Rein leash for child for safety and learning to walk. Does a child need a leash to walk? Children's walking leash

Using a safety leash for children, especially if the parents are growing up with twins or little ones, is a fairly common practice. When a child has grown up and learned to walk, his first desire, as a rule, is to run in different directions, and the desire of the parents is to protect him from accidents. Devices for holding a child near mom or dad can be divided into two main types: reins for children and a leash for children.

What is a child leash

The leash comes in two types, the difference between which is the fastening: on the body or wrist. Such a device consists of soft, but durable, tape - connecting the parent and the child, and a corset that is put on the baby's body. A tape is fixed on the same corset from the back. In the case of the model, fixed on the wrists, the tape is replaced by a bright silicone spring.

Despite the low popularity of these devices in Russia, some models are presented on the domestic market for children's goods. The most popular models in Russia and their average cost:

  • Diono Sure Steps - 1000 rubles.
  • Munchkin - 800 rubles.
  • Chicco - 900 rubles.
  • Child Anti-Lost Strap - 1000 rubles

The quality of each of them is at the same level and it is necessary to choose, starting from the comfort of the child.

What are reins for a child

The reins are completely different in functionality. If a leash for a child is designed to keep him in sight, then the purpose of the reins is to help with walking. Manufacturers use material identical to the leashes, but with one difference - the mount is located on the shoulders. This helps the child to take the first steps and to hold him in case of a fall.

The main models for Russian market are:

  • Bertoni First Steps - 500 rubles.
  • BabyOno - 600 rubles.
  • Globex - 200 rubles.
  • Uviton - 300 rub

In choosing the reins, you should be more careful, since the child most often does not know how to walk in them, and therefore creates a strong pressure on the belt of the reins. It is important that small parts of the device do not rub delicate skin baby. Of course, they are made of soft synthetics, but perhaps it is better to wear them not on bare skin, but on top of the panties.

What is the difference and where to apply


The leash, as already mentioned, is necessary to "maintain" the child in sight. Its full potential is revealed in families where there are twins or the weather. The most popular combination is when one child is in a stroller and the other is on a leash. This greatly facilitates the life of the parent and allows you to carefully monitor the more active of the children. Going to the supermarket, walking along busy streets, the airport - all this becomes not so scary if you combine a sling, stroller or kangaroo for the younger child with a leash for the older one.

The most suitable occasions for using a leash for a second child:

  • Open air, concerts - when noisy and fun events with big amount people, numerous communication with friends in a large and unfamiliar place threaten to lose sight of the older and active baby.

  • Talking with your "colleagues", the same parents, or other adults on the site. Distracted by the conversation, you don’t have to be afraid that your son or daughter will run away somewhere. The leash will always be in sight.

  • The older generation will also appreciate the children's leash. Especially the purchase of a leash will please grandparents, who are already very difficult to bend down and run. Having one leash paired with two leashes will make "oversight" easier and allow even the elderly to keep their grandchildren safe.

  • The airport is a tough place for older moms or twins. It is difficult to keep track of active kids, especially if the youngest is in her arms, but at least one free hand and active attention of the mother to paperwork are required. In this case, the combination of a kangaroo and a leash will literally “untie” your hands.

  • Walking around the city next to the roadway. It is very difficult to keep track of the children when walking around the city, especially unfamiliar, especially if there is a busy one nearby. road traffic. When carrying a stroller, it is impossible to quickly grab an older child who has run out onto the road, and the older child regularly slips out of sight. In this case, the reins or leash for an active baby will be the key to his safety.

Nevertheless, you should not relax completely, relying only on a leash. He is not a guarantor of absolute protection and release from parental responsibilities.


The difference between the reins and the leash is that the function of tracking the child is secondary. Help with walking comes to the fore. However, this in no way detracts from its secondary function. The reins are much more rational in the following conditions:

  • Airports or crowds, when the flow is so large that children need to be kept with you at all times. It also allows you to keep the speed in the flow, and, if necessary, immediately take the children in your arms.

  • Stores where you also need to keep children close to you, but at the same time free hands are needed.

  • On a walk, when there is no way to leave the stroller and keep the first-born who is learning to walk, and he does not want to play quietly, but longs to conquer the world. Feet. Two. In this case, slowly pushing the stroller with one hand, the other can gently lead the older child in the reins, allowing him to move independently without falling.

Under the indicated conditions, the reins are used even with those children who already know how to walk. This is due to the fact that if the leash allows any distance from the parents, then in the reins the children will not be able to move more than a step away and will follow along with their parents.

Safety is the main rule of successful operation

In a leash and reins for a child, do not forget about safety. In the case of a leash, you do not need to jerk it sharply, trying to pick up the child at the time of the fall. All this can lead to dislocation. Also, do not allow the leash to drag along the ground, because the legs of not only yours, but also other children can get tangled in it.

When using the reins, you need to watch the straps so that they do not envelop the neck in any case. Trying to raise a child in them is also not worth it, because only support is acceptable. Medicine does not even doubt the usefulness of the reins, so if you do not follow the basic instructions, then the use of such devices can lead to unwanted injuries.

Each parent decides what to choose independently, starting from the age and abilities of the weather. The use is permissible in any life situations, therefore, especially rational parents purchase both of these devices. There are no categorical minuses or pluses that gave an advantage to anyone. True, public opinion, not too familiar with the difficulties of mothers with two small children, willingly condemns these devices, but in the case of the safety of babies, each parent makes his own choice.

The first timid baby steps are always a joy for mom and dad. So that they are not overshadowed by numerous painful falls, manufacturers are creating more and more new accessories that protect against such failures. Their list also includes a special children's leash. What it is and how to use it correctly so as not to harm your baby, we will discuss in this article.

What is a children's leash and what types are there?

Children's reins- this is a fairly simple invention, the main function of which is to control the baby, who is just starting to learn to walk. This is a product made of soft but durable ribbons that gently wraps around the child, and mom or dad takes it by the free end.

This design is especially convenient for parents of twins or triplets, as well as for those mothers and fathers who have back problems and cannot lead children by the hand, as well as constantly lean towards them. Also, such kind of walkers are convenient for learning to walk in public places.

Exist different kinds children's leashes. Which one to choose for their crumbs, parents decide depending on personal preferences, the age of the child and financial capabilities.

Experts believe that the safest option is reins with a tight, rigid handle, which is attached to the body with special panties, and not under the armpits. It avoids excessive stress on the spine.

The leash, which is attached to the shoulders, chest and armpits of the crumbs, is also convenient. To prevent chafing, he usually has a soft fabric lining on his chest. The main advantage is that the straps of such reins can be adjusted, so they are suitable for wearing both winter and summer clothes.

And the simplest model consists of only strong lines and fasteners that can be easily adjusted as needed. But it is best used only for older children who are already able to stand on their legs, but are not yet too confident in their steps. After all, such reins are not able to support the child, they only slightly control his balance.

There is one more original model, which consists of their backpack, to which the leash is attached. This is a great option for independent kids who do not like to hold their parents' hands.

What age are they for?

It is difficult to accurately answer the question of at what age the accessory under discussion can be used. It depends on the individual characteristics of the development of the child. The model, which is attached like panties, is allowed to be used immediately, as soon as the child begins to try to take the first steps on his own. In it, the baby will hang like on a swing. But more simple models without strong fasteners, it is better to leave it for an older age.

Overview of popular rein-walkers

When choosing a special leash for your baby, first of all, you should pay attention to its comfort and safety. The device must be durable and reliable. It is better to refuse models with Velcro, as their crumbs can unfasten on their own.

Also, the product should not rub or crush children's skin.

Leash Canpol Babies

Comfortable children's reins with a bright spectacular design. Burgundy model with blue trim. In their manufacture, a strong strong fabric was used, which for a long time will not tear or rub.

With the help of this design, parents will be able to help the baby take their first steps on their own and not fall or get hurt.

Their main feature is that such reins can easily be transformed into a safety time for a stroller or high chair at dinner. Therefore, we can say that this is an accessory two in one.

Reins Chicco First Steps

Chicco produces a wide variety of comfortable accessories for children. There are also reins in their assortment. Many of them have a non-standard design, so both parents and children will like them. For example, on the chest of some models there is a portrait of a panda bear.

The design has very comfortable fasteners. It allows mom to save her back from excessive stress during the period when the baby takes her first steps. With her, the child does not have to constantly hold in her arms. They are equally convenient to use both at home and on the street. The parameters of the products are easily adjustable, so they will fit a variety of clothes.

Best Baby

This rein is a special soft but strong belt made of light fabric with narrow shoulder straps. At the back they have an additional tape that mom or dad will hold on to.

Many buyers will surely be attracted by the cost of this product. It averages only 150 rubles. You can buy these reins at any children's goods store.

At the back of the product is a strong plastic mount that the child will not be able to unfasten. You can wear it with comfort for both winter and summer clothes.

mom reviews

Angelina: I sewed the reins for my daughter with my own hands, because at the time when they were needed, there was no extra money in the family. The product turned out to be no worse than the purchased one. Therefore, I advise all mothers who know how to sew at least a little to do it on their own. And if there is in the house sewing machine then there won't be any problem at all.

Galina: For us, the Best Baby reins were completely useless. It's good that they are at least inexpensive, otherwise it would be a pity for the money. I bought them for 130 rubles. We had a pale blue model. Have only tried them a couple of times. The child was constantly pulling on the ropes from behind. Tried to turn around. I completely forgot about walking. Maybe it's our fidget, I don't know.
In the end, all the same, he learned to walk only by the hand with me or with dad. Therefore, I think that the product is useless.

Olga M.: Great accessory! I've always had trouble lifting weights. Therefore, I was very afraid that during the first steps of the child I would suffer greatly. As a result, I bought Chicco reins and forgot about the problems. All I had to do was support my daughter. No stress on my spine. I recommend to all fragile mothers!

Is it possible to do it yourself?

If you have time and desire, you can make such reins for a child with your own hands.

You will need to purchase:

  • 4 semi-automatic plastic fasteners;
  • 4 meters of special material - textile slings.

First of all, the parameters of the child are measured - the girth of the chest (the main thing is to leave a margin for the fastener), the distance from the middle to the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is measured arbitrarily, depending on the height of the parents.

When I first saw a child on a leash in the picture, I was shocked, and this is an understatement.

Immediately there were associations with a dog on a leash, which is kept on a leash so that it does not pounce and bite people or run away.

A child on a leash (as they gently call it on a “harness”) seemed wild and terrifying to me. What is this? Treating a child like a pet or laziness has so dumbed down the parents? In general, I decided that this was a joke, a photo joke.

However, to my regret, it turned out that this is a very common phenomenon in America, in Asia. And now progress has reached us, and I notice this invention, I see mothers “walking” their children on the street, alas, I can’t call it otherwise.

Yes, I will not dissemble that I did not consider a different point of view. I thought about it when my twins were 1 year old, they became very active and learned to walk, run, and my husband and I jokingly thought of buying them leashes to make it easier for me to walk with them.

Proponents of the leash say it is a very practical device for supporting the child, helping in learning to walk so that the child does not fall. In addition, the leash allows you to control the movement of the child and does not allow him to run away from adults over long distances, in general, this is the safety of the baby, he will not get lost in the crowd, he will always be in sight. It is also a good way to protect against child abduction.

I would definitely not buy for my older daughter. But why did I think when twins were born. Let's go in order.

Firstly. Two children of the same age with their own interests, whims and tantrums, it's tough, and especially on the street, where there is a lot of interesting, new and very large space.

The twins are different personalities, different people and develop accordingly in different ways. If they sat together in the stomach and were born on the same day and almost at the same time, it does not mean that they are absolutely the same and will develop in the same way and learn the world in the same way, explore it together. It’s completely different with us, maybe because they were immediately perceived as individuals, and later they noticed that their interests were completely different and they ran away during a walk, even rode on different swings, played different toys.

Secondly. I am against walkers and other tools that teach walking, I believe that the child should sit down on his own, he should start walking. This is a natural development. Before starting to walk, the child's body must be ready and strong so that there are no problems in the future.

Thirdly. Due to their age, children do not understand that there is danger on the street, cars, bad people, swings, other children with their own interests.

Of course, it was hard to keep track of two at once, at first I walked alone in a stroller with them, but they didn’t want to sit in it for a long time and when they got out my husband helped me (he came from work, met us for a walk and joined us), we walked together followed their adventures, and also at the same time for the eldest, since she already adult girl and knows the rules of behavior on the street.

We did not buy leashes

We are for the natural development of children, for children to learn new things and discover something interesting, because this is an integral and important part of a child's development. And without research, there will be no discovery. We are for the child to learn the world through his experience. Of course, we, as parents, do our best to make the experience more painless. Therefore, we do not limit children, but teach and warn of danger.

It's great that this was just a joke, we didn't buy leashes, all the same, to perceive a child as a dog is wild for me personally.

Although at first it was not easy for me to walk alone with the children, but it did not last long, because over time my children learned to walk together, obey, not run away, they understand that there is a danger (cars, bad people).

Now children walk and play together, appeared common interests, they don’t run away, they began to obey and understand, they already notice the danger themselves (they don’t run out onto the road, don’t throw themselves under cars, hold hands) another big plus is that the eldest daughter helps, teaches the younger ones how to behave on the street. So now walking is just a pleasant pastime.

I drew conclusions for myself, but how do you feel about this?

Small poll:

1. Do you have a leash (harness) for your children?

2. Will you buy for your baby when he just starts walking?

3. What if you had twins?

4. What if there are triplets and more children?

Answers in the comments.

The first steps of a child are a long-awaited joy for parents, however, such joy can be overshadowed by a large number of falls and related injuries. Reins for children can provide complete safety for beginners.

This rather simple device is useful for controlling a child who is just learning to walk and stands unsteadily on his legs. Reins or a leash for teaching a child to walk will be useful for those parents who are physically unable to lead the baby by the hands (for example, with back pain), who often go with the baby in crowded places (railway station, shopping centers), and for those who want to facilitate the period of rapid growth of the child's physical activity. The reins are also convenient for those who have children of the same age or twins.

Manufacturers offer several models of children's walking reins, depending on the age and personal preferences of the parents.

What should be remembered when choosing the reins for the baby?

  1. Safety. When choosing reins, check how strong the lines and clamps are. When walking, do not let the child play on his own with a leash or lead other children with the help of the reins. Do not choose reins that are fixed with Velcro, their child will be able to unfasten on their own.
  2. Comfort. When buying reins, consider the degree of comfort of the device: the materials should not rub the skin of the child or crush it during movement.

Some parents, who find reins a good and useful tool, are deterred from buying reins by the price. In this case, many mothers are wondering how to make the reins for the child on their own. We offer you a master class on sewing the simplest model of children's reins. You do not need to be a professional seamstress to do this, and you can even do without a sewing machine.

Do-it-yourself reins for children

To make a leash, you will need 4 meters of textile slings and 4 fastex (semi-automatic plastic fastener). To correctly calculate the length of the straps, you should measure the child and add a few centimeters for clothing and wrap.
