Dybina parsley goes to work. Summary of the lesson “Parsley goes to draw

Goals: to form through game images the rules of conduct in public transport; to expand children's knowledge about the concepts: "pedestrian", "passenger"; consolidate knowledge about a variety of passenger transport; to cultivate a culture of behavior in public transport.

Dictionary Enrichment: passenger, pedestrian, transport.

Preliminary work: targeted walk down the street; bus supervision; guessing riddles; reading fiction: N. Nosov's story "Car", the poem "Beware of children", looking at pictures from the "Transport" series

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, teacher's questions.

Material: toy "Parsley", pictures from the series "Transport".

Lesson progress

V .: Children, Petrushka came to visit us today.

Petrushka, why are you so sad? What's happened?

P .: Guys, I came to you for help. I was invited to visit, to the village, but I don’t know how to get there and I don’t know the rules of conduct in transport either! Help me?!

V .: Well, guys, let's try to help, Petrushka?

V .: Well, let's just first remember how you can get to the house, the store, the circus.

D: By bus, by car, by train.

V .: That's right, guys, when to ride in a transport that carries people is a passenger transport, who rides in a passenger transport?

D: Passengers!

B: That's right, guys. Who are you traveling with?

D .: With mom, dad, grandparents.

V .: Do you hear, Petrushka, our children traveled only with adults, so for safety we advise you to travel the same way. And in passenger transport, you need to buy a ticket, go to the salon, sit in an empty seat and follow the rules of conduct.

Q: Children, who are called passengers?

Answers of children (who rides on the bus, on the train)

Q: And those who walk on sidewalks?

D: Pedestrians

B: That's right, the guys are pedestrians.

Now we are with you, and with Petrushka we will play the game "We are riding the bus." Imagine that our room is the passenger compartment of the bus, we sit in our seats and wait for departure. And Misha, here we will put a chair for him in front of everyone, he will be a driver, he will carry us. Kate-

will be a conductor. Katya, please distribute tickets to all the guys. So guys, let's hit the road. Ahead stop "Children's Clinic". Remember guys, while driving, the doors cannot be touched with your hands until the driver himself opens them. It has a dedicated button. Click and the doors will open. But here we come to the kindergarten.

Misha, we are taking new passengers.

(children get on the bus, buy tickets)

Q: Guys, please take your seats. Moving on, I'll ask you questions:

Q: Guys, can I talk to the driver while driving? (no) That's right, the driver should not be distracted, he must watch the road.

Is it allowed to walk on the bus while it is running?

D: You can't, you can fall.

Q: Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus, jump, sing songs on the bus?

D: No, it's dangerous.

V: That's right, guys, you need to talk quietly so as not to disturb others, do not put your feet on the seats, be cultured and polite. Remember, Petrushka?

P: Yes, thanks children, I understood how to behave in public transport. Now I can visit my friends.

V: And now stop, "Kindergarten". Get off the bus. What should the driver say?

D: Thank you and goodbye!

Q: Sasha and Katya got off the bus, who are they now - pedestrians or passengers?

D: Pedestrians.

B: Well done guys, you remember everything correctly. Now we are good passengers and pedestrians. And no one will notice us. (Petrushka thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves)

Objectives: to form through game images the rules of conduct in public transport; to expand children's knowledge about the concepts: "pedestrian", "passenger"; consolidate knowledge about a variety of passenger transport; to cultivate a culture of behavior in public transport.

Dictionary enrichment: passenger, pedestrian, transport.

Preliminary work: target walk down the street; bus supervision; guessing riddles; reading fiction: N. Nosov's story "Car", the poem "Beware of children", looking at pictures from the "Transport" series

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, teacher's questions.

Material: toy "Parsley", pictures from the series "Transport".

Lesson progress

V .: Children, Petrushka came to visit us today.

Petrushka, why are you so sad? What's happened?

P .: Guys, I came to you for help. I was invited to visit, to the village, but I don’t know how to get there and I don’t know the rules of conduct in transport either! Help me?!

V .: Well, guys, let's try to help, Petrushka?

V .: Well, let's just first remember how you can get to the house, the store, the circus.

D: By bus, by car, by train.

V .: That's right, guys, when to ride in a transport that carries people is a passenger transport, who rides in a passenger transport?

D: Passengers!

B: That's right, guys. Who are you traveling with?

D .: With mom, dad, grandparents.

V .: Do you hear, Petrushka, our children traveled only with adults, so for safety we advise you to travel the same way. And in passenger transport, you need to buy a ticket, go to the salon, sit in an empty seat and follow the rules of conduct.

Q: Children, who are called passengers?

Answers of children (who rides on the bus, on the train)

Q: And those who walk on sidewalks?

D: Pedestrians

B: That's right, the guys are pedestrians.

Now we are with you, and with Petrushka we will play the game "We are riding the bus." Imagine that our room is the passenger compartment of the bus, we sit in our seats and wait for departure. And Misha, here we will put a chair for him in front of everyone, he will be a driver, he will carry us. Kate-

will be a conductor. Katya, please distribute tickets to all the guys. So guys, let's hit the road. Ahead stop "Children's Clinic". Remember guys, while driving, the doors cannot be touched with your hands until the driver himself opens them. It has a dedicated button. Click and the doors will open. But here we come to the kindergarten.

Misha, we are taking new passengers.

(children get on the bus, buy tickets)

Q: Guys, please take your seats. Moving on, I'll ask you questions:

Q: Guys, can I talk to the driver while driving? (no) That's right, the driver should not be distracted, he must watch the road.

Is it allowed to walk on the bus while it is running?

D: You can't, you can fall.

Q: Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus, jump, sing songs on the bus?

D: No, it's dangerous.

V: That's right, guys, you need to talk quietly so as not to disturb others, do not put your feet on the seats, be cultured and polite. Remember, Petrushka?

P: Yes, thanks children, I understood how to behave in public transport. Now I can visit my friends.

V: And now stop, "Kindergarten". Get off the bus. What should the driver say?

D: Thank you and goodbye!

Q: Sasha and Katya got off the bus, who are they now - pedestrians or passengers?

D: Pedestrians.

B: Well done guys, you remember everything correctly. Now we are good passengers and pedestrians. And no one will notice us. (Petrushka thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves)

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Elena Kornienko
Summary of the lesson "Petrushka goes to draw"

Target: continue to teach children to group objects according to their purpose.


Educational area "Social and communicative development": introduce children to professions (artist, emphasizing the importance of labor.

Educational area "Cognitive Development": to consolidate children's ideas about the items needed in different types of children's activities (drawing) .

Educational area "Speech development": expand the vocabulary of children, understand generalizing words. To form the need to share their impressions with the teacher and parents.

- Physical development : to develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content, simple movements.

Means and methods: questions, game, physical education, electronic manual "Pick up the tools".


demo - portrait parsley, made with paints, didactic manual in electronic format "Pick up tools", doll Parsley, parcel, letter.

handouts - envelopes with cards, which depict tools for carrying weights, lighting a room, for sewing clothes.

preliminary work: guessing riddles about paints, crayons, brushes, pencils, looking at the album "Professions", didactic games "Find a couple", "Who needs what", " Miraculous Pouch". Drawing with colored crayons, pencils, paints. Distribution of manuals to parents in electronic format.

Individual work: help Sveta K., Masha D. determine whether objects belong to a certain group.

Literature and the Internet resources:

The program "Education and education in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova, 2005

Program "From birth to school", N. E. Veraksa, 2015

- "Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality (middle group)", Dybina O.V., 2015


caregiver: children, did you notice while you were having breakfast, a guest appeared in our group. Who is he? (Parsley)

Parsley: hello, kids, girls and boys! I want to show you a beautiful picture (drawing - " Parsley draws") . Who knows what is on it? (Parsley draws) .

Yes it's me, Parsley. Artist drew me the way I draw. I want to tell you a secret, I never drew. What do you need for drawing, You know? (paints, brushes, pencils, paper.)

Parsley: I can immediately paint and paints and crayons and pencils? I'm completely confused.

caregiver: children, help Petrushka understand the tools for drawing?

Look at the screen. What do you see? (paper, paints, brushes, crayons.) Usually they draw on paper, but with the help of different tools. What tools are needed for pencil drawing(paints, crayons). We check.

By mouse click, tools are grouped for pencil drawing, paints, crayons.

Do you think that's enough for drawing? (you need an eraser, a cloth for wiping hands, napkins for blotting brushes, a stand for brushes, pencils)

Parsley: now I know what tools are needed for pencil drawing, paints, crayons.

Children, I want to amuse you, do you want to play with me?

Physical education minute:

I am a funny toy

I have a rattle, spreading arms to the sides

I'm not lazy with the guys

Have fun all day long. Tilts to the side

I wear a red hat

And what is my name? Squats

Not a Frog and not a Piggy,

And I'm funny...

Hands up

I'm funny Parsley,

And elegant, and funny,

Hands on the belt, tilts to the sides

No toy in the world

Nothing compares to me.

caregiver: children, late last night, when you all went home, the postman brought me a package and a letter. Do you want to know what is in it? The letter came from the guys from another kindergarten. They invite us to play the game "Find a Pair" and describe it. And in the parcel - envelopes with pictures. Each envelope contains 4 pictures, which depict objects. All items are needed for something. Look at the picture, what does it show? (desk lamp) . What is it for?

The teacher distributes one picture to the children and Petrushka.

I give everyone a task, remember. Here, children will sit at this table, whose pictures show objects for carrying weights. Children will sit at another table, whose pictures show objects to illuminate the room. Children will sit at the third table, whose pictures show items for sewing clothes.

Children, Parsley sat down correctly, at that table? Why?

Bring up pictures of items that help you work. Well done.


Parsley: with what materials the artist painted my portrait(paints, brushes.) I forgot the name of the game we all played? ("Find a Pair"). I will definitely play it with my friends.

I have a computer, I want to play "Pick up the tools" again.

caregiver: Parsley I will email you the game and you can play. Children and I will bring the game home to you so that you and your parents have the opportunity to play on the computer.

Parsley: I was very interested in your group. I will give you my portrait.

Children: Thank you.

Related publications:

Consultation "For a child to want to draw" In shaping the personality of a child, various types of artistic and creative activities are invaluable: drawing, modeling, cutting.

In our group, my pupils love to study in their free time. artistic activity and drawing and sculpting and appliqué.

Didactic toy - Petrushka doll (for children younger age) Educator MADOU "Dvurechensky kindergarten" Semitsvetik "Ilyushchenko.

Entertainment using musical and didactic games "Parsley came to us!" Entertainment with the use of musical and didactic games. (for children of the middle group) Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Before.

STATE STATE HEALTH INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW "Children's pulmonological sanatorium No. 47 of the Department of Health.

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the 1st junior group (nursery group), topic: "Parsley and colored pencils"


To introduce children to the color orange, to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name red, yellow, green, blue and white colors.
Form stable ideas about the shape, size, quantity, geometric shapes.
Practice counting within three.
To consolidate knowledge about the numbers "1", "2", "3".
Introduce the words into the children's active dictionary: "Parsley", "pencils", "thin", "thick".
Improve the ability to coordinate your actions with words.
Exercise in drawing with pencils and fingers, gluing, sculpting, constructing from building material.
Develop thinking, fine and general motor skills, visual and auditory attention.


Doll-mitt "Parsley". Rattles.
Picture-scheme depicting parsley from geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard.
Colored pencils of different thicknesses (thick and thin).
A picture depicting objects of different colors, cardboard circles of the same colors.
Cups with numbers "1", "2", "3".
picture-background with drawn paths.
Finger paints, coloring in the form of pencils with colored slates.
Picture with the image of Petrushka, the same silhouette Petrushka.
Buttons different colors two sizes, a picture of Parsley with circles of appropriate colors and sizes.
Building material: cubes, triangular prisms.
Subject pictures cut into two halves.
Multi-colored plasticine, cardboard rectangles-boxes for pencils.
Clothespins, cardboard boxes.
Glue, sheets of paper, stars (flex), parts for gluing (triangle, strip, circle).
Audio recordings: "Petrushka sings", Stravinsky "Russian" from the ballet "Petrushka".

Lesson progress:

Greeting game "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, deftly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs straighten
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment "Parsley is a fun toy"

The teacher puts on a mitten doll "Parsley".

I am a funny toy
I have a rattle
I'm not lazy guys
Have fun all day long.
I wear a beautiful hat
And what is my name?
Not a Frog and not a Piggy,
And I'm cheerful Petrushka!

The music of Stravinsky sounds, under which Petrushka greets all the children.

Petrushka came to visit you to play with you. But most of all he loves to draw.

Design "Parsley"

Here is a triangle. Find its place in the picture of Petrushka.
Here is a rectangle. Put it in the right place. What figure is this? Circle. How many circles did I give you? Two circles. Put them in the right place in the picture. What is the name of this figure? Oval. How many ovals? Two ovals. Put them in place. What a beautiful parsley turned out.
Now give me red, yellow, green, blue shapes.

Introduction to orange

Parsley loves to draw with colored pencils. Here is a pencil. Its color is orange. Repeat this word.

Didactic exercise "What is orange?"

Take orange circles in your hands and cover with them only those pictures on which orange objects are drawn.

Didactic exercise "Thick and thin pencils"

Here are thick pencils, but thin ones. (Thick pencils are distributed to children). Match your thick pencil of exactly the same color with a thin pencil.

Didactic game "Place pencils in cups"

There are glasses in front of you. How many of them, count? Three cups. Each cup has a number on it. Show the cup with the number "1", "2", "3". Put as many pencils in the cups as the number is written on it. How many pencils will you put in the glass with the number "1" ("2", "3")?

Drawing with pencils "Take Parsley along the path"

Help Petrushka walk along the paths.

Drawing "Color Pencils"

By using finger paints make pencils colored: color the pencil with the color of its lead tip.

Dynamic pause "Visiting Petrushka"

There is a hut in the forest,
And Petrushka lives in it.
Animals go to him
Jump, play.

Here comes the cockerel
Proudly raised the comb.
red beard,
Important walk.
(Walking, raising legs high, arms extended and laid back, waving arms)

The cat is very good
Walks slowly, slowly.
Sits down, washes.
Wipes off with a paw.
(Crawling on all fours, imitation of washing a cat)

Here is a mischievous goat
Suddenly shook his beard,
Shakes his head.
Scary with horns.
(Bouncing. Turning the head to the right and left, press the index fingers to the head)

Didactic game "Find two identical Petrushkas"

Here are different parsleys. Find the same, exactly the same Petrushkas in the picture.

Game with buttons "Outfit for Petrushka"

Lay out the buttons in the picture - decorate smart clothes parsley.

Design "Slide for parsley"

Attach a triangular prism to the cube - you get a slide. And to make it more convenient to climb the hill, we will make steps.

Didactic game "Find a soul mate"

parsley painted beautiful pictures and then cut them into halves. The halves are mixed up and messed up. Pick up the halves so that you get the whole picture.

Sculpting "Box with pencils"

Children sculpt thin sausages by direct rolling and lay them out on a rectangular sheet of cardboard depicting a box.

Clothespin game "Pencil box"

Pick up clothespins and fill the box with clothespins.

Application "Cap for Parsley"

Glue a triangle onto a piece of paper. Now glue a circle-bubo on the upper corner of the triangle, glue a strip on the bottom of the triangle. Now decorate the cap with stars.

Dance Petrushki

We stood together in a circle of parsley,
They will be fun to play.
Rattles were taken in hand
They began to dance merrily.

Ding dong, ding dong
That's how they play.
Ding dong, ding dong
They nod their heads.
(nod their heads)

Sit down and get up

And they don't get tired at all.
And the legs get tired -
(sit down on the floor)

Let's sit together and rest.
Let's sit down for a bit.
(get up, dance)

Children continue to be introduced to the work of close adults. It is easier for them to understand the personal and business qualities of a person, his labor actions on the example of the work of their mothers, fathers, grandparents.

For this purpose, games and activities “Living room” are held (skillful, caring mother or grandmother, wash dishes, clean carpets, do wet cleaning, etc.); "Barbarian beauty, long braid"(Mom at home is a hairdresser, she braids girls for girls, ties bows, for boys she makes a model haircut); “Animals, favorite toys got sick” (mother at home is a doctor, caring, sensitive, attentive; treats the whole family); “How a little bear rode with us in his father’s car” (dad is a driver at home, he understands cars; he takes the whole family around the city, to the dacha, to his grandmother; he helps his mother transport various goods from the store, garage, from the dacha).

Let's give an approximate summary of the game-lesson.

Game-lesson "Barbara-beauty, long braid"

Target. To give children an idea that a mother takes care of her family, her beloved child; mom can do everything - she braids girls' pigtails, ties beautiful bows, makes model haircuts for boys, combs their hair; Mom is hardworking, neat - she looks after the children's hair, washes them, wipes them, combs them - she is a hairdresser in her house. Build respect for your mother. Material. Hair care items; three bags: in the first - items for sewing, in the second - items for repairs (hammer, pliers, nails), in the third - items for hair care.

Lesson progress

The teacher says to the children: “Guys, I invite you to visit Barbara, she lives nearby. Nearby is it far? (Very close.) I will go along a narrow path, and there are a lot of you guys, will you go ..? ( Along the wide road.) I will go along the long path. What path will you follow? (In short.) And here is the house! The house is big, but the bench...? (Small.)". Varvara-beauty appears, a long braid. She sings:

I'll clean up everything in the house, I'll clean up,

And I will comb myself, I will comb myself.

I will braid the braid, I will tie a bow ...

Barbara. Hello my dear guests! Come in, have a seat. My name is Varvara-beauty, long braid. Can you guess why they called me that? I have really long hair. Which one of you has pigtails? What hairstyles do the rest of the guys have? ( Ponytails, haircuts.)

Educator. Show everyone your beautiful hairstyles. Tell us who takes care of your hairstyles, hair? ( I myself, mother, grandmother, educator...). How do mothers and grandmothers take care of your hair so that you always look beautiful, neat? ( Combing, braiding pigtails, pinning hairpins, washing hair.)

Barbara. When I was little, just like you, my mother took care of my hair: she washed it with shampoo, dried it with a towel, dried it, and when she combed my braid, she said:

Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't shed a hair

Grow, scarf, to toe -

All hairs in a row.

Grow, braid, don't get confused

Listen to your mother, daughter.

(Russian folk song)

Children are brought to the understanding that the mother is hardworking, caring, attentive.

Varvara asks the children to help her find a purse with hair care supplies. Children find two identical handbags, examine their contents. One bag contains threads, scissors, a needle holder, a button. The teacher asks the children to name the objects and say who needs these things. (To the dressmaker.) In the second purse are a hammer, nails, tongs. Children name things (hammer, pliers, nails) and explain what they are for. Varvara finds a third handbag, her own.

The teacher invites the children to guess what is in the purse, and makes riddles:

Smooth, very fragrant

Washes clean.

I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And in the mustache, in the hair.


Didn't look out the window

There was only one Antoshka,

Looked out the window -

There is another Antoshka.

What is this window?


Who lives in mom's box?

Put your fingers in your ears and open your mouth.


Different, different: blue, red,

Yellow, green, they are beautiful

The children are burning, shimmering in their hairstyles.

(Elastic bands for hair, hairpins)

Children guess riddles, Varvara takes out riddles from her purse and gives them to the guys, explaining that these things are needed so that their dolls are always neat and combed.

Children continue to be introduced to the work of preschool workers: a nurse, a cook, an educator. In carrying out this work, certain rules must be observed.

To acquaint children with those types of labor, the labor actions and the results of which are clear (“The nurse washed the scratch on her arm, smeared it with iodine, sealed it with a band-aid. So the scratch will heal sooner”).

To acquaint close adults with labor, showing their personal and business qualities, the characteristics of their work and attitude towards it, and to reveal their relationship on a specific content. So, the cook (neat, skillful, creative) makes several pies in the presence of children in the group room, then takes them to the kitchen and bakes. The assistant teacher (caring, neat) lays out ready-made pies on plates and treats the kids.

It is necessary to talk about a person and his work in an interesting way, so that an ordinary fact comes out brightly and meaningfully for them. For example, having introduced children to a cook, the teacher brings them to an understanding: “Our cook Nina Pavlovna is a master of her craft, hardworking, kind, caring. She bakes pies and prepares various other delicious dishes. There was flour, yeast, sugar, milk (all this is on the teacher's table). And now we have pies - fried, ruddy! That's what a craftswoman Nina Pavlovna. You can talk about how the cook kneaded the dough, rolled it out, divided it into portions, prepared the filling and made pies. Talking about representatives of a particular profession, the teacher should give children ideas about the personal and business qualities of a person, cultivate respect for his work.

The educator enriches the children's ideas about work, naming professions (nurse, cook, educator), evaluating their work and human qualities (works quickly, accurately; hardworking, skillful, etc.), denoting labor actions (measures height, determines weight lubricates, puts mustard plasters, cooks, fries, bakes, washes, cuts), etc.

The ideas received by children about objects and phenomena of reality, their properties are refined and consolidated in the process of viewing plot and subject pictures and illustrations.

Middle group (from four to five years old)

Subject environment

At this age, preschoolers awaken interest in subjects that did not have a place in their personal experience. This interest must be satisfied. Children also continue to be introduced to the objects of the immediate environment. The main task is to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about subjects, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs of a preschooler in the game, work, productive activities. You should continue to acquaint children with the signs of objects (function, purpose, color, shape, size, material, etc.). Objects are combined according to a common essential feature - this is how concepts (dishes, clothes, shoes, toys, objects of labor, personal hygiene, etc.) that have a common functional basis are mastered.

When getting acquainted with the objective world, it is necessary to take into account that the names of individual items, for example, furniture, children already know, but they rarely use a generalizing word and can hardly explain an essential feature. The difficulty lies in the fact that each item has its own way of using it (for example, a chair is used for sitting, a bed for sleeping, a closet for storing clothes, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to encourage children to combine and classify objects according to different criteria. For this purpose, you can use the didactic “Definition Games”: “They brought us toys”, “Parsley is going to work”, “What is superfluous”, “Parsley is in sportswear”, “Parsley is going to draw”, etc.

So, in the game "Parsley in sportswear", children are taught to group objects (ball, rope, hoop, tennis racket, ribbon, dumbbells, stick, bag, etc.) according to their purpose (satisfying the need for sports). Parsley brings to the group pictures depicting objects of various purposes and claims that they are all needed for sports. The teacher invites the children to check this and put aside all unnecessary items. Parsley asks the children to show him the sports equipment. Children bring the equipment available in the group. The teacher offers an algorithm - each child names his subject, describes it, talks about the purpose and application. Then he asks the children what unites these objects, who created them, what qualities they develop in a person. He suggests recalling different sports and telling Petrushka which sports are summer and which are winter. There are two hoops with pictures "Winter" and "Summer" on the floor. Children take pictures of different sports and assign them to the corresponding hoops. The game task is considered completed if the children correctly grouped all the objects and pictures.

In the fifth year of life, children have a growing interest in distinguishing and naming various features of an object and describing objects. A series of “Description Games” will help in this work: “Name the object”, “Determine the place for the object”, “Tell the Dunno about your favorite objects”, etc. In the game “Tell the Dunno about your favorite objects”, the Dunno comes to visit the children with your favorite toy. The teacher asks him: “What is this toy? What is she? What is it for? What is it made of? Who made it?" Dunno asks what are the children's favorite toys, things, and the teacher invites them to find these items in the group, bring Dunno and talk about them; sets an algorithm for describing an object (shape, size, parts, functions, etc.) and describes an object, for example: “This is a table, it has a lid, four legs, it is white, you can sit at it, eat and write, the table is made of wood, refers to the man-made world. Children take turns describing their favorite items.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 36 "Skazochka" of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region"




presenter educational area « Speech development»

Program educational area " cognitive development»


Teacher Sitnikova A.A.


Target: systematization of knowledge about professions and the objects of their work.


Educational: To form the ability of children to classify, compare, analyze objects for their intended purpose. Expand ideas about objects, phenomena, events that did not take place in the own experience of preschoolers. To intensify the use of verbs in speech that correspond to these professions. (educationalsareas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development")

Developing: Develop knowledge about professions. Strengthen knowledge about geometric shapes. Improve hand and eye skills by tracing along dotted lines. Provide physical activity for children, use health-saving technologies. Improve speech coordination and movement accuracy (dynamic pause) (educationalsareas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development" "Physical development")

Educational: Raise interest in the work of an educator, gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor. (Educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development").

Vocabulary work:

Craft, idler, loafer, tailor.


Types of nursery


Forms and methods of organization

joint activities


Construction of children, dynamic pause, visual gymnastics.

Game situation, game exercises.


Conversation, questions, formulation of answers to the question posed.

Perception of fiction

Reading poetry.

Materials and equipment

Gianni Rodari's book "What do crafts smell like?", a letter from Petrushka, red and pink hearts, a picture of Petrushka as a tailor. Toys (tools and a few extra items), illustrations of professions, a ball, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper with painted items of clothing - a shirt, a dress (buttons and pockets in dotted lines).

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations depicting people of different professions, a set of pictures depicting objects necessary for different professions, creating an art album for the group “All professions are important, all professions are needed” (photos of the professional skills of the group’s parents), a ball game “Name who your parents”, board and printed games: a lot about “Profession”, “Who needs what for work?”, role-playing games, excursions to the kindergarten, to the store, hairdresser, mini-studio “Peredelkino”.

Location: Group room.


The activities of the educator

Activities of pupils

Introduction (motivation)

Guys, what do your parents do, what kind of work do they have, what do they know how to do at work?

And who will tell me what is the name of my profession?

I play with you, I teach you, I take care of you while you are in kindergarten and your parents are at work. And sometimes a profession, a craft can even be identified by smell.

You pass by the kitchen, what does the chef's craft smell like?

(Several children speak.)


(Children name dishes)

Main part

The Italian poet Gianni Rodari wrote this poem “What do crafts smell like?”. Listen carefully and remember what trades he is talking about. (reading)

Do you remember what crafts are mentioned in the poem? (Supplement by reading passages).

Who can't smell anything?

But we are not like that, are we? What can you do?

- What would you like to be when you grow up?

Dynamic pause "Professions"

You know, the guys Petrushka from his fabulous country sent a letter today. This is what he writes: “Hello guys! I am writing to you from afar. I really like it here. I learned a lot of interesting things about people of different professions and even wanted to work with them. And you guys guess what I want to work.

The game "Who needs these items."

Scissors, comb, hair dryer ....

Thermometer, phonendoscope, bandage ...

Scales, goods, counter ...

Ladle, saucepan, products ...

fabric, meter, sewing machine

What do you think, who does Petrushka work for? (Show the picture.) That's right, he is a tailor, he sews clothes for children and adults. He has a meter in his hands, with which you can find out how much fabric is needed for trousers or a skirt.

Parsley invites you to play a game Why does he need these items?(Exercise for the development of logic.)


Sewing machine..


Let's help Petrushka in creating it new collection clothes Drawing"Draw buttons and pockets on the shirt - for boys, on the dress - for girls"

(Children call crafts)

Loafers, idlers.

(sculpt, draw, stick, play, set the table, etc.)

(children's answers)

The cook cooks porridge. (Imitation with rotation of the hands)
The dressmaker sews a cloak. (Mahi hands)
The doctor treats Masha. (Open and close the mouth, sticking out the tongue)
The blacksmith forges steel. (claps)
Lumberjacks are chopping. (Mahi with slopes)

Build masters. (Imitation of jumping up)
What will be done

(shoulder raise)
Our kids?

Suggest attributes for professions: hairdresser, doctor, salesman, cook, tailor.

Children stand in a circle, throw the ball and name the object, the children give answers.

(children are given a drawn blank along the dotted lines, round buttons, square pockets are circled with a felt-tip pen)

Final part (reflection)

Indeed, all work is very important and necessary.

All work is good

Choose to taste!

We hope that Dunno has chosen the right profession for himself and will seriously prepare for it. Let's revisit the professions we talked about today. . Who remembers what profession Petrushka chose? That's right, well done!

Guys, Petrushka also sent hearts in an envelope.

Reflection. "Heart"

Red - love it

Pink - experienced difficulties.

(children's answers)


Didactic game "Parsley goes to work"

Full name : Koshlina Ksenia Yurievna

DOO: Kindergarten №2

Target : development in children of the ability to play together.

Age group: second youngest.

Form of organization: group.

Kind of activity : didactic game"Petrushka goes to work."

Didactic task : To teach children to group objects according to their purpose (tools for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment).

game task : Help Petrushka choose the right tools for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment.

Game rules : Correctly name the tools and talk about their purpose. Help each other in times of trouble. Don't interrupt each other.

Game actions : naming the object, explaining its purpose, laying out cards with the image of tools for the corresponding layouts (garden, kitchen, room).

Planned results:

Children show interest, curiosity, determine the purpose of the game. Know how to plan actions in the right sequence; showing interest in the game. They are able to perform actions according to an algorithm aimed at the game; cooperate in a team. They correctly name tools, they know where to use them. They try to express their thoughts in full sentences.


Demonstration: cards with the image of items necessary for games and for work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three pictures: kitchen, room, garden.


educational program

Tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils of the group

1. Educational tasks :

. Develop readiness for mutual assistance in the process of communicating with adults and peers

. Cultivate interest in the game

2. Developmental tasks:


. Develop the ability to work in a group, in the process of playing together


3.Learning tasks:

. To teach children to group objects according to their purpose (tools for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment).

.At Kirillova Daria

Develop the ability to name objects of work

.At the Cow Lisa

Enrich vocabulary

.At Sharaev Semyon

Develop connected speech

.At Kashevarova Alice

Develop the ability to answer in full sentences



The activities of the educator

Children activities

Planned result

1. Organizational and motivational-targeted

Task:Gather the attention of children and motivate them for future activities

game situation

emotional stimulation



The teacher emotionally engages in action, involves in listening.

Guys! Come, please, to me.

Petrushka came to visit us today. Speaks on behalf of the doll:

Guys, do you all have grandmothers?

And you probably love them very much?

I also have a grandmother, and I also love her very much and now I will treat her. I like it very much, I draw there, go for walks, and I also help my grandmother. Today she gave me tasks: plant carrots in the garden, water the flowers, cook soup, clean up the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum). But I got confused about the tools needed to complete the tasks. Help me please.

Children approach the teacher

Listen, focus

Children show empathy, interest, curiosity, determine the purpose of the game.

2.Joint planning


. Select game rules, game actions, . Cultivate interest in the game





Partially - search

The teacher encourages children to participate in activities.

Well, what will the guys help Petrushka? Let's help!

Let's go now with Petrushka to the tables and see how we can help Petrushka.

The teacher tells, explains, discusses with the children. Shows a sequence of actions.

Look, children, grandmother and Petrushka have a garden, a kitchen, a room, and this is where we will work.(uses visibility)

To help Petrushka, you need to take a card, name the object and tell how we will use it. Then put the card to the corresponding picture.

For example, a vacuum cleaner is used to clean the carpet, it must be turned on and vacuumed, so the card with the image of the vacuum cleaner must be placed next to the picture of the room.

We also have cards with toys, they need to be put in a box. We will help Petrushka if we arrange all the cards correctly.

Children stand near tables, listen, focus, engage in dialogue, show interest, observe

Children listen to the teacher, show curiosity, focus attention, participate in the dialogue.

Ability to plan actions in the right sequence; showing interest in the game. Knowledge, understanding of the rules of the game, game actions.

3. Realization of the game plan


.To teach children to group objects according to their purpose (tools for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment)

.Develop mental operations

.Develop active speech of children in the process of activity


A game



First they work in the garden.

Then in the kitchen.

Then in the room.

The teacher organizes educational process asks questions that stimulate the process of thinking.

Guys, take each card.

Nastya, what is on your card?

What actions will we perform with a shovel?

Where will you put this card?

Encourages children to solve problems on their own.

The teacher observes the actions of children, controls, encourages introspection, correction of children's actions.

Children perform a didactic task; observe the actions of the educator; work together; perform the task in accordance with the established requirements; master the sequence of actions; exercise control, supervise;

Ability to perform actions according to an algorithm aimed at the game; the ability to cooperate in a team.

4. Summing up

Task:show the achievement of the game task


The teacher speaks on behalf of Petrushka:Thank you for helping me choose the right tools for work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the room.

The teacher expresses sincere admiration, expresses gratitude, encourages children.

Children listen, enter into a dialogue, together with the teacher sum up, express their emotions and feelings.

The ability to draw a conclusion and argue it; evaluate the result of their activities; express your feelings.

5. Openness

Task:encourage children to work independently regime moments

emotional stimulation, game situation

The teacher encourages children to use the game in independent activities

The teacher speaks on behalf of Petrushka: “Guys, it’s time for me to return to my grandmother. I will leave my tools as a gift to you.” Who would you like to play this game with?

Participate in a dialogue

Desire to use the game in independent activities

Abstract of the lesson in middle group on the topic: "Visiting Petrushka"

Material Description: Lesson on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children of middle preschool age. The lesson will help children to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills, develop thinking and coherent speech.

Target:Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children. Raise in children the need for healthy way life, the ability to take care of their health. To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. To expand children's ideas about the state of their body, to help them get to know their body. Learn to protect your health and take care of it. Continue to instill cultural and hygienic skills. Expand knowledge about nutrition and its importance. Develop thinking, imagination, memory, coherent speech.

Preliminary work: Conversations about healthy lifestyles, reading fiction to children by K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Aibolit", A. Barto "Girl Dirty", E. Kan "Our exercise", R. Korman "Microbes and soap", poems and riddles about a healthy lifestyle life.

Material:Product illustrations, wet wipes.

Dictionary activation: mode, dentist, vitamins, microbes.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, this morning we are in a group the postman came, he brought a letter. Want to know who it's from? I read: “I’m waiting for all the guys to visit today! Come by all means, I will be glad! Parsley".

Teacher: What will we decide? Shall we visit? Then stand next to each other and let's go!

On a flat path

Our legs are walking. One-two, one-two! (Walking one after the other)

They don't get tired at all.

On pebbles, on pebbles. Jump jump, jump jump! (Jumps)

Educator: Well, it seems that Petrushka's house is also.

Finger game:

The house is on the meadow. (Fingers are closed in the form of a roof of a house)

Well, the path to the house is closed,

We open the gates, (We take away thumbs to the side)

We invite you all to the house.

But, there is a lock on the door, (Fingers of both hands are crossed)

Who could open it

They twisted, knocked, (We turn our hands away from ourselves, towards ourselves)

Pulled and opened. (Pull arms to the sides)

Well, Petrushka lives in the house, (Big, nameless and little fingers are closed)

And we are waiting for a visit.

But where is he? And so he wanted to see us. Why doesn't he meet us? Let's sit down and wait for him.

Children sit on chairs. A sad Petrushka appears (yawns).

Educator: - What is the matter with you, Petrushka? Why are you so sad?

Parsley: - I went to bed late yesterday, I didn’t get enough sleep.

Educator: You need to go to bed on time, follow the regime. Guys, tell Petrushka what happens when we sleep.

Children: - We are growing, our arms, legs, eyes are resting.

Child: - You guys should know

Everyone needs more sleep

Well, don't be lazy in the morning -

Get on the charger!

Educator: Parsley, do you do exercises in the morning?

Parsley: I don't know how to exercise.

Educator: Are you guys doing exercises?

Children: Do

Educator: Let's teach Petrushka to do exercises.


Hamster, hamster, hamster,

Striped barrel.

Homka gets up early

Washes cheeks, rubs neck.

Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge.

One two three four five,

Homka wants to become strong.

He pats his paws,

stomps feet,

Strongly rub your barrel

And go for a walk again! (r.n. nursery rhyme)

Strengthen your body

All my family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

Parsley: Thanks guys, I learned. Every morning I will do exercises.

Educator: As the proverb says: "health is in order - thanks to exercise."

Educator: Parsley, why are you so grimy, you didn’t wash your face? .

Parsley: Why wash, I feel good anyway.

Educator: Guys, explain to Petrushka why you need to wash yourself?

Children: To be clean, tidy, to be hardened, to wash away germs.

Parsley: And who are the microbes, I'm afraid of them

Educator: There are microbes in the air, in dirty water, on our body.

Tell me guys, do you know how microbes get into our body?

Children: (when sneezing, coughing, if you do not wash your hands before eating and after the toilet, returning from the street. There are unwashed vegetables and fruits.)

Parsley: Let me wash my face quickly, I'm afraid of germs.

(The teacher washes Parsley with a damp cloth)

Child: Not a single microbe

Didn't accidentally get into the mouth

Wash hands before eating

You need soap and water.

Educator: To be healthy. What about healthy children? (always cheerful, clean, cheerful, strong). We will teach Petrushka to be healthy. We are going on the road, we are going for health.

(Parsley holds on to her cheek).

Educator: What's wrong with you, Petrushka?

Parsley: I have a toothache! Ah-ah-ah!

Educator: Guys, which doctor should you go to when your teeth hurt?

Children: To the dentist, he treats his teeth.

Educator: now we will go to the dentist's office, but we need to go over the bridge.

And to get across the bridge, you need to solve riddles.

To not be dirty

You should be friends with me

Foamy, fragrant,

Hands will be clean. (Soap)

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean. (Soap)

Bone back, Tin bristle, Friendly with mint paste, serving us diligently.


Were on top

Two swirls and whorls.

To do our hair

What do you need to have? (Comb) .

Waffle and striped

Hairy and furry

Always at hand -

What it is? (towel) .

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without what, we will say directly,

Man to die? (water)

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We cannot live without. (water)

The dentist appears.

Dentist: What happened to you?

Children: Petrushka has a toothache.

The doctor examines Petrushka.

Dentist: You don't take care of your teeth, that's why your teeth hurt. Guys, what do you think, what should be done so that the teeth do not hurt? .

Children: You can’t eat sweets, you need to brush your teeth in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth after eating.

Parsley: - Well, here's another, I'll torture my teeth and climb into my mouth with some kind of prickly brush, it's tasteless.

Educator: - So, it turns out, he thinks that the brush should be eaten? Guys, tell Petrushka, why do we need a toothbrush? (children's answers)

Educator: And you must also eat vegetables and fruits, they have such magical substances that will help you be healthy.

Parsley: This, sweets and marmalade and chocolate, I love them.

Educator: Guys, you know what magical substances are hidden in vegetables and fruits, tell Petrushka about them.

Children: These are vitamins, they are useful for growth, so that there are strong teeth, beautiful hair, good eyesight, healthy skin.

Child: Eat fruits and vegetables

Fish, dairy products

Here is healthy food

Full of vitamins.

Game "Useful - not useful".

(The teacher calls a useful product - the children clap their hands, if not useful, they are silent).

Parsley: No, I prefer sweets, chocolate, ice cream.

Educator: Guys, if there is a lot of sweets, what will happen?

Children: Teeth will hurt and fall out.

Educator: What else helps us become healthy?

Children: Morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games, sledding, skating.

Child: Go for a walk

Breathe fresh air

Just remember when leaving

Dress for the weather!

Educator: Well done guys, helped Petrushka. Let's remember what we taught him today (taught him how to do exercises, talked about hygiene rules, about useful and harmful products, how to take care of your health).

Child: Here are those good tips

Secrets are hidden in them.

Learn to appreciate it!

Parsley: Thank you guys, I learned so much interesting things!

Current page: 1 (total book has 7 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 2 pages]

O. V. Dybina

Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes

© Dybina O. V., 2010


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©The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (www.litres.ru)


This guide will help educators preschool institutions successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 4-5 years old with the outside world - the objective environment and the phenomena of the surrounding life. The manual includes work planning, classes, games, classes, didactic games.

In order to make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program for the education and upbringing of preschoolers, the content of the work is presented by topics. For the disclosure of each topic, an approximate course of the lesson, game-lesson or game is proposed. This gives the teacher the opportunity to show creativity when planning classes, to include variable game, problem situations in them, making educational work even more successful, significant for him and the children.

The study of each topic can be completed with a final task, which can be used as rebuses, riddles, guessing drawings, etc. Similar game tasks are presented in the workbook of Dybina O.V. I know the world: Workbook for children 4–5 years old. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2009.

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world it is impossible:

- be limited only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality: it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in classes (sit on a chair, sofa; put on clothes and walk around in it; invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

- overload children big amount questions;

- use only the form of cognitive activities in the work.

Work to familiarize children 4–5 years old with the outside world must be built in accordance with their psychological features, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with preschoolers and striving to make this process more accessible and effective.

In the middle group of the kindergarten, acquaintance with the outside world is carried out both in the form of game-lessons and in the form of a didactic game, in which the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and correct solution tasks ensures the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games, activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize their activity in relation to the world around them.

The guide presents additional material: options for classes, games, activities, games that can be used in working with children outside of class, on a walk.

To familiarize children of secondary age group with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of the surrounding world) two classes per month are allotted.

The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 "Snowdrop" ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada ", Togliatti, the head - Palenova Nadezhda Petrovna, the methodologist - Kuznetsova Natalya Grigoryevna, participated in the development and testing of classes on familiarization with the work of adults.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Sample class notes


1. Tell me about your favorite subjects

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; learn to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material.

Material. Algorithm: symbols of the natural or man-made world, shape, size, parts, function, etc.

Lesson progress

Dunno comes to visit the children. He brings with him and shows the guys his favorite toy.

The teacher asks Dunno what kind of toy it is, what it is, what it has, what it is for, what it is made of and who made it. Dunno talks about his toy.

Dunno then asks the children what their favorite subjects are. The teacher invites the children to find their favorite items in the group, bring them to Dunno and talk about them.

The teacher shows the children a hint (algorithm) for describing the object and describes his object, for example: “This is a toy car, it has a cab, a body, four wheels; it can carry cargo; the machine is made of wood, belongs to the man-made world.

Children take turns describing their favorite items.

The game task is considered completed if all items are described correctly.

Options for complicating the lesson

1. Invite children to choose objects of a certain group for description: toys, dishes, furniture, clothes.

2. The child talks about his favorite subject without naming it, and the rest of the children guess.

2. My family

Software content. Introduce the term "family". To give children initial ideas about family relationships in the family: each child is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister); mom and dad - daughter and son of grandparents. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

Material. Matryoshka with six nesting dolls, ball, basket, 3 sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish), 3 sheets of A3 white paper, text of S. Marshak’s poem “Matryoshkas ”, photos of family members of children and a teacher, one common family photo of children and a teacher, a tablet (typesetting canvas) for posting photos.

Preliminary work. learning finger games“Who lives in the family”, “Like grandfather Yermolai”. Telling and reading fairy tales "Three Bears", "Goat with goats", "Three little pigs"; poems by A. Barto "Two sisters look at their brother." Album How I Spent My Summer. Games: role-playing game "Family"; didactic games "Let's set the table for tea drinking", "Daddy's, mom's household", "Let's help mom". A conversation about how to call parents, grandparents.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle, and find the answer in the group, on the shelf with toys.


In this doll girl
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister is
For a smaller dungeon.

He praises the guys for the correct guess, picks up a nesting doll. He asks if the children want to meet the guest Matryoshka.

The teacher, on behalf of Matryoshka, gets to know the guys: “My name is Grandma Matryona. I am a wooden doll, chubby, ruddy. In a multi-colored sundress, with a lace handkerchief in his pocket. I didn't visit alone. With me is my husband - grandfather Anton, my two daughters Masha and Dasha and my grandchildren: Marishka, Irishka and Timoshka - a little more than a nut.

The teacher is interested in where the listed relatives of grandmother Matryona are. Invites the children to look for them.

Children look for and find insert nesting dolls in a large nesting doll. All dolls are placed on the table.

Teacher. Guys, is it possible to say that all nesting dolls are one big, friendly family? Why? (Children's reasoning.) Grandmother Matryona loves to play different games with her grandchildren, and used to play with her daughters when they were little. She wants to play with them and with you.

A didactic reasoning game “Who left? Who's come?"

The teacher calls the actions and manipulates the toys, the children name the nesting dolls.

Teacher. Grandma left... (Matryona.) Her eldest daughter came... (Masha.) The eldest daughter left, her two daughters came running ... (Marishka and Irishka.) The girls ran away, grandfather came ... (Anton.) Another daughter came to grandfather Anton ... (Dasha.) Dasha's little son also came ... (Timoshka.) Grandfather… (Anton), daughter… (Dasha) and little granddaughter... (Timoshka) left, and grandmother Matryona came again.

Grandma Matryona. What kind of families do you guys have? Who is in Olya's family (Vova, Olesya, Ksyusha, Masha)? I suggest you try to make a portrait of your family from pictures.

The game "Make a portrait of your family" is held.

Three children take part in the game. On the carpet are sheets of A3 white paper and three sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish). The teacher invites each child to make a portrait of his family from the pictures. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Grandmother Matrena praises the children and says that the family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love each other, take care of each other.

Teacher (referring to Matryona). You know, Matryonushka, our guys like to look at photos of their family. Let's tell stories about our families. I will tell the first family story. (Puts the photograph on the easel.) In this photograph, my family is depicted in the summer at the dacha. As a family, we love to grow vegetables, swim in the river, sunbathe, relax, and fish. In this photo, my closest relatives: my husband and our children - a son and a daughter.

Further, the children who wish to tell about their family from the photo. Grandmother Matryona puts all the photos on an easel, praises the guys for interesting stories about the family and draws attention to the fact that in all the photos the family members are smiling, they are close to each other - they feel good together.

Then the teacher shows the children individual photographs of their family members and asks questions:

- Who is Vanya for his mother? (Vanya for mom's son.)

- Whose children are Vanya and Tanya? (Children of mom and dad.)

Whose grandchildren are they? (Grandchildren of grandparents.)

- Whose mother is this? (Mother Tanya, daughters, girls.)

Whose grandmother is this? (Grandmother of Tanya and Vanya.)

- Who is Vanya's sister? (Tanya, girl.)

Grandmother Matryona says that she loves her affectionate grandchildren very much and asks if the guys know how to be affectionate.

A game with the ball "Call it affectionately" is held.

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and calls any family member, for example: "Mom" (dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). The child who caught the ball should call his mother affectionately (mommy, mommy, mommy, mother).

Next, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the basket that Grandma Matryona brought with her: “Whoever Grandma Matryona puts a basket in her palm should put good deeds that the whole family does at home into it.”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, puts a basket in the palm of the child, and he calls the good deeds of the whole family (cook Tasty food, go to the store, take care of a sick grandfather, wash dishes, wash clothes, vacuum, walk the dog, work in the country, etc.).

Matrena thanks the guys for the basketful of good deeds they named. The teacher thanks Grandma Matryona and the children and concludes: “You all have mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, someone has a brother, sister. This is family. Family members live together, love each other and take care of each other. Family is very important for every person. The family can be big or small. The main thing is that family members love each other, be attentive and caring towards each other.”

In conclusion, grandmother Matryona invites her large family and all the children to drink tea with a pie.

3. Parsley goes to work

Option 1

Software content. Teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop a desire to help adults.

Software content. Pictures depicting items needed for games and for work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts: garden, kitchen, room.

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children a letter from Petrushka and reads it. In the letter, Petrushka says that she is visiting her grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum). But Petrushka got confused in the tools needed to complete the tasks, and asks the guys to help him.

The teacher shows the children models of the garden, kitchen and room and explains the task: you need to take one picture, look at it carefully, name the object, tell how it is used and for what work it is needed, and then put the picture to the appropriate layout. For example, a vacuum cleaner is used to clean a carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so a picture of a vacuum cleaner needs to be added to the room layout.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put in a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are laid out correctly.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he will need to complete the tasks of his grandmother.

Option 2

Software content. Develop the ability to group objects according to their purpose; improve coordination and accuracy of movements.

Material. Pictures depicting tools (rake, shovel, watering can) or toy rake, shovel, watering can; flower pot; Petrushka doll; screen.

Lesson progress

Petrushka comes to visit the children and brings pictures depicting tools (rake, shovel, watering can) or toy rakes, a shovel, a watering can and a flower pot.

Teacher. Guys, look and name what Petrushka brought? (Rake, shovel, watering can, flower pot.) Why do you think Petrushka needs all this? (Parsley will work.) Do rakes belong to the natural or man-made world? (To man-made.) And the shovel? (To man-made.) And the earth? (To the natural.) And the watering can? (To man-made.) Let's plant a plant and teach Parsley to do it. First you need to water the ground, then dig a hole, plant a plant, sprinkle with earth and water again. Now tell us what tools we used and what each item is intended for. (A watering can to water; a shovel to dig; a rake to loosen; earth so that everything grows in it; the sun so that everything warms.)

Now draw the items necessary for work, and Petrushka and I will see who can draw better.

The children start painting.

Option 3

Software content. To form the ability of children to classify objects according to their intended purpose; fix the names of professions; to cultivate interest in the work of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor.

Material. Pictures with the image of Petrushka in the form of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor. subject pictures(tools and a few extra items).

Lesson progress

Teacher. You guys already know that our friend Petrushka went to his home in a fairyland, and today he sent a letter. This is what he writes: “Hello guys! I am writing to you from afar. I really like it here. I learned a lot of interesting things about people of different professions and even wanted to work with them. Since I will not come to you soon, I am sending pictures in which the artist painted me at work. And you guys guess what I want to work.

What do you think, who does Petrushka work for? (Shows a picture.) That's right, here he is a doctor. And who is here? (Cook.) Who is Petrushka in this picture? (He is a gardener.) How did you guess? (He is planting flowers.) In this picture, Petrushka is a tailor, he sews clothes for children and adults. In his hands he has a centimeter, with which you can find out how much fabric is needed for trousers or a skirt. Who is in this picture? (Joiner.)

Parsley asks you to help him choose the items he needs for his work. I will show pictures, and you will guess whether Petrushka needs this item for work or not.

If the child correctly names the object, the teacher gives him a picture. The one with the most pictures wins. The game is designed for five players.

A variant of complicating the game is possible: children who are already familiar with the game can play independently for 1-2 people.

4. My friends

Software content. To form the concepts of "friend", "friendship". To cultivate friendly relationships between children, encourage them to do good deeds; learn to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to listen to L. Kvitko's poem and say who it is about.

About these guys
No wonder they say:
"They are for each other
They stand up high."
There are two of them, but it seems -
Stomping platoon,
When preparation
Goes to battle.
Zhukov study,
Sitting by the river
And very willingly
They eat pies.
One sighs
The other one breathes.
One sneezes
The other one also sneezes.
They don't fight
Almost never,
After all, fighting is not a sport,
Wrestling is yes.
Where is the first
There, therefore, will be the second!
They stand for each other
Mountain guys!

Children. This is a poem about friends.

The teacher clarifies: “What is a friend? What does it mean to be friends? (Children's statements.)

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: real friends are those who take care of their friend or friends, help them in everything.

Then the teacher invites the children to play a game that will help test the friendship. Invites two guys - friends.

An outdoor game "Cross the swamp" is being held.

A “swamp” is separated on the floor (a section 3–4 meters long). The teacher gives the children two boards.

Teacher. Who will cross the swamp faster without getting their feet wet? But do not forget that you are friends, and the swamp is very insidious.

Children "cross the swamp" on the boards, helping each other if necessary.

Teacher. Well done! Happy is he who has a friend. I wonder if everyone has friends? Let's check.

The didactic game "Name your friends" is being held.

The teacher takes out lotto cards with the image of fairy-tale heroes, invites the children to combine the cards into groups and name the fairy-tale heroes - friends:

- Cheburashka, Crocodile, Gena;

– Karabas-Barabas, Duremar;

- Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Arlekino;

- Koschey, Baba Yaga, Goblin, Serpent Gorynych;

- Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.

Teacher. Fine! Why does each character have their own friends? What unites them? (Children's statements.) Correct - common interests, goals, hobbies. Which of you wants to tell us about your friend (without calling him by name), about your hobbies, joint games? And we will guess who it is. For example: “I am friends with a boy from our group. He loves to build sand cities. And I always help him. Who is this?"

Children (4-5 children) optionally tell in turn about their friends.

Teacher. What are you good fellows! Everyone is fine, you are smiling, but do you know why? Because we were talking about friends. Talking about friends is pleasant and joyful. Who can be called friends? (Children's statements.) Which of you have friends, raise your hand. Who would like to make a pleasant surprise for others? I suggest you make a gift for your friend or girlfriend out of paper, plasticine, and then give your craft to your dear person. Our lesson is coming to an end. But friendship stays with us forever. Cherish friendship, cherish friendship - be true friends to each other.

5. Parsley goes to draw

Software content. Continue to teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop curiosity.

Material. Large picture "Clown draws"; small pictures depicting tools and materials for drawing.

Lesson progress

Petrushka comes to visit the children, takes out a large picture “The Clown is drawing” from the folder and asks the children to tell what is shown on it.

Then Petrushka shows small pictures and asks the children to help him pick up tools and materials for drawing. Children select pictures with tools and materials for drawing, name objects, tell how they are used and what they are for. Pictures depicting objects that do not correspond to the task are put aside by the children.

In order for Petrushka to use the tools and materials for drawing correctly, the teacher suggests that the children divide the pictures into three groups:

1) tools for drawing with paints;

2) tools for drawing with pencils;

3) tools for drawing with crayons.

Children explain why the objects were assigned to this group. The game task is considered completed if the guys correctly classified the items.

Then the teacher organizes the game "Find a Pair" in order to consolidate the ability to determine the purpose and functions of objects. The game uses pictures depicting objects that perform the same and different functions.

Teacher. Guys, last night they brought me a package and a letter. Do you want to know what is in it? The letter came from children from another kindergarten. They invite us to play the game "Find a Pair" and describe it. What's in the package? Here are envelopes with pictures. Each envelope contains four pictures depicting objects. All objects perform some function. What does it mean "an object performs a function"? (Children's answers.)

With the help of a teacher, children explain what they are doing with the help of this item, how it is used. Then the children name the objects shown in the pictures and talk about their functions.

The teacher distributes one picture to the children.

Teacher. Listen to the task: the guys who have pictures with objects for carrying weights will sit at the first table, the children who have pictures with objects for drawing will sit at the second table, the guys who have pictures with objects for lighting the room will sit at the third table. Now hold up the pictures of things that help you learn, and then the pictures of things that help you work. Well done! They did a good job.

child and the world. Program and methodical recommendations. For work with children 2-7 years old Dybina Olga Vitalievna

Middle group (from four to five years old)

Subject environment

At this age, preschoolers awaken an interest in subjects that have not taken place in their personal experience. This interest must be satisfied. Children also continue to be introduced to the objects of the immediate environment. The main task is to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about subjects, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs of a preschooler in the game, work, productive activities. You should continue to acquaint children with the signs of objects (function, purpose, color, shape, size, material, etc.). Objects are combined according to a common essential feature - this is how concepts (dishes, clothes, shoes, toys, objects of labor, personal hygiene, etc.) that have a common functional basis are mastered.

When getting acquainted with the objective world, it is necessary to take into account that the names of individual items, for example, furniture, children already know, but they rarely use a generalizing word and can hardly explain an essential feature. The difficulty lies in the fact that each item has its own way of using it (for example, a chair is used for sitting, a bed for sleeping, a closet for storing clothes, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to encourage children to combine and classify objects according to different criteria. For this purpose, you can use the didactic “Definition Games”: “They brought us toys”, “Parsley is going to work”, “What is superfluous”, “Parsley is in sportswear”, “Parsley is going to draw”, etc.

So, in the game "Parsley in sportswear", children are taught to group objects (ball, rope, hoop, tennis racket, ribbon, dumbbells, stick, bag, etc.) according to their purpose (satisfying the need for sports). Parsley brings to the group pictures depicting objects of various purposes and claims that they are all needed for sports. The teacher invites the children to check this and put aside all unnecessary items. Parsley asks the children to show him the sports equipment. Children bring the equipment available in the group. The teacher offers an algorithm - each child names his subject, describes it, talks about the purpose and application. Then he asks the children what unites these objects, who created them, what qualities they develop in a person. He suggests recalling different sports and telling Petrushka which sports are summer and which are winter. There are two hoops with pictures "Winter" and "Summer" on the floor. Children take pictures of different sports and assign them to the corresponding hoops. The game task is considered completed if the children correctly grouped all the objects and pictures.

In the fifth year of life, children have a growing interest in distinguishing and naming various features of an object and describing objects. A series of “Description Games” will help in this work: “Name the object”, “Determine the place for the object”, “Tell the Dunno about your favorite objects”, etc. In the game “Tell the Dunno about your favorite objects”, the Dunno comes to visit the children with your favorite toy. The teacher asks him: “What is this toy? What is she? What is it for? What is it made of? Who made it?" Dunno asks what are the children's favorite toys, things, and the teacher invites them to find these items in the group, bring Dunno and talk about them; sets an algorithm for describing an object (shape, size, parts, functions, etc.) and describes an object, for example: “This is a table, it has a lid, four legs, it is white, you can sit at it, eat and write, the table is made of wood, refers to the man-made world. Children take turns describing their favorite items.

It is necessary to expand children's ideas about the expediency of creating household items that make people's lives comfortable. Preschoolers need to understand the importance of high-quality household items (wooden furniture is durable, good for health; Teflon utensils preserve the quality of food, etc.).

It is necessary to encourage children to find a connection between the purpose of an object and its structure, purpose and material; establish a causal relationship between an object and its benefits (for example, a refrigerator protects food from spoilage; an armchair is more comfortable furniture for relaxation than a chair; a toothbrush and toothpaste protect teeth).

Of particular interest to children is the topic "Our favorite toys." It is necessary to bring them to the understanding that adults create toys not only for fun. A technical toy, for example, helps to understand the world. The teacher creates situations through which children realize the need for toys in their daily lives.

During the year, preschoolers learn to recognize objects made of clay, paper, fabric, metal, rubber, plastic, glass, and porcelain; talk about their properties and qualities, argue their judgments. Familiarization with the material must be organized, as before, in such a way that each child in a practical way (acting with the material) can reveal its properties and qualities. For children of middle preschool age, more complex experimental actions are provided, consisting of several game elements. The “Experimental Games” series for familiarization with the material includes games: “Why can birds fly, but humans can’t?”, “Learn everything about yourself, balloon”, “What will the little men fly on”, “A tree can swim”, “Dunno treasure”, “Amazing glass”, etc.

For example, in the game "Know all about yourself, balloon" children tell everything they know about balloons. The teacher invites them to help the ball find out what material it is made of. Children explain that it is rubber; in practice, they find out that the rubber is soft, smooth. Then they show how small the ball can be (blowing air). The ball is indignant, asks to inflate it again. An adult inflates a balloon and invites each child to do the same. The children, together with the teacher, find out that the rubber is elastic, stretchable, and tell the ball that it is called air, because it has air inside. Sharik asks to wash it. Children wash the ball, specify that the rubber has become wet and damp on top. Compared with paper, cloth (paper gets wet, torn, cloth gets wet, but does not tear); wipe the ball, and it is dry again; look inside the ball, find out if water got there. Children are led to understand that rubber does not let water through, it is waterproof; Man-made rubber objects do not allow water to pass through. For example, rubber boots worn in rainy weather, rubber gloves are worn when washing dishes: hands in them are always dry and clean. Children, together with an adult, conduct an experiment with rubber gloves: put them on and lower your hands into the water, then take them off - your hands are dry. Ball asks them to name his rubber friends. Children list rubber items. The ball says goodbye and flies away.

Here are some examples of lesson plans.

Lesson "Dunno treasure"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of the materials from which various objects are made; exercise in the classification of objects by color, shape, material, purpose.

Material. Various items made of rubber, plastic, glass, metal.

Lesson progress

The teacher reports that they came to visit the children old friend Dunno. He recently returned from a trip, and not empty-handed: Dunno found a treasure. Draws the attention of children to the chest with the treasure dug up by Dunno. Children examine the treasure (rug, ball, gloves), name the objects, say that they are all made of rubber; it is durable, soft, waterproof, unbreakable, lightweight. The teacher asks if all these items can be made out of paper. Children reflect and come to the conclusion that it is impossible to make them out of paper: the rug will tear; gloves will be fragile, will pass water; the ball will be crushed, broken. The teacher asks if these objects can be made of glass. Children explain that they cannot be made of glass: the rug will be fragile, heavy; glass gloves cannot be worn; the ball will break quickly. Then the children wonder if these objects can be made of plastic and metal; explain that they cannot be made of metal, as they will be heavy, inconvenient to use; you can make a rug out of plastic, but it will be hard and uncomfortable; you can make a ball, but it will also be hard.

Children come to the conclusion that the mat, ball and gloves can only be made of rubber: they will be soft, durable, waterproof, comfortable to use, and not breakable.

Then the children look at a toothbrush, a soap dish, a jar, find out that they are made of plastic, plastic. The teacher offers to explain why so many things are made of plastic (it is strong, waterproof, soft, unbreakable, beautiful). Children find out that these objects cannot be made of paper (they will get wet, tear quickly); from glass (items will be fragile, will quickly break); metal (objects will be heavy); from rubber (objects will be soft, bending, they are inconvenient to use). Children come to the conclusion that it is more expedient to make a toothbrush, a soap dish, a jar of plastic.

Next, the children examine metal plates, toy cars. They find out that they are made of metal, that is, metal; metal is strong, smooth, hard. They explain that these objects cannot be made of paper (they will be fragile, they will break quickly), glass (they will be fragile, they will break quickly), etc. Children come to the conclusion that it is better to make cars from metal.

Children look at a glass and a vase. They find out that they are made of glass, that is, glass. The signs of glass are called: transparent, hardens, light, waterproof, can take any shape during manufacture. They find out that these objects cannot be made of paper (objects will be fragile), rubber (objects will be soft, shapeless). A glass and a vase can be made of metal, but they will be very heavy.

Thus, the educator leads the children to understand that the choice of material depends on the method of use, that is, on the purpose of the object.

Lesson "In the world of glass"

Target. Help children identify the properties of glass (durable, transparent, smooth); cultivate a caring attitude towards things; develop curiosity.

Material. Small glass objects (perfume bottles, balls of various shapes, etc.), sticks for checking the sonority of glass, a glass cup.

Lesson progress

The teacher lays out small glass objects on the children's tables and asks them to name them, and then summarizes: these objects are made of glass, they are glass. Next, the teacher gradually puts transparent and colored glass balls on his table and explains that glass can be colored and transparent. Then he asks the children what objects made of colored and transparent glass they know. Children name: bottles, windows, dishes. The teacher puts colored balls in a transparent glass, showing that the glass is transparent; invites children to look around and name glass objects ( window, light bulb, dishes). The teacher invites them to pick up glass objects lying on the tables and say how they feel to the touch ( smooth, cold). After that, the teacher pours water into the glass, and the children make sure that the glass does not let it through, it is waterproof. The teacher and children list glass vessels into which liquids can be poured ( bottles, jars, vases). Further, the teacher tells that glass can be of different thicknesses; thick glass objects window, showcase) are less fragile than thin glass objects ( vases, glasses), but any glass can break from impact, pressure, falling; Glass items must be handled carefully. The teacher offers the children to lightly hit glass objects with a special stick and listen to how the glass sounds. Children express their opinion: the glass is sonorous, ringing.

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to guess riddles about glass:

Sounding, transparent,

I'm not afraid of water

I'll break.

On the windows is simple,

And in bottles of color.

Doesn't run, doesn't run.

Hit it - it will break.

Children are offered various tasks to determine the material: they are given pencils, parts from a building kit, nesting dolls, mushrooms, etc .; offer to name them, to determine how they are similar to each other. The teacher asks leading questions: “Maybe the objects are the same color? The same shape? ”, Gradually leading the children to the conclusion that all these objects are made of wood, they are wooden.

Particular attention should be paid to explaining the expediency of making an object from a certain material (car bodies are made of metal, tires are made of rubber, furniture is made of wood, an umbrella is made of waterproof fabric, etc.). Children are interested in getting acquainted not only with the materials, but also with the history of their appearance.

Here is an example summary of the lesson.

From book moral education in kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. For children 2-7 years old author Petrova Vera Ivanovna

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From the book The Child and the Environment. Program and methodical recommendations. To work with children 2-7 years old author Dybina Olga Vitalievna

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Middle group (from four to five years old) Object environment At this age, preschoolers awaken an interest in objects that have not taken place in their personal experience. This interest must be satisfied. Children also continue to be introduced to the objects of the immediate environment.

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Four to Five Four and a half years is the age when excessive talkativeness, boastfulness, exaggeration, and emotional unpredictability flourish in a child. "Insiders" may surprise parents with a sudden change

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Four and a half to five years old preschool age children are especially prone to acting. The child enters the creative world of various role-playing games and fantasies. You may find him talking to imaginary friends and acting out scenes from movies and

Objectives: to form through game images the rules of conduct in public transport; to expand children's knowledge about the concepts: "pedestrian", "passenger"; consolidate knowledge about a variety of passenger transport; to cultivate a culture of behavior in public transport.

Dictionary Enrichment:

passenger, pedestrian, transport.

Preliminary work:

targeted walk down the street; bus supervision; guessing riddles; reading fiction: N. Nosov's story "Car", the poem "Beware of children", looking at pictures from the "Transport" series

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, teacher's questions.

Material: toy "Parsley", pictures from the series "Transport".

Lesson progress

V .: Children, Petrushka came to visit us today.

Petrushka, why are you so sad? What's happened?

P .: Guys, I came to you for help. I was invited to visit, to the village, but I don’t know how to get there and I don’t know the rules of conduct in transport either! Help me?!

V .: Well, guys, let's try to help, Petrushka?

V .: Well, let's just first remember how you can get to the house, the store, the circus.

D: By bus, by car, by train.

V .: That's right, guys, when to ride in a transport that carries people is a passenger transport, who rides in a passenger transport?

D: Passengers!

B: That's right, guys. Who are you traveling with?

D .: With mom, dad, grandparents.

V .: Do you hear, Petrushka, our children traveled only with adults, so for safety we advise you to travel the same way. And in passenger transport, you need to buy a ticket, go to the salon, sit in an empty seat and follow the rules of conduct.

Q: Children, who are called passengers?

Answers of children (who rides on the bus, on the train)

Q: And those who walk on sidewalks?

D: Pedestrians

B: That's right, the guys are pedestrians.

Now we are with you, and with Petrushka we will play the game "We are riding the bus." Imagine that our room is the passenger compartment of the bus, we sit in our seats and wait for departure. And Misha, here we will put a chair for him in front of everyone, he will be a driver, he will carry us. Kate-

will be a conductor. Katya, please distribute tickets to all the guys. So guys, let's hit the road. Ahead stop "Children's Clinic". Remember guys, while driving, the doors cannot be touched with your hands until the driver himself opens them. It has a dedicated button. Click and the doors will open. But here we come to the kindergarten.

Misha, we are taking new passengers.

(children get on the bus, buy tickets)

Q: Guys, please take your seats. Moving on, I'll ask you questions:

Q: Guys, can I talk to the driver while driving? (no) That's right, the driver should not be distracted, he must watch the road.

Is it allowed to walk on the bus while it is running?

D: You can't, you can fall.

Q: Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus, jump, sing songs on the bus?

D: No, it's dangerous.

V: That's right, guys, you need to talk quietly so as not to disturb others, do not put your feet on the seats, be cultured and polite. Remember, Petrushka?

P: Yes, thanks children, I understood how to behave in public transport. Now I can visit my friends.

V: And now stop, "Kindergarten". Get off the bus. What should the driver say?

D: Thank you and goodbye!

Q: Sasha and Katya got off the bus, who are they now - pedestrians or passengers?

D: Pedestrians.

B: Well done guys, you remember everything correctly. Now we are good passengers and pedestrians. And no one will notice us. (Petrushka thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves)
