How to clean a grease stain. How to remove grease stains from clothes at home? Shampoo for oily hair

This is one of the most difficult pollution due to deep penetration into the fabric structure. Fresh ones are treated as soon as possible with salt, talc, starch, baby powder or tracing paper to collect excess fluid. To wash the rest, dishwashing detergents, shampoos, alcohol and laundry soap are used. Old dried stains are highly durable, they are treated with hot steam, saline and starch solutions, alcohol and glycerin, as well as active chemical solvents. At the end of processing, the item is washed in the usual way, following the instructions on the tag.

If fat gets on clothes, it is important not to hesitate, but immediately process it using the methods described below. The faster and more competently “first aid” is provided, the more likely it is that in the future the stain will be washed off without problems.

Dishwashing liquid

Regardless of the type of fabric on which the soil has appeared, you can use dish detergent, for example, thick Fairy.

It contains components that effectively dissolve fat in warm water, while not harming the tissue itself.

The thing is soaked in a bowl or basin with a concentrated solution of detergent prepared in warm water. If the contamination is spotty and very durable, it is soaked with warm water and rubbed with a detergent with your finger. In this form, the thing is left for half an hour, after which it is washed in the usual way.

If it was not possible to clean the first time, the soaking procedure can be repeated.


Similar to dishwashing detergent, shampoos contain similar aggressive ingredients. Due to the fact that the shampoo comes into contact with the hair and skin, the concentration and activity of fat-dissolving substances is much lower. High-quality thick shampoo can be applied pointwise to the most durable stains, after wetting them with hot water.

The method is so safe that it can be used to clean cotton, synthetics, knitwear, wool, silk and cotton.

Note! It is not the agent itself that has the greatest activity, but the foam that occurs during mechanical rubbing in warm water. Neither dishwashing detergent nor shampoo will dissolve grease unless lather is achieved.

food salt

Dry salt crystals have the ability to quickly absorb any liquid.

Ordinary kitchen salt is applied to fresh dirt, the sooner the better. Excess liquid will immediately be absorbed into the salt, which is then brushed off with a soft, clean cloth or brush. If the stain is very greasy, then sprinkle with salt several times.

Such manipulations will not completely clean the fabric, but it will be much easier to wash it afterwards.


It is convenient to apply it with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad, which must be soaked in liquid. The stain is cleaned by wiping from the edge to the center. The dirt will gradually dissolve and be absorbed into the cotton wool, which is changed to a new one as needed.

Even if the alcohol cannot clean it completely, it will damage it so much that it can be easily wiped off.

Advice : similar to alcohol, you can use vinegar, citric acid, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide.


Toothpaste with a whitening effect contains substances that dissolve dirt well, including grease.

The stain is soaked in warm water, after which the paste is applied with an old toothbrush or finger until foam is formed.

In this form, the thing must be left until the foam completely disappears. After that, the fabric can be washed in the usual way.

Talc, starch and baby powder

These products have properties similar to salt - they also absorb excess moisture well, making subsequent washing much easier.

In some cases, their use can even be more effective than salt due to the complete absence of moisture in them and the convenient method of application.

Crumb rolls

An emergency measure when fat gets on any fabric is to quickly blot it with the crumb of a roll or bread to remove its excess.

bread crumb

Timely use of this method helps in the further cleaning of delicate fabrics.

Tracing paper

Thin paper, folded in many layers, also absorbs excess fat well. The tool is relatively effective, but has a drawback - not always such a specific material is at hand to quickly apply it.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap, prepared in different concentrations and used in various ways, perfectly gets rid of fresh and frozen fat on fabrics and jeans.

If the clothes need to be soaked, then a solution is prepared from one bar of laundry soap, which is rubbed on a coarse grater into a bowl of hot water. The final solution should have a slightly thick consistency - in this case it will be most effective. It can be spot-treated by rubbing, in this form the thing can be left for several hours, then cleaned in the usual way. Before you wash the greasy stain with soap, it must be soaked in hot water or steam.

Advice : soap treatment can be repeated several times if the dirt is deeply ingrained.

old stains

With long-standing dried dirt, the situation is more complicated - the fat managed to penetrate deep into the structure of the tissue and dry firmly, gluing other dirt and debris along the way. This will require more serious methods that will first soften and dissolve the stain as much as possible, and then completely remove it without damaging the thing.

If available good remedy, for example, "Vanish", then they should immediately treat the pollution according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

You should not use products with a bleaching effect on dark fabrics - they are guaranteed to wash off greasy stains, but at the same time irreversibly spoil appearance things.

Steam treatment

Hot steam moisturizes well and dissolves organic matter.

Even if it was not possible to completely remove the fat, the steam will prepare an excellent foundation for the further application of cleaning products.

Grease stains on dirty clothes can be treated in a water bath or with an iron in a special mode, soaking them with plenty of hot water. Immediately after steaming, rub with laundry soap and leave to dry completely.

hot starch

Starch solution is prepared on the basis of hot water. The solution should be slightly viscous.

In the prepared liquid, the thing is soaked until it cools completely, after which it is lightly squeezed out by hands and washed in the usual way.


By analogy with alcohol, glycerin is processed with a cotton swab or cotton pad, and a soft, clean cloth like gauze is also used.

The wiping method is similar to that described in the paragraph about alcohol. They can wash off oil and wax from shirts, sweaters, t-shirts, dresses, pants and trousers, as well as sheepskin coats, jeans and.

Gasoline and acetone

If the stain is old and does not lend itself to folk remedies, you need to use more effective methods. These include the use of chemical solvents such as acetone and high-purity gasoline Kalosh. White spirit paint thinners, 646 and the like are also suitable.

These aggressive liquids will deal with absolutely any greasy traces, regardless of their severity and age, as well as with, or. The flip side of the coin is that they can damage the color and structure of the fabric that needs to be cleaned.

Therefore, liquids are first applied to inconspicuous areas of clothing to test the stability of the material. If white spots appear or colored (black) fabric begins to stretch, then the treatment site is washed out big amount running water.

If the thing does not react in any way to contact with the solvent, then the stain can be treated with a cotton swab or cloth, avoiding prolonged contact of the liquid with the fabric.

Note! After cleaning, the item must be washed well.

Turpentine and ammonia

These pungent odor liquids also have good dissolving properties and can be applied with a preliminary check on inconspicuous areas of the fabric. In addition to turpentine and ammonia, you can wash old greasy stains with purified kerosene.

If turpentine does not have a destructive effect on the tissue, then it can be left for a few more hours until the fish oil is completely dissolved. Then the thing is washed washing powder.

Hot brine

A salt solution prepared with hot water prepares the item for the next wash.

A small amount of salt is enough to disrupt the structure of the pollution and significantly weaken it.

Processing is carried out by immersing the clothes in the prepared warm solution, the thing is left in it until the liquid has completely cooled. This method helps to remove an extraneous smell, for example, herring.

Larisa , August 7, 2018 .

Everyone at home will definitely find a favorite thing that lies in the farthest corner of the closet because of a greasy stain that was not washed off in time or could not be washed off, and then they completely lost hope of removing it from clothes. In general, all greasy stains are considered stubborn, since the appearance of which more than 3 hours have passed. They are harder to remove than fresh ones. But it’s a pity to throw away your favorite thing, especially if some pleasant memories are associated with it, right? Give this outfit another chance! Now we will tell you in what ways you can effectively remove old greasy stains from different fabrics..

Important! Before you start removing the problem stain, you need to do a few simple steps:

  • Prepare the item. If there is dust or dirt on it, be sure to clean these dirt.
  • Depending on the type of fabric, choose a method for removing old grease stains.
  • If the thing is colored, check the fastness of its color. To do this, try your chosen method of cleaning the stain on a small segment of it in the most invisible place and, if the fabric has not changed color, feel free to start removing the stain!
  • Apply your chosen cleaners only on the wrong side.

Removing old grease stains from knitwear

To give a second life to your favorite knitwear, try these products.

Method number 1. Gasoline + ordinary soap. This is one of the most effective methods for removing stubborn grease stains. Mix some gasoline and the simplest white soap and apply the mixture on the stain. After 20 minutes, wash the item as usual.

Method number 2. Glycerol. Is it problematic for you to find gasoline or are you afraid to ruin the fabric? Try removing the stain with liquid glycerin. It can be easily bought at the nearest pharmacy. Put a couple of drops of this liquid on the stain and wait half an hour. Then, if the fat has disappeared, then simply blot this place with dry cotton or gauze.

Method number 3. Glycerin + starch.

If glycerin did not help, then sprinkle the stain starch and cover with a thin cloth or sheet of paper, then immediately iron with a hot iron. Wait 5 to 10 minutes and if the stain is not removed or only half gone, then sprinkle more starch and repeat the procedure again.

Method number 3. If the fabric is light, use ammonia. Prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons. cold water and 1 tsp. ammonia. Saturate the stain with it and leave for 5-10 minutes, then wash.

Method number 4. Things that do not shed can be soaked in a salt solution. Take half a glass of salt and dissolve in a bowl of warm water. Dip the item in a bowl and leave until the stain disappears. Then wash.

Removing stubborn grease from jeans

You can save your favorite jeans or any other denim clothing following proven methods.

Method number 1. Dishwashing liquid. The easiest way to remove old grease stains from jeans is to use any dish detergent. Put a little liquid on the stain and rub gently, wait 15-30 minutes and wash the item with powder and a couple of drops of dish soap. Remember to test the detergent on a small area of ​​fabric first.!

Method number 2. Petrol. Soak the denim stain well with gasoline and leave for 10 minutes before washing. Be sure to rinse the item several times so that it does not remain bad smell and traces of gasoline.

Method number 3. Special products for hard-to-remove stains. In stores today - a large selection of various special means from stubborn stains in the form of powder (Sano, Spark), soap (Antipyatin, Dr. Beckmann), liquid agent(Vanish, Sarma, Frau Schmidt) or spray (Ecover, Amway Pre Wash). Usually such stain removers are first simply applied to the stain, and then added to the powder during washing.

Method number 3. Chalk or baby powder. Take chalk or talcum powder and sprinkle on the stain, wait about 1 hour and thoroughly clean with a toothbrush or any brush you have at home. Repeat these steps until the stain is completely gone.

Method number 4. Ammonium chloride + salt. To remove grease stains from denim, this mixture of 2 tsp is suitable. alcohol and half a teaspoon of ordinary salt. Gently spread the mixture over the stain and leave for 15 minutes, then wash the item.

We remove old fatty contamination from the bologna jacket

You can wear your Bolognese jacket again if you get old grease stains out with these effective remedies.

Method number 1. Potato mash or starch. Grate half a small potato on the smallest grater and put the resulting mass on the stain. Wait a couple of hours. Is the stain gone? Then wash the jacket as you normally would. If not, moisten a cotton swab with gasoline and apply to the stain for 5-10 minutes.

Method number 2. Soap + turpentine + ammonia. You will need: half of ordinary soap, 2 teaspoons. turpentine and 1 tsp. ammonia. Mix everything and spread over the pollution. Wait until the mixture is absorbed and the result appears, and wash the jacket.

Important! Use these methods on colored items with extreme caution!

Method number 3. Washing liquid for dishes.

If the jacket is colored, then use only a transparent agent! Gently spread the liquid over the stain from the wrong side and wait a couple of minutes.

Has the stain come out? Then wash your jacket. If not, repeat this procedure.

Removing old grease stains from a down jacket

If you have old greasy stains on a down jacket, then you can wash them off without much difficulty.

Method number 1. Dishwashing liquid or dishwasher powder. Just like with a jacket, you can apply dishwashing detergent to the stain, lather it up, and leave it for a few hours. And then wash the down jacket with powder and the addition of dishwashing liquid. Another equally effective option is to wash the down jacket with washing powder and a special powder for dishwashers at the same time.

Method number 2. Laundry soap+ table salt. Try generously applying a mixture of laundry soap and salt to the greasy stain and soak the item for several hours.

Method number 3. If all else fails, use a special detergent for synthetic colored or white fabrics.

Getting rid of old greasy dirt on specific fabrics

If you have items made of delicate fabrics (for example, silk or wool) with old stains of fat, then it is quite possible to wash them. Choose one of the following methods or try them all.

Method number 1. Water + glycerin + alcohol. Steam the stain first by holding it over a pot or kettle of boiling water. And then mix water and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1 and add 1 tsp to them. ammonia. Spread the resulting mixture on the oily stain and leave for half an hour, then rinse or repeat the procedure.

Method number 2. Stubborn grease stains from woolen items are perfectly removed gasoline.

Surely, one of the methods we have proposed will help you! But it’s better not to delay the removal of the stain and start getting rid of it immediately after it occurs.. This will make it much easier for you to remove it.

Housewives are well aware that it is difficult to cope with stains of various origins on clothes. In most cases, home wardrobe items, in which ladies prefer to cook, suffer from this problem.

In the process of cooking, it is very easy to accidentally drop a piece of food on your pants or robe or drip fatty oil. Weekend outfits also face this fate, so it will be useful to learn how to remove a greasy stain on clothes. There are many ways to do this: special preparations, home-made substances and even products.

Removing stains from clothes at home

The easiest way is to remove the newly received pollution. If you suddenly find a noticeable stain, then the thing needs to be restored as soon as possible. The simplest option- apply Fairy or Sort (dish detergent) to its surface. Rub the composition into the structure of the fabric with gentle movements to the center of contamination, then moisten this place with warm water. Leave the product on things for twenty to forty minutes, then wash it. The greasy trace must be removed from the inside.

There are others effective methods to help get rid of stains:

How to get rid of the old greasy trace

Old dirt is much more difficult to deal with. Most likely, you will have to refer to the procedure several times or use industrial tools, such as Vanish or Ecover. If you are trying to find a solution on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes, then Domestos can also remove old pollution. There are other ways:

Grease stain removal

This problem has quite a large number of solutions. Removal of fatty traces from the fabric begins with the express test, since the substance can harm the fabric material. Turn the outfit inside out and try applying some compound to one of the inside seams. In the event that the pattern and color of the material have not changed, then the procedure can be safely continued.

Ways to get rid of pollution from white things

A number of the methods mentioned above are also suitable for snow-white materials. There are some other methods as well:

Do not try to get rid of dirt on clothes white color vinegar. Otherwise, the fabric may become unpleasant yellow tint. Also, special attention should be paid to rinsing things: this must be done with great care so that no active substances remain on the surface. Washing should be done not in hot, but in warm water. You need to rinse the outfits in cool.

Stain remover for multicolored outfits

With things of bright colors, you must be extremely careful, as aggressive agents can destroy dyes. Most optimal solution- the use of a special stain remover, which is designed for a specific type of fabric. In addition, you should not use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from bright materials, otherwise noticeable stains may remain on the surface.

If the thing was subjected to high-quality painting, then you can use ammonia, acetone or denatured alcohol. You can also use a mixture of water, salt and ammonia. The scheme of actions in this case should be as follows:

  1. Remove dust from the item and work it with a dampened sponge or brush.
  2. Turn the outfit inside out.
  3. Wrap a small plank of snow-white cloth in two or three layers.
  4. Place the blotting paper on the board with the cloth, and place the area with the grease stain on it.
  5. Soak a swab in the prepared mixture and apply it to the area near the contamination.
  6. Start cleaning the material.
  7. After the stain disappears, use ordinary laundry soap.

If you use these tips when soiling appears on your clothes, you can save a lot of nerves and money on buying new clothes.

Our article will tell you how to wash greasy stains. Grease stains can appear everywhere - on clothes, on furniture, naturally in the kitchen - this is the most common place for them to "live", on doors, etc. In our article, we will share simple methods of dealing with fat on different surfaces and in different places.

Removing stains from clothes

First, we will tell you how to wash a greasy stain from clothes and give it a presentable appearance again. There are many simple ways to eliminate this pollution without a trace.

If the stain is fresh:

  • Salt is a well-known method that can be observed even in the movies. Everyone remembers the movie “Office Romance” and the scene of Novoseltsev’s romantic dinner with Lyudmila Prokofievna, when he recommended salt to remove the stain. Immediately after something greasy has got on the clothes, you need to generously sprinkle this place with salt and rub it in a little, then brush it off with a napkin. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat until the stain disappears. Then wash the clothes.
  • Laundry soap is an equally well-known method of dealing with fresh spots. The bottom line is this: we lather the area of ​​​​contamination with 72% laundry soap and leave it for several hours, then wash it.
  • Starch - almost all housewives have it. The actions are the same as when applying salt: rub into the stained area, then remove starch residue.
  • Dishwashing liquid - applied to the stain, dissolves it and pours boiling water over it. The item is then laundered.
  • Sugar along with laundry soap. We lather the area affected by fat, then sprinkle sugar on top, rub it with a brush, then wait 15 minutes, and erase it - the stains, as it never happened.
  • A crumb of white bread. It is used to absorb fat, then the clothes are treated with soapy water and washed.

If the stain is old and stubborn:

  • One of the most famous methods is the use of gasoline. We take any cloth soaked in gasoline, put it under the soiled clothes, and then we process the dirty area with a swab also soaked in gasoline.
  • Salt again. Only in contrast to the above method, now we are preparing an aqueous salt solution. 150 grams of table salt, which everyone has, is added to a liter of hot water or boiling water, then we lower clothes into the resulting solution.
  • Wood sawdust. Soaked in gasoline and poured on top of clothes. You will have to wait a while, and then brush them off and send the cleaned thing to the wash.
  • Vinegar. A solution is prepared - 50% water, 50% vinegar. We put clothes with a greasy stain into it, wait a quarter of an hour and, as usual, wash it.
  • Coca Cola. This western drink will also serve good helper in the fight against stains. We lower that area of ​​​​clothing with a greasy stain in Coca-Cola for a couple of hours and wash it.

How to clean grease stains from doors

On interior doors, stains also often appear over time due to touching them with greasy hands, for example. However, you should not change the canvas or the entire door - using the methods that we will now describe, you will learn how to wash wooden doors from greasy stains and bring your doors back to their original appearance.

PVC doors.

To remove the stain, you will need: a sponge, liquid soap and toilet cleaner.

  1. First, mix soap with toilet cleaner in equal amounts,
  2. then apply to the stain, carefully rubbing the resulting solution with a sponge or cloth,
  3. wait about seven minutes, and then wash everything off the door with plenty of water.
  4. After these procedures, it is required to wipe the door dry.

A simple method available to every housewife that does not require a lot of time.

Doors from chipboard.

It must be remembered that the top layer of this type of door is paper. It follows that when removing the stain, you need to be careful and not rub the door hard.
To remove the stain, you will need to arm yourself with isopropyl alcohol, a cotton pad and paper napkins.

  1. We apply a sponge moistened with alcohol to the stain, then wait five minutes,
  2. We wipe the door with a napkin.

Do not hold the sponge for more than five minutes, as this may damage the surface.

Doors from MDF.

In this case, potatoes will come to the rescue. Using it, you can not spend money on special cleaning products, but get rid of dirt and stains on your own.

  1. Cut potatoes into two halves
  2. Apply the cut side to the door and rub
  3. When the potato juice is completely dry, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

If after this procedure you notice stains on the doors, then you can eliminate them with talcum powder. It is applied to a dry cloth and the surface is treated.
If the stain is fresh, you can remove it with a solution of water and dishwashing detergent. After removal, the door must be rinsed with clean water.

How to clean greasy stains in the kitchen

Most often, greasy stains appear in the kitchen - on dishes, on furniture, on the stove, etc. To prevent the growth of bacteria, to put things in order and cleanliness in the kitchen, it is not necessary to use expensive detergents. Let's talk about how to wash grease stains using folk remedies.

  • Cleaning with soda. Most often used for cleaning the kitchen and kitchen utensils. It is a fine abrasive that does an excellent job of removing grease on metal surfaces, but tends to leave small scratches. Therefore, soda is often used together with other substances, such as sunflower oil. Having prepared a solution of soda and oil in a ratio of 3 to 2, you can wash a wooden kitchen with it.
  • Mustard powder. First, we note that mustard powder is completely harmless to health and even good for the respiratory system. The metal surface to be cleaned must first be poured with boiling water, and then sprinkled with a layer of powder. He, soaking in water, perfectly copes with fat and corrodes it. Then it is simply washed off with water, leaving the surface completely clean.
  • Clay. The use of clay does not look very aesthetically pleasing during the cleaning process, but it gives effective results.
    Vinegar is added to the clay and this mixture is applied to greasy surfaces. Absorbing fat, the clay leaves all treated areas completely clean. You will only have to wash off the remnants of the mixture with water.

Specialists who have been working in cleaning companies for more than a year share the following tips and talk about what not to do:

  • Do not wash linoleum floors with soda or washing powder with hot water
  • Do not use abrasives to remove stains, as the result will be deep scratches and the surface will be damaged.
  • Products from natural stone are destroyed by acids and alkalis, therefore they cannot be used
  • The bath should not be washed with acid-containing products, so as not to damage the surface


As you can see, there are many folk ways greasy stains that do not take much time and do not require large material costs. All the necessary components are in every kitchen and are always at your fingertips, it is only important to know how to use them. We hope that they were useful to you. Thank you for your attention!

No one is immune from the appearance of pollution on their favorite things. Therefore, today we will learn how to remove grease stains from clothes. As always, we will do everything at home using improvised means. Share your results in the comments.

How to remove fresh grease stains from clothes

There are many ways to get oil stains out of clothes. Choose the right recipe and go.

No. 1. crushed chalk

1. The option is suitable for processing delicate materials, be it linen, silk, cotton, etc. Turn a piece of chalk into dust, sprinkle greasy traces.

2. Gently rub in without pressure. Shake the product, removing the soiled chalk crumbs.

3. Sprinkle the stains with a new composition. Set aside at least 4 hours. Arm with a brush and remove the remnants. Do a typical wash.

No. 2. Soap

1. Laundry soap helps both to remove a greasy stain and to remove other contaminants from clothes.

2. Moisten the bar in water, rub it on the dirt that has appeared. Leave it like this for at least 8 hours. Then brush through.

3. If the stain is complex, you can sprinkle the item with sugar after lathering and rub it. Then wait for the night and stretch the product.

No. 3. Vinegar

1. This option is good because it is suitable for both colored and white fabrics. First, dilute the vinegar with water 1 to 1.

2. Dip the item into the composition, lightly rub the greasy mark with your hands and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Send it to the washing machine.

No. 4. mustard powder

1. Thanks mustard powder you will be able to remove grease stains from both colored fabrics and white fabrics.

2. At home, the product is prepared as follows: the sifted powder is combined with water to obtain a pasty mixture.

3. This paste is spread over dirty places and rubbed with a brush. After 30-45 minutes, it is removed by normal rinsing/washing.

No. 5. Ammonia

1. Suitable for natural fiber products. Connect 15-20 ml. ammonia with 130 ml. water.

2. Soak cosmetic sponges in the resulting solution, start wiping the dirt from the sides to the middle.

3. When the greasy trace is moderately moistened, place a cotton napkin over it. Heat up the iron and run it over the napkin.

No. 6. Shampoo for oily scalp

1. If you have oily hair, it makes sense to use a special shampoo. Squeeze the composition into the palm of your hand and lather.

2. Spread generously over the traces on things, rub in. Wash off with warm water. You can repeat the steps until you remove the stain.

No. 7. Starch

1. If you have soiled your favorite product with fat, then sprinkle these areas with potato / corn starch and rub it in. After 10-20 minutes, shake the thing, repeat the manipulations.

2. In cases where an old stain is removed, the starch is combined with water heated to 70 degrees. This paste is applied and rubbed in, and after half an hour it is removed.

No. 8. Salt

1. Since the easiest way to remove a greasy stain is with salt, you need to pour it in and rub it a little. The stain will easily leave the clothes, you need to wait a while.

2. If necessary, repeat the procedure with salt. Next, use an alcohol wipe at home. Wipe the contaminated area and wait for it to dry. Wash the item.

No. 9. Dishwashing liquid

1. To eliminate the contamination in the form of grease on clothes, it is enough to use high-quality dishwashing gel. You can take Fairy.

2. Distribute the soap composition on the problem area. Wait half an hour. Rinse the stained area with hot water. After that, wash the item thoroughly.

How to remove old grease stains

If you do not know how to remove grease stains from clothes, you should use proven methods. Keep in mind that old pollution is quite difficult to remove.

No. 1. Salt

1. If contamination was found on a bologna jacket, you need to fill a basin with hot water. It is easy to understand how to remove a grease stain from clothes in this way.

2. Pour 120 gr. into the liquid. salt. Wash clothes in solution and leave to soak. Next, use the washing machine at home.

No. 2. Sawdust

1. Sawdust will help to cope with stains if you have spilled grease on a carpet or carpet.

2. Moisten them with gasoline and put them behind the dirty place. Wait until the fat is absorbed. Repeat if necessary.

No. 3. Turpentine with ammonia

1. To cope with the problem, in a common cup you need to mix turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions.

2. Moisten the cotton and treat each stain. Wait about 3 hours, then wash your clothes.

No. 4. Glycerol

1. It is worth noting that glycerin destroys fat perfectly. To do this, treat them with contaminated places.

2. Wait about 40 minutes for the glycerin to work. Next, wipe the fabric with a clean sponge.

Not everyone knows how to remove a greasy stain from clothes. To make everything work at home, you should follow simple instructions.

1. Before starting the main work, the thing must be wiped dry, and then with a damp cloth. Further, the cleaning composition is distributed exclusively from the inside.

2. To remove the stain, always use a clean rag or cotton pad.

3. Moisten the area around the stain with plain water. After that, use a cleaning agent. Remove dirt from the edges to the center.

4. Before using the cleaning composition, it must be checked in advance on an invisible area. Also, do not exceed the proportions and make a highly concentrated product.

Removing grease stains from clothes takes some time. In most cases, contamination can be dealt with without any problems. Use any of the above. Stick to practical advice.
