Sapar is a month according to the Muslim calendar. The month of Safar has come

Like any human culture, Muslims have a number of holidays, fasts and other memorable dates that rightfully belong only to them. However, there is a certain distinguishing feature that separates the adherents of this religious denomination from the rest - the absence of borrowed holidays. It is widely believed that the Prophet Muhammad forbade all Muslims to celebrate the holidays of other peoples, which is why their integrity has been preserved to this day. Let's get acquainted with the most important Muslim holidays and fasts in 2017.

What is the Muslim calendar

First of all, the Muslim calendar (Islamic) is, and is used mainly to determine all Muslim religious dates, while in some countries it is the official calendar.

The main difference between the Muslim calendar and the Gregorian calendar that we are accustomed to is the beginning of the chronology, which in the Muslim calendar starts from July 16, 622, i.e. from the date of the Hijra, it was on this date that the Prophet Muhammad and other Muslims were forced to move from Mecca to Medina . For this reason, in all Islamic countries, The Muslim calendar is called the Hijri calendar.. Thus, the next year 2017 for Muslims will be 1438-1439 Hijri.

Calendar of Muslim holidays for 2017

New Year according to the Muslim calendar

September 22, 2017 (Fri) – New Year by Hijri. On this date, one year according to the Islamic calendar is replaced by another. It is noteworthy that in Islamic countries the New Year is celebrated very coldly. However, there is one belief among Muslims, which is similar to ours - New Year's. They say: how you spend the first month of the new year, so the whole year will pass.

Important Muslim (Islamic) holidays and dates in 2017

Night of Baraat

May 11, 2017 (Tue) - Night of Baraat. One of the sacred nights for Muslims. Some believe that it was on this night that the Koran was sent down from heaven to earth, but only on the night of Qadr did it reach the prophet Muhammad.


May 27, 2017 kind (Sat) – in Arabic in Turkish. The longest Muslim fast that lasts whole month. Throughout the month, Muslims refrain from eating certain foods, frequent meals, sexual intercourse, smoking, etc. During this period, most of the time should be spent in prayer and repentance.

Night of Power and Predestination

June 21, 2017 (Wed) - Night of Power and Predestination. The most important night of the year. It was in Qadr that the Prophet Muhammad received the first suras of the Holy Quran.

Eid al Adha

June 26, 2017 (Mon) - (also called Ramadan Bairam or Eid al-Fitr). It is one of the two major Islamic holidays (see Islamic calendar above). On this holiday, Muslims rejoice that they were given the opportunity to grow spiritually, enrich themselves, cleanse their soul and body during the fast of Ramadan. Preparation for the holiday begins four days before its onset. The hostesses do a general cleaning of the premises. On the eve of Uraz Bayram, all family members wash themselves, put on clean clothes (and often new clothes), and prepare treats. On this Muslim holiday, family feasts are held, in which everyone tries to congratulate each other, give gifts and wish warm words from the heart.

Day of Arafat

August 31, 2017 (Thursday) - Day of Arafat. On this date, all Muslims strive to complete their pilgrimage by making a sacrifice to Allah on the sacred Mount Arafat.

Kurban Bayram

September 1, 2017 (Fri) - (called the Feast of the Sacrifice). For the glory of Allah, Muslims slaughter a young lamb, a cow or a camel, part of it is distributed to the poor, part is given to the community. The third part is kept for a special dinner with the family in honor of the holiday.

Day of Ashura

1. On the day of Ashura, according to the Qur'an, Allah created the sky, the earth, the angels and the first man. And the day of judgment will also take place on that date.
2. Day of fasting among the Sunnis in honor of the fasting of Muhammad, who first arrived on this date in the city of Medina.
3. Day of mourning for the Shiites. It is believed that it was on the Day of Ashura that the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, Imam al-Hussein, and his followers were put to death.

Death of the Prophet Muhammad

November 17, 2017 (Fri) - Day of the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Mourning in all Muslim countries.

Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

December 1, 2017 (Fri) is the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. In many Muslim cities it is celebrated magnificently and festively. Posters with sayings are hung everywhere, sermons are read, songs are sung.

Today, at sunset, we enter a new month of the Islamic calendar - the month of Safar. The month of Safar is the second month of the year (according to the Muslim calendar) and follows the month of Muharram.

There are various hypotheses about the origin of the name of this month, the most popular of which is the following. The word "safar" is translated from Arabic as a journey, it is believed that during these months the inhabitants of Mecca and other cities left their homes and moved either because of the intense heat or because of wars and battles.

Until the time of Islam, there was a belief that the month of Safar is unlucky and brings bad luck. People, due to their ignorance, believed that the month of Safar brings illness, is full of curses, failures, and therefore they avoided any events and tried in every possible way to protect themselves from troubles. All this is superstition and nothing more, which has nothing to do with Islam. Since Allah is merciful and merciful, any period of time sent down by Him is good, and the onset of misfortune does not depend on the day, hour or the onset of any particular month. Therefore, to believe that Safar brings misfortune has no basis behind it and is nothing more than prejudice and superstition. The month of Safar is the most ordinary month, like any other. Time in itself cannot be something bad, as it is bestowed by the Almighty.

One of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) states:

“No misfortune befalls (a person) except with the permission of Allah…”(Sura Taghabun, verse 11)

Also in the hadith of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) regarding this issue, it is said: “Believing in bad omens is shirk. There is nothing wrong with the month of Safar.”(Bukhari, Volume 1, p. 857).

“There is no bad omen in things. There is no bad omen in the month of Safar. There is no evil omen in the cry of an owl"(Muslim, Salam, 102).

As for the question of any special worship to be performed in the month of Safar, there is none. A Muslim, as before, should strive for the pleasure of the Almighty through obligatory and additional worship, distance from sinful and constancy in good deeds.

Dua of Safar month

In the month of Safar, you can also make the following dua:

اَللّهُمَّ فَرِّجْنَا بِدُخوُلِ الصَّفَرِ وََاخْتِمْ لَنَا بِالْخَيْرِ وَ الظَّفَرِ

"Allahumma farrijna bi-dukhuli-s-safari wa-htim lana bi-l-hairi wa-z-zafar."

Meaning: “O my Allah! Give us the joy of entering the month of Safar. Deign us to complete it with goodness and victory.”

Throughout the month, you can also make the following dua: “Al-hamdu-lillahi laka-l-hamdu shakuran wa-laka-l man-nu fadlan va-ʼana ʻabduka ʻurfan va-ʼana lizalika ʼahlan. ʼAstavdiuka nafsi va-dini va-dunyaʼi wa-akhirati va-havatimi ʻumuri wa-ʻamali va-ʼastavdiʻuka jamiʻa ʼummati Muhammadin sallallahu ʻalaihi wa-sallama bi-shiddati hawlika wa-batshika wa-kuvvatika fa -ʼinna mustavdaʻaka musanun wa-hukmaka nafizun wa-kadaʼaka galibun wa-ya ʼahkama-l-khakimina va-ya ʼasraʻa-l-khasibin. Ya ʼakrama maʻmulin wa-ʼazhwada masʼulin ya haiyu ya kayyumu ya kadimu ya fardu ya witru ya ʼhadu ya samadu ya man lam yalid wa-lam yulad wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ʼahad. Ya ʻazizu ya wahhabu wa-salla-llahu ʻala khayri halkihi Muhammadiv-wa-alihi wa-sahbihi ʼazhmaʻin».

Meaning: “Praise be to Allah, I give praise to You, being grateful to You, recognizing Your Mercy in everything, being Your servant, and being worthy of this in Your eyes. I entrust under Your protection from the all-crushing power of Your strength, Your anger, the power of Your will myself, my faith, my life in this and the other world, all the results of my deeds and the result of my life for the sake of all people who follow Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him Almighty). Your intercession is protected, Your will extends to everything, Your predestination is invincible. O Lord of Lords! O Quick in calculation! O Merciful to His servants, Answering the requests of those who ask! O He Who is Eternally Living, Unshakable, Eternal, One, Independent of anyone, Who did not give birth and was not born, Who has no likeness to Himself. O Almighty, O Retributor, send salavat to the best of Your creatures, Muhammad, and to all his companions.

Blessed month of Safar!

Safar has no less virtues and advantages than other months of the year, and Allah also favorably accepts prayers, dua (supplications) and other pious deeds performed in this month, as in other months.


The month of Safar in pre-Islamic times, people considered sinister, especially its first 13 days - they tried not to marry and in every possible way protected themselves and their families from the possible approach of evil and troubles.

With the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, all bad omens and omens, as contrary to the teachings of Islam, were abolished. Although, many people still mistakenly associate all disasters - illnesses, curses, business failures and other misfortunes with the onset of the month of Safar.

The Prophet said: "All the months are the months of Allah, all the days are the days of Allah." Based on this, any day, week, month, depending on the will of Allah, can be bad and good - if a person sins at this time, he will be punished by Allah, and if he does good deeds, then time will be successful for him.

They refute the erroneous idea of ​​the month of Safar and the historical events of the Islamic society. For example, the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Fatima, married Ali in the month of Safar.

Thus, according to Islam, there is no season or month that is considered inauspicious. In addition, the Night of the Prophet's Migration from Mecca to Medina is celebrated in the month of Safar.

Relocation Night

The night of the Hijra (translated from Arabic as "relocation"), which is set to commemorate the relocation of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina), falls on the 27th day of the month of Safar. According to the Gregorian calendar in 2019, this night falls on October 25th.

The adherents of Islam at that time in Mecca were greatly oppressed, and the believers asked the prophet to move to another place where they could live freely, pray and preach. The Messenger of Allah pointed to the city of Yathrib, where the Jewish and Arab tribes, who were always at war with each other, lived, who hoped that the appearance of the prophet next to them would put an end to their strife, and the long-awaited peace would come.


The movement of the first Muslims was secret, they set off on a journey at night, taking only the most necessary with them. For four months, while the prophet and his closest associates remained in Mecca, the Muslim community and the brotherhood of Muhajirs (settlers) grew in Medina.

The enemies of the prophet in Mecca, meanwhile, plotted and wanted to kill him. According to legend, Allah revealed to Muhammad their evil intent and commanded that that night to perform Hijra. Having overcome many difficulties, the prophet reached Medina, where he was met by overjoyed co-religionists.

Since that time, Islam began to spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and the night of the exit of Muhammad from Mecca marked the beginning of a new chronology - the lunar Muslim calendar, according to which the Muslim world lives today.

The year of the Muslim migration to Medina (according to the Christian calendar - 622 AD) is considered the beginning of the Muslim era.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Pilgrims in Mecca

The new Muslim chronology, in which the starting point was the day of the exodus of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, was introduced in 638 by one of his close associates and the second caliph, Omar ibn al-Khattab.

What does Safar mean?

The very name of the month is associated with two beliefs that have ancient roots. According to one of them, the month was named so because of the desolation (isfaar) of Mecca, that is, all the inhabitants left it when they traveled during this month.

According to another, the name of the month Safar is associated with yellow, as it comes at the very height of the autumn season, when the time of yellow leaves dominated in nature.

The literary translation of the word "safar" is also associated with a natural phenomenon and literally means "the whistling breath of the wind", suggesting the state of the weather this month.

© photo: Sputnik / Michael Voskresenskiy

The name of the month is associated with another fact. Some sources say that at this time they usually raided other tribes and left those with whom they clashed without property (sifran min al-mataa) - that is, they appropriated everything that belonged to them and left them with nothing. .

hijri day

Safar is preceded by the holy month of Muharram, on the first day of which the new Hijri year 1441 begins. Ras as Sana'a (Hijri Day) in 2019 falls on the 31st of August according to the Gregorian calendar.

It is not customary for Muslims to celebrate the onset of the Lunar New Year in a special way. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the moving of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Danichev

Muslims spend the first day of the month of Muharram in prayer, as they are sure that if they pray diligently during this period for the forgiveness of sins and do good deeds, God's blessing will descend on them and the rest of the year will be prosperous.

The first 10 days of the new year are revered in the Muslim world as blessed for all good undertakings. At this time, it is customary to play weddings, start building houses and make plans for the future.

The month of Muharram itself - along with the months of Rajab, Zul Qaada and Zul Hija - every Muslim should try to spend in the service of the Almighty, who forbade conflicts, blood feuds, wars and so on for this time.

One of the sayings of Muhammad says: "Muharram is the best for fasting after the month of Ramadan." Another saying says: "He who fasts one day in the month of Muharram is rewarded as for 30 fasts." According to another saying, a great reward awaits a Muslim who fasts on Thursday, Friday and Sunday of the month of Muharram.

Fasting during the holy month of Muharram, just like fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, consists in refusing food during daylight hours, in spiritual cleansing, in devoting oneself to prayers, repentance and worship.

Creation of heaven

The tenth day of the month of Muharram is the Day of Ashura, on which, according to the Koran, the creation of Heaven, Earth, angels, the first man, Adam, falls. On the same day, the end of the world is also expected.

Therefore, on this day, as well as on the 9th and 11th months of Muharram, it is advisable to fast and give alms. On this day, the prophet Ibrahim was born, the prophet Isa ascended to heaven, the prophet Musa was saved from the persecution of the pharaoh, the ship of Nuh moored to Mount Judi after the flood, and so on.

Fasting on the day of Ashura, according to one of the hadiths, cleanses a Muslim from sins for the previous and subsequent years, and for a grain of alms (sadaqa) on the day of Ashura, Allah Almighty will give a reward equal to Mount Uhud. So, on the Day of Ashura, they distribute sadaqah, make children and loved ones happy, read the Koran and do other charitable deeds.

Rabi al awwal

According to the lunar calendar, Safar will replace the month, which in Arabic is called Rabi al Awwal, which means the beginning of spring.

It occupies a special place in the Muslim calendar, since the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, was born on the 12th day of the month of Rabi al Awwal.

© Fotolia / Meen_na

Revealed Quran

The birth of Muhammad began to be celebrated only 300 years after the advent of Islam. According to tradition, the prophet was born around 570 AD in Mecca. However, the exact date of his birth remained unknown, therefore, in Islam, the holiday of birth is actually timed to coincide with the date of the death of Muhammad, because death, according to Islam, is nothing more than birth for eternal life.

On the days of celebrating the birthday of the prophet, everyone should read prayers dedicated to Muhammad, both in the mosque and at home, but visiting the grave of the Messenger of Allah in Medina and praying in his mosque is considered the most pious deed.

At this time, it is customary to express joy over the arrival of Muhammad, whom Muslims consider the last messenger of God, to this world, and give thanks to the Almighty for this, turn to Allah with prayers, distribute alms to the poor and conduct pious conversations with each other.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

This year 2017 Muslim holidays are presented in the Islamic Hijri calendar for each month, with the days of the celebrations, which you will find below on the page.

It is important to know why there are so few holidays in the Muslim calendar, and all because at one time the Prophet Muhammad did not allow his followers to celebrate non-Muslim holidays, take part in them and classify them as Islamic holidays.

When a faithful Muslim takes part in a religious Islamic holiday, he thereby joins the rite of his religion, which he holds, honors and which completely suits him.

What holiday do Muslims have in 2017 - which by months

Around that time, Muslims had two great holidays at once - Conversation (Uraza-Bayram), which begins immediately after the fast of Ramadan and Sacrifice (Kurban-Bayram), marked by the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage of faithful Muslims for prayers and worship of shrines to Islamic Mecca).

Initially, other Muslim dates were not taken into account and were considered important holidays Islam. Therefore, there were no solemn events on their occasion.

At the same time, it is worth noting that at about the same time special places were allocated in the Muslim calendar for such solemn days as:

- Juma - Namaz (Friday prayer among faithful Muslims) is one of the most favorite days of the week for Muslims, and Juma begins after sunset on Thursday and continues until sunset on Friday.

Ashura is a day of mourning, remembrance and voluntary fasting.

- The day of Arafat is the last day of the Hajj (Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca), when the faithful visit the holy mountain Arafat and pray there.

- Night of Predestination - on this night they read the Koran, pray and ask for forgiveness for their sins

These holidays for the Muslim world were predestined not as a time for fun, but as days for diligent worship of the Lord God.

All other festivals in Islam are considered memorable dates.

What is quite unusual, although not at all surprising - given the direction of the Islamic religion, the attitude of Muslims to the celebration of holidays is not at all familiar, for example, to Christians or Catholics.

If for some people professing a religion other than Islam, some religious holiday is considered an occasion to have fun and escape from everyday life, then for Muslims any celebration is just another reason to increase their good deeds, which, according to the faith of Islam, they will be credited on the Day of Judgment, compared with their bad deeds and deeds.

The days of the celebrations of some holidays among Muslims give them an extra incentive for more diligent service to Allah. So, the inhabitants of Muslim countries, on their sacred days and nights, read certain prayers of the Koran and perform ritual prayers, and they also strive to please their loved ones and relatives, relatives and even strangers.

It is customary for devout Muslims to visit each other on the days of the celebration of some kind of triumph of Islam - to visit each other, invite guests to their house, lay a rich table, give donations to those in need of help, give gifts.

Religious Muslim holidays in 2017 will be celebrated according to the lunar Islamic calendar and in strict accordance with the Hijra. Due to the fact that Islamic holidays are "tied" to the lunar calendar, every year they shift by about 11 days.

It should be noted that initially the word "Hijra" meant a pilgrimage - a journey from Mecca to Medina.

The year of the end of the Hijra - in the Muslim calendar became the first and it was from this moment that the modern history of Islam began.

It is also important to remember that the countdown of the day in the Islamic calendar is not from the moment of sunrise, but from its sunset.

Thus, the night of the new day among Muslims is the previous day.

Navruz in 2017 - March 21

Navruz cannot be called a religious holiday - it is rather a national holiday and it is dedicated to the spring equinox. Usually, people on this day remembered the dead, in addition, the Zoroastrians on Navruz worshiped the forces of fire, which, in turn, considered the life energy sent to us in this way by heaven.

Date of Navruz holiday in 2017

Every year it is the same and does not differ from the previous ones, and therefore Navruz in 2017 is celebrated on March 21. For many years of the existence of this celebration, it was either canceled or reintroduced, and even today it is celebrated only in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Turkey, Kazakhstan. But the Arabs do not celebrate Navruz at all. But the duration of the holiday in each country is different. In some states it is celebrated from March 21 to 23, and in others even for 6 days, that is, from the 21st to the 27th. In these countries, Navruz is one of the most popular holidays and is revered not only as a day of spring, but also as a New Year.

Navruz traditions

According to the legends, Navruz should be fun and, as is customary in many countries, it is considered that one cannot work. On the night of the 20th to the 21st, Muslims gather with the whole family together and they begin to celebrate. Moreover, according to beliefs, if you spend this day outside the house, then you won’t see it at all all year round, and therefore they used to try not to leave their homes and have fun with their relatives. In addition to traditional sweets (shekerbura, baklava, badamburoy, gogal) and pilaf, seven dishes are always prepared that begin with the letter “s” (sabzi, seed, skad, sumakh, sirke, and so on)

Night of Baraat in 2017 - May 11

This is a sacred night in Muslim culture, which is celebrated in the Hijri month of Shaaban. According to the sages, the month of Ramadan is a time for harvesting fruits for one's good deeds, but Shaaban, on the contrary, is the period when it is necessary to sow them. Days 14 and 15 are considered turning points when it is necessary to pray and fast.

Date of the Holy Night of Baraat

Every year it is different and is determined quite simply - for Muslims it is always the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Shaaban. In 2017, Baraat Night is celebrated on May 11th. This day is not only a symbol of goodness and philanthropy, but also a holiday of forgiveness of sins, correction and purification.

Traditions on the Night of Baraat

Muslims pray all night for the forgiveness of sins, and in the morning they perform a ritual of ablution. They prepare for this day carefully - they wash their clothes white, or simply buy new white ones, clean the house, wash everything and get rid of rubbish. And after the rite of washing, they put on a clean robe and go to breakfast, where the head of the family says a prayer. At the same time, the table must be necessarily low and it is called dastarkhan. Festive dishes are usually light, they try to serve more vegetables, since from this day intensive preparations for the month of Ramadan begin.

Ramadan in 2017 - from May 27 to June 25

Ramadan is not one day, but a whole month, which Muslims sacredly honor and observe a strict fast all this time. According to all adherents of Islam, the month of Ramadan is considered one of the five pillars on which, in principle, their faith rests.

When does Ramadan start in 2017? Ramadan Bairam in 2017

As we have said, Ramadan is the month immediately following the month of Shaabat. It is determined according to the phases of the moon and is the ninth month of the year. In 2017, Ramadan Bairam begins on May 27 and ends on June 25, respectively.

Traditions of Ramadan

Throughout the month, faithful Muslims pray and adhere to strict fasting. They try more than usual to do good deeds and cleanse themselves of filth. Moreover, in addition to abstaining from food, Muslims also refuse intimacy with their wives.

Uraza Bayram in 2017

This is the second most important holiday for the adherents of Islam. Muslims on this day rejoice that Allah has given them the opportunity for spiritual growth - the whole month of Ramadan and analyze the results of the past fast.

Date of Uraza Bayram

At the end of the month of Ramadan, namely on June 26, the Muslim people celebrate the holiday of Uraza Bayram, or as it is also called Eid ul-Fitr.

Traditions of the holiday of Uraza Bayram

At the end of the fast, they roll up a loud, rich and joyful holiday with no less generous treats. It is necessary to celebrate the holiday strictly in family circle and a restaurant or cafe is not welcome. The first thing they do on this day is to put on festive clothes and go to the mosque, but only men do this, and women at this time prepare treats and house for the celebration. After a family meal and prayer, many go to visit their relatives and friends, while others, accordingly, invite everyone to visit them. They also continue to serve alms, sometimes this is a treat from the table, but most often a monetary alms. Do not forget to visit the cemetery where relatives are buried.

Night of Power and Predestination (Lailatul-qadr) in 2017 - June 21

In Islam, this is the main and most powerful night when you can ask for everything and the Almighty will fulfill it. And all because, according to legend, it was on this night that the Koran was sent down to earth, therefore, every year, according to the teachings of Muslims, Allah shows special mercy and blessings.

Date of Laylatul-qadr holiday

The date of the holiday is usually different, since it comes ten days before the end of the month of Ramadan, and, accordingly, depends on the phase of the moon. In 2017, Laylatul-qadr is celebrated on June 21st. It is worth noting that they have one feature, because during this period usually good weather everything is calm and not even a single star falls from the sky.

Traditions of Laylatul-qadr

It is advisable not to sleep at all that night, or very little, which Muslims do. It is better to devote free time to prayer or for forgiveness, or for blessing, everyone has their own needs. Also, if on some day a Muslim missed any prayer or prayer, that night he can perform them. It is imperative to spend time analyzing the whole year, drawing conclusions from your actions and the actions of other people. The menu for this day and the previous one should also be lighter and leaner, because, according to them, heavy food does not pull you to the prayer mat, but makes you sleepy.

Kurban Bayram in 2017 - September 1

This is the second holiday that Muhammad commanded to celebrate and is the second largest holiday after Ramadan Bairam. It is also called the Feast of Sacrifice, and Kurban Bayram, and Eid al-Adha. The holiday symbolizes the absolute, pure and sincere faith in the Almighty, unity with him and approach.

Date Kurban Bayram 2017

They remember the holiday in the month of Zul-Hijjah on the 10th, that is, in 2017 Kurban Bayram is celebrated on September 1st. All Muslims follow lunar calendar, as a result of which all holidays are slightly shifted.

Traditions on Eid al-Adha

As on Ramadan Bayram, fasting is observed just before the holiday, however, its difference lies in the fact that it lasts not 30 days, but 10. Then, at the end of it, Muslims also perform a ritual of ablution in the morning, put on clean clothes and men go to the mosque. Moreover, since morning nobody eats anything. Also during the day, everyone goes to preach, but in the evening they slaughter a sacrificial animal and cook festive table. The slaughtered cattle are usually eaten in the family circle and be sure to leave a part for the poor, food or money is also collected for them. In general, the holiday should be held in an atmosphere of kindness and sacrifice, and therefore whoever asks for help on this day cannot be refused.

Arafat Day in 2017 - August 31

According to legend, it was at the foot of Mount Arafat that Adam and Eve met after they were expelled from paradise. It is believed that on this day the significance and weight of deeds doubles, that is, if you have done a good deed, then the reward will be tantamount to helping two people, not one. The same applies to the bad ones, the punishment for them will be doubly stronger.

Holiday date Arafat day 2017

The day of Arafat is celebrated on the 9th day of the month of Zul-Hijja, in the lunar calendar used by Muslims, it is the twelfth. Therefore, in 2017, Arafat Day is celebrated on August 31.

Holiday traditions

Basically, on this day, Muslims tend to get to Mount Arafat in order to make a pilgrimage to holy places and, of course, to pray. Most believers turn to Allah for the forgiveness of sins. However, we all understand that not everyone manages to get to the mountain, so those who did not succeed try to do as many good deeds as possible and pray at home.

Ashura Day in 2017 - October 1

Ashura Day can be called a unique holiday, since at this time the Earth, the first man, heaven and angels were created. In addition, it was on this night that the Prophet Muhammad received most of his revelations.

Day of Ashura - date for 2017

According to the Muslim calendar, this is always the 10th day of the month of Muharram. At the same time, just before the holiday, another fast is observed, which lasts 2-3 days. So, in 2017 Ashura Day is celebrated on October 1st.

Holiday traditions

Since one of the prophets of Islam, Hussein, died on this day, the Day of Ashura can rather be called mourning. According to tradition, every time Muslims carry out a procession dedicated to him. In many cultural institutions, they try to tell visitors about the life of the prophet - these are theatrical performances, stories, songs, concerts, and so on.

Arbain in 2017 - November 9

This day is also dedicated to the Prophet Hussein - this is a commemoration that is held for 40 days of mourning after his death. This day commemorates the heroism and courage of Hussein, who was able to resist the usurpers Omeida and Abbasids.

Date of Arbain holiday

From the description and meaning of the holiday, one can guess that it is celebrated on the fortieth day after the Ashura Day holiday. This event usually falls on the 20th day of the Safar month, that is, in 2017 we will celebrate Arbain on November 9th.

Holiday traditions

Many call this day one of the most massive gatherings of people. Muslims in Arbain arrange a pilgrimage to holy places, and the most important part of the program is the reading of suras at the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. This tradition got its name - Ziyarat, also this part of the ceremony includes the obligatory decoration of the tomb and sacrifices. In addition, every self-respecting Muslim tries on this day to show his kindness and help those in need: give alms, food, money, and so on.

Miraj in 2017 - April 25

The Miraj holiday is dedicated to the dream of Muhammad, when the archangel Jabrail raised him to heaven. According to legend, Allah then showed him both hell and paradise, and then allowed him to stand before his throne. Also in this dream, Muhammad had the opportunity to communicate with other prophets.

Date of Miraj

On April 25, 2017, all Muslims will celebrate the Miraj holiday. If we talk about the lunar calendar and Islamic traditions, then they celebrate it on the 27th of the month of Rajab.

Holiday traditions

It is noteworthy that in different cities traditions and rituals may differ slightly. For example, in some it is customary to eat as always, but in others, on the contrary, to abstain completely, and still others, perhaps, just try to eat vegetable diet dishes. However, they are united by one tradition, which is observed everywhere. After sunset, every Muslim family sets up a rich table with an abundance of meat and fish dishes, and be sure to invite relatives and close friends. Hands are washed before and after the meal, and guests are served a special bowl of water for this, so that they perform this ceremony. Before the start of dinner, Muslims say: "O Allah, bless this food and save us from hell." But at the end: “Thanks be to Allah, who sent us food, drink and made us Muslims.” Only the head of the family and the owner of the house should start the meal, and after that everyone else.

Juma holiday

Juma is a day that is specially allocated by Allah and dedicated to the Muslim community. It is believed that on this day Adam was created, introduced into paradise, and in the future it is on Juma that, according to Muslim prophecies, the Last Judgment falls.

Date of Juma holiday

Juma does not have a fixed date, as it is the same as Sunday in our understanding. This holiday occurs every Friday of every week.

Holiday traditions

As we have already mentioned that Juma was established in honor of the Muslim community. That is, so that all believers on this day always gather and perform the Friday Juma prayer, which, in fact, Muslims do to this day. Also, many believe that all good deeds done on this day will be more highly valued, which means that the reward for doubles.

Muslim New Year in 2017 (Hijri New Year)

It is from this day that the Muslim lunar calendar begins. Despite many differences in terms of traditions on this holiday, they still have something in common with us. According to popular belief As you spend the month of Muharram, the whole year will pass.

Holiday date Muslim New Year

Muslim New Year is celebrated on the 1st Muslim month Muharram. In 2017, it is September 22nd. Although this holiday is considered the New Year in Islam, official holidays it is not included and is not marked as it is done with us.

Holiday traditions

There are no special traditions, as you already understood, on this day. Usually, a special fast is observed all month - As-saum. According to the canons of Islam, it is forbidden to eat and drink during daylight hours, various entertainments, incense, bathing, smoking and sexual intimacy. At night, all prohibitions are lifted, however, many clergy advise against allowing yourself too much.

Today, September 30, 2019, the second month of the Muslim lunar calendar, Safar, has begun.

Safar has no less virtues and advantages than other months of the year, and Allah also favorably accepts prayers, dua (supplications) and other pious deeds performed in this month, as in other months.

What does Safar mean?

There are two versions of the origin of this word. According to one of them, the month was named so because of the desolation (isfaar) of Mecca, that is, all the inhabitants left it when they traveled during this month.

According to another, the name of the month Safar is associated with yellow, as it comes at the very height of the autumn season, when the season of yellow leaves dominates in nature.

Prejudice about the month of Safar

Among the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period, there were a number of prejudices associated with the month of Safar. They considered him sinister, especially his first 13 days. These days they tried not to marry and in every possible way protected themselves and their families from the possible approach of evil and troubles.

With the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, all bad omens and omens, as contrary to the teachings of Islam, were abolished. Although, many people still mistakenly associate all disasters - illnesses, curses, business failures and other misfortunes with the onset of the month of Safar.

The prophet said:

"All the months are the months of Allah, all the days are the days of Allah."

Based on this, any day, week, month, depending on the will of Allah, can be bad and good - if a person sins at this time, he will be punished by Allah, and if he does good deeds, then time will be successful for him.
