Scenario of the New Year's party “Old man Hottabych visiting the guys at the New Year tree. The old man Hottabych on the Christmas tree with the children Hottabych on the Christmas tree in kindergarten script

"Old man Hottabych at the children's Christmas tree" Scenario for senior and preparatory group
Letter to the group:
"Dear children!
Girls and boys!
You hurry together into the hall.
Near the Christmas tree
There will be a carnival!
To the music, the children run into the hall, where they are met by a fabulous Fairy.
Hello my friends!
It's me you all today
Gathered near the Christmas tree
Because today is a holiday
Noisy New Year's Eve.
Let it be a fairy tale
He's coming to us today!
(He waves his wand - the tree lights up).

The children are looking at the tree.
1 child.
So the tree is dressed up,
All lit up in flames
And the toys sparkled
On her big branches.
2 child.
Well we have today
You won't find a better place!
Near the Christmas tree
Do not pass, do not pass!
3 child.
It will be fun today
will never be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
We've come to meet you!
4 child.
We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy tale characters
He got it here today!
Well, it's time to open our ball

Noisy, ringing carnival!
Happy new year, happy new year
Dear child!
Joyful holiday, happy
It's time to start!
Round dance "Yolka-Yolochka".
5 child.
Snow is falling outside the window
Snow is fluffy, New Year's.
New Year's laughter in the hall -
Carnival is here today!
6 child.
Our tree with a head
All covered with gray
And keeps thick needles
The smell of the resinous forest.
7 child.
How elegant are you
With a silver star!
How big are you
How fun with you!
8 child.
Tall, beautiful
Green, slim
colorful lights
She glows!
All :
Isn't she a beauty?
We all love the tree!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Become a dancer!
Let a cheerful round dance
Be the first to enter the New Year!
Round dance "Our tree". (Children sit down).
Attention! What are miracles?
I hear someone's voices.
Someone is stomping loudly
And clapping his hands!
Someone laughs merrily
Someone wants to congratulate us!
Girls behind the Christmas tree:
We've been waiting for this hour all year.

And under the thunder of crackers (clapping)
We start a round dance
Christmas toys!
"Dance Christmas decorations". (At the end, at the behest of the Fairy, everyone sits down).
Waving a shaggy branch
We have a happy new year.
Listen, tree, our song.
Hello hello,
New Year!
The song "First Snow".
Fairy (took a bell):
mischievous bell,
He is always, everywhere with me.
Ding dong, ding dong!
He invites you to a fairy tale.
(The lights go out, twilight).
I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
You will have a big guest.
The guest is gray-haired, with a beard.
Guess who is?
Father Frost!
I'll look out the door
Maybe he's coming, friends!
(He approaches the door. A large jug appears from behind the door, smoke flows from there, the light goes out in an instant and an old man appears).
The guest goes gray-haired, gray-haired,
With a long white beard.
Made me cry!
He is not Santa Claus at all!
Hush, hush, hush!
(Flies away).
The light comes on, the old man Khattabych is standing by the Christmas tree in an oriental outfit, and on top of his coat.

May there be peace in this house! Hello, the most educated of the educated and the most charming of the most charming! Children and distinguished guests!
Only you can’t come here in a coat, grandfather!
ABOUT! How, tibidah! Do you know who you don't let? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand! I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!
Oh guys! Did you find out who it is? (Khattabych takes off his coat). Why, this is old Khattabych! Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!
Right! Oh, the wisest of the wisest educators! You recognized my name. Where did I get to? Whose house is this beautiful, where there are so many children?
How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm!
It's not a palm tree.
Why not a palm tree?
And now the children will say!
Hot summer, cold winter,
And suddenly smart for the New Year
Comes to visit our round dance
Christmas tree!
Christmas tree, what a beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful tree! What a strange tree! (touches). And what strange fruits on it! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!

You can't, Gasan Hottabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.
What miracles! What country am I in? Do they eat glass apples here?
Khattabych, we know you as a kind magician. Tell me, can you help us?
With great pleasure, my dear!
I'm old for years, I won't lie.
But I am not weak-willed.
I'll help you in three counts,
If I wasn't Hasan Hadtab!
Command, incomparable!
We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.
Why Frost? For what? I'm afraid. Where I live, it is always warm, the sun is shining, trees are growing, palm trees. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?
We can't light the Christmas tree without him. We want it to light up now!
Oh, cruel of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?
No, grandfather. We want multi-colored lights to light up on the Christmas tree - light bulbs.
So I'll do it right now! (Conjuring). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!
(Lights do not light up).
Calm down, Hottabych. Can you help us invite the Snow Maiden? She will light the lights on the tree.

Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?
You, blizzard, do not sweep,
Invite the Snow Maiden to us.
(Snowflake girls run out.)
"Dance of the Snowflakes"
Look, look how many Snow Maidens I have invited!
Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens.
How is it not snowmen? And who is this?
Snowflakes. We don't need snowflakes. Fly away!
(blowing on them)
Don't be upset, dear!
I figured it out fun game. Now I will cheer you up!
Game "Funny bridges".
Khattabych, invite Santa Claus. Maybe he will come to us for the holiday and bring fun!
Hottabych (conjures):
Hey gin, oh gin!
Hey la la!
You, blizzard, do not sweep,
Invite Frost to us!
(Two buffoons run out from behind the tree).
1st buffoon.
Under the king, yes under the peas
Naughty buffoons
On the way to the booth
Lost drum.
They don't care, don't worry
Musicians anywhere!
hit with a spoon
In ringing hands!
2nd buffoon.
Neither rain nor hail
And the splashes are flying!
Dancing echo, dancing shadow
Dancing all and sundry!

"Dance of buffoons".
Wah, wah! La la! How did buffoons appear instead of Frost?
Yes, Khattabych, you are somewhat distracted today.
I'm not the only one distracted. Guys are scattered too.
Our guys who are sitting in the hall are very attentive!
Now I'll check!
Answer questions:
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends
And clap your hands.
1. Who sings and has fun,
And not afraid of work?
2. Who has ever been sick
Because you overate?
3. Who is not afraid of frost,
Does it fly like a bird?
4. Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Forgetting to wash?
5. Who knows how to relax,
Run, swim and play?
6. Who is a good angler -
Fishing for cows?
7. Which one of you is on the pavement
Walks upside down?
8. Which of you is the most nimble here,
The first to meet the happy Snow Maiden?
Khattabych, I think I know what's the matter. You forgot the magic word, think about it.
That's right, I know this word, everyone should pronounce it when asking for something. O wisest of wisest children, what is the word?
That's right (pulls out a stick).
wand please
Serve the service
Santa Claus
Invite with the Snow Maiden!
(Children dressed in costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter to the music).
Oh why are they so small!
They traveled from afar
And the road is not easy.
Wherever they've been
And hit the sun!
Let's take them into the woods and put them in the biggest snowdrift. They will grow up and come to the feast! (Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's cold, and I'm afraid of frost.

It's time to return to warmer climes. Goodbye, wisest of the wisest! Goodbye, most beautiful of the most beautiful! (Kisses the hand of the Fairy, leaves).
Music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden go around the hall.
Here he comes, the welcome guest,
All overgrown with a beard,
And cheerful, and ruddy.
Who is this?
- Father Frost!
Father Frost.
I see forest bears here,
Dolls, playful hares
And funny goats
Wolves, brave hares.
All dressed up in costumes
And at the Christmas tree they started dancing.
So, in this hall there is a ball,
New Year's carnival!
There is nothing more interesting
What a wonderful day like this
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids!
Snow Maiden.
Happy New Year
Congratulate everyone
Together with you
Celebrate the holiday!
Father Frost.
Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle
Let your songs and laughter sound unceasingly.
And may this whole year be joyful,
You are all very nice people!
Snow Maiden. So that no one frowns,
Start playing, dancing.
Get into a round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Round dance with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost.
You, Snow Maiden, my friend,
Call your friends soon.
Get in a circle soon
Let's have fun dancing!
Snow Maiden.
Hey, mischievous snowflakes,
My dear sisters
Fly in, spin around
And have fun with me!
Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes.
Father Frost.
Well thank you guys
You cried with me.
Tell me guys
Do you have fun in winter?
Guys :
Frost is not a problem for us,
We are not afraid of the cold.
We walk in fur coats and earflaps
And we go sledding.
Father Frost.
But as?
And like this!
(Children imitate sledding to the music).
Father Frost.
And then?
And then we'll get on skis
And we'll roll down the mountain.
Father Frost.
But as?
And like this!
(They imitate skiing to the music).
Father Frost.
Well done! What else?
We also take skates.
And we run to the rinks.
Father Frost.
But as?
And like this!
(To the waltz, couples skate).
Father Frost.
Now let's play snowballs!
Snowball game. "Orchestra of animals" Poems.
Father Frost.
He sang songs, made children laugh.
What else did I forget?
Father Frost.
Well, okay, kids,
You have amused me.
For a holiday for you
I've got something here!
It's time for our holiday to end.
Do you all see the wand?
I'll just take it
I'll show you a miracle!
(The Christmas tree is on fire, a wolf runs in the twilight).
I am in the dark nights
Ran into robbery.
All tremble before me,
I am satisfied with myself.
Ha ha ha ha!
I live in the forest not in vain,
I will raise the noise of the forest,
I will break trees.
Ha ha ha ha!
(Strokes his stomach.)
Oh, and there is nothing to profit from, but you want to eat so much!
(He sniffs the air, approaches the house.)
It smells like goat!
(He sees a note on the house, reads aloud):
"Everyone went to the Christmas tree in kindergarten."
I'll dress up as a Snow Maiden.
(He dresses, purrs to the tune "Yellow leaves ..."):
Here I am walking on the tree,
And I've been dreaming of catching
I am a goat, I am a goat.
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year,
You, friends, you, friends!
White goats are spinning around me,
The sharp horns move with fear.
And you can't hide from the wolf, you can't hide.
But for now, I'm only dreaming about it.
(Changed clothes).
I'll sit at the Christmas tree, watch the goats dance!
"Dance of the goats". After the dance, a wolf appears, hiding behind a fan.
Who has come to you?
I am the Snow Maiden!
Why do you have such big hands?
This is to better hug the kids.
Why do you have such big ears?
This is to better hear how the goats sing.
And why ... (at this time Santa Claus appears and the Fairy does not have time to ask a question).
Santa Claus (sees the Snow Maiden and goes swiftly towards her):
Snow Maiden! Granddaughter! What happened to you? Why are you like this?
The song of Santa Claus and the Wolf is performed from the film "Well, you wait!" Wolf to the words "My best present is you!" grabs the goat and runs away. A fox runs in, carries a carrot, a bucket and a broom.
Oh, trouble, trouble! That's what's left of the snowman! The wolf broke him! Only the animals managed to hide the gifts he was carrying. Now the Wolf demands gifts in exchange for a kid.
Father Frost.
Well, guys, let's give gifts to the wolf? And then he will eat a goat!
Wolf (shouting):
Well, Santa Claus, do you accept my conditions?
Father Frost.
Yes, we agree, we agree! Give me the goat!
(The wolf gives the goat, takes the bag and immediately unties it. A dog jumps out of the bag, barks and drives him away).
Father Frost.
Well, little animals, show me where you hid the bag! (The bag is found under the tree, gifts are distributed).
Song goodbye, Santa Claus.
The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,
Saying goodbye, probably with us.
Let's say together:
Farewell, see you next winter!

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  • New Year's performance - scenario development
  • New Year's Adventures-2 - New Year's scenario for children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten
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  • Christmas tree - script for a New Year's party for the younger group
  • Old man Hottabych on the Christmas tree with the guys - New Year's scenarios for the senior and preparatory groups
  • New Year's Tale-2 - New Year's scenario for staging a performance in a puppet theater
  • A Christmas tree was born in the forest - a New Year's comic scene
  • Pippi and Dunno at the New Year's holiday - script for a family New Year's performance
  • Olympic Clue - New Year's musical for children in two halves without a break
  • Magic book - scenario matinee New Year's performance for children of the middle group
  • New year's night Scheherazade - new year script
  • Dying Santa Claus - New Year's children's scenario
  • New Year's script for adult company- the scenario is designed for a large company of 20-50 people
  • Crystal Slipper - New Year's scenario for older preschool children
  • New Year's trip - New Year's scenarios

New Year's holiday in the preparatory group of MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 33"

Topic: "New Year with Hottabych"


Children: Snowflakes, Asterisks, Night, Snowmen, Malvina, Pierrot, Artemon, Pinocchio, Gnomes.

Adults: Host, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Hottabych, Karabas Barabas.

Musical repertoire: "About the winter" muses and words by Z.B. Kachaeva,

« New Year's round dance» song from the repertoire of the Looking Glass group

"Game with Santa Claus" music. and the words of the Zheleznovs

"You came to visit us Santa Claus"

“The New Year has come again” words and music by T.M. Ostrovskaya

To the music of the song "Zimushka-winter", children enter the music room in pairs and stand freely one at a time facing the guests.

Presenter: Our dear guests, we hasten to congratulate everyone!

May health and success come to you in the coming year,

Let for all people good, not afraid of worries

It will be not just a New, but a happy New Year!

1 child: What is New Year

It's the opposite - girls are like stars, boys are like bunnies,

2 child: Even the nanny, our nanny does not make you eat porridge

Chefs bake a pie, they sing songs at the stove.

3 child : And our manager

The best singing and dancing

4 child : Everything around glitters, sparkles

Everyone congratulates each other.

Have fun honest people!

The New Year is coming soon!

5 child : Snow is spinning white-white,

And trees and houses

Silver patterns

Zimushka gives - winter!

Performance of the song "Zimushka-winter" words and music by Z.B. Kachaeva.

Children sit on chairs.

6 child : We are all very well, have fun today

Because the New Year's holiday has come to us!

7 child : Most the best holiday- it is a New Year!

Everyone loves him, everyone is waiting for him.

Grandmothers and mothers, grandfathers and fathers

Adults and children …….

All: Everything!

8 child: Near the Christmas tree we will gather in a cheerful round dance

Friendly song, ringing laughter

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Round dance of the vocal group "Through the Looking Glass" "New Year's round dance, let happiness bring us"

Presenter: Miracles await us near the Christmas tree today

Hear, voices of good fairy tales come to life here.

The music of the Snow Maiden sounds, a character appears, dancing, singing, circling in turn with different children.

Snow Maiden: Hello, my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

Presenter: Who did the White Snow Maiden sew for you?

Snow Maiden: The winter snowfall made me a white dress.

Children: Who, Snow Maiden, gave you beads from the stars?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost gave me bright beads.

Presenter: Tell me, Snow Maiden, why alone?

Didn't you bring Santa Claus to us?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree -
And suddenly tired, and suddenly frozen,
After all, fast sleds
They take him from a fairy tale.
From the snowy fairyland
And unknown party...

(Dance of stars and nights.) music ... ..

I quickly ran after the twinkling star

I was in a hurry, got lost and I found myself with you ...

Presenter: Do not worry Snow Maiden,

We will help you

We will find Santa Claus and invite him to the holiday.

Snow Maiden: How beautiful your tree is, eyes widen

The needles shine with tinsel, so the Christmas tree is beautiful!

All silver, lush and slender

Just don't shine with lights.

Leading: To make the tree start up, look more fun

She smiled at all the guys, we’ll light the lights on her!

Together we will say together with you: Christmas tree, light up with lights!

Children: Christmas tree, light up with lights (the tree does not light up).

Leading: Children, well, speak very quietly.

Come on, guests, help!

Let's say it loudly, with full force: Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!

All: Become a beautiful Christmas tree!

Host: Still quiet, still weak
We all need to shout together

One-two-three, the miracle tree burn!

All: (loudly) One-two-three, the miracle tree burn!

The Christmas tree lights up, all the children get up in a round dance:

"A Christmas tree was born in the forest" music by Beckman, lyrics by R Kudasheva

The children sit down.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree is dressed in a wonderful outfit

She really wanted to please the guys

What is it, kids?

I have not seen in the world a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful

Here is an old jug

On the surface of dust particles, silvery snowflakes

Gently shake them off. What happened? I don't understand....

Mysterious magical music sounds, Hottabych appears, sneezes, stretches.

Snow Maiden:

Who are you, dear grandfather?

Hottabych: (makes several movements of oriental dance, sings):

Who is unfamiliar with an old man who can do everything?

Who is unfamiliar with the old man who is the smartest of all?

Of course, everyone probably knows the name of the old man - ha ha ha,

Cheerful genie Hottabych, Oh, where did I get to? (looks around)

I have never been here! (Children answer)

Who are you, venerable ones? (Children answer)

What's going on here? ("Holiday")

(toward the Snow Maiden) Oh, the joy of my eyes! Would you deign to dance with the venerable Hottabych?

Snow Maiden:

Of course, grandpa! Let's dance together with everyone!

A dance is performed with Hottabych around the Christmas tree.


Hey, well done! You pleased me with the dance.


Hottabych, what can you do?


Having mastered the art of transformation for three thousand years,

I will embarrass any sorcerer!

With a skillful hand I can get the moon from heaven,

I'll make an elephant out of a fly and not bat an eyelid.

And if suddenly you have longing and something worries you -

The old man has a beard, it will always help!


Maybe you can help us find Grandfather Frost with the help of your magic beard?


Oh dearest of the wisest! I am ready to do everything for these sweetest children! But I've never met Santa Claus and don't know what he looks like. Tell me about it! Who will start?


In the kingdom of snow, ice is everywhere

The Snow Maiden lives with her grandfather,

Snow Maiden:

And we are not afraid of the cold, we are glad for the frosty days.:


There is no stove in this house, because grandfather does not like the heat,

Snow Maiden:

Light and I'm afraid, I'm called the Snow Maiden!


A! I understand! You can't give it hot tea because it's made of snow and ice! Ha ha ha! Now he will be here! (pulls a hair out of his beard, conjures)

Sim-sim-salabim. We want to see Santa Claus!! (children repeat the spell with Hottabych) magic music sounds.

Snowman appears


I am a cheerful Snowman, a round-faced snowy face.

Happy new year, kids! But I have to work

Snow covered in the forest with a blizzard all the roads - do not pass

I urgently need to clear all the paths, all the ways!


Dear Hottabych! It's not Santa Claus, it's a Snowman! The guys on the street make such snowmen, let's show them.

1st snowman:

Don't worry, Snowman! We will help you instantly!

2nd snowman:

This is us, snowmen, we are not newcomers in the forest!

3rd snowman:

Know everything that, if necessary, we will work together!

4th snowman:

We sweep snow with panicles, we will find Santa Claus!

Performance of the song-dance "This is us, the Snowmen!"

Host: How much snow did you collect

So guys, let's play?

General snowball fight with the involvement of parents and guests.

Game collect snowballs.

The main snowman and snowmen in front of the Christmas tree;

Oh, you are warm, we are melting,

We run into the forest to ourselves.

Music sounds (they run behind the Christmas tree, then go to their places)

Snow Maiden: How wrong you are, Hottabych.

It wasn't Santa Claus

Hottabych: You better describe to me

I'll fix my curiosity!

Child: He has a long beard

With him a load of toys

To the delight of adults, children, Santa Claus!

Hottabych: Thank you, oh smartest lad! (Tears a hair out of his beard)

Repeat everything after me! Appear winter hero!

Sim-sim-salabim. We want to see Santa Claus!! (children repeat the spell with Hottabych) music by A.G. Schnittke "Fairy Tale Story" sounds

(Karabas, Malvina, Piro and Artemon come out. Puppets are held by strings)


Who brought me here? I'm not Santa Claus at all!

I am Karabas, Barabas! Terrible, bearded,

I run a puppet theater now.


I am a beautiful doll, you know me.

I teach Pinocchio to write from A to Z.

My name is Malvina, Pierrot is in love with me,

And my faithful dog is near, Poodle Artemon.


The whole theater team looks great.

After all, I am personally responsible for discipline here!


Often our regular viewer comes to the hall -

Long-nosed, mischievous, nimble, wooden!


He's probably here now! Well, what's his name?

(children's answers)

Runs out to the music of Pinocchio, twirls the key:


Of course I'm very strange

The little man is wooden.

On land and underwater

I am looking for a golden key.

I stick my nose everywhere,

Did you find out……

Children: Pinocchio!


Catch him! Hold it!

Presenter: Guys quickly get up in a circle, Pinocchio help out!

Game "Musical Mousetrap"

Snow Maiden:

Hottabych, another mistake! Please return Karabas back to his fairy tale!

Host: Let the dolls stay with us.

Karabas: Oh yes! I'm bad jokes

Not wasting a minute

I will extinguish your Christmas tree

I'll take all the lights!!!

Hottabych: Well, guys, help, drive Karabas away.

Sim-sim-salabim, we don't want to see you!!! (children repeat the magic words) Hottabych tears a hair from his beard.

Karabas starts spinning, grabs all the lights from the Christmas tree, puts them in his pockets, grins evilly and disappears. The tree goes out.

Snow Maiden: Guys, we saved the dolls! They stayed with us!

Will you dance the New Year's polka with your friends?

General polka dance. (Children sit down)

Host: How can we be? Without Santa Claus

The tree will not light up again.

Without such a guest, something

Feel free to have fun!

Snow Maiden: Guys, everyone help Hottabych.

Don't miss anything in your stories!

9 child: We will not meet him in the spring, he will not come in the summer,

But in winter he comes to our children every year

10 child: Happy New Year, congratulating the lush Christmas tree will light

Amusing the children, they will join us in a round dance.

11 child: He has a bright blush, a beard like white fur

He will prepare interesting gifts for everyone.

12 child: together we meet him and great friends with him

But you can’t give hot tea to a guest.

Hottabych: I understood everything, O wisest of children!

Repeat everything after me! Appear winter hero!

Sim-sim-salabim. We want to see Santa Claus !! (Children repeat the magic spell)

Music sounds, Santa Claus appears.

Santa Claus: Get together guys as soon as possible in a round dance

Laughter, song and dance

Let's meet with you New Year!

The song "You came to visit us Santa Claus" sounds in a round dance.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, while you were away, the trouble happened with the guys.

Santa Claus: Tell me, don't torment!

Maybe I will find a way

And I will help you in trouble!

(Answers of children. everyone expresses a problem)

Santa Claus: You all say something

But I can’t understand, follow the order

Answer one at a time. (To whom Santa Claus points, he describes the problem)

Santa Claus: What is it? What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames,

You use the words:

“Surprise us with beauty, (children repeat with Santa Claus)

Elka, turn on the lights! (Santa Claus touches the Christmas tree with his staff)

Snow Maiden: And what kind of toys are here: gnomes, balls, crackers

Frost: I'll touch the gnome with a magic staff

Gnomes: (running out from behind the Christmas tree) And I'll be at your holiday right now! Dwarf dance.

Santa Claus: Do you know everything about me and about the New Year? Answer my New Year's riddles.

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He comes at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

He wears a hat and galoshes, right?

The new year is coming soon, right?

He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?

It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of guns, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the answers are given to the questions,

Do you all know about Santa Claus,

And that means it's time

All the kids are waiting for.

Snow Maiden: Children in a round dance, get up with Santa Claus, play

And you, grandfather, are not tired on the road?

Santa Claus: Let me live half a thousand years

I have absolutely no wear!

Musical game with Frost "You have Santa Claus" Santa Claus is breathing heavily.

Host: It's time for you to rest

Children go to their places, Grandfather sits on a chair. Fanning himself puffs.

Santa Claus: Oh, I haven't danced for a long time

I got tired very quickly.
Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, sisters,

Blizzard - sweep the blizzard!

And cool Santa Claus faster!

(Dance of snowflakes).

Santa Claus (praises the children, notices Hottabych):

Is this your guest? What is he famous for?

Hottabych: (sings his 1st song)

Father Frost:

Ah, so you are a magician!

I am also a magician. Let's show our magic!


Oh, most worthy of all worthy, start first!

Father Frost:

I'll make everyone a poet before your very eyes.

Reading poems to Santa Claus.


Oh powerful! Check out my focus. Hottabych performs a trick with jars.

Father Frost:

You have a magical beard, and I have a magical staff. Hit them - and you will find yourself in an ice kingdom! Turn away! (Santa Claus explains the game: we dance, with a blow of the staff we freeze in place, depicting something. Hottabych looks around)

The game "Freeze in place"

Father Frost:

Can you give gifts to the guys right now?

And I'll do it right now in front of the guys.

Bring me a big cauldron, put it here on the table,

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water, some ice and tinsel,

I will add snowflakes, one minute, friends!

Now it's time to mix, say the magic words.

“Conducting” with a ladle, he repeats with everyone:

"Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice! Miracles for the New Year!

Ladder, help! Turn everything into gifts!

Hits staff 3 times, opens cauldron lid.

Giving gifts, at the end gives a beard dryer to Hottabych, so that he can always work wonders. Christmas music sounds.

Santa Claus: Well guys

Finally, everything is in order.

Don't be sick, don't be bored

Meet us again in a year.

Snow Maiden: We wish everyone health and happiness,

And Happy New Year to you all!

Hottabych: May this bright New Year

It brings you magic.

Grandfather We gave you gifts,
You sang and danced for us
Snow Maiden. And now to us, children,
It's time to hit the road.
Hottabych In villages, cities and huts
Other guys are waiting for us.
We will go to congratulate them,
Happiness, joy to wish!
Well, we say goodbye to you
Let's say together: goodbye! (Chorus)

They leave to the music.

Presenter: say goodbye to the fairy tale, Happy New Year, magic!

Let there be a New Year.
The New Year is coming to us
Brings us hope
That all of us will be fulfilled
And everything will happen.
We smile at him
Let's shine today
A old year for all,
Thank you for everything.

To the music, the children go to the group.

Elena Astakhova


Father Frost

Old man Hottabych




Happy New Year

Children and guests!

Good luck to all, I wish you well

And fine, clear days!

Dear friends, girlfriends,

I overheard the blizzard

What will come to us today

Happy New Year's Eve!


What is New Year?

This is a friendly dance

It's funny guys laugh

Near all the elegant Christmas trees.


What is New Year?

Everyone knows ahead of time.

These are pipes and violins

Jokes, songs and smiles.


The one who wants to be cheerful

Would this New Year

Let today be with us

Sings a ringing song

Song "New Year" (minus).

So the tree is dressed up,

All lit up in flames

And the toys sparkled

On her big branches.

Well we have today

You won't find a better place!

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

Do not pass, do not pass!

It will be fun today

will never be bored.

hello holiday New Year!

We've come to meet you!

We have a holiday today,

Today there will be a carnival!

How many fairy tale characters

He got it here today!

Well, it's time to open our ball

Noisy, ringing carnival!

Happy new year, happy new year

Dear child!

Joyful holiday, happy

It's time to start!

round dance "IN New Year's forest» (minus).

Snow is falling outside the window

fluffy snow, New Year.

In the hall new year laugh

Carnival is here today!

Our tree with a head

All covered with gray

And keeps thick needles

The smell of the resinous forest.

How elegant are you

With a silver star!

How big are you

How fun with you!

Tall, beautiful

Green, slim

colorful lights

She glows!

Isn't she a beauty?

We all love the tree!

Waving a shaggy branch

We have a happy new year.

Listen, tree, our song.

People will sing about winter.

Song "White Snowflakes" (minus).


They say on New Year's Eve

What you don't want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.


Definitely coming true! Say your wishes.

Children: We want Santa Claus to come!

presenter: Shhh! I hear something!

Appears to the music Hottabych.

Khattab. May there be peace in this house!

Hello, the most educated of the educated and the most charming of the most charming! Children and distinguished guests!

Are you a respectable old man?


I, an oriental wizard, Hassan Abdurahman ibn Khattab.


Dear Hottabych, maybe you can help us call Santa Claus with your beard.


O best of the best. I am ready to do everything for these dearest youths, but I have never met him and do not know what he looks like! Describe it to me.


He has a big beard, walks with beautiful girl surrounded by dolls and children.


Thank you, O wise one. I'll do it now... (Pulls out a hair, conjures.) Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!

Karabas appears. (He drags the resisting dolls by the hand).


I'm ugly

So terrible

I am bloodthirsty

And very greedy.

I know each of you

I am Karabas, I am Barabas!

I train in the puppet theater

I must obey.

And if not, I'll throw them in the closet

And without water, and without food.

Dance! Now dance!

Puppet dance (choreography).


Dear audience! Before you are my dolls, the best in the world!

Now everyone dance! Here I will show you the idlers!

presenter: Expensive Hottabych. This is not Santa Claus. Rather, return it to the fairy tale.

Hottabych(conjures): Wah, wah, tibidah! (Karabas leaves).


Be careful. We will try to better explain what Santa Claus looks like. Listen. (Children read poems about Santa Claus)


Santa Claus is coming today

To us for a holiday New Year!

Will sing and dance with us

Give gifts to everyone.

(Hooligans appear. They sing to the tune of the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").

A palm tree was born in the jungle

She grew up in the jungle.

With coconuts and manga

That palm was.

Cowardly elephant gray

Jumped under a palm tree.

And at night there under the palm tree

The hippo roared.

And here she is beautiful

Came to us for the holiday

Bananas and dates

I didn't bring it with me!

Hooligan 1. Hello, good people! Hello grandfather!

Hooligan 2. Are you Frost? Where is your red nose?

Hooligan 1. He doesn't have such a nose! Haha!

Hottab. I, an oriental wizard, Hassan Abdurahman ibn Khattab.

Hooligan 2. Why are we Gassan Khattab! Quick gifts here!

Hooligan 1. We will be the first guests at your holiday! You feed us, give us a drink!

Leading. And you will be rowdy-hooligans!

Hooligan 2. We will! Necessarily!

Hottab. How, tibidah!

Leading: No, we don't need such guests!

Khattab (conjures). Wah, shalam, wah, balam!

Hooligans: Well, please, well, let's go! It hurts! (leave)


Oh, I'm barely alive from fear! Be careful. We will try to better explain what he is, Santa Claus. Listen.

Song "Russian Santa Claus". (Santa Claus appears and continues to sing along with the children).

Father Frost:

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health.

Here I come to you again

Let's sing songs and dance!

(Loves the tree.)

Hey tree! How beautiful!

To everyone's joy, to everyone's wonder!

You did not work in vain -

Let's have a great New Year's Eve.

Come on, tree, one, two, three,

Light fabulous burn!

Santa Claus knocks with a staff, on tree lights lit up.

Leading. How beautiful! Look?

Father Frost.

And now, guys, you need

Dance you very friendly.

Let's stand together in a round dance,

Let's welcome the New Year!

Hottabych peeking out from behind the tree.

Father Frost:

And who is this? Your guest? Why is he famous?


I am a wizard from the East.

Father Frost:

Ah, so you're a wizard. I am also a magician. Let's show our magic, which of us is stronger.


O most worthy of all worthy ones, start first.

Father Frost:

Look! Now I’ll wave my hand and turn the children into snowmen.

Snowman dance (choreography).


Oh powerful! Check out my focus. Here is the magic rocket. I will put a boy and a girl in it, and you will find them later. (Children enter the rocket, which does not have a back wall, look out the window).

Hottabych(conjures). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam! He closes the porthole with a handkerchief, the children run behind the Christmas tree).

Father Frost:

And in front of your eyes I will instantly turn everyone into poets.

Children read poetry.


Oh, the most skillful of wizards! Look how I will instantly make singing foreigners out of children! Hey gin! Hey la la! (English children exit). (For senior group) They will sing a song called "Repeat after us!" and you and I will be taught to dance. (During the song Santa Claus and Hottabych perform movements shown by children.)

song on English language"Copy us do!" (senior group).


Oh, the most skillful of wizards! Look how I will instantly make singing foreigners out of children. Hey gin! Hey la la! (English children exit).

(For the preparatory group)- They will sing about how they meet in England, (conjures).

Song in English "What's your name?" (preparatory group).

Children read poetry.

Father Frost:

Marvelous! Well, can you give gifts to the guys right now?


Oh, good one! My camels will arrive here directly from the East at midnight tomorrow.

Father Frost:

And I will make them right now in front of the guys.

Bring me a big cauldron

Put it right here on the table.

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water

A little snow, tinsel.

I'll add a snowflake.

One minute friends

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words to say:

"Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Snowflake, help!

Turn everything into gifts!

(opens the lid of the boiler and distributes gifts)

The secret of surprise: a smaller saucepan is placed in a large cauldron, it is into it that water is poured and all components are poured. Several gifts are placed between the walls of the pot and the cauldron. The rest of the gifts are brought by the educators discreetly in a bag). (Magic music playing)

Hottab. Wah, wah!

Music is playing and gifts are being handed out.

Father Frost:

Goodbye, children. Now it's time for me to go to the forest,

And a year later, at our Christmas tree. Meet me, kids!

Music sounds, Santa Claus and Hottabych leave.

Ludmila Borovskaya
The scenario of the matinee in the senior group "New Year with Hottabych"



To the music "New Year's Counting" children run into group and perform a musical composition.

become a semicircle.

Leading: Our dear guests!

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

May good luck and success come to you in the coming year!

May for all good people who are not afraid of worries,

He will not just new and happy New Year!

1 child: What is New Year?

It's the other way around-

Girls are like stars

Boys are like bunnies!

2 children: Even the nanny, our nanny

Doesn't make you eat porridge

Chefs bake a pie

They sing songs at the stove.

3 children: And our manager

Best singing and dancing.

4 children: Everything around glitters, sparkles

All friend zhruga congratulate.

Have fun, honest people!

Soon New Year will come!

5 children: Snow is spinning white-white,

And trees and houses

Silver patterns

Zimushka gives - winter!

6 children: Songs, dances, masks are ready,

The heroes of the winter fairy tale will come.

We promise you miracles

All children: All with Happy New Year!

round dance "Under New Year, it's like a fairytale".

1 child: What is it? What's happened? Our Christmas tree is not on fire!

2 children: What is it? What's happened? Why is she silent?

Leading: There was a cheerful Skorokhod

To us here for New Year.

He brought us a big package (shows

And in the package is an envelope.

And in the envelope is a secret,

And in secret is the answer

Encrypted, numbered.

How can we perform a miracle

To light up the tree? (opens package).

Oh, friends, here is a secret cipher,

Secret cipher from different numbers (shows digits 0172)

If we decipher the code,

The Christmas tree will light fires for us.

How to arrange these numbers?

Will you help me kids?

(Together with the children put the numbers in the right order)

Children: Two, zero, one, seven.

Leading: Right! We welcome 2017!

Garlands are lit on the tree. Everyone applauds.

A song is being performed "Soft white snow".

Sounds like "Snowstorm".

To the hall "flies in" telegram.

Leading: I can't understand anything. The words were ruffled by the mischievous and cold winter wind. I can only read single words "beard", "a cap", "magic", "present". Who could it be? (children's answers).

Leading: You are probably right that these are words about Santa Claus himself. After all, what new year without him? Guys, can you guess the real Santa Claus correctly? Of course, because he should have a beard, a hat, and, of course, gifts.

The host comes to the table where the jug is.

The jug is pasted over with tinsel.

Leading: What is it, children?

I have not seen a miracle in the world - wonderful, wonderful - wonderful

Here is a jug old

On the surface of the dust particles, silvery snowflakes.

Shake them off carefully

What's happened? I don't understand...

Mysterious music sounds, appears Hottabych, sneezes, stretches.

Leading: Who are you, venerable grandfather?

Hottabych(perform several movements of oriental dance, sings):

Who is not familiar with old man who knows everything?

Who is not familiar with old man. Who is smarter than everyone?

old man - ha ha ha,

Jolly Genie Hottabych!

Oh, where did I go? (looks around)

I have never been here!

Who are you, venerable ones? (children answer)

What's going on here? (holiday)

Leading: Hottabych, what can you do?

Hottabych: Having mastered the art of transformation for three thousand years,

I will embarrass any sorcerer!

With a skillful hand I can get the moon from heaven,

I'll make an elephant out of a fly and not bat an eyelid.

And if suddenly you have longing and something worries you -

Has a beard old man She will always help!

Leading: Oh, that's who you are. We to you old man Hottabych. So happy. I'm just afraid you'll catch a cold. After all, you are not dressed in winter.

Hottabych: Yes! I, a genie, can't get sick. Apchi! Only you are so angry and Cold winter that she, brr, froze me, she chilled all the bones. And what good is this winter of yours?

Leading: We cannot agree with you, dear Hottabych! Our children love winter. Really guys? This is what they will tell you about.

1 child: Cheerful winter has come, with skates and sleighs,

With a powdered ski track, with a kind fairy tale.

On the decorated Christmas tree, the lanterns sway.

Let the merry winter never end.

Snowflakes are flying, spinning in the air.

2 child: They lie on trees and bushes with hats,

We build, we build snowball slides in the yard,

And we will make a Snow Maiden and a Snowman.

Not in vain did the hands and shoulder blades work.

Even the janitor told us: "Well done, guys!"

3 child: Mountains of snow wool stood outside the window.

We take shovels, we clean the paths.

White snow sparkles and sparkles ice.

On the pine tree, the tit sings a song.

A cheerful snowman waves a bucket at us.

We love the wonderful winter and are waiting for it.

Hottabych: It turns out that winter is not so bad! I want to do something good and magical for you too.

Hottabych starts talking magic words: fuck - chibi - doh ...

(pulls his beard).

Hottabych: Oh, what a misfortune, my beard can't do miracles. She's frozen, oh woe to me, woe

presenter: Guys, we need to help our old man. What can we do for him good and good? (children's answers). Let's show Hottabychu game.

The game is being played "Tweeters". Children walk in a circle to the music, Leading screaming: "squealers", puffers, chants, etc.

Children sit down.

Hottabych: Thank you, oh beautiful creatures, I appreciate your kindness, and I'm already quite warm (jumping from foot to foot).

Leading: Now I understand why you are always cold. Look guys what old man Hottabych on his feet? Do they walk like this in winter? To make you feel warmer, let's guys give our old man Hottabych winter shoes let him warm up and then he will get something magical.

Hottabych looks at boots wondering what it is? He tries on felt boots on his head, on his arm, on his shoulders ...

Leading: Eh, you, the Great magician and wizard, what were you only taught in the academies? Here's a look at how to properly wear felt boots.

A game "Run around the Christmas tree in felt boots".

Hottabych: A miracle happened, my beard dried up, and I can conjure again. Do you guys like lemonade? Now I will conjure it for you.

Hottabych takes a mug and begins to conjure over it.

Hottabych: Take some laughter from adults (adults laugh) and children (children laugh,

Now add joy and fun

A little waiting, and a little attention.

I will add applause (everyone clap,

And happy moments.

Crible - crable, I'll spin, I'll get drunk on lemonade.

Hottabych seems to be drinking"lemonade" and then throws the content (confetti) to all those present.

Leading: Guys, what kind magic did for us Hottabych. You know he's a real wizard.

Hottabych, do one more thing, the most important magic. All children want Santa Claus to come soon. Can you arrange this for us?

Hottabych: Oh, dearest of the wisest! I am ready to do everything for these sweet children! But I've never met Santa Claus and don't know what he looks like. Tell me about it! Who will start?

1 child: Ice is everywhere in the snow kingdom

The Snow Maiden lives with her grandfather!

2 child: There is no stove in this house, because Grandfather does not like heat!

Hottabych: Ah! I understand! You can't give it hot tea because it's made of snow and ice! Yes, I can help you with this, if only, if only, if only ... (takes a breath, as if sneezing, do not sneeze, otherwise, nothing good will come of it. I am Hassan, Abdurakhman ibn Khattab, I swear by my beard and I command you to appear here.

Father Frost!

Suddenly the lights go out (put responsible for turning off the light). Karabas - Barabas runs into the hall with a noise and a cry.

The light turns on.

Who brought me here?

I'm not Santa Claus at all!

I am Karabas, Barabas!

Terrible, bearded,

I run a puppet theater now!

And why are you sitting here?

Well, let's talk together!

What kind of holiday do you have here?

Answer now!

Children: New Year!

Karabas: A thousand devils! Now I understood where this nasty boy with a long nose had fled from me. to you on New Year» In saw his: Do you know him? Well, if you are deceiving me, then I will show you, I will take revenge on you, I will take terrible revenge on you!

Waving a whip. The tree goes out.

(Put in charge of the Christmas tree).

Leading: Karabas - Barabas, have mercy on all of us. We're celebrating - New Year, and you scare the children, extinguished the Christmas tree. This is non-pedagogical! Better have fun with us, because you are so similar to our good Santa Claus!

Karabas: Why do I look like Santa Claus? I'm not Santa Claus! Also for me, they found a kind uncle who will bring a gift for you (laughs). And you don't want it? (shows whip). Do not expect good from me!

Leading: You have a hat and a beard, which means you can be a good wizard - Santa Claus!

Karabas: And what do you all find good in this cold old man? I'll check you now, what do you know about Santa Claus?

A game "Father Frost".

Father Frost cheerful old man? (Not really)

Likes jokes and jokes?

Father Frost good old man?

Wears a hat and galoshes?

Does he know songs, riddles?

Will he eat all your chocolates?

What grows on the tree? Buds?

Tomatoes and rugs?

Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?

Santa Claus brings gifts?

Does he drive a foreign car?

Wearing a cane and a hat?

Does he look like a dad sometimes?

Karabas: Wow, you answered all the questions correctly!

Leading: Well, Karabas, stay at our holiday, you will be with us D.M.

Karabas: What else, I still lacked this! I don't want to be Santa Claus!

Leading: Guys, let's show Karabas the dance of the Snowmen, maybe he will be kinder then!

Dance of the Snowmen.

Leading: Karabas, we have you question: Why did you extinguish our Christmas tree?

Karabas: I don't like your tree at all! It will suit me for a new whip! (Pulls out hatchet).

Karabas starts "hack" Christmas tree. Laughs.

Leading: Dear Hottabych, You need to correct the mistake! Please return Karabas back to his fairy tale!

Hottabych: Guys, help, drive Karabas away!

Sim - sim - salabim,

We don't want to see you!

Hottabych!Tears "a hair". Karabas makes several turns in place, disappears.

Leading: Guys, all miracles come from kindness and love, let's say together words: burn, burn clearly, so that it does not go out!

The tree lights up.

Leading: How are we without Santa Claus? Without such a guest, it is reluctant to have fun.

Hottabych: I understood everything, oh, the wisest of the wisest! Repeat for me: appear winter hero! Sim - sim - salabim! We want to see Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden!

Children repeat "magic" spell. Hottabych pulling a hair out of his beard.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear to the music.

"Three White Horses".

Santa Claus is carrying the Snow Maiden on a sleigh.

D.M.: Hello, good people!

I went to you from afar

Through the deep snow

Through the mountains, through the forest,

Where are the trees to the sky

Through the rivers under the ice.

I didn't want to eat or sleep

Everyone was afraid of being late.

I wish you well

And I want never

We didn't get in trouble

To keep everyone healthy

They didn't fight, but they were friends.

Pack up guys

Hurry to the round dance,

Laughter, song and dance

We will meet with you New Year!

round dance "Teach You to Dance".

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, are you tired on the road? Maybe play with the kids?

D. M .: I live for half a thousand years ”I don’t wear out at all!

A game “We all gathered for the holiday”.

D. M. fans himself, puffs, sits down on a chair.

D.M.: Oh. I haven't played in a long time

I got tired very quickly.

Gypsy music suddenly sounds. "Gypsies" enter the hall.

They speak together: Hey! Chavella!

"Gypsy dance".

Santa Claus praises the gypsies.

D. M. (notices Hottabycha) : Is this your guest? What is he famous for?

Hottabych(performs several movements of oriental dance, sings): Who is not familiar with old man who knows everything?

Who is unfamiliar with old man who is smarter than everyone?

Of course everyone knows the name old man - ha ha ha!

funny genie Hottabych!

D.M.: Oh, so you are a magician! I am also a magician. Let's show our magic!

Hottabych: Oh, worthy of all the worthy, start first!

D. M .: I will make everyone poets before your eyes!

free reading (5 - 6 verses).

D.M. holds the game "Freeze in place".

(To the music, children run in a circle. D.M. strikes with a staff, the children freeze. Play 3 times).

D. M.: Hottabych, and you can give gifts to the guys right now?

Hottabych answers that he needs time to do so.

D.M.: And I will do it right now!

Surprise moment.

D.M.: Where is my bag? Here he lies under the tree, oh-she-she! What have I done, absolutely has become old, mixed up the bags. I'm going fishing with this bag.

Leading: Do not be upset, Santa Claus, look, here is the hole.

D.M.: Well, great. Since I took a fishing rod with me, I’ll catch a fish, maybe I’ll catch it in my ear for the holiday, and I’ll treat the guys instead of gifts.

He puts the "worm" on the bait, throws it over the tree.

D.M.: Look, it's pecking.

Leading: Pull, grandfather!

Santa Claus pulls out his boots.

D. M .: Look, what a hungry boot, you ate a worm. Shall we cook fish soup from a boot or catch a fish?

“Catches” again, pulls out a T-shirt, a toy, etc.

Well, I'll try my luck for the last time. Snow Maiden, help, something big has come across.

"Pulls out" the Goldfish.

Gold fish.

The sea was noisy,

Let me go, old man,

Everything you dream of will be

I'll buy whatever you want.

D.M.: I don’t need anything from you, goldfish. Only, you see, I left gifts for the guys in the forest. Could you help me in my trouble?

Gold fish. Let me go, old man, there will be gifts for children.

Santa Claus releases the fish.

gold fish: Thank you, Santa Claus! Take gifts for children.

Santa Claus takes out gifts from the "hole" and distributes them to children.

Elena Mikhailova
Holiday scenario for the New Year for the senior and preparatory group "Old Man Hottabych on the Christmas tree with the guys"

Scenario New Year for senior and preparatory groups.

Old man Hottabych at the children's Christmas tree

"Letter to group":

"Expensive kids!

Girls and boys!

You hurry together into the hall.

Near the Christmas tree

There will be a carnival!

Enchantress. "

To the music, the children run into the hall, where they are met by a fabulous Fairy.

Fairy. Hello my friends!

It's me you all today

Gathered near the Christmas tree

Because today holiday,

Noisy New Year holiday.

Let it be a fairy tale

He's coming to us today!

(Waves his wand - the tree lights up).

The children are looking at the tree.

1 child So the tree is dressed up,

All lit up in flames

And the toys sparkled

On her big branches.

2 children Well we have today

You won't find a better place!

Near the Christmas tree

Do not pass, do not pass!

3 children It will be fun today

will never be bored.

Hello, New Year's holiday!

We've come to meet you!

4 children Today we have holiday,

Today there will be a carnival!

How many fairy tale characters

He got it here today!

Fairy. Well, it's time to open our ball

Noisy, ringing carnival!

WITH New Year, With New Year,

Dear child!

Joyful holiday, funny

It's time to start!

Round dance "Yolka-Yolochka".

5 children Snow is falling outside the window

Snow is fluffy, New Year's.

New Year's laughter in the hall -

Carnival is here today!

6 children Our tree with a head

All covered with gray

And keeps thick needles

The smell of the resinous forest.

7 children How elegant are you

With a silver star!

How big are you

How fun with you!

8 children Tall, beautiful

Green, slim

colorful lights

She glows!

All: Isn't she a beauty?

We all love the tree!

Fairy. WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

Become a dancer!

Let a cheerful round dance

Enters first in New Year!

Round dance "Our tree".

(Children sit down).

Fairy. Attention! What are miracles?

Someone is stomping loudly

And clapping his hands!

Someone laughs merrily

Someone wants to congratulate us!

Girls behind the tree:

We've been waiting for this hour all year.

And under the thunder of crackers (clapping)

We start a round dance

Christmas toys!

"Dance of Christmas Trees".

(At the end, at the behest of the Fairy, everyone sits down).

Fairy. Waving a shaggy branch

We are cheerful New Year.

Listen, tree, our song.

All. Hello hello,

New Year!

The song "First Snow".

Fairy (picks up a bell):

mischievous bell,

He is always, everywhere with me.

Ding dong, ding dong!

He invites you to a fairy tale.

(The lights go out, twilight).

Magpie. Stree-ke-ke!

I brought good news!

Now, or maybe exactly at six,

You will have a big guest.

The guest is gray-haired, with a beard.

Guess who is?

All. Father Frost!

Magpie. I'll look out the door

Maybe he's coming, friends!

(Goes to the door. A large jug appears from behind the door, smoke flows from there, the light goes out in an instant and a old man).


The guest goes gray-haired, gray-haired,

With a long white beard.

Made me cry!

He is not Santa Claus at all!

Hush, hush, hush!

(Flies away).

The light is on, standing by the Christmas tree old man Khattabych in oriental attire, and overcoat on top.

Khattab. May there be peace in this house!

Hello, the most educated of the educated and the most charming of the most charming! Children and distinguished guests!

Fairy. Only you can’t come here in a coat, grandfather!

Khattab. ABOUT! How, tibidah!

Do you know who you don't let? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand!

I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Fairy. Oh, Guys! Did you find out who it is?

(Khattabych takes off his coat).

Yes, this is old man Khattabych!

Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Khattab. Right! Oh, the wisest of the wisest educators! You recognized my name. Where did I get to? Whose house is this beautiful, where there are so many children?

Children. Kindergarten!

Khattab. How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm!

Fairy. It's not a palm tree.

Khattab. Why not a palm tree?

Fairy. And now the children will say!

Hot summer, cold winter,

And suddenly elegant under New Year

Comes to visit our round dance

Children. Christmas tree!

Khattab. Christmas tree, what a beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful tree!

What a strange tree! (Touching).

And what strange fruits on it! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!

Fairy. You can't, Gasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

Khattab. What miracles! What country am I in? Do they eat glass apples here?

Fairy. Khattabych, we know you as a kind magician. Tell me, can you help us?

Khattab. With great pleasure, my dear!

For years I'm old, I won't lie.

But I am not weak-willed.

I'll help you in three counts,

If I wasn't Hasan Hadtab!

Command, incomparable!

Fairy. We would like to invite you to Santa Claus holiday.

Khattab. Why Frost? For what? I'm afraid. Where I live, it is always warm, the sun is shining, trees are growing, palm trees. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?

Fairy. We can't light the Christmas tree without him. We want it to light up now!

Khattab. Oh, cruel of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

Fairy. No, grandfather. We want to Christmas tree colorful lights lit up.

Khattab. So I'll do it right now! (Conjures). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!

(Lights don't come on).

Fairy. Calm down, Khattabych. Can you help us invite the Snow Maiden? She will light the fires Christmas tree.

Khattab. Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?

You, blizzard, do not sweep,

Invite the Snow Maiden to us.

(Snowflake girls run out).

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Khattab. Look, look how many Snow Maidens I have invited!

Fairy. Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens.

Khattab. How is it not snowmen? And who is this?

Fairy. Snowflakes. We don't need snowflakes. Fly away!

Khattab. (blowing on them)

Don't be upset, dear!

I came up with a fun game. Now I will cheer you up!

Game "Funny bridges".

Fairy. Khattabych, invite Santa Claus. Maybe he is with us holiday will come and bring fun!

Khattab. (conjures):

Hey gin, oh gin!

Hey la la!

You, blizzard, do not sweep,

Invite Frost to us!

(Two buffoons run out from behind the tree).

1st. Under the king, yes under the peas

Naughty buffoons

On the way to the booth

Lost drum.

They don't care, don't worry

Musicians anywhere!

hit with a spoon

In ringing hands!

2nd. Neither rain nor hail

And the splashes are flying!

Dancing echo, dancing shadow

Dancing all and sundry!

"Dance of buffoons".

Khattab. Wah, wah! La la!

How did buffoons appear instead of Frost?

Fairy. Yes, Khattabych, you are somewhat distracted today.

Khattab. I'm not the only one distracted. Guys are also scattered.

Fairy. Our Guys who sit in the hall are very attentive!

Khattab. Now I'll check!

Answer questions:

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

And clap your hands.

1. Who sings and has fun,

And not afraid of work?

2. Who has ever been sick

Because you overate?

3. Who is not afraid of frost,

Does it fly like a bird?

4. Which one of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgetting to wash?

5. Who knows how to relax,

Run, swim and play?

6. Who is a good angler -

Fishing for cows?

7. Which one of you is on the pavement

Walks upside down?

8. Which of you is the most nimble here,

The first to meet the happy Snow Maiden?

Fairy. Khattabych, I think I know what's the matter. You forgot the magic word, think about it.

Khattab. That's right, I know this word, everyone should pronounce it when asking for something. O wisest of wisest children, what is the word?

All. Please!

Khattab. Right (pulls out wand).

wand please

Serve the service

Santa Claus

Invite with the Snow Maiden!

(Children dressed as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter the music).

Fairy. Oh why are they so small!

Khattab. They traveled from afar

And the road is not easy.

Wherever they've been

And hit the sun!

Let's take them into the woods and put them in the biggest snowdrift.

They will grow up and come on holiday!

(Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's cold, and I'm afraid of frost. It's time to return to warmer climes.

Goodbye, wisest of the wisest!

Goodbye, most beautiful of the most beautiful!

(Kisses the Fairy's hand, leaves).

Music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden go around the hall.

Fairy. Here he comes, the welcome guest,

All overgrown with a beard,

And cheerful, and ruddy.

Who is this?

Father Frost!

D. M. I see forest bears here,

Dolls, playful hares

And funny goats

Wolves, brave hares.

All dressed up in costumes

And at the Christmas tree they started dancing.

So, in this hall there is a ball,

New Year's carnival!

There is nothing more interesting

What a wonderful day like this

Winter festive time

Meet the kids!

Snow. WITH New Year

Congratulate everyone

Together with you

celebrate a holiday!

D. M. Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle,

Let your songs and laughter sound unceasingly.

And may this whole year be joyful,

You are all very nice people!

Snow. So that no one frowns,

Start playing, dancing.

Get into a round dance

Let's meet together New Year!

Round dance with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

D. M. You, Snow Maiden, my friend,

Call your friends soon.

Get in a circle soon

Let's have fun dancing!

Snow. Hey, mischievous snowflakes,

My dear sisters

Fly in, spin around

And have fun with me!

Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes.

D. M. Well, thank you, Guys,

You danced with me.

And tell me Guys,

Do you have fun in winter?

Reb. Frost is not a problem for us,

We are not afraid of the cold.

We walk in fur coats and earflaps

And we go sledding.

D. M. And how?

Children. And like this!

(Children imitate sledding to the music).

D. M. And then?

Children. And then we'll get on skis

And we'll roll down the mountain.

D. M. And how?

Children. And like this!

(Skiing is imitated to the music).

D.M. Well done! What else?

Children. We also take skates.

And we run to the rinks.

D. M. And how?

Children. And like this!

(Waltz couples skate).

D. M. And now let's play "Snowballs"!

Snowball game.

"Beast Orchestra"

D. M. Sang songs, made children laugh.

What else did I forget?

Children. Present!

D.M. Well, come on, kids,

You have amused me.

for the sake of holiday for you

I've got something here!

It's time to end our holiday.

Do you all see the wand?

I'll just take it

I'll show you a miracle!

(The Christmas tree is on fire, a wolf runs in the twilight).

Wolf. I am in the dark nights

Ran into robbery.

All tremble before me,

I am satisfied with myself.

Ha ha ha ha!

I live in the forest not in vain,

I will raise the noise of the forest,

I will break trees.

Ha ha ha ha!

(strokes his belly).

Oh, and there is nothing to profit from, but you want to eat so much!

(Sniffs, approaches the house).

It smells like goat!

(He sees a note on the house, reads it aloud):

"Everyone went to the Christmas tree in kindergarten."

I'll dress up as a Snow Maiden.

(He dresses, purrs to the tune "The leaves are yellow."):

Here I am walking on the tree,

And I've been dreaming of catching

I am a goat, I am a goat.

WITH happy new year,

WITH happy new year,

You, friends, you, friends!

White goats are spinning around me,

The sharp horns move with fear.

And you can't hide from the wolf, you can't hide.

But for now, I'm only dreaming about it.


I'll sit at the Christmas tree, watch the goats dance!

"Dance of the goats".

After the dance, a wolf appears, hiding behind a fan.

Fairy. Who has come to you?

Wolf. I am the Snow Maiden!

Fairy. Why do you have such big hands?

Wolf. This is to better hug the kids.

Fairy. Why do you have such big ears?

Wolf. This is to better hear how the goats sing.

Fairy. And why. (at this time Santa Claus appears and the Fairy does not have time to ask a question).

D. M. (sees the Snow Maiden and goes swiftly towards her):

Snow Maiden! Granddaughter!

What happened to you? Why are you like this?

The song of Santa Claus and the Wolf is performed from the film "Well, you wait!"

Wolf to the words "My best present is you!" grabs the goat and runs away.

A fox runs in, carries a carrot, a bucket and a broom.

Fox. Oh, trouble, trouble!

That's what's left of the snowman! The wolf broke him!

Only the animals managed to hide the gifts he was carrying. Now the Wolf demands gifts in exchange for a kid.

D.M. Well, Guys, give gifts to the wolf? And then he will eat a goat!

Wolf (shouting):

Well, Santa Claus, do you accept my conditions?

D. M. Yes, we agree, we agree! Give me the goat!

(The wolf gives the goat, they take the bag and immediately unties it. A dog jumps out of the bag, barks and drives it away).

D. M Well, little animals, show me where you hid the bag!

(The bag is found under the tree, gifts are distributed).

Song goodbye, Santa Claus.

Fairy. The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,

Saying goodbye, probably with us.

Let's say together We:

All. Farewell, see you next winter!
