum length of service, which will be sufficient to accrue pension payments, is at least 6 years. But, most likely, in the future, namely in 2025, it can be increased up to 15 years. In other cases, there is a possibility that the benefit will not be accrued.
  4. Recently, a new procedure for scoring has been defined. Thus, the state will be able to obtain information about whether the citizens of the country have a desire to work after they reach retirement age.
  5. If the worker has already received the right to a pension, but has not yet taken up its registration, according to the law, his pension experience will increase the amount of payments by more than by 85%.

According to politicians, after the abolition of compensation payments to working people who have received the right to benefits, the problems regarding the budget deficit will be resolved. The deputies also believe that in this way it will be possible to increase the amount of future state payments to the largest possible amount.

This means that in 2018 a working pensioner will not receive any allowances due to the fact that the recalculation system for such citizens was canceled, and in the future there are no guarantees that pension payments will be indexed this year.

Features of calculating pensions

To date, the state provides for 5 types of state accruals in the form of a pension, namely:

  • retirement pension;
  • social payments;
  • superannuation;
  • receiving disability compensation;
  • survivor's pension.

Regarding payments for length of service, they are accrued for citizens who are federal civil servants, as well as test pilots, astronauts or other military personnel. Regarding the accrual of an old-age pension, in these cases it will be assigned to those categories of citizens who are affected by any man-made or radiation disasters.

Disability pension payments will be assigned to military personnel, astronauts and participants in the Great Patriotic War. Regarding the insurance pension payment, it will be formed based on the early salary received, as well as the length of service and technical contributions previously made to the insurance organization.

In the future, this pension part will be accrued based on the accumulated amount that was made by the citizen's employer for the entire period of his labor activity.

At the same time, one should not forget that the minimum length of service for guaranteed payment of a pension will be at least 6 years taking into account the person's points on the corresponding account.

Regarding the pension score, in 2017, a certain limit was set on the number of working pensioners.

In addition, the seniority will include a vacation period, which will not exceed one and a half years, if we are talking about caring for a minor, as well as 4.5 years if there are multiple children. Speaking of pension coefficients, which are determined based on the minimum length of service, they have also undergone certain changes, which, as a result, influenced their increase.

Is it good to work in retirement?

Even if you receive minimum pension for a working pensioner, working during this period will be a little more profitable than sitting at home. Also, do not forget that if a person continues to increase his seniority, he will be able to benefit in the sense that insurance premiums and pension savings will increase, which in the future will positively affect the total amount of the pension when calculating.

But, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in this case, such a citizen will not be affected by the annual indexation of fixed payments, since at the beginning of 2016 the pension increase in relation to this case was canceled.

But at the same time, the government promised to take into account indexation sizes after a person stops officially going to work.

There is another opportunity to influence the increase in their material security after reaching retirement age. To achieve this effect, when a person becomes eligible for a pension, he can refuse it and continue to work, which will allow, after processing these payments, to receive a slightly larger amount of money.

How is work experience counted?

Calculation seniority, according to the law on working pensioners, is calculated based on the definition in it of all the years worked and indicated in the work book. At the same time, it includes maternity leave up to one and a half years, as well as joining the army or being in prison or other places of deprivation of liberty.

Also, do not forget to take into account the time period during which the citizen was absent from work due to the fact that he cared for a disabled person with the assigned first group, a relative who turned over 80 years or a disabled child. To confirm each of these facts, you will have to obtain documents certified by the Pension Fund, as well as other necessary authorities.

Will pensions be indexed in 2018?

Every working pensioner who will receive a salary or pension is unlikely to be able to count on indexation. This decision has already been officially adopted by the government, just like the previous one, 2017. This situation is explained by the fact that this category of citizens, according to the ruling elite, is able to compensate for the damage associated with annual inflation on its own. As to whether they will be paid any simultaneous cash assistance, it is not yet known, so it will not be possible to answer this question unequivocally.

But, since each working pensioner annually makes certain contributions to the Pension Fund, every year in August he has the right to recalculate. It is always carried out automatically, so no applications need to be submitted. It is also worth remembering that when a citizen stops working officially and terminates the employment contract, he will receive the right to index the pension paid by the state.

Retirement after leaving work

Each pensioner who receives the right to indexation must understand what indicators will affect the amount of insurance accruals. It is about the following:

  1. Individual pension coefficient.
  2. The amount that was transferred in the form of insurance premiums and is displayed on the individual account of this citizen.
  3. Earned Retirement Points.
  4. General indexation coefficient, which was set by the government.

As mentioned earlier, a person does not have to write an application in order for indexation to be carried out in relation to him. But you should be prepared for the fact that the Pension Fund will need any additional papers or information.

In order for a person to be able to fully understand how much pension is paid to working pensioners, he should pay attention to whether this issue is relevant today. Almost every year, the government adopts new laws that should affect the filling of the budget and at the same time improve the living standards of pensioners.

Having reached retirement age, many pensioners are in no hurry to take a well-deserved rest. Everyone has different reasons: this is the need for self-realization as a specialist, and the opportunity to continue a socially active life, and, unfortunately, a low level of pensions. Sometimes the continuation of labor activity is the only possible measure not only to maintain a decent standard of living, but also to ensure a livelihood in principle. Whatever guided a pensioner who is hired, he is invariably worried about one question: “Will the pension I receive remain?”. This topic sounds especially acute on the eve of the onset of 2017, when the state has already announced forced budget savings.

“We are simply forced to comply with the most austerity regime and implement such unpopular measures as the abolition of pensions for certain categories of citizens, for example, working pensioners.” - complained the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, referring to the budget deficit. To reduce the budget gap in part pension provision, the agency submitted the following savings options to the Government for consideration:

Project data to limit the payment of pensions to working pensioners from 2017

The option proposed by the Ministry of Finance for the payment of pensions to working pensioners from 2017 - How many citizens will be affected Expected - savings for 2017-2019

* data not provided

What is the country's leadership planning for the pensions of working citizens in 2017

All this caused a lively debate among specialists and analysts, as well as in society. Officials said that those who receive 1 million rubles a year (and this is about 83 thousand rubles a month) clearly do not need state support. Analysts, on the other hand, insist that a pension is not help, but a payment guaranteed by law upon the onset of insured event. “We pay quite serious contributions in relation to wages throughout our lives. And we fulfilled our obligations very diligently throughout our lives. And the law is not retroactive." - so, for example, argued Professor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Khrapylina. Employees of departments also appeal to this - if a person continues to work, then he cannot be classified as a disabled citizen a priori.

To clarify the situation and reassure the public, Topilin, the Minister of Labor, recently issued the following statement:

  • According to him, the refusal of the fixed part of payments will occur no earlier than July 2017.
  • At the moment, the Government is considering a limitation of income in the amount of 1.2 million rubles. Thus, the number of alleged objectors in Russia will decrease to 220,000 pensioners (about 1% of the total number of pensioners in the Russian Federation). The remaining millions of working pensioners will be affected only by the issue of indexation of pensions.

Should a working pensioner count on a revision of the size of the pension

With the indexation of pensions for this category of pensioners, the situation is also complicated. Definitely, the second recalculation of pensions planned for the current year due to the growth of the consumer price index will not be carried out. The President decided to replace indexation in the second half of 2016 with a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, which is scheduled for February next year. Calculation of payments will be made by the pension fund of the Russian Federation. However, the legislator did not take into account the interests of pensioners receiving payments from the departments of the Russian Federation (military, cosmonauts, test pilots) - the Pension Fund simply does not have data on such citizens, therefore, it will not be able to charge them a one-time allowance.

As for citizens who combine work and receive pension payments, until 2019, a norm is fixed by law that suspends the accrual of indexation to them. If the pensioner retires, the pension will be indexed.

The right of a working pensioner to recalculate the pension, if accruals continue to be received on his personal account, is preserved. As before, the so-called surcharges for seniority are made automatically by the PF system on August 1. If a pensioner, upon reaching the insurance age, does not apply for the accrual of payments at all, his pension points increase by multiplying by bonus coefficients.

Reaching retirement age does not always mean that old man will retire and live on a single pension. Many pensioners, who rightly believe that pension payments are not enough for a decent existence and maintain their usual standard of living, prefer to renew their employment contracts or look for a new employer. The government is constantly considering bills aimed at reducing pensions for employed pensioners or depriving them of their monthly benefits, citing the fact that they provide themselves with a sufficient amount of money, and the country's budget needs to cut spending. Let's see how the pension is calculated for working pensioners in 2019.

Recalculation of pensions of employed pensioners

Working pensioners cannot count on indexation of pensions in 2019 and the next 3 years if they continue to work for hire or as an individual entrepreneur.

Although the basic part of pension payments is administered by the Government and is fixed, working pensioners in the current year have the right to count on the recalculation of its insurance part. Such a right has appeared for all, without exception, pensioners receiving military payments, old-age and disability pensions. The only condition is that the pensioner must be officially employed, since the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund only from the “white” salary. Due to these payments, an increase in pensions is made.

The pensioner receives the right to apply for recalculation 12 months after the registration of the pension. After the right has been exercised, one year must have elapsed from the date of the recalculation in order to apply for a second increase in the amount of payments. A citizen has the right to apply to the Pension Fund at any time, no specific deadlines have been set.

If the pensioner did not apply for a recalculation of the amount monthly allowance, the pension will be recalculated automatically when a person reaches the age of 80 years. Moreover, now there is no need to come to the PFR specialist and write an application - since 2009, this procedure has been canceled, and the pension is recalculated automatically.

If a pensioner does not work under an employment contract, but works for himself by opening an individual enterprise, he has the right to make insurance contributions “for himself” on a voluntary basis. If he makes payments, he gets the right to recalculate the pension on an equal basis with other working pensioners. The benefit will be increased based on the total payments made in the previous 12 months.

In August 2017, automatic recalculation of pensions, which does not require the appearance of the recipients of payments to the Pension Fund, was also carried out in relation to employed pensioners. The pension supplement was calculated on an individual basis based on the amount of the employer's insurance contributions for the previous 12 months.

Increasing pensions for working pensioners

According to the established procedures, pensions are recalculated three times a year, and the procedure always concerns various categories of recipients of payments:

  • 01.02 labor pension payments are indexed;
  • 01.04 increase social pensions;
  • On August 1, the amounts of pensions for employed pensioners are recalculated.

Since the beginning of 2016, there have been rumors that certain categories of pensioners will not receive increased pensions, as they will not be indexed. In the current year, 2018, the recalculation will no longer be made for working pensioners as part of the planned February indexation of insurance and fixed payments, but the August automatic recalculation also affected them - the total amount of pension contributions made by the employer for the past year was taken as the basis for calculating the specific amount of the allowance. year.

The recalculation of pension payments to employed pensioners was individual in nature - the additional payment depended on the total amount of pension payments transferred by the employer.

According to approximate calculations, the pension of working pensioners will be 13 thousand rubles. Despite constant attempts by the authorities to reduce pension payments to working pensioners, older people continue to work, thereby improving the quality of life by simultaneously receiving wages and pensions and increasing pension payments due to the accumulation of funds in the Pension Fund transferred by the employer.

How pensions are calculated for working pensioners

In accordance with Russian laws, citizens are paid two types of pension accruals: labor and social. Labor allowance is accrued when a person reaches retirement age (55 years and 60 years for women and men, respectively) or when the statutory deadlines for the implementation of certain types of activities are approaching. Social payment is appointed as material support for orphans, disabled people left without a breadwinner of dependents.

Today, employed pensioners have the opportunity to apply to the Pension Fund once a year for recalculation of the pension, since they have an advantage over non-working elderly people - their employer regularly makes pension payments. The amount of the future pension that workers will receive after leaving work is influenced by the total amount of pension contributions made for the entire period of employment, and not by the number of years worked.

The amount of the pension can be affected by:

  • age in which an elderly person applied for a pension;
  • official seniority during which the employer made pension contributions;
  • the size of the "white" salary(the amount of regular pension payments increases with the amount of wages).

At the moment, the mandatory insurance period for assigning a pension is 6 years, but the figure will gradually increase until it reaches 15 years in 2025. However, not only periods of work activity are counted in the length of service, it also includes:

  • time of service in the army;
  • the period while the citizen was in the status of unemployed and received unemployment benefits from the Employment Center;
  • maternity leave, as well as parental leave up to one and a half years;
  • the period of caring for a disabled person of an incompetent disability group I or a pensioner over 80 years old;
  • the time during which the spouse of a serviceman could not find a job due to moving to places of service.

Since the pension is now measured in “pension points” (individual pension coefficients - IPC), the minimum number of them for calculating a pension is 6.6. By 2025, you will need to score at least 30 points. As is already clear, the reforms are aimed at ensuring that pensioners do not rush to retire, but try to work longer and earn higher pensions.

The maximum pension in Russia is the value of the average annual salary in the Russian Federation, multiplied by 2.3.

What is pension reform

Retirement program that the Government has been working on will include the following points:

  1. Carrying out a reform in the payment of the funded part of the pension.
  2. Raising the retirement age to 65 (for both women and men). This measure will be phased in and the retirement age will increase by 12 months each year.
  3. The use of uniform social tariffs insurance in relation to the total amount of income.
  4. An increase in the length of service for municipal and state employees, as well as for public sector employees - all who are entitled to early exit on retire.
  5. Reducing the level of indexation (pensions will not be increased by the full rate of inflation growth).
  6. Taking into account the desire of a citizen to make deductions from wages towards a future pension - if a person does not want to keep the funded part of the pension, it will be canceled for him.
  7. Cancellation of early pension payments that were due to workers in hazardous industries.

The main objective of the reforms is the abolition of the mandatory funded part of pension payments. It is supposed to replace it with personal pension capital, which will be fully owned by the citizen. Withholdings from official income made by the employer to make pension payments will continue to be 22%.

Will pension payments be indexed?

In 2017, the rules for paying pensions to working pensioners were changed - if their earnings turn out to be more than 18,000 rubles, pension payments will not increase. At the same time, it is mentioned that the continuation of labor activity and the receipt of a “white” salary will significantly increase future pension due to savings on the personal account Pension Fund.

As compensation for the lack of indexation of pension payments in 2019, pensioners (unemployed and employed) received 5,000 rubles in the form of a one-time allowance in January 2017.

What changes happened in 2019

Initially, the complete abolition of pension payments for working pensioners was discussed, but no such drastic measures were taken. It was decided only to deprive employed older people of the opportunity to recalculate their pension, but not the traditional recalculation of its amount in August - everything here will depend on the number of pension contributions made by the employer.

Pension payments of employed pensioners will increase due to:

  • raising the fixed amount of the pension;
  • increase in the value of one individual pension coefficient (“point”), held annually on February 1;
  • annual increase in the number of "pension points" accumulated during the working life - no more than 7.83.

The above indicators can increase the size of pension payments even more significantly than indexation. Therefore, the continuation of official activity by pensioners becomes beneficial not only to the authorities, but also to the citizen himself.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: A pensioner who continues to work at the enterprise does not expect to recalculate pension payments in August.
