Cool quotes about friends with meaning. Statuses about friendship with meaning

  • VKontakte friends are like ballpoint pens, 120 pieces and only a few write.
  • If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, then is this a friend? (Oprah Winfrey)
  • Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship. (V. Belinsky)
  • When friendship is real, when you are ready for anything for a friend, this is also one of the facets of love.
  • Sad statuses about friends with meaning Nothing replaces an old friendship. Years do not add friends, they take them away, bred on different roads. Time tests friendship for rupture, for fatigue, for fidelity. The circle of friends is thinning, but there is nothing more precious than those who remain.
  • Whoever is a friend, I do not consider him a friend. (Jean Baptiste Moliere)
  • When trouble threatens, when things are hard, the wise man blames himself, the fool scolds his friend...
  • True friendship multiplies joy by two, and divides sorrows in half.
  • Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship. (Aristotle)
  • The best you can have is a friend, but the best you can be is to be a friend. (Douglas Pagels)
  • A friend is one who understands and sometimes condemns, but never abandons, never betrays.
  • If you are too zealous in the service, you will lose the favor of the sovereign. If you are overly cordial in friendship, you will lose the favor of your friends. (Confucius)
  • No friendship can be considered complete until a friend turns to you for help in difficult times.
  • Among FRIENDS, I prefer those to whose souls the road is straight ... to whom you can trust everything from the doorway ... who will not be saddened by my success, and my failure will not cause delight ...
  • Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.
  • We do not so much need the help of friends as the confidence that we will receive it. (Democritus)
  • I will tell the banal truth, and let it not be new. Friendship is only sincere - no age, no gender ...
  • Friendship is not one big heroic deed, but many small concessions.
  • Truly, there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy. (John of Damascus)
  • Make friends one on one.
  • Short statuses about friends with meaning- I have friends that you don't see for months, but they are still the best.
  • How little friendship would survive if everyone suddenly found out what friends are saying behind his back, although just then they are sincere and impartial. (Blaise Pascal)
  • Friendships often end real love, only love rarely ends in a good friendship.
  • It is a true miracle to meet a person with whom you will have kindred spirits, who will respect you for who you are. Such a person will be able to awaken your blood and inspire you to new achievements.
  • Everyone's friend is nobody's friend. (Aristotle)

A friend, not the one who jumps after you from the window, but the one who catches you from below.

Friendship is a ship, in clear weather spacious enough for two, and in bad weather - only for one.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other blessings.

Friendship is when crazy ideas come to two heads at the same time.

Friendship is when you can, for no reason at all, come to a person and settle with him.

Friendship is when one is always ready to sacrifice himself, and the other is never ready to accept it.

Friendship is an open relationship in which you are not free in front of a friend.

Friendship makes a time of prosperity more beautiful and relieves grief by making it possible to share it with a friend.

Friendship is not needed for life, it is one of those things without which life is not needed ...

An enemy differs from a friend in that everything can be forgiven the enemy.

Met somehow Love and Friendship. Love asked: “Why in the world do you need you, if there is me?” And Friendship answered her: “To leave a smile where you leave tears ...”

Choose your friends carefully, and your enemies will choose you.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship.

they say there is no female friendship ... but they also say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman ... what should we girls do now? who to be friends with?

They say that friends are known in misfortune, and, in my opinion, they are also known in happiness.

Met love and friendship. Love asked friendship: Why are you needed? Friendship replied: - I need to leave a smile where you leave tears.

When giving advice to a friend, try to help him, and not to please him ...

Nine years of friendship, and she traded me for a kid. .who will leave her in a month ... It hurts. It's a shame.

Beware of the enemy once bad friend a thousand times.

For a friend, I am a friend.

Share your thoughts with a friend.

In friendship there are no calculations and considerations, except for itself.

"Michel de Montaigne"

True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have really proved it to each other.

"Philip Chesterfield"

In order to win the favor of friends, it is necessary to value their services higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends must be considered less than our friends believe.


Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect.

"Charles Darwin"

You can't have too many friends.

"Alexandr Duma"

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for the arrow and striving towards the Superman must be for him.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

The wise man was asked: How many kinds of friendship are there? Four, he replied. Friends are like food - every day you need them. There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you. But there are such friends as air - they are not visible, but they are always with you ...

Quotes about friends with meaning

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

True friendship is possible only when silence does not strain the interlocutors.

True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship.


Friendship doubles the joys and cuts the sorrows in half.

"Francis Bacon"

Now you are not a friend or even an enemy, now you are like everyone else, now you are just like that

I am happy, because in my life there are people to whom I can say: “I love you”, and each of them will understand me correctly - these people are called friends!

Whoever is human gives others support, wishing to have it himself, and helps them to achieve success, wishing to achieve it himself.

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know.

A best friend is someone you can sit with without saying a word and walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

We love friends for their shortcomings.

"William Hazlitt"

I retired from the world, not because I had enemies, but because I had friends. Not because they harmed me, as is usually the case, but because they considered me better than I am. I couldn't bear this lie.

The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves mutual benefit.

"Oliver Goldsmith"

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Fellowship and friendship are signs of a real reconciliation with one's gender role and a real balance between the sexes.

"Alfred Adler"

A friend is a person who knows everything about us and yet loves us.

Statuses about friends with meaning are phrases that are ready to make you cry. Don't forget to tell your friends on social networks about your favorite options!

When a true friend becomes a brother

  1. Even in a quarrel, I am not able to say nasty things to a friend, because I never think bad about him.
  2. If after love you remained in a normal relationship, without nagging pain in your chest, then there was no love.
  3. Don't let temporary stupidities make you lose close comrades!
  4. A true friend is one who will answer the call even late at night. But it is important not to bother him with calls in case he really needs help.
  5. Picky people are usually lonely, because close friends are a little arrogant and always munching creatures ...
  6. Respect is when a shy friend stands up for you...
  7. How prettier girl the fewer friends she has. The richer the guy, the more "friends" he has.
  8. It is good to know and love me at the same time - the lot of truly strong people.
  9. There are far fewer reasons to ruin a friendship than there are reasons to ruin a love relationship.
  10. Remember: if you are protected by the chest, then it is likely that you will not be stabbed in the back.
  11. If you don't have a friend, no problem. You, at least, will not be deceived and will not betray.

A real friend does not need to be "know": he is visible immediately

Having a good buddy means having a lot of opportunities, without making any commitments. This is the meaning of statuses about friendship.

  1. Sometimes you have to go through many enemies just to make at least one comrade.
  2. A person who agrees with you on everything is not a friend. This is a shadow.
  3. Even the most unsociable person needs another person who from time to time would help him not to fall into the abyss.
  4. The truth is always painful. But not as often useful as they say.
  5. You can go months without talking and still be friends. And you can communicate daily, and spit in each other's backs.
  6. Have you noticed that friends on holidays are wished much less often than love, money and happiness?..
  7. We think so much about who really is our friend that we forget: in true friendship do not think about it.
  8. If you've already tested a buddy in trouble, intentionally become happy and see what happens.
  9. Unfortunately, only romantic natures can hope for friends today, and only a few can count on them.
  10. Friendship expiration dates are so common that it seems easier to start a timer already.
  11. Don't call an old friend if he doesn't do it for a long time. Perhaps he is happy without you.

Know how to express gratitude

A short status about friendship with meaning is what you need for those who do not appreciate verbosity. And indeed, real truths can fit in one line.

  1. Envy between friends - it happens, but immediately "pops up".
  2. Before the appearance of a girlfriend, I did not know what support was.
  3. A friend does not need to explain something for hours.
  4. Friends also need to be chosen.
  5. Speed ​​is needed when you need to get rid of false comrades.
  6. The history of friendship is no less exciting.
  7. When a friend is not busy with you, it infuriates a little.
  8. A miracle is friendship between completely different people.
  9. If you are betrayed, just leave, do not understand.
  10. Perhaps friends are only friends against the background of enemies.
  11. Why are there relationships, try to make friends after betrayal!

Buddy is another opportunity to be happier

In everyone's dreams - not only love, but also friendship until death. Tell about it in in social networks, set statuses about friends and friendship with meaning.

  1. Each of us has a mask. Even those whom we consider a close person. Friendship begins when you find out about this mask, and are ready to come to terms with it.
  2. If I were asked to compare you to something, I would not compare you to the sun or a miracle. I would compare you to air.
  3. The further the time, the less those with whom he was preparing to be friends forever.
  4. The benefit of life's fall is in the possibility of realizing the true attitude of many people towards you.
  5. The ability to find friends is an art, the ability to make friends is a real talent.
  6. The fewer friends left in the end, the more expensive they are for a person.
  7. Cars and apartments can be bought, love can be tried, and friendship is for nothing in the world.
  8. The older you get, the harder it is to make new friends. Because you lose that original ability to believe in people...
  9. Sometimes it's important to just have someone who asks: "What's the mood?", And really will wait for a detailed answer.
  10. Keep it simple - people will be drawn to you. Those who are not interested in moral principles. The ones that are easier.
  11. Some people are just not meant to be friends. Recognizing this is very important.
  12. Distrust between friends suggests that one of them started new stage in life, and the friendship itself came to an end.

Be sure to appreciate good people who are close to you. It can be a friend of a lifetime or just a good friend who is ready to help. In any case, these people are real gifts from fate itself! The presented statuses about friendship with meaning are about them.

Statuses are the best way to communicate on social networks. And this communication does not always happen on funny themes. In such cases, you will be helped statuses about friends - sad phrases that will fully convey your current state. If you need to find the right phrases and words in order to convey your attitude towards friends, then you have come to the right place. There are enough such phrases now, and every day there are more and more. And you, too, can find exactly your cool phrase on our website.

The most best friendship exists only in childhood, it’s just that children don’t yet know what it means to be friends for their own benefit.

500 friends have been added to classmates, but there is no one to write to ... Does this happen to you?

It is sad when there are many friends, but it seems that there is no one to ask for advice or ask for help.

A great injustice in life is when people prefer to be friends with "profitable people", completely forgetting about sincere, sympathetic, ready to help people at any moment.

The silence of a friend can sometimes offend more than a word.

Help at least 100 times - they will forget! Refuse just once - they will remember!

We are in too much of a hurry to call a new acquaintance our friend.

It's a shame if you open your soul to a person, and then, when you leave, he starts laughing at you.

It is not friends who betray, but those who hide behind this word "friend".

When you are lucky, you are surrounded by many friends, but when luck turns away, you remain lonely.

I'm great! I have nothing to please you!

If you yourself do not love or appreciate anyone, then do not expect this from other people.

How much time it takes for a person to become native, and how quickly he can become a stranger.

They were best friends when they were kids, but then they stopped being friends. Familiar, isn't it?

Pleasant lies we willingly accept as truth.

Friendship is sometimes the only way to be with the one you love.

Do not rush to draw a conclusion about a person until you know the reasons for his actions.

A strong person will say everything in his eyes, and a weak one will “poll dirt” behind his back.

On a difficult life path, do not choose friends by appearance, beautiful shoes sometimes it hurts my feet.

People, like water, flow away quickly, only diamonds remain for a long time, but they still need to be found.

Trust, like nerve cells, never regenerates.

Unfortunately, friendship is a relative concept: today you have many friends, but tomorrow you have none.

The stronger your character, the fewer friends you have.

Trust is like paper, if you remember, then it will not be possible to perfectly align it.

Figuring out who is your friend is the biggest problem in life.

Unfortunately, today the clothes on a person cost more than the person himself.

It is quite difficult to accept a friend as different, not the same as he was before.

People are very changeable natures, however, they never change.

How you want a friend whom you can hug, trust, take a walk together. No, not a boyfriend, but a best friend.

The wider your arms, the easier it is to crucify you.

Stumbling is always unpleasant, but the worst thing is to stumble on the bandwagon of your best friend.

Former best friend- the most terrible phrase.

Before talking about the betrayal of friends, think about whether they were friends at all.

A person can remain a stranger, even if you have known each other for ages.

Those who surround us, we deserve ourselves.

All people are real, but there are very few standing people.

It is very difficult to be convinced of the meanness of friends, we will always look for an excuse for them to the last.

For the eyes, as a rule, they say anything, but in the eyes what is beneficial.

There are times when friendship also has a price. You just turned out to be a profitable commodity.

We always have the strength to be offended, but, as a rule, there is not enough strength to forgive.

It is a pity that the usual communication with a friend was replaced by email, and a real smile was replaced by an emoticon.

For many, the word "friend" is nothing more than just a word.

Why do we try to behave as best as possible towards other people, but allow ourselves to behave like a pig towards those closest to us?

We cannot forgive a friend not for the fact that he deceived, but for the fact that we believed him.

He who seeks a friend without flaws will never find a friend.

The older we get, the fewer friends we have.

What could be better than friendship. If you have friends, then you don't feel lonely. And they will be able to help, if anything, in difficult times, as well as support and rush to the first call. Of course, here we are talking only about true friends. Friendship “since childhood” has long been considered the strongest friendship, it is these friends who will not betray you, even if a “black cat” sometimes runs between you. This friendship makes people actually family and even if they swear, then they quickly reconcile without leaving gloating and anger.

In our time, one of the manifestations of friendship has become statuses about friends with meaning which are installed in ICQ and social networks.

It is easy and fun to spend time with friends, take pictures to communicate pleasantly, without "tension" and pathos. And if the soul is “scratched by cats”, you can always come to a friend and even out the situation together. Having a real friend is great, but not everyone in life is lucky with real friends, unfortunately, greedy, selfish and hypocritical people often hide behind their mask.

Friends become less and less over time, but the one who stays with us becomes even closer.

When two people face similar problems and difficulties, they can soon become the closest friends.

If you helped a friend to break into people, then do not interfere with him, then do not notice you.

“Dating” and “friendship” are different concepts!

It’s good if you have a brother who is not connected by family relations, but the one whom you acquired in life.

Over time, we begin to realize that there are not so many true friends, and this is so sad ...

We do not immediately understand how a simple acquaintance becomes your friend, friend, then best friend, but we always immediately notice how a best friend becomes just a friend or even just an acquaintance.

When I was a virgin, my parents told me that there are no friends for life, but I didn’t believe it, I thought that I had found such a friend, cried and defended our friendship, and now I understand that my parents were right after all.

If you are sincerely friends, you want to give your friend joy, talk with him, be needed by him, and you should like this feeling.

We always want what we don't have. So, close person becomes necessary when he is no longer around ...

Your best friend should constantly talk about how much he means to you...

Everyone has imaginary friends, there are many people around who we imagine as friends.

Dogs are the most faithful friends for people, the only pity is that their life is much shorter than human.

We choose our friends, but fate gives us the best friends.

Dear friend, if you don't call me when you feel good, then don't call me when you feel bad!

It's bad if you don't have friends, but it's even worse if you believe you have them.

While you are rising, your friends always know who you are, but when you fall, you will find out who your friends are.

Is yours a true friend will always notice the pain in your eyes, while others believe in your smile.

Every year I am more and more convinced that friends have a statute of limitations.

I really miss those days when we were all friends.

A true friend not only accepts you with your shortcomings, but also tries to correct them.

Real friends have those people who themselves know how to be friends.

You don't have to have a lot of money to be rich, you just need to have a lot of friends.

Fewer and fewer friends, and more and more acquaintances ...

If friends do not call for a long time, it means that they are doing well.

Offended by a friend "not for long", you can lose him forever.

Friends come and go, but the list of enemies tends to grow.

The presence of some brings happiness, just as the absence of others brings happiness.

You have to live with people in such a way that your friends do not turn into enemies, and your enemies become friends.

Do not let down the person who considers you a role model.

It's good when friends leave on their own, realizing that they are no longer worthy of being my friends.

Real loneliness is not when you are alone, but when you are surrounded by people who do not understand you.

Acquaintances notice your appearance, and friends notice your soul.

You should not be proud of the fact that you make new friends every day, but that you have the only friend since childhood.

The more friends you have, the fewer of them will come to your aid in difficult times.

It is necessary to have not friends, but enemies.

A true friend will take your hand and touch your heart.

Only your best friend will understand your past, believe in your future, and accept your present.

Love a friend, but remember that he can become an enemy, hate your enemy, but do not forget that he can become your friend.

Friendship will die if you are friends and you are not.

As time goes by, it gets harder and harder to pretend that we know each other.

At your gratitude for the help provided, a true friend will sincerely be surprised: “For what?”.
