Day of workers of preschool institutions. When is Kindergarten Teacher's Day? Now let's clarify! History of preschool education and education in Russia

Day of the educator and all preschool workers designed to draw public attention to kindergartens and preschool childhood. As a rule, on this day they organize solemn events congratulating people of this profession on the holiday.

When is Kindergarten Teacher Day in Russia

Educator's Day in Russia appeared quite recently in 2004, and the date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1863 that the first kindergarten was opened on Vasilyevsky Island in the city of St. Petersburg, on the initiative of Adelaide Semyonovna Simonovich and her husband. Children aged 3-8 years old were admitted to a unique for that time preschool institution.

In kindergarten they did:

  • design,
  • sewing,
  • mobile games.

They also taught a special course dedicated to Russia.

Soon, kindergartens began to appear in other cities of Russia. Today it is simply impossible to imagine life without these children's institutions, which is why the Teacher's Day holiday is so popular today.

And when the Day of the preschool worker is just approaching, educators and parents of preschool children are already starting to prepare for this holiday. Of course, you can organize a matinee or a festive tea party. But, in addition, teachers, together with parents, can hold thematic events for children, which can be not only congratulatory, but also educational. Some interesting ideas are presented below.

Conversation "What were the first kindergartens?"

On the Day of Preschool Education Workers for older children DOW groups it would be appropriate to talk about when the first kindergartens arose, where the children were, when there were no kindergartens yet, what the first kindergartens were like, what children were taught there, at what age they were accepted.

Event "People of what professions work in our kindergarten?"

Within the framework of this topic, the educator is given the opportunity to introduce children to non-teaching staff. You can invite them to the group. It can be a cook, a nurse, a speech therapist, a cleaner, a watchman, a worker. Let them tell the children what their duties are when working in kindergarten.

The teacher can remember together with the children what they noted in the work of these people (for example, yesterday's delicious dinner, clean floor, repaired doors) and thank their guests for their work.

At the end of the meeting, children can give them handmade crafts and congratulate them on the holiday. Sincere children's congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers will undoubtedly please everyone.

Event "History of our kindergarten"

Everyone, even newly built kindergarten already have some history. For example, you can tell what used to be at the place where the kindergarten is now located. How many children have already graduated from the kindergarten, and how many new ones come every year. If the kindergarten has been open for a long time, then you can show old photographs showing the same groups, but with different children and with a different design.

Maybe one of the children's parents attended this kindergarten when they were small. You can invite him, let him tell about his teachers, how the children loved them, and about what the children who were in this group used to do, what they liked to play, what books they read, what cartoons they watched. You can consider photographs in which this adult is still the same age as the children in the group.

Event "Meeting interesting people (teachers who have worked in this kindergarten for many years, and are now retired)"

It often happens that when a caregiver retires, colleagues forget about him. Preschool Day can be a great occasion to invite former co-workers over for a visit. They can tell the children many interesting things that happened in the kindergarten during their work. The final stage of such a meeting should, of course, be the congratulation of the former teacher on the holiday and the presentation of a memorable gift to him.

Excursion to a neighboring kindergarten in a group with children of the same age

It would be nice to negotiate with the teachers of a nearby kindergarten and bring the children on an excursion to it. Beforehand, you can tell the children that there are many kindergartens in the city, children also go to them, and other educators work there. Children in other kindergartens have different toys, groups and playgrounds.

If you and your children were invited to a teacher’s holiday in a neighboring kindergarten, then this is also a great occasion to tell the children that it is customary to come to visit with gifts, and you can make them yourself. Before visiting a neighboring kindergarten, it would not be bad to learn words with the children to congratulate the teachers and congratulate them in chorus at the entrance to the group. And at the end, before leaving, give gifts for the holiday and as a token of gratitude for the hospitality.

Thus, educators can use their professional holiday - the Day of the educator and all preschool workers, to expand the horizons of children in the group, educate them in a grateful attitude towards the work of kindergarten workers and instill respect for older people.

Teacher's Day

Day of the preschool worker. Scenario

Lapeeva Natalya Petrovna teacher-speech therapist GBOU School No. 281 TO No. 4, Moscow.
The traditions of celebrating the Day of the preschool worker are still taking shape. I want to tell you about how this day was celebrated in our kindergarten and bring to your attention a scenario for a holiday for employees.
This holiday is not complete without the participation of children, our pupils. This year we decided to invite our graduates to our holiday - among them were first graders and middle school students. We were glad to meet them. The guys learned at our request poems, lyrics, came to the rehearsal. The parents of our graduates readily responded to our invitation and helped us organize the children's performance. For them, it was an occasion to look into the kindergarten, to see their favorite teachers, to talk about the successes of their children. The meeting was mutually pleasant and touching.
The scenario may be of interest to employees of preschool educational institutions - educators, music directors.
Target: Congratulations to colleagues professional holiday, creating a festive mood, team building.

Event progress
While kindergarten workers are gathering in the hall, the song “Nosiki-Kurnosiki” performed by V. Tolkunova, words by A. Bulycheva, music by B. Emelyanov sounds in the background.
Finally, the floor of the Earth has crawled out,
My boys are fast asleep.
The dream brought down the green-eyed country,
My grimy treasures are sleeping,
Snub noses sniffle.
Leading two.
Presenter 1:
Today, Dear colleagues, we gathered in our hall to celebrate our professional holiday - the Day of the Educator and Preschool Worker.
This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 2004, although preschool education in Russia is already 150 years old. The work of preschool education workers is highly appreciated and our professional holiday has rightfully taken its place in the official list.
Educator is not a job
Not measured life.
This is a service without calculation
Her calling is to love.
Host 2:
What should a teacher be like?
Of course, it must be kind!
Love children, and this is the main thing!
Love your profession!
Today we are glad to congratulate our dear educators, who tirelessly in their work with children show patience, care and affection of the mother, wisdom and exactingness of the mentor. Their talents are countless - they sing, dance, draw. They are excellent artists, inventors and entertainers. They not only love children, they give them their heart.
Happy professional holiday, dear teachers and all kindergarten workers!

A group of educators performs a song about educators. Lyrics by T. Ryadchikova, music by A. Komarov.
Slides are shown on the screen - photos of our educators with children in the process of work - in the classroom, in the game, at matinees.

Early in the morning, the kindergarten opens its doors to children
Who kindly greets the guys in the group with a smile?
Who dances and sings, knows thousands of activities,
Can you find a key for everyone? Of course, the teacher!

He gives his heart to children. Strength, knowledge and kindness.
To live without worries, they would believe in a fairy tale longer.
The teacher replaces mom and dad for children.
There is no profession more important, and there is no more beautiful!

Educator, educator - master, magician and creator,
And the storyteller, and the dreamer, and children, he is a great friend!
As no one understands them, he plays games with them,
Forever young teacher, with a wonderful soul!

Children of the older group with balloons in their hands enter the hall to the music.
Presenter 1:
There is one country in the world, you can not find another like this:
Not marked on the map, and the size is something small.
Take a look at that country, walk around it,
And you will see: everywhere nearby, wherever you go, there will be a friend.
Cleanliness, comfort, order, there are toys for children.
Everyone must have guessed?
This is our own kindergarten!
The song-game L.A. is being performed. Olifirova "What kind of teremok is this?" (Collection "Make friends with the song", series "Library of the magazine" Preschool education ")
What kind of teremok is this? Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Smells like porridge from the window. Someone's song is heard.
Do mice live here? Or cowardly bunnies?
Who lives in the tower, sings songs loudly?
Children live here, preschool children.

1 child.
Why are there so many guests, are the chandeliers festively lit?
Congratulations to the teachers of our cheerful kindergarten!
2 child.
Today we are happy to congratulate all kindergarten workers:
Everyone who lives here with us gives his heart to children!
3 child.
Who will teach friendship strong,
Share a game with a neighbor
Carefully eat all the porridge?
Our teacher!
4 child.
With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing, verses will tell?
Our teacher!
5 child.
Who will console, regret
Who will teach you to become kinder?
The beloved garden is more beautiful with her,
With our teacher!
6 child.
Don't get sick, don't get old
It's better to be younger!
We heartily congratulate you
We wish you personal happiness!
Children give balloons to teachers and leave the hall to applause.
Host 2:
How many pupils came out of the walls of our garden - do not count! Today some of them came to congratulate us. We are always glad to meet our alumni. Let's welcome them!
Children to applause with flowers enter one at a time. The host calls the names and surnames of the graduates.
1 child.
There are many different professions in the world
And each has its own beauty.
But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful
Than the one my mother works for!
2 child.
Today is not a day for a sailor, not a carpenter, not a carpenter.
Today is the best day ever - preschool worker!
3 child.
And on your professional holiday
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts.
Everyone who "burns out" at work,
Who do kids love so much?
4 child.
Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day light.
5 child.
Thanks to our nannies
For taking care of us
Fed, consoled
They reconciled among themselves.
6 child.
Thanks to the speech therapists for the glorious victories,
For speech purity, showiness, beauty!
7 child.
Most Musical
Our leader!
We say thank you
And on behalf of the parents.
You taught us to sing
And play and listen.
Even those who bear
Stepped on the ears.
8 child.
Thank you, let's say in chorus
manager, psychologist,
And the cook and the washerwoman
And our nurse.
We will gratefully
You will be remembered for a long time.
May wishes come true
Love and attention to you
Always with a kind smile
Meet the children in the garden

Children give balloons - hearts to kindergarten teachers and employees. They perform the song "Everything will be fine" Music and lyrics by L. Semenova

It's gonna be all right! The sun will rise.
Everything will be fine if we love each other.
"It's gonna be all right!" - the birds sing in the morning.
Everything will be fine, because people believe and wait,
That there will be peace on earth
And it will be joyful in fate.
We all live on this earth

It's gonna be all right! Let's sing and spin!
Everything will be fine if we, people, are friends!
"It's gonna be all right!" the river sings.
"It's gonna be all right!" - it is echoed by the clouds.
May there be peace throughout the earth
And it will be joyful in fate.
We all live on this earth
Earth is our home, Earth is our home.

Performance of children-graduates.
Our talented graduates performed for us with pleasure two small works on musical instruments on the flute and on the guitar.

1. Thank you all for your creativity and hard work,
For everything you played, sang, sewed.
And what they put into the souls of children,
Let years and hardships not erase.

2. Thank you for the kids
From grandmothers, fathers and mothers.
We appreciate your hard work.
Decades will pass
But we will remember
What was our children's house,
In which it was good
In which you want more.

Presenter 1:
Thank you guys. We are proud of you and wish you success in your studies, sports, creativity! Good friends, interesting things and events in life! And to you, dear parents, thank you for coming to our holiday.
Gifts are given to children. Everyone leaves the room.

Congratulations to the head of the structural unit.
Host 2:
Kindergarten is a special institution,
The educator is not just in the service.
We sow the important, the pure, the good.
Not on arable land, but in children's souls.
Today I would especially like to note our colleagues who are over 30. For more than 30 years they have been giving the warmth of their hearts to children every day!
Lidia Ibragimovna has been working in education for 33 years.
The indefatigable Larisa Vadimovna has been singing and dancing with children for 34 years.
Lyubov Alexandrovna has been raising the younger generation for 35 years.
For 43 years, she tirelessly transfers knowledge to children, delights with her energy, shines with enthusiasm, always young Zinaida Petrovna.
Rewarding educators with memorable gifts
Dear colleagues, for longevity in the profession, for conscientious long-term pedagogical work in a preschool institution, you are awarded an award, a porcelain figurine - Adele. This is a girl, symbolizes a pupil with gratitude carrying flowers to you. Her beautiful name also symbolically, it is named after Adelaide Semyonovna Simonovich, the founder of the first kindergarten in Russia.

Including Day of the preschool worker. It falls on the last days of September. For those who are concerned about the date of the Day of the Preschool Worker, there is a specific answer - September 27th.

Giving a piece of your soul to children is a real miracle!

Preschool Day is an opportunity to express your appreciation and respect for special people. Those that ensure the stay of children in preschool. And it is worth noting that this professional holiday concerns not only educators, but also workers of other professions. Music directors, managers, methodological workers, psychologists, cooks, nannies (assistant teachers), medical staff, caretakers, security guards, laundresses, speech therapists, electricians and other employees - the list is quite large. For all of them Day of the preschool worker is a professional holiday.

But the most important heroes of the occasion at this holiday, of course, are the educators. It is thanks to their love, patience and dedication to their profession that the children are interested in staying in the institution. It is they who know how to extinguish a quarrel in the bud, to explain in simple words why people on the other side of the planet do not fall into the sky, turn the boring eating of unloved porridge into an exciting lunch on a spaceship, and an ordinary walk into an expedition to a desert island. Therefore, on this day, the main congratulations are to the educator, the person who daily gives a piece of his soul to other people's children.

Goals and objectives of the matinee in honor of preschool workers

Like any other matinee, this holiday should create a joyful, high spirits among the children, their parents and the staff of the institution.

Must sound beautiful congratulations educator. But in addition, it is necessary to generalize the knowledge of the children about the holiday itself, the variety of professions of people working in preschool institutions, to convey to their consciousness the importance of the work of everyone who provides them with comfort, peace, makes life in dow interesting, cognitive.


The script for the Day of the Preschool Worker must necessarily include verses with which children will honor the heroes of the occasion.

September twenty-seventh

Not a red day of the calendar,

But on this holiday from the heart

"Thank you!" kids will say

To everyone who works in the garden:

Who teaches songs with us

Cooks delicious food

Who is more interesting together

play pirates, draw,

Sculpt foxes and squirrels

And even collect cones

And branches for crafts!

"Thank you!" Let's all say together:

Who cleans in groups

Who cleans the snow so that without problems

They played in the street.

Psychologist, doctor and speech therapist,

Security workers!

Health, happiness, long years!

We are grateful to all of you!

Hooray! We run into the garden in the morning -

It's fun here, it's fun!

Healthy food, mode -

The parents are happy.

The ship among the waves is our kindergarten,

There is a brave captain.

He is wise and kind, he is just a treasure!

And he is the most important one here.

There are no trifles for him here:

Must be delicious porridge

Knows instantly, whose drawing,

Our manager.

Skillfully manages everything

The approach is scientific in everything.

That's why our kindergarten

We love it so much - he's the best!

Suits for poetic montage

Children who will read the lines of congratulations need to hang signs on their chests with the names of the professions of kindergarten workers. You can even think of outfits and accessories for the participants. For example, a cook put on a white cap and give a large ladle in his hands, a janitor to supply a broom or a shovel for cleaning snow, a bucket and a mop will not interfere with a junior assistant teacher.

Congratulations from parents

Immediately after the performance of the children, their mothers and fathers take the floor. A poetic congratulation on the Day of Preschool Education Workers can also sound in the form of a montage - from several representatives from parents.

You love and affection

Children are not too lazy to give.

In a wonderful garden, like in a fairy tale,

The kids are tearing up every day!

The teacher is like a magician

Must know everything, know everything

So that the kids have questions

Wisely, clearly answer.

Children love to listen to stories.

And now in a new way

"Teremok" they will present.

Our children are a treasure!

Tale "Teremok" in a new way

The host reads the beginning of a Russian fairy tale. Only instead of famous heroes there are other characters.

- There is a teremok in the field, it is not low, not high.

Candy kids run past.

- And what? Beautiful teremok!

And they decided to live in it.

A sleepy nanny walks by, knocks, asks who lives in the little house. The kids answer:

- Children are sweet candies, and who are you?

- And I'm a nanny - caressing everyone! Let me in?

- Come on in!

Next comes the cook, knocking:

- Someone who lives in a teremochka, someone who lives in a low one?

We are candy kids!

- I, the nanny, caress everyone! And who are you?

The cook introduces himself in verse:

- I'm a great cook!

For kids - just a gift!

I'll boil my ear and cabbage soup,

Soup-noodles, lagman, borscht,

I'll make mashed potatoes with a cutlet ...

Can I come to you, candy kids?

Following the cook, the caretaker knocks on the teremok, it seems like this:

- I will solve any problem

Because I'm the caretaker!

I'll get everything, I'll bring it,

Furniture and products.

I'm a supply manager, I can do anything.

We really need you here!

Precious person -

Let's not part forever!

- Children wonderfully live like that,

But you need a mentor, friend.

Teachers come, knock, introduce themselves:

- We are educators - quick legs.

We do everything together with the kids:

We write, we read, we sculpt, we play.

1 teacher:

- And yes, I am a teacher,

I am a child watcher!

And I'm almost a teacher

And a storyteller.

2 educator:

- I organize children's leisure,

Because I really, really love them!

- Without such specialists

Teremka is indispensable!

Well, let's go, come in -

Let life boil more merrily!

Suitable methodologist:

- And I am a methodologist, an observer of upbringing!

I watch the work

What's wrong - I eliminate,

I do something

I compose tutorials.

- Can't do without you!

Come in! Here, sit down.

The washerwomen come

We are laundresses!

What is there to patch up?

Stroke, maybe?

Laundry wash?

- Hurry up!

We are very glad to see you!

We need laundresses

You are a blessing to all of us!

Suitable caretaker:

- I'm a security guard, well done,

Devotion pattern!

I will guard the tower

Protect from enemies!

We need a security guard

Come to us, we will live

Fun, calm, friendly -

Nothing to worry about now!

The speech therapist is also knocking on the tower. Residents of the Teremka introduce themselves: children - sweet sweets, a nanny - caressing everyone, lulling, a cook - a great culinary specialist, a supply manager - I will solve any question, teachers - fast legs, a methodologist - an observer of upbringing, laundresses are clean, a well done security guard. The speech therapist also introduces himself:

- I - speech therapist, defects - no!

I will save them from troubles

Who happens sometimes

Pure speech is difficult.

I walked and here at the light

I wandered into your teremok.

Do you have kids here

With a speech impediment, isn't it?

- There is ... We need a speech therapist just right!

Yes, candy kids?

Children in chorus:

- That's all, as if, in the collection.

But the work is not going...

That the caretaker and the cook are in a quarrel,

That muzruk suddenly does not sing ...

Work is not going well

What's wrong? I know!

I just really need someone...

- Manager!

-And let's call all together three times: "Head!"

The children are calling. The manager comes out with a huge bunch balloons:

- Oh, how beautiful your tower!

No wonder I came to you!

Well, let's continue our holiday!

So the story is good!

She distributes balloons to the children to the music.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This event can be held in a preparatory group for school. Here such a form of organizing children as leisure or a holiday is used.

Target: consolidation of ideas and a positive attitude towards the profession of an educator, other professions of preschool workers, kindergarten as a "second home".


  • Create a festive atmosphere and positive emotions for children and adults.
  • To cultivate respect for the employees of a preschool organization and their work.
  • Develop moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness.
  • Develop Creative skills, fantasy, imagination.

Forms of organization of children's activities: an integrated cultural and leisure event, which includes such methodological techniques as a teacher's story, an artistic word, health-improving elements, a surprise moment, a didactic game.

Event progress

Children to the music preparatory group enter the music room and become a semicircle near the chairs.

Leading: Hello, dear colleagues and our dear guys! We are glad to welcome you on this bright and joyful day. After all, today our country celebrates the Day of the Preschool Worker! Day of the educator and all workers of preschool education officially celebrated on September 27 since 2004. This autumn day was not chosen by chance. It was on September 27, 1863 that the first kindergarten was opened in St. Petersburg. Its founder Sophia Lugebil was distinguished by innovative views in the upbringing of children who were ahead of their time. The attitude she practiced towards the child as a full-fledged member of society was widely established only many years later. Today, the educator is an important profession, or rather, a vocation. It is on the educators that the process of personality formation in the younger generation largely depends. Therefore, this day is a great opportunity to remind the society of the importance of preschool education and to thank the people who help raise our children.

How many eyes and hands do you need
To follow around
For your tomboys -
Golden lollipops.
There - laughing, here - crying,
And the other is jumping on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Get it done quickly, skillfully.
The teacher will do everything:
He will punish, regret
Kiss and feed
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.
The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.

We send you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

Dear friends! The children of the preparatory group prepared poems for their favorite teachers.

1st child

Congratulations on the teacher's day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach us better.

Our tutors are
It's just top class!
put on heels,
Like fashion models!

And our educators
These are just class!
We like them very much
And beauties too!

2nd child

You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one care.
So that the earth is famous for us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, educators,
Thanks for all the good stuff!

3rd child

We are on a professional holiday
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Everyone who « burns down » At work,
Who do kids love so much?
Everyone who cares and feeds,
Who dances and sings with us.
Laundry washes, guards
And he answers with his head.
And the intellect develops them,
All the soul, the heart gives!

4th child

Who will teach friendship strong,
Share a game with a neighbor
Carefully eat all the porridge?
Our teacher!
With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing, verses will tell?
Our teacher!
Who will console, regret
Who will teach you to become kinder?
The beloved garden is more beautiful with her,
With our teacher!


Let's clap our guys for such wonderful poems.
And now we will perform M. Eremeeva's song "Our Educator".

Leading: “It seems that someone is in a hurry to visit us for the holiday!”

The music is from the movie Mary Poppins. Enter Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins: Hello, boys and girls. Hello dear teachers! I have come to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you well-being and joy, happiness and kindness, creative success in your work. I invite you to have fun and play today. Who wants to have some fun, put your hands up. Let's divide into two teams: a team of educators and a team of children. I ask a team of educators - educators enter, dressed as children (skirts, shorts, ponytails on their heads, panama hats, some have nipples hanging on a string around their necks). Let's choose a jury that will evaluate our victories. Come up with a name for your team and let's start our competition.

1 contest "Who will dress for a walk faster?"

Two chairs are placed on which representatives of both teams sit, next to each other in a hoop are two sets of clothes for a walk - boots or galoshes, a hat or hat, coat or jacket, etc. On a signal, they run to dress the selected participant, who will dress faster and lead to his team, he won.

2 contest "Guess who it is?"

Before the start of the competition, leaflets with the names of animals are prepared. Then all the leaves are put in a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and, depicting the specified animal with facial expressions, sounds, movements, and other team members try to guess who the participant is portraying.

3 competition "Riddles about preschool workers"

In the form of a presentation. Riddles about preschool workers appear on the interactive board and are guessed in turn by the teams.

Leading: Guys, you must be a little tired. Let's get a little distracted and perform the dance "Ding, Ding - Kindergarten."

Mary Poppins:“Guys, what good fellows you are, how well you danced.”

Mary Poppins: And now for our next competition.

4 competition "Feed me"

In this competition, a participant with closed eyes needs to be fed either yogurt or an apple (optional). Whoever eats it the fastest wins.

Mary Poppins: And finally, our last competition.

5 competition "Air battle"

Inflate 10 round balloons (5 pieces of two different colors). Create two teams. Divide the room into 2 equal parts with chalk, arrange the teams against each other. Give each team 5 balls. Task: while the music is playing, you need to transfer the balls to the opponent's side. It's not so easy, because the opponents return the victory balls! As soon as the music stops, the kids freeze.

The team with the fewest balls on their side wins.

Leading: This is where our competition ended. While the jury is counting the results, I suggest watching a skit.

Scene for the day of the educator

(boy, two girls)


I want to be a businessman.
I will be very cool.
I will drive a car
I'm on black and big!
I'll be terribly busy, business meetings ...
All in all, I'm very tired.
I'll come home in the evening!

1 girl:

I'll be a model then!
I will paint all day.
Us models early in the morning
Get up well, very, very lazy!
I'll be dressing all day
Try on and try on!
And when I'm tired, I'll lie down
I will just rest.
Well, and you, Polina, who
Do you want to be in the future?

2 girl:

listened to you now
I hesitate to say out loud
I want to be an educator.
work in a kindergarten.


Also cool! I am a son
I'll bring you to your group!
'Cause I trust you
You will love him!
If you can help the garden,
You can call me.
When I grow up, I'll give you my number.
I'm a cool businessman!

1 girl:

Well, then your daughter
I'll give it to you in the group.
You know there are so many of us
Here are such tired mothers!
There is no time to do
Something to glue and read.
But I just know that I will definitely trust you!

Boy and 1 girl

Yes! We may be cool
Meetings, people, cities.
But without Polinka's work
We can't go anywhere!
There are many professions needed
But one is more valuable than the others!
We love you very, very much
Family educators!

Mary Poppins: Our dear jury summed up the results. And we won - friendship! Guys, for the fact that you played so wonderfully, read poetry, danced, I want to treat you with sweet prizes. Thank you for wonderful holiday. And finally, I would like to convey congratulations to our beloved teachers. Guess who? But they didn't guess! This is the President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He could not come himself, so I wrote down his congratulations and promised to pass them on to you. Let's listen.

Mary Poppins: Well, that's all, dear friends! It's time for me to go home. See you soon!

Leading: Guys, our holiday is over, let's return to our groups. Thank you all for participating, you are great fellows!

Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 27th. This holiday is young, it is only a few years old. Previously, preschool each other in but now they have a separate one. It was created in order to draw society's attention to preschool education, which has become almost mandatory. Many educators and parents have only recently learned that there is such a holiday, which is why they ask the question: “When is Teacher’s Day celebrated?”.

How is the holiday celebrated?

On this day, celebrations are held. Now employees often congratulate each other, and when Teacher's Day comes, and then on Teacher's Day. The chosen one sums up the results, pronounces parting words, rewards or notes especially distinguished employees and highlights the work plan for next year. Subordinates are preparing a small concert dedicated to Sometimes they celebrate the day with a joint tea party, a trip to a cafe, to a concert initiated by the city authorities. However, a lot depends on the team, the number of groups in the kindergarten and the district. Of course, parents can congratulate educators and other employees on this day. It is not necessary to collect a lot of money for this, because the main thing is attention. People who teach children are pleased to receive flowers, postcards "Happy Teacher's Day" (which you can make with the kids), chocolate.

The history of kindergartens

The first kindergartens appeared in 1802 in Germany. At first, these were institutions to which the poor sent their children in order to be able to work. The children were attended by nannies - women from noble families who were engaged in charity work. They did not teach children as such, knowledge could be given on a case-by-case basis, nannies spent more time simply watching and caring for the children. The name "garden" for such institutions was given a little later by Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He explained it by the fact that children are the flowers of life, and they grow in the garden, and gardeners should grow them. Well, the name stuck, and gradually preschool education itself became streamlined, systemic. Previously, kindergartens were not the same as they are now, when educators give children much more knowledge, skills and abilities.

What do educators give to children?

Now in the kindergarten there are clear classes, walks, meals, recreation, entertainment. Educators really give a lot to children. It's good that they have their own professional holiday, and it would also be good for parents to know when the Teacher's Day is, and congratulate them at least in words, thanking them for their hard work. Teachers are with the children all day, teaching them to take care of themselves, wash, dress (if their parents have not taught). In the classroom, they teach children what is included in the program approved by the ministry. This may be familiarization with the environment, fire safety rules. Children are taught to draw, sculpt, count, distinguish colors, sounds; V senior group- read, think logically, speak out, and prepare for writing at school. And besides, educators teach children to interact with each other, resolve conflicts and look for a way out of various situations.

Who else in the garden takes care of your children?

Of course, you need to know when the Teacher's Day is, but keep in mind that there are many other important workers in the kindergarten:

In addition to them, there is a whole staff of staff in the garden who have little direct contact with the children, but provide them with a fertile, clean, comfortable environment. They do everything to make the children feel at home, because they spend so much time there. If you are satisfied with the work of your teachers, do not forget to find out, remember in time when the Teacher's Day is, and congratulate them on their professional holiday! After all, congratulating a person, you yourself become a little happier.
