RF lifting procedure. Express rejuvenation (RF lifting and laser rejuvenation)

1. How often should RF-lifting procedures be carried out?
In the conditions of our clinic, we recommend the following frequency of procedures:
Face, neck, décolleté, hands - 1 time in 3-4 weeks
Body (stomach, arms, hips, back and chest in men) - 1 time in 7-10 days

2. How many RF-lifting procedures should be done to achieve a visible effect?
The effect will be visible immediately after the procedure, for clarity (and according to the technique of the procedure), the specialist first makes one half of the zone (for example, the right half of the face) and gives the client a mirror so that the difference between the treated area and the untreated one is visible. The initial effect will not be final, as the effect of the procedure intensifies within 2-3 weeks. The number of procedures depends on the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat of the client and averages 6-8-10 procedures per course.

3. After what period of time will it be necessary to do the next course of RF-lifting?

It is recommended to carry out a repeated (supporting) course of procedures in a year, it is necessary to count the period from the first procedure. In most cases, the maintenance course will require 1-2 fewer procedures than in the initial course.

4. How long does one RF lifting procedure take?
To this question, we give an average answer by area:
The first procedure in most cases is carried out in a "light" version, that is, the first procedure is 1.5-2 times shorter in time, this allows the specialist to choose the optimal procedure for the client.

5. How painless is RF lifting?

The RF-lifting procedure is completely painless, during its implementation the client feels a feeling of warmth, after the procedure, slight redness is possible, which, as a rule, disappears after 30-60 minutes.

6. How much weight can be lost by performing RF-lifting on the body (stomach, hips, back, arms)?
For cardinal weight loss, the RF lifting procedure will not be enough; in our clinic, we recommend performing the ultrasonic cavitation procedure together with RF lifting. During ultrasonic cavitation, dense fat accumulations are effectively "broken", and RF-lifting carried out after ultrasonic cavitation accelerates the process of removing excess fat deposits due to their heating, while simultaneously stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin.

7. How long after childbirth can RF-lifting procedure be performed in order to tighten the stomach?
The period of pregnancy and lactation is a contraindication to RF-lifting procedures.

8. Is RF lifting effective for fighting cellulite?
To combat cellulite, we recommend RF-lifting together with lymphatic drainage procedures (our center provides hardware lymphatic drainage - see pressotherapy), since one of the causes of cellulite is a violation of lymphatic outflow, but in general, the use of only RF-lifting is effective in fight cellulite.

9. Is RF lifting effective for breast lift after feeding?
RF-lifting is not recommended to be performed on the mammary glands; this service is not provided in our clinic.

10. Is it possible to do RF-lifting on the hands and what will be the effect?
RF-lifting allows you to restore the previous tone and elasticity of the skin of the hands, due to which the "bulging" veins become less noticeable, the texture of the skin of the hands is smoothed out.

11. Does RF lifting help with wrinkles around the eyes?
At the moment, in the conditions of the medical center "Milamed" a service is provided for RF-lifting of the area around the eyes. The technical data of the new device allows for RF-lifting on the area around the eyes (upper and lower eyelids). Procedures are carried out with a frequency of 1 time in 3-4 weeks. During the first course, as a rule, 5-6 procedures are performed, a second course is recommended 6 months after the end of the first course, 3-4 procedures are sufficient for the second and subsequent courses.

12. How long does the effect of RF lifting last?
It must be understood that RF-lifting is a physiotherapy procedure, like any other physiotherapy procedure, it requires a mandatory course.
The minimum course is 5 procedures (excluding supporting courses).
Depending on the area of ​​conduct, the number of procedures per course also varies.
On average, the following number of procedures per course is required:
Abdomen - 7-10 RF lifting procedures
Sides - 7-10 RF-lifting procedures
Hips - 7-10 RF-lifting procedures
Back - 5-7 RF lifting procedures
Arms (forearms) - 7-10 RF lifting procedures
Hands - 5-7 RF-lifting procedures
Face - 5-7 RF lifting procedures
The area around the eyes - 5-7 RF-lifting procedures
Neck - 5-7-10 RF lifting procedures
Neckline 5-7-10 RF-lifting procedures

Repeated courses of RF-lifting are carried out no earlier than 6 months after the end of the previous course, in most cases it is enough to carry out 3-5 supporting procedures after 1 year.

13. Do you feel dizzy after RF-lifting?- when I was asked this question for the first time - he confused me, after the second question - I once again raised all the research I had on this procedure and was again confused, but after I was asked this question at 30-50-70 since I answer with a smile - yes, after seeing the effect of RF-lifting, you may feel dizzy;).

14. Is it possible to carry out RF-lifting during lactation?
Scientific studies on the impact of RF lifting on a woman during lactation have not been carried out, since RF lifting does not apply to medical interventions that are necessary to maintain or protect the health of a nursing woman. In this regard, the RF-lifting procedure for women during lactation is not carried out at the Milamed Medical Center, the employees of our institution adhere to the principle of "non-intervention" in relation to lactating women.

15. What is RF lifting done with?
During RF-lifting, it is possible to administer some drugs, but this type of administration is less effective than when the same drugs are administered using ultrasound or a therapeutic laser, this is due to the fact that during RF-lifting there is some heating of the drugs, which leads to their disintegration (most pharmaceuticals are stored at a temperature of no more than 22-25 degrees Celsius, during RF-lifting the temperature can rise to 30-40 degrees Celsius).

RF lifting - what is it? This is a rejuvenating procedure that acts on the skin with an electric current or an electric field. Otherwise, it may be called thermal () or radio frequency (RF) lifting.

This is a painless procedure that allows you to cope with many aesthetic problems, for example, improve skin condition, cure lipodystrophy.

You will see the effect immediately after the session, and lasting rejuvenation can be achieved after a few weeks.

High-frequency current provides heating and tissue tightening. Unlike plastic surgery, which fights wrinkles by resection of excess skin, RF lifting contributes to the fact that, due to the formation of new collagen fibers, the tissues adhere to the muscles more densely.

After plastic surgery, the skin is smoothed due to the fact that it is stretched, but its structure does not change.

The mechanism of action of RF lifting

RF lifting is a technique in cosmetology, which consists in the fact that the skin is heated to a certain temperature, as a result of which the fibrillar fibers harden.

They transform into spirals with a dense frame that maintains the connection between cells and provides skin elasticity from the inside.

Collagen has a protein nature, so it coagulates under the influence of high temperatures. As a result, the skin is tightened and becomes smooth.

In parallel, the fat, which is located in the subcutaneous tissue, due to thermal effects, dissolves and is excreted in a physiological way.

Manipulation stimulates blood circulation, contributes to the fact that metabolic processes return to normal, provides oxygen saturation at the cellular level and stimulates the removal of toxic substances from the body.

Such hardware manipulation rejuvenates the skin in an instant, removes ptosis (sagging tissues), tightens the contour of the face and removes signs of fatigue.

The effect persists for a long time and increases for six months after the procedure.

Before carrying out the manipulation, visit a doctor!

Indications for RF lifting

RF facelift () facelift is indicated in certain cases.


  • With skin aging, when a network of mimic and age wrinkles appears, as well as strongly pronounced folds on the forehead and, "crow's feet" around the eyes.
  • When changing the contour of the face (partial sagging of the subcutaneous fat and upper layers of the dermis).
  • With photoaging (the formation of wrinkles and age spots under the influence of the sun).
  • With the consequences of acne (scars and darkening).

RF body lifting is also indicated for specific problems.


  • "Orange peel";
  • the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth or with a sharp change in weight;
  • local deposits of fat;
  • sagging skin after excessive weight loss after childbirth;
  • loss of elasticity, flabbiness of the skin that appeared with age.

Thermal tightening is often used to fix the results after plastic surgery and other aesthetic manipulations, such as:

  • surgical facelift;
  • mesotherapy;

To fix the results of rejuvenation for a long period of time, use the technique in combination with mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are also contraindications to thermal tightening.


  1. pregnancy and the period of feeding a child;
  2. the presence of oncological processes in the body;
  3. inflammation of the capillaries;
  4. connective tissue diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  5. birthmarks, scars, scars, damage to the skin, silicone or metal implants in the affected area;
  6. viral diseases;
  7. endocrine system disorders;
  8. diabetes;
  9. consistently high blood pressure;
  10. epileptic seizures;
  11. violation of the blood coagulation system;
  12. and other skin diseases;
  13. taking certain medications;
  14. fever.

The effect of thermal tightening

The condition of the skin before and after is very different. Therefore, the result is clearly visible in the photo before and after the lift.

The effect that such a tightening gives is manifested in:

Benefits of manipulation

The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. Such a lift is suitable for any skin (normal, dry, combination and even problematic).
  2. After exposure to radiation, scars, bruises and other ugly marks on the skin do not remain.
  3. Manipulation does not cause the patient any pain. She feels only pleasant warmth.
  4. The facelift does not require any special preparation.
  5. Skin condition is improved by natural human natural resources, no foreign ingredients are introduced.

There are no age restrictions. Manipulation can be carried out by both young and older people.

However, the best results can be achieved if the lifting is carried out at the first signs of aging.

The course of thermal tightening is from six to twelve sessions with a minimum interval of two weeks.

After a full course of procedures, the rejuvenating effect increases, after which it is gradually neutralized.

To maintain results, the facelift must be repeated several times a year.

Disadvantages of the aesthetic procedure

Permanent exposure to radio emission affects all organs and systems of the human body. With RF tightening, the time of such exposure is minimal, but the cosmetologist will not be able to guarantee the absolute harmlessness of this rejuvenating manipulation.

The cost of the procedure is high. RF lifting is not available to everyone. Moreover, the effect will have to be maintained, and several procedures should be carried out every year.

In addition, such a facelift has an increased risk of complications and side effects, including severe hyperemia of the skin, swelling, hemorrhages under the skin, burns, scars, and sometimes hyperpigmentation.

The probability of negative consequences of aesthetic manipulation is determined by the level of technological equipment and professionalism of the specialist, who determines the time of exposure and the parameters of radio waves.


Cosmetologists use various radio frequency devices, which differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • current strength;
  • the number of radioelectrodes;
  • additional options;
  • the presence of automated modes that allow programming the specified characteristics during the manipulation.

All thermal lifting equipment is divided into several groups:

  1. Unipolar(monopolar). Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that monopolar lifting gives the most noticeable effect. But you can contact him no more than once. This is the first generation of RF therapeutic devices. They are used for exercise, which allows to reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat. In the process of manipulation, one contact is placed under the patient, and the cosmetologist works with the other. The device provides heat to a considerable depth, while the areola of the action of electric current is the entire body of the patient, resulting in an increased risk of complications. Another serious drawback of this technique is the severe pain that a person feels in the process of rejuvenation. To ease discomfort, experts cool the working surface of the radioelectrode.
  2. Bipolar. This procedure has a more gentle effect, but to achieve the result it must be carried out at least six times. Such devices are equipped with maniples, in which two contact electrical conductors are located. The penetration depth of energy in these devices is much reduced. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the feeling of pain during the session. Such a bipolar device affects not only the skin, but also fatty tissue. At the same time, second-generation devices are recognized as more harmless and safe.
  3. Multipolar. Tripolar (multipolar) thermal lifting is carried out using several electrodes. The poles are systematically switched, as a result of which, in turn, they act on different layers of the skin. Such devices are the third generation of radio frequencies. Several working conductors are mounted in the maniple of the device, while in a specific time period the impact is carried out by only two of them. Then the device switches, and other electrodes continue to work. This mode makes it possible to act on large surfaces of the body for a short time. In other respects, these systems are similar to bipolar ones, the difference between them is only in the number of electrodes.

Stages of aesthetic manipulation

RF-lift does not require long preparation. But before the procedure, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist and therapist to identify possible contraindications. Before a session of hardware lifting, it is necessary to remove all metal products.

The course of the procedure:

The beautician cleans the skin of the patient and lubricates with a gel-conductor. If monopolar is used, one of the electrodes is fixed on the body; when using devices of other generations, this stage is omitted.

The specialist smoothly moves the maniple over the skin. The entire session takes just under a quarter of an hour.

After the manipulation is prohibited:

  • rub the skin and use aggressive cosmetics;
  • visit a bath (sauna);
  • go in for sports intensively;
  • sunbathe.

Possible negative consequences

Complications, as a rule, appear if the cosmetologist does not take into account the contraindications of the patient.

Especially negative high-frequency current affects people with diseases of the immune and hormonal systems.

In general, after the manipulation, certain discomfort, as well as swelling, may appear. But within a few days they disappear and never come back.

You will need to contact your doctor if after the procedure pigmentation appears, signs of dermatitis or herpes worsens.

Comparison of RF-lifting with other procedures

Prices for thermal tightening

The cost of the procedure in Moscow ranges from 2,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. This difference is explained by the different reputation of aesthetic and professional level of cosmetologists.

In provincial cities, prices for thermal tightening are an order of magnitude lower.

Devices for home use

RF-lifting can be performed at home. For this, special devices are purchased that have significantly less power and dimensions.

You can buy a similar device in stores that specialize in equipment for cosmetic procedures.

Home rejuvenation leads to positive changes. But with its help it is impossible to achieve the same obvious effect as in the case of salon methods.

Facial skin rejuvenation techniques today differ significantly, and among the most popular, RF-lifting should be singled out, which allows you to eliminate obvious and. This procedure differs from the analogues offered by modern plastic surgery and cosmetology, due to slight damage to skin cells due to the use of radio waves, a very short skin recovery period and excellent results, which, subject to all the doctor's recommendations for the rehabilitation period, can be maintained for a long time.

What is RF-lifting

With a high degree of efficiency, the RF-lifting procedure, which has several different names (for example, radio and radio wave lifting), is extremely delicate in relation to the treated skin. There are no mechanical damages on the skin during its implementation, therefore the recovery takes place very quickly, the processes of cell regeneration are activated already after the course of this type of lifting is completed.

Good impact indicators can be achieved during this manipulation of the course: after the first 2-3 procedures, there is a significant decrease in the severity, due to the activation of blood circulation in it.

At the end of the course of RF-lifting procedures, wrinkles almost completely disappear (even those that initially differed in severity and depth), the skin acquires natural firmness and elasticity, cell regeneration processes are started, which entails a significant improvement appearance facial skin.

What is RF-lifting, the video below will tell:

Concept and essence

Exposure of skin cells to radio waves implies the elimination of accumulated toxins in their membranes, the activation of ongoing metabolic processes, which stimulates metabolism, the faster formation of collagen tissue, which largely determines the degree of elasticity of the skin, its elasticity. RF lifting makes it possible to stimulate the body's own reserves more quickly, which provides a more pronounced suspension of the manifestations of age-related changes.

Electromagnetic pulses are well tolerated by the skin, even significant age-related changes can be corrected with their help. Today, for the implementation of this procedure, several types of equipment are used that emit radio waves of the required frequency - 300 MHz-4 kHz. It is this range of waves that have a stimulating effect on the skin, providing more fast recovery damaged tissues, elimination of pathological neoplasms in the skin.

The essence of the method lies in the impact on certain areas of the skin that require correction, sufficiently high temperatures. They allow you to get the desired positive effect without causing serious damage to collagen fibers, since with an excessive increase in temperature (more than 60 ° C), their final and irreversible destruction occurs. Therefore, during this procedure, an increase in skin temperature to 40-50 ° C is used: it is this indicator that is considered optimal for activating all processes occurring in the skin.

The duration of the effect can be different and is determined by the specialist conducting RF-lifting, depending on the general condition of the skin, the severity of age-related changes on them and the susceptibility of the patient's skin. When the skin is exposed to a temperature of 40-42°C, the duration of the procedure is no more than a few minutes, if it is necessary to provide a more pronounced effect, a temperature of the order of 50°C is used, which is applied only for a few seconds. Higher temperatures cause.


There are several types of devices that provide different effects on the skin in accordance with the degree of power of the radio wave. There are two types of the most common devices that are used for RF-lifting:

  1. Devices that have an effect on the principle. Heating of adipose tissue occurs faster than the deeper layers.
  2. Devices that have an impact and warming up. The electromagnetic field used in this case heats the deeper layers of the skin, but the effect of such resistive devices is predominantly short-term.

After a course of RF-lifting procedures, there is a more accelerated production of substances such as collagen and elastin by skin cells, which improves the quality of the skin, restoring its natural properties. Such a process is noted for several months from the moment the RF-lifting procedure is completed.

Comparison with similar methods

Thanks to the variety of skin rejuvenation procedures offered today, significant positive changes in the condition of the facial skin can be achieved. However, their different characteristics and the results obtained require a careful approach to the processes of choosing a particular procedure, taking into account the general condition of the patient's skin, its susceptibility to the effects.

Compared with other methods of facial skin rejuvenation, RF-lifting has the following features both in its implementation and in the final result:

  • in comparison with, which is performed using a laser beam, RF lifting has proven to be a less traumatic procedure, in which the likelihood of mechanical injury to skin cells is as low as possible. With excessive power of the laser beam or insufficient practical experience of the cosmetologist performing this manipulation, there is a possibility of getting a burn;
  • carrying out implies the likelihood of minor mechanical damage to the skin during this manipulation, and although the period of skin recovery after it is relatively short, in comparison with RF-lifting, it can be considered long;
  • provides a more pronounced positive result, however, this facial skin correction procedure belongs to plastic surgery and, for this reason, is very traumatic. This requires a significant recovery period, has a number of contraindications and may have certain negative consequences that the RF lifting procedure does not have. RF-lifting, in comparison with the installation of fillers under the skin, requires a course of procedures, after which there is a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin of the face, and also does not retain the result for as long as fillers.

Comparing the RF-lifting with other procedures to eliminate the manifestations of age-related changes, you can see that it is a minimally traumatic procedure, gives a pronounced positive result and is affordable, however, to maintain the positive result obtained, it may take some time (after 3-5 years) repeated course of skin correction.

The procedure is shown in the video below:


To the indications for the conduct of the considered cosmetic procedure Skin rejuvenation can include the following conditions and manifestations:

  • appearance and ;
  • loss of skin natural elasticity and firmness;
  • deterioration in skin tone;
  • frequent occurrence;
  • and its qualities: it loses the necessary moisture, signs may appear.

A modern and well-thought-out method of skin rejuvenation and restoration of its natural qualities, RF-lifting is very popular with everyone who seeks to give the skin of the face, décolleté and hands smoothness, elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and unattractive folds.


Like any other method of rejuvenation, RF-lifting has a number of contraindications for use.

  • These include the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, increased susceptibility to radio waves and elevated exposure temperature,.
  • Also, this manipulation should not be carried out when activating inflammatory and infectious processes in the treated area of ​​the skin, in the presence of inflammation in the body as a whole.
  • , mental disorders, the period of menstruation are also a contraindication to the cosmetic procedure in question.


Since RF lifting is carried out under the influence of radio wave radiation, in order to enhance the manifestation of the positive dynamics of the impact, it is recommended that on the eve of its implementation, refuse excessive intake of alcoholic beverages, do not expose yourself, do not use anticoagulant drugs.

This method of rejuvenation is rightfully considered one of the least traumatic, because the recovery period after it is relatively short - only 1-2 days, after which the skin regains a completely healthy appearance.


  • As a preparation before RF-lifting, the cosmetologist who performs it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, medicines that decrease the rate of blood clotting.
  • Before using a device that emits the necessary radio waves, the residues are removed cosmetics from the skin of the face and décolleté, the skin is degreased.


Next, a contact preparation is applied to the cleansed and tonic-treated skin, which provides better gliding over the skin; if it is not used enough, there is a high probability of pain during the procedure. It also provides deeper penetration of skin smoothing products.


Since mechanical damage to the skin is almost completely excluded during this manipulation, the recovery period is short. At this time, it may be recommended to use moisturizing and nourishing preparations for the treated skin, which will enhance the recovery and regenerative processes in it.

Possible complications and consequences

Negative manifestations after RF-lifting are minimal. It may be local, increasing its sensitivity. These manifestations disappear on their own within a few hours after the end of the procedure.

Price and clinics

RF lifting is possible in any cosmetology center that specializes in skin rejuvenation, elimination of age-related changes on it. This procedure is carried out in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg. Its cost varies from 2800 to 6000 rubles.

In the field of aesthetic cosmetology, there are quite a lot of hardware techniques that allow you to quickly and permanently improve the condition of the skin and rejuvenate it. One of them is RF-lifting, the therapeutic effect of which is based on radio wave high-frequency action.

RF-lifting is a hardware procedure with a pronounced tightening and rejuvenating effect. During the sessions, the skin is heated by radio waves of a certain frequency, which trigger the processes of renewal and active regeneration in the dermis.

The technique of RF-lifting began to be used by American cosmetologists in the late 80s. The device for carrying out the procedure had two plates - inactive and active - the latter was applied to problem areas and acted on tissues with powerful electrical impulses. The sessions were for the most part effective, but in some cases ended in burns.

Modern devices for RF lifting emit weak radio frequency waves, their low power guarantees painlessness and complete safety of the procedure.

The principle of operation of the technique

The firmness and elasticity of our skin is provided by the collagen produced inside its tissues. The production of this connective protein slows down over the years, so the signs of aging actively begin to appear: flabbiness, dryness and the presence of wrinkles.

The high-frequency current emitted by the RF-lifting device penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, warms up the tissues up to 65 ° C, stimulating the active production of collagen. The launched natural synthesis of the connective protein quickly brings positive dynamics: wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened and takes on a healthy look. The achieved effect of the procedure gradually increases and can last up to 2 months, after which the session is repeated again to stimulate renewal processes.

RF lifting techniques

There are several types of RF-lifting, they are classified according to the type of apparatus used:

In the last group, the methods that combine vacuum and injection action are especially distinguished. A number of devices for RF-lifting are equipped with nozzles that create negative pressure. During the procedure, they, moving along the skin, pull it up with a vacuum, pressing it as close as possible to the active electrodes.

Another popular innovative method is fractional needle RF lifting. The radio frequency impulses generated by the device are transmitted to a depth of 0.5-3.5 mm by microneedles.


So, what are the features of RF-lifting devices? Each type has a different power, impact force and the principle of delivering thermal energy to tissues:

  1. Modern monopolar devices are in many ways similar to their American "ancestors" - they have only one active electrode, which transmits sufficiently powerful radiation. This colossal force not only effectively heats the tissues to a sufficient depth, triggering the synthesis of collagen in them, but also injures the layers of the skin, provoking active regeneration processes in it. The result of monopolar lifting is the fastest and most effective, but this far from sparing procedure can only be performed once in a lifetime.
  2. Multipolar devices have several (2-3) active electrodes, they emit weak currents, gently warming the tissues up to 450. dynamics.
  3. Bipolar vacuum devices are the most popular, as they combine the effectiveness of traditional RF-lifting and vacuum massage. The skin after the procedures is tightened not only due to the active synthesis of collagen, but also due to improved blood circulation, increased elasticity of blood vessels and muscle tone, provoked by the vacuum action of the device.
  4. Fractional needle devices for RF lifting deliver thermal energy into tissue through microneedles inserted under the skin. The rejuvenating effect of radio waves is enhanced by injuring the dermis and starting the regeneration process.

A disposable nozzle can have from 10 to 50 needles, but, according to cosmetologists practicing this technique, the most optimal number is 25.
For more information about the innovative fractional needle lifting and the features of the procedure, see the video below:


RF-lifting procedures are in great demand, which is easily explained by the almost complete absence of disadvantages and side effects and the presence of a number of significant advantages:

  • painlessness and safety of rf-lifting;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • no side effects in the form of edema, bruising;
  • guaranteed positive dynamics;
  • no restrictions on the area of ​​influence in one session;
  • optimal duration of saving the result.

The exception is needle rf-lifting - during the procedure, the skin is subjected to multiple micro-punctures, and if the pain is leveled by the use of anesthetic gels, then the wounds from the needles will be visible for quite a long time.

RF-lifting procedures do not have age restrictions, on the contrary, cosmetologists strongly recommend turning to the hardware technique as early as possible so that manipulations serve as an effective preventive measure and delay the manifestation of signs of skin aging as much as possible.

Indications and contraindications

RF-lifting is used not only for rejuvenation and tightening of facial contours, the technique is actively used to eliminate aesthetic problems that have arisen throughout the body:

The positive dynamics of the RF-lifting technique in the fight against fatty deposits is based on the destruction during intensive heating of the subcutaneous fat, which decomposes under thermal exposure into simple elements that are quickly removed from the tissues.

The loss of "extra centimeters" is not accompanied by sagging of the skin, as happens with a sharp weight loss - due to the launch of active processes of collagen synthesis and regeneration, body contours are immediately tightened.

RF lifting, like any hardware procedure, has contraindications. The absolute ones are:

  • skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • moles, dark spots and papillomas in the problem area;
  • the presence of a pacemaker, metal and silicone implants;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • endocrine diseases (thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pathology of the nervous system.

Temporary contraindications include wounds and abrasions in the problem area, colds with fever, viral infections, pregnancy, scleroderma and lupus erythematosus.

RF lifting of the face, body and abdomen

Before the procedure preparatory stage, during which you have to undergo an examination by a dermatologist and have a conversation with a beautician. Specialists will identify if there are any significant contraindications to hardware manipulation, and determine how many sessions you need to fix the problem. The estimated duration of each procedure and the entire course, as well as the intensity of exposure, is affected by the patient's age and the severity of the aesthetic defect.

RF-lifting, regardless of the localization of the treatment area, takes place according to the standard algorithm:

  1. Cleansing the skin from traces of cosmetics, keratinized particles, sebum and other impurities.
  2. Treatment of the skin surface with a special contact conductive gel.
  3. Heating the treated area with a nozzle. The exposure temperature is controlled by a cosmetologist and adjusted on the device; with correctly selected parameters, patients feel a slight tingling and warmth.
  4. The duration of one procedure depends on the area of ​​the treated surface. RF-lifting of the face takes an average of no more than 20 minutes.

At the end of the session, a soothing composition is applied to the treated skin, and then a moisturizer. RF lifting is a completely safe procedure with a guaranteed positive result. You will learn about the features of its implementation in the salon from the video:

RF facelift: before and after photos

As you can see in the photographs, RF-lifting has amazing efficiency: after the first session, the complexion is refreshed, and the skin is tightened and evened out. The course of procedures allows you to cope with seemingly unsolvable age-related problems: the double chin, bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids are eliminated. RF-lifting is able to quickly overcome aesthetic defects: running regeneration processes relieve the skin of traces of acne in a few sessions.

The difference between rf and thermolifting

Many women, thinking about the return of youth, cannot choose the best option in the variety of methods. A wide list of hardware procedures and their names can confuse any of us, therefore, in order not to understand the terminology and mechanisms of action, we are based on someone else's experience. Some friends recommend us rf-lifting, others - thermolifting. What method will be more efficient?

In fact, these two terms cannot be put in the same row. Thermolifting is the name of a whole group of hardware rejuvenating procedures based on a warming effect on tissues. The list of these methods includes:

  • fractional lifting;
  • infrared lifting;
  • light lifting;
  • radio wave lifting.

It is impossible to compare and look for the difference between RF and thermolifting, since the second term includes both the radio wave technique itself and other hardware manipulations.

Skin care after the procedure

The only one by-effect after the procedure - a slight reddening of the skin and slight swelling associated with thermal effects on tissues. In 2-3 days, these mild effects of RF-lifting will pass without a trace. To speed up the renewal process and successfully fix the result of the manipulation, the beautician will give you care recommendations:

  1. First days. Within 24 hours after the RF-lifting, you can not use decorative cosmetics and wash your face.
  2. Maximum hydration. Use day and night creams regularly and drink at least 3 liters of water to maintain optimal hydration.
  3. Protection against aggressive influence. A week after the session, you can not sunbathe and visit the solarium, and do not swim in the pools - chlorinated water dries the skin. The use of peels and scrubs is also better to postpone.
  4. Moisture retention. In order not to deprive the skin of the moisture necessary for regeneration processes, do not visit the sauna and Russian bath for a week, and also avoid intensive activities associated with active sweating.

RF-lifting is considered the safest and non-traumatic hardware method of rejuvenation. Its use has no consequences, but the effect of a painless procedure is amazing: it is able to tighten the contours, get rid of wrinkles, stretch marks, scars and excess body fat.


Other procedureComparison
laser resurfacingThis procedure is done using a laser beam. Compared to RF-lifting, it is more traumatic. If the doctor does not have enough experience using a powerful laser, then you can get burned.
BiorevitalizationCarrying out such a procedure, a person is faced with damage to the skin, which cannot be said about RF lifting. In addition, after biorevitalization, rehabilitation will be longer.
The introduction of fillersThe procedure is considered more traumatic. There are also more contraindications. But to achieve a positive result, it is required to carry out more than one RF-lifting procedure. In addition, the effect will last longer if fillers are introduced.