Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr: history and traditions. What is Eid al-Fitr and how is it celebrated? When is the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Adha is an important holiday for Muslims. Read the article if you want to know the history, meaning, recipes for dishes that are prepared at the feast.

Eid al-Adha is the main Muslim holiday. Many traditions are associated with it and this day is important for every Muslim. The beginning of the holiday takes many centuries ago.

  • Eid al-Adha is celebrated some time after Uraza-Bayram.
  • Muslims are not allowed to work on this day. In many countries with Muslim communities, it is celebrated for 3 days.
  • It is difficult to say what date Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in a particular year. The date changes according to lunar calendar, which is called by Muslims - hijra.
  • Kurban Bayram is the result of the Hajj, which is also very important for every Muslim believer. What is the history of this holiday? How is the title translated? For these and many other questions, you will get answers from this article.

Eid al-Adha in Arabic: translation

The name of the holiday originates from the Turks. Translation of Eid al-Adha in Arabic: Eid al-Adha - "holiday of the sacrifice." Another translation from ancient Arabic means Kurban - approach, Bayram - a holiday. But the holiday itself is associated with the sacrifice of a ram, and the main meaning lies in approaching Allah.

What is the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha: history, meaning

The history of Eid al-Adha is very interesting and is connected with the prophet Ibrahim. Moreover, his prophetic deeds are known not only among Muslims, but also among Christians. Ibrahim was tested by Allah and always distinguished by exorbitant obedience. So, what is this Muslim holiday - Eid al-Adha - history:

  • Ibrahim saw in a dream an angel who ordered the eldest son Ismail to be slaughtered. He had this dream many times.
  • The Prophet decided to follow the will of Allah.
  • He took his son to the place where the sacrifice was to take place.
  • On the way, they met Shaitan three times, who dissuaded them from doing the slaughter.
  • But Ibrahim obeyed only Allah, and he and his son continued to walk, and the enemy was stoned.
  • When the father brought the knife to his son's throat, he stopped cutting. Ibrahim heard a voice that said that all the conditions were met and Allah sees that his faith is strong.
  • Suddenly, out of nowhere, a ram appeared, which the prophet sacrificed.

Since that time, the act of the prophet is considered a symbol of sincere love for Allah. As a sign of righteous faith, all Muslims sacrifice a ram or other animal. Therefore, the meaning of this holiday is known as "sacrifice", although the translation of the name refers specifically to the holiday.

How many days after Uraza Eid al-Adha?

Uraza ( May 23, 2020) is a holiday when the Muslim fast of Ramadan ends, which is observed for 30 days in the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. How many days after Uraza Eid al-Adha? After 70 days, and this holiday falls, always at different times, in July 31, 2020.

How many times a year is the holiday of Islam Eid al-Adha, how many days does it last?

Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of the twelfth month of the lunar Muslim calendar. As mentioned above, it passes after Uraza, which takes place once every 9 months. It turns out that Eid al-Adha - main holiday Islam happens only once a year, but it constantly shifts.

This holiday lasts 3-4 days. Such a long celebration is connected with the fact that a Muslim must visit all relatives, and this cannot be done in one day. In addition, believers should read prayers and sermons. During the days of celebration, it is customary to treat all people and give alms to the poor.

Fasting before Eid al-Adha: what is allowed and what is forbidden to eat?

Before the holiday of Eid al-Adha, Muslims fast. From dawn until the end of reading the morning holiday prayer - prayers, you can’t eat anything. After prayer, it is allowed to eat sweets.

After the mosque, believers go to the cemetery to pray for the dead. The Muslims then go home and begin the Feast of Sacrifice. Treats and celebrations begin at a richly laid table.

How Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha: script

How Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha: script

Millions of Muslims are preparing to celebrate one of the most important holidays of their faith. Therefore, everything must go perfectly and correctly. How do Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha? Scenario:

  • Believers must wake up at dawn, perform a full bath and put on clean beautiful clothes.
  • Then, without breakfast and without taking any food, Muslims go to the mosque. On the way, they pray, pronouncing the words: “Allah Akbar!”.
  • Eid prayer is being read in the mosque. Then the khutba is read - a sermon. All the time praised by Allah, the prophet Muhammad.
  • The Imam explains to the visiting Muslims, where does the hajj originate from and what does the rite of sacrifice mean.
  • After the sermon, a rite with a sacrifice is performed. The lamb should be healthy, six months old, without any flaws. Above the victim, the phrase is pronounced: “Bismillah, Allah Akbar!”, Which translates as “In the name of Allah! Allah is great!" Before cutting off the head of a ram, it is thrown to the ground. Part of the meat goes to the table, another part goes to relatives and neighbors, and the rest is distributed to the poor.
  • Then believers go to the cemetery and read a prayer there for the dead.
  • Returning home, Muslims loudly glorify Allah. At home, all speeches are aimed at praising Allah.
  • After returning home, the feast of sacrifice itself begins in a wide circle of relatives and acquaintances at a beautifully decorated table.
  • Various meat delicacies and gourmet sweets should be on the table.. It is customary for Muslims to share other faiths with people. Sparing meat is a grave sin.

All 3 days of celebration, believers go to visit, give gifts, celebrate and praise Allah. They also visit the graves of the dead and distribute alms.

Sacrificial meat should not be stored, it must be eaten during the holiday, and the bones should be buried in the ground. Therefore, there are many meat dishes on the Muslim table these days. What is cooked on Eid al-Adha? On the first day, dishes are made from offal - the heart and liver. On the second day, they put on the table soup from the head of a lamb and shanks. Stews, rice, vegetables and beans can also be prepared. On the last day of the holiday, soups made from sheep bones, pilaf, shish kebab, beshbarmak, chuchvara, lagman and others will be on the table.

Recipes of traditional dishes:

Jiz Byz

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: recipes

You will need the following products:

  • lamb liver - 1 piece of each offal;
  • onion turnip - 4 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sweet red pepper - 2 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • coriander, ground pepper and salt - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Peel the onion, wash, chop and put aside.
  2. Sweet peppers and tomatoes, wash, peel and cut into small pieces.
  3. Wash the liver and cut each offal coarsely, removing the film and blood clots.
  4. Pour oil into the pan and fry the garlic until Brown. Take it out, and alternately put the boiling oil and fry the liver. At the end, mix everything together and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add onion, chopped tomatoes, coriander and pepper. Simmer the dish, stirring for another 5 minutes.
  6. At the end, salt and remove the cauldron from the fire.
  7. Divide among bowls and sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro.

Soup Shulyum

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes

You will need the following ingredients:

  • lamb meat (shank) - 2 kg;
  • onion turnip - 2 pieces;
  • sweet pepper - 2 kg;
  • potatoes - 6 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 8 pieces;
  • parsley, cilantro, basil, dill - 1 bunch;
  • salt, chili pepper, black pepper and freshly ground peppercorns - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the meat into pieces of 100 grams.
  2. Clean the onion.
  3. Pour water into a large saucepan, put the meat and a whole onion. When the water boils, remove the film and cook for 1 hour.
  4. Peel potatoes and cut into large pieces. Add to broth.
  5. Peel the sweet pepper and cut into long slices.
  6. Peel the tomatoes. To do this, pour boiling water over and remove the skin with a knife. Cut into slices.
  7. Put the peppers and tomatoes in the pot.
  8. Finely chop the greens and after 1.5 hours of cooking the soup, add it to the pan.
  9. Season with salt at the end and remove from heat.
  10. Before serving, pour soup into bowls and garnish with parsley leaves.

Shah pilaf

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha?

A complex dish that is interesting and exciting to cook. The name of the dish comes from appearance- it looks like the crown of eastern checks. A distinctive feature of this dish is gazmakh - a crust from pita bread, in which the dish itself is located. Ghazmakh is toasted and protects the rice from burning.

Ingredients for each element of the dish:

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: pilaf recipe

Cooking steps:

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: a recipe for pilaf

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: continuation of the pilaf recipe

Also on the festive table should be sweets. Muslim women Cookies are baked on Eid al-Adha.

Cookies "Shaker-puri"

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: cookie recipes

What products will be needed:

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: ingredients

Cooking steps:

What is cooked on Eid al-Adha - traditional dishes: cooking

Bon appetit!

Salads on Eid al-Adha: recipes

Salads on Eid al-Adha are also made with meat or liver. All products are shredded. You can make several different salads with the same vegetables, but with different meat ingredients: meat, heart, liver, and so on.


You must have these ingredients:

Salads on Eid al-Adha: recipe, ingredients

Cooking steps:

Salads on Eid al-Adha: recipe, preparation

What gifts are given on Eid al-Adha?

Gifts should be presented when everyone has already gathered at a large table. You cannot come to this holiday empty-handed. Present souvenirs, depending on their financial capabilities. What gifts are given on Eid al-Adha? Here are some options:

  • carved box;
  • a photo album with an already collected archive of the family;
  • unique gizmos for the interior (vases, carpet on the floor, do-it-yourself lace napkins, a rug with text from the Koran);
  • amulets - a mirror, prayers on a piece of matter and more.
  • money can only be given to men.

In general, you can present whatever your heart desires. Older women will love a Muslim-style scarf, brooch or antique beads, while men will love camping supplies, barbecue sets and more. Children can be presented with sweets prepared by their own hands and packed in original packaging.

Congratulations and wishes for the holiday of Eid al-Adha in verse and prose

Sincere congratulations for the holiday should sound from the bottom of the heart. Therefore, read poetry with intonation, and speak prose in such a way that it is not clear that you have memorized the lines, let people think that the words “flow” from your soul.

Congratulations and wishes on the holiday of Eid al-Adha - beautiful words

Give on Eid al-Adha the best gifts, speak best wishes Because this holiday is very important for every Muslim. Let it pass in joy, fun and good mood!

Video: Eid al-Adha in Dagestan

How to fast in Ramadan?

There are many significant dates in each faith. In Catholicism, some are celebrated, in Orthodoxy, others.

In Islam, there are also special dates when believers refrain from all human passions and purify their soul and body from earthly filth a share of eternal bliss. In the article, we will take a closer look at how to fast in Ramadan and what prohibitions fasting imposes on believers.

When is the month of Ramadan in 2020, what date does Uraza begin?

Muslims are no different from other believers: solemn events for them take place in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst meet with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is fully realized.

The month passes in observing fasting and reading prayers on the days of remembrance. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on human passions that are imposed by fasting.

What kind of holiday is Ramadan?

  • The holy month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. It is based on faith in Allah. A full-fledged fast will be when a person is cleansed of sins by his behavior and receives the pleasure of Allah.
  • It is considered impermissible to waste time during the Holy month. After all, it is on these days that Muslims can be rewarded for their good deeds. Wisdom consists in not violating the rules of fasting imposed on the believers by Allah.
  • In Ramadan, there is also an improvement in the good qualities of believers who fast. Quarrels and strife cease, the hearts of friends unite, and a sense of responsibility and compassion for the poor is instilled.

Ramadan is a time of purification, spiritual perfection

On Ramadan, fasting begins. And all believers are required to adhere to it.

  • As for the Orthodox, the date of the Easter holidays changes every year, and for Muslims, the onset of the month of Ramadan is calculated according to the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years can be within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the onset of the Holy period for Muslims changes every year.
  • Ramadan starts in April 2020, namely 24 numbers. End of Ramadan fasting May, 23rd. May 23 at dawn start - Uraza Bayram.
  • The sacred period for Muslims has long originated in the warm season, since it always falls in the summer months.

In the literal translation, Ramadan means "sultry", "hot". However, not all believers perceive the holiday in this way. For most, literal translation means not summer season, and following the strictest rules, binding.

The Quran was sent down to people in the month of Ramadan

Historical reference

  • How is the exact date of Ramadan determined? Every year, the date of the onset of the Holy Period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They also determine the day of the onset of Ramadan, based on the phases of the moon.
  • The onset of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. By the way the night luminary is located, the date of the holiday is determined.
  • The mission of the prophet was indicated in the "frank words" received by Muhammad that day. At the same time, Muslim believers received the Koran, a gift from Allah.
  • According to ancient tradition, on the day when the Sacred Period begins, Allah becomes open to resolve the fate of the believers in a safe way and fulfill their forgiveness.

Ramadan comes on the 9th month of the calendar

Uraza Bayram in 2020: date

Confessors of Islam are often interested in the issue of the fasting of Eid al-Fitr. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally, fasting occurs on the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.

  • Since the post Ramadan in 2020 starts April 24, and the Sacred period ends at night With 22 to 23 May(to fast exactly 29 days), then Eid al Adha falls on May, 23rd.
  • Fasting during one of the biggest holidays in Islam, Eid al-Fitr, is very strict.
  • Great feast of breaking the fast Eid al Adha begins immediately after the end of the post. At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything that they could not afford in fasting.
  • Believers prepare for the holiday a month before its onset, and expect it all year. After the Great Lent, which lasts throughout the month, the day of breaking the fast comes.
  • All adult Muslims are required to adhere to the rules of fasting Uraza. Children, the sick, the insane may not fast.
  • All month, believers only after dark have the right to eat food. Only under such a condition does the spiritual purification of the faithful take place.
  • Fasting takes place in the muting of all your passions and desires. Time should be spent in many hours of prayer.
  • There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleanses from committed sins, among which gluttony occupies the first place.

In Ramadan, it is forbidden to consume food and water during the daytime.

With the onset of night, believers can begin breaking the fast. Only eating should be spent at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in family circle or alone.

  • It is also good to invite the poor to break the fast together, since helping the afflicted means doing a deed pleasing to Allah.
  • After finishing their meal, believers go to the mosque to pray and indulge in the reading of the Koran.
  • During prayer, the faithful ask for good for all people and forgiveness for their sins.
  • After the appearance of the new moon, the fast ends. Muslims have a holiday. They say morning prayers.
  • There are many believers in mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and prays next to it.
  • On such a joyful day, the worshipers feel like one family. The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares aid in advance for them and presents it during the celebration.

It is customary to give alms in Ramadan

Traditionally, parents are paid visits on such a day. The next meal is shared with them.

When do Muslims fast Ramadan in 2020, and its schedule?

  • Muslim fasting begins on April 24, 2020 and lasts 29 days. Fasting ends on May 23, 2020 at night and Uraza Bayram begins on May 23.

Schedule for Lent

  • Eating should be completed 20 minutes before the FAJR time.
  • You can start eating during Magrib.

Eid prayer - holiday prayer

Ramadan Fasting Schedule 2020

Muslim holidays in 2019

Muslim holidays in 2019: dates

Prayer schedule in Tatarstan

Ramadan or Ramadan: what is the correct name?

  • The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday by non-Arabs, changes took place in the word: the letters “dad” were replaced by the letter “for”.
  • This is due to the presence of the specific letter "dad" exclusively in Arabic and the absence of its counterpart in other languages. Only knowledge of the special qualities of the letter "dad" can achieve its clear and correct pronunciation.
  • It is correct to pronounce both Ramadan and Ramadan in everyday speech. But while reading the Qur'an, the letter "dad" is not replaced by the letter "for": this distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the main foundations and prohibitions of fasting from the Koran.

In Ramadan, the believer must give up unclean deeds and thoughts despite the debilitating heat

According to the schedule of the basic rules of Ramadan, fasting should be:

  • stop eating and drinking completely
  • start eating before dawn
  • during the day, snacks, drinking any liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea) are excluded
  • give up intimacy, various caresses and exciting actions
  • refrain from smoking, using narcotic substances, drinking drinks containing alcohol (they poison the human body, therefore they should not enter the body of a believer during Holy Lent)
  • do not cheat
  • don't swear
  • do not mention the name of Allah while swearing
  • do not chew gum
  • do not cleanse the body with enemas (cleansing unnaturally is prohibited)

It is considered a violation:

  • swallowing liquids (even water when bathing)
  • omission of niyat (conscious performance of an action; niyat should be recited every day during the Holy month between night and morning prayers)

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims consume food and water only at night.

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasure.

  • Eat only light food after sunset.
  • Before dawn (two hours before dawn) you can eat more plentiful and heavy food.
  • Fatty and spicy foods should be excluded or reduced as much as possible, as their use increases thirst.
  • Having arbitrarily broken the fast, the believer must extend the fasting time by 1 day and pay the poor person money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay him food for the same amount.
  • The commission of carnal sin during fasting is compensated by 60 days of fasting or the organization of feeding the poor.
  • If a believer had good reasons for non-observance of the fast, then he can make up for the missed day by any other day of fasting until the next Ramadan.
  • IN last days Ramadan believers pray hard, repent of their sins and analyze their mistakes.
  • On the last day of fasting, Muslims read a solemn prayer. A prerequisite is the distribution of alms. It may be dry food products or money.

While eating iftar, you can eat a few dates, drink water

Ramadan: what can you eat?

  • The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and food restrictions are tolerated more easily.
  • At the end of the day after sunset, the time for iftar comes, which should not end with overeating.
  • While eating iftar, it is recommended to eat a few dates and drink water.
  • And only after a while you can start eating the main dishes.

The best option for the main meal:

  • restriction of flour and fried
  • preference for vegetable dishes
  • meat and vegetable dish
  • a fish dish
  • vegetable salad
  • cereal dishes
  • limited amount of sweets
  • You can arrange 3-5 meals


  • fresh juices
  • store-bought juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
  • fruit drinks
  • compotes
  • kissels
  • water and tea
  • not strong coffee

Intention to Fast Ramadan

Intention (niyat) is pronounced nightly before fasting to oneself. But the intention that the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night also counts. However, it is better to pronounce the intention in the second half of the night, which is closer in time to fasting.

An intention pronounced after dawn breaks the fast.

Health benefits of fasting Ramadan

Conventional diets help to get rid of accumulated pounds and reduce blood sugar, but can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to follow a diet under the supervision of the attending physician.

While fasting in Ramadan:

  • A person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any food restrictions.
  • Carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood decreases), from which energy is extracted.
  • Fat accumulations are burned.
  • There is a rest of the body at the physiological level. The metabolic process is normalized.
  • There are no side effects.
  • The body is cleansed, thoughts are cleansed.
  • A person after fasting can forever give up bad habits.

Can you brush your teeth in Ramadan?

During Ramadan, Muslims use special remedy to clean the mouth from food debris. This is a sivak (miswak).

  • It is not considered a violation of the fast to brush your teeth with a toothbrush.
  • However, the use of toothpaste breaks the fast as the person may swallow the paste.
  • It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening or early in the morning.

Can you swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • Swallowing saliva during Ramadan does not break the fast.
  • If dust or smoke accidentally gets into the throat, then this also does not violate the fast.

Congratulations on the coming month of Ramadan

If you are looking for beautiful congratulations with the advent of the month of Ramadan, then look at the following selection.

Strict post. Commands the Quran
Observe it.
Everyone welcomes Ramadan
With a pure soul.

May Allah bless
For a good cause
Ignites the light in the hearts
Faith helps.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
The Koran was sent to the people,
To carry the truth
With an explanation of the way

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness, mercy and contentment of Allah Almighty

As it is written in the Quran,
Muslims this month
In memory of his shrine
Keep fasting from now on.

For believers, fasting is help,
To be closer to God
To grow spiritually
Subdue your passions.

Holy Ramadan is coming -
Great Muslim holiday.
For the purification of the soul
Fast, pray and do not sin.

And may Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
Help friends and family
Wish them only the best!

Congratulations on the advent of Ramadan! Let there be in life strong faith, pure love and lasting happiness. I wish you to keep everything that you value and appreciate. good days, good people on the path of life and the respect of others.

Ramadan is here, congratulations! This month is the most important for all Muslims. A strict fast begins, it is designed to help you strengthen your faith. May goodness and mutual understanding settle in your home and hearts, and may your prayers be heard by the Almighty. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

Happy holy month of Ramadan! I sincerely wish happiness and health, rethink your life, drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. May faith and hope only grow stronger. Strength to you!

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Before morning and evening meals Muslims say special prayers. Here is their text:

Intention to fast: Nawatu savma gadin an ‘ada’i Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati ‘imanan wa-htisaban li-llahi ta’ala“I intend to keep the Fast of tomorrow this year’s Ramadan in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah.

Or at whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Navaytu siyama salasina yawman ‘an shahri Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati“I intend to observe the thirty-day Fast of the month of Ramadan this year.

Before eating say: Ya wasi'a-l-magfirati, igfir li Bismi-llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim– Oh Allah! You are the All-Merciful, the Forgiving. I begin with the Name of Allah, Merciful to all in this World and only to believers in the Other World.

After eating, the following dua is read: Allahhumma laka sumtu wa-'ala rizkika 'aftartu– Oh Allah! For Your sake I fasted and took the food You gave me.

What should be done in Ramadan?

In the blessed moments of the sacred period, the believer should behave as follows:

  • Stop fasting after sunset.
  • Having stopped fasting before the start of the fourth prayer, eat a date or, in its absence, drink water.
  • Do not slander and do not deceive.
  • Do not look at what is forbidden.
  • Do not support empty talk, fights.

Ramadan rules for women

  • A woman should not stop fasting when she feels that menstrual blood begins to come out. Only when she sees her, she should stop fasting.
  • During the fast of Ramadan, a woman is not forbidden to taste food for salt.
  • It is also not forbidden to use perfume and jewelry for the spouse at home during the day during fasting.
  • A woman can fast only after cleansing from bleeding and childbirth.
  • Women should remind their husbands during daylight hours about the prohibition of sexual intimacy.
  • At night, until dawn, sexual intimacy is allowed.
  • Women should not skip prayers, explaining this by the need to cook something in the kitchen.
  • You should not have parties outside the house after breaking the fast.

Children can be helped to prepare food for suhoor and iftar - morning and evening meals

Why is Ramadan only eaten at night?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of fasting is for a person to improve in prayer and do good deeds. Bodily abstinence helps to increase attention to the spiritual life.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Among the prescriptions of Almighty Allah, there are such duties that believers must follow strictly, without any omissions. Only in this way can a Muslim become closer to the Lord. Such a prescription is the fulfillment of five obligatory prayers during the day and night period.

On July 5, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr in Arabic) - the holiday of breaking the fast, which marks the end of fasting in.

Ramadan is extremely important for all adherents of Islam. It was during this month that the first verses of the Koran were granted to the Prophet Muhammad. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. For 30 days, a Muslim must refrain from eating, drinking and conjugal intimacy during the daytime.

Eid al-Fitr is the second most important holiday in the Islamic calendar after

On the eve of the holiday, Muslims buy gifts for each other, prepare treats, and decorate their homes.

Also, before Uraza Bayram, believers need to forgive each other's offenses, try to visit their relatives and friends, and ask for forgiveness from them. Thus, Muslims cleanse their souls from insults and tune in to meet the holiday in peace and harmony.

How is Eid al-Fitr celebrated?

It is impossible to work in Eid al-Fitr, therefore, in most Islamic countries this day is a holiday. In Russia, they will also have holidays in the republics of the North Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

On the holiday itself, it is customary to get up early and put on festive clothes. Muslims in a special way greet each other: “May Allah send His mercy to both you and us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!”.

An hour before sunrise in mosques after the sermon they read holiday prayer- Gaet-prayer. The prayers are mostly attended by men only. Women at this time prepare treats at home.


After the arrival of men from the mosque, the hostesses set the table. In each house they are waiting for the arrival of guests, they also visit their neighbors, relatives and bring them sweets.

Before the start of the holiday, alms (fitr-sadaqah) are obligatory - the distribution of property and money to those in need on a holiday. This year her minimum size- 50 rubles.

In addition, on Eid al-Fitr, it is customary to visit parents, do good deeds, give gifts, visit cemeteries and commemorate deceased relatives.

What is customary to cook for the holiday table?

The main product from which most of the festive dishes on Eid al-Fitr are prepared is lamb. Rich soups, roasts, snacks, meat salads are made from it.

The festive table depends on folk traditions. If in Tatarstan they bake pancakes in the morning, they put pies on the table, then in the Central Asian republics essential attribute is pilaf.

IN Saudi Arabia in the morning they eat sweets and dates, fruits. At noon, you need to eat well so that the table is not empty next year.

In Kyrgyzstan, the holiday is called Orozo Ait. The believer must visit seven houses, taste the prepared dishes and read prayers.

In Turkey, they also enjoy sweets at Sheker Bayrami. The youngest of relatives are obliged to visit the oldest.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end, which means that one of the two most important Muslim holidays is coming - the holiday of breaking the fast eid al-fitr, which is also called Eid al Adha.

Eid al Adha- This is a holiday in honor of the end of a severe fast in Ramadan, when believers, refusing food and drink during daylight hours, offering prayers and doing good deeds, prove their loyalty to the faith.

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. The fact is that in various currents of Islam, the onset of the day of breaking the fast, which marks the end of the month of Ramadan, is calculated using slightly different methods. Therefore, even within the borders of one country - Russia, not to mention other Muslim countries, the Eid al-Fitr holiday in different regions can occur on different days.

Thus, for the Muslims of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ingushetia and some other Russian regions, the last day of Ramadan falls on June 24. Accordingly, Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) in these regions is coming June 25, and the holiday traditionally lasts three days - 25, 26 and 27 June.

In Tatarstan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Adygea and some other Russian republics and autonomies with a predominantly Muslim population, the calendar is calculated according to slightly different rules, and there the holiday will come a day later - June 25 and celebrate June 26, 27 and 28. But regardless of the features of the calendar, Uraza Bayram is a joyful and long-awaited holiday for all Muslims.

Eid al-Fitr is officially a non-working day in Adygea, Bashkiria, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan, Chechnya and Crimea. In some regions, not one, but all three days of celebration are declared days off.

How Eid al-Fitr is celebrated

The holiday begins in last night month of Ramadan and lasts three days of the next month, which is called Shawwal. It is believed that the tradition of celebrating Eid al-Fitr on the first three days of Shawwal dates back to 624, even from the prophet Muhammad.

Eid al-Fitr is an interfaith holiday, it is believed that on this day Muslims can celebrate the end of the fast together with their neighbors and friends of other faiths. This is a continuation of the tradition of joint iftar meals at night, which are arranged by Muslims together with their neighbors during Ramadan. Such events are often held at the official level, for example, such a tradition was in the White House during the administration Barack Obama.

On the eve of Eid al-Fitr, on the last day of Ramadan, it is customary for Muslim followers to make special charitable contributions: food (mainly sweets) or money. Alms are for the poor who are unable to cover themselves. festive table as well as those who are sick, traveling, in prison, etc.

The celebration itself begins on the last evening of Ramadan. Believers first gather for a common prayer, and then proceed to a festive meal, to which representatives of other faiths are allowed.

The morning of the holiday also begins with a collective prayer, for which people, wearing their best clothes and anointing themselves with incense, go to the main mosques. In places of mass celebrations, festive trade unfolds. Jewelry, religious literature, incense and, of course, great amount oriental sweets.

At the end of the common prayer, the believers disperse to their homes and places of celebration, where they again proceed to the festive feast. The main dishes at the feast of breaking the fast are sweets, as well as meat, mainly lamb.

However, there is no tradition of slaughtering sheep on Eid al-Fitr, this custom refers to the holiday Eid al-Adha, which occurs 70 days after the end of Ramadan.

IN holidays On Eid al-Fitr, it is customary to donate money to charity and give alms (surrender), as well as make gifts to relatives, children and neighbors. These days, Muslims visit relatives to participate in festive feasts, and also traditionally ask each other for forgiveness.

In Islam, there are two types of holiday alms for Eid al-Adha - voluntary and obligatory. Surrender- This is a voluntary donation, the amount of which each Muslim determines for himself, based on his own financial capabilities. Zakat al-Fitr- this is a mandatory cash contribution in favor of the poor, its size is determined by the muftiate in each region. As a rule, this is the amount that is calculated based on the person's income, it is sensitive, but not ruinous. All money raised goes to charity.

In Moscow, the main divine service on Eid al-Adha is held at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, located in Vypolzov Lane next to the Olimpiysky sports complex and the Prospekt Mira metro station. Up to one hundred thousand Muslims gather in this mosque, to whom the Supreme Mufti of Russia addresses with a welcoming speech. And the total number of people celebrating in the capital, where many Muslims traditionally live and work, exceeds half a million people.

In St. Petersburg, for the sake of celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the Gorkovskaya metro station closest to the Grand Cathedral Mosque will be closed to the entrance and the movement of vehicles and trams along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt will be blocked.

About how the holiday of Eid al-Fitr will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, read in the materials Federal News Agency.

The holiday of Uraza-Bayram (translated from Turkic as “Feast of breaking the fast”), which Muslims around the world also call Eid al-Fitr. It is celebrated for two or three days and marks the end of one of the most difficult periods of the year for every Islamic believer - the fast of Ramadan, which lasted a whole month until this day. During the period of strict fasting, believers adhered to strict food restrictions, often prayed, distributed alms, trying in every possible way to find spiritual and bodily purity before Allah.

What date will Uraza Bayram be in 2017

Traditionally, all Muslims, starting from the first day of the next month according to the Islamic calendar - Shawwal - meet fun party Eid al Adha. In 2017 Gregorian style The date of the celebration of Uraz Bayram falls on June 26. It is worth noting that Muslims around the world began to celebrate the feast of breaking the fast as early as 624, back in the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

Preparing for the Feast of Conversation

First of all, on the eve of the holiday, Muslims begin to prepare for the upcoming event: they buy gifts, new clothes. It is customary to meet Uraza Bayram in new clothes. But in addition to personal items, new blankets, blankets, pillows are also bought - everything that has worn out over the previous year is updated in the house.

After performing the obligatory prayer to Allah, Muslims put on best clothes, prepare a festive table, convene guests or go to visit themselves, have fun and rejoice in every possible way. Gifts are an obligatory attribute of the holiday. Therefore, many Muslim children expect the beginning of Uraza-Bayram like ours - the New Year or.

Celebration traditions

There are a number of traditions followed by believers who celebrate this holiday.

1. Greetings. During the holiday, all Muslims greet each other with the phrase "Blessed holiday!" ("Eid Mubarak!").

2. breaking the fast. After a strict month-long fast, Muslims can for the first time taste the food they love and are accustomed to eating. But it is customary to start Eid al-Fitr with no frills - dairy products and fruits.

3. Compulsory alms. Muslim culture implies obligatory alms, which looks like a kind of tax collected from believers. Alms are collected on various occasions, one of which is the onset of the Uraza-Bayram holiday, on the eve of which the community collects dry food or money equivalent to distribute to the poor and travelers (pilgrims).

4. eid prayer. Namaz is an obligatory prayer performed by believers several times a day. During Uraza-Bayram, an additional prayer takes place - Eid-namaz, after which you can proceed to the main celebration.

This feast of breaking the fast or Eid al-Fitr is the state in a number of Muslim countries. Most institutions are closed on the first day of Shawwal, but schools and preschool institutions do not work for another 2-3 days after the onset of Uraza-Bayram.

Congratulations on the holiday of Uraza Bayram 2017

See the beautiful musical congratulations with the holiday of conversation!
