Formation of the child's personality in various activities. Raising a child in various activities

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6.2. Volitional qualities of a person in musical activity To implement volitional behavior, a person must possess the so-called volitional qualities. Among these, psychologists call: initiative, determination, independence, perseverance, endurance,

Generally recognized in Russian psychology is the position that development occurs in the process appropriations individual socio-historical experience of people. At the same time, "appropriation" is not a passive adaptation of the child to the prevailing conditions of the surrounding life. It appears as a result of active activity, through which he masters the socially developed ways of orientation in the objective world and the means of its transformation, which gradually become the forms of activity of a growing person (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin and others).

It is necessary to point out exclusively important point: in order to correctly reflect the surrounding phenomena and assimilate the true meanings of these objects, the child “... must carry out in relation to them an activity that is adequate to the human activity that is “objectified”, “embodied” in them.

The development of mental processes and personality traits of a child depends on the characteristics of the content and structure of his activity.

All the qualities, properties of the child's personality, and desires, and goals, interests and abilities are manifested and formed in deeds, in various types her active work. It is in the process of active assimilation of social experience by the child that his goals and motives, his aspirations and desires, his personal characteristics are revealed. In the process of activity (playing, learning, working), the child enters into numerous and varied relationships with his peers and adults. His interests, motives, feelings and abilities become versatile. Depending on what and how the child does, i.e. what is the content of his activity, from the organization and conditions of this activity and the attitude of the child himself to the activity performed, he develops certain inclinations, abilities, character traits, stable habits of behavior. The personality of the child is formed in activity.

The problem of the role of various types of activity in the mental development of the child is being intensively developed in various directions: psychological features games, teaching, labor and communication of children of different ages and the influence of these activities on the development of individual mental processes and the formation of the child's personality as a whole.

The leading role in infancy has a kind of activity - direct emotional communication - which was revealed in the studies of M.I. Lisina and her staff. It turned out that observed already in the first months of a child's life and described by N.P. Figurin and A.M. Shchelovanov "complex of revival" is a special form of emotional communication between a child and adults. Initially, it manifests itself as a "passive" complex emotional reaction to the appearance of an adult with the help of mimicry-expressive means (smile, movements, mostly chaotic, etc.). Under certain conditions, these reactions cease into a system of active actions aimed at attracting the attention of others, communicating with them, etc. (voice reaction, laughter, crying, etc.). Numerous facts accumulated in child psychology show that direct emotional communication plays a very important role in the development and formation of a child's personality.

By the end of the first year of a child's life, object-manipulative activity, carried out jointly with an adult, begins to acquire a leading role. In the course of it, the child masters the socially established ways of using household items and the simplest tools. In the process of action with objects and toys, children intensively develop individual mental processes, especially perception and visual-active thinking. As they master actions with specific objects, children begin to transfer these actions to other objects that have a different purpose in life. There is a generalization of subject actions. Thus, a prerequisite is created for the transition to play activity, which becomes the leading one in preschool childhood.

The game must be considered as a form of "life and special activity of the child in orientation to the world of human actions, human relations, tasks and motives of human activity"1.

A great contribution to the formation of personality and the development of certain aspects of the child's psyche is made by role-playing, which reaches the highest point of its development at the senior preschool age.

Roles, game actions, game use of objects and interpersonal relationships between playing children, expressed in various remarks, remarks, through which the course of the game is regulated - all these are components of a role-playing game. Children, with the help of game actions corresponding to the accepted roles, express relationship between people.

Thus, the game is a special way of penetrating into spheres of life and relationships of adults that are inaccessible for direct participation of children, one of the forms of preparing children for subsequent participation in society.

It is necessary to distinguish between the general developmental and narrowly didactic significance of play in the development of the child. Didactic value is reduced to the acquisition of new ideas, skills and abilities. The general developmental significance of the game is manifested in the emergence of motives of activity that are new in their content, the formation of some general mechanisms cognitive activity and development of voluntary behavior. For example, towards the end of school age there is a desire to become an adult, a concrete expression of which is the desire to go to school and begin to carry out serious socially significant activities.

It is in the game activity that the preschooler develops the main psychological neoplasms - orientation to the people around him, the ability to evaluate his actions and deeds in terms of their requirements, personal "mechanisms" of behavior develop - control and self-control, evaluation and self-esteem.

The game also develops children's imagination, the ability to operate with symbols and signs, which in a generalized form represent or replace real objects and their relationships. The desire for social evaluation, developed imagination and the ability to use symbols are the main points that characterize the child's readiness for school.

All cognitive information and skills are acquired by preschoolers in the form of a game (through a rich series of didactic games). Teaching in this period has not yet become an independent component of preschool education.

Educational activity as a special activity of a person in the assimilation of theoretical forms of thinking or a more complex form of people's experience becomes leading in primary school age. It becomes the main content of the child's life, although the child learns a certain part of the experience in play, communication, and objective actions. Educational activity is formed as a result of a gradual restructuring of play activity, during which the motives of the child's behavior change significantly, new sources of development of his cognitive and moral forces are opened.

According to L.I. Bozovic and others, learning activity differs from play, first of all, by its motivation. Already towards the end preschool age game motives gradually lose their motivating force for the child, and the child develops a desire for serious cognitive, socially significant activity. However, the social meaning of teaching is revealed in the process of schooling: children gradually begin to understand that not the achievement of any external results, but the very improvement through the assimilation of new knowledge and techniques, the development of abilities necessary for future activities, is the main thing in educational activity.

The formation of new motives and new tasks in the process of learning activity leads to a radical change in the child's internal position, a transition from a "practical" or "utilitarian" position to a "theoretical" or "cognitive" position.

The structure of educational activity differs in many respects from the structure of the game: it is purposeful, productive, mandatory, arbitrary. It serves as a subject of public assessment and therefore determines the position of the student among those around him, on which his inner position and his well-being depend.

Due to these features, educational activity becomes the activity that forms the main psychological neoplasms of primary school age: theoretical forms of thinking, cognitive interests, the ability to control one's behavior, a sense of responsibility, and many other qualities of the mind and character of a student that distinguishes them from preschool children.

Educational activity, according to the famous psychologist V.V. Davydov, is the basis for the emergence of junior schoolchildren two basic properties of mental processes - their arbitrariness and the ability to flow “in the mind”, “to oneself”, which allows the child to plan their work in advance.

About leading activity adolescence there is no consensus. In the 1960s, two assumptions were put forward. According to one of them, the leading type of activity in a teenager is communication, the subject of which is another person, and the content is building relationships and interactions with him. According to the second, socially useful activity is the leading one. Works recent years give preference to the latter. So, V.V. Davydov points out that “the leading activity of adolescence is socially useful activity in any of its forms: production and labor, artistic, social organizational, sports, educational. All forms of socially useful activity, and most importantly, free transition from one form to another, are the basis for building different types of communication ”().

Thus, socially useful activity, which ensures the deployment of various forms of communication, the expansion of communication in different systems, is the leading activity of adolescence. It is these activities that most fully correspond to the social situation of the adolescent's development and his inner position.

In high school, according to some researchers, educational activities again come to the fore, but with a professional bias. It happens, according to V.V. Davydov, as it were, a return to learning, but not just to mastering the basics of individual sciences, but possible areas of professional activity (differentiation of educational interests, more in-depth study of some academic subjects).

However, many domestic psychologists are unanimous that the problems of self-determination, the search for the purpose and meaning of one's existence first appear as relevant and therefore begin to play the role of the most important factors in mental development in early adolescence.

“The main psychological neoplasm of an older student,” writes V.V. Davydov, is self-consciousness, i.e. reflection on one's own life path and on accepted social values.

According to L.I. Bozhovich, the choice of a further life path, self-determination, become for boys and girls the center of the life situation, around which all their activities and all their interests begin to revolve.

Early youth is the time of moral self-determination. At this time, the world of ideas begins to be compared more and more closely with real life the behavior of other people. The young man, as it were, tries on what he hears about, what he sees around him: what would I do in his place, could I, would I agree. etc.

At the time of youth, a person begins to consciously build his own ideals. First, a completely conscious goal is set - to find your ideal, and then there is a complex internal work to create such a deliberate ideal. The transition to a generalized ideal is the most important point for the entire moral and mental development of a person in early youth. Only now the principles of behavior from unstable and imitative completely become internal and stable, forming in their totality a single, clearly created moral position - the core of the personality. Now this position itself builds and transforms a young man or girl more and more powerfully, more and more determines the main directions of their spiritual development, and at the same time the specific features of their appearance. For boys and girls, intellectual activity acquires a personal character, which is associated with self-determination and their desire to develop their own worldview. According to L.I. Bozhovich, they “have a real need to form their own idea about everything around them, to affirm their personal worldview, worldview”1. All this gives grounds to say that the activity of self-determination becomes leading at this age.

A child is a social being, for whom the environment is not only a condition for development, but also its source. The child enters into an infinite number of relationships with the outside world and develops as a result. These relations of the child with the outside world are carried out through an adult as an intermediary (Scheme 5.25).

Under the guidance of an adult, a preschooler masters new types of activities (play, productive activities), enters into new forms of communication (out-of-situation-cognitive, out-of-situation-personal). All this is important for those qualitative changes in the mental development of the child that occur in the preschool period. During this period, the psychological mechanisms of personal behavior are formed.

Even at the age of 2-3 years, the child separates himself from others, realizes his own increased capabilities. But this is especially clearly manifested towards the end of the senior preschool age, when the discovery of one's inner life occurs and self-consciousness develops (Scheme 5.26).

SELF-ESTEEM preschooler (Scheme 5.27) is formed, on the one hand, under the influence of adults' praise, their assessments of the child's achievements; and on the other hand, under the influence of a sense of independence and success that the child experiences in various activities:

  • ? in drawing, the child evaluates himself correctly;
  • ? overestimates in literacy;
  • ? in singing underestimates.

The child earlier realizes those qualities, features of behavior that most often assessed by an adult, no matter how he does it - with a word, a gesture, a facial expression, a smile. First of all, children realize those qualities and behavioral characteristics of peers that are most often evaluated by others and on which, therefore, their position in the group depends to a greater extent.

Self-assessment criteria depend on the adult, the adopted system educational work(see diagram 5.27). How does an adult evaluate the child and peers? If an adult is indifferent, does not pay attention to the child, then his self-image becomes predominantly negative, and low self-esteem. As a result, the defensive reaction is intensified (crying, screaming, rage, delay in mental and social skills, defects in the formation of feelings).

For the formation of self-esteem, the activity in which the child is included, and the assessment of his achievements by adults and peers, is important.

Scheme 5.25

Formation of the personality of a preschooler

Scheme 5.26

Development of self-awareness of a preschooler

Scheme 5.27

Development of children's self-esteem depending on the characteristics

education (according to M.I. Lisina)


  • ? children who highlight their I through activities overestimate their self-esteem;
  • ? children who highlight their I through the sphere of relationships - self-esteem is often underestimated;
  • ? children with different status, position in the group - evaluate themselves differently. "Unpopular" kids overestimate themselves.

An adult must:

  • ? help the child in understanding his characteristics not only in activities, but also in behavior, attitude towards others;
  • ? help to form an adequate self-esteem, high.

Children with high self-esteem:

  • ? feel more confident in the group;
  • ? show their interests more actively;
  • ? set higher goals.

However, overestimated self-esteem can lead to arrogance, aggressiveness. Helping a child to increase his self-esteem, an adult thereby helps him gain self-confidence and popularity in the group.

So, a preschooler sees himself through the eyes of close adults who educate him. If the assessment and expectations in the family do not correspond to the characteristics of the child, his self-image will be distorted. In general, the self-esteem of a preschooler is very high, which helps him to master new activities, without doubt and fear to be included in the preparation for school.

?? Situation. Some parents systematically underestimate their children. Others, on the contrary, overestimate.

> What is the relationship between the development of a child's self-esteem?

Solution. Underestimation has a negative effect

on the accuracy of children's determination of the results of their actions, often entails distrust, disputes, and even refusal of activities.

Overestimation has a double effect on the behavior of the preschooler:

  • ? distorts the representation of the child in the direction of exaggerating the results of his actions;
  • ? mobilizes the strength of the child, stimulates confidence in achieving high results.

In the formation of a child's objective ideas about himself, accurate assessments of an adult are important.

The formation of the personality of a preschooler occurs in the following areas: the subordination of motives, the assimilation of moral norms and the formation of arbitrary behavior. In this process, an important role belongs to an adult who leads the child, creates conditions for him and is a role model. By older age, a socially significant “must” is formed. Recall that in younger age It was a personal "I want".

The subordination of motives is the most important neoplasm in the development of the personality of a preschooler.

Thanks to the development of the mechanism of subordination of motives, older preschoolers more easily limit their immediate desires.

?? Situation. At the beginning of the preschool period, there is a subordination of motives. The very mechanism of subordination and assimilation by the child of new, higher motives of activity is formed.

> Is this process the same for all children?

Solution. Dominant attitudes appear in different children: in some - prestigious (egocentric); others are altruistic; the third - aimed at achieving success.

Involving in new activities, in new systems of relationships, preschoolers also master new motives for achieving goals, competition, rivalry, etc.

According to their motive power, motives can be distributed as follows:

  • 1) incentives, rewards;
  • 2) motives associated with punishments;
  • 3) motives associated with prohibitions.

The child's own promises usually have no motivating force. It is useless to demand promises from him.

It must be borne in mind that a series of broken promises reinforces such a personality trait as optionality.

Among the different motives in the behavior of children, various dominant motives, selfish, collectivistic and related to the content of the activity, among the social motives - the motive for achieving success.

The appearance of a certain orientation, the foreground of a group of motives, their subordination lead to the fact that the preschooler is increasingly trying to achieve the goal (Scheme 5.28)

Scheme 5.28

Purposefulness of actions of a preschooler

  • ?? Situation. Misha (5 years old) started sculpting a bunny, but when he saw that Kolya was drawing, he switched to drawing. In another situation, Misha started drawing a car, but in the process of drawing his goal changed and he drew a boat.

> What are the reasons for such actions of Misha?

Solution. With the fact that Misha does not know how to keep the goal of the activity. He has yet to learn this under the guidance of an adult.

FEELINGS preschooler are involuntary. They quickly flare up, are pronounced brightly and quickly go out. Rough fun is often replaced by tears. The whole life of a child of early and preschool age is subject to his feelings. He still cannot control his feelings.

The mood of the child largely depends on relationships with adults and peers.

If adults are attentive to the child, respect him as a person, then he experiences emotional well-being: the positive qualities of the child, a benevolent attitude towards other people, are manifested and consolidated.

If adults bring grief to a child, then he acutely experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction, transferring a negative attitude to others and toys.

The younger the preschooler, the more the characteristics of the object and subjective experience are merged. For example, a doctor, giving an injection and causing pain, is a “bad aunt” for a child.

The development of emotions, feelings of the child is associated with certain social situations. Violation of the usual situation (change of regimen, lifestyle of the child) can lead to the appearance of affective reactions, as well as fear. Dissatisfaction (suppression) of new needs in a child during a crisis period can cause a state of frustration. Frustration manifests itself as aggression (anger, rage, the desire to attack the enemy) or depression, a passive state. When a child begins to draw himself in difficult situations or just draw scary dreams- This is a signal of an unfavorable emotional state.

At preschool age, higher feelings begin to develop - moral aesthetic, intellectual. The highest feelings are formed on the basis of the concepts "Bad - good", "beautiful - ugly", and on the basis of cognitive needs.

The fusion of feelings is characteristic:

GOOD means GOOD (moral experiences);

GOOD means BEAUTIFUL (aesthetic experiences);

GOOD means INTERESTING (intellectual experiences)

When learning analysis of feelings and their evaluation is differentiated:

moral feelings- Pride, shame, friendship and trust develop on the basis of the existing situation in the family and the activities of the child. When a five-year-old girl, Dr. B. Spock says, dresses in her mother's dress, it's not the dress that attracts her - she wants to look like her mother and feel like her mother.

A high level of social feelings in preschoolers, according to T.D. Marcinkowska, positively correlates with a high level of intelligence.

?? Situation. My grandparents had two preschool granddaughters at their summer cottage who often expressed their love for them. But the girls expressed a greater feeling of love and tenderness to their parents.

> Should a grandmother be jealous of her granddaughters for their parents?

Solution. A grandmother needs to understand that preschoolers show great love for their parents, whatever they may be. This feeling is manifested in their stories about mom and dad, in their drawings and gifts prepared for them.

?? Situation. Dima (3.5 years old) got a brother Alyosha, to whom he began to be jealous of his mother. This began to manifest itself in the fact that he stopped dressing himself in order to attract the attention of his mother, although he already did it well, etc.

> How to reduce Dima's feeling of jealousy?

Solution. Dr. H. J. Ginot recommends that during the period of expectation of a child, how to anticipate the manifestation of feelings of jealousy in a conversation with a son (daughter): “Brother will not only bring us joy, but also require care. You may think that your mother has forgotten about you, you will become jealous of me. It will seem to you that I love only my brother, but I have stopped loving you. If this comes to your mind, be sure to tell me about it. You will understand that I love you." Dad can also suffer from the lack of attention from mom. The situation requires special attention.

?? Situation. Experiments have shown that preschoolers often develop envy and gloating. In a game, for example, a child may suddenly shout: “You won’t hit, you won’t hit. By!"

> What is the role of an adult in such a situation?

Solution. Struggling with the envy of a child, an adult must help the envious person to take a worthy place among his comrades, to satisfy the need to be on a par with others.

aesthetic feelings children attending kindergarten, with the active participation of parents, develop rapidly: preschoolers prefer beautiful toys, clothes, pictures. They have an interest in poetry, fairy tales, music. Movement to music develops a sense of rhythm.

By the age of 5-6, children master the skills of drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Their observation and independence in artistic creativity is growing.

The development of aesthetic feelings is largely determined by the artistic abilities of those who bring up children. An adult can teach a child what he owns. Therefore, a kindergarten with its capabilities is preferable during preschool childhood.

?? Situation. At the dacha, when organizing competitions among 5-6-year-old children for the manufacture of "cakes", " beautiful tables» showed great artistic creativity. It was difficult for the judges to distribute the prizes among the children.

> What situations may arise during the distribution of prizes?

Solution. In the distribution of prizes, resentment arises, since each of the participants in the competition considers their work to be the best. Therefore, it is necessary to single out the work of each from the good side, taking into account the individuality of the child, and to award prizes to everyone.

Intellectual Feelings- Surprise and curiosity arise relatively early, when a child, together with adults, builds towers from cubes, is surprised at their unusualness, harmony and stability (“does not fall”), is surprised that a cyclist can ride along a vertical wall in a circus. A lot of amazing things happen in the circus. A sense of wonder promotes a sense of curiosity. "It's really interesting," the adult says and asks challenging questions.

With great success, preschoolers solve inventive problems in kindergarten (see Appendix 3).

Praxic feelings in children arise in practical activities. The success and failure of a child in practical activities largely depends on adults and their reactions.

?? Situation. Children react differently to activities that are accompanied by different successes. There are different feelings. Some have a feeling of monotony, they refuse to do the work. Others have a feeling of difficulty and failure, resulting in a negative attitude towards activity. Still others have a feeling of helplessness ("I won't try...").

> What should an adult do in this situation?

Solution. An adult should take into account that children develop their abilities for activities in different ways. When giving a task, it is necessary, as it were, to “try on” it to the capabilities of the child (the task must be doable). Then you should ensure the emergence of positive emotions and a successful outcome. Unpleasant experiences associated with activity can persist for a long time. Children, feeling insecure in their abilities, will refuse any activity. In such cases, an adult should help the child answer the questions why it did not work out and what needs to be done to make it work?

Ensuring the success of the activity, one can evoke positive praxic feelings. This is important for the development of the child, his self-esteem, the motives for his actions, his attitude towards peers, etc.

With moral development child. Requirements, norms and ideals, connecting with the emotional sphere, become an organic part of the personality (Scheme 5.29).

Scheme 5.29

The emotional sphere of the child

For example, a kindergarten teacher might:

A. Demand immediately B. Tell the children what a joy

tidy up will cause in toddlers who

room after the game will come after them to the clean room

Development of emotions and feelings in preschoolers depends on a number of conditions.

1 .In the process of communication of the child with peers. With insufficient emotional contact in preschool institutions there may be a delay emotional development which can last for a lifetime. The teacher should strive to establish close emotional contacts with each child.

Relationships with other people, their actions are the most important source of feelings - joy, tenderness, sympathy, anger, etc.

Feelings that arise in a child in relation to other people are easily transferred to the characters fiction- fairy tales, stories. Experiences can also arise in relation to animals, toys, plants. The child sympathizes, for example, with a broken flower.

In a family, a child has the opportunity to experience a whole range of experiences, which is why friendly relationships are so important.

Improper communication in the family can lead to:

  • ? to one-sided attachment, more often to the mother. At the same time, the need to communicate with peers weakens;
  • ? to jealousy when a second child appears in the family, if the first child feels deprived;
  • ? to fear when adults express despair at the slightest pretext threatening the child. And in a normal situation, excitement can arise. Fear can be instilled in the child, such as the fear of the dark. If a child is afraid of the dark, then the darkness itself will frighten him.
  • 2. When specially organized activities (for example, music lessons) children learn to experience certain feelings associated with the perception of music.
  • 3. With age appropriate kind of activity - in a game saturated with experiences.
  • 4. In the course of joint employment (cleaning the site, group room), when the emotional unity of a group of preschoolers develops.

Depending on the current situation, any qualitatively diverse feelings and emotions (love, hate, joy, anger) can be positive, negative, indicative.

In general, children are optimistic about life situations. They have a cheerful, cheerful mood.

shares. Expressive movements are one of the means of communication. The development of emotions and feelings is associated with the development of other mental processes and, to the greatest extent, with speech.

The expressive side of the child's emotions and feelings becomes different. The child learns the "language" of feelings. He expresses his feelings with the help of facial expressions, smiles, gestures, postures, movements, etc. The preschooler learns to explain his condition in words (“I was offended”, “I miss”, “I am happy”). Note that it is sometimes difficult for an adult to do this.

?? Situation. Gloomy, irritable children grow up, as a rule, in families where parents make comments on every occasion, now and then blame him for something.

> Will the child seek to behave differently?

Solution. A child who is being punished experiences a feeling of anxiety, humiliation. There is a feeling of revenge. He will not behave differently, he does not have the skills of positive behavior and the corresponding positive feelings. But the constant fear of punishment contributes to the development of pessimism in the personality of the child.

?? Situation. There are joys and sorrows in the life of a preschooler.

> Is it necessary to try so that there are only joys in the life of a child?

Solution. No no need. There must be both joys and sorrows to mobilize one's forces. The child must be ready for such a life as it is. With all the grief, the child should have a general cheerful, cheerful mood. Attention and optimism are the main sources that support children's joy.

Exercise. Watch your preschooler.

  • 1. What brings joy to the child:
    • ? in joint activities with parents;
    • ? joint activities with peers;
    • ? individual activity.
  • 2. What brings grief:
    • ? in family relationships;
    • ? joint activities with parents;
    • ? individual lessons,
    • ? ask the child: “What brings you the most grief?” Will. Psychologists I. Ranshburg and P. Popper build a chain like this

events in the relationship between adults and children.

Developing self-control in a child associated with language acquisition. With the help of language, he can formulate the purpose of his actions (plan their sequence), correlate with moral categories. Voluntary action is initially distributed between an adult and a child. The word expressing the request belongs to an adult. Having mastered the language, the child already gives commands to himself to carry out the action. Stretching out his hand to the fire, he says to himself: "It is impossible" and removes his hand.

?? Situation. The development of self-control in a child is associated with the acquisition of language.

> When will a word that encourages a child to act acquire a signal value?

Solution. The words “necessary” and “impossible”, which encourage the child to act, acquire a signal meaning when an adult reinforces the word with encouragement (good, right) or censure (so bad). The child develops internal censorship, with the requirements of which he will begin to correlate his actions.

If the adult says “no” and the child runs away without taking away the toys, and such a failure to comply with the requirement remains without consequences, then the child will not develop a positive habit.

Disadvantages of self-control in preschoolers due to:

  • ? underdeveloped conceptual thinking (they cannot foresee all the consequences of their behavior and consciously correlate their actions with it);
  • ? the fact that the foundations of moral behavior are only assimilated.

In this article:

The child grows - his abilities, attitude towards himself and others change. He gradually becomes part of society. Activity plays an important role in the development of his psyche and personality. It can be divided into subject-manipulative and social. On the one hand, to be a part of society, it is necessary to know and use social mechanisms. On the other hand, we are surrounded by the world of things, and learning to use them is a must.

Normal development of the personality implies a transition from one type of activity to another.. This is a rather rigid stepwise process: the transition between types is carried out only when the goal of the previous stage is achieved. One of the most important types will play activity. It is relevant from early childhood and persists almost until the end of puberty.. This is not only entertainment for the child, but also an opportunity to learn how to use objects for their intended purpose, to simulate life situations.

What is an activity?

Before talking about the role played by different types of human activity in the development of his personality, it is necessary to clarify what activity is. This includes two large blocks of concepts:

  • material world;
  • social sphere.

To use all household items and tools, knowledge, experience and training are necessary. Once upon a time, for the first time, we all held a fork ourselves, washed ourselves, tried to brush our teeth. Now for us these are simple, familiar actions, but it was not always so. A child always has an example before his eyes - adults. From parents and educators, teachers, we learn how
use certain items correctly to get the desired result.

Activities in the social sphere are communication, contacts, assimilation of the moral norms of society. The role of activity in this area is no less. In the same way, we learn to communicate, get to know each other, resolve conflict situations, how to brush our teeth or handle a fork. Once everything happens for the first time, and in order to achieve results, training is necessary.

Any activity is aimed at achieving a specific goal. The goal is set by the child. The most important thing here is that in any chosen the child wanted to succeed. Aimless activity will not bring any results. In the development of the individual, the moment of achieving the goal is of great importance.

When one of the activities can be mastered, a transition is made to another. The change of such processes contributes to timely mental development. For a child, this is normal satisfaction from the result achieved. This process is associated with growing up. Each time, his knowledge base about the world, objects, connections between people increases.

Necessity and need for activity

The role of activity is very great for the proper development of the baby. Independent activity will always be a positive factor for personal, physical and mental development. And what older child the more diverse the activities should be. These include:

  • gaming activity;
  • aimed at learning;
  • subject (this also includes sports);
  • communication, etc.

Parents need to understand that their baby is growing. This means that his interests and needs will change. Need in
activity must be present, otherwise there can be no question of correct development. The child is interested in playing with toys and other children. He begins to explore the world, to study it with different accessible ways. Then more meaningful activities will begin - study.

It is important to remember that a healthy need for activity (any kind of activity) should be controlled by parents, but not completely limited. All children need to play: at 3 years old, 5 years old, 10 or even 15 years old. The desire to learn is also completely normal at any age, from the first months of life. Already by the age of 2-3, the independence of the child begins to actively manifest itself, and his actions become more meaningful. So that he develops normally, becomes a personality, substantive activity is needed.

Leading activity

The leading species is usually called the one that, at a given age, at a given stage of development, forms more complex psychological neoplasms. Simply put, each age period corresponds to certain types of activities. They help the child get better understand the world , relationships, yourself. Step by step, with the experience gained, the personality is rebuilt, changing. The older the child, the more difficult the activity.

Here main feature that activities do not just change, but accumulate over
the snowball principle. The farther, the more activities can be combined into a leading direction. IN different ages the direction of the leading activity will change in the child.
In the development of the psyche of children, the change in the leading types of activity is rather strictly regulated. Their formation depends on age, social status, opportunities. The transition from one type to another occurs in a well-defined order, as each type prepares the personality for the transition to the next level. Only this guarantees the child's personality a normal, harmonious development, and there can be no exceptions.

Emotional Communication

From the first days of life to a year, communication can be called the leading direction. Its role is enormous the instinct of self-preservation- rather learn to communicate with those who are nearby. During this period, it is important for the baby to learn to establish social contacts, to receive emotional feedback. At this time, he begins to recognize people, to distinguish parents from strangers, acquaintances. Mom causes him the most emotions: he looks for her with his eyes, cries when she leaves for a long time. Gradually, the child gets used to the rest of the relatives and people who often appear in sight.

subject activity

The object-manipulative direction of activity is inherent in kids from 1 to 3 years old. This is the first substantive activity aimed at formation of social behavior. Now the most important thing is to learn how to communicate, interact. The kid learns not only to communicate, but also to handle a variety of objects. The main feature of this period is repetition after adults.

During this period, as much as possible stimulate the child's need to learn to do something himself. Some children do not even need stimulation, they are very independent on their own. Others need to be encouraged.
Manipulative activity is, simply put, the desire to understand how this or that object or mechanism (not only tangible, but also social) functions. The kid sees how the mother turns on the TV using the remote control. He takes it in
hands, tries to raise, lower, presses the buttons. Or he learns to use pencils to draw: he tries to understand by experience how to hold, which side to drive on paper, etc.

If you limit the child, do not let him study, use objects on his own, then he will quickly lose interest in learning and everything new. Here the role of parents is great, who should not limit the manifestations of independence in babies 2-3 years old. Thus, they only interfere with the normal development process, slowing it down.

A game

One of the most important types is a play activity. It persists not only in children, but also in adults. Its influence on the development of the personality of the child is undeniable. The game is entertainment, recreation, but also an important part of learning. While playing, kids simulate real life situations. During the game, children use imagination, logic, fantasy, create and solve problems.
The role of the game is huge, because it is a safe “testing ground” where the baby can get to know himself and others better.

The importance of this activity cannot be underestimated. Sometimes mothers of first-graders defiantly take away toys, saying “now you are an adult, you need to study, not play.” For a child, this is a traumatic statement. Through the game, the child will learn to communicate, understand the world, model situations and behavior for a long time. Gradually, this activity will become less and less important, but parents should not prohibit games..


From 6 to 11 years old, the main place in the life of a child is education.. Now it is important to master the theoretical forms of thinking - in other words, children are taught to learn. Here the teacher plays an important role, who needs to understand how to interest and captivate the kids. Now it is worth considering the peculiarities of the mental development of the child: he is interested in everything bright, interesting, unusual. study in primary school gives the child a lot:

  • the norms of social behavior are assimilated;
  • first plans for the future;
  • reveals the social component of the personality;
  • volitional development (children learn to separate “I want” and “need”);
  • joy in achieving a goal;
  • self-criticism (I want to do better than others, there is an opportunity to independently assess the significance and quality of work);
  • a responsible attitude to objective activity is formed.

Leading activities of teenagers

Adolescents aged 10-15 now have two leading activities: communication and study. In the development of personality, the social environment is of particular importance: where does one study, what, who teaches, as well as with whom and how the child communicates. This is the time to reveal your abilities. Here, the children themselves begin to understand who they are, what they want, how to achieve what they want. Now it is very important for them to feel that they are not alone. This requires communication.

Many parents
teenagers are scolded for their constant desire to talk on the phone, go for walks, visit each other. However, there is nothing surprising or negative here. It is important for a teenager to know that he is not alone, but part of a group, and the group accepts and supports him..

For young people from 15 to 18 years old, the vector of activity is again shifted to study, but the subject-labor direction is also added. It is important to understand here that now a person will need all his previous experience. It is too late for parents to accuse an 18-year-old boy or girl of a lack of independence or unwillingness to learn, because the early years were the most important in personality development. And at the age of 17-18, there are usually desires, plans, dreams and, most importantly, an understanding of how to achieve what you want. This is the result of the normal mental development of the individual.

Personal development in preschool age is inextricably linked with awareness of the image of oneself. The child, step by step, gets an idea about a person in general and about himself as one of the people. This awareness is facilitated by the inclusion of a preschooler in various activities and communication.

Stages of personality formation in preschool age

The formation of personality implies the development and moral qualities, the formation of a worldview and self-awareness, the development of independence in activities and social activity. This is not a complete list of those features that characterize a person's personality, but they are the main driving forces in the formation of a child's personality.

These components are laid in preschool age. An active start can be considered a 3-year-old age, when a child wakes up. By the beginning of schooling, the formation of personality overcomes two important stages that contribute to the development of the main age-related features:

  1. The stage of becoming independent
  2. Stage of formation of personal initiative.

The first stage of the personal development of a preschooler is aimed at a gradual decrease in physical dependence on an adult and the acquisition of independence. The kid repeatedly announces to his parents and grandmothers his need to act on his own. “I myself” - sounds in the activity that is interesting to the baby.

The child is trying his hand. Such an understandable action, like folding toys, does not interest the baby at all, since it is understandable and feasible. But pouring soup into a bowl with a ladle or pinning a pin on a blouse is incredibly exciting!

The second stage involves the transition from the choice that an adult offers the child to the manifestation of one's own initiative. This is a significant expansion of the boundaries of development. “I want to fold this model of the designer”, “I will also water the flowers”, “You know what game I came up with ...” - the initiative of older preschoolers extends to everything.

Numerous changes take place on these steps of the personal development of the preschooler. Judgments and criteria are developed: what is possible, what is not, what is good and what is bad. Emotional and volitional qualities develop. But in the field of personality development, the main achievement of preschool age is precisely independence and initiative.

Personal neoplasms of preschool age

Let us consider in more detail what neoplasms are formed in the personal development of younger preschoolers, and then in the older preschool age.

Especially noticeable are the changes in . There are two of them in preschool childhood: the crisis of 3 years, replacing early childhood with preschool, and the crisis of 7 years, anticipating the school period.

While a preschooler asserts his own independence, another most important new formation is laid in his personal field - will.

The kid shows perseverance so that he is allowed to do a certain action on his own. Having received the consent of the elders, the child most often faces a new obstacle - the matter is not argued! The button does not go through the loop, the bag does not rise, the tower of cubes falls apart ...

There is a difficult task ahead - not to quit, but to try again and again until it works out. Therefore, innovations such as independence And will appear at the same stage of personal development.

The emergence of personal initiative awakens the formation of such concomitant neoplasms as purposefulness and purposefulness.

For many children, initiative is easier to show than determination. This quality is brought up if adults encourage a preschooler. The child became interested in how a sprout appears from a seed, took the initiative to plant it next to a houseplant. But then you need to water regularly and patiently wait until the sprout hatches.

In such situations, the preschooler often needs support to keep the target in the field of his attention and interest. The child needs the same support if the actions are unsuccessful. It is very important for adults along with initiative support the child striving for a goal because it is a valuable personality trait.

Development of personal characteristics in communication

Communication with adults and peers creates favorable conditions for the development of the personality of preschool children.

The children are the most busy role playing, which imply compliance with the rules prescribed by the plot. Before starting the game, preschoolers assign roles, agree on what rules they will follow.

This teaches diplomacy in communication, develops initiative, but at the same time the ability to coordinate one's opinion with the opinion of others. A preschooler gets used to taking into account the interests of a peer, and indeed to perceive him as a person, and not a mechanical partner.

In addition to business, moral qualities are laid in communication with peers. A preschooler shows sympathy if another is hurt, seeks to justify a friend if he is threatened with punishment.

The adults with whom the preschooler interacts show him an example of evaluating everything that happens around him. They approve, condemn, simply express their attitude. The child, like a sponge, absorbs such statements and forms its own value orientations. For example, the only child in the family, who has all the toys at his disposal, will ask permission from a peer to take his car or doll only if adults explain to him.

All situations that are important to teach a baby cannot be foreseen. Therefore, the larger the child, the more fully his experience and system of moral guidelines will accumulate.

The development of the personality of a preschooler in social terms occurs due to the fact that a system of value orientations and norms of behavior is being formed. Internal positions and attitudes are formed. The older preschooler already assumes how other people will react to him, if he does this or that, he will act one way or another.

The Negative Impact of Negative Evaluation

Communication is unthinkable without evaluation. And the statements of adults also help the child to form ideas about their capabilities. “You still can’t jump from this ladder, I’ll help you”, “You can’t take a typewriter from a boy. You will offend him”, “You can’t say that, it’s a bad word.” Such statements include prohibitions and denials, but they indicate important limitations to the preschooler.

Unfortunately, adults use many negative assessments of a different kind, which emphasize the inability and shortcomings of the child. They can be divided into two types:

  • Negative assessment of what was done (poorly folded the toys, painted ugly, spilled the soup again).
  • A predictive statement of a negative nature (do not take it, otherwise you will break it; you will not be able to; you will fall again).

Negative assessments of any kind hinder the activity of a preschooler, distort the child's opinion about their abilities, harm the formation and limit personal development.

The role of the family in shaping the personality of a preschooler

In the family, everything influences the formation of the personality of a preschooler. Starting from the structure of the family (the classic triangle of father-mother-child or the absence of a father, the presence of other children or a grandmother), to the accepted forms of manifestation of emotions.

Obviously, every child needs a father. If he is absent, other members of the family involuntarily perform the role of the father. The preschooler's awareness of maternal and paternal functions is disturbed, boys are deprived of a model male behavior in family. Now we have touched only the characteristics lying on the surface. Features of the family structure is an unusually deep topic.

In some families, a tradition has developed to achieve their whims and grievances. This method is sure to be adopted by kids. If it is effective, capriciousness becomes one of the main personality traits of the child. Then the problem appears: .

Preschoolers are quick to pick up on insincere relationships between parents. Hearing that mom tells dad not exactly what happened in reality, the child will very soon resort to half-truths, and then allow complete lies in communication.

You can tell your child how to do the right thing as much as you want. But the main reference point for him will be the statements and actions of significant adults - first of all, parents, and then older children, grandparents.

The personal development of a preschooler is a responsible task for parents. This article briefly outlines the features of the formation of a child's personality, and what adults should pay attention to. When educating a preschooler, it is important to recognize the independence and autonomy of his personality. The child, despite his small age, has the right to choose, to realize his preferences.
