Home care tips. Household products

One of the threads on the Momtastic forum. - I am a housewife and my husband works a lot. I have no relatives nearby who could help. I feel like a failure. I am so tired that it is difficult for me to get up in the morning. I can't handle laundry, housework and gardening."

Almost every one of us finds herself in a similar situation on a regular basis: returning home from work, we spend the few hours that remain before bedtime on cooking, cleaning and washing - often sacrificing communication with loved ones and rest because of this. Housekeeping is considered another duty that is imputed to us by default, something taken for granted (“Get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order”). You can’t complain about it: an attempt to take off at least part of the affairs in this area is regarded as a whim, laziness, immaturity, cowardice, or even disrespect for all the women of the planet who somehow manage to wash the floors, holding a laptop in one hand and a child in the other.

At the same time, many still do not consider household chores a full-time job - just as, say, e-mail processing is perceived not as part of the duties that take up working time, but as an addition to other "really important" things. The Internet is full of advice on how to balance work and other duties (“Syd goes shopping at lunchtime (she has an ice pack in the trunk) so she doesn’t have to do it in the evening when she is tired, hungry and in a hurry. Brilliant!”) And calls to stop telling others that you are having a hard time - because others are facing the same problems. Those who use special services and services and shift some household responsibilities to them may also face direct condemnation. This is perceived as an excess, or at least a non-essential service. And in general: “Others somehow cope!”

Over the past decades, housework has changed a lot: kitchen appliances speed up the cooking process and make it much easier (now, to make porridge for your breakfast, it’s enough to load cereals into the multicooker in the evening and set a timer), powerful cleaning products help you not to spend hours rubbing stains and stains, and irons with steam generators, with their impressive price, reduce ironing time several times. But technological progress could not completely save us from work: no matter how perfect and powerful a vacuum cleaner is, it still has to be controlled by a person. And although the number of hours we devote to household chores has decreased several times since the middle of the last century, we still spend quite a lot of time on them.

A survey by BBC Radio's Woman's Hour of 1,001 people found that women in the UK spend an average of 11.5 hours a week doing housework, compared to 6 hours for men. According to the study, some of the main tasks of women around the house remained cooking, changing bedding and cleaning the bathroom - and although progress has affected them, the time we spend on these tasks has still not drastically decreased. "Times have changed," said Woman's Hour host Jane Garvey. - Women are no longer locked in four walls. Now they can go to work and then come back and do housework.”

We often choose saving at the expense of our own comfort, refusing to spend money even on what is really important to us.

In Russia, the situation is no better: according to a 2011 Rosstat study of how Russians use their time, Muscovites spend an average of 1 hour 12 minutes (men) and 2 hours 22 minutes (women) doing housework per day. In other regions, even more time is spent on household chores: in Sverdlovsk region- 1 hour 23 minutes a day, in the Rostov region - 1 hour 50 minutes a day, in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 2 hours 26 minutes. At the same time, household responsibilities still mainly fall on the shoulders of women. According to a study by the Superjob.ru portal, the most common "women's" activities are washing dishes, cooking and cleaning, while the main task of men is buying food and household goods.

Household chores take time and effort from us - but these costs are not always distributed evenly. Each case is individual, the hardest is not necessarily the one that takes the most time. For someone, an hour or two spent on preparing a complex dish is relaxation and pleasure, someone does not perceive ironing as a heavy duty, because it can be combined with watching a movie, and for someone washing floors has a meditative effect. But not everyone gets pleasure from household chores and not always.

The desire to use a special service, instead of cleaning and washing carpets on your own, or sometimes having lunch in an inexpensive cafe, so that in the evening you don’t cook dinner for yourself and don’t break out due to the amount of things that have piled up, is a manifestation of self-care, which is most often perceived as a senseless luxury. There are situations in which it seems more “legitimate” to use the services, instead of doing something on our own: for example, when someone does not have time to take care of the house, because he helps elderly parents, hires a nanny to be able to earn extra money on maternity leave, or combines work with study in the evenings or weekends.

How to maintain cleanliness in the apartment, spending a minimum of effort and time on it? What to do if you are allergic to household cleaning products? Is there an alternative to them? In our review - the most popular ecological powders and gels, as well as ten magical cleaning products, like salt, baking soda and lemon, and tips for using them.

Putting things in order in a house or apartment always takes more time than we would like. Very busy housewives do spring cleaning on weekends, experienced and freer ones try to keep the house clean, sorting out, wiping and polishing something every day, especially.

But in any case, these efforts should bring a quick and maximum effect. It's so nice when the glass sparkles in the sun, the dishes shine and wash as if by themselves, the carpets retain the brightness of colors, and the dust flies around your house.

Of course, in every home there is a whole “arsenal” of detergents and cleaning products. They are usually stored in the bathroom or pantry, where a persistent chemical "fragrance" develops over time. How to avoid the unpleasant impact of this and not lose the quality of cleaning? The most reasonable option is to give preference to eco-friendly products, which in Lately appeared on sale in a large assortment. We have chosen for you the best, in our opinion, top ten and have also prepared a small but very pleasant surprise.

  1. This laundry water softener keeps laundry soft and fresh. Stains are washed off perfectly, without any chemicals. Nice smell plant components are harmless even for allergy sufferers. The water remaining after using this softener can be used to water the garden and houseplants.
  2. In addition to its direct purpose - washing dishes, this tool performs the function of protecting and softening the skin of the hands, and it can also remove stains from clothes.
  3. Another dishwashing liquid. No synthetic flavors, no chemicals on the plates!
  4. Biodegradable cleaner. If you want, wipe surfaces in the kitchen with it, if you want, wash pots and dishes. All ingredients are of vegetable origin.
  5. Cleaning gel will help clean surfaces greasy spots, destroys unpleasant odors, with regular use it helps to clean sewer drains. Ideal for allergy sufferers. Does not damage the skin of the hands even when working without gloves.
  6. Means for cleaning any surfaces. Will cope with the most severe contamination of enamel, tiles, glass and other things. The application procedure is extremely simple: apply to the surface and wipe. Rinse is not required.
  7. Products for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. This tool dissolves any fats.
  8. With this tool, you can permanently get rid of the smell of animal traces, it is recommended for caring for their habitat.
  9. Grease and dirt remover without the use of irritating chemicals.
  10. Household cleaner. Helps to quickly wash everything that requires regular care.

For meticulous housewives who prefer to use an already proven range, we have compiled a list of the most effective eco-friendly products that can be purchased in stores:

  • Ventley Organic,
  • ecodoo,
  • klar,
  • Almawin,
  • sodasan,
  • Sonett,
  • Alma Win,
  • attitude,
  • bio-d,
  • mako clean,
  • organic people,
  • Probiotic,
  • sodasan,
  • Tribio.

And now the promised surprise: ten natural remedies, always available in every home, but about unique properties which we know very little. Nevertheless folk recipes can replace any special store products for you, save a significant amount and help you cope with cleaning.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide perfectly disinfects and cleans both contaminated surfaces and the rags and sponges used in house cleaning. Soak them for 15 minutes in a 3% peroxide solution and they will be like new for a long time. With the help of peroxide, you can remove many stains, including from red wine spilled on the carpet in the living room, as well as whiten linen.
  2. Laundry soap is a godsend for a housewife. It perfectly disinfects, launders grease and stains, and washes clothes. Soap solution can be used to clean any surface.
  3. Baking soda can completely replace any detergent and cleaner. Soda cleans pots, kettles, stoves, sinks, plumbing fixtures to a shine, rids clothes of musty or tobacco smells.
  4. Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, disinfects everything that needs to be disinfected. And if you add half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate to a glass washing powder, dissolve this mixture in hot water and lower the washed, but darkened linen there until the water has completely cooled, it will become noticeably fresher after rinsing.
  5. Table salt replaces the remedy for clogged pipes: pour a handful of salt into the drain hole and pour boiling water from the kettle.
  6. Mustard powder is the perfect dishwashing detergent. Dissolves grease, washes away dirt, works great even in cold water.
  7. Ordinary tea brewing will do one more service: with strong brewing, dipping a sponge into it, wipe the mirror, then polish it with a clean cloth. Divorce as never happened! A solution of tea with vinegar (2 to 1) returns shine to crystal - just soak your favorite vase in this composition.
  8. Lemon neutralizes all odors. Tablespoon lemon juice a glass of water will clean the microwave of any fat - just put a mug of lemon water inside and turn it on at full power for 10 minutes, after which you just have to wipe the microwave with a clean cloth. Cut the lemon in half and wipe down all the faucets, especially those areas where rust has formed. He will disappear without a trace.
  9. A mixture of ammonia and soap perfectly cleans windows and. And in general any glasses.
  10. Vinegar also cleans windows. By diluting it in half with water and adding a little lavender oil, you can wash tile, countertops, window sills and floors. Pour some vinegar on the rust spot, sprinkle some baking soda on top and let it sit for a while. Then just buff to a shine.

We have to bring shine and cleanliness in the house for the sake of maintaining comfort and home warmth almost every day. Especially if the family is big! Facilities household chemicals make this task easier. Alas, not all of them are safe for health, so many housewives use folk remedies for home care.

lemon spirit

One of these is the common lemon. Its sour juice has cleansing properties, and its pleasant aroma deodorizes the air. It's no surprise that lemon flavoring is so commonly added to detergents. Corrosive frozen grease stains inside the microwave is a problem familiar to many. Lemon will deal with it without difficulty. Dip a couple of slices of lemon into a glass of water, put it in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe the inside with a damp cloth. Lemon peels are suitable for cleaning lime from taps. We rub the contaminated areas with them, leave the juice for 10 minutes and wipe it with a dry cloth. A brilliant result in every sense is guaranteed. Lemon is an excellent air freshener. Put half a fresh lemon next to the source bad smell and soon there will be no trace of him. And invigorating citrus notes will cheer you and your loved ones.

soda glow

Baking soda has long been known as a first-class household cleaner. With its help, you can clean anything: tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen, microwave and refrigerator, baking sheets with burnt fat, “killed” pans and pots, tarnished silverware. All of them will please the eye with cleanliness and brilliance. For these purposes, we will prepare a special paste. Grate 200 g baby soap odorless, pour a glass of warm water and beat with a blender. Continuing to stir, we introduce 100 g of soda. This paste should be stored in a jar with a tightly closed lid. But to remove stains from the carpet or upholstered furniture left by little fidgets, you can use dry soda. Sprinkle it with dirt, leave for a couple of hours, remove and vacuum thoroughly. By the way, soda is good at fighting odors. Put an open container of baking soda in the toilet and you won't need an air freshener anymore.

Sour but clean

White vinegar can also be turned into an all-purpose cleaner. We mix 50 ml of vinegar (6% or 9%) and 400 ml of water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle - effective remedy ready to clean windows and mirrors. Vinegar will help remove limescale from sinks and tubs. Fill them with contaminated areas, sprinkle with soda and leave for 20-30 minutes. We rub them with a damp sponge and wash off the residue with water. Can't get rid of plaque in the kettle? Add 100 ml of vinegar to it, leave it overnight, and drain the water in the morning. Boil clean water in it and rinse well. Old coffee or tea plaque from your favorite mugs and cups is also quickly removed with vinegar. We mix it in equal proportions with salt, rub the dishes from the inside with this mass and rinse thoroughly. Your mugs will shine like new, and family tea drinking will become doubly pleasant.

Mustard against fat

Mustard is another effective folk remedy for cleaning an apartment. Of course, we are talking about powdered mustard. Even the most corrosive fat will not resist its cleansing power. It is most convenient to dip a sponge in a saucer with mustard powder and wipe the dishes with it. Knowledgeable hostesses recommend this product for removing stains from silk and woolen items. Pour 20 g of mustard powder with a liter of hot water and leave for 2 hours. Drain the water, pour the mustard sediment again hot water and insist another hour. We wash things in this solution, after which we rinse them in plain water. Among other things, mustard destroys persistent odors in the refrigerator. Mixing mustard powder and soda in a ratio of 3: 1, dilute with water and wipe the shelves with this mixture, where odorous products lay. In the end, it remains to walk on them with a damp cloth. With this simple tool, exemplary cleanliness and order will always reign in your refrigerator.

In all the splendor

Table salt can also serve as a cleaning agent. It works especially well on burnt-on grease stains on the stove. Sprinkle salt on contaminated areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. An important caveat - the surface of the stove must be hot. When it cools down, wipe it with a damp sponge. If you add to 2 tbsp. l. salt 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, you will get an effective cleaner against limescale and rust. With the same mixture, it is easy to polish pots, pans and teapots to a shine, as well as eliminate bad smell from cutting boards. If you combine table salt with turpentine in equal proportions, the resulting mixture can easily remove yellow spots from the surface of plumbing. In addition, salt helps clear blockages in the sink. Pour it into the hole of the sink, pour boiling water over it and leave it for a while.

House cleaning folk remedies has its advantages. Do-it-yourself cleaning products are safe for health and help to at least partially reduce family expenses.

Although the process of cleaning a home is almost no one's pleasure, its results are noticeable and pleasant to all household members. In this case, the hostess is overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment, and those around her admire the radiant cleanliness and fresh air.

The main thing is to treat this activity with full responsibility. And so that it does not seem too tedious, use some methods that can make your work easier.

1. Fight dirt in the kitchen

Everyone knows that dark spots appear around the handles on kitchen cabinets over time, which spoil the look of the headset. You can deal with this with a homemade remedy consisting of one part vegetable oil and two parts soda applied to a sponge or ordinary toothbrush.

2. Washing the children's designer in the washing machine

Constructors consisting of small parts get dirty and dusty, and you can clean them one by one for several days. It's best to put them in a regular grid, add soap and load into washing machine, and then dry by spreading out on sheets of paper or unnecessary fabric.

3. Cleaning the oven glass

It usually takes a decent amount of time, but it's annoying that the glass still doesn't seem clean enough. This is because dust accumulates inside between the two transparent surfaces. To get rid of it, you need to use a special wire device.

4. Remove shortcuts

Removing labels from cans or other utensils requires a lot of time and effort. However, everything will be different if you purchase a unique cleaning agent by adding it to water and leaving the dishes there for about half an hour. As a result, the labels will peel off by themselves.

5. Cleaning the iron with salt

Ordinary table salt will help to put in order the metal sole of the iron. Just pour it on the surface of the ironing board, turn on the appliance to maximum and, releasing a jet of steam, place it on top. Dirt particles will stick to the grains, and the sole will become shiny.

6. Removing pet hair from furniture

If you have a cat or a dog, then most likely your sofas and chairs are covered with a thin layer of wool. To gently remove it, you need to put on your hands latex gloves and run them over the upholstery. Every single hair will remain on the rubber.

7. Whitening yellowed fabrics

Conscientious housewives are annoyed by the fact that snow-white bed linen and other things usually quickly acquire a yellowish tint. But the good news is that you can fix this by mixing the following ingredients: one cup of washing powder, the same amount of powder detergent, a glass of bleach and very hot water.

8. Revamp Wood Furniture with Vinegar and Olive Oil

Any old wood surface, disfigured by scratches and scuffs, can be updated. To do this, add the same amount to half a cup of vinegar. olive oil, soak a rag in this mixture and rub it into the wood. As a result, all imperfections will disappear.

9. Getting rid of limescale

Limescale problems often occur in areas such as bathrooms and lavatories, such as around faucets. Be aware that it is easily removed with ordinary vinegar. If it is a flat surface, fill it with liquid and leave for twenty minutes. And taps can be wrapped with paper towels soaked in vinegar solution.

10. Removing oil stains from the driveway

This task can be dealt with only with the help of a special branded cleaner, which dries up, acquiring a powdery consistency, absorbs oil and, as it were, draws the stain into itself.

11. Thermal "burns" on the table

If you unsuccessfully placed a hot kettle or frying pan on the dining table, a white mark will definitely remain in this place. A dense fabric will help to overcome it, which must be thoroughly wetted, laid out on top and ironed for about fifteen seconds.

12. Upholstered furniture made of microfiber

This type of sofa requires special care, which consists in the use of a colorless sponge and an alcohol solution that is applied to the stained area. Then you should wait for it to dry and brush it with a brush.

13. Make your grill non-stick

When preparing for a barbecue, don't forget the onions to make your grill grate non-stick. Just cut it in half and rub the red-hot rods.

14. Use lemon to wipe down the faucet

Instead of using chemically made cleaning fluids that can be toxic, try a more natural approach. Divide a plain lemon in half and scrub off any stubborn stains on your bathroom or kitchen faucets.

15. Shower head

To keep your shower head looking new, pour acetic acid into a plastic bag and place it over your shower. Leave it like this for about one hour, and then wipe it with a damp towel.

16. And now about washing windows

All you need to keep your glass stain-free is water, vinegar, and soap. Combine these three ingredients, spray the windows, wipe them down with a clean, white cloth, and then dry them with newspaper to give them shine and perfect clarity.

17. Ammonia for stove burners

If you do not pay attention to these items, they will end up looking disgusting, and yet a good housewife is judged precisely by the state of kitchen appliances. In fact, it doesn't take much effort for you to avoid it. Fill the burners with a small amount of ammonia and wrap in polyethylene. In this state, they should spend the whole night, after which it will be enough to wipe them with a dry cloth.

18. Perfect sink

To make your sink dazzle, use a vinegar-soap mixture, baking soda, rock salt, lemon or lime wedges, and ice. To apply all this, you will need a soft sponge, a toothbrush for the drain hole and any old rag. Before starting all procedures, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the sink with water.

First of all, you should sprinkle it with soda and overlay paper napkins leaving them for about half an hour. Then remove them and wash everything with soapy water, and fill the drain hole with ice and salt and direct a stream of cold water there. The final step will be sprinkling with lemon juice.

19. Cutting boards

Usually, food particles accumulate in the cracks of wooden cutting boards, which must be periodically removed. To do this, it is best to wipe them with vinegar, then with half a citrus and sea salt, and finally with a wet cloth. A towel dipped in mineral oil will also provide a special effect.

20. Bath cleaning

If you prefer to use natural, home-made cleaning compounds, then ripe grapefruit and special kosher salt are suitable for the bath. From these components, a scrub is prepared, which is applied to the enamel, and then thoroughly washed off.

21. Shiny oven

It is better to start washing the oven by removing debris with a wooden spatula, then sprinkle it with baking soda and sprinkle with vinegar. After twenty minutes, start rubbing it in a circular motion Finally, use a damp towel.

22. Beautiful blinds

Are you going to throw away your old socks? But they can be useful for laundering strips of blinds. Stretch them like gloves over your hands, dip them in the vinegar solution and run them over the plastic. Convenient, isn't it?

23. Walls painted with markers

If the family grows Small child who has just learned to draw, then, most likely, his works of art already decorate almost the entire apartment. Keep in mind that marker strips can be easily removed from floors, painted walls, and furniture with toothpaste and a damp cloth.

24. Footprints on the carpet

Some carpet stains cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Spray the marks with any window-cleaning spray, place a clean cloth over them, and go over them with a hot iron. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result.

25. Silverware

To make your silverware shine clean and get rid of dark plaque, remember everything about the same banal soda-salt mixture, which is indispensable in many such situations.

26. Additional useful function of the microwave

Most dishwashing appliances quickly accumulate a huge amount of all kinds of microbes inside them. To destroy them, heat these items in the microwave for about five minutes.

27. A few words about the garbage chute

To avoid an unpleasant smell from the garbage chute, it is advisable to fill it with lemon slices frozen in white vinegar overnight. In the morning, you will see that this is one of the most effective methods for eliminating such a “flavor”.

28. Home air freshener

In principle, it can be purchased at the store, especially since there is no need to experience a lack of choice. However, creative people prefer to cook such things on their own, combining their favorite smells. One of the recipes: in two cups of water, add a teaspoon of vanilla, chopped lime and a couple of sprigs of rosemary, boil over low heat and then spray around the rooms.

29. Fruit freshener

And here's another great recipe: Chop apples and a few citrus fruits, cranberries, cinnamon sticks, cloves and vanilla. Put it all in a saucepan and pour a small amount of liquid, bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes.

30. Orange flavor

From ordinary orange peels, infused for two weeks in white vinegar, you can also create a great aromatic mixture, which is then diluted with water in a ratio of one to one and poured into a spray bottle.

31. Fill your home with the scents of spring

To do this, put a small pot of liquid on the fire, throw in a few lemon slices, rosemary sprigs and a couple of teaspoons of vanilla. If you slowly boil this assortment from morning until evening, your apartment will be filled with spring fragrance.

A wooden house is the most environmentally friendly and safe housing to date. In addition, such a structure looks aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. It is cool inside in summer and warm in winter. A favorable atmosphere for living and recreation reigns in the house, and the rooms are filled with a pleasant forest aroma. But wood is subject to the negative effects of moisture and dampness, temperature extremes, wind and ultraviolet radiation.

Over time, logs or timber can crack, mold or warp. The house can lose color and presentable appearance. To avoid this, lumber is covered with protective compounds, high-quality insulation and caulking of the log house are made, and waterproofing is laid. But do not forget about the house and after construction.

In the future, it is important to maintain the aesthetic and operational qualities of a log or timber house. This can be done at proper care behind wooden houses. Regular preventive maintenance and repair, if necessary, will ensure the safety of the building, allow you to keep the premises in an aesthetically attractive and technically sound condition. We offer tips on how to care for a wooden house.

Home care in the first year after construction

In the next 6-12 months after the installation of the log house, the wooden house shrinks. Not earlier than six months later, they carry out caulking and insulation of the house, finishing work. The drying process plays an important role in the operational life of the structure. In the first winter after settling in, the temperature in the rooms should not exceed 17-20 degrees! Otherwise, due to rapid drying, the logs or timber will begin to crack.

Regularly check the roof and monitor the tightness of the eaves over the window for leaks. Remove snow from the roof carefully and carefully, as improper work can ruin and even break the structure. Keep drains and gutters clear of fallen leaves and debris. Replace shingles if they are cracked or broken.

If necessary, paint windows and doors, monitor the condition of the locking mechanism. Lubricate window and door fittings with special oil. Check the seal and insulation of door and window structures. Do not forget about regular checks of engineering networks and drainage systems. Periodically clean the chimney and chimney of the stove or fireplace.

How to fix cracks in a wooden house

During shrinkage and subsequent operation, logs and timber can crack. Cracks and crevices form in the wooden floor and walls. They spoil the aesthetics of the building, let the wind and cold through. Moisture accumulates in the cracks, which leads to damage to the lumber.

Therefore, it is important to notice and eliminate cracks or crevices in time, which will help a number of recommendations:

  • Log house caulking is the best way to insulate a wooden house and seal cracks. Choose natural dry moss or tow for this;
  • Today, modern sealants are used as insulation. For a wooden house, choose natural acrylic sealant, which is environmentally friendly and durable. It reliably connects the walls of the gap. In a gap deeper than 5 mm, a tourniquet of tow is first laid, and then a sealant is poured;
  • Special putty for wood perfectly seals cracks and crevices. The finished product is distinguished by easy application, drying in a short time, resistance to low temperatures, moisture and wind;
  • You can make putty yourself. To do this, mix sawdust and PVA glue so that the consistency of putty is obtained. The composition is laid in the cracks and left to dry completely;
  • Arbogips is another effective method elimination of cracks and cracks. To prepare the product, crushed bark or sawdust is mixed with dry gypsum and water until smooth. You can add a few drops of shampoo and get to work immediately after preparing the solution, as it quickly hardens;
  • For deep and wide cracks, chips of suitable length are used. The piece of wood is sharpened with a wedge and hammered into the slot, and fixed on top with ready-made or home-made putty.

Instructions for sealing cracks and crevices indicate that the work is carried out in dry weather at positive temperatures. Before starting, the surface of the log or timber is thoroughly cleaned, debris and dust are removed from the cracks. It is better to glue the edges of a deep crack with masking tape so that the product does not get on the lumber. After completion of the work, the applied composition is moistened and leveled with a brush, left to dry for at least six hours, when finishing with moss - for three days.

How to get bugs out of wood

Often bugs appear in the bark of wood and leave unpleasant holes. Such insects infect the tree, as a result of which it soon dies. Bark beetles and grinder beetles spoil log and timber walls, floors and ceilings, wooden structures and wooden furniture. Carefully check these elements, paying special attention to the lower parts and secluded places hidden from view.

If you notice holes that are escaping shredded wood, start pest control immediately! They spread very quickly and in a short time affect the entire surface of products or elements of the house. Help to remove bugs special means and folk methods.

A persistent insecticide is injected into a tree covered with paints and varnishes with a syringe or pipette to a depth of 2 mm. In the presence of a large number holes, the wood is treated with a brush dipped in the product. After processing, each hole is sealed with wax, paraffin or putty (wood putty). It is important that the agent does not leak out and does not evaporate.

Wooden surfaces are treated with a solution of naphthalene and gasoline, kerosene and turpentine, or vaseline and green oils. For small items, furniture and objects, dichlorvos is used in a plastic bag. If a single object is very badly damaged, it is better to burn the items.

Pests do not like too hot and cold temperatures. An effective option would be to warm the tree to a temperature of +60 degrees with a jet of hot air. Or you can freeze logs or timber for two days at a temperature of -2 to -15 degrees.

Masters of "MariSrub" will reliably and on time complete the construction of a wooden house according to an individual or standard project. We organize a full range of works, including the design and manufacture of lumber for the project, installation and protective treatment of the log house, installation of the roof and foundation, decorative trim.

We will carry out and connect engineering networks on the site, install a drainage system, perform insulation and other necessary work. We will tell you in detail how to properly care for a wooden house during further operation! After construction, you can always consult with the company's experts.
