Scenario of the theatrical holiday “Unusual tour on Christmas! Journey on Christmas night Adventure scenario on Christmas night.




Against the background of the ringing of bells

Child 1 : How lit solemnly

Today is God's Temple!

For the service of the Divine

Today is a holiday there.

Sing: "Christ is born"

They saved the human race -

And the heart is on fire

Heavenly love.

Child 2 : Hello, hello, Christmas!

We meet you.

Let this celebration

Sorrows will not enter.

Let there be no more tears

There is no grief:

And our baby Christ

Bless everyone!


Against the background of music and slides

Leading : If this day is on time
Will any of you remember
About the baby in Bethlehem
Wonderfully joyful story
If his heart beats,
Like a bird outside the window
As if the strings will touch him
Angel with a joyful wing,
If suddenly, like the smell of a garden,
Like the breath of the breeze
A gentle joy to the heart
Will fly from afar
And in the soul is light and creepy,
As if someone is walking there, -
This is Christ himself
Knocked on your heart.

Christmas is a time of joy, fun, Have a good mood goodness and hope for the best. For most countries in the world that celebrate Christmas, this holiday is considered the most important of the year. How is it celebrated in different countries? Let's take a trip to different countries of the world today and see how this holiday is celebrated in different countries of the world!

Music Poland slide

Christmas Eve for a Pole is a night of magic, when the most unusual things happen. For example, animals begin to speak human language. There are special Christmas traditions that have survived the centuries - an extra plate on the Christmas table for an unexpected guest, or the number of dishes that should be on the Christmas table (at least 12!), or several bundles of hay under the Christmas table (in memory of the Bethlehem cave).

A holiday that occupies a very important place in Polish tradition is Christmas . On Christmas days in Poland, you can meet mummers who go from house to house with a star on a pole, sing carols, jokes, try to cheer up the hosts, for which, according to tradition, they receive a "visit fee".

Pagan and Christian traditions are closely intertwined in caroling. Previously, Kolyada symbolized the worship of the Sun, warmth, giving fertility and fun, in carols (songs) the sun, a thunderstorm, a month were sung, wishes for a bountiful harvest sounded, happy marriage etc. Gradually, the Kolyadas merged with Christmas, coming just at the time when the sun turns to spring. Now we call caroling singing songs under the windows on the eve of Christmas, which are called carols. To the one who carols, the owner or hostess always throws sausage, or bread, or a copper penny into the bag, which is rich.


(sounds "Hare", carolers come out)

The sparrow is flying

twirls its tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Meet Christmas!

Praise, praise! You people know:

I don’t know how to praise, I don’t dare to ask for much.

Open the chest, get the piglet!

Me, Seryozha, for tea!

Carol, carol, give me a pie!

Give, do not break, but on the whole come on.

Whoever gives a pie - that cattle, belly,

Whoever does not give a pie - we will take the cow by the horns!

I congratulate you on the occasion,

Merry Christmas!

Give your father a piglet for tobacco,

Mothers for coffee, sisters for potatoes!

Give you, Lord, just something of everything:

One would be a cow

Milked a bucket

One would be a mare

She drove two carts.

Thanks to this house

Let's go to another!

Leading : Here's a treat for you -

Pies and cookies.
Gingerbread, sweets.

Eat kids!

Music England slide

In England the celebration of Christmas is necessarily accompanied by a solemn church service and the singing of hymns. All the windows of rural houses are lit in the UK with candles, so among the locals the night around Christmas is called "candle night". In England today, on Christmas Eve, one thick Christmas candle is lit.

On Christmas Eve, crowds gather in Trafalgar Square, England's main Christmas tree, where charities put on performances for adults and children with carol singing, as well as Christmas competitions

(with balloons)

Music Spain slide

Christmas is without a doubt the most important Spanish holiday. Preparation for it begins in November. City streets are gradually being decorated, Christmas trees are being set up in shops and on the streets, Papa Noelas are flickering everywhere - Father Frost's brothers.

Swinging swings are installed especially for the Christmas period. Apparently, this tradition dates back to ancient times and the desire to force the sun during winter solstice higher "swing" in the sky.

If you happen to meet New Year in Spain, get ready to sip fruit. Every time the clock strikes 12 at midnight, you need to swallow a grape. They say it brings happiness.

But the Spaniards have to wait a long time for gifts. Gifts are brought by "Three Kings" on January 6th. Coals are placed in stockings for gifts for children who behaved badly in the past year.


Music America slide

IN THE USA it is customary to give a lot of gifts. But they are usually not opened immediately, but are folded during the Christmas week under a decorated Christmas tree. If there are many people in the family, each gift is signed. On the night of December 25, Santa Claus also brings gifts to children, and they leave treats for him - cookies, chocolate and milk. IN small towns there is a tradition to visit each other and sing religious songs

Almost everyone decorates their house or apartment for Christmas. Most often, these are wreaths entwined with red and gold ribbons. spruce branches on the door and multi-colored light bulbs-lights on the windows. The owners of houses arrange entire exhibitions in front of their homes of figures of the Magi, angels, the Virgin Mary with a baby, or Santa Claus and his helpers.

DANCE "Housewarming in Winter"

Music Italy slide

Christmas in Italy - the most colorful holiday and strictly a family holiday for children, since Christmas personifies the appearance of little Jesus. IN Italy before the Christmas holiday, which is celebrated on December 25, a general cleaning is mandatory, and they put things in order not only in the house, but also on the street. By December 24, even the sidewalks are decorated with red carpets and Christmas trees in large pots.

On Christmas night, at exactly midnight, solemn services begin in the churches. In the Vatican, the Pope himself celebrates Mass. According to tradition, a manger with a figurine of the infant Christ is installed in each church.

An important figure of the Christmas holidays is Babbo Natale, an Italian relative of Santa Claus. On Christmas night, he crosses the sky and secretly leaves gifts for children. But only to those children who wrote a letter of wishes to Babbo Natale in advance. Letters can be omitted in red mailboxes that abound in the streets of Italy. Italian children also write letters to their parents about how much they love them. Letters are usually placed under the pillow of the father, and after dinner on Christmas Eve, parents read them aloud ... In Italy, there is a tradition on Christmas night to light a log in the fireplace, which the owner of the family chooses very carefully, because it should burn and not go out until the new year, only then in the coming year there will be peace and prosperity in the family.


Music Russia slide

Unlike other countries in Russia, Christmas comes after the celebration of the New Year.

Christmas Eve was called "Christmas Eve". The word Christmas Eve comes from the word "sochivo". This is a ritual, ritual fasting dish, a must for this evening. It was prepared from almond or poppy "milk" mixed with honey and cereal porridge and nuts or poppy seeds were added. This dish began the meal both on Christmas Eve and on Epiphany Eve, at other important events. So, on the second day after Christmas Eve they prepared "babkina" kutya - "rich".

In the old days, the table was sprinkled with hay, a tablecloth was laid, a dish with juicy and other dishes, which should have been exactly twelve, were placed in the center of the table.

On Christmas Eve, believers observe a strict fast until the evening service, until the first star. During fasting, irritation, anger and hostility to someone is considered a particularly serious sin. Fasting is a stepping stone to perfection

Christmas time begins with Christmas - continuous holidays that last until Epiphany Christmas Eve and are accompanied by festivities, visits to relatives and friends, and masquerades. But Christmas time was not only fun - it happened both terrible and mysterious.

Once a Epiphany Eve

The girls guessed;

Shoe behind the gate

Having removed from the foot they threw;

Weed the snow; listened under the window; fed

Counted chicken grains;

Burning wax was drowned;

In a bowl of clean water

They put a golden ring,

Earrings are emerald;

Spread out white boards

And they sang in tune over the bowl

The songs are awesome!

What is the poem about? Let's guess with you!

Fortune telling on jewelry:

Lower various decorations made of gold, stone, metal, silver, plastic into a deep vase. Cover with a handkerchief to pull. Stone and metal, plastic - to a poor life, gold jewelry - to a rich one, silver - to prosperity, a ring to heartfelt affection, an elegant brooch - a meeting with a rich patron, earrings - to slander behind your back, a chain - to unexpected chores, a bracelet - worries the mouth will be full.

Fortune telling on straw.

This is a very ancient divination. On Christmas Eve, under the tablecloth that covered festive table, laid hay or straw - a memory of the manger of the infant Christ. Exactly at midnight, they pulled out a straw: long - the year will be successful, fruitful, short - unproductive. Well, the girls here were also wondering about their fate: a green stalk would stretch out from under the tablecloth, which means that love and an early wedding awaited her, and if she got a blackened one, she would sit all the century in girls.

Divination on cups.

You need to take a few opaque cups. Spread bread, salt, sugar, ring, money in them, pour water into one. There should be as many fortunetellers as there are cups. Each of those gathered in turn chooses a cup with their eyes closed.

Onions - to tears, bread - to prosperity, a ring - to a wedding, water - a stable position awaits you, salt - be careful: trouble may befall you in the near future. If you got a cup of sugar, fun awaits you soon. Money - become rich.

And the one who gets the ring must roll it on the floor, while observing which way it rolls: if to the door, be in the coming year of the wedding.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or coffee beans.

So can guess both men and women. The fortuneteller takes in a handful how many peas, nuts or coffee beans will fit, shakes them several times, then puts the grains one at a time on the table, saying a word for each grain, for example, like this:

Sailor, racketeer,

general uniform,

Student, businessman

Amateur cook

Dumb, boring -

Wait for a miracle!

And you can also do this:

Svetlana, Natalia,

Slim waist,

dark skin,

terrible mug,

Glutton, singer,

skinny girl,

blond braid,

wonderful beauty


Guys, behind all our games, songs and fortune-telling, we completely forgot about our beautiful Christmas tree. It is believed that the Christmas tree is the most important decoration of the New Year. This is not entirely true. Putting up a Christmas tree is a Christmas custom. Since ancient times, all peoples have had a tree as a symbol of peace. The symbol of paradise is an evergreen spruce, which is usually dressed up on the night of Christmas and left during all Christmas time. By the way, the Christmas tree differs from the New Year tree in that it was decorated exclusively with white and blue balls.


Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden

D.M. This night, there is a rumor
People decorate the Christmas tree
And celebrate under the Christmas tree
Holy holiday Christmas.

Snow Maiden: Let me Merry Christmas

Congratulate you, friends!

Santa Claus, you are for children

Light the tree quickly!

D.M. Ah yes, the Christmas tree is beautiful,

How fluffy, good!

So that multi-colored lights light up on the tree,

Let's say together:

One two Three,

Shine Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost

Let's take hands

And about our Christmas tree

Let's sing a song!


D.M. They say that at Christmas
Whatever you wish
All that time will happen
Everything comes true at once!

Leading: What is Christmas without presents? The custom of giving gifts at Christmas is associated with the gifts of the Magi to the baby Jesus with myrrh, frankincense and gold. But this does not mean that we should give expensive gifts. The main thing is that the gift should be made from a pure heart with your own hands. Most often at Christmas they give figurines of angels, beautiful postcards.

D.M. I have a gift for you too

On a glorious Christmas holiday!

Invites for tea.

Actors and performers:

1. Storyteller
2. Girl Tanya
3. Boy Vitya
4. Dog Tobik
5. Monkey Rita
6. Deceitful
7. Exuberant
8. Thievish
9. Lady Wisdom
10. Aunt Greed
11. Lady Quarrel
12. True Christian
13. Joseph
14. Maria
15. Angels
16. Shepherds

Scenery: On the stage is a bedroom with two beds and a chair. On the chair is a Bible. Brother and sister are sitting on the beds, next to them are toys - a dog and a monkey. The light highlights the children and on the side of the stage - the storyteller.

NARRATOR: This story took place on the very eve of Christmas. A brother and a sister lived in the same city. Their parents have recently become believers, and the Bible appeared in the house. Oh what a book it was. A lot of wonderful stories children found in it. But they have not yet read the story of the birth of an extraordinary baby. So they didn't know that great holiday Christmas is the birthday of baby Jesus. And then one night, just before Christmas, the children were sitting in their beds and thinking.

TANYA: Oh, Vitya, how I love the holiday! Especially this one, what do you say it's called?

VITYA: Christmas.

TANYA: That's right, it's Christmas. Mom cooks especially tasty on this day, everyone gives gifts to each other, everyone has a lot of fun.

VITYA: Do you even know what this holiday is in honor of, what event is celebrated on this day?

TANYA: No, I don't know. And do you know?

VITYA: Well, not really. I know that someone was born, some important person. But I know where this is written.

TANYA: Where is it?

VITYA: In the Bible.

TANYA: Well, of course, how could I not have guessed before! Vit, let's read, huh?

VITYA: No, not now, it's getting late, it's time for bed. Let's read tomorrow.

TANYA: If you are an older brother, do you think you can command me? Okay, tomorrow, so tomorrow.

VITYA: That's good. Good night!

TANYA: Good night!

STORYTOR: Tanya, as usual, hugged her favorite toy, monkey Rita, before going to bed, covered herself with a blanket, but could not fall asleep for a long time - she kept thinking about Christmas. Well, Vitya was already, of course, an adult, and therefore did not play with toys. But he still had one favorite toy - it was a big plush dog Tobik. Of course, he didn’t play with him either, but he loved him very much, and so Tobik sat near Vitya’s bed.

(Change of music and lighting)

Suddenly, a strange creak was heard in the corner of the room... And after a few moments three black figures appeared - and they were evil spirits - False, Violent and Thieving. They terribly hate children and adults, and do their best to prevent them from learning about Jesus Christ. And now, probably, they are plotting something insidious and vile.

STORY: They must not be allowed to know about this miracle baby.

FALSE: What to do? You have to trick them somehow.

ROUGH: How?!

FALSE: How-how! Well, for example, let's tell them that only fairy tales are written in the Bible, and that baby Jesus is the hero of one of them.

THIRD: Well, yes, False, that's how they believed you.

ROUGH: Maybe we can beat them? Or, better, we arrange everything so that they fight among themselves, then they certainly don’t care about the Bible.

VOROVATY: Violent, what are you, there is strength - you don’t need mind? Wow, what stupid spirits to work with. They will fight, and then they will open this Bible and read that God forgives every sin and instead of remorse in the heart gives love and joy.

FALSE: Well, what do you, Thievish, offer?

THIEF: I propose to steal the Bible from them.

ROUGH: Well, that's a good idea.

THIEF: It's good that at least one of us understands.

(They steal the Bible)

ROUGH: Well, let's beat them, shall we?

STEALER: Calm down, Rogue, without the Word of God, they won't know how to defeat us, and we can attack them at any moment.

(sing a song)

STORYTELLER: When the evil spirits disappeared from sight, something strange began to happen to the children's toys - the monkey turned its head, the dog moved all its paws, and, in the end - what a miracle, such a miracle - the toys came to life!

RITA: Did you hear? All this should be told to the children.

TOBIK: Yes, and give chase to these villains! Woof!

(kids wake up)

TANYA: Look, Vitya, our toys have come to life!

VITYA: Why are you talking all sorts of nonsense, you dreamed all this ... A-a-ah! Can't be!

RITA: No time to be surprised, three evil spirits just stole your Bible!

TANYA: What a horror! How do we now find out what kind of holiday it is - Christmas.

VITYA: We need to find them urgently!

TANYA: Yes, but where can we find them?

TOBIK: The tracks of these three lead in that direction.

VITYA: So why are we standing, rather, running after them!

TANYA: Yes, yes, we must return our Bible. And the children will help us, right, guys?

(spirits and children with toys run around the hall, at this time they change the scenery for three houses on the stage)

Screams after.

STORYTORY: They ran around the city for a long time, when suddenly the tracks disappeared, and the children saw a completely unfamiliar place.

TOBIK: I have no idea where they could have gone?

RITA: Yes, like they fell through the ground.

VITYA: Eh, what are we going to do without our Bible.

TANYA: How do we learn about Christmas now?

RITA: Oh, well, at least someone would help us!

(Lady Wisdom appears)

WISDOM: Who asked for help here?

ALL IN CHORUS: Yes, it's us!

RITA: Who are you?

WISDOM: My name is Wisdom and I am always ready to help anyone who needs it.

(sings a song)

VITYA: Oh, it's good that you came, otherwise three strangers stole the Bible from us, and we so wanted to know about Christmas. Tanya and I read only a little from the first part of the Bible, from the Old Testament.

TANYA: And Christmas must be a very important holiday. What should we do, because we don't even know the names of these three.

RITA: Why don't we know? We know.

TOBIK: We know, these are three evil spirits...

RITA: Deceitful, Violent and...

TOBIK: And Thievish. I immediately recognized them by smell.

RITA: Don't you have ears? They called themselves.

TOBIK: The smell is more reliable.

RITA: The smell is more reliable, the smell is more reliable ... why did you miss them then?

WISDOM: Do not worry, friends, this trouble is not so terrible. A real Christian will be able to tell you about Christmas, because he keeps all the words of the Bible in his heart. By finding a Christian, you will find the Bible and be able to learn about Christmas.

TANYA: And how do we know if this is a real Christian or not?

WISDOM: A true Christian loves God with all his heart and tries to express this love not only in words, but also in deeds. He always tries to be obedient to God and treats every person with love.

RITA: Excuse me, does he also love monkeys?

WISDOM: Well, of course!

TANYA: Thank you very much, Lady Wisdom, you have helped us a lot. We will now go in search of a real Christian.

WISDOM: Bon voyage! (disappears)

TOBIK: Look, there seems to be a small village ahead.

TANYA: Let's go into that house.

(Go to the house)

VITYA: (reading) Mrs. Greed lives here. Yeah, I don't think Greed can be a real Christian.

TANYA: But maybe she knows where a real Christian lives.

RITA: Let's knock.

TOBIK: Yes. Let's go (knocking).

GREED: I'm going, I'm going. (Appears at the door and looks at everyone suspiciously) Well, what do you want? You will not find accommodation here.

TANYA: No, no, what are you, we're just looking for a real Christian. Could you help us?

GREED: Well, of course, you don't need to look for anyone else, because I am a real Christian.

RITA: No way, greed has never been able to please the Lord.

GREED: It's the evil people who called me that, I'm not really greedy, I'm just very frugal. I've been like this since childhood. Do you want me to sing you my favorite song? (Sings a song).

GREED: And anyway, I'm a Christian, I go to church, sometimes.

TANYA: No, I know that God teaches to share. Remember, Vitya, we read about a poor widow who shared her last piece of bread with the prophet.

VITYA: Of course I remember, let's go friends, it looks like we won't find the one we need here either.

TOBIK: And you, auntie, need to repent of your greed before the Lord and start sharing with people, and with this you can please the Lord.

GREED: Do you think so?

TOBIK: Sure, Woof!

Storyteller: Aunt Greed was very confused, she never heard that God teaches to share with others, although sometimes she went to church, but never listened to the preacher.

GREED: Well, well, I'll think about it! See you!

ALL: All the best!

TANYA: Well, let's knock on this house.

RITA: Yes, let's knock, who lives here!

TANYA: Vitya, read it!

VITYA: House of Mrs. Quarrel, for some reason it seems to me that here we will not find a real Christian.

(knocking, Mrs. Quarrel comes out and starts screaming)

SCORING: And who are you? What are you doing near my house? You want to rob a noble woman! Thieves, robbers, get out of here!!!

TANYA: What are you, calm down! We need to find a real Christian. We thought you could help us.

quarrel: Why didn't you say right away? Of course I'll help. After all, I am a Christian! I always fight for the truth! long live justice, long live punishment! Everyone to the answer! listen to this: (song) quarrel: I believe that evil should be punished! And so I do not intend to forgive offenders. Because where I am, there are quarrels for some reason, evil people called me that, but in general I should have a different name - JUSTICE.

VITYA: What to do? How to figure it out? I know that God is just, but whether He teaches forgiveness or not, I have not yet read.

TANYA: Why didn't you read it? Remember Joseph, who forgave his brothers because they wanted to kill him and sell him into slavery.

VITYA: Yes, that's right! It's good that you reminded me.

TANYA: That's it! I think friends should always be forgiven!

quarrel: I did not do this with friends, but with enemies. I don't have any friends!

TANYA: Well, okay Mrs. QUARGE, we'll go.

TOBIK: And you need to think about whether God will forgive you if you do not forgive anyone! Wow!

quarrel: You know, I somehow didn’t think about it.

VITYA: That's it, we'll go.

TANYA: Well, why are you standing there!

TOBIK: Let's go!

VITYA: Wait, they said that a real Christian lives here.

TANYA: Let's get to know him soon!

TOBIK: And what about the chase, but what about the villains?!

VITYA: They ran so frightened that we couldn't keep up with them.

TANYA: Well, then I knock. (Knocking)

A noble gentleman came out of the house.

CHRISTIAN: Hello, how can I serve?

VITYA: My name is VITYA, and this is my sister TANYA, and these are our toys. Oh our friends.

TANYA: The Bible was stolen from us, and therefore we are looking for a real Christian, because he always keeps the Bible in his heart and will be able to tell us about Christmas and many other miracles of God.

CHRISTIAN: Isn't this your book? (shows book)

ALL: This!!! Where did you get it from?

CHRISTIAN: Just now, three evil spirits broke into my house, and I drove them out in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and they, in horror, ran away and left your book.

TOBIK: By the way, what's your name.

CHRISTIAN: People call me - HONEST, although I am an ordinary sinner, but God loved all sinners so much that he sent his son Jesus Christ to earth to save sinners from their sins and give eternal life, just today everyone celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, Savior of the World - TODAY IS A CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY.

RITA: So that's who was born that night, the Son of God!

ALL: Tell us about it?

CHRISTIAN: With pleasure! Here listen.

(Song "Silent Night")

(lighting - on Mary with her husband and baby, then on the cross).

TANYA: What is this? (pointing to the cross)

CHRISTIAN: Christ lovingly ministered to all people, among them were those who did not accept His love and did not want to recognize Him as the Son of God. They crucified him on a cross. Only by ascending the cross could He save everyone from sin.

RITA: What a horror!!!

VITYA: And that he died?

CHRISTIAN: He died, but after three days a miracle happened - Christ rose from the dead, and a few days later He ascended to heaven.

TANYA: Oh, how wonderful!

VITYA: And now what?

CHRISTIAN: Now He is with us by the Holy Spirit among us, He sees and hears everything, loves everyone and wants to help everyone, show the way to eternal life in the kingdom of heaven.

VITYA: I want to go this way.

TANYA: Me too!!!

ALL: And me, me!!!

CHRISTIAN: But the path is often difficult.

(music is playing)

VITYA: I don't care! If Christ died for me, then I want to be with Him forever, no matter what the cost.

TANYA: Nobody loves us like He does.

CHRISTIAN: To do this, you need to turn to God in prayer, ask Him for forgiveness for all your sins and accept Him into your heart, and then serve Him all your life. I tell you: there is nothing more joyful than serving the Lord who loves you.

TOBIK: Can we pray right now?

CHRISTIAN: Of course.

(everyone kneels)

VITYA: Lord, forgive me my sins, come into my heart... I love You!

TANYA: I'm sorry when I didn't obey my mom and dad... Come into my life... I love You, Jesus!

(lights on, music)

VITYA: There is so much joy in my heart….

TANYA: Thank you very much, Mr. Chestny, I'm so glad that we found the Bible, and with your help, we also found our Savior.

TOBIK: Unfortunately, we have to go.

RITA: Yes, let's go home.

ALL: Goodbye, Mr. Honest.

(waltz, dance)

TANYA: Oh, how wonderful! I'm so happy, Vitya! I want to sing.

VITYA: Yes, sing to our Savior! Look what a wonderful night - it's all God created for us.

TOBIK: Look, it's snowing.

RITA: How beautiful!

(sing a song, everyone dances, angels come out)

STORYTOR: Well, friends, now Vitya and Tanya have learned that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. They also learned that He was born and died for them and all of us, and now He is waiting for us to open our hearts to Him. Vitya and Tanya have already done it and now they have a true friend- the Lord Jesus himself, and you?

Music of the winner.

A home holiday at Christmas is not a new thing, but long forgotten. If you have a creative family, or you and your friends decide to make a holiday for the kids, pay attention to the script for the Christmas holiday.

HALL DECORATION: There is a Christmas tree in the decorated hall.

EQUIPMENT: A Christmas tree decorated with stars on which the quiz questions are written; two felt boots (according to the number of teams, filled with small items - "Christmas gifts": nuts, sweets, pencils, etc.

For many centuries in a row, from year to year, mankind celebrates Christmas as one of the greatest Christian holidays.

Guys, let's remember the story of the birth of the Baby JESUS, who was destined for a great mission - to become the Savior of mankind.

Children's stories.

Well done boys! Now let's split into 2 teams and solve riddles with you.

Puddles frozen in the yard

The whole day the snow is circling,

Became white at home.

It came to us.

Answer: Winter

Who all night long

Does he sing snow songs?

Wind is a winter friend,


Answer: blizzard

Serpentine wind on the ground,

Howling pitifully in the pipe,

Fir trees are covered with snow.

This is winter.

Answer: blizzards

On a winter day, lay down on the pond

Very slippery glass.

Calls us to play hockey

Blue strong smooth.

Answer: ice

You can make a snowball

It's not difficult at all!

We do not make pies:

Needed for the game.

Answer: snowballs

The grandmother will connect their granddaughter,

So that the hands do not freeze in winter.

Sisters will keep warm -


Answer: gloves

Lots of snow in the yard

Here's some fun kids!

We walk in the snow. On legs

We put everything on.

Answer: boots

Caught on the ledge

Head hanging down

Little acrobat,

Winter lollipop.

Answer: icicle

We blinded him cleverly.

There are eyes and a carrot nose.

A little warm - cry instantly

And it will melt.

Answer: snowman

Every bird here can

Treat yourself in the winter cold.

A hut hangs on a knot,

It is called.

Answer: feeder

On a winter day on a snowy crust

He rolls me down the hill.

Glad to rush with the breeze

My cheerful.

Answer: snowmobile

We are on a frosty day with friends

Snow was poured from a hose.

When the ice appears

So, everything is ready.

Answer: ice rink

Two steel shiny brothers

They run in circles around the rink.

Only the lights flicker.

What kind of brothers?

Answer: skates

Here are some miracles:

The forests turned white

Shores of lakes and rivers.

What's happened? Dropped out.

Answer: snow

Well done!

Winners receive (your gifts)

The New Year and Christmas holidays are the most favorite for many people. And every country has its own kind wizard who brings Christmas presents. In Russia, this is Santa Claus, the Beautiful Fairy gives gifts to Italian girls and boys, in Sweden - the Christmas gnome, and in Spain - three kings. But most often this wizard is called Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas. They say that once upon a time there lived a kind and righteous man, who was nicknamed St. Nicholas for his good deeds. And that one day he secretly threw gold coins into the chimney of a house where poor people lived. From here came a slightly ridiculous custom - to hang children's socks or boots from the fireplace, in which children are sure to find gifts. And Santa Claus has already put gifts in our felt boots. Try with your eyes closed to guess what exactly was the gift.

*Competition with felt boots.

(Representatives of the teams guess the "gifts" with their eyes closed. These can be nuts, sweets, pens, pencils and other small items.)

Whoever puts presents for children in boots or socks, this wizard must be very accurate in order to hit the boot through the chimney. Are there any of you guys?


*Competition "get into the basket".

(Teams throw balls into the basket. The most accurate team wins.)

According to legend, near the cave where Christ was born, olive, palm and spruce trees grew. When everyone honored the Divine Infant with gifts, the olive tree bore its golden fruits, the palm tree offered a green tent to protect from heat and bad weather. Only the spruce tried in vain to think of what to give her. Its branches sadly drooped, tears dripped with transparent resin ...

I saw these tears

One star from the sky

Quiet whisper to friends

She said something.

And then a miracle happened: the stars rained down from the sky like a fiery rain and dotted the whole spruce. Trembling with joy, she lifted her branches. And since then

Every year she shines

On the day of the great celebration

And announces with lights

Bright holiday of Christmas.

And on our Christmas tree, the stars are unusual, with Christmas questions. Who among you knows the most about this amazing holiday?


Where was Jesus Christ born? (IN BETHLEEM)

What was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ? (MARIA)

What is the name of the day before Christmas? (CHRISTMAS EVE)

What is the name of the time in Rus' from Christmas to Epiphany? (SVATKI)

What times do tree worship, carols, songs and dances of mummers remind of? (carols)

What was the name of the people who carried the bag while caroling? (kolyada)

What is the difference Christmas tree from Christmas? DECORATION (ROZHD. - cookies, candles, angels, etc., New Year's - balls, beads, tinsel, etc.)

What color is the symbol of Christmas? (red)

What did the wise men bring as a gift to the baby? (gold, incense, peace.)

Well done, you did a great job answering!

And who correctly answered the questions receives (your gift)

Guys, do you know that Christmas time began in Rus' from the Nativity of Christ.



And then Baba Yaga appears!

Oh! Where did I get to! I heard a noise and a din, and I thought that my own grandmothers, hedgehogs, were having fun, and here it smells of the human spirit ... What is happening here? What are you gathered here? And you're not afraid of me at all? Then let's make me laugh! Jump on a broomstick, amuse your soul!

Music: rhythmic

*Competition of teams.

(First, the first player of the team sits on the broom, runs to the Christmas tree and runs back. Then the second, third, etc., join him, until all the team players are on the broom. Task: finish the "broom run" as quickly as possible. Winners receive tokens.)

Well done! It just made me feel bad. While you were galloping on my broom, I looked around here, looked around: beautiful! And I even have a broom - and that one is shabby ...

Do me a favor, decorate her, dress her up ...

Music: rhythmic

*Competition of teams.

(Decoration of brooms with bows. Task: do it quickly and accurately.)

Hey, brooms! A feast for the eyes! Now I'm not ashamed to appear in front of my sisters! I'll go brag.

And besides, you have guests!

Music sounds and a mummer enters. Performer (Ivan-Kupalo-kolyada)

Oh, for a long time I went to you, children! Carrying a heavy bag! I caroled a lot of things, it's time to look ... but first we will dance and sing in a round dance!

I just want to reward you according to your merits: the one who sang louder, danced more cheerfully, ran faster and shouted! Count your emoticons...

*Winner's reward ceremony. Diploma and sweet prizes!

You guys ate sweets, received prizes, it remains to find out your fate.

Who wants to guess?

* Comic fortune-telling.

(The guys take turns pulling out "predictions" from a mummers' box. In the "predictions" written on Christmas pictures there are good comic wishes.)

This is our Christmas

Be happy, healthy, kind, enjoy gifts and make others happy! Love and be attentive to your family and friends! We say goodbye to you! Peace and happiness! Merry Christmas!

Preparation for new year holidays maybe on the forum

Lived on the edge of the forest
Lived-were not grieve
naughty kids,
Big-eared bunnies.

The house is built - a picture!
Stock up on carrots.
The girl's name is Pushinka,
Well, the boy is Fluff.

There was a fluffy hare bold.
Sharp, nimble. In a white coat.
And his sister is a match for him -
I'm not used to falling behind!

A star shines from the sky.
The forest is filled with magic.
See what happens
With kids for Christmas.

Fluffy is leafing through a large picture book on a chair. Murmurs a song. Fluff comes out. In felt boots, a hat, with a huge carrot in his paws.

Hey sister, here's a question:
"What did I bring as a gift?"
If you are a smart bunny,
Don't yawn

Fluffy (without turning around).
Maybe a bump? Maybe a plush?
Or a new toy?
Or is it my portrait?
Or even starlight?
Home is your love -
Red-sided carrot!
Fluff (admiring the carrot).
Not a carrot - a feast for the eyes!
Surprise for all animals.
Can't find another in the forest
Such a wonderful one.

Now carrots, then cabbage ...
It's all boring and sad.

You better listen brother
What I read in the book:
Everyone is cheerful, everyone is happy -
Both girls and boys!
They are all dressy.
Christmas trees, round dance, lights,
Songs, candles, magic -
Holy holiday! Christmas!
Happy adults and children.
Darkness is gone forever.
And quietly shines on people
Star of Bethlehem!
What holiday? What a wonder?
Everything is beautiful in the pictures.
But I don't know about him
Absolutely nothing!
Fluffy (gets up, putting down the book, reads poetry by A. Fet).
The night is quiet. On firm ground unsteady
The southern stars tremble.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet looking into the manger.
No ears, no superfluous eyes,
Here the roosters crowed -
And for the angels in the highest
Shepherds praise God.
The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Illuminated face of Mary.
Star choir to another choir
Hearing quivering pricked.
And above Him burns high
That star of distant countries:
With her are the kings of the East
Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.
How beautiful! Beauty!
I want to praise Christ!
You can sing songs with friends
Have fun, dance.
Oh, on a wonderful holiday
I would like to visit!
Yes, and I would like too
Stay there for at least half an hour.
But who will help us
Lead through the woods?

The world is changing. Light music sounds. Star dance. One star remains, the rest run away.

What do I hear? This forest
Full of mystery and wonder.
It's a fabulous night!
I'm ready to help you.
And I'll show you the way
And I'll spend the holiday.

Great. Wow!
Real star!
Can you help us get there?
We won't go astray!
And on a wonderful holiday
Let's make time!

Fluffy takes a basket with everything she needs.
Music. Trees run towards. The characters sing a song.

The Star is calling.
We must go forward!
To see the celebration
To celebrate Christmas!

Stop. They see a gnome who is scurrying around near the bag.

Who is there in the dense spruce forest?
It looks like an old gnome.
Want to carry a bag...
Help him, Fluffy!

Dwarf (grouchily)
How long will you stare? -
Did you see the gnome?
You can see I'm so beautiful
What forces have left you!
What's the use of standing here
It would be better to help.

It's good that you met us
I'll help you now.
(Fluffy tries to take the bag)

The gnome jumps on the spot and wants to fight.
Hey bunny, where are you?
What is your name there ... Fluff?
Don't touch my bag!
Look, the beard is stuck!

This grief is not a problem.
Scissors are always with me.
And I will help you
I cut off part of my beard.

(Takes out scissors from the basket and deftly cuts his beard)

How wonderful, look! (shows mirror)
Okay, no thanks.
The star is waving from backstage. Fluff.
The star is already calling.
We must go forward.
Asterisk, Fluff and Fluff. They run away.
GNOME (Examining his beard. Angrily)
Here's a lesson for you.
The beards are cut off!
Where is this seen?
I won't leave you alone!
I won't forgive you for anything.
Strongly, children, I will avenge! (He threatens with his fist. Shouts loudly, as if into a mouthpiece)
Bayun cat, come quickly!
Children must be taught!
The gnome runs away.
Soft music sounds. A cat comes out with a guitar. Sings a song.
Cats are dancing around (maybe...).
I am a magical cat-bayun,
As soon as I touch the strings,
People start listening
They fall asleep slowly.
I'm so charming
Didn't miss a single one.
How do I finish the game
I'll devour everyone immediately...!
Cats in chorus: Bravo! Bravo!
Asterisk, Fluff and Fluff come out.
Oh what a wonderful cat
Soft plump tummy.
Yes, I'm a charming cat
You're right, kids.
Fur coat, white shirt...
(feigning yawns)
It's nighttime and it's time for bed.
I love to compose songs.
You sit down, I'll sing.
Children sit down. The cat is singing. Children gradually fall asleep.
Song of the cat.
Tili-tili, tra-ta-ta.
You listen to the cat.
There lived a grandfather and a woman.
Turnip with chicken Ryaba.
Mouse, bug, two geese
And a fat pig.
They lived together, did not grieve.
We wrote a song about them.
You guys yawn
Get to sleep soon!
The children fall asleep.
An asterisk runs around them. Wakes them up. Cats hiss at her.
Bunnies, don't fall asleep!
Awake! Get up!
Slows them down. Fluffy and Fluffy are stretching.
Asterisk, what's wrong?
Let us get some sleep.
You listen, friends!
You can't fall asleep!
This cat is known here -
I wanted to eat you like mice!
Ah, so how are you with us?
So taste my fist!
(Shakes fist)
Bunny! Talking so bad!
The cat is probably hungry.
Help yourself to milk
And don't eat us with Fluff.
Fluffy takes a saucer of milk out of the basket. Petting a cat. He laps milk and purrs contentedly.
CAT (wiping his mustache).
Let everyone know
I am your most faithful friend!
Yes, I'm a cat, not a hero,
But for you now the mountain.
No way here or there
I won't let you hurt.


In everyone, kindness is alive!

Bright holiday of Christmas!

They leave to the music. The gnome appears.

You won the cat
Ugly bunnies.
The beard is dear to me
I'll send another enemy!
(Then an idea comes to him)
I'll call the thorn-bitter,
There is no better villain!
Calling: Angry! Thorn!
Runs away. The music of Zlyuchka-thorns sounds. The Travelers encounter Angry on the stage. She has an umbrella in her hand. She blocks their way. Fluffy has a cardboard carrot in his belt, like a sword.

Stop, dear guests!
Where are you from, who are you?
We're in a hurry, sorry!
Let us go quickly!
Let us go now!
Today, every hour is precious!

Fluff. Pulls out a carrot sword.
Well, then I'll be the first.
And do not waste words and nerves!
Well I love a good fight
Let's hang out with you!
They start fighting.
Stop! Stop! Wait!
Stop this fight!
Don't be mad at us, thorn!
There is no you kinder and better!
Drop your umbrella now
We have come to you with kindness.

He approaches the thorn and strokes its prickly head to the lyrical music and leaves a scarlet flower in her hair.
You are kind, good
So leave the bad in the past.

The prickly prickle breaks into a smile, brushing away a tear.
What is, what's wrong with me?
I've lived in war all my life
And now I'm crying with happiness.
What, tell me, does this mean?
Even children know this.
It's strange that you didn't know.
Nothing in the world
Nothing is more important than kindness.

Light of love in my soul!
I won't go back to evil.
And call me better
A paw, not a thorn!
Opens and spins the umbrella. It appears bright and colorful.
What a miracle, what a joy!
In everyone, kindness is alive!
Together we will go to the holiday
Bright holiday of Christmas!

The gnome appears. Refers to travelers.
Oh and bad guys
Oh, and cheeky bunnies.
Nothing, I'll take revenge
And I'll start a blizzard on you!
Terrible voice.
Let the snowflakes fly here
And all the paths will fall asleep,
Confuse paths.
You can't leave here!

Music sounds. Energetic dance of snowflakes around travelers. They are covered with a transparent light cloth, like snow.
Asterisk (at the end of the dance).
What to do, how to be here?
How to stop a blizzard!
Who will rush to help? -
The Light Angel will help us!
You need to gather strength.
Let's shout, guys, together:
Angel of light and love
Stop the snowstorm!

The music is changing. An angel appears.

What's happened? What's happened?
Ah, the snowflakes are up! (free from snow)
Calm down, kids.
It's time to grow up!
(Snowflakes run away)
Angel (to travelers).
Don't be scared. Look around.
Take a look at everything here.
The forest is decorated with silver.
I see you are welcome!

And the feast is about to begin
Christmas tree in all its glory
So that Christmas joy
We could all share.
And take you there
I am capable at this very hour!

But you can't do it, my friends.
Wait! What about me?
Do you leave in the forest?
I can't take this!
I have an unkind disposition.
I admit that I was wrong.
I'm tired of carrying a bag.
What's the point in jewelry?
And I'm ready to give them to you
To decorate our Christmas tree!
And in me the LIGHT of faith came to life.
I want to celebrate too!

Angel addressing the audience.
What friends, believe the dwarf?
Bunnies, forgive him?

Any friend is welcome.
Christmas is coming!

Happy bunny, cat and gnome!
Let them come to every house
Joy, peace and kindness.
Let's praise Christ!

Reign in the world again
Light, hope and love!
And the whole earth rejoices -
Our Savior is born!

Let the rumor scatter:
There is no trouble and no grief!
Bright holiday of Christmas -
Light of hope, light of life!

Final song.
