Gifts from diapers in the hospital. Dowry for a baby: my list

From the beginning of 2018, an unusual project called “Gift to a Newborn” should operate in Russia, which involves presenting a new mother with a certain set of children's things and hygiene products. The initiative to give gifts to every newborn from the state in 2018 came from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and was supported by the Ministry of Economic Development.

The essence of the action is that during discharge from the maternity hospital, women in labor will be given free gift with a set of things and care items for a newborn: clothes, rattles, diapers, personal hygiene products and baby cosmetics. The period of action of the action is designated for 2018 - 2020.

The project "Gifts for newborns" in 2018 is one of the events within the framework of the "Decade of Childhood" program, which was announced by Vladimir Putin for 2018-2027.

Antonina Tsitsulina, one of the persons in charge of the project, who is also the President of the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises, says: "The set will be designed for the first three months of a child's life, so that parents, at least at first, do not think about additional expenses." Thus, new parents will be able to count on the upcoming gift and save money on buying a dowry for a newborn.

On a note! The average cost of goods included in gift set will be 10-15 thousand rubles. and it is assumed that they will be Russian-made.

As part of the development of project details, all interested departments need to assess the necessary costs and identify sources of funding. It is assumed that financial side the issue of project implementation A gift to a newborn falls on the regional budgets of the subjects of the Federation, and in the regions, local authorities will adopt an appropriate legislative act. But the question still remains open, from what sources will the expenses for the purchase of gifts be covered and whether their content will differ depending on the size of the budget of different subjects.

  • encourage the birth rate and improve the demographic situation in the country;
  • to support Russian manufacturers of children's goods.

Project implementation in Moscow

Parents of newborn Muscovites are already receiving gift sets from the "city". Each such set contains 44 items that will be needed to care for a child in the first months of life. The dowry basket includes baby clothes and underwear, diapers, bathing and feeding accessories, rattles, hypoallergenic ointments and powders, wipes, pacifiers, scissors, body and water thermometers, etc. At the same time, children's clothing (bodysuits with short and long sleeves, sliders, hats) from the set is designed from the neonatal period to 9 months of age.

According to the idea of ​​Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, such assistance from the city will help support the President's initiative to increase the birth rate, save mothers and fathers from running around buying necessary children's things and devote more time to the child in the first days of his life.

Experience from other countries

So, in Finland, initially, the tradition of presenting gifts from the state for a mother with a baby was valid only for poor segments of the population, but over time it became a universal tradition, regardless of the income and social status of the mother. Upon discharge, they hand over a large box with children's things, bed linen and toys for the first months of life. At the same time, it is no coincidence that the packaging in the form of a box was chosen, because according to the Finnish tradition, little Finns sleep in a box for the first months of their life. In this regard, it has established dimensions and is awarded along with the mattress. There is even a version according to which this sleep option for newborns allowed Finland to achieve one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.

In Switzerland, Germany and Israel, programs that provide gifts to newborns operate at the level of clinics, which distribute kits at discharge to each woman in labor.

In a number of African countries, gifts are given on plastic container, which is subsequently used as a bath for bathing a child.

In selected areas of India, the gift box contains a set of clean linen and medical preparations necessary to prevent the spread of infections during or after childbirth, mosquito nets to protect newborns from malarial mosquitoes.

The first kids have already received gifts from the state: video

Liana Raymanova November 16, 2018, 14:37

In 2018, there is an unusual action on the territory, which involves the presentation of gifts to women in labor in maternity hospitals upon discharge.

Despite the positive side of this event, many women in Russia are not even aware of its existence.

According to the reviews of women in labor, it operates only in Moscow, and only those lucky women who had a chance to give birth in the capital received such presents from the state.

What is the program?

Making gifts for newborns from the state in Russia was proposed by the Ministry of Labor, the idea was supported, considered and implemented. It is assumed that this action will be held in all maternity hospitals of the country until 2020.

The essence of the action in providing the child with the best necessary things for the first time. This should reduce the costs of young parents, reduce the number of abortions, child abandonment, help needy families and single mothers.

Give out a gift set owe everything women who have a passport and give birth in state maternity hospitals.

Gift set our treasure

It is included in the kit?

In the maternity hospital, they give a gift that includes the necessary clothes for the baby: sliders, undershirts, diapers, as well as newborn care products. These include: powders, baby creams, diapers.

The regions of the Russian Federation independently determine the composition of the gift set. But overall, it shouldn't be much different.

The President of the Russian Federation noted that the gifts will mainly include products of domestic manufacturers.

IN list of approved items included in the set are:

  • bed sheets;
  • flannelette blanket;
  • oilcloth;
  • diapers;
  • feeding bottle;
  • pacifier;
  • rattles;
  • thermometer;
  • powders and creams;
  • sliders;
  • undershirts;
  • set outerwear for a child.

According to the organizers of the project, the kit should include everything you need for full provision baby up to 3 months old.

The composition of the gift set

Where did the idea come from?

Gifts for the birth of a child from the state are made in many economically developed countries.

  • In Finland, they give out a dowry to a baby in a special box. By tradition, it is in the box that the baby sleeps for the first months of life. Therefore, not only the contents of the presentation come in handy, but also the container itself.
  • In some African countries, women receive baby clothes in a plastic container, which is then used as a baby bath.
  • In Israel, each maternity hospital decides on its own what to give to this or that baby.

One way or another, such measures are welcomed and supported by the population. Cost reduction associated with discharge from the maternity hospital, allow young parents to easily buy clothes for the baby for the next months or purchase high-quality nutrition for children who are bottle-fed.

Who are the gifts intended for and what documents are needed?

Until recently, such an action was carried out only in Moscow maternity hospitals. Many women envied Muscovites and expressed their indignation.

Every woman in labor who gave birth on the territory of the Russian Federation will be able to receive them. No additional collection of documents is required to receive the kit

When discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother receives a present for her baby. If a happy mother gave birth to twins, triplets or more than three children, she is entitled to a set for each of the living babies.

Do not receive a set of women who wrote the refusal of the child in the maternity hospital.

What does practice show?

In maternity hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg, indeed, women have become owners of such a set.

Muscovites claim that the lucky ones received huge boxes with everything they needed. According to their estimates, the content is worth about 20,000 rubles. In a huge box were things, diapers, bottles, rattles for the baby. That is, they were completely spared from the need to purchase something additional. The box itself is suitable for sleeping, equipped with a mattress and a sheet. Quite can replace the bed first time.

Baby Box as a bed for a baby

However, in the outback, many pregnant women or those who have already given birth this year do not even assume that they are entitled to a present at discharge

The authorities of the regions say that the law has been approved, but no one understands where to get money to buy gifts for newborns. This question remains open, it is believed that the regional authorities should independently cope with financial problems.

One set includes things for the baby in the amount of at least 15,000 rubles.

Of course, there is no money.

It remains to be hoped that the authorities will take care of allocating funds for the purchase of goods and all mothers will be able to receive such kits upon discharge. The idea is wonderful capable of supporting many young families and reducing the forced abandonment of babies due to the elementary impossibility of purchasing clothes for him, at least for the first time.

Since 2018, a wonderful tradition has been introduced in Moscow maternity hospitals - to give gifts for children after their birth. So, at discharge, parents are given a package with all the necessary things for a newborn baby. Thus, the state helps parents for the first time.

Previously, also in maternity hospitals, mothers were given small bags containing many interesting, but in principle unnecessary things. These were different brochures on education, proper feeding and general child care. Now the gifts are larger, as the kids receive pacifiers, bottles, diapers and some things from the state.

Since the beginning of 2018, the Moscow government, together with the mayor, decided to start an action and congratulate the young family by giving a small package with accessories for a newborn baby. This is in gratitude for the improvement of the demographic situation in the country.

So far, the “Gifts for a Newborn” campaign is a trial one, and its duration has been determined from 2018-2020. It all depends on whether it will be beneficial for sponsors or stores that will provide their products for free by advertising them.

The essence of the campaign is that after the birth of her baby, the mother receives a package with accessories for the newborn for the first time. Of course, the family collects things in the maternity hospital on their own, but after the birth of the child, things issued by the state will never become superfluous.

The state provides a set for three months. Let it be a little, but this gift will make it possible to save at least on a set of sliders, the average cost of which in Moscow is now about 13 thousand rubles.

What is included in a gift for newborns 2018

The first mothers who were lucky enough to receive a package with gifts for newborn babies were very pleased. The set is quite suitable and with the necessary things.

It must include:

- clothing (sliders, sandals);

- mattress;

- diapers;

- rattle;

- warm overalls;

- baby care products (baby scissors and comb);

- personal hygiene products (baby soap, shampoo, gel, cream and powder);

cotton buds and disks;

- diapers;

- thermometers.

As mothers say, a gift is given along with things, regardless of the gender of the child. If suddenly the color of the clothes does not fit, you can always exchange it.

Who gives gifts for newborns

While the project "Gifts for a Newborn" is in a trial stage, it applies only to residents of Moscow. Everything happens due to the fact that the region allocates funds for the gifts themselves.

The filling of the package with gifts depends on how much money the city authorities can allocate. Therefore, in different regions of Russia, such gifts are very different. For example, in Bashkortostan, a newborn is entitled to a new blanket, a duvet cover, 2 diapers and undershirts each, a cap, several samples of creams and soap.

To receive a gift package, mom only needs to provide a passport to the one who delivers the gift boxes. They are given to all families, regardless of financial situation.

The essence of the implementation of the action Gift for a newborn 2018

The state, giving things for newborns, has its own benefit in this. Firstly, for the first time, hygiene products and clothes of domestic production are issued. Accordingly, if the mother uses them and sees that they are great for the baby, then she will definitely buy more of them later.

Secondly, by supplying young families with gifts for babies for the first time after birth, they thus remove part of the costs from the family. Therefore, a gift for a newborn will be a kind of incentive to give birth again and improve the democratic situation in the country.

The birth of a child is always a joyful event in the family, but also troublesome and costly. In this regard, since 2018, it was decided to present gifts for newborn Muscovites. About what they give in the Moscow maternity hospital upon discharge, what things, as well as their brands and quality, we will tell in this article.

Gifts for newborns from the Government of Moscow

A box for newborns in Moscow is a one-time gift that is issued for each newborn child upon discharge from a maternity facility, provided that the child was born on January 1, 2018 and his place of birth is registered in Moscow, and also the place of residence of one of the parents is registered in Moscow .

A gift was also given to children born in 2017, provided that they were discharged from the maternity hospital in 2018. From November 13, 2018, such a gift is due to all newborns whose place of birth is registered in the city of Moscow, regardless of the place of registration of parents.

With the initiative of distribution similar gifts Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin S.S. repeatedly acted as an aid to families with newborns. And at the end of 2017, this initiative was enshrined in the Decree of the Government of Moscow. Initially, the box was given to children whose parents are registered in the city of Moscow. But at the end of 2018, the list was expanded. The prototype of this present was a gift given to newborns in Finland.

A gift for a newborn Muscovite includes children's accessories that can be useful for a baby in the first months of his life.

In order to complete its contents, the Department of Labor and social protection conducted various surveys and consulted with specialists in the field of pediatrics, motherhood and childhood, and taking into account the opinions of these specialists, a package of products necessary for the baby in the first year of his life was formed. It includes basic sets of clothes, toys, diapers, as well as first hygiene products and bed linen.

Many families liked the idea of ​​presenting the named present, despite the fact that there are also negative reviews about its content. But each parent decides this question individually, in other words, no one obliges you to use the contents of the box or even take it away.

Attention! These gift sets are delivered to maternity institutions by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow together with the Department of Health of the City of Moscow according to the number of women in childbirth in the institution.

If there is a shortage of gifts, they will be promptly delivered to the institution. But for now, there is a sufficient supply of gifts for Muscovites in the maternity hospital.

The gift can also be received at any department of social protection in Moscow within two months after the birth of the child.

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Who is the gift for

A gift from Sobyanin is due to newborn Muscovites, Muscovites, regardless of the place of registration of the parents. At the same time, the social status and any other characteristics and merits of the parents in no way can affect the contents of the box.

Important! If several children were born in the family at once, then at the time of discharge, each child is entitled to receive a box.

It is noteworthy that the indicated box is handed at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital, but with some exceptions:

  1. If a young mother is discharged alone, and the baby remains in treatment or is transferred to another healthcare institution, then the kit is given to the mother;
  2. If the mother of the child remains on treatment, and the newborn is discharged without her, then the father or the legal representative of the baby receives the box;
  3. If the baby was born outside the territory of Moscow, but at the same time at least one of his parents has a permanent place of registration in the city, the right to receive gift box also saved;
  4. You can get a present in almost all maternity institutions in Moscow, with the exception of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
On a note! You can refuse to receive the named gift. But the possibility of replacing it with a monetary equivalent or another thing is completely absent.

In order to receive a gift, parents must present the following documents:

  1. If the mother picks up the box - an identity document.
  2. If dad picks up the box - an identity document, as well as
  3. a baby or other document that can confirm the fact of paternity, for example, a marriage certificate with a young mother.

What is included in the gift

The gift includes 44 items of things and accessories, which are packed in a special box. This box is not designed to be used as a crib, however, it is very convenient for storing other items.

The weight of the present is about 6 kilograms.

The composition includes things necessary in the first months of a baby's life with dimensional grid, 56, 62, 68-80:

  • sliders;
  • body like with short sleeve, and with long;
  • demi-season overalls and transforming overalls;
  • hats with or without ties;
  • mittens;
  • booties;
  • bibs.

Cosmetics and baby supplies such as:

  • diaper rash cream;
  • shampoo and bathing gel;
  • powder;
  • napkins;
  • cotton pads and sticks.

Sleeping accessories:

  • mattress;
  • blanket
  • a sheet with an elastic band;
  • towel;
  • diapers.

Other accessories and toys:

  • diapers;
  • a thermometer to determine the temperature of the water in the bathroom;
  • body thermometer;
  • oilcloth;
  • pacifier;
  • scissors and a teether;
  • beanbag;
  • bottle;
  • comb.

These items are available in neutral colors and good quality. Each item has a tag with the manufacturer, as well as the composition of the product. Clothing is presented by a Russian manufacturer - the firm "Ryzhik".

Diapers are provided by Helen Harper. Cosmetic products BabyLine. Toys and other accessories are made by Canpol Babies, "Kruglyshi".

Since the beginning of 2018, every mom in the Moscow maternity hospital has been given the so-called gift to a newborn from Sobyanin. What is included in the children's kit, who can apply for it and how to get it?


From January 1, 2018, every woman in labor of any metropolitan maternity hospital is awarded gift set for the baby. The gift is called “Our Treasure”, and the total cost of the items included in it is, according to various sources, from 15 to 18 thousand rubles.

A gift from Sobyanin to newborn Muscovites is presented on the basis of the decree of the city government No. 1107pp. 2.5 billion rubles were allocated from the reserve fund for the purchase of gift items and the formation of presentations.

The tradition of giving the mayor's dowry to babies existed before, but then, due to the difficult economic situation, it was temporarily suspended. Since the beginning of this year, it has been renewed again. As the city authorities themselves explained, the set for newborns as a gift from Sobyanin is not only a generous gesture. The offering has two purposes:

  • save happy fathers from shopping "marathons" in search of the right things, because many superstitious parents prefer not to prepare the dowry in advance;
  • reduce the number of refusals that occur due to the fact that mothers do not have the funds to buy even the most necessary for the first time.

On a note! Gifts to newborns are also given in other cities as part of the Decade of Childhood program, which is scheduled to be implemented from 2018 to 2027.

The all-Russian campaign with gifts for all newborn babies was initiated by the Ministry of Labor and supported by the Ministry of Economic Development, because such gifts additionally help:

  • improve demographics;
  • support domestic manufacturers of children's goods.

To whom?

Who is given a gift from Sobyanin to a newborn? If the mother or father (together or at least one) has a capital residence permit, then the family is given a gift from Sobyanin to newborns 2018.

The set is solemnly handed over at the time of discharge in all maternity hospitals located on the territory of the Russian capital. An exception is the maternity hospital at the Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

And even if the baby was not born in a Moscow maternity hospital, but one or both of his parents are Muscovites, the children's kit is still issued, but already by the social security authorities. If several babies were born in the family at once, then everyone receives a box.

If for some reason the gift set was not presented in the maternity hospital, then the parents have the right to contact the social security department at the place of actual residence within 2 months from the date of birth of the baby.


How to get a gift for a newborn from Sobyanin? It is enough for mommy to present a passport with permanent registration in Moscow.

If the right to a present arose due to the father’s residence in the capital, then his passport will be required, as well as documents confirming paternity:

  • birth certificate of the baby, where the man is inscribed as the father;
  • or a certificate of marriage with a woman in labor.

Before discharge, mommy is given a questionnaire, and then instead of a filled sheet, they are given a weighty box, which is tightly covered with mica (apparently, so that outsiders do not get to individual things from the box before their parents). The box-box is so big that many mothers joke - if money is very tight, then at first the baby can sleep in the box.

Some parents are interested in how to exchange a gift for a newborn from Sobyanin for money? There is no such possibility. Parents can only refuse the present, that is, not take the box home from the hospital, but they cannot receive a cash equivalent for its contents.


For those who are about to receive a pleasant surprise for the first time, it is interesting to know what is included in a gift to a newborn from Sobyanin.

After opening the box, more than 40 items are found that the baby needs in the first months of life:

  • outerwear: warm overalls-transformer;
  • casual wear: three sliders, two light bodysuits with short sleeves and three with long sleeves, three slip-on overalls, two hats with ties and one without them, scratchy ropes, booties;
  • mattress, flannelette blanket and bed linen (sheet with elastic, flannelette and cotton diapers, oilcloth);
  • a bathing towel-envelope with a mitt and hygiene products: diaper rash cream, powder, bathing gel, Babyline shampoo from the famous German manufacturer of children's cosmetics NolkenHyqiene, wet wipes, cotton pads and sticks from the Russian brand Sun and Moon, diapers from the English Lovoir company, a set with a comb and brush, a thermometer with an indicator and a mercury-free thermometer for measuring water temperature before bathing, scissors;
  • bib with strings, feeding utensils (bottle 150 ml), pacifier;
  • the first toys - a rattle, a teether.

Some manufacturers may change. For example, instead of children's cosmetics NolkenHyqiene, in sets you can find products of the equally famous German brand Bübchen, which are very popular with parents.

Clothes and bedding are sewn by domestic manufacturers of the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions, as well as Orekhovo-Zuev, Ulyanovsk and other cities. Fabrics - 100% cotton, and appearance, for example, walking overalls are in no way inferior to foreign counterparts. In the reviews, moms praise the quality, the colors, and the thoughtfulness of the kit itself - it included the most necessary, something that definitely would not be superfluous, even if the parents had the opportunity to purchase everything in advance.

By the way! If earlier the dowry was purchased separately for boys blue color, and for girls - pink, now it was decided to include clothes in neutral shades in the sets so that there would be no difficulties with presenting an inappropriate present.

The kit also includes two helpful brochures:

  • the first with a list of payments that are due for the birth of the first child, and useful telephone numbers of all services, the help of which may be useful to parents;
  • the second - about the necessary vaccinations and data on how a healthy baby should gain weight.

Those who are entitled to Sobyanin's gift to newborns can study full list things on the official website of the Moscow government. It is noted that brands and manufacturers may change, but the high quality of things and attractive design remain unchanged.
