Scenario of the matinee "Merry New Year with the Snowman" material on the topic. New Year's scenes New Year in kindergarten silly snowman

New Year's adventures snowman

(scenario New Year's party

for elementary school children)

1 . There is a Snowman on the stage, around the children who "sculpt" it

(attach nose, buttons, scarf, hat,

Finally, a letter is left in his hand.)

Children dance around the finished snowman

(music of the song "If there was no winter")

Lights out - night.

Mom calls the children home, the children run away, the snowman is left alone.

At first he does not move, and then "comes to life".

Snowman: How beautiful I am, well done children, they blinded me well, and

The scarf is beautiful, and the buttons, and the hat. And what is this letter? This

To me? What is written there?(is reading) : "Snowman, bring us

Please, Christmas tree! Indeed, soon New Year, but the children do not have a Christmas tree.

I'll go to the forest, bring the children a tree!(leaves)

2. A snowman with an ax on his shoulder enters a hall in which children dressed

in animals: hares, cubs, foxes and squirrels. Each family has its own Christmas tree (-4 in total)

Snowman: What a beautiful meadow! And there are a lot of trees on it! Here I am now Christmas tree

And I will choose. (Goes to the first Christmas tree, wants to cut it down)

Zaichikha (educator) comes out from behind the Christmas tree.

Bunny: Hello Snowman, what are you doing?

Snowman: I want to cut down a Christmas tree for the New Year, I'll put it next to me in

The backyard will be beautiful.

Bunny: You can't cut down the tree.

Snowman: Why?

Bunny: This tree grows near our house, it is for my bunnies, we

Dress up, we will play under it, dance. We ourselves are a Christmas tree

Do you really need a rabbit?

Bunnies: Snowman, don't cut down our Christmas tree!

Snowman: Okay, hares, I won't chop down your Christmas tree.

I'll find another tree.

(He goes to another Christmas tree, everything is repeated for cubs, foxes, squirrels).

Snowman: What should I do? How will I be on a holiday without a Christmas tree?

(snowflake music sounds)

What is this? Someone is flying over here!(dance of snowflakes)

Snowman: Who are you?

Snowflakes: We are Snowflakes, Santa Claus sent us to check

Is everything in the forest ready for his arrival, now he will come here.

Snowman: (to animals) Well, now Santa Claus will come, and you are still Christmas trees

They didn't dress up. Let's quickly dress up, and I will help you.

(The animals decorate their Christmas trees while they decorate, the soloist sings the song "Winter")

(Father Frost enters, with the Snow Maiden.)

Father Frost: Hello forest animals!

I heard from friends

From all forest animals,

What did you decorate the Christmas tree

Everyone was invited to the party.

Where is the snowman from?

Did you blind him?

Snowman: No, Santa Claus, the children blinded me, but I wanted to give the children a Christmas tree, but the animals do not let me cut down the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Well done, animals! If everyone cuts Christmas trees for the New Year, then there will be no forest, but only stumps and firewood for the stove.

Snowman: And how will the children be without a Christmas tree for the holiday?

Father Frost: Moms and dads will buy a Christmas tree for children in the store, or you can decorate a Christmas tree on the street in the yard, right, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: That's right, grandpa!

Father Frost: Look, Snowman, the animals do not cut the Christmas tree, but decorate near the house. Ah, what beautiful Christmas trees!And the toys on them are unusual. Who made such beautiful toys?

What good fellows animals!

Snow Maiden : Grandpa, can you light a Christmas tree in the forest?

Father Frost: Of course, granddaughter! You just need to touch it with my magic staff! And the animals must be told:

"One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!"

Snowman: And we will light all the Christmas trees?

Father Frost: No, you can only light one tree at a time.

Snowman: Which one? They are all so beautiful!

Father Frost: But now the animals will tell you.

(referring to children)

What animal will be the main one in the forest in the New Year? That's right, rabbit!

Here at the hares we will light the Christmas tree!

(Santa Claus lights the Christmas tree with the help of children)

Bunny: Thank you, Santa Claus, for appointing us the main ones in the new year, for this the hares will dance for you.

(dance of bunnies, Santa Claus treats them with sweets)

Father Frost: Well, here our glade shone with festive lights! But not

Only hares have a holiday, everyone should have fun!

Become, animals, in a friendly round dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year with songs and dances!

(round dance - Dima in the costume of the "new year" shows the children the movements)

Snowman: Have fun in the meadow!

And the guys in the city also play different games!

Mom - Squirrel: Our forest children also love to play. Play with us


(squirrel game "Collect the bumps")

Snowman: Oh, how hot it became in the hall,

I'm afraid now I will melt.

Snow Maiden : I'll tinker a little

I'll blow on you now.

(walks around the Snowman, blowing on him)

Guys, help

Drive to the Snowman!

(children wave at the Snowman)

Snowman: Yes, it's cold in the hall

How well you waved!

Well done, squirrels, you play well, but do you know how to dance?

Belchata: Yes!

Father Frost: Come on, show us with the Snow Maiden what you have learned for

This year!

(Dance of squirrels) (Santa Claus treats them with sweets.)

Mother Bear: Santa Claus, and my teddy bears also like to eat

Sweet candy. Maybe they'll dance for you too.

Father Frost: Dance, forest people,

After all, that's what the New Year is for!

(dance of the cubs) (Santa Claus treats)

Snowman: Santa Claus, guess what is my favorite game?

Father Frost: Well, even all the animals know this! Do you know? Which?(snowballs)

Snowman: Can I play snowballs with the kids?

(2 teams - cubs and foxes against hares, become two

Rows, opposite each other, take turns throwing “snowballs”,

Who how many times will hit)

Snowman: How fun everyone is, everyone is so friendly, and hares, and foxes, and

Bear cubs and squirrels, only I am alone.

Father Frost : This is fixable!We will now ask our little animals,

They blind you a lot of friends! Can we help the snowman?

(Music sounds, children “sculpt” snowmen - dress up children.

The snowman runs from one to another, rejoices, helps, dances)

Snowman: And now I'm briskly stomping,

And I will clap my hands loudly,

I'll call my friends

Naughty snowmen.

(Under cheerful music children run out in costumes of snowmen,

Dance together with the Snowman dance)

Snowmen: (after dance) We are funny guys

Our name is Snowmen.

We love fun

New Year's Eve.

Snowman: What a pity that you did not see how the little animals have fun!

How well they dance!

Father Frost : And now we will show your friends how the foxes dance,

They haven't danced yet!

(dance of foxes)

Snowman: It’s good in your forest, it’s fun, there are a lot of Christmas trees, you all have fun. A

We will have to return to the children without a Christmas tree, I did not fulfill them

New Year's wish.

Father Frost : Fulfilling the New Year wishes of children is my duty, and

I will help you with this. There's a surprise in my bag for you

Open it!

(The snowman opens the bag and takes out a Christmas tree)

Snowman: Is it for me?

Father Frost : This is for you and the children, because for the New Year everyone should have

Christmas tree. Put it in the yard and let all the kids have fun!

Snowman: Thanks, Santa Claus! Thanks, animals! I am to all children

I'll tell you how fun you have, and I'll also tell you how to cut Christmas trees

It is impossible, because animals and birds need them in the forest.


(The snowman leaves, other snowmen help him carry the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden : Grandfather Frost, you fulfilled the desire of the children, gave them

Christmas tree. The inhabitants of our clearing also have desires. Maybe they

They will think of something, and you will also fulfill their desires!

Father Frost : I will definitely fulfill all the wishes of children and adults.

You just need to put a ring on the tree of desires.

(Santa Claus puts a "tree of desires" in the middle of the hall)

Bunnies, have you made your wishes? Bring your ring

And put on a branch.

(Hares put rings on branches,

Then - the rest of the little animals, mothers and fathers of children)

Father Frost : And now, in order for all wishes to come true, we must all take up

Hands and spin in a round dance with a magic tree


(The lights go out, only the “tree of desires” shines, a slow round dance)

Snow Maiden : Grandpa, how do you make wishes come true

Do you know all the desires of children?

Santa Claus: Of course!

Snow Maiden : And what are their desires? - Tell!

Father Frost : Many children want to know what happened to Snowman

(The curtain opens. A Snowman stands motionless on the stage, next to him is a Christmas tree, around them are children in New Year's costumes they dance, they stop and call Santa Claus to them)

Children: Father Frost! Come to us!

Father Frost : Well, here, Snegurochka, we need to go to another Christmas tree.

We are expected everywhere today!

And for our new friends, I fulfilled one more wish.

These are gifts from Santa Claus.

Look under the tree

All forest children

There are gifts waiting for you -

Delicious sweets!

Snow Maiden : It's time for us to say goodbye

But let's not be upset

Since next year.

I will come to you in the forest again!

Father Frost : Let them come in the coming year

Luck, happiness and success,

Let it be the best year, of course,

Beautiful, joyful for everyone!

(Santa Claus goes on stage to the children. Children on the stage dance with him,

They dance their dances. "Mothers" "animals" distribute gifts)

New Year's celebration for children of the younger group

To cheerful musicchildren enter the room.

presenter: Guys, the Christmas tree came to us for a holiday in kindergarten.

There are so many lights, so many toys, How beautiful is her outfit!

Come closer, children.

Look above, below.

How many toys hang here

Different balls, crackers!

They go around the hall, stop in front of the Christmas tree in a large semicircle.

1 We are all very well, have fun today,

Because the New Year's holiday has come to us!

2 Our Christmas tree is beautiful! 3. In our hall there is noise and laughter,

She likes toys very much. The singing doesn't stop.

Balls on branches are different: Our Christmas tree is the best,

Both green and red! There is no doubt about it!

4 In a fluffy dress

Christmas tree always

She is not afraid of blizzards

Wind, cold.

5 On green branches

The balls are shining

Lights are funny

Look at the guys!

6 Music calls us all to the New Year's round dance!


Children sit on chairs.

The presenter approaches the Christmas tree and removes the bell from the Christmas tree.

Presenter: What hangs on the Christmas tree, Rings very cheerfully?

New Year's bell, He amuses everyone today.

The bell will sing, And will invite guests to us.

The presenter rings the bell and the Snow Maiden comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden: In a clearing at the edge, I live in a forest hut.

Call me Snow Maiden, All snowflakes are related to me.

Hello guys! What a beautiful tree you have! Why aren't there lights on it?

This is a mess! Something the Christmas tree does not rejoice with us ... We must ask her to light the multi-colored lights. Let's all get together.

Clap once and say:

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

The lights are on.

Presenter: What a beautiful tree came to our holiday. Guys, let's say hello to her.

Children: Hello tree!

Snow Maiden: Now let's stomp our feet.

And the heels are stamped -

And the lights go out.

Children stomp. The lights go out.

The Christmas tree game is played 2 times.

Presenter: In the yard white-white,

All paths are covered.

Snow Maiden: Let's make a big snowdrift out of snow.

To the music, children perform imitative movements -

wear, pour snow into a pile.

Presenter: The children did their best, there is a whole mountain of snow. Now from this snow we are making a Snowman. Here are the legs. Here is the torso. Here are the pens, the head! Op!

(Removes the cover - snow, the Snowman gets up, but his eyes are closed.)

Snow Maiden: Here is the Snowman. Is he just silent? Snowman, wake up!

What do we do? Can we blow on him? (Children fulfill the offer. The snowman wakes up)

Snowman: Wow! How many kids

Both girls and boys.

Hello! It's good that you blinded me!

Presenter: Come sing and dance with us

Let's celebrate the New Year.

Snowman: Wait, wait! You blinded me, but you didn't teach me how to walk. How do they walk? Show!

Children show how to walk.

The snowman repeats after them.

Presenter: And we have your friends - snowmen.

Snowmen come out in front of the Christmas tree


1 We stand in each in the yard.

Watching us is fun!

We are little snowmen

We are made of snow.

2 We, friends, are snowmen.

We are small in stature.

Let's go forward,

We sing the song cheerfully.

3. We love fun very much

New Year's Eve!

4. And so for you

Let's play now!

Noise orchestra plays a Russian folk melody

"In the garden, in the garden"

The snowman praises the snowmen.

Snowman: Ay-ya-yay! Oh-ee-ee!

Presenter: What's happened? What happened to you?

Snowman: I am a funny snowman

I'm used to snow and cold.

It got hot, my friends.

Oh, now I'm melting.

Presenter: No time to waste

You need to rescue a friend.


1.Crystal snowflakes,

Like light fluff.

We are flying in the air

We sparkle and shine.

2. We are quietly circling the wind,

And in the soft moonlight

We lead our dance

Merry crowd

3. Call us to yourself,

Take your holiday.

Dancing by the Christmas tree

Glitter in her fires.

Snow Maiden: We begin our dance - repeat everything after me.

Dance of Snowflakes with tinsel

Snowman: Snow Maiden, have you forgotten your favorite snowballs?

Snow Maiden: They are everywhere with me, because I am a snow girl. Let's play them!

"Game with snowballs".

speaking the text,

The Snow Maiden takes snowballs from the box and

Snow Maiden: I'll throw snowballs high

They will fly far

And the guys will collect snowballs

And they'll bring it to me in a box.

Children collect snowballs and put them in a box.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Presenter: Thank you, Snow Maiden, for playing with our children.

Snowman: And now, guys, you need

Sing a song for the Christmas tree together.

Perform a song

Presenter: Snow Maiden, the New Year's holiday is magic and fabulousness itself, and therefore we are looking forward to surprises.

Snow Maiden:

This tale fits

After all, it is about the New Year!

Hey, bring the toys to life.

You go to the Christmas tree.

Magical music sounds.

presenter: What's with the laughs?

Flapperboards: It's us Crackers!

Flappers run out to the music, stand in front of the Christmas tree

1st cracker: We - funny girlfriends,

colorful crackers,

2nd cracker: We were swinging at the top

Check out all the toys!

3rd cracker: We are terrible talkers

And big laughs!

4th cracker: We are funny crackers

Happy to jump like frogs

5th cracker: There is no more important toy

What colorful crackers!

Performing "Chatushki"

Snowman: Snow Maiden, do you have gifts for the guys.

Snow Maiden: Certainly! Look, the dogs are rushing towards us.


1.New Year fun party,

A prankster, a joker, a prankster.

And he called the dogs

For a fun carnival.

2. Tail to the left, tail to the right,

And in place turn.

Everyone shouts to the artists: "Bravo!"

Hello, hello New Year!

3. Have fun near the Christmas tree.

No one is allowed to bite here.

Woof, woof, woof, miracles here.

Hello, Christmas tree, beauty!

Snowman: The holiday is coming to an end, the tree is shining brightly.

It's time to give out gifts!

Snow Maiden: Where are the gifts? Here's the secret! No right, no left!

Snowman: I have gifts for the guys in my bag.

He takes out a large fake candy from the bag.

Presenter: Snowman, look how many kids we have. Even such a big candy is not enough for everyone.

Snow Maiden:

Now I will say the magic words.

One two three four five _

I start to conjure.

Eni-beni-barabay -

You, candy, grow up.

Snowman and Snow Maiden

they take out a huge candy with gifts from under the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Look guys, here are the gifts. Now there are enough for everyone. Santa Claus - you are a real wizard.

Snowman, Snegurochka and presenter distribute gifts.

The children are grateful.

Snowman: It's time for us to leave.

Snow Maiden: But the holiday does not go away with us,

He goes to your houses,

And will sing and dance again

And Happy New Year!

Snowman: I wish you all to grow and not be bored,

Moms and grandmothers are not very upset.

Well, next year

I will visit you.

Be happy kids.

Snowman and Snow Maiden


Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. Let's thank our beautiful Christmas tree. Get up in a round dance.

Children get up in a round dance, say thank you to the Christmas tree.

They go to a group.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Kikimora.

Leading : Hello, New Year's holiday.

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We will invite you to the tree.

Let's spin in a round dance.

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy New Year,

Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone today.

Song in the New Year's forest.

Stars New Year hung
On a cheerful tree.
And the bear is cheerful today,
And the wolves dance.
Again Santa Claus walks
Through forest apartments
Treats with lollipops
Creamy ice cream.

Squirrels are dancing, hares are dancing,
Very happy forest people

New Year!

And the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree
Brought some laughs.
And dance the polka with her
White snowflakes.
It's good for friends to spin
With a song on the hill
And then go study
Only fives.

Squirrels are dancing, hares are dancing,
Very happy forest people
Meet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

La-la-la-la many times


Hey guys, what am I hearing?

Looks like they're coming!

Come on, let's clap more fun

May they find us soon.

Snow Maiden

Oh, how many children and girls and boys. Hello!

Winter threats are not terrible. I'm not afraid of blizzards. Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, I'm called Snegurochka (walks around the tree).

Hey tree! Just a miracle! How elegant, how beautiful.

I congratulate you children

And I wish with all my heart.

So that you grow and get smarter

They had fun and sang songs.

May your laughter always ring.

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!


The children all came to the Christmas tree.

The guests are here, but here's the question.

Where does our cheerful

Good Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden

It's time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, ay, ay! Listen, I'm calling you.


Hush, hush, don't make noise, prick up your ears.

Someone is coming to us. Fur coat, red nose - maybe it's Santa Claus?


Ay! Ay! Be back soon! (runs around the tree)

Eh, make a noise! Look, they screamed!

Snow Maiden

What's happened? What a miracle Who are you and where are you from?


Who will I be? Snowman. I am neither small nor big. Hello! I heard from friends, from all forest animals. What did you decorate the Christmas tree, invited everyone to the holiday (speaking with resentment). Everyone was invited to the holiday, but they forgot about me? I am angry with you (threatens, stomps).

Snow Maiden

Snowman! Do not be angry. You look around. Here the guys are just a treasure. Everyone is happy to see you!


I'm used to snow and cold. You blind me cleverly. Instead of a nose, a carrot, and a bucket on the head. It's not perforated. I'm not a simple snowman, I'm a cheerful mischievous one. It just got hot in the room. Oh, I'm afraid I'm melting now.

Snow Maiden

Snowman don't be sad. Sit on a chair, sit down.

To make it colder, let's dance more cheerfully.

The dance of the snowflakes.


Well done guys! Yes! It got cold in the hall. So you love winter, the beauty and New Year's holiday. Now, come on, hold hands. Stand in a wide circle. We will sing songs and dance. Meet the New Year.

Song "Little Christmas Tree"

Little Christmas tree
Cold in winter
Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.

The squirrel jumped
In a blue coat:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
I will go with you!"

How many on the Christmas tree
colored balls,
pink gingerbread,
Cones of gold!

Let's stand under the tree
In a friendly round dance.
fun, fun
Let's meet the New Year!

Snow Maiden

We are in our hall today

They danced so beautifully.

But it hurts me to tears

Where is Santa Claus!


He should have come a long time ago

Yes, he can't find us.


Don't worry Snow Maiden. I know the paths in the forest. And it won’t be difficult for me to find Santa Claus and bring him to the holiday (runs away).


Wow, there are a lot of people in the hall. I know you've all been waiting for me. Hello!


What a miracle this is. Sorry where are you from (suspicious) I'm looking at you, but I don't recognize you.


What am I going to fix. And now I'll introduce myself. I am Kikimora forest, I love to scare everyone. But do not be afraid of me, children, I will not offend you! I dressed up today, I showed up for the holiday. I dance and laugh, I want to be a Snow Maiden.


Wait, wait, Kikimora. We already have a Snow Maiden.


As it is? Where is she? (looks at everyone through binoculars). Why can't I see?


Yes, here she is. The real Snow Maiden. And we really like her.


Is this the Snow Maiden? Well, they were surprised, well, they made me laugh.

She is not a Snow Maiden. Just think, put on a crown, a beautiful fur coat. What about my outfit? A? In addition, I can also conjure. You don't believe. And now I'll prove it to you. Ah, so now I will ask you! I will bewitch your tree. I will blow it on the fire, and they will not burn with you.

Snow Maiden

Oh, forest Kikimora, you came here to interfere. For these evil deeds, you will be responsible for us. (Kikimora runs away, the Snow Maiden threatens her)


Let's try to call Santa Claus again: Santa Claus. Santa Claus do not walk among the birches. Come to our kindergarten, a lot is waiting for you guys. Ay-ay.

Father Frost . Ay!


Father Frost . Ayy, ayy I'm coming.

hello kids

Girls and boys.

Happy New Year

I wish you all good health.

Here I come to you again.

We will sing and dance songs.

Let's stand together in a round dance

Let's welcome the New Year.

Just look guys

your tree is so beautiful

So pretty and slim

But tell me why

Does it stand without lights?

Leading. It was Kikimora who bewitched our Christmas tree.

Father Frost

Well, we'll fix this problem.

Let's make all the fires burn.

Let's say together 1, 2, 3, our Christmas tree is on fire (does not burn)

We screamed to no avail

Christmas tree lights are not on (looks at Kikimora)

Who has been here. Who bewitched the Christmas tree?

As I puff, I whistle and turn into an icicle.


Santa Claus forgive me. oh i was stupid

To be honest, I'll fix it.

Everyone will like me today.

Father Frost

Well, will the guys forgive Kikimora for her tricks? (Kikimora rejoices).

Well, Kikimora, let's correct your mistake.


One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

(claps hands, no lights come on)

Father Frost

No, you're screaming a little. Come on, guys again. Let's shout together: "One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire." (children repeat. lights are lit). It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree flared up with lights. Santa Claus calls you all to the New Year's round dance.

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, slender, green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
Frost wrapped in snow: “Look, do not freeze!”

Coward Bunny gray
Jumped under the tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, trotted.

And here she is, dressed up,
Came to us for the holiday
And brought a lot of joy to the kids.

Snow Maiden

Grandfather got tired, tired, how he danced merrily.

Let him rest by the Christmas tree, who will read poetry to him?

Reading poetry.

The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!

Our tree is big

Our tree is high.

Above dad, above mom.

Reaches the ceiling.

Snow falls on the houses
Winter has come to us again!
Brought in a knapsack
Blizzards and snow,
Cold, snowdrifts, ice
And, of course, the New Year!

New Year's Days!

The snow is frosty, prickly.

lights lit up

On a fluffy tree.

The ball swung painted,

The beads rang

Smells like forest freshness

From resinous spruce.

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a high tree.

Above the star
Beads in two rows -
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn.

Everyone knows what the tree has
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the kids -
Softer, kinder, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree - gifts.

On cheerful children's trees
Miracles shine in needles,
And under the tree on New Year's Eve
Everyone will find something
You just need to advance
Make a wish!

Soon, soon the New Year!
Santa Claus is coming soon.
Behind the shoulders of the Christmas tree
Fluffy needles.
He gives us presents
And he asks us to read poetry.

It's snowing outside the window
So it's New Year's Eve.
Santa Claus is on his way
It takes a long time for him to go to us
Through the snowy fields
Through the snowdrifts, through the forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
She seems to be the most beautiful
All greener and more lush.
A fairy tale is hidden in the green:
The white swan swims
Bunny slides on a sleigh
The squirrel gnaws nuts.

Christmas tree do not prick.
Is it worth getting angry?
We gathered for the holiday
To have fun.

Lots of joy today
New Year brought us all
Dancing on New Year's holiday
Santa Claus is with us.

Golden lights
Christmas tree shines for us
We'll stomp our heels
That's how much fun we have.

Christmas tree brightly dressed
In festive attire
Santa Claus brought gifts
To our beloved Kindergarten.

Balls hanging on branches

magic lanterns,

And beads, and snowflakes,

And blue ice.

Why are we visiting
Trees in bright lights.
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday New Year.

Santa Claus collected animals
Bear, bunny, wolf.
And led everyone out of the forest,
To the kindergarten on the Christmas tree.

Happy new year, happy new year.
Hello Dedushka Moroz.
He's out of the woods in passing
The Christmas tree has already been brought to us.

It's snowing, it's snowing.

So it's New Year's Eve!

Santa Claus will come to us

Bring gifts to everyone!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over me

Light fluff

White snowflakes.

Tree, tree, what a marvel!
How beautifully decorated.
Lots of cones, lanterns.
Santa Claus sits under it.

At Christmas tree

Green needles.

And from bottom to top

beautiful toys.

Father Frost

Well, I stayed with you for a long time.

Nice tree today.

And the guys are good

And I sang from the heart.

I conjured for you and collected gifts.

Bring the snowman as soon as possible to please the children (carries bag)

Snow Maiden

What a big bag!

I wonder what's in it?

Father Frost

It contains gifts for children!

Snow Maiden

So give them quickly!

So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday.

Father Frost

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!


For you to grow big.


So that you do not know worries!

Snow Maiden

And we are with Santa Claus

We will return to you in a year.

(gift giving)

Leading- Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness, joy!

Let dreams come true!

The holiday begins!

1. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Our holiday song

Let it fly all over the country.

To native cities and villages

May he bring happiness.

Hello, our happy holiday,

Hello New Year's Eve!

2. Hello New Year's holiday

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We will invite you to the tree.

Let's spin in a round dance

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to everyone today.

Leading -Everyone hurry here

Gather in this room

You want to see yourself

New Year's carnival!

There will be masks, there will be dances

So let's hurry

Let's gather near the Christmas tree

To welcome guests

Everything is ready for their arrival.

Santa Claus gave them the address

Let's start, start the New Year's carnival!

3. He came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We were looking forward to it.

Frequent forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together

Hello, hello New Year!

4. What is the New Year?

This is a friendly dance

This is the laughter of funny guys

Near all the elegant Christmas trees

New Year brought us fun ideas

Let's start our round dance with a cheerful sonorous song.

the song is being performed(It's good that every year)

Leading- -Oh, guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming!

Come on, let's clap more fun

May they find us soon

Snow Maiden- -Oh, how many children and girls and boys. Hello!

Winter threats are not terrible. I'm not afraid of blizzards. Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, I'm called the Snow Maiden (walks around the Christmas tree).

Hey tree! Just a miracle! How elegant, how beautiful.

Here she is. A slender, large Christmas tree is a beauty.

Do you guys like it? I congratulate you children

And I wish with all my heart. So that you grow and get smarter

We had fun, sang songs so that your laughter always rang

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone.

Leading -The children all came to the Christmas tree.

The guests are here, but here's the question.

Where does our cheerful

Good Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden -It's time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, ay, ay! Listen, I'm calling you.

Leading -Hush, hush, don't make noise, prick up your ears.

Someone is coming to us. Fur coat, red nose, maybe it's D.M?

Snowman- Ay! Ay! Be back soon! (runs around the tree)

Eh, make a noise! Look, they screamed!

Snow Maiden -What's happened? What a miracle Who are you and where are you from?

Snowman -Who will I be? Snowman. I am neither small nor big. Hello! I heard from friends, from all forest animals. That you dressed up the Christmas tree, invited everyone to the holiday. (speaking with resentment). Everyone was invited to the holiday, but they forgot about me? I am angry with you. Yes Yes. Run away in all directions (threatens, stomps)

Snow Maiden -Snowman! Do not be angry. You look around. Here the guys are just a treasure. Everyone is happy to see you! Smile more cheerfully, dance with us.( Elephants were walking along Porizh).Children sit down.

Snowman -I'm used to snow and cold. You blind me cleverly. Instead of a nose, a carrot, and a bucket on the head. It's not perforated. I'm not a simple snowman, I'm a cheerful mischievous one. It just got hot in the room. Oh, I'm afraid now I'll melt.

Snow Maiden -Snowman don't be sad. To make it colder, let's play more fun.

GAME "Snowballs" (In a circle)

Snowman-Yes! It got cold in the hall. And now it's time for you mischievous people to read poetry: 1. I am not afraid of frost.(Dima.G.)

I'm very close with him. I'll get dressed and go

Both snow and ice. Frost will come to me

Touch your hands, touch your nose. So you don't have to yawn

Run jump and play.

2. Our tree is big(Masha.G.)

Our tree is high. Above dad, above mom

Reaches the ceiling. Let's dance merrily.

We will sing songs so that the Christmas tree wants to visit us again.

Snowman -Well done guys! What interesting, beautiful poems read.So you love winter, a beauty and a New Year's holiday. And now we will sing songs, dance. Meet the New Year.

The song "Heat stoves are hot"

Snow Maiden -We are in our hall today

They danced so beautifully. But it hurts me to tears

Where is Santa Claus!


He should have come a long time ago

Yes, he can't find us.

SnowmanDon't worry Snow Maiden. I know the paths in the forest. And it will not be difficult for me to find Grandfather Frost and bring him to the holiday. (runs away)

Kikimora -Wow, there are a lot of people in the hall. I know you all have been waiting for me. Hello!

Leading -What a miracle this is. Sorry, where are you from?

kikimoraWhat am I going to fix. And now I'll introduce myself. I am Kikimora forest, I love to scare everyone. But do not be afraid of me, children, I will not offend you! I dressed up today, I showed up for the holiday. I dance and laugh, I want to be a Snow Maiden.

Leading -Wait, wait, Kikimora, we already have a Snow Maiden.

kikimoraAs it is? Where is she? (looks at everyone through binoculars). Why can't I see?

Leading -Yes, here she is. The real Snow Maiden. And we really like her.

Kikimora -Is this the Snow Maiden? Well, they were surprised, well, they laughed.She is not a Snow Maiden. Just think, put on a crown, a beautiful fur coat. What about my outfit? A? In addition, I can also conjure. You don't believe. And now I'll prove it to you. Ah, so now I will ask you! I will bewitch your tree. I will blow it on the fire, and they will not burn with you.

Snow MaidenOh, forest Kikimora, you came here to interfere. For these evil deeds, you will be responsible for us. (Kikimora runs away, the Snow Maiden threatens her)

Baba Yaga -What kind of gathering is this? Why cheerful laughter.

I will arrange a holiday for you. I will disperse everyone now. I am a malevolent yaga, a bone leg. The jet broom quickly informed me.

I'll scare you all, wow, how evil I am.


You, that this Baba Yaga is scaring our guys. We have a New Year's holiday today And Santa Claus will come to us soon! Here he will show you!

B. YagaYou do not wait for D. Moroz. He won't come to you today.

And, of course, no one will bring you gifts.


Why won't D. Moroz come to us? Will definitely come! He did promise.

B. Yaga- I outwitted D. Moroz. She closed it with a big lock in her house. I have the key to this lock ha ha ha. Look! (the key hangs around the neck. But I won’t give it to you; better don’t ask (sits down near the tree, examines the key)

Leading -Well, B. Yaga is a bone leg. What to do? How to be?

Snow Maiden-We need to kill grandma. Let's sing a lullaby to B. Yaga. And when she falls asleep, we will quietly remove the key from her and free D. Moroz.


Leading -B. Yaga fell asleep soundly. Let's try to take the key from her. Aha! Here he is with us. Take the key as soon as possible, find the Snowman in the forest. And help out D. Moroz. D. Frost. D. Frost Do not walk among the birches. Come to our kindergarten, a lot is waiting for you guys. Ay-ay. D. Moroz Au

Leading -Do you hear? This is the voice of D. Moroz. This is him screaming. Shout to D. Frost

Dear grandpa-ay

D. MorozAyy. Ay, I'm going, I'm going

Hello boys and girls.

Happy New Year I wish you all good health.

Here I come to you again. We will sing and dance songs.

Let's get up together in a round dance We'll have a nice New Year's Eve.

Song "Santa Claus"

Baba Yaga -What's the scream, what's the noise? (grabs broom, notices no key) Oh! Robbed! Guard. When did you steal my key? When they managed to free D. Moroz.

D. Frost -Oh, B. Yaga! You need to sleep less. (tapping with a staff. Why did you lure me in, but locked me with a key. Now I'll freeze you.

B. Yaga -Wait, wait D. Moroz This is an unprecedented thing

Collect squirrels Cheburashek and bunnies for the holiday

And the girls and boys were invited, everyone was invited

Well, have you forgotten about me? I will not forgive insults. I will take revenge on you now. Here.

Snow MaidenB. Yaga don't be angry with us . Look how fun it is around, how beautiful the children are.

B. Yaga -This is what happens. Children mean beautiful, and I'm Granny, Yagulechka is ugly.

Snow Maiden.What are you, what are you B. Yaga, you are very beautiful. Let's praise. Let everyone tell grandmother Yaga something good, kind.

B. Yaga -Oh, I really am such a beauty. I will play with you and will not interfere with you.

Give me your broom. I'd rather sing a song to you. I'm talking about my youth

“I’ll go out, I’ll go out to dance in brand new shoes

Everyone in the neighborhood says that I'm like a picture. I'm wearing a new sundress

Not a single payment. And you have nice outfits guys.

Snowman -I'll ask you to look around me now.

Haven't you noticed that we don't have many children?

B. Yaga.Indeed! Ai-ai-ai Whom do you want to choose

All costumes are good, tried from the heart. I want to play with you and I won't scare youD. Moroz: Well, that's good

B. YagaJust look guys. Your Christmas tree is so beautiful. So elegant and slender. But tell me why. Does it stand without lights?

D. Frost.Well, it's not a problem. We will fix this trouble. We will make all the lights burn.

Let's say together 1, 2, 3, our Christmas tree is on fire. (off). I shouted and we were useless

The lights on the Christmas tree do not burn (looks at Kikimora). This is who was here. Who bewitched the Christmas tree?

Kikimora.D. Frost forgive me. oh i was stupid. To be honest, I'll fix it.Today I will please everyone.

D. Frost.Well, guys, let's forgive Kikimora for her tricks (K. rejoices).

Well, Kikimora, let's correct your mistake

Kikimora.Christmas tree, beauty, smile. Light up all the bright lights.(claps hands, no lights come on)

D. Frost.No, you're screaming a little. Come on, guys again. Let's shout together: “Herringbone, beauty, smile. Light up all the bright lights (the children repeat, D.M. knocks. The lights are lit). It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree flared up with lights.

D. Frost.Guys, you are not afraid of frost (no)

Game "Don't Freeze Our Hands"D. Frost. Hey guys are smart. Today I am very cheerful and I am friends with the guys. I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch a cold. (D.M is in the circle) Oh, how can I get out of the circle.

Leading -And you sleep, then we'll let you out.

D. Moroz

Oh, pranksters, what can you do with you. Snowman, Kikimora, B. Yaga, come out all here. We will continue the holiday, we will be ordered to dance ...SNOWMAN DANCE

Snow Maiden.Tired Grandfather was tired, how he danced merrily. Let him rest by the Christmas tree, who will read poetry to him.

1 . We have a merry holiday, the Christmas tree has come to us. (Zakhar)

With flashlights in her paws, smart and bright.

Warmly warmed us, she thawed.

It stands as if it is fresh and green in summer.

Laughing in the hall bright ruddy D. M

He brought us many gifts for the New Year.

3 . Happy New Year, N. G. Hello D. Moroz (Ira)

He's out of the woods in passing. The Christmas tree has already been brought to us.

At the top, above the branches. Fired up like always

The brightest, yellow light. Five winged star.

4 . We all live happily, play happily. (Dima.M)

And we dance and sing to celebrate the New Year. A star shines brightly at the top of the Christmas tree. The kids are having fun and laughing loudly.

5. There is silence in the clearing, the yellow moon is shining(Zarina) (Artem)

You trees in silver, hares dance on the mountain!

Ice sparkles on the pond, the New Year is coming.

6 . Hello, silver forest herringbone, dense.(Kiril)

You grew up under the sun and came to us for the holiday. You dressed up marvelously, so elegantly so beautifully.

You came to the delight of children. We will celebrate the New Year with you.

Let's start a song together, let's dance merrily.

7. It’s better not to ask anyone for our Christmas tree. Good needles on it are decorated with stars. D. Frost came to us today for the New Year's holiday. He will sing with us, dance to distribute gifts to everyone.

8 . We are a holiday cheerful winter brought. The green Christmas tree came to visit us.

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow .. Around in a round dance we go with a song.

9. It is so beautiful in our hall. The Christmas tree is marvelously lush.(Kate)

We removed it ourselves with multi-colored balls.

Everything is ready for the holiday. There are a lot of dances, jokes

Louder music ringing. In these holidays.

10 . Knocking on New Year's Eve. Old Santa Claus.(Daria)

It sparkles with snowflakes. It is overgrown with icicles. It smells of tar in our house. The New Year is coming. And a cheerful grandfather at the Christmas tree. With us leads a round dance.

11 . Good Santa Claus. He brought the Christmas tree to us here.(Liana)

So that we can celebrate the New Year. They danced with her

12. The snow in the forest covered the Christmas tree. I hid the Christmas tree from the guys.(Lisa)

At night, the Christmas tree quietly ran into the kindergarten. And we have fun in the garden, A noisy round dance is dancing. Under a young spruce, we celebrate the New Year!

B. Yaga.And now, kids, I have a game for you (a rattle lies on a chair who will run to it faster)

D. Frost.Well, I stayed with you for a long time. Today is a good tree. And the guys danced well from the heart. I conjured for you and collected gifts. Bring the snowman as soon as possible to please the children (carries a lump)Snow Maiden.So com, wonderful com!I wonder what's in it?D.M.- This lump is not simple in the middle is not empty. It contains gifts for children.Snow Maiden- So give them quickly! So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday.D.M.- I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!Snowman.For you to grow big.B.Ya.- So that you do not know worries!Snow Maiden.And we are with Santa Claus. We will return to you in a year.

Leading- Let the guys say goodbye to sing a song together:

THE SONG IS PERFORMED (Soon, soon the New Year)

D.M.- Come on, kids, let's clap together (children clap).

Baba Yaga.Look, look at gifts. Oh yes, Santa Claus! (gift giving)

MKDOU Chulym kindergarten "Topolek"

Scenario New Year's Eve

at 2 junior group

educator: Lysak T.A.

    May the New Year, which is on the threshold,

Enter your home like a good friend!

Let them forget the way to you

Sorrow, adversity and disease!

May they come in the coming year

And good luck and success!

Let him be the best

The happiest for everyone!

Leading: get together people

on the eve of the New Year.

Come to the hall guys

And look at the tree!

Children enter the music hall to the music and stand near the Christmas tree.


I.P. Children stand in a circle, holding hands.

Adults sing.

    Hey buddy, stand up

Hold on tight to your hands.

One two three four five,

We start dancing.

We put the handles on the barrel,

We expose the heel.

We will make friends with you

We have fun spinning around.


Let's lift our legs

Let's dance merrily.

One two three four five,

We love to dance very much.


Let's squat together

One two three four five.

For such a wonderful dance

You clap now.


Leading: Guys, look how smart we are beautiful tree.

How many toys, lanterns, garlands, tinsel are on it,

balls, all sparkle, shine.

Guys, why is the tree all shining and shining today?

Children: Because the holiday is the New Year!

(Children and the presenter go around the Christmas tree, admire it, examine the toys.

1reb: Christmas tree, you are a Christmas tree
The tree is just amazing
See for yourself,
How beautiful she is!

2 reb: Hello our Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

Let's stand together at the tree

In a cheerful round dance

Song: "NEW YEAR"

    Beads glitter on the tree,

Flappers and a star.

We love our tree

Yes Yes Yes.

    Snow Maiden in a white coat

Comes to us always.

We sing and dance with her -

Yes Yes Yes.

    And Santa Claus is cheerful,

gray beard,

Brings us gifts

Yes Yes Yes.

Leading: Hey guys, what am I hearing?

Looks like they're coming!

Well, let's clap more fun -

May they find us soon!

Magical music sounds, the snow maiden enters the hall (adult)

Snow Maiden: Oh so many kids

And girls and boys

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

I am the Snow Maiden - laughter,

Cheerfulness and frolic.

Came running before Grandfather -

What a fidget!

Oh what a tree you have

How many balls on the Christmas tree!

And fluffy and slim -

Do you like her? (children answer)

1 child. Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.

2 child. Our tree is high
Our tree is big
Above mom, above dad
Reaches the ceiling.

3 child. Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Bright lights!
beads, beads
Christmas tree ring!

Snow Maiden: Oh, so I can do it!

I'll whisper with her a little:

"Christmas tree, quickly light up,

Smile with lights!

Let's clap together, one, two, three!

Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn!

(clapping - the tree lights up, the lights in the hall are off)

Leading: Indeed, miracles

Oh yes, the Christmas tree is beautiful!

4 child: We all really like

Christmas tree is a beauty!

Stars and lanterns

Tinsel and balls!

Leading: We will please the Christmas tree

Let's dance merrily.

About her elegant,

Let's drink fun!

Song « New Year's round dance»

Leading: Our tree is a wonder for everyone

Slim and big.

Let's sit quietly and watch

At her from afar.

Snow Maiden: The holiday goes on

The fairy tale begins!

I'm here!

Snow Maiden: Where is here? (goes behind the tree)

Snowman: (in front of the Christmas tree) I'm here!

Snow Maiden: Here "- where exactly?

Snowman: (adult - from behind the tree) I'm here!

Snow Maiden: Where is here? Oh, what is it? Oh, how is it?

(according to the prompts of the children, she guesses who is joking with her)

Snow Maiden: Do you hear how you are there ... “I'm here! I brought the Snowman a new carrot for his nose, but it’s obvious that I can’t find it! I'll give a carrot to a bunny!

Snowman: (runs out) Wait, Snow Maiden!

I'm here! That is, I'm here!

I am a Snowman and not small and not great!

I really like to play

Songs to sing and dance

My brothers get out

And dance with me!

Snowman 1

(child): I'm a snowman too!

I'm used to the cold!

I have a cheerful look

Bright holiday dress.

Snowman 2

(child): Instead of buttons - ash,

Carrot nose.

And a big broom

To sweep the tracks!



(adult): Everything is white in winter!

There has been a lot of snow

I prepared lumps
Snow - white snowballs

Well try it guys

At least once hit me!

Come on, everybody get up

And play with me.


Presenter: One two three four five.

We're done playing!

Snowman: Something got very hot

I would not melt by night

Children blow harder.

To get colder! (children blow)

Presenter: What's wrong with you Snowman?
You look very pale

You are not sick?

Snowman: Oh guys, I'm melting again

I melt, I melt, I die

Thaw, thaw, help!

You wave your hands! (children wave)

Presenter: Snow Maiden, you need to bring some water,

give the snowman a drink.

(Snow Maiden serves a mug of confetti)

Snowman: (drinking) Nice cold water!

I'll drink some water and hurt the kids! (sprinkles children)

Presenter: You scared us again!

Snowman: (mischievously) I just played you!

Snow Maiden: Young snowman!

He amused and laughed.

That's what I'm for you

I give you a carrot. (gives carrot to snowman)

Presenter: Oh, guys, hush - hush!

Do you hear someone crying?

A bunny comes out from behind the tree (child)

Snow Maiden: What's happened? What happened to you?

Bunny: The New Year is coming!

I'm going to Santa Claus

I'm in a hurry for a gift.

I'm a little bunny

But a big coward.

Buried in the snow

Buried in a snowdrift

I'm afraid of both the wolf and the fox,

From everyone I hid in the forest.

I want Santa Claus to give me courage!

Snowman: You bunny don't be afraid of us

You coward, calm down!

We will not offend you, we are hares best friends!

It's better to play with us, have fun and don't cry!

Santa Claus will come and bring a gift!

Bunny: Well, then I'm not afraid, I'll have fun with you!

Snow Maiden: Snowman, do you have a carrot?

And we will dance here with friends!

Snowman: Do not be sad, Santa Claus taught us to share,

So that no one is sad, sing and have fun.

Here, hold a carrot -

Come on, bunnies. Deftly!


Snowman: How fun we played, sang songs, danced.

Soon, soon the New Year, and Santa Claus is still not coming.

Snow Maiden: Let's all call Santa Claus together.

Let's say magic words, parents will help us:

"Once - let's clap our hands together!

Two - let's stomp everything with our foot!

Three - let's all shout together!

Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!"

(children and parents perform movements)

Presenter: Santa Claus does not hear. It seems to have gone far.

Let's call again!

Santa Claus: (from behind the door)

I hear, I hear, I hurry!

I'm coming to you right now!

(Santa Claus enters the hall)

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all guests!

Congratulations to all children!

You had a year ago

I'm glad to see everyone again!

They grew up, they became big.

Together with you even now

I'm ready to dance!

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

round dance "Coming Soon New Year"

Snowman: Santa Claus, here you are.

We will not let you out of the circle. Play with us.

Freeze game

Snow Maiden: Come on, Santa Claus dance soon,

and the guys will all clap more cheerfully.

Santa Claus is dancing

Snowman: Grandfather Frost you walked a long way

Sit by our Christmas tree, rest a little.

And we will show our skill at the elegant Christmas tree!

Children read poetry

1 child

Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know:
Father Frost,
gray-haired grandfather
With beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light the Christmas tree for us
Sing songs with us.

2 child

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Are you probably cold?

Day walked around the city

Chilled out my beard!

Put your nose on the battery -

I'll warm you up now!

3 child

If the frost ends
Snow melts white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?
Water will run from it
Brooks on the floor
From his beard then.
Will it rain?
Dear Santa Claus,
Dear, dear!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our fridge!

The song "Santa Claus"

Presenter: Santa Claus played with us? (children - Yes!)

Did you sing songs? - (children - Yes!)

Did you make the kids laugh? - (children - Yes!)

What did grandfather forget? - (children answer)

Father Frost: I will please all my friends

I remember gifts.

Yes, it's just long

Walked through the forest

Yes, I lost my presents.

Bunny help me out

Let there be gifts

And they will return to the Christmas tree.

(The bunny jumps behind the Christmas tree and finds a bag with gifts)

Father Frost: Well, bunny, well done!

Well, bunny, you are brave!

helped us today

We will have fun on New Year's Eve!

Stand in your places, I will distribute gifts to everyone!

All the characters give gifts.

Father Frost: It's time, friends!

Need to forgive.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids.

Presenter: We wish you success in the New Year!

More cheerful, sonorous, children's laughter!

Thank you all for your attention

We say "Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Snowman, Bunny: (together)

Goodbye kids!

We'll be back in a year

And let's have fun! (leave)

Children leave the room to the music.
