Mairoy Rosales. Myra Rosales' Story: How Bariatric Surgery Saved a Life

Maira Rosales a couple of years ago wore not only more than 400 kg excess weight, but also the title of the fattest woman in the world. Her health could hardly withstand the load, her heart was beating with all her might, and her skin could hardly hold back the fat mass. Myra was bedridden, eating without stopping. And the family tragedy was to blame for everything, which first deprived the woman of her strength, and then made her stronger, allowing her to cope with depression.

The story of the brave Myra still inspires thousands of people around the world.

In 2008, a terrible tragedy happened in the family: Myra's nephew died from a severe head injury. The woman took the blame for what happened on herself, saying that she accidentally fell on the child, and he suffocated. But the investigation revealed conflicting facts: Rosales was unable to kill the child.

After some time, the investigation came to the real killer - Myra's sister, the boy's mother, who was eventually sent to prison.

Rosales was in a severe depression. According to her confession, in order to drown out mental trauma, she consumed five cakes, three cheesecakes, five pizzas and hamburgers a day. The volume of women grew by leaps and bounds. Extra pounds and depression literally dragged her to the grave.

One day she realized that she had to pull herself together. On her responsibility were also nephews who needed a healthy and active aunt.

Myra's weight loss began with surgery. With the help of liposuction and removal of excess skin, the woman got rid of a significant excess mass. As a result, she was finally able to move and perform basic physical exercises.

Myra later underwent stomach reduction surgery to moderate her appetites.

After the operations, the lifestyle of Rosales also changed. Strict diet, sports and withdrawal bad habits allowed a woman to finally become attractive. As a result, she met her soul mate, and now they are happy!

Now our heroine is not a fat woman mired in depression, but a self-confident, beautiful and truly sexy woman! Good luck to her in her endeavors!

Mayra Rosales is an American who has become famous all over the world in a not very pleasant way. A few years ago, her weight was more than 450 kilograms. It was the indicator that became a personal record: the woman was recognized as the fattest in the whole world. Today, Maira Rosales after the operation, or rather the whole cycle of surgical interventions, is not much different from others. She managed to lose 362 kilograms, and today she weighs only about 90 kilograms.

Difficult story

In her interviews, Mayra says that in childhood she was the most ordinary healthy child. The problems began after the divorce of the parents. Myra and her sister were very upset by the departure of their father from the family. Against the background of all the problems, the girl's weight began to increase, and the adults simply did not pay attention to it. At the same time, the world claims that she did not eat too much, but for some reason she got fat. Despite being overweight, Myra got married, regularly spent time with her relatives - her sister and her children. The body weight of the young woman continued to increase. Today it is hard to believe, because Mayra Rosales after the operation, but once she could not get out of bed or change her position on her own.

Weight record: 453 kilograms

Myra's maximum weight was more than 450 kilograms. With such a body weight, a woman had to spend all the time on a specially ordered huge bed. Her husband took care of her. The husband alone carried out all hygiene procedures, fed his wife, helped her to accommodate more comfortably, because the woman could no longer stand up and make sudden movements on her own. At the same time, remaining almost completely immobilized, Myra continued to eat high-calorie food in large quantities. In addition, she suffered from chronic diseases and her life was in danger. Today, once the fattest woman Maira Rosales after the operation feels much better. How did she manage to change everything?

Willpower or plastic surgery?

The woman, until recently considered the fattest in the whole world, has lost more than 300 kilograms. Mayra herself speaks about the fact that it was not possible without the help of surgeons. However, with the maximum weight, it was dangerous to immediately decide on an operation. Doctors bluntly told their record holder patient that she would have to start losing weight on her own. The protein diet was my salvation. Starting to eat right, the woman dropped about 220 kilograms on her own. She admits that the most important thing is to start acting and wait for the first successes. Once the body weight was reduced, the woman agreed to surgery. Maira Rosales felt much better after the operation. Despite her failing health, the intervention went smoothly and with a quick recovery period. In total, the woman underwent 11 operations aimed at reducing the stomach and removing excess skin.

Maira Rosales after surgery: photos and an incredible transformation story

It is hard to believe that this representative of the fair sex was once dubbed the “half-ton killer” by the press. In fact, Myra began with a tragedy. She became famous throughout America after the death of her nephew. The woman confessed to the police and admitted that she crushed the child with her gigantic weight. However, the examination showed that the baby died due to the beatings inflicted by his mother. Accordingly, the charge against Myra was dropped and her Native sister went to serve his sentence.

New figure - new life!

Maira Rosales after the operation became incredibly popular. She is often interviewed, invited to TV shows, and photos before and after losing weight are constantly published in various publications. Looks main character today more than attractive. Her weight is about 90 kilograms, and the woman plans to lose some more weight. The changes in Myra's life have been incredible. She divorced her husband. The decision was mutual, according to the woman. The husband is used to living quietly in domestic chores, and he did not like the unreal popularity of his second half. Today Myra has a new boyfriend, she tries to take care of herself, enjoy a rich social life, communicate and meet new people. The main character of this incredible story devotes enough time to self-improvement. She recently started driving a car, and there are many other plans for life. The question of whether Mayra Rosales lost weight after the operation can be answered unambiguously positively. The woman does not hide her story, but, on the contrary, tells it at any opportunity. She considers her transformation a vivid illustration of the fact that everything is possible in this life. Myra hopes that her experience will inspire someone and help change everything even in the most hopeless situation at first glance.

In the studio Let the world sensation speak - the fattest woman in the world, 34-year-old Mayra Rosales from the USA, weighed no less than 500 kilograms. Her daily diet: 5 cakes, 3 cheesecakes, 5 pizzas and a lot of hamburgers! Huge footage fatty body Myra are simply terrifying ... However, Rosales lost 408 kg! And today she is in the studio of the program.

Maira Rosales is the fattest woman in the world

“Yes, very bad, very hard. Obesity has turned me into a freak, and legs ... legs - I even try not to notice them and sometimes I want to amputate. But still, I believe that suicide is not the solution to my problem. You need to somehow endure and overcome, ”the fattest woman said a few years ago.

See also on the topic: from Tyumen - the heaviest woman in Russia weighs 350 kg!

Myra's husband (now ex) constantly looked after her and gave her foot massages.

Killer weighing half a ton

Some time later (in 2008), new scandalous news related to Mayra Rosales thundered in the American media. Allegedly the fattest woman in the world…accidentally killed her 2-year-old nephew by crushing him with her huge body.

A woman with a gigantic weight was accused of murder, but later the police found out that the real killer was not her, but her own sister, the boy's mother. She asked Myra, who looked after her three children, to take the blame, explaining that the latter, due to her huge excess weight, would not face jail time, unlike her. “I told the police that I was looking after the children, and turning over in bed, my hand suddenly slipped and I accidentally crushed my nephew,” says Rosales.

Soon the police took Sister Rosales into custody and she is now in prison. For the murder of her son, she was given 15 years in prison.

Lose 400+ kg

34-year-old Mayra Rosales lost 408 kg!

Myra found the strength and for some time successfully lost more than 200 kg, and then the same amount with the help of doctors and an experienced nutritionist. “There were operations, diets ... I myself would hardly have coped with this! Doctors, nurses, a nutritionist helped me - many thanks to them for everything! Thanks to you, I now look and feel just great, ”says Rosales.

Indeed, the woman looks just wonderful. Now she weighs just over 100 kg, however appearance she has an excellent, she is cheerful and can move freely.

Myra Rosales' new husband

Former and current wife of Myra Rosales

The audience in the hall is at a loss: “Why did Myra break up with her first husband? After all, he took care of her for a long time. But Rosales explained that with ex-husband she in good relations and often communicate through social networks. “If he was in my position, I would definitely help him. Everything is fine. Now he is in Mexico and he is also doing well, ”the heroine answered. Now the woman is happy with her new chosen one.

Stories of those who lost weight from Russia

Tatyana Dobrynina, a resident of Perm, also had problems with obesity. She came to the program to talk about her successful weight loss experience - Tatiana lost 43 kg.

Ilya Bobrov - the guy changed his body beyond recognition: “I was very reserved, a gray mouse, I liked one girl, but she didn’t like me. And I decided to change my body, to make it beautiful.”

31-year-old Ksenia Klyukina from Izhevsk weighed 135 kg, but she also managed to lose weight, dropping 42 kg. However, the woman is not going to stop there (now she weighs 93 kg) and plans to get rid of another 30 kg. Watch the issue Let them say “I lost 408 kg!” May 25, 2015

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Mayra Rosales suffered from morbid obesity. She could not walk, only with great difficulty she could lift the body. Myra could not take a shower, could not take care of herself - all these hardships fell on the shoulders of her family, who were forced to support her life as best they could. But one day, Myra nevertheless understood - that's enough, everything needs to be changed.

2. Due to excess fat, Myra's legs seemed deformed.

3. Ordinary daily activities were hard work for Myra, not always feasible.

It was not just a decision, alas, tragedy pushed her to it. Myra's nephew was admitted to the hospital with a severe head injury and died soon after. Myra told the police that it was her fault: she accidentally fell on the baby, and he suffocated. However, the police found out that the injuries that led the boy to death are physically inaccessible to Myra, since she is not even able to get out of bed. Thus, the investigation came to Myra's sister, the boy's mother, who was eventually arrested and sent to prison. Being the heaviest woman in the world, Myra realized that now, apart from her, there was no one to take care of her sister's remaining children.

When the decision was made, Mayra Rosales had to first of all undergo an operation in order to get rid of a significant part of the weight, which did not allow the woman not only to start losing weight, but even to move corny.

It was a rather difficult period, as Myra went through several major operations. She had terrible edema and bedsores, the condition of her skin and muscles was critical. However, starting from this period and to this day, Mayra has managed to lose 80% of her weight! Her transformation is truly amazing.

When diagnosed with morbid obesity, it is not enough just to go for an operation. This is definitely big stress both for the whole organism and for the psychological state of the patient. And therefore it is extremely important not only to accept the changes, but also not to retreat from them. After surgery, patients often regain the lost weight, and quite quickly. Therefore, it is very important that such a person be aware that he must change not only the form of nutrition, but also the way of life.

Myra did not give up: as soon as the doctors allowed her physical activity She continued on her weight loss journey. She had a powerful incentive - Myra understood that if she did not pull herself together, she simply could not provide her nephews with a future.

Now Myra weighs 91 kg and looks quite attractive at the same time. She has been on several TV shows talking about her weight loss experience. amazing woman continues to take care of his nephews and assures that he is not going to return to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Suzanne Eman, who is the fattest woman in the world, wants to be even fatter. She states this in her interviews. The 39-year-old native of Casa Grande, located in the US state of Arizona, dreams of entering world history as a woman with the largest body weight. She does her best to make her wish come true.

Eman's life

Until recently, the status of the fattest girl belonged to Mayra Rosales, who weighed half a ton.

But the situation changed dramatically when the lady managed to lose more than 300 kg. Now her weight can be measured in two digits. Myra passed the palm to Susanna and has no regrets about it.

Mrs. Eman was born in 1979, and after 10 years her weight was more than 130 kg. The woman has loving husband and two adult sons (13 and 17 years old). She lives happy family life and does not complex about her figure, dreaming of getting fat to an incredible size.

When Suzanne was a young girl, she periodically went on diets, went in for sports and tried in every possible way to improve herself, but her pathological love of food was above the desire for a slim figure.

After giving birth, the woman finally decided to stop trying to lose weight. overweight and began to live without denying herself anything.

Every day, Mrs. Eman consumes such a colossal amount of food that there would be enough food for 10 healthy men. Her daily calorie intake exceeds the norm by 10 times! Suzanne eats over 25,000 calories in 24 hours!

She dreams of the weight that the late Carol Yeager had (727 kg). It remains for her to gain about 400 kilograms (Suzanne's weight is 340 kg).

Maira Rosales

This woman is an example for all the girls who dream of having slim figure, but can not throw off a few tens of extra pounds. Rosales managed to get rid of 400 kg. Thirty-year-old Myra weighed over half a ton and was bedridden. She couldn't even roll over on her own.
