Birthday in the courtyard of a private house. Scenario of entertainment "Holiday of the courtyard

Actually, I do not agree that birthday is a sad holiday.

This fun party, which I always look forward to, but I must admit that every year I run into a problem when I think, .

I don’t want to offer my guests the same thing, because they give me different gifts, so I want to diversify their leisure time.

If you are experiencing the same difficulties, then welcome to the site, where we will try to solve this problem together.

Where can you celebrate a birthday if you have some money?

I am opposed to the tradition when the last (and often borrowed) money is used to roll up magnificent banquets to impress the guests.

Well, why this posturing and ridiculous squandering?

Especially when a birthday can be celebrated cheerfully, tasty and with little money.

Where to organize it?

    If you have invited a few guests (and calling a couple of dozen people when you do not have huge funds is stupid), you have your own normal-sized apartment and you do not start to go crazy at the thought of having to stand at the stove, then it is better than a day at home birth and you can't imagine.

    The main thing is that the guests should be tasty (not necessarily a lot, but tasty) and fun (various contests to help you).

    Yes, yes, in a cafe you can also celebrate a birthday inexpensively.

    For example, if you agree that you only order food in a cafe, and bring drinks from home (believe me, the savings will be very significant) or you warn guests to come without gifts (no one will do this and everyone will take care of a small gift ☺ ), but the score is shared by everyone.


    Such a party can be organized only in the warm season, because in winter no one wants to freeze in snowdrifts in the forest, even for your name day.

    But if you are lucky enough to be born in summer, early autumn or late spring, then feel free to invite guests to nature: to the forest, to the park, to the river bank, etc.

    With the menu, you can not philosophize slyly (everything that can be fried on a fire, greens, vegetables and a couple of inexpensive snacks) - here you have a significant savings.

Where can you celebrate a child's birthday?

If you have Small child, then it is best for him to celebrate his birthday:

    In the courtyard.

    Particularly relevant this advice for residents of the private sector, but also for those who live in apartment buildings, no one bothers to arrange children's holiday in the yard.

    Remember that the kids are not so interested in food (some sweets and drinks will be enough for them), as entertainment - clowns, contests, quests, etc.

    At the entertainment center.

    Typically, gaming zones are located in large shopping centers, where you will be offered a ready-made celebration program children's day birth.

    Food (pizza and sweets will be enough) and drinks you can bring with you.

    Alternative options are in the zoo, and in the amusement park, in the water park.

    If your little prince or princess was born in winter, and you don’t have money for a cafe or an entertainment center, then it’s quite possible to celebrate a birthday at home, setting two tables: for children and for adults.

    I have the warmest memories of my birthdays, when the adults chatted to themselves at the set table in the hall, and we frolicked in the nursery.

    It was fun!

Where can you celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Teenagers are more difficult than small children.

You can’t force them to frolic in the nursery while moms and dads raise a toast to the health of the birthday boy / ts and enjoy each other’s company.

If you want to organize a teenage birthday party at home, then you will have to give the whole apartment to be torn apart by the birthday boy / tsy and his / her friends, and spend time somewhere else.

Do you like this plan?

Then you can celebrate the birthday of a teenager in:

    Rope park, if the birthday boy was born in the warm season.

    Boys and girls can compete to see who is stronger, dexterous and enduring, and you will only have to take care of the festive table.

    An alternative for winter birthdays is a climbing wall, karting.


    In addition to bowling, any bowling club offers other options: billiards, table hockey, ping-pong.

    In short, the guys (both boys and girls) will have something to do.

    In addition, the presence of a kitchen and a bar will save you from having to run around the shops and fuss at the stove.

    Anywhere (house, park, cafe, yard), but let it be a theme party.

    When coming up with a party scenario, remember that we are talking about teenagers, not toddlers, so Barbie dolls, Pokemon, fairy-tale characters are not a good topic.

    If you do not have your own ideas, then you can entrust this to a special agency, but do not do anything, guided only by your own taste - the teenager should take an active part in organizing his own birthday.

Where can you celebrate a birthday: bachelorette party - bachelor party

My friend's daughter-in-law always celebrates her birthday with only girls.

She tried the option when couples are invited, but was not satisfied with the result.

Firstly, it comes out much more expensive, and, secondly, men immediately organize their own party, not paying much attention to the ladies.

She tries to celebrate her birthday every time in a new place, so she offers those who are ready to follow her example the following options:

  • in a restaurant;
  • in the night club;
  • on a steamship;
  • in karaoke;
  • on the roof of the house;
  • on the beach;
  • In aquapark;
  • in the gazebo of the city park.

Men can also celebrate their birthday in the company of only their male friends, without inviting their soul mates.

If you do not want to organize a holiday at home, in a restaurant or pub, then think about the following options:

  • sauna;
  • paintball club;
  • fishing with an overnight stay in tents;
  • rent of a country house;
  • hiking in the mountains;
  • kayaking;
  • billiard club;
  • striptease club.

And for those who are looking for options for a budget celebration,

it will be useful to watch the video:

Where can you celebrate your birthday in an original way?

If you are not looking for easy ways and want to celebrate your birthday in a non-banal way, then you can organize festivities:

    At the equestrian club.

    So you will not only be gluttonous all the time and knock over a glass after a glass, but also ride horses.

    Some clubs even offer show programs for their guests - horse tricks.

    In a limousine or any other vehicle.

    Today, having enough money, you can even rent a tram or trolleybus to celebrate your birthday there.

    Yes, many museums in Kyiv (I won’t speak for the province) offer to organize both children’s and adults’ birthdays.

    Children will definitely be interested here, because they are offered thematic classes, but it makes sense for adults to decide on such a celebration only if you and your aesthete guests do not abuse alcohol and are ready to go home at 18.00-19.00.

    On the air balloon.

    On average, the basket is designed for 10-15 people, so you can only invite close friends or next of kin, although get ready for the fact that not all moms and dads are ready for such an extreme.

    At a master class, for example, a culinary one.

    Cook under the guidance of an experienced chef a couple of delicious gourmet dishes, and then with good spirits, eat it all together.

Only you can choose where to celebrate a birthday(in a calm atmosphere at home or extreme, skydiving).

In the end, this is your holiday and everything should be the way you want it.

Guests should be satisfied with any option.

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tatiana melnik
Scenario of entertainment "Holiday of the Yard"

Yard Feast.

Light Hey! Neighbors and friends! all welcome here!

Hello Samaritans!

provincial residents,

Near and far from Gagarin street

Tanya Hello dear guys,

Small and big!

Hello guests!


Sveta Come, come!

Perk up your ears,

Yes, wipe your eyes

We respect you all

Let's show the show!

Tanya. Autumn is a great time!

Get it together, kids

Let's have fun together

on "our Feast of the yard

Games, dances and cheerful laughter are waiting for you,

And in everything today you will be successful!

Sveta came to visit you

Svetlana and Tatiana

Tanya - Dear friends, we are happy to talking: "Hello!". And you can greet us with applause. Thank you. After such applause, it remains only to get to know you better.

- Do you like to relax? Yes or no?


And jump?

Do you love cartoons?

Chewing gum?

Washing gums?



Ice cream?



And always sleep long?

Do you go sunbathing in galoshes?


Swimming in a dirty puddle?

Do you wash your ears?

Maybe sing and dance?

I know for sure you don't like to play?

Sveta It's just great that vacationers from school have gathered here and those who really want to have fun.

I want you to remember advice:

Give to all your friends...

Spectators. Hello!

When we meet the dawn

We tell him...

Spectators. Hello!

And smile back at you

From a good word...

Spectators. Hello!

Let's all answer together

We tell each other...

Spectators. Hello!

invite the sun

Sit on a log.

It's so pure

Warm radiant!

Tanya Let's all together, all at once, let's build the sun now.

Let's hold hands tightly and we'll all walk in a circle.

Polite words. Let's see how polite you are.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

At a meeting to say hello - "Good morning!"

Good morning to the sun and birds

Good morning - smiling faces.

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears

Everyone - GOOD DAY!

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm

So tnank you!

When scolded for pranks,

We speak -


If you can't eat anymore,

Let's say to mom - THANK YOU!

Both France and Denmark

They tell you - GOOD BYE!

Sveta, you guys play well, and now let's remember the rules with you traffic after all, it is important how and when we will cross the road last year, the traffic police helped us, and so we will start, we will need to assemble a traffic light. (picks up traffic police) .(3 participants)

The guys came to us more friends, these are our rescuers - the fire department, let's greet them.

Tanya May 9 in our country Celebrated the day of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four long years from June 1941 to May 1945.

May 9th, 1945 0 :43 Moscow time in the French city of Reims, an act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

Thus ended the most terrible war in the history of our country. For this day to come, blood was shed for four years, soldiers died on the front line, and their mothers, wives and children, forgetting about hunger and fatigue, worked in the rear, supplying the front with weapons and bread.

Victory in this long and cruel war was given to our country at the cost of huge losses and the daily feat of everyone - both very young boys who fled to the front, and young female nurses who carried the wounded out from under fire, and women exhausted by endless shifts at factories and collective farms. fields, malnutrition and the constant expectation of letters from the front. They won the world for us, and in gratitude for this, we should always remember that war and try to find out the whole truth about it, no matter how bitter and cruel it may be, because lies and oblivion are worse than death.

Light Salute to Victory

Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever memorable day!

Salute to the Victory in Berlin

Fire trampled down the power of fire!

Salute her big and small

Creators who walked the same path,

Her fighters and generals,

Heroes fallen and alive

Tanya Attention! I announce a tournament of connoisseurs of fairy tales. You have to guess the name of the fairy tale. Oh, what is this, I had something else written here. Ah, we turned fairy tales upside down. And now, each word must be replaced with the opposite in meaning.

Tournament of storytellers.

Task number 1 "Shifters":

"Barefoot Dog" - ("Puss in Boots")

"Nigerushka and the Seven Bogatyrs" - ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs")

"Homebody Toad" - ("Frog traveler")

Light Task #2 “Twisting and spinning into anyone I will turn into”:

The players are lined up. The first player has a toy in his hands, he must turn around himself, pronouncing the words "I spin, spin, I will turn into anyone", and name any fairy-tale hero, then pass the toy to a nearby player, and so on. If a player fails, he is out.

Tanya Task number 3 "Gnomes and Giants":

Everyone squats down and takes turns calling a magical object from a fairy tale. But at the same time, one must stand in full height. Say and sit down again, followed by another and so on. Until one member remains.

Sveta Super - a game for smart people and smart girls "Animals in Fairy Tales"

"Animals in Fairy Tales":

Who ate Kolobok? (fox)

Who drove the fox out of Zayushkin's house? (cockerel)

Who outwitted the wolf in a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats"? (goat)

What animal is in the story "Turnip" Did your granddaughter call for help? (dog)

What was the name of the hen that laid the precious eggs? (Ryaba)

What kind of fish "miracle yudo"? (whale)

Who did the fox treat so much that he left hungry? (crane)

Who broke the tower? (bear)

Tanya. I see we have a lot of schoolchildren, Sveta, let's check how our schoolchildren know school supplies, and Promsvyaz Bank will give prizes to the best knowledgeable

Sveta Who will color our album?

Well, of course, (Pencil)

To write with pens

We will cook (Notebook)

Tanya. That's such a miracle! Come on, come on

You better look -

It looks like a letter

But also (number three)

Lights live in every book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They count everything in the world. (Numbers)

Tanya. Thirty-three heroes.

Wise men-bogatyrs

Every literate knows. (Letters)

Light I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

I am the ruler today -

I have.


Tanya. I'm big, I'm a student!

In my backpack.


Sveta I'm ready for training starts,

I'll sit down soon.


Tanya I draw corners and squares

I'm in class.


Sveta I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Student, do you recognize me?

Well, of course I am.


Tanya Locomotive, car, sword.

Help you guys



Compliment Contest

Girls competition - each in turn (round) calls (adjective) by the way, for example, GRANDMA, (or your choice of mother, aunt sister, etc.).

Boys competition - each in turn answers with one verb to the question of what PAPA does in the evening (or Grandpa).

Looking at our funny guys, you also want to have fun jumping, and why not? We will now take care of this.

"Jumping Relay":

Jump to the finish line on two legs;

Boards on one leg;

Doskachi, alternating jumps, then on one, then on two.

It's good that there are holidays, a fun time. So you can have fun and frolic. And so we're going to have a fun contest right now. You won't believe it, but it's called "Fun Jumps". The players take turns picking up the ball and jumping with it to the goal and back.

Guys, summer is over. But what color is it? Let's paint summer with flowers rainbows:

Red - the color of raspberry, poppy ...

Orange - orange, marigold, sea buckthorn ...

Yellow - dandelion, sun.

Green - grass, parrot, foliage ...

Blue - the sky, bluebells, cornflowers ...

Blue ocean,

Violet - lilac, plum ...

Do not forget these paints, draw later.

Sveta "Farewell Game"

And here is the farewell game. Us it's time to close the holiday.

We hope that with us you all have become smarter.

We learned a lot of funny words, And a lot of all sorts of things.

And if you remember them, The day is not wasted in vain.

And with you, the turn has come to play the game "On the contrary."

We will say the word "High", you answer - "Low",

We'll say a word: "Far", Reply You: "Close",

We'll say the word "ceiling", answer You: "Floor",

We'll say a word: "lost" you say: "Found",

And if we say a word: "Coward", Reply: "Brave".

Now "Beginning" we will say, you shout out: "End!"

Just in case

All drawings will be erased in an instant,

If she moves on. (Eraser

The first book that gives knowledge

Her first grader carries in a briefcase.

Always and everywhere, today and in the old days

The student really needs it. (primer)

There was a lesson, and he was silent -

Apparently, he was waiting for a change.

Just finished the lesson

It rang loudly. (call)

We will write the whole lesson,

Useful for us. (notebook)

There is a cheerful, bright house.

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read.


The school opened its doors

Let the newcomers in.

Who guys know

What are they called?

(First graders.)

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells.


There is, friends, such bird:

If it sits on the page

I am very glad

And my whole family is with me.


We write homework assignments in it -

They mark us side by side

If the marks are good

Please: “Mom, sign!”


White field, black seed, whoever sows it understands. (notebook and pen)

A white bunny jumps on a black field. (chalk)

Although I am not a laundress, my friends, I do my laundry diligently. (rubber)

The white stone melted and left traces on the board. (chalk)

In a snowy field along the road my one-legged horse rushes And leaves a black mark for many, many years. (pen)

I don't know how to read, but I've been writing all my life. (pen)

I'm lying in a school bag, I'll tell you how you study. (diary)

Kulik is small, a whole hundred orders: Then sit down and study, then get up, disperse. (call)

There are thirty-three heroes on the page of the primer. Every literate man knows the sages-bogatyrs. (letters)

A white seagull galloped across a black field, leaving traces behind itself. (board and chalk)

If you give her work, the pencil worked in vain. (rubber)

There are roads - you can’t go, there is land - you can’t plow, there are meadows - you can’t mow, there is no water in rivers, seas. (map)

My portfolio is small and small: There is a problem book, a primer and ... (pencil case

A month before my son's birthday, I thought that if we take the preparation for the celebration more seriously, then perhaps something unforgettable and grandiose will turn out. To begin with, I decided to come up with a script - nothing worked. The child had already invited classmates, and my imagination painted depressing pictures: pale children who had sat at the computer for a couple of hours, a keyboard flooded with juice, a devastated apartment. And then I decided that we will not sit in the apartment! We're going to celebrate a birthday outside. Not far from our house there is a rather large playground, to which it was decided to go.

I know that children love to look for treasures, but hiding even a small treasure in an ordinary yard is quite difficult. I decided to buy some small toys and hide them in different places on the playground. In the store, my eyes didn’t cling to anything, I had to throw household goods into the basket. We bought a pack of colored clothespins, two plastic bowls, two powder scoops, a mask of some sort of purple bear-like creature, and a Happy Birthday garland. Nothing else could be found. I had to come up with a scenario, "dancing" from the available props, which we supplemented with a clothesline, a fox tail from a fancy dress and balloons. Not a single birthday is complete without balloons. True, we use them not for decoration, but for a loud and cheerful action called "popping balloons." So that this action does not turn into an uncontrollable stormy madness, we "burst" the balls with a goal. The goal is simple - get a note with the task, but more on that later.

My birthday has come ... It's raining outside, the wind is in all directions, and I have no fallback. I was in a panic. Fortunately, there were people nearby who explained to me that I shouldn’t worry: and the weather will change ten times before lunch, and our children are not sugary - they will put on rubber boots and have a great walk.

And so it happened. By noon the sun was shining, although it was chilly.

After fumbling with salads and jelly, five minutes before the children arrived, I flew out into the street. I had a pack of clothespins in my pocket. Hastily stuffed the clothespins into different places: between the boards of benches, under the roof of the slide, hung on the trees and a fence. Came home, and there are already guests.

They congratulated the birthday man, ate salads, washed down with lemonade. Well, it's a fast business.

Then they began to exterminate the balloons. The balls were all numbered, and inside were riddle notes. All riddles are about the same word. I wrote them and was worried that the children would quickly guess. To my surprise, they guessed right, only on the last question - and I was already starting to worry: could they really not guess at all?

Here are the riddles.

It is in every home.

This word consists of a root, a prefix, a suffix and an ending. (The scheme of the word is drawn, the ending is indicated - A).

They are different, for example wooden.

This word begins with the same letter as the capital of France.

She can attach something.

This word is cognate with a missing word: "They cut the forest, ... they fly."

Usually they are on a rope

With their help, hang clothes after washing.

As you probably already guessed, the answer was the word "clothespin".

Now you have to get clothespins somewhere, - I told the guys. - For what? You will understand this yourself. I give the first hint: adventures await us in the yard.

Everyone got dressed, dad took a big bag of props, and we went outside. First, the children had to catch a fox (me with a tail from New Year's costume). According to the condition, if they catch me, then I give them my fox secret. The secret was the letters from the disassembled garland "Happy Birthday!"

To be honest, this part of the program caused me the greatest doubts, I thought: at least to run away in time before they grab me. The condition was set for the children: to surround me all together - only then it will be considered that I was caught. This condition and the tail allowed me to hold out long enough. Firstly, the tail was very distracting for everyone, everyone tried to catch and tear off, but, according to the condition, this was not required at all, so I was only buying time. Secondly, the children's shoelaces began to untie, archival candy wrappers fell out of their pockets, and I did not get tired of reminding me that again it didn’t count - only seven surrounded me, but it was necessary to surround me with eight. I would have been completely exhausted if, in the end, the children had not guessed to drive me into a corner and keep me there until everyone ran. I had to give letters.

Dad, while we were running, managed to pull a rope between the trees. It was necessary to attach the conquered letters to it with the help of clothespins. Everyone began to run around the site and look for clothespins. At first they searched on their own, then they had to prompt - "cold-hot". We found all the clothespins, but they were not enough. Then they saw a bear (dad in a mask) under a bush with two clothespins on his ears (not on dad's, but on a bear), we had to catch dad and tear the clothespins off the mask. Attached a couple more letters, but still not enough clothespins. I, while the children were catching the "bear", put a bowl on the bench with a mixture of cereals and something else that was found in the kitchen. I put the second - empty - bowl on the hill. Children scooped up this cereal in a bowl on a hill, dug up a clothespin when the bowl was almost empty.

Taking advantage of the confusion, I hid another clothespin in a bowl on the slide, and the kids had to carry everything back, but they were finally able to attach the last letter. Only an exclamation mark remained. I slowly attached a clothespin for him to the birthday man's windbreaker. The children were told that the clothespin was on one of them. Found with difficulty, however, the jacket and clothespin were of blue color- albeit different shades.

On this competitive part of the birthday was over. Then we also played tag with clothespins (one or two run away with a pinned clothespin, while the rest catch and remove the clothespin); hide-and-seek and dodgeball. We couldn’t hit one boy with the ball, we had to say that we’ll go eat cake only when we succeed. By an amazing coincidence, they knocked out from the first blow and immediately went to blow out the candles.

On this birthday, the children did not remember about the computer. After an hour and a half walk, they went home ruddy and satisfied. And a month later, at the height of summer, we decided to arrange an unplanned summer holiday for ourselves. Clothespins had to be hidden in the forest: the children really liked looking for them at a birthday party. It turned out to be harder to search in the forest, so I had to make a map and conduct searches on it.

I hope our ideas help you unforgettable holiday on the street - and you will have fun just like we did!

A month before my son's birthday, I thought that if we take the preparation for the celebration more seriously, then perhaps something unforgettable and grandiose will turn out. To begin with, I decided to come up with a script - nothing worked. The child had already invited classmates, and my imagination painted depressing pictures: pale children who had sat at the computer for a couple of hours, a keyboard flooded with juice, a devastated apartment. And then I decided that we will not sit in the apartment! We're going to celebrate a birthday outside. Not far from our house there is a rather large playground, to which it was decided to go.

I know that children love to look for treasures, but hiding even a small treasure in an ordinary yard is quite difficult. I decided to buy some small toys and hide them in different places on the playground. In the store, my eyes didn’t cling to anything, I had to throw household goods into the basket. We bought a pack of colored clothespins, two plastic bowls, two powder scoops, a mask of some sort of purple bear-like creature, and a Happy Birthday garland. Nothing else could be found. I had to come up with a scenario, "dancing" from the available props, which we supplemented with a clothesline, a fox tail from a fancy dress and balloons. Not a single birthday is complete without balloons. True, we use them not for decoration, but for a loud and cheerful action called "popping balloons." So that this action does not turn into an uncontrollable stormy madness, we "burst" the balls with a goal. The goal is simple - get a note with the task, but more on that later.

My birthday has come ... It's raining outside, the wind is in all directions, and I have no fallback. I was in a panic. Fortunately, there were people nearby who explained to me that I shouldn’t worry: the weather would change ten times before lunch, and our children weren’t sugary - they would put on rubber boots and have a great walk.

And so it happened. By noon the sun was shining, although it was chilly.

After fumbling with salads and jelly, five minutes before the children arrived, I flew out into the street. I had a pack of clothespins in my pocket. Hastily stuffed the clothespins in different places: between the boards of the benches, under the roof of the hill, hung the fence on the trees. Came home, and there are already guests.

They congratulated the birthday man, ate salads, washed down with lemonade. Well, it's a fast business.

Then they began to exterminate the balloons. The balls were all numbered, and inside were riddle notes. All riddles are about the same word. I wrote them and was worried that the children would quickly guess. To my surprise, they guessed right, only on the last question - and I was already starting to worry: could they really not guess at all?

Here are the riddles.

  1. It is in every home.
  2. This word consists of a root, a prefix, a suffix and an ending. (The scheme of the word is drawn, the ending is indicated - A).
  3. They are different, for example wooden.
  4. This word begins with the same letter as the capital of France.
  5. She can attach something.
  6. This word is cognate with a missing word: "They cut the forest, ... they fly."
  7. Usually they are on a rope
  8. With their help, hang clothes after washing.

As you probably already guessed, the answer was the word "clothespin".

“Now you’ll have to get clothespins somewhere,” I told the guys. - For what? You will understand this yourself. I give the first hint: adventures await us in the yard.

Everyone got dressed, dad took a big bag of props, and we went outside. First, the children had to catch a fox (me with a tail from a New Year's costume). According to the condition, if they catch me, then I give them my fox secret. The secret was the letters from the disassembled garland "Happy Birthday!"

To be honest, this part of the program caused me the greatest doubts, I thought: at least to run away in time before they grab me. The condition was set for the children: to surround me all together - only then it will be considered that I was caught. This condition and the tail allowed me to hold out long enough. Firstly, the tail was very distracting for everyone, everyone tried to catch and tear off, but, according to the condition, this was not required at all, so I was only buying time. Secondly, the children's shoelaces began to untie, archival candy wrappers fell out of their pockets, and I did not get tired of reminding me that again it didn’t count - only seven surrounded me, but it was necessary to surround me with eight. I would have been completely exhausted if, in the end, the children had not guessed to drive me into a corner and keep me there until everyone ran. I had to give letters.

Dad, while we were running, managed to pull a rope between the trees. It was necessary to attach the conquered letters to it with the help of clothespins. Everyone began to run around the site and look for clothespins. At first they searched on their own, then they had to prompt — "cold-hot". We found all the clothespins, but they were not enough. Then they saw a bear (dad in a mask) under a bush with two clothespins on his ears (not on dad's, but on a bear), we had to catch dad and tear the clothespins off the mask. Attached a couple more letters, but still not enough clothespins. I, while the children were catching the "bear", put a bowl on the bench with a mixture of cereals and something else that was found in the kitchen. I put the second - empty - bowl on the hill. Children scooped up this cereal in a bowl on a hill, dug up a clothespin when the bowl was almost empty.

Taking advantage of the confusion, I hid another clothespin in a bowl on the slide, and the kids had to carry everything back, but they were finally able to attach the last letter. Only an exclamation mark remained. I slowly attached a clothespin for him to the birthday man's windbreaker. The children were told that the clothespin was on one of them. They found it with difficulty, however, the jacket and the clothespin were blue - albeit in different shades.

On this competitive part of the birthday was over. Then we also played tag with clothespins (one or two run away with a pinned clothespin, while the rest catch and remove the clothespin); hide-and-seek and dodgeball. We couldn’t hit one boy with the ball, we had to say that we’ll go eat cake only when we succeed. By an amazing coincidence, they knocked out from the first blow and immediately went to blow out the candles.

On this birthday, the children did not remember about the computer. After an hour and a half walk, they went home ruddy and satisfied. And a month later, at the height of summer, we decided to arrange an unplanned summer holiday for ourselves. Clothespins had to be hidden in the forest: the children really liked looking for them at a birthday party. It turned out to be harder to search in the forest, so I had to make a map and conduct searches on it.

I hope our ideas will help you spend an unforgettable holiday on the street - and you will have fun just like we did!

In the warm season, our customers often ask to hold a program in the park, in the yard or in the country. For some time now, we have been asking 5 mandatory questions before the holiday to be sure of a good result.

Question 1: Do you have a fallback if it rains?

A room in which it will be possible to spend a holiday in case of bad weather must be prepared. If you organize a holiday yourself, it is quite easy to postpone the gathering of guests for a couple of hours or even a couple of days. In the event that animators are invited to lead master classes or interactive programs, it is much more difficult to make changes.

Question 2: How many guests will there be?

Sometimes there are a lot of extraneous noises on the street, and the animators are hard to hear even when you collect 20 children. On street holidays, as a rule, much more guests gather. In this case, the animators must be with microphones and other sound equipment to make it really fun.

Question 3: Where exactly do you want to host the entertainment program?

Animators bring a lot of props with them in large bags and sacks. All this must be placed in close proximity to the venue of the holiday, because during the program there is no time for long trips for labyrinths, bags and skittles.

Not suitable: dusty road, damp ground, too open place with hot asphalt, a clearing with tall grass, a forest area with knots and snags, a summer cottage landscape with flower beds and beds. It is difficult to organize a birthday party for 10 people in the courtyard of an apartment building, when there are many outside spectators, in a crowded park. You can’t list everything, but the essence is clear: children should be comfortable and cozy!

Better choose: a dry clearing with cut grass, a quiet corner of a city park, a small closed courtyard of a private house or recreation center. In hot weather, be sure to take care of a shady gazebo.

Question 4: Will you bring drinking water with you?

Yes, we ask this question to prevent the heavy sighs of children who are always thirsty after active outdoor play. If you do not think this moment through, a birthday party on the street turns into torture in 20-30 minutes.

Question 5: What clothes will the children be wearing?

Be sure to tell your parents which program you have chosen for the holiday. If there are many outdoor competitions, all children should wear light t-shirts and shorts.
Most often, trouble occurs at graduations in kindergarten And primary school but also for birthday parties some girls come in long chic dresses"to the floor". Rhinestones fall off, frills are torn. synthetic fabric rubs the girls' sweaty backs.

We also have programs for princesses. Everything is decorous and beautiful there, no one runs anywhere and crawls on their knees. For example, .

If you choose "Fort Boyard", "Pirate Adventure" or, all the princesses will stand aside with envy to save the rhinestones.

What is the best way to organize a birthday party on the street?

I will give a few ideas to help you decide on the program, and a couple of tips from experience to warn against the most common mistakes.

Designate a holiday zone

This is especially important if you have chosen a clearing in a park or other public place. Stretch tape with bright flags from tree to tree, hang ready-made large paper decorations straight to the branches. If this is an open place, you can put several “fountains” of helium balloons in the corners or simply stick sticks that limit the playing area with colorful ribbons.

This is necessary both for the children themselves who were at the holiday (let there be a conditional border “do not run away further”), and for other visitors to the park who will not be too close, realizing that a festive event is taking place here.

A small buffet before entertaining guests

Children often come to the festival very hungry. Apparently, their parents have a stereotype that you need to go to visit with an empty stomach. We always ask children to have a small snack before games and competitions, as we often saw unhappy glances towards the set table. Believe me, a hungry child does not need any fun.

Flexible program

Our animators have ready interesting scenarios with different characters, but they are ready at any time to adapt to the features of your holiday. What do we consider?

  • children may be different ages, therefore, games are selected that will amuse both at 5 and at 12 years old
  • the weather can be too hot, then we change the too active contests to more restrained ones
  • unexpected rain drives children and animators into a small gazebo, then board games, "Mafia" and "Crocodile" are used
  • there are still all kinds of "force majeure", for which our animators are always ready

If you are running the program yourself, consider all the possible circumstances that could ruin a child's birthday on the street.

Creative mood

If the holiday lasts more than 2 hours, we recommend interesting master classes. Each child will make a souvenir for himself in memory of the holiday and take it with him. This can be painting T-shirts and baseball caps, decoupage of wooden objects, decorating cups and plates, making soap, candles, magnets, painting figurines from clay and wood. Many more interesting things!


Children eat very quickly. Parents often take a whole hour for a festive dinner, but after 10-12 minutes it comes to the understanding that your child's guests are ready to have more fun. The long feast that you have planned is interesting only to parents.

interactive program

After games with contests, quiet workshops and a quick lunch, children can be offered a science show with fun chemistry experiments led by a crazy professor or a show soap bubbles. In both programs, children and the birthday boy take an active part. Success is always great!

show room

Instead of interactive programs, you can show several show numbers in which children will be just spectators. Magician, trainer with dogs, puppet theater, transformer pipe, etc.

special effects

Now I will not devote time to safety, I think everyone understands that children should be at a respectable distance from the organizer of the fireworks. In principle, you can get by with "harmless" cold fountains, a soap bubble generator and musical candles.

Our offer

We do interesting days birthdays on the street with bright props and a varied program. For example, . We can send you details about other programs by e-mail or tell you by phone.

Our offer is relevant for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region.
