Holidays in November 18 Days off in honor of the celebration of National Unity Day

In early November, Russians every year celebrate the Day national unity. A holiday is always made a day off, so weekends and holidays with transfers are indicated in advance in the official calendar.

Next month there will be an opportunity to take a break for a few days from busy working days. All working days, official holidays, transfers are marked in the production calendar.

How are we relaxing in November 2018?

With a five-day working week, November 2 will be the last working day before the rest. Then the 3rd and 4th are legal holidays, while November 4th is a holiday. Since the holiday fell on Sunday, Monday, November 5, the Russians will also not work.

In general, in November there will be 21 working days, days off - 9. The duration of the November holiday weekend will be three days - from the 3rd to the 5th inclusive.

National Unity Day is celebrated on Sunday, so it was decided to make the next day non-working, in accordance with Art. 112 of the Labor Code of Russia. The holiday is moved to the first day of the week. So, the Russians will work for four days, then legal holidays will come again.

Official calendar for 2018

In November, there will be Black Friday in Russia with massive sales at big discounts. In addition, on weekends you can visit various family cultural events - exhibitions, theatrical performances, festivals, fairs, acting performances, musical performances, dance performances.

The National Unity Day holiday was timed to coincide with the events of the 17th century. It was a very difficult time for the people, hundreds of people were dying. When the situation in the country became critical, and it was almost at the mercy of the Polish government, a people's militia was created, led by Minin and Pozharsky. Through their efforts, the country was liberated and its revival began.

The holiday is celebrated for the thirteenth year. According to the established tradition, Vladimir Putin will come to Nizhny Novgorod and lay flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. On such a day, demonstrations with patriotic peaceful rallies will traditionally be held in many regions.

In the middle of autumn, the Russians have already managed to feel longing. Many people dream of sleeping longer, spending time with relatives and friends, and not in business and worries. I wish there were more weekends and fewer working days.

However, in the fall there is only one Public Holiday. November 4th is National Unity Day. Let's find out how many days we have a rest in November 2018, what is the history of the holiday, who was more lucky with the rest, and who was less lucky.

National Unity Day: historical background

4.11 - enough new holiday. The Russians first celebrated it in 2005. memorable date dated to the events of 1612. Then the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky saved the Mother See from the Polish invaders. The leaders were unanimously chosen by the people. In addition, this event led to the end of the Time of Troubles in Rus' and the establishment of the rule of the Romanov dynasty.

For many years during the existence of the USSR, citizens celebrated another holiday in November - the anniversary of the October Revolution, which took place on October 25, 1917, and according to the new style, the date was moved to November 7. In 2005, the Government canceled the revolutionary holiday in favor of National Unity Day.

Holidays in November 2018 in Russia: how to relax

The calendar, especially the production one, tells us what falls in total for this month:

  • 30 calendar days;
  • 21 workers;
  • 9 weekends and holidays.

An official holiday that entitles Russians to an additional day off - 4.11. Therefore, Russia rests in November 2018 for only one “extra” day.

Since November 4 falls on a Sunday, according to the rules, it is transferred to the next business day, which is Monday, 05.11.

There are no shortened working days in November 2018. If November 4 had fallen on a Saturday, then the working hours on the previous Friday, 03.11, would have to be reduced by an hour. But the holiday is on Sunday, and this rule no longer applies to Friday.

The following hours of operation apply in November:

  • with a 40-hour week - 168 hours;
  • at 36 hours - 151.2;
  • at 24-hour - 100, 8.

The specified information and norms apply to a 5-day working week. There are also 6-day weeks, in which case the mentioned rules of working hours and days off do not apply.

Let's tell you how we relax in November 2018 in Russia with a six-day work week:

  • days off - 5, including Monday 05.11;
  • workers - 25;
  • Saturday 03.11 - a shortened working day, as it falls before the holiday.

Schoolchildren have more rest than adults, because these days fall on autumn holidays. The exact schedule is set by the school itself, since now the division into quarters is not necessary. Some institutions use trimesters, modules and bimestres instead.

Who determines how Russians relax on holidays?

So, we figured out the question of how we rest on November 4, 2018. Days off (their transfer) do not always occur according to this logic. This order is led by the Government, it issues a special Decree, which is developed by the Ministry of Labor.

The basic norms regarding public holidays are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in its article 112.

Also significant is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure for calculating the norm of working hours for certain calendar periods of time (month, quarter, year) depending on the established working hours per week” dated 13.08.2009 No. 588n.

In Russia, at the state level, a Christian religious holiday is celebrated - January 7 - Christmas. Some subjects of the Russian Federation profess a different religion and establish other holidays in regional legislation, taking into account national characteristics. This is what happens in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and a number of other regions. Also, regions have the right to establish their own holidays. In the Saratov region, for example, there is an additional day off dedicated to the Christian day of remembrance of the dead - Radunitsa.

The established regime of weekends and holidays must be observed by the municipal, government agencies, all "budgetary" organizations. This also applies to commercial ones, but the rules for attracting workers to work on weekends are often violated there.

How do we relax in 2019?

For the current year, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the transfer of days off in 2018” dated 10/14/2017 No. 1250 is in force.

Next year, 2019, there will be a different regulation. Its content is already known. The next official holidays for Russians will be New Year, Christmas and New Year holidays.

The production calendar with transfers clearly demonstrates how many days the country has a rest for the New Year and other holidays:

  • in accordance with Art. 112 TC New Year holidays last from January 1 to 6 and 8;
  • 7.01 we celebrate Christmas;
  • 30.12.2018 and 31.12. 2018 is also non-working days.

In total, Russians will rest for 10 days on the New Year - from 12/30 to 08/01.

According to the new Decree on the transfer of holidays that fall on weekends:

  • Saturday 05.01. shifts and makes a day off Thursday 02.05;
  • Sunday 06.01 - Friday 03.05.

In addition, 23.02 is moved to Friday 10.05. And after the New Year holidays, we are waiting for February 23, March 8, and then - the long May holidays, for which we will rest from the 1st to the 5th, and later - from the 9th to the 12th.

The longest rest period awaits working Russians, of course, on new year holidays at the end of 2018 - beginning of 2019. But in the near future, the inhabitants of Russia have one good opportunity to relax and she will introduce herself at the beginning of November 2018.

In November, the Russian Federation celebrates the national holiday Day of National Unity. In this regard, the Russians receive an additional day off.

The production calendar will tell you how we work and relax in November 2018, what long weekends fall. Inform about the number of working days, weekends and holidays, working time norms this month.

What are the public holidays in November?

In November, Russia celebrates 1 public holiday - National Unity Day (November 4). It is included in the Days of Military Glory of the Russian Federation. Timed to coincide with the victory of the people's militia over the Polish invaders in 1612. 2018 marks the 14th time. This is an official holiday (Article 112 Labor Code RF).

The week from October 29 to November 4, 2018 for Russians working on a five-day basis will end as usual - on Friday, November 2, 2018. Next, citizens are waiting for a mini-vacation:

November 2018 working hours

According to the production calendar of Russia, in November 2018 there are 21 working days and 9 days off and holidays in the country.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 168 hours (21 x 8, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours - 151.2 hours (21 x 7.2);
  • at 24-hour - 100.8 hours (21 x 4.8).

Who should go to the dacha or enjoy the last warm sunny days. Russia celebrates National Unity Day on November 4, this day is officially considered a day off.

Holidays and weekends in November 2018 in Russia

In November, the national holiday Day of National Unity is celebrated in Russia. In this regard, residents of the country receive an additional day off. The production calendar will help you plan your holiday holidays.

He will tell you how we work and relax in November 2018, what long weekends the Russians are waiting for. The calendar will inform you about the norms of working hours this month.

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How to relax in November

According to the production calendar of Russia, in November 2018 there are 9 days off and holidays:

  • November 3, 4, 5;
  • November 10, 11;
  • November 17.18;
  • 24, 25 November.

How to relax on November 4

In November 2018, Russia has one long weekend lasting 3 days - from the 3rd to the 5th:

November 3, Sat. - day off.
November 4, Sun. - National Unity Day, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
November 5, Mon. – rescheduled public holiday from 4 November.

Work days
In November 2018, Russians work 21 days.

Working hours in November

According to the production calendar of Russia, in November 2018 there are 21 working days and 9 days off and holidays in the country.

Working hours norms:

with a 40-hour work week - 168 hours (21 x 8, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
at 36 hours - 151.2 hours (21 x 7.2);
at 24-hour - 100.8 hours (21 x 4.8).

Public holidays in November 2018

In November, Russia celebrates 1 public holiday - National Unity Day (November 4). It is included in the Days of Military Glory of the Russian Federation. Timed to coincide with the victory of the people's militia over the Polish invaders in 1612.

2018 marks the 14th time. This is an official day off (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


In 2018, we have three November days free from work at once. This happened because the National Unity Day holiday falls on a Sunday. But on this day, no one goes to work anyway. In such cases, the legal holiday is postponed to the following Monday, November 5th.

National Unity Day is an annual holiday celebrated on November 4 since 2005. This holiday is established in honor of an important event in the history of Russia - the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612, and is timed to coincide with the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

"Day of National Unity" in 2018 falls on Sunday. Therefore, we celebrate the November holidays in 2018 and rest for three days.

November 3 Saturday, pre-holiday day, November 4 we celebrate, Monday 5, day off, postponed from Sunday November 4.

In 2019, November 4 falls on Monday and we will also rest for three days, from Saturday to Monday.

How much rest on November 4 in 2018, holidays: history

The first Romanov tsar, Mikhail, ascended the throne in 1613. This happened due to the events that took place a year earlier, when the commanders D. Pozharsky and K. Minin liberated Moscow, which was attacked by the Poles.

During the assault on Kitay-gorod, Pozharsky kept with him the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. When the victory over the enemy was won, the commander promised to build a temple in honor of the surrender of the Polish invaders. Approximately 18 years later, the promise was fulfilled and the Kazan Cathedral became the decoration of Red Square. The choice of date corresponds to the victory won according to the Gregorian calendar.

The first official celebration at the state level took place in 2005. National Unity Day has replaced the October Revolution holiday.

There are many opinions of political scientists and statesmen about the historical connection with the chosen date, but the holiday has taken root. The rallying of people for the common idea of ​​the liberation of Russia has become a symbol of national integrity.


It is proposed to move January 6, 2018 (Saturday) to March 9, 2018 (Friday), and January 7, 2018 (Sunday) to May 2, 2018 (Wednesday).

The following Saturdays are also moved to the next Monday: April 28, 2018 is moved to April 30, 2018, June 9, 2018 to June 11, 2018, and December 29, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Rest periods (weekends 2018):

  • New Year holidays will last 10 days: from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2017. The first working day of the new year is January 9, 2018.
  • In honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, the rest will last 3 days: February 23, 24 and 25, 2018.
  • In honor of the International women's day(March 8) we will rest for 4 days: March 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2018.
  • May holidays (May Day) 4 days: April 29 and 30, May 1 and 2, 2018.
  • In honor of Victory Day 2018, there will be only one day off in the middle of the week, on Wednesday.
  • On the Day of Russia we have a rest for 3 days: June 10, 11 and 12, 2018.
  • On National Unity Day in November there will be 3 days of rest: November 3, 4 and 5, 2018.
  • In December before the New Year 2019, Saturday will be working, and the day of rest will move to Monday December 31, 218 and join New Year holidays 2019 year.
